Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Expose and repudiate Aquino's SONA lies -- CPPhilippines

Filipinos who suffer daily from rising prices, low wages, high unemployment and landlessness are fully aware that there is nothing but empty bluster behind Aquino’s SONA claims... Aquino has resorted to a publicity trick of airbushing a thin slice of reality and presenting it as the entirety.
By CPP Information Bureau
30 July 2014

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today called on the Filipino people to expose and repudiate the lies and illusions churned out by Benigno Aquino III during his state of the nation address last Monday 28 July.
“Aquino’s state of the nation address was built on a foundation of lies,” said the CPP. “It painted a picture of progress and hope to conceal the reality of rapidly deteriorating conditions that impose heavier socio-economic burdens on the broad masses of the Filipino people,” said the CPP.
“Amid the worsening crisis of the ruling system, Aquino has resorted to spewing outright lies in a vain attempt to hoodwink the Filipino people,” added the CPP. “He has, however, succeeded only in further stoking the people’s dissatisfaction as he made claims which the Filipino people know are out-and-out false boasts.”
“Among the starkest lies in Aquino’s SONA was his claim of delivering emergency aid to Yolanda victims within 24 hours. It is common knowledge that his entire government was Noynoying for at least 36 hours, that is until video footages started to be broadcast showing the extent of damage caused by the typhoon,” pointed the CPP. “He further claimed to have restored electricity in all typhoon-hit areas by Christmas Day 2013, when, in fact, even large parts of Tacloban City were still in the dark until mid-March 2014.”
“Aquino also lied about the rehabilitation of tens of thousands of families displaced by the armed siege and aerial bombing by the armed forces last September 2013 (in Zamboanga City) which resulted in the intentional destruction of entire communities of urban poor and ordinary income earners,” added the CPP. “Contrary to Aquino’s claims, tens of thousands remain in evacuation centers as they are fenced off from land where their houses once stood and forced to relocate to other places away from their livelihood.”
“The Filipino people, who suffer daily from rising prices, low wages, high unemployment and landlessness, are fully aware that there is nothing but empty bluster behind Aquino’s claims of addressing unemployment, homelessness, rising costs of education and health, spiralling prices, corruption and criminality,” said the CPP. “Aquino has resorted to anecdotes to support his assertions of change and progress in a slick publicity trick of airbushing a thin slice of reality and present it as an image of the entirety.”
The CPP pointed out that Aquino’s claims of reducing the number of people below the poverty line by 2.5 million (from figures in early 2013) does not reflect the actual state of the people, but was attained only through statistical manipulation of revising standards of poverty in 2012. Aquino’s claims of having an additional 1.6 million employed over the past year is not an achievement, rather, a failure to substantially make a dent on the problem of nearly 30 million unemployed and underemployed Filipinos. The use of deception and violence in the Aquino-Cojuangco’s Hacienda Luisita to prevent genuine land reform is repeated all over the country.
“The picture of Philippine society was drawn by Aquino for his audience of big landlords, big bourgeois compradors, foreign big business and foreign banks, who are all largely satisfied with the implementation of neoliberal policies set forth by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, as well as with the all-out war of suppression of the people and Aquino’s close compliance with US foreign policy and military dictates,” said the CPP.
“In a desperate effort to downplay the real state of the people, Aquino’s police forces barricaded the streets leading to the congress to prevent tens of thousands of protesters from exposing the real conditions of the toiling masses of workers and peasants,” added the CPP. “The image of the police barricades and the overwhelming use of force is representative of the state of widespread abuses of human rights in the country.”
“After four years of rule, Aquino has proven himself to be no different from past presidents in terms of serving the interests of foreign big business, landlords, compradors and big bureaucrat capitalists,” said the CPP. “Over the last two years of his term, he is bound to face the Filipino people’s growing wrath and the mounting demands for his ouster.”


