Sunday, June 30, 2013

1 July - The Campaign in Italy 1

1 luglio - ore 10 mercato immigrati Bergamo
             - ore 13 cambio turno Tenaris Dalmine

  Istituto Nazionale Tumori

 incontro con video e materiali.

5 luglio - ore 21,00 assemblea  alla "Music for Peace".

In tutta Italia i manifesti e volantini sono diffusi in 13 città: a Torino,Brescia, Bologna,Roma, Firenze, Napoli, Bari, T

1 july - all kind of support to people's war in India - 1 july action continues for all the time that needs !

indien-film 26.juli‏
kaypakkaya partizan
Kino zu Indien und den Maoisten!!!!
Freitag, 26. Juli 2013 um 20 Uhr im Kulturladen Westend
(siehe auch attachment mit Original-Kinoplakat)

1 july - support 'historic attack to India rulers" !

Maoists put up banner justifying Bastar attack

Gadhchiroli, Maharashtra, Jun 29: Maoists on Friday put up banners in remote parts of this district justifying the attack on the convoy of Congress leaders in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar area on May 25, in which 29 people were killed, as an act of punishment for “supporters of Salwa Judum”. “How can punishing the supporters of Salwa Judum be an attack on the democratic values,” the ultras asked in the banners put up by Gadchiroli Divisional Committee of CPI (Maoists), at different places in Regdi, Kasansur, Ghot and other areas of the district. “The death of Mahendra Karma and other Congress leaders is a punishment given by the people. It is a natural justice,” the banner further said.

1 juillet : Journée internationale de soutien à la Guerre populaire en Inde - France Occitaine


 le comitè international se supporte à la guerre populaire in perù  salut tous les camarades 
en france, espagne, galicia, italia, canada, alemania qui ont supportè son travail du debut jusquà 
au 1 juillet
ils ont ètè des vrais internationalistes dans les pays imperialistes !

1 july - support PW India in Galice

Xornada internacional "camarada Azad" en apoio a guerra popular na India, 1º de xullo.

O noso comité ten recibido un comunicado dos camaradas do C.C. do PCmaoísta-Galiza, no mesmo, suliñan o total respaldo a campaña e o correcto analise feito na Conferencia Internacional de Hamburg, sobre como as masas, con guerra popular, poden esmagar a os reaccionarios e seus sicarios, como na recente e vitoriosa operación do EGPL, en Chhattisgarh, donde foron axustizados importantes representantes dos terroristas do Partido do Congreso.
Os camaradas fan un chamado a extender a campaña dun xeito audaz, poñendo "a politica ao mando" unindo na mesma a toda-las forzas revolucionarias e progresistas.

greece revolutionary camping 27 june

14ο Camping Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων και Μαθητικής Αντίστασης

Οι Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις και η Μαθητική Αντίσταση σε καλούν στο 14ο Κάμπινγκ, που συνδιοργανώνουν.
Ένα Κάμπινγκ, που δεν σε θέλει απλά θεατή και διαφέρει από την κυρίαρχη κουλτούρα που επικρατεί για το πώς πρέπει να είναι διακοπές. Σε καλούμε να βρεθούμε όλοι μαζί, να οργανώσουμε μαζί τις διακοπές μας, αναλαμβάνοντας συλλογικά κάθε κομμάτι της οργάνωσης του κάμπινγκ.
Θέλουμε στο ελεύθερο χρόνο των διακοπών μας, να συζητήσουμε και να προβληματιστούμε πάνω σε κινηματικά γεγονότα, στις πολιτικές εξελίξεις και όλα αυτά, που μας απασχολούν σε όλους τους τομείς της ζωής μας. Γι' αυτό επιλέξαμε και την τοποθεσία της Ανατολικής Χαλκιδικής, όπου χτυπάει η καρδιά ενός πολύ σημαντικού και ζωντανού κινήματος, ενάντια στα μεταλλεία Χρυσού.

Πάνω απ' όλα θέλουμε να κοινωνικοποιηθούμε με νέους προοδευτικούς και αγωνιστές, κόντρα στην απομόνωση, που μας επιβάλουν.
Να συμβάλουμε στην οικοδόμηση αντικαπιταλιστικής - αντιιμπεριαλιστικής κατεύθυνσης στα κινήματα της εποχής μας, γιατί πιστεύουμε ότι η συνολική αναμέτρηση με το σύστημα της εκμετάλλευσης είναι ο μόνος δρόμος για το λαό και τη νεολαία.

Παρασκευή 26/7, Ιερισσός
"Οι Ειδικές Οικονομικές Ζώνες, η επένδυση - έγκλημα στις Σκουριές και το κίνημα αντίστασης"
Επίσης θα πραγματοποιηθούν:
- πεζοπορία στον τόπο που υπερασπίζονται οι κάτοικοι (Κάκαβος)
- επίσκεψη στα μπλόκα των κατοίκων

Κυριακή 28/7
"Τέχνη και κίνημα: ο ρόλος του καλλιτέχνη ως κομμάτι του λαϊκού κινήματος"
Υπεραστικοί, Τοξικά Απόβλητα, Pablo Hasel

Τρίτη 30/7
"Η επίθεση στην εκπαίδευση και η οικοδόμηση ενός αγωνιστικού πανεκπαιδευτικού μετώπου"
Εισηγήσεις από:
Μαθητική Αντίσταση, Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις ΑΕΙ - ΤΕΙ, Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις Εκπαιδευτικών


Πέμπτη 25/7
Δομές Αλληλεγγύης: Αντίσταση ή "Φιλανθρωπία" ;

Δευτέρα 29/7
Η φασιστικοποίηση της δημόσια ζωής και η απάντηση του λαϊκού κινήματος

Τετάρτη 31/7
Η ιστορία του κινήματος των μεταλλωρύχων της Χαλκιδικής: Η μεγάλη απεργία του 1977


- Εκδρομές σε Αμμουλιανή - Γαϊδουρονήσια, Ουρανούπολη
- Προβολές ταινιών
- Λειτουργία του βιβλιοπωλείου "Εκτός των Τειχών"
- Τουρνουά (σκάκι, τάβλι, κτλ)
- Πάρτυ, ψησίματα - φαγοπότια, μουσική


Σάββατο 27/7

Παίζουν: Υπεραστικοί, Τοξικά Απόβλητα, Pablo Hasel


Κόστος διαμονής κατ' άτομο
5,5 ευρώ/μέρα

Οικονομική ενίσχυση του κάμπινγκ
5 ευρώ (εφάπαξ)

Σίτιση από το εστιατόριο
4 έως 4,5 ευρώ ανά γεύμα


Αθήνα: 6971793919
Θεσσαλονίκη: 6982664933
Γιάννενα: 6956196146
Κρήτη: 6989825935
Θράκη: 6949457317


