"The notion of objective forms of revolutionary action originates in a materialistic and political appreciation of the experience historically accumulated by the international communist movement. Class struggle has produced an impressive amount of activist experiences, forms of struggle, and means of combat.
Organizations who aspire to lead proletarian revolution must imperatively seek to appropriate this vast accumulation of experience. To do this, they must politically evaluate each of these forms of struggle and discern their similarities and differences. In doing this, our organization came to consider that all of these forms of struggle could be classified into four general categories (the objective forms of revolutionary action): classical propaganda, revolutionary action among the masses (RAM), armed propaganda and protracted people’s war (PPW). In this way our organization also came to adopt its program and fix its goals, consisting in putting everything into practice that is necessary to the overthrowing of the imperialist Canadian bourgeoisie and its reactionary State by protracted people’s war. This protracted confrontation must be preceded by a period of political and strategic preparation affording for the deployment of all the means and apparatuses necessary to undertake forms of revolutionary action that are constantly more complete. It is this organic and totalizing conception of the revolutionary process in Canada, as well as its practical implications, that were at the heart of our line struggle with the Canadian opportunists. We denounce that they negate RAM and replace it with reformist, economist work, that they prefer to build anti-party intermediate organizations rather than adequate apparatuses, their negation of the principle defining the initiation of People’s War as a politico-military initiative of the Party and not a defensive reaction, that they abandon our conception of the accumulation of forces (resumed in the slogan “fight and confront the enemy”) to instead propagate a revisionist orientation of the mass line, and lastly that they refuse to equip the Party with the means of assuming all of the forms of revolutionary action. These erroneous perspectives were the cement preserving the opportunist organizational gains made outside of Quebec and more particularly in Ontario from 2011 to 2017. The quantitative progression of our Party inevitably led to practical questions that were at the root of its split into a revolutionary fraction and a revisionist one. Our conception − of the objective forms of revolutionary action and of the party that builds itself by assuming them − had the merit of forcing the opportunists to act against this conception and unmask themselves. The camps are thus demarcated: continue, or stop halfway; prepare to pay the price of revolution, or seek refuge in bourgeois legality and hide behind the forms of practice it consents to.