Friday, March 10, 2017

Amplio rechazo a la condena a cadena perpetua para al profesor Saibaba y otros cuatro compañeros.

Según pasan las horas se incrementa las muestras de rechazo y condena contra el juicio farsa que ha sentenciado al profesor de la Universidad de Delhi G.N. Saibaba, el estudiante miembro de la JNU Hem Mishra, el periodista Prashant Rahi, a Mahesh Tirki, a Pandu Narote y Vijay Tirki.
A continuación reproducimos una declaración de la ILPS y otra del Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India en las que se denuncia fallo de la Corte de Gadchiroli y se llama a movilizarse contra este nuevo atropello a los defensores de los derechos del Pueblo.

ILPS Condemns Unjust Conviction of Prof. GN Saibaba

Prof. Jose Maria Sison
International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS)
8 March 2017
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) condemns in the strongest terms the highly anomalous conviction and sentencing for life of Professor GN Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Mahesh Tirki and Pandu Narote for their alleged links to the Indian Maoists. The ILPS is one with all progressive forces in India and around the world in calling for the freedom of GN Saibaba and his co-accused political prisoners.
The only crime committed by GN Saibaba has been his consistent defense of the rights of dalits, adivasis and other exploited and oppressed masses in India. He has also been at the forefront of the campaign against the brutal counter-insurgency war called Operation Green Hunt in Central India.
This counter-insurgency war is being waged by the Indian state against the adivasis who have risen up to resist the operations of foreign mining companies that have no concern whatsoever for the destruction they cause to the environment. The adivasis have found a strong and reliable ally in the Indian Maoists in their just struggle to defend their land and their livelihood.
The Indian government has deployed around 100,000 military forces in this war against the adivasis and the Indian Maoists. The US has allowed its spy satellites to be used in Operation Green Hunt.
GN Saibaba was previously incarcerated for 14 months at the Nagpur Central Prison at which time his health condition deteriorated. His left hand was paralyzed and his heart and spinal problems worsened while in jail. Because of this, the Bombay High Court ordered his temporary release on bail based on medical grounds.
But he was later remanded back to the Nagpur Central Jail in a highly irregular manner when the courts were on winter vacation preventing his supporters from challenging the order.
We call on all the member organizations of ILPS around the world to protest the unjust conviction of GN Saibaba and his co-accused and demand their unconditional release from prison through statements of condemnation and mass actions in front of Indian official missions abroad. We likewise demand the freedom of all political prisoners incarcerated in India.


Ao Pobo Traballador galego:

Con grande preocupación e indignación internacionalista temos recibido a noticia da condea, xunto a tres camaradas, a cadea perpetua por un tribunal do vello Estado da India do profesor G.N. Saibaba.
Os cargos, todos eles, baixo leis excepción baséanse na ideoloxía maoísta do profesor Saibaba e demais encausados e amosan o carácter antidemocrático e de represión que exerce o vello Estado contra quenes loitan por unha nova sociedade na India que rache coas cadeas da explotación a semi-feudalidade dos brahamans eo imperialismo.
Amosamos o noso cariño e simpatia  pola esposa do profesor Saibaba e os familiares e amigos dos condeados neste novo xuízo farsa carente de toda garantía.
Milleiros de Presos Políticos e Prisioneiros de Guerra atópanse nas cadeas por toda a India, non só maoistas como os camaradas Ajith ou Kobad Ghandy, mesmo tamen da Cachemira ou de Manipur.
Temos o deber internacionalista de defender a vida destes homes e mulleres que seu único delito é loitar polos dereito do pobo.
Temos o deber internacionalista de erger unha poderosa campaña internacional de solidariedade na súa defensa que lle recorde a eles, mesmo tamén ao réxime tiránico de Modi que non están sos, que xunto a eles están os pobos do mundo e tamén noso pobo galego.

Galiza, a 8 de marzo, Día internacional da Muller Traballadora.

Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

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