Οργανώνουμε συλλογικά τις διακοπές μας...
...οικοδομούμε το κίνημα λαού και νεολαίας

Μοιραζόμαστε το σήμερα, χτίζουμε το αύριο

1 de Julio – En apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India en Alemania y Suecia

1 de Julio – En apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India en Alemania y Suecia

 Nota – El siguiente comunicado de la Liga Contra la Agresión Imperialista (BGIA) de Hamburgo (Alemania) e informe desde Suecia has sido extraídos del blog Maoist Road (La Vía Maoísta)  La traducción al español es responsabilidad de Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo. Madrid, junio 2014.
La Liga contra la Agresión Imperialista (BGIA) hace un llamamiento a todos los antiimperialistas en la zona de habla alemana , a participar en el Día de Acción Internacional de a para Apoyar la Guerra Popular en la India. ¡Sea creativo y participe dentro de su capacidad!
¡Por favor, enviar imágenes e información acerca de sus acciones, para que podamos hacer llegar estos a un público más amplio y para asegurarse de que lleguen a las masas en lucha en la India!
¡Viva la solidaridad internacional!
Liga Contra la Agresión Imperialista (BGIA) – Hamburgo (Alemania)
18 Junio 2013
Resaltando los consejos populares y la lucha para estabilizar una pequeña organización
Estamos trabajando ininterrumpidamente en solidaridad con el pueblo de la India en su lucha contra el feudalismo y el capital monopolista local y extranjero. Hay un extenso número de luchas que se están produciendo en toda la India y, entre ellas, las luchas de los naxalitas son importantes. Desde hace varios años los naxalitas establecieron consejos populares en extensas zonas que están desarrollando una nueva democracia, economía, cultura y política desde la base. Ese es un importante logro y un experimento que son bastante excepcionales en el mundo actual. Para comprender mejor el proceso, India Solidaridad ha tomado la decisión a nivel local en Estocolmo de estudiar determinados documentos hasta finales de Diciembre de este año (ver lista de documentos a continuación).
Durante el pasado año hemos realizado diversas manifestaciones fuera de la Embajada de la India en Estocolmo y pegado diversos carteles en la pared de la Embajada. Pero nuestro grupo en Suecia aún es muy pequeño y existe una continua discusión de cómo desarrollar nuestro trabajo. Ahora mismo hemos hecho algunos esfuerzos para hacer la organización más estable con una nueva propuesta de estatutos y un nuevo programa. También hemos alquilado una habitación de 15 metros cuadrados como oficina en las afueras de Estocolmo para reuniones y encuentros con el grupo cultural. Hemos fijado fechas para “noches indias” con música, películas y comida una vez al mes y fechas determinadas para reuniones de trabajo y reuniones de estudio han sido establecidas para el resto del año. También esperamos poder recaudar fondos para una misión de investigación de Suecia a la India el año próximo.
Nos alegra saber que existe una campaña internacional que está resaltando la lucha de los naxalitas y nos complace ver que los primeros pasos se han dado para construir una organización de India Solidaridad en Finlandia y los amigos de Noruega están haciendo un trabajo importante. Esperamos que se constituyan más organizaciones de solidaridad a través de Europa en los años venideros. La razón para ello es que las organizaciones estables de solidaridad tienden a hacer mucho más que unas pocas pero importantes acciones una vez al año.
¡La lucha de los pueblos sueco e indio es una!

1 july - people's war in india cannot be stoppet !

India: naxalitas atacan comisaria de policia en Maharashtra

Un grupo de guerrilleros comunistas del Ejército Guerrillero de Liberación Popular abrieron fuego contra la recién inaugurada comisaría de policía Sawargaon bajo la división de Dhanora del distrito de Gadchiroli en Maharashtra, el 27 de junio, informa The Hindu.

El fuego continuó durante más de una hora, pero cuando el personal de la policía tomaron represalias, los maoístas lograron escapar, aprovechando la espesura del bosque, dijo la policía.

Sawargaon se encuentra cerca de la frontera de Chhattisgarh y un campamento de la policía de la frontera indo-tibetana con unos 400 policías de personal. No se informó de ninguna víctima desde ambos lados.

¡Viva la Guerra Popular en la India!

1 july - Canada -Support the People’s War in India, Oppose Operation Green Hunt! english french spanish

Newsletter from the Political Information Bureau (June 29, 2013)
Support the People’s War in India, Oppose Operation Green Hunt!
- From the Partisan No. 40
The International Committee to Support the People’s War in India has called for July 1st to be an international day of solidarity with the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) are waging a heroic struggle against the Indian government, the feudal landlords, the Indian and multinational corporations for the socio-economic and political equality of all the peoples of India. These multinational corporations increasingly include amongst their roster Canadian companies.
In response to this heroic struggle the Indian government and its armed forces have assaulted, tortured, raped and killed all those who oppose its plans for “economic development” under the name of “Operation Green Hunt” (OGH). This is the true face of the ‘world’s biggest democracy’.
Indeed, the people of India are painfully aware that this development will not improve the lives of those most economically vulnerable in Indian society: the working class, the peasantry and the adivasi (tribal) peoples. Rather, it will simply benefit the Indian and multinational corporations, and their bagmen in the Indian government. It is in opposition to this exploitation of the Indian people and their resources/lands, and in support of the millions of people resisting the imposition of these anti-poor economic policies that we stand in solidarity with the people’s war and all struggles waged by the Indian toiling masses.
How do we intend to support the people’s war in India? The CPI(Maoist), in their statement to the Hamburg conference to Support the People’s War in India, write that, “The campaign to end OGH and the solidarity movement in support of People’s War in India complement each other and the anti-OGH programs should form an integral part of the support movement to Indian revolution as defeating this multi-pronged countrywide offensive of the enemy is an immediate task before us. Our party believes that it is the need of the hour for the communist forces standing in support of PW in India to strive to mobilize the broadest possible anti-imperialist, democratic and revolutionary forces to strengthen the campaign to end OGH and with a view to build a broad worldwide anti-imperialist front that is in process.”
It is thus necessary to call for an end to the atrocities against the broad swath of the struggling masses of India, including the Maoists, and call for a tearing up of all unfair and anti-poor economic deals between Canadian companies and the Indian government. Often these are the very same Canadian companies that are unjustly and unfairly exploiting the First Nations’ peoples and their resources.
Indeed, the Harper government is hoping to sign a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with the Indian government in the near future, and this will only increase Canadian involvement in India’s ongoing war on the people. Thus, it becomes vital that we, the Canadian public, organize against this injustice and form committees in our neighborhoods and workplaces against Operation Green Hunt and Canadian involvement in this dirty war.
Stop the War On the People in India!
* * *
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Appuyons la guerre populaire en Inde, opposons-nous à l’Opération Green Hunt!

