Friday, August 30, 2013

PCm Italy support unity marxist-leninist-maoist in France

The PCm Italy, welcomes the important the step forward made by the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in France towards the unity in a single party, the communist party of the proletariat.
This step encourages the construction of genuine MLM communist parties in the imperialist countries, and we wish that a similar process will take place in other imperialist countries.
The construction of the party is the construction of one and the most important of the  instruments of the revolution, beside the united front and the revolutionary army.
We have to build these parties in the fire of class struggle in close ties with the masses and build them in function of the new beginning of a protracted people's war.
The MLM communist parties must unite and fight for the construction of the international irganizations of Marxist-Leninist Maoist communists in the world, after the collapse of the Rim.
The MLM communist parties must take up as one of their basic tasks the support to the people's wars in the countries oppressed by imperialism, led by the Maoists, and in particular they have to contribute to the development of the International Committee to Support People's War in India.
We think that the step of the French comrades goes in this direction.
For this we join their effort and hope to learn the positive lessons of method and content that can come from this step.

PCm – Italia

Face à la crise du système capitaliste et impérialiste mondial, provoquant :
  • une offensive de la bourgeoisie contre les conquêtes ouvrières (ANI, retraites, licenciements massifs)
  • une montée des groupes fascistes
  • de l’idéologie fasciste au sein de la bourgeoisie
  • des idées réactionnaires au sein d’une partie des masses
  • du confusionnisme, du social-chauvinisme et de l’opportunisme au sein du mouvement populaire
  • l’appareil de propagande médiatique bourgeois étant un vecteur de la diffusion de ces idées
Les communistes doivent prendre leurs responsabilités et constituer le Parti Communiste de la classe ouvrière, comme dirigeant du mouvement révolutionnaire. Edifier, développer un Front Uni rassemblant les larges masses populaires alliée la classe ouvrière, dans la perspective de mener à bien la lutte révolutionnaire jusqu’à la victoire du prolétariat et des masses populaires, la destruction de l’appareil d’Etat de la bourgeoisie et l’instauration de la dictature du prolétariat.
Il est nécessaire d’établir une ligne de démarcation claire entre la ligne révolutionnaire et les positions réformistes qui canalisent le mouvement populaire et consolident les positions de la bourgeoisie.
Stratégiquement, la classe ouvrière est déterminante dans la lutte contre les capitalistes et leur appareil d’Etat et pour la victoire de la révolution prolétarienne.
Le Parti doit se porter à l’avant garde des luttes aussi bien économiques que politiques de la classe ouvrière afin de restaurer l’autonomie de la classe ouvrière, fer de lance du mouvement prolétarien et populaire.
Ce système ne saurait tomber seul, il est nécessaire de mener étapes par étapes une guerre populaire prolongée sur tous les fronts et préparer les conditions organisationnelles, stratégiques pour combattre et vaincre la bourgeoisie.
C’est pourquoi nos deux organisations ainsi que des sympathisants ont posé les premières pierres du processus d’unification des marxistes-leninistes-maoïstes dans un seul Parti.
Nous avons organisé des journées unitaires de formations, conjointement, afin d’approfondir ensemble nos connaissances théoriques et de  les mettre en pratique au cours du processus d’unification.
Mener à bien ce processus permettra de renforcer le développement et de renforcer l’unité du mouvement maoïste international en plein développement. En Inde, aux Philippines, au Pérou, en Turquie, au Népal les maoïstes mènent ou réorganise la guerre populaire.

Organisation communiste Futur Rouge ; Parti Communiste maoïste de France ; et des sympathisants

Facing the crisis of the world capitalist and imperialist system that provokes :
- an offensive of the bourgeoisie against the workers conquests (agreements against workers, pensions, massive layoffs)
- a rise of fascist groups
- a rise of fascist ideology amongst the bourgeoisie
- a rise of reactionary ideas amongst part of the masses
- a rise of confusionism, social-chauvinism and opportunism amongst people’s movement
- the bourgeois media tool being a vector of the diffusion of these ideas
Communists have to take their responsibilities and build the Communist Party of the working class, as leading force of the revolutionary movement. Build, develop a United Front gathering large masses of people allied of the working class, in the perspective to lead revolutionary struggle to the victory of the proletariat and masses of people,  to the destruction of bourgeois state and to the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
It is necessary to establish a clear demarcation line between the revolutionary line and the reformist positions which channels people’s movement and strengthen the position of the bourgeoisie.
Strategically, the working class is determining in the struggle against capitalists and their state and for the victory of proletarian revolution.
The Party must project itself to the forefront of the struggles, economical as political, of the working class in order to rebuild working class autonomy, cutting edge of proletarian and people’s movement.
This system will not fall by itself, it is necessary to wage step by step a Protracted People’s War an every fronts and prepare the strategic organizational conditions to fight and win over the bourgeoisie.
That is why our two organisations as well as sympathizers have made the first step of the unification process of the marxist-leninist-maoist in a single Party.
We jointly organized unitary days of formation, in order to deepen together our theoretical knowledge and to put it into practice along the unification process.
To complete this process will allow to strengthen the development and the unity of the international maoist movement that is developing. In India, Philippines, Peru, Turkey, Nepal, maoist are waging or reorganizing People’s War.

Communist Organisation – Red Future ; Maoist Communist Party of France ; and sympathizers

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