Nota – Reproducimos a continuación diversas noticias sobre la guerra popular revolucionaria en la India que dirige el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) y de la “Shahid Saftah” (Semana de los Mártires), convocada entre el 28 de julio y el 2 de Agosto por dicho Partido, que han sido extraídas de la web Signalfire las cuales Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo hemos traducido al español:
Raipur – 28 Julio 2014 – La agencia de noticas PTI comunica en un despacho informativo que nueve presuntos maoístas fueron detenidos en la división de Bastar en Chhattisgarh al inicio de la Semana de los Mártires convocada por el PC de la India (Maoísta) y que sirve para homenajear a sus caídos en enfrentamientos con las fuerzas represivas del régimen fascista indio. Siete de los detenidos lo fueron en los límites de la comisaría de policía de Dhaudai en el distrito de Narayanpur. Según fuentes de la policía los maoístas estaban colocando carteles y pancartas convocando al pueblo a celebrar la Semana de los Mártires. Los detenidos son: Ghanriam Salaam (25), Bajju alias Dhallar (40), Shankar Salaam (20), Sheetu Sori alias Kamlesh (22), Shankar Netam (26), Lachhan Salaam (25) y Roopji (28), todos ellos naturales de la aldea de Dudmi. La policía acusa a los detenidos de ser además autores de asesinatos, ataques contra la policía, etc. Por la detención de Bajju la policía había ofrecido una recompensa de 10.000 rupias, mientras que para Shankar y Roopji la policía había ofrecido recompensas de 5.000 rupias por cada uno.
Además, otros dos maoístas fueron detenidos en el distrito Kanker del norte de Bastar. Se trata de Chamar Singh Boda (30) detenido en la región de Bhanupratappur y Shivlal Dugga, detenido en los límites de la comisaría de Siksod.
Según un funcionario de la policía, y ante la convocatoria de la Semana de los Mártires, se ha extremado la vigilancia en los siete distritos de la división de Bastar - Dantewada, Bijapur, Bastar, Narayanpur, Kondagaon, Sukma and Kanker- y añadió que en este tipo de actividades los maoístas realizan reclutamiento, reuniones organizativas y programas culturales. La policía ha informado igualmente que carteles y pancartas convocando a la Semana de los Mártires han aparecido en los distritos de Kanker, Sukma y Dantewada y han sido suspendidos los servicios de trenes de Visakhapatnam-Kirandul pasado Jagdalpur durante toda la semana.
Calcuta – 28 Julio 2014 – Decenas de octavillas y pancartas llamando a la Semana de los Mártires han aparecido en el distrito de Purulia, según fuentes de la policía citadas por la agencia de noticia IANS, que añadieron: “Las octavillas y pancartas fueron encontradas a lo largo de la carretera en Bandwan”.
Bhubanesawar – 28 Julio 2014 – Autobuses y camiones han permanecido ausentes de las carreteras en zonas de Odisha siguiendo el llamamiento hecho por el PC de la India (Maoísta) pora celebrar la Semana de los Mártires. La ausencia de vehículos de transporte de pasajeros y mercancías ha sido notoria especialmente en los distritos del sur de Malkangiri, Koraput, Rayagada, Gajapati y Nabrangpur.
Raipur  – 27 Julio 2014 – Según un artículo que publica la web del periódico The Hindu, el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) celebrará una “Shahid Saftah” (Semana de los Mártires) entre el 28 de Julio y el 2 de Agosto en la región de Bastar en Chhattisgarh. Uno de los responsables de la represión policial en la región, el Superintendente de Policía del distrito de Dantewada, Kamlochan Kashyap, calificó la Semana de los Mártires como un “espectáculo” anual organizado por los maoístas que erigen memoriales en las zonas del interior en recuerdo de “sus camaradas muertos”. Durante más de una semana, los maoístas han estado distribuyendo panfletos y colocando pancartas en distintas zonas de Bastar llamando a conmemorar dicha semana. Y añadió además que: “Los servicios de algunos trenes de pasajeros operando en Bastar, Jagdalpur y Dantewada han sido suspendidos durante una semana como medida precautoria”.
Por otro lado, el sábado día 26 un grupo de maoístas detuvieron el tren de Dantewada a Kirandu y fijaron una pancarta llamando al pueblo de Bastar a conmemorar la Semana de los Mártires. En una pancarta roja colocada por los maoístas cerca de la localidad de Bacheli de Dantewada se leía: “Recordando al Camarada Charu Majumdar y al Camarada Kankaiyya Chatterjee, llamamos a las masas a respetar los ideales por los que nuestros camaradas dieron la vida. Organizar reuniones por los mártires en todas las aldeas y llevar el mensaje de nuestros camaradas muertos al pueblo”. En la pancarta también se llamaba al pueblo a “no rendirse ante la policía y luchar para vivir con dignidad”, y añadía que las masas “deben unirse y luchar contra la agenda capitalista del Gobierno del BJP”.