29 juin 2013
Le Comité international d’appui à la guerre populaire en Inde vient de lancer un appel pour faire du 1er juillet une journée internationale de solidarité avec les camarades du Parti communiste de l’Inde (maoïste). Le PCI (maoïste) mène une lutte héroïque contre le gouvernement indien, les seigneurs féodaux et les grandes sociétés indiennes et multinationales, pour l’égalité socio-économique et politique de tous les peuples de l’Inde. Parmi les multinationales qui participent à l’exploitation des peuples de l’Inde, on compte de plus en plus d’entreprises canadiennes.
En réponse à cette lutte héroïque, le gouvernement indien et ses forces armées n’hésitent pas à agresser, torturer, violer et assassiner ceux qui s’opposent à son projet de «développement économique», dans le cadre d’une opération de grande envergure appelée «Green Hunt» (OGH). Tel est le vrai visage de la supposée «plus grande démocratie au monde».
Les masses populaires de l’Inde sont douloureusement conscientes que ce développement ne va pas améliorer la vie des plus vulnérables parmi la société indienne: la classe ouvrière, la paysannerie et les adivasis (les populations tribales). Au contraire, il ne profite qu’aux grandes sociétés indiennes et multinationales, et à leurs pantins du gouvernement. En opposition à cette exploitation des masses de l’Inde, de leurs ressources et de leurs terres, nous réaffirmons notre solidarité avec la lutte populaire et les luttes menées par les masses laborieuses de ce pays, et aux millions de gens qui résistent à l’imposition de ces politiques anti-pauvres.
À l’occasion de la tenue de la conférence internationale d’appui à la guerre populaire en Inde en novembre dernier à Hambourg, le PCI (maoïste) a émis une déclaration appelant les maoïstes et les internationalistes de tous les pays à dénoncer la guerre menée par le gouvernement contre les peuples de l’Inde: «La campagne pour mettre fin à l’Opération Green Hunt et le mouvement de solidarité avec la guerre populaire se complètent mutuellement; les mobilisations anti-OGH font partie intégrante du mouvement de soutien à la révolution indienne. Vaincre cette offensive de l’ennemi est la tâche immédiate à laquelle nous sommes confrontés. Notre parti considère que la tâche la plus urgente pour les forces communistes qui soutiennent la guerre populaire en Inde est de mobiliser le plus largement possible les forces anti-impérialistes, démocratiques et révolutionnaires afin de renforcer la campagne pour mettre fin à l’Opération Green Hunt et dans cette foulée, construire un large front anti-impérialiste mondial.»
Nous appelons donc à la fin des atrocités commises contre les larges masses en lutte en Inde, incluant les maoïstes, et à l’annulation de tous les traités et accords économiques injustes et antipopulaires entre des entreprises canadiennes et le gouvernement indien. Il est à noter que ce sont souvent ces mêmes entreprises qui exploitent ici même les Premières Nations et leurs ressources.
En ce moment même, le gouvernement Harper espère signer un accord de libre-échange avec le gouvernement indien, ce qui ne fera qu’accroître la participation canadienne à la guerre en cours contre les peuples de ce pays. Il devient donc vital que nous organisions l’opposition à ce processus. Formons des comités contre l’Opération Green Hunt et la participation du Canada à cette sale guerre injuste dans nos quartiers et sur nos lieux de travail!
Arrêtez la guerre contre les peuples de l’Inde!

El Comité Internacional de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India ha llamado a que el 1 de Julio sea un día internacional de solidaridad con los camaradas del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta). Los camaradas del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) están desarrollando una heroica lucha contra el Gobierno indio, los terratenientes feudales, las corporaciones indias y multinacionales y por la igualdad económica, social y política de todos los pueblos de la India. En la lista de estas corporaciones multinacionales se incluyen cada vez más compañías indias.
En respuesta a esta heroica lucha, el Gobierno indio y sus Fuerzas Armadas han asaltado, torturado, violado y asesinado a todos aquellos que se oponen a sus planes por el “desarrollo económico” bajo el nombre de “Operación Cacería verde” (OCV). Esta es la verdadera cara de “la democracia más grande del mundo”.
En realidad, el pueblo de la India es dolorosamente consciente que su desarrollo no mejorará las vidas de los más económicamente vulnerables en la sociedad india: la clase trabajadora, el campesinado y los pueblos adivasi (tribus). Por el contrario, simplemente beneficiará a las corporaciones indias y multinacionales y sus ejecutivos. Es en oposición a esta explotación del pueblo indio y sus recursos/tierras y en apoyo de millones de personas que se resisten a la imposición de estas políticas económicas contra los pobres por lo que nos alzamos en solidaridad con la guerra popular y todas las luchas que realizan las masas trabajadoras indias.
¿Cómo planeamos apoyar la guerra popular en la India? El PCI (Maoísta), en su mensaje a la Conferencia de Hamburgo de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India, escribe que “la campaña para poner fin a la OCV y el movimiento de solidaridad en apoyo de la Guerra Popular en la India se complementan entre sí y los programas en contra de la OCV deben formar una parte integral del movimiento de apoyo a la revolución india derrotando están ofensiva del enemigo en varios frentes a escala de todo el país siendo una tarea inmediata que se nos presenta. Nuestro Partido piensa que es necesario ahora para las fuerzas comunistas que apoyan la Guerra Popular en la India esforzarse por movilizar a las más amplias fuerzas antiimperialistas, democráticas y revolucionarias para fortalecer la campaña que ponga fin a la OCV y con la perspectiva de construir un amplio frente mundial antiimperialista que está en proceso”.
Por tanto, es necesario llamar al cese de las atrocidades contra el extenso sector de las masas luchadoras de la India, incluidos los maoístas, y llamar a romper todos los acuerdos económicos injustos en contra de los pobres entre las compañías de Canadá y el Gobierno indio. Frecuentemente son estas mismas compañías canadienses las que están explotando de manera injusta los pueblos de las Naciones Originarias de Canadá y sus recursos.
De hecho, el Gobierno Harper espera firmar un Acuerdo de Cooperación Económico Integral con el Gobierno indio en un próximo futuro y esto únicamente aumentará la implicación canadiense en la guerra contra el pueblo en curso en la India. Por tanto, se hace vital que nosotros, el pueblo canadiense, nos organicemos contra esta injusticia y formemos comités en nuestros barrios y centros de trabajo contra la Operación Cacería Verde y la implicación de Canadá en esta guerra sucia.
¡Parar la Guerra contra el Pueblo de la India!

