Monday, May 9, 2016

Statement On International Action Week-ICSPWI

ICSPWI salutes the success of the International action week in various countries in the world.It is important that many workers, youth, women, people have directly participated with the spirit of international solidarity with political prisoners in the jails of Modi’s regime. It is important that many Maoist, revolutionary and anti-imperialist organizations have organized different kind of actions according to the conditions and the level of the possibility in every country. A bulletin will be realized in this month with reports and infos..
The wind of this IAW arrives in India and the Indian people involved in revolutionary struggle and in the the people’s war is encouraged in the epochal struggle for a New Democratic Revolution. Now we need for the initiatives to continue particularly against Green Hunt and Aerial attacks against the people. In some universities in Europe there has been advanced the ICSPWI proposal to invite Indian democratic representatives of associations and people’s organization in the next months.
We need in the same time to develop analysis of concrete situation for preparing a new wave of international support, for extending mass mobilization against Indian regime and imperialist states that have close relations with the Indian regime. We need an antifascist and anti-imperialist alliance with all that are available in this new wave.
For this a series of talks will be realized in the next weeks and months, particularly in Europe in June-July, in Latin America in October:
Other new proposals can be sent to ICSPWI that will send them to all solidarity movement.
Unconditional freedom for all political prisoners in India!
Stop Green Hunt, the war and aerial attacks on the people!
Support the People’s war in India!
7th May 2016

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