Visakhapatnam – 27 Julio 2014 – El corresponsal especial del periódico The Hindu informa en su página web que guerrilleros del PC de la India (Maoísta) dañaron el mineraloducto de la empresa Essar Steel, cerca de Balapam, en el distrito de Visakhapatnam, a 30 km de Chintapalli en la frontera Andhra-Odisha en la tarde del sábado día 26 de julio. Según un informe los maoístas perforaron una porción de mineraloducto. Según parece los guerrilleros maoístas, miembros de la milicia de la zona de Korukonda, utilizaron palancas y hojas de sierra. Un oficial de la policía declaró que “el incidente parece ser una muestra de fuerza, como parte de la celebración de la Semana de los Mártires que está prevista comience el lunes”
Bhubaneswar – 27 Julio 2014 – Un informe firmado por Kishore Dash en la web informativa Orissa Diary señala que los distritos de Odisha Sur de Malkangiri, Koraput, Nabarangpur y Rayagada han sido puestos en situación de máxima alerta por las autoridades del régimen fascista ante la convocatoria por parte del ilegal PC de la India (Maoísta) de la Semana de los Mártires entre el 28 de julio y el 3 de Agosto, habiéndose afianzado las medidas de seguridad para impedir incidentes. Las autoridades han dado instrucciones a las comisarías de policía y oficinas administrativas de algo riesgo localizadas en lallamada “zona roja” de los distritos para que se aumente la seguridad, teniendo en cuenta las informaciones que obran en poder de la policía y los actos de violencia llevados a cabo por los maoístas el año pasado con este motivo. Entre las instrucciones que han recibido las fuerzas represivas indias se encuentran impedir que los maoístas celebren cualquier tipo de programa conmemorativo, incluyendo que se impida que se erijan monolitos conmemorativos en las zonas del interior.
Koraput – 26 Julio 2014 – Dos sujetos, incluido un alcalde, acusados de trabajar como informadores para la policía, fueron aniquilados por un grupo de guerrilleros maoístas en el distrito de Malkangiri poco antes de que se inicie la Semana de los Mártires convocada por el PC de la India (Maoísta), informa  un despacho de la agencia de noticias TNN. Los hechos se produjeron el viernes 26 de julio a primeras horas de la mañana cuando el grupo de guerrilleros maoístas penetró en la aldea de Badliguda y sacaron de sus casas al alcalde Ganga Madkami y a otro lugareño, Deba Padiami, contra los que dispararon, muriendo inmediatamente.Según fuentes de la policía los guerrilleros maoístas dejaron en el lugar una hoja, firmada por el secretario del Comité Divisional de Malkangiri del PC de la India (Maoísta), Poonam Chandra,  donde se señalaba que los dos sujetos aniquilados trabajaban como informadores de la policía y aterrorizaban al pueblo y puntualizaba que: “Ganga y Deba pasaban a la policía información sobre nuestra organización. Aterrorizaban a nuestros cuadros en las aldeas y solían urgirles a que se rindieran. Se les había advertido que enmendaran sus actos, pero no hicieron caso alguno. Por tanto, fueron castigados”.
22 Julio 2014 – La agencia de noticias TNN informa que las paredes de las oficinas gubernamentales de Midgil y en paradas de autobuses, en la circunscripción de Kalwakurthy,  han aparecido con carteles maoístas convocando a la Semana de los Mártires del 28 de julio al 2 de agosto. Los carteles invitaban al pueblo a unirse a las celebraciones y acudir a la reunión anual, a impedir la construcción del proyecto Polavaram y hacen una advertencia a los “encubiertos”
Visakhapatnam – 21 Julio 2014 – Según fuentes que recoge la agencia de noticias TNN, los maoístas están reagrupándose en Visakha, de Visakhapatnam, Odisha, ante la celebración de la Semana de los Mártires que han convocado. Los maoístas han comenzado a constitiuir pequeños escuadrones como parte de su estrategia ante esta celebración. Al parece ya han formado pequeños escuadrones en las zonas de Puttakota, Pedalanka y Palakajeedi. Un alto cargo de la policía, que ha admitido que el movimiento maoísta es visible en Munchingput, Pedabayalu y G Madugula,  ha señalado que varios dirigentes maoístas del Comité Zonal Especial de la Frontera Andhra-Odisha, como el responsable de las operaciones militares Pratapareddy Ramachandra Reddy alias Chalapati y el miembro del Comité Zonal Especial de la Frontera Andhra-Odisha Bkuru Venkata Ramana alias Ganesh, habrían entrado en el distrito junto con una compañía del Buró Regional Central, encabezado por Kudumula Venkata Rao alias Ravi.