1 july - support people's war, support PCI maoist - from Sry Lanka

Sinhalese Translations of Folowwings are in the our official Web Site of

Comrade Kishenji is immortal.pdf
Print Version : KT-Press.pdf
·         Statement on the traitor who liquidated the nepal revolution.
Maoist Revolutionary League ( MRL)
Sri Lanka

NEPAL Party Reunification: A Designed Rumor Rishi Raj Baral

Party Reunification: A Designed Rumor
Rishi Raj Baral
Recently, particularly after the formation of Khil Raj Regmi government, the Prachand-Baburam neo-revisionist clique named as UCPN-Maoist is spreading the rumor of party unification and the 'big print medias' along with the medias close to Prachand-Bauram are frequently circulating the news about the reunification between CPN-Maoist and UCPM (Maoist). It was/is natural to become this issue an issue of hot debate. It produced a lot of curiosity and confusion within the party cadres and outside also. The velocity of rumor was so high that Party Chairman Comrade Kiran released a press statement clarifying the situation, projected by the evil elements.
The question of party unification is a natural and relentless process. There always remains the possibility of unification with those party and organizations, which are close in ideology and politics. To wage the high level of class struggle it needs a revolutionary party, people's army, a strong united front and unity with the justice loving people. This is the basic guideline of Marxism.
Party unification is a charming and pleasant feeling word. But it is not the question of personal interest, it does not depend upon one's want and wish. The ideological and political question play the vital role in this regard. There is no any confusion to initiate the process of unification with the true followers of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It is known to all that without the arm struggle, particularly without following the Protracted People's War, we can't achieve the goal of the New Democratic Revolution. This is the fundamental question concerning the party unification. And it is also true that at present, most of the party cadres and leaders of CPN-Maoist want a strong united front, rather than the party unification.
Regarding this issue, a committee has been formed in the leadership of Comrade Gaurav. Talk has been done with Matrika Yadav and Mani Thapa groups and the NCP( Unified) led by Pari Thapa . But there are some vital ideological issues to be solved. Without solving the ideological issues we cannot move forward. This is the spirit of the 7th National Congress and the lesson given by our party history. So far it is concerned about the unification with UCPN (Maoist), it has not become the issue of main concern in our party. In fact, this issue has not got any space and time within CPN-Maoist.
But there is another side also. Regarding the issue of reunification with UCPN(Maoist) some medias have circulated the news and views referring the authentic and reliable source. They have mentioned time and date and the name of the leaders involved in the 'unification process'. In the 7th National Congress most of the party delegates raised the question regarding the class character of Prachand-Baburam clique. They were not satisfied with the Party document that mentioned UCPN (Maoist) as a neo-revisionist party. The major voice of the delegates was that the UCPN (Maoist) should be pronounced as the neo-reactionary party. In fact, in which direction the UCPN (Maoist) was/is running, there should not be any confusion and hesitation to pronounce it as a neo-reactionary party.
After the Hetaunda National Congress, UCPN (Maoist) came in its real position. Everything came into light, there was nothing to conceal. Regarding the issue of border 'dispute', in fact it is not the dispute, but occupying the Nepalese land by Indian expansionism, Prachanda in his document, announced–“final shape through referendum.” We all know, India is presently occupying 60 thousand hectares of Nepali landmass at 71 different locations along the border. Likewise, after Hetauda Congress UCPN (Maoist) formally converted itself into a parliamentary party, abandoning the line of state capture by armed force. UCPN (Maoist) abandoned the significance of New Democratic Revolution and advocated the role of 'peaceful election' and multiparty system–a bourgeois system.
Day by day Indian hegemony is increasing in each and every aspect of Nepalese society. Since 1990 more than 4.5 Million Nepali citizenship certificates have been distributed to the Indian nationals, by the puppet governments of Nepal. In such a critical situation no one can imagine the process of referendum to solve the border 'dispute' ! But it has been done by Pushspa Kamal Dahal, Chairman of UCPN (Maoist). What a matter of irony! Not only this, a recently written condolence letter to Sonia Gandhi, regarding the May 25 daring attack by PLGA of CPI (Maoist) in Chhatisgarh India, Prachanda, has proved himself as a real traitor and the enemy of the oppressed people of the world. In such situation, how can a revolutionary party like CPN-Maoist, takes the initiation for the reunification with the party lead by Prachanda! To think about the reunification with UCPN(Maoist) means to betray the Nepalese revolution and to cheat the oppressed people of Nepal.

At present, our party is moving ahead along with other 33 parties against the Regmi government-backed by the American imperialism and the Indian expansionism. The main concern of CPN-Maoist is how to sharpen the struggle against the reactionary forces inside the country and abroad. We are aware of that the neo-reactionary clique want to play the dirty games within CPN-Maoist. The reactionaries forces inside the country and abroad want to ruin our party and the neo- reactionary clique is assisting them as the tool. In such situation, there is no time and space to talk with the neo-reactionaries, regarding the party reunification.
Prachanda is a man of corrupted mind. He has gun far away from the lively support of the oppressed people. Only a few corrupted persons have accompanied with him. A huge number of Nepalese people always discard him as a conspirator and a traitor. In fact, these days, Prachanda is facing numerous problems inside the party and outside, and to get rid from it, he is crying for the reunification between UCPN (Maoist) and CPN-Maoist.
In our 7th National Congress one of the main issue of debate and discussion was the evaluation of the party history. We critically and analytically reviewed the party history and came into conclusion that there existed some serious mistake and shortcomings in the process of party unification, particularly unification with the Unity Center (Mashal), led by Narayan Kaji Shrestha–the most opportunist man. In the current juncture, we must be careful about the hidden agendas launched by our enemies. We are not in the position to slay the dream of our great martyrs. We are not in the position to play the suicidal games.
Recently, Comrade Kiran has released a press statement clarifying the issue of reunification with UCPN (Maoist):
A serious attention has been drawn towards the media reports referring to the reunification between our party CPN-Maoist and the UCPN (Maoist), are totally false and fabricated. It is known to all that ideologically, politically and in party line, program, behavior and in policy these two parties are running in exactly opposite directions, with their own separate political lines. It is clear that the Prachanda-Baburam faction has committed serious treachery against their own country and betrayed the people and they have already surrendered themselves to the imperialists and Indian expansionists. In this situation, there is no question thus to unite with the compradors and the traitors. We want to make public the fact that we have never talked with the UCPN (Maoist) about party unity and we have not taken any decision regarding that.
It is not just the hasty answer to those, who are circulating fabricated news and making rumors, it is also the guideline to all party cadres and leaders. It must be grasped with high revolutionary enthusiasm.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that we must grasp the spirit of our 7th National Congress. It is the need of the time to move forward in the direction of the New Democratic Revolution. Revolutionaries should not spoil their time in such worthless activities. Running hither and thither and doing worthless gossip is just to destroy ourselves.
June27, 2013

¡Defender la vida del Presidente Gonzalo!

