Monday, April 7, 2014

Proposition of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) for a joint statement about the Euroelections of May 2014

The elections for the new MPs of the European parliament on May 2014 are about to happen in a period when the reactionary, monopoly, and imperialist nature and role of the European Union is fully unmasked. Inside the EU the only law that works is the law of the mightiest. The imperialist countries, the big monopolies, and the rich oligarchies are dominant and impose their interests on the peoples. Especially in the Eurozone, the big boss is the German bourgeoisie which, in conjunction with other north European countries and its political alliance with France, has risen as a hegemonic power. The German bourgeoisie uses the EU in order to upgrade itself economically and politico-militarily and become a globally influential factor and participate from a strengthened position in the intensifying imperialist antagonisms.
In the recent years, when the great economic crisis has engulfed all the capitalist centers, the EU has strengthened its savage antilabor and antisocial policies in order to save and increase the profits of multinationals, capitalists, bankers and monopoly groups. It promoted a whirlwind of antilabor measures, reduced drastically workers' wages, hit trade union freedoms, turned decades back the rights and the standard of living of the working class and the rest popular social strata. This has happened everywhere, in all the EU members. Unemployment, marginalization and misery not only in the South but also in the North of Europe are the everyday lives for millions of workers and young people. Social benefits and past winnings were reduced or altogether abolished. The big capitalists acquired state companies, whereas middle strata were drowned economically or annihilated. The EU and its dominant bosses have transformed societies into a jungle of exploitation, antagonism and historical backwardness.
The European Union is a reactionary construction of the capitalist-imperialist elites. Historically, it is doomed to fail. It is a reactionary coalition with internal contradictions and deadlocks, aiming at the participation of the European imperialist in the global imperialist rivalry. It is the instrument of contriving anti-workers and anti-popular policies; plundering the wealth produced by the workers and peoples of the depended and neocolonial countries. It is a new “Holy Alliance” against the working class, against civil resistance movements and the peoples’ struggles for national and social liberation.
The European Union leads, both along with the US and other imperialist powers and individually, the defense of the rule of the capital and multinationals around the world. It supports imperialist economic and military interventions; it plunders the natural resources and manpower of the semi colonial and dependent countries. It has close ties with NATO, whose expansion is an aggressive military move. In the recent years it has supported, directly or indirectly military aggressions in Libya, Mali, and the Central African Republic. It foments the savage civil war in Syria and it has played the leading role in the escalation of the Ukrainian internal crisis, the bloodshed there and the dangers of a partition. It has become the production laboratory for anti-workers policies. It actively supports the so called anti-terror campaign, along with the American imperialists against the liberation and revolutionary movements. It adopts tough anti-migrant policies, builds walls against desperate migrants and is responsible for the deaths of thousands of migrants along its borders. It promotes the anti-communist hysteria, supports the rise of racism, fascism and Nazi thugs. It exerts pressure for the adoption and implementation of tough repression measures along with the curtailment of democratic rights.
The European Parliament and the election held in each member-country is a scheduled operation in order to provide a democratic pretext to this reactionary coalition of the European capitalist elites. It is the instrument for the disorientation and the incorporation of the popular and workers movements of resistance and overthrow. It is an institution that endorses the reactionary policies of the European Commission and other summit conferences. It is a hornets' nest that legitimizes the policies against the social and national liberation movements which also promotes anti-communism. It is an institution discredited, almost from the very first moment of its existence in the eyes of the European peoples, and that is why it has been addressed with complete debasement. That is why there is a so low turnout in the European parliament elections.
The European Parliament is construct made by the powerful. All these years it has identified itself with the capitalist and imperialist policies. It is not just an “elephant graveyard” of some silent high-paid MPs that know only to applause and cosign. It is rather a body of supporters and propagandists of the rotten capitalist European Idea that has nothing in common with the historical demand and the necessity for friendship and common struggle of the workers and the peoples of Europe. This necessity can only be fulfilled in the struggles for the overthrow of this savage and reactionary alliance of capitalists and imperialists. The recent proposal of German Foreign Minister Schäuble to replace the so-called European Parliament with a Eurozone parliament shows clearly how the powerful imperialist governments deal with the European institutions.
Against all these, against the European Union and its governments, against the capitalist savagery and imperialism, must rise again the power of the struggling working class and the popular movements. We must fight to strengthen internationalist solidarity and the common struggles, to support the right of each people to choose their own way of economic development and social organization that they want; to support the resistance against the policies of the EU; to confront vigorously the revival of fascism, racism and neo-Nazism.
We, the undersigning of this joint statement, left and communist organizations and parties from European countries, address the workers, the youth, the migrants and all progressive people and activists in the resistance movements against capitalist savagery and imperialism to active resistance against the European Union policies, aiming at the final dissolution of this reactionary imperialist coalition. We also fight for the withdrawal of our countries from the EU. We call for mass voter abstention from the farce elections of the European Parliament and we struggle to turn the passive voter abstention into a mass and militant movement against the European Union.





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