On the release of four prisoners of war - NDFPhilippines

As a goodwill gesture to promote the peace talks between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), and as a response to the appeals of the families of the Prisoners of War (POWs), the NDFP is releasing the four prisoners of war (POWs) recently taken into custody by the New People’s Army.

The NDFP is declaring a ceasefire by the NPA for the towns of Claver, Gigaquit, Bacuag, Placer, Tubod and Alegria of Surigao del Norte; and Kitcharao, Jabonga and Santiago of Agusan del Norte beginnig 12:00 noon of 27 July 2014 until 12:00 noon of 01 August 2014.

The NPA ceasefire corresponds with the suspension of military operations (SOMO) and suspension of police operations (SOPO) issued for the same area and period of time. The details of the NPA ceasefire are contained in the order issued on 27 July 2014 by Comrade Maria Malaya on behalf of the NDFP-North Eastern Mindanao Region.

26 juillet 2014 Tunisie : La filiale de Latécoère condamnée pour sa répression antisyndicale

Deux déléguées syndicales tunisiennes de LATelec, filiale de la multinationale toulousaine Latécoère, ont obtenu mardi près de 30 000 euros d’indemnités. Fondatrices en 2011 d’une section syndicale, elles avaient été licenciées en avril 2013, après deux ans de conflit portant sur l’amélioration des conditions de travail. Le bras de fer aura duré plus de trois ans. Il s’est achevé mardi 15 juillet par le paiement de lourdes indemnités de licenciements à des déléguées syndicales de l’usine LATelec à Fouchana, dans la banlieue de Tunis.