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013

Defender la vida del Presidente Gonzalo

¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!

¡Defender la vida del Presidente Gonzalo!

El pasado 24 de junio en  declaraciones con Canal N, el Jefe del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario del Perú (INPE),  Pérez Guadalupe refiriéndose al Presidente Gonzalo, por mandato de su jefe el genocida, fascista y vendepatria presidente del viejo Estado peruano, Humala (alias “capitán Carlos”), dijo:"No podemos garantizar la salud de una persona de 80 años, y eso hay que dejarlo claramente". 

Ante estas descaradas declaraciones de este miserable, exigimos al gobierno fascista, genocida y vendepatria de Humala y a todas las autoridades civiles y militares y a quienes mandan en el Perú, que cumplan con su obligación de velar por la salud y la vida del Presidente Gonzalo, el más importante prisionero de guerra revolucionario del mundo, que tienen en sus manos, y reiteramos que es obligación de todo comunista, combatiente y masa del Perú y del mundo dar cumplimiento a la sanción establecida por el PCP para quienes atenten contra la integridad de nuestro Jefe, el Presidente Gonzalo, cuya resolución a la letra dice:

„Advertimos resueltamente al genocida vendepatria de Fujimori, a las cobardes y genocidas fuerzas armadas que lo manejan, especialistas en derrotas y expertos en cebarse con las masas desarmadas, a la jerarquía eclesiástica, jueces y burócratas que avalan el genocidio, y a su gran titiriero, el imperialismo principalmente yanqui, que respondan por la vida y salud de nuestro jefe pues, de lo contrario, de ocurrirle algo pagarán con sus vidas y las de todos sus congéneres, cueste lo que cueste.“ 
 (Partido Comunista del Perú, Comite Central, Resolución diciembre 1992)

BRASIL statement by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People translated into English.

Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
“The law of the people is to fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again until victory!” — Chairman Mao Tsetung
Massive protests explode across the country and a spontaneous mass movement of hundreds of thousands takes the center of large cities and spreads everywhere, shaking and panicking all the old order. A new phase of the developments of the revolutionary situation is seen in protest and rebellion!Major storms are approaching.

The final straw was the brutal repression of the just and peaceful demonstration against the increase of the bus fares in the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The outrage spread across the country and released popular anger no longer stifled by decades of political demagoguery and constant barrage of misleading government propaganda of a Brazil of great progress and improvement. When even television networks, radio and newspapers trumpeted the popularity of President Dilma as the one bringing full employment, creation of a new middle class, the development of the country with a sound economy against the global crisis that sinks the world’s largest economies – this suddenly exploded with the upheavals that arose as a tsunami.

Amid the deep and prolonged general crisis of the imperialist system that causes suffering worldwide, hitting hard working masses with mass unemployment, making brutal cuts in hard-won rights, pushing them to the streets by the millions, in a desperate fight for survival and resistance, repression launched by the capitalist governments in client countries has been unrelenting.

As a direct result of the contradictions and weaknesses of the economy of our country, dominated and plundered by imperialism, the popular revolt is the release of decades of screams stifled by the ‘eternal’ deception of fraudulent elections and false left demagoguery (PT/Workers Party; PSB/Brazilian Socialist Party; PCdoB/Communist Party of Brazil, etc). What happened? A snap broke the charm of a truth found to be a lie repeated a thousand times, and backfired, no longer the social anesthetic of bread and circuses.

A cry of outrage echoed through the air

Starting from the youth who were less numbed by all this brainwashing. The uprising of youth against the odious police broke through the earthen walls of official pretense, the popular revolt that broke through the suppression of dissatisfaction with all this order of exploitation, inequality, and political privileges of the rich, abusive authorities, widespread corruption, crime and insecurity, precarious public health, education and transportation, subservience of rulers to capital and foreign agencies (such as the current ‘state of exception’ decreed to serve FIFA), the massacres in the poor slums, and the massacres of peasants and indigenous struggle for land.

Against the old state and its managers and anti-people misleaders

The popular explosion brought to the surface the dissatisfaction with every order of exploitation, abuse and police violence in everyday life of the people. Low wages and rights courts, the dictatorship of the gouging taxes on workers while the national budget favors the banks and the rich at the expense of public health services, education and public transport that are true garbage. The excesses and corruption, works spending billions and overpriced to favor mafias contractors and election finance, the spree of public money to banks and transnational corporations and public debt which amounts to 3 trillion dollars. The indignation and revolt are against this system of exploitation and its old state, its institutions and its rotten and immoral rulers–lying, cynical, corrupt and betrayers of Brazilian people.

A system of exploitation and repression

The system we live in is the old exploiting classes and their state that for centuries oppress and keep the people in poverty, delivering the wealth of our country to foreign powers. System privileges of the rich and absolute injustice, deceit and genocide of the poor. And the greatest proof of this was the arrival of the PT in the federal government, that of ‘radical workers advocates’ who became the newest hangman. To keep the imperialist world system dominating the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, such as Brazil, which are enslaved to serve all the interests of foreign powers and their monopolistic corporations and do what they are told. For it was so constituted and structured as the Brazilian state, dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie and landlords, to bring our people and our homeland to submission.

But these old ruling classes, subordinate to imperialism, could not always dominate in any manner and way- though, in its history, they swung between moments of openly fascist regimes (New State of Getulio Vargas; Regime of Eurico Gaspar Dutra; Military Regime 64, etc.) and regimes “demo-liberal” (JK/Juscelino Kubitschek; Joao Goulart; Jose Sarney; Fernando Collor; FHC/Fernando Henrique Cardoso; Lula /Dilma Roussef, etc.). In recent decades, they need to trick the people by serving up a governmen system of “democracy” or “democratic State of right”, they call it, although the electoral process is phony and corrupt and and the bureaucratic institutions are given “dignified” names of executive, legislative and judicial.

In fact, this state is a machine for subjecting the people to accept this system of exploitation, spreading the illusion that it is the people who elect their representatives. A machine to extort and rob the people with taxes to fill the coffers of the bankers and tycoons local and international, to deliver the natural wealth of the country to foreign powers and to suppress the people who defend their rights and fight the corruption and submission to imperial powers.

We currently live under the propaganda that the country’s democracy is consolidated and there is a full “democratic State of right”, that only problem is that people elect corrupt politicians. This is the lie that the people to blame for the corruption and underhandedness of the rulers. Opposite the popular rejection of the political-electoral scam system, defenders of the system say all that’s needed is urgent political reform to improve the functioning and root out corruption. However, in the last 20 years in every election, where voting is compulsory, tens of millions of citizens, one-third of the electorate, have rejected this and boycotted the electoral farce by not attending the vote, or by voting null or blank.

For the fact is that we confront many lies, and more and more violence against the people. What we have seen these days? Any popular demonstration in defense of the most basic rights, such as protesting increased bus fares, is ruthlessly suppressed. The police apparatus, is no longer content with beating people with batons, tear gas and pepper spray and shooting rubber bullets – now the order is shoot to kill. The police has never killed so many poor people in the city and countryside. The killing of poor youth has become routine. For that people are rising in angry protests and now all that popular fury has exploded across the country.

A just moral revulsion to the rotten political parties and their thugs and repulsive scoundrels

Therefore, in this system that we live in, to participate in elections, to vote for one party or another, or one or another candidate, is to give our endorsement to all the rot that is official policy. Voting is legitimizing this old state and its bourgeois democratic system of exploitation, oppression, poverty, violence and corruption. Voting is legitimizing this current situation. This bureaucratic-bourgeois democracy is false, narrow, hypocritical and corrupt. The millionaires propaganda say that the vote is the power of the people to decide on their future – Lie, this is pure cynicism and deception! The truth is that the people are forced to vote, from time to time only to elect who will decide against their rights.

All these parties which have been elected during the last decades (PDS, PMDB, PFL, PSDB, PT/PSB/PST/PCdoB), from the “right” and those who call themselves the center and ‘left’ they are all cut from the same cloth. They have different party acronyms, these billionaires and leeches goading people with old “bourgeois democracy” and its parliamentary cretinism. Acronyms, that they debate among themselves with the largesse from the public treasury, but they are united by the same program to serve capital. They are all, each in their own way, to serve the interests of the big bourgeoisie, landlords and imperialism. With all these parties and nothing has changed in the country, only the faces and ways to cheat the people. But for the people, there is nothing but crumbs and handouts.

The fight did not start now: Even before the latest attacks, the people never stopped fighting

The official propaganda of governments and unofficial bourgeois press never stopped saying that everything was going splendidly in the country. That the economy was sound, there was full employment, poverty is nearly gone, and soon would the majority of the population will already be middle class. But underneath all this propaganda the bitter reality of the country and the people is quite different. The facts are stubborn. The prices of food, medicine and other basic necessities have never stopped rising, inflation erodes the popular economy, and the absurd interest rates remain the highest in the world. Unemployment depresses millions, especially the young, and the false “land reform” government is yet another scam and deception to the people of the countryside.

Diseases which were once eliminated, return, and others, such as dengue, are spread in waves of epidemics, killing hundreds of children and adults across the country. The educational system has compressed salaries of teachers, as the health system, civil servants and workers have also faced. The spread of easy credit has only been one more illusion to deceive and impose brutal indebtedness on the people, to hide the fragility of an economy producing commodities for export, completely subservient to foreign powers and dependent on imported capital and technology.

But the workers, public servants, teachers, students and peasants, under the systematic and orchestrated campaign of criminalization and repressive arrests and murders, and facing the direction of their own corrupt unions co-opted by government, have never stopped fighting, and strikes and land seizures have spread throughout the country.

In all parts of the country echoes the cry of jail for the torturers of the military regime! Students from across the country went on strike and occupied the rectories of universities demanding an end to the dismal plans of the government called REUNI / PROUNI and in defense of free public education in schools and universities. Workers, teachers and civil servants held strikes over wages and better working conditions. In large constructions of PAC/Growth Acceleration Program (a program of Brazilian government); of the Jirau Hydroeletric power plant, and of Santo Antônio Hydroeletric (both on the Madeira River, in the state of Rondonia, North of Brazil); of the Belo Monte Hydroeletric Project (on the Amazon major tributary, the River Xingu, in the state of Para, North of Brazil); of the SUAPE Port (a Brazilian International port located in the city of Ipojuca, state of Pernambuco, Northest of Brazil), the workers rose up in revolt, stopped work, set fire to the house and revealed the slave labor conditions to which they are subjected.

In the field “land reform” the government does nothing more than repress the peasants and support the landowners. Only through the Agrarian Revolution, taking into their own hands in an organized confiscation of the landed estates, the peasants are conquering the land to work and produce and win their freedom.

And now that the masses of the cities explode in riots and could not be crushed with police repression which was strongly repelled by the combatant youth - the poisonous media now orchestrates their psychological warfare against the people. All this media is monopolized by the enemy of the people. As they twist the images and messages of resistence, they only reveal their fear, that all reactionaries tremble!

This scoundrel government continues to do abusive vandalism against the people

The streets demonstrate once again that the people, to ensure their interests, have to impose them by massive and combative force. The authorities and the press who attacked, discredited and criminalized the first protests, (just as they have done for years against popular struggles in order to crush them), and haunted and cornered by its explosive growth, now pose as the champions of freedom and democracy in defense of peaceful demonstrations and hypocritically coax that “the radicals are only a minority of vandals”. They try to frighten and intimidate the protesters. They try to manipulate the public opinion with the TV Globo always to the ahead of this practice . In their fear of public anger, they now try and reap tame protests.

The people are attacking their enemies, yes, the offices of governments and legislatures (dens of corruption and excesses), banks (leeches of the people and the nation) and forcefully rejecting the attacks of genocidal police troops. The episodes of looting by profiteers and criminals transformed by this terrorizing press is only part of the sad reality created by the same anti-social system that we want to bring down. Vandalism is the same criminal activity as that bastard who kills people in hospital queues, who starves the people, as the murderous police who shoot and kill, who incessantly plundered the nation’s coffers and not gave even school lunches to the children of the poor, handing the riches of the country’s natural resources abroad, which sells the sovereignty and honor of the country to imperialist marauders and even these “sports” mafias as FIFA.

To build the new one must destroy the old

This is the struggle of peasants, workers, students, workers, intellectuals, indigenous and small trademen and producers, we are the majority and are millions! We fight this old rotten State represented today by the Brazilian government’s PT / PSB / PMDB / PCdoB / PDT and its support base, which commits all kinds of daily outrages and crimes against our people. A fascist state that needs to be dropped altogether and only a Great Democratic Revolution can destroy it and build another in its place new and different, the State of New Democracy’s revolutionary united front, based on the worker-peasant alliance along with all the exploited and oppressed.
Every struggle and popular democratic revolutionary struggles should raise the defense of the rights of the people by:

-General increase of wages to meet the cost of living;
-Security and public retirement and integrals;
-Cheap public transport, decent health and education;
-Against violence against women, equal rights and the decriminalization of abortion;
Punishment for criminals of the Military Regime, instigators and executors (civilian and military) of torture, killings and forced disappearances;
-End of the servile, menial work in agribusiness plantations, the PAC and nationwide;
-Recognition and immediate demarcation of the territories of Indigenous Peoples and Communities remaining Quilombo;
-Land for those who occupy and work it;
-Stop the miners and their plundering of natural resources and environmental degradation;
-Stop the bleeding of public resources given to banks and transnational;
However we must emphasize that our main claim is the Power.