Professor Saibaba concerns us all! by Jan Myrdal

On the net it is possible to read in various languages how Professor GN Saibaba of Delhi University has been detained since May 9, 2014. I cannot find anything about this printed in a single official or semi-official Swedish newspaper. But the question is of great concern to Aftonbladet’s readers.
Professor GN Saibaba teaches literature at Ram Lal Anand College. He also invited me to lecture on Strindberg. Some of the students were Swedish. The last time I saw him was here in Varberg two years ago when Sven Lindqvist was awarded his prize. The reason Saibaba was imprisoned is that he is a leading Indian civil rights activist who actively made public and opposed the kinds of legal, police and military assaults that are now being made against indigenous people in the bloody “Operation Green Hunt.”
Four times since September 2013, the police in Delhi conducted house searches and interrogations without finding legal grounds to arrest him. On May 9, however, police came from Maharastra to Delhi without prior warning. They seized him, without giving him the opportunity to contact a lawyer, and took him away to Maharashtra. The law under which he is held there is the “Unlawful Activities Prevention Act” (“UAPA”), strongly criticized by all Indian jurists. GN Saibaba is charged with secretly being a member of the “Communist Party of India (Maoist),” which is banned in India, and having contact with its general secretary Ganapathy. On June 13, 2014, the Court refused him bail.
“The Sunday Standard” of May 20, 2014, reported under the headline: “Red Terror’s Scary Urban Footprints ” on the declassified secret service dossier, “Maoist plan for urban areas,” which is the basis for the arrest of Professor Saibaba. It described him as follows:
“Saibaba recruited such academics as teachers and doctors to become members of above-ground organizations. They participated in meetings and donated money to the Maoists’ coffers. / … / Some meetings connected with left-wing extremism were also held at his residence in 2010. He organized a meeting with Jan Myrdal, a Swedish author and Naxalite sympathizer, sometime in February 2010. Myrdal is said to have played a role in the contact between Maoist leaders and above-ground cadres by using his high profile as a writer. / … / The plan is to gather such strength, so many weapons and so much popular support that a simultaneous uprising in all areas of the red corridor could be converted into a mass revolution that would be self-supporting.”
The date and details of what was written about me are wrong – something I can take up in another way – but it is similar to what security minister Jitendra Sing told the Rajya Sabha (upper house of the Indian Parliament, JM) on May 16, 2012: “Jan Myrdal during his stay in India advised CPI (Maoist) to garner support from the middle-class in India by focusing on propaganda against security forces and highlighting human rights issues.”
Professor GN Saibaba is now in bad health. He sits in an isolation cell in prison without access to the care he, as cardiac patient, needs. That the authorities in Maharashtra do not want to provide medical care is, given the caste and class-ridden nature of Indian society, quite obvious. Saibaba is one who, according to the traditional ruling class, should not have existed. He is from a poor peasant family in Andhra. He is wheelchair bound and 90% disabled. He was able to acquire the wheelchair only after he began to make a living as a teacher in Delhi. From the age of three, he had to crawl forward. With the help of some rural teachers who recognized his remarkable talent and then grants – and friends – he has been able to struggle through school. This has shaped his character and worldview, was has the reading of such great Telegu writers as Sri Sri – and Kenyan writer Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, with whom he was personally acquainted.
Professors and students of Delhi as well as human rights activists and union / politically engaged people throughout India are now working to build public opinion against the legal assault on Professor GN Saibaba. Yes, all over the world there are petitions and protests. However, I know India. Surely one can argue that experience teaches protests do not mean much, given the power structure in India. On the other hand, India is no fascist dictatorship. It is not a society like Pinochet’s Chile. The human rights situation is now far better than it was in British India. What may save GN Saibaba is not just protests, even international ones. I therefore suggest that we start by organizing in Sweden a broad-based group of lawyers who will travel to India and examine on site the situation of GN Saibaba as well as other political prisoners.
I should explain what I mean by broad-based. This is not a sham issue. Certainly there are incompetent and comprising lawyers in Sweden as elsewhere. But more important is that there are lawyers who regardless of their own right-left color (ideology) actually take seemingly formal issues seriously. Let them gather a group and go to India.