Organizing people to make revolution!

The question of democracy in fact, in other words, is the establishment of a genuine Democratic Republic, was never fully resolved in Brazil. Exploiting local ruling classes and their imperialist masters fear the existence of a true democracy because that would mean the end of their domain and its operation. But the class contradictions and the people’s aspirations for democracy are large, imposing on the people and country this travesty of democracy with dirty and corrupt elections and dragging the opportunist parties to legitimize them. And every time the masses rise up they send repression with one hand and with the other make the bla-bla-bla “dialogue”, the “negotiations”, the “peace” of submission, the denunciation of the “violence” and the “vandalism” of the exploited and oppressed. To make the change complete, the people have to take power and defeat your enemies!

Brazil’s problems are structural and secular; the solutions require radical and profound changes that only the bold and permanent mobilization of the masses around a revolutionary program can accomplish. Only an uninterrupted Great Democratic Socialist Revolution can eradicate such exploitation, poverty, injustice and violence against the working people. Do away wih this old state machinery of corruption and oppression without delay, and stop the plunder by imperialism!

The people can and will destroy this old power piece by piece, demolishing part by part. If today people are able to mobilize hundreds of thousands in demonstrations, which are large mobilizations, and learning, little by little we can build solid organizations in workplaces and neighborhoods, unite with the masses of poor peasants and the landless with little land who are fighting tenacious struggle to bring forward the agrarian revolution, to destroy landlordism inch by inch, to do justice, to liberate the productive forces of the field, to produce and create the new revolutionary power.

The Great Democratic Revolution urges that in our country can only win through a long process, because our enemies are still strong, they are defended by police and armed forces, supported by this bourgeois press and parties that monopolized the old order and have the support of the imperialist powers, especially U.S. imperialism. The people are unable to bring down our enemies with a single blow, in a few months or days, even less from night to day. It is necessary to go to a protracted struggle building the essential tools of the revolution, embryos of the new power and new people’s state: the true Revolutionary Party of the Proletariat, the Guerrilla Army and the Revolutionary United Front. Clandestine revolutionary organizations, the Revolutionary Party is not to ask for votes and priming deputies to rot in this sty with comfortable armchairs which is bourgeois parliament, but built in the fire of class struggle to master and apply science and class ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and firmly guide the masses. The People’s Guerrilla Army to do the people’s war to overthrow the enemy power and establish the new power in New Democracy. The Revolutionary United Front to unify the revolutionary classes in the same Program Transformations political-economic-social and cultural rights, to support the people’s war, surround the enemy and defeat him.

The democratic revolution — agrarian-feudal and anti-imperialist — confiscates all the lands of the landlords, the whole bureaucratic capitalists (the big bourgeoisie) and all transnational capital (imperialism), nationalizing these great properties and concentrating them in the hands of the new state People who apply everything to the establishment of a new economy, self-centered and self-sustaining, for the general welfare of the people and the progress and independence of the nation. A revolution is unleashed with the agrarian revolution, to destroy landlordism, give the land to the landless and poor peasants with little land and ending the semi-feudal relations that materially crush the peasantry and hinder the overall progress of the people and the nation.

Down the fascist state and its managers anti people and servants of imperialism!
Long Live the New Democratic Revolution!

Long Live the People’s Revolutionary Struggle!

Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People – Brazil

Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo – Brasil

June 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

brasil en lucha !

RO: Manifestação em Jaru uniu camponeses e trabalhadores da cidade

Por Resistência Camponesa
Na manha deste 27 de junho, centenas de camponeses realizaram protesto na cidade de Jaru para denunciar a criminalização contra a luta camponesa e os trabalhadores da cidade.  A Liga dos Camponeses Pobres de Rondônia e Amazônia Ocidental (LCP) somou-se às lutas populares do Brasil denunciando a violência do Estado brasileiro que nos últimos meses reprimiu camponeses em luta em Rondônia, povos indígenas no Mato Grosso do Sul e no Pará; além da criminalização das lutas populares nas grandes cidades que reivindicam redução de preços de passagens, saúde e educação públicas de qualidade, moradia, etc.
O Ato Público contou com a participação de trabalhadores em Educação que se encontram em greve e populares da cidade de Jaru que denunciaram as condições precárias nos bairros e nos serviços públicos. O Movimento Classista dos Trabalhadores em Educação – MOCLATE denunciou o governador Confúcio Moura em relação ao sucateamento da Educação rondoniense e em relação ao não atendimento da pauta do movimento grevista. “O governo destina milhões para beneficiar o latifúndio, enquanto o povo morre de fome na fila dos hospitais e a educação pública está um caos”, denunciou uma professora que se pronunciou no ato.
A LCP denunciou que a política do governo Dilma no que se refere à questão agrária, através do INCRA, é a de dividir os camponeses quando não respeita o compromisso assumido de regularizar áreas que já foram cortadas pelos camponeses e que agora são objeto de regularização. “Denunciamos que o INCRA, em diversas áreas em Rondônia, como Corumbiara, região de Jaru e Ariquemes, Seringueiras, tem agido para criar conflito entre os camponeses quando retiram famílias que produziam e destinam a área para famílias que sequer sabemos se existem. Esta é a política do INCRA e da Ouvidoria Agrária Nacional. Já estamos cansados de promessas e prazos longos sem que o governo federal não resolva nada! Por isso defendemos que só o povo organizado, cortando a terra por conta própria, irá garantir o acesso a terra”, denunciou um dirigente da LCP.
O Ato também denunciou a intransigência da prefeitura em não atender as reivindicações dos trabalhadores municipais que se encontram em greve e o descaso com a população dos bairros e do campo em Jaru. “E não é só na cidade que a prefeitura tem abandonado o povo, também no campo e nos distritos. Na região de Tarilândia (distrito de Jaru) o povo não tem estradas e tem perdido a sua produção por incompetência da prefeitura. Nas áreas Canaã, Raio de Sol e Renato Nathan os camponeses denunciam que além da precariedade das estradas, há a falta de energia elétrica”. Registra-se que a administração municipal tem coagido com ameaça de cancelamento da concessão os proprietários de carros de som que prestarem serviço para os movimentos sociais de reivindicações justas e necessárias. O protesto seguiu pelas principais ruas do centro de Jaru e contou com o apoio de transeuntes e comerciantes que aplaudiram a manifestação.
Outra insatisfação denunciada foram os gastos públicos em relação as obras da copa do mundo, a situação dos operários nas obras do PAC e os escândalos de corrupção que assolam o país. Diversos manifestantes conclamaram o povo a boicotar as eleições. “Não vivemos numa democracia, mas numa falsa. É democracia para os ricos e ditadura para o povo pobre. Quando o povo se organiza e luta é reprimido pela polícia. Por isso convocamos o povo a não votar!”, foi enfático um dos presentes.

Nota Pública contra a violência policial: após protestos polícia realiza chacina na Maré

As favelas da Maré foram ocupadas por diferentes unidades da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio (PMERJ), incluindo o Batalhão de Operações Especiais (Bope), com seu equipamento de guerra – caveirão, helicóptero e fuzis –  dia 24 de junho. Tal ocupação militar aconteceu após manifestação realizada em Bonsucesso pela redução do valor da passagem de ônibus, como as inúmeras que vêm sendo realizadas por todo o país desde o dia 6 de junho. As ações da polícia levaram à morte de um morador na noite de segunda-feira. Um sargento do Bope também morreu na operação e a violência policial se intensificou, com mais nove pessoas assassinadas, numa clara demonstração de revide por parte do Estado.
Diversas manifestações estão ocorrendo em todo o país e intensamente na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Nas última semanas a truculência policial se tornou regra e vivemos momentos de bairros sitiados e uma multidão massacrada na cidade. No ato do último dia 20, com cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas nas ruas, o poder público mobilizou a Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro (PMERJ), contando com o Choque, Ações com Cães (BAC), Cavalaria, além da Força Nacional. A ação foi de intensa violência contra a população, causando um clima de terror em diversos bairros da cidade.
Não admitimos que expressões legítimas da indignação popular sejam transformadas em argumento para incursões violentas e ocupações militares, seja sobre a massa que se manifesta pelas ruas da cidade, seja nos territórios de favelas e periferias!
Tal ocupação das favelas da Maré evidencia o lado mais perverso deste novo argumento utilizado pelos órgãos governamentais para darem continuidade às suas práticas históricas de gestão das favelas, de suas populações e da resistência popular. Sob a justificativa de repressão a um arrastão, a polícia mais uma vez usou força desmedida contra os moradores da Maré, uma prática rotineira para quem vive na favela. É importante observar que, quando o argumento de combate a um arrastão foi usado contra manifestantes na Barra da Tijuca, não houve a utilização de homens do Bope, nem assassinatos, mostrando claramente que há um tratamento diferenciado na favela e no “asfalto”.
Repudiamos a criminalização de todas as manifestações. Repudiamos a criminalização dos moradores de favelas e de seu território. Repudiamos a segregação histórica das populações de favela – negras/os e pobres – na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Não admitimos que execuções sumárias sejam noticiadas como resultado de confrontos armados entre policiais e traficantes. Não se trata de excessos, nem de uso desmedido da força enquanto exceção: as práticas policiais nesses territórios violam os direitos mais fundamentais e a violação do direito à vida também está incluída nessa forma de oprimir. Foi reconhecendo a gravidade destas práticas nos diferentes estados da federação que o Conselho de Defesa dos Direitos da Pessoa Humana (CDDPH) produziu, em dezembro de 2012, a resolução nº8, recomendando o fim da utilização de designações genéricas como “auto de resistência” e “resistência seguida de morte” e defendendo o registro de “morte decorrente de intervenção policial” ou, quando for o caso, “lesão corporal decorrente de intervenção policial”.
O governo federal também contribui com o que ocorre nas favelas cariocas, não apenas pela omissão na criação de políticas públicas, mas também por manter as tropas da Força Nacional de Segurança dentro da cidade, reproduzindo o mesmo modelo aplicado pelo governo estadual.
As/Os moradoras/es de favelas e toda a população têm o direito de se manifestar publicamente – mas pra isso precisam estar vivas/os. E o direito à vida continua sendo violado sistematicamente nos territórios de favelas e periferias do Rio de Janeiro e de outras cidades do país.
Exigimos a imediata desocupação das favelas da Maré pelas forças policiais que estão matando suas/seus moradoras/es com a justificativa das manifestações. Exigimos que seja garantido o direito à livre manifestação, à organização política e à ocupação dos espaços públicos. Exigimos a desmilitarização das polícias.
A nota está aberta para adesões de movimentos sociais e organizações através do e-mail
Assinam a nota:
  • Arteiras Alimentação do Borel
  • Bloco Planta na Mente
  • Casa da Mulher Trabalhadora (CAMTRA)
  • Central de Movimentos Populares (CMP)
  • Centro de Promoção da Saúde (CEDAPS)
  • Cidadania e Imagem-UERJ
  • Círculo Palmarino
  • Coletivo Antimanicomial Antiproibicionista Cultura Verde
  • Coletivo de Estudos sobre Violência e sociabilidade – CEVIS-UERJ
  • Coletivo das Lutas
  • Coletivo Tem Morador
  • Comitê Popular Rio Copa e Olimpíadas
  • Conselho Regional de Psicologia (CRP/RJ)
  • Conselho Regional de Serviço Social (CRESS/RJ)
  • Deputado Federal Chico Alencar (PSOL/RJ)
  • DPQ
  • FASE
  • Fórum de Juventudes RJ
  • Fórum Social de Manguinhos
  • Frente de Resistência Popular da Zona Oeste
  • Grupo Conexão G
  • Grupo Eco Santa Marta
  • Grupo ÉFETA Complexo Alemão
  • Instituto Brasileiro De Análises Sociais E Econômicas (IBASE)
  • Instituto Búzios
  • Instituto de Formação Humana e Educação Popular (IFHEP)
  • Instituto de Defensores dos Direitos Humanos (DDH)
  • Instituto de Estudos da Religião (ISER)
  • Justiça Global
  • Levante Popular da Juventude
  • Liga Operária
  • Luta Pela Paz
  • Mandato do Deputado Estadual Marcelo Freixo (PSOL/RJ)
  • Mandato do Deputado Federal Chico Alencar (PSOL/RJ)
  • Mandato do Vereador Renato Cinco (PSOL/RJ)
  • Mandato do Vereador Henrique Vieira (PSOL/Niterói)
  • Mariana Criola
  • Movimento pela Legalização da Maconha
  • Movimento DCE Vivo (UFF)
  • Nós Não Vamos Pagar Nada
  • Núcleo Piratininga de Comunicação
  • Núcleo de Direitos Humanos da PUC
  • Núcleo Socialista de Campo Grande
  • Ocupa Alemão
  • Ocupa Borel
  • PACS
  • Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB)
  • Pré-Vestibular Comunitário de Nova Brasília Complexo Alemão
  • Raízes em Movimento do Complexo do Alemão
  • Rede FALE RJ
  • Rede de Instituições do Borel
  • Redes e Movimentos da Maré
  • União da Juventude Comunista (UJC)
  • Universidade Nômade
  • Revista Vírus Planetário