Brasil - repúdio à criminalização da FIP e de seus coletivos

A Unidade Vermelha se manifesta em TOTAL repúdio a nova investida do velho Estado fascista e reacionário contra os lutadores do povo, dessa vez especificamente a Frente Independente Popular do Rio de Janeiro. Como coletivo popular pertencente a FIP desde seus primórdios, tal ataque é também um ataque à Unidade Vermelha, como defensores de amplas liberdades democráticas, tanto de expressão como de reunião, denunciamos categoricamente o cerceamento que a burguesia, com seu judiciário vendido e sua polícia corrupta, fazem a liberdade de oposição à esse sistema fascista e capitalista.
Os monopólios de imprensa e a cultura dominante insistem em mascarar a realidade, pintando o momento politico atual como “democracia” e sua apologia ao “Estado Democrático de Direito”, como se existisse tal coisa. Como pode ser tal falácia real, quando com acusações esdrúxulas, com total ausência de provas materiais se criminaliza todo um movimento e parte de seus integrantes na prisão?
Segundo a promotoria fascista do estado do Rio de Janeiro: ” os denunciados se associaram com a finalidade de praticar nas manifestações crimes como: posse de artefato explosivo, corrupção de menor, dano básico e qualificado, resistência e lesão corporal (consumada e tentada).” A Unidade Vermelha DESAFIA o judiciário reacionário a apresentar tais provas “robustas” contra os lutadores do povo, desafia que apresentem motivos, que não os políticos, pra criminalizar uma Frente de amplos movimentos e que atua em mais de 5 estados.
Vos apresento o crime da FIP: Denunciar o regime ditatorial a qual vive o Brasil, aonde negros, pobres, mulheres e homossexuais são diariamente espancados e mortos nas favelas, onde a farra da FIFA jogou bilhões do dinheiro do povo na mão dos parasitas nacionais e dos imperialistas. Denunciou a repressão do braço armado fascista nas manifestações populares, foi de encontro as politicas da classe dominante e de seus partidários e agitou as massas contra a velha ordem, participando de greves e levantes legítimos dos trabalhadores, eis o crime da FIP.
Acusam nossos companheiros de “liderarem” a FIP, ora, mesmo que a FIP possuísse “lideranças”, o que é somente uma alucinação das forças de repressão, por acaso é crime liderar um movimento social? Quer dizer que agora a FIP é considerada uma “organização criminosa”? Com essa argumentação, ainda tens a cara de pau, típica burguesa, em pregar que vivemos num ”estado democrático de direito?” Acusam nossos companheiros de “formação de quadrilha”, ora, é “formação de quadrilha” se juntar e se reunir pra fazer justas reivindicações e agitar as massas trabalhadoras e exploradas na luta pelos seus direitos? Vos digo o que é formação de quadrilha, lacaios dos patrões: Formação de quadrilha é o que vocês fazem nos poderes judiciário, legislativo e executivo, é o que suas miliciais fascistas chamadas de “policias” fazem diariamente dentro dos quartéis, é o que os sangue-sugas fazem dentro de seus luxuosos escritórios bancários, eis a quadrilha formada, e essa sim ARMADA.
Tais medidas desesperadas da burguesia e de seus lacaios só mostram que o caminho da Frente Independente Popular e de seus coletivos é o caminho correto, porque como o Presidente Mao escreveu: “se o inimigo nos ataca é bom, pois mostra que demarcamos uma clara linha entre ele e nós, e se nos criminaliza e pinta com cores negras, melhor, pois mostra que temos êxito em nosso trabalho.”
Estamos sim tendo êxito, desde os Levantes Populares de Junho, a luta de classes no Brasil passou para um acirramento definitivo, onde as massas não mais abaixarão a cabeça e serão subservientes as políticas anti-populares, fascistas e imperialistas do velho Estado. Cada dia que passa mais rebeliões populares são vistas nas periferias, mas greves e reivindicações são feitas no chão-de-fábrica, cada vez mais a classe trabalhadora põe seus exploradores na parede. Se a burguesia acha que irá nos fazer recuar, muito se engana, cada companheiro que prendem e acusam injustamente é mais gás que dão a luta e mais força pra os milhares que continuam e continuarão nas ruas.
Álbum:Fotos da linha do tempo
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Brasil .- Calendário da campanha pela libertação de todos xos presos políticos

28/07 – Panfletagem na Central do Brasil às 16 hrs (convocação para o Ato Nacional) / Plenária Unificada do comitê popular contra o Estado de Exceção no Sindisprev as 19 hrs
29/07 – Panfletagem na Favela Metrô Mangueira às 14hrs (convocação para o Ato Nacional pela Libertação de todas(os) as(os) Presas(os) Políticos
30/07 – Ato Nacional liberdade aos presxs e perseguidxs políticos, 17 hrs Candelária

India - Maoists gear up for ‘Martyrs’ week’ in Bastar


The outlawed Communist Party of India (Maoist) will observe a ‘Shahid Saftah’ (Martyrs’ week) from July 28 to August 2 in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh. According to Dantewada district Superintendent of Police (SP) Kamlochan Kashyap, the martyrs’ week is a yearly ‘spectacle’ organised by the Maoists who build memorials in the interior areas in the remembrance of “their fallen comrades”. For over a week, the Maoists have been distributing pamphlets and putting up banners in different parts of Bastar appealing observance of the week.
On Saturday, the ultras stopped a train from Dantewada to Kirandul and pinned up a banner on the train calling people of Bastar to observe the martyrs’ week. “Remembering Comrade Charu Mujumdar and Comrade Kanhaiyya Chatterjee, we appeal to the masses to respect the ideals our comrades laid their lives for. Organize martyr meetings in all the villages and take the massage of our fallen comrades to the people,” read a banner put up by the Maoists’ near Bacheli town of Dantewada. The Maoists’ banner also appealed the people to “stop surrendering before police and fight to live with dignity” and added that the masses should “unite and fight against the BJP government’s capitalistic agenda”.
“The services of some of the passenger trains operating in Bastar, Jagdalpur and Dantewada area have been suspended for a week as a precautionary measure. Security forces are combing the core areas of the Maoists where they are usually active during the Martyr week,” Mr.Kashyap told The Hindu.

India -Protest rally planned over jailed Maruti Suzuki workers

Maruti’s Gurgaon labour union has taken up the cause of for workers arrested two years ago during unrest at the company’s Manesar plant which resulted in the death of a senior manager. The Times of India reported that the incident in July 2012 had seen the Haryana government order a probe by a special investigation team even as the company went ahead and sacked nearly 500 of the 1,500 permanent workers at the Manesar plant. Police also rounded up several workers after the unrest and nearly 150 are still in jail. Kuldeep Jhangu, general secretary of the Maruti Udyog Kamgar Union (MUKU), told the ET that denial of bail is “unjust” and claimed that most of those arrested are innocent.
He said: “Two years have passed since the incident has happened and these workers are still languishing in jail. This is unfair and unjust. Many of them are innocent.” Workers plan a protest rally next Sunday and Jhangu said around 3,000 workers from Maruti Suzuki Gurgaon and Manesar facilities will attend to petition the state government to intervene in the matter.

india - arrest in india of an internationalist swiss Jonathan Baud

THRISSUR: A 24-year-old Swiss national has been arrested after he allegedly attended a function organised in memory of a Maoist activist at nearby Valappad. Police said Jonathan Baud, who arrived in Kerala on a tourist visa, attended a meeting organised in memory of Sinoj, a Maoist activist from Kerala who was killed while making country bombs in Andhra-Karnataka border last month. The meeting was organised by a group having Maoists and Naxalite sympathies.
Sinoj belonged to Valappad in Kerala. Jonathan has been charged under the Foreigners Act, Section 14(b), which pertains to violation of visa conditions. Police said some Maoist literature had been recovered from him. Jonathan arrived in Kerala on July 10 with a woman companion and had visited Kannur and other parts of the state before arriving here Monday. Since he speaks French, the help of an interpreter conversant in French would be sought for detailed interrogation, police said.

India - from july 28-august 3 martyrs memorial meeting

WARANGAL: The CPI (Maoists) Khammam-Karimnagar-Warangal (KKW) division committee secretary Damodar Bade Chokkarao has asked the people to organise martyrs’ memorial meetings in all the villages in the district. In a media release, he said that the Maoist leaders including Charu Mazumdar and others had sacrificed their lives fighting for the rights of the people. He called upon the people to organize meetings from July 28-August 3 in the villages.
He said that the Telangana government was working for the benefit of the capitalists and feudal classes. He said all the parties had duped the people giving false assurances on the Naxalite issue. He said the TRS government was playing foul play with the citizens by not implementing its promises. “The TRS government has not given clarity on the ban on the Maoist party and joined hands with multi-national companies while continuing its repression against the Maoists,” he said.

india - martyr's week in Dandakaranya

‘Lost 200 cadres last year’ Beginning their annual “martyrs’ week” in Dandakaranya on Monday, the CPI(Maoist) admitted that they lost over 200 cadres, including a Central Committee member, in the last one year. “In the last one year, we have lost over 200 of our leaders, members, People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army commanders and guerrilla fighters, leaders and members of people’s organisations, members of Jan Militia and revolutionary masses,” said a press release issued by the CPI(Maoist), South Regional Committee, Dandakaranya.
They died for their “dream to establish socialism and communism” in the country, it said, while adding that many had died due to natural causes, including Central Committee member Barun Dada and senior comrade Shaheeda Didi.


Desde su creación en 1948, el Estado de Israel ha sido un Estado sionista verdugo y guardián del
poder imperialista estadounidense en el Medio Oriente, y a la vez, ha sido la fuerza organizada
dictatorial de las clases reaccionarias sionistas sobre las masas trabajadoras árabes y judías al
interior de las propias fronteras de Israel.
El Estado de Israel fue impuesto por el imperialismo en el territorio ancestral del Pueblo
Palestino, causándole desde entonces destierro, oprobio y persecución; convirtiéndolo en blanco
de innumerables masacres sionistas, tan sanguinarias como la perpetrada entre el 15 y 17 de
septiembre de 1982 cuando paramilitares fascistas libaneses al amparo del invasor israelí,
ahogaron en sangre a 2.000 palestinos –casi todos niños, mujeres y ancianos- en los campos de
refugiados de Sabra y Chatila en Beirut (Líbano) con el pretexto de exterminar a los “terroristas
de la Organización para la Liberación de Palestina OLP”; tan brutales como las carnicerías
humanas ejecutadas en las llamadas “Operación Plomo fundido” de 2008-2009 y la “Operación
Pilar defensivo” de 2012.
Luego de la llamada “Guerra de los Seis Días” de 1967 en la cual el sionismo israelí se anexó
nuevos territorios de países árabes, el Pueblo Palestino fue confinado a Cisjordania, El Golán y La
Franja de Gaza, ésta última una pequeña extensión de aproximadamente 42 por 14 km en su
parte más ancha, donde viven hacinadas 1.800.000 personas, el enjambre humano más denso del
planeta, contra el cual desde el 8 de julio, de nuevo y con el viejo argumento “de lucha contra el
terrorismo del Movimiento de Resistencia Islámico Hamas”, el Estado sionista lanzó su poderosa
máquina de guerra con un descomunal ataque de bombas, misiles, tanques, causando otra
aterradora matanza de civiles, muchos de ellos niños, víctimas preferidas de los sionistas en sus
Desde la creación del Estado de Israel, el Pueblo Palestino ha sido sometido además a los
vejámenes sionistas del control policial, de la discriminación racista, del bloqueo por tierra, mar y
aire para aniquilarlo por hambre, ante todo lo cual las declaraciones humanistas de funcionarios
de la ONU y de gobernantes burgueses llamando a la paz, son pura palabrería hueca para
disimular la complicidad de todos los imperialistas, de los propios reaccionarios gobiernos
árabes y de toda la burguesía mundial, con los crímenes imperialistas sionistas contra las masas
trabajadoras de Palestina por exigir el inalienable derecho de los países oprimidos a su
liberación, de las colonias a su completa separación, y de las naciones a existir como Estados
independientes sin verdugos ni gendarmes imperialistas.
Es deber internacionalista de los pueblos, de los obreros y comunistas del mundo, denunciar la
desalmada y reaccionaria guerra imperialista sionista contra el Pueblo Palestino, sin caer en la
barbaridad de algunos que a nombre de la revolución llaman a “acabar con los judíos”, posición
racista, chovinista y diametralmente opuesta al internacionalismo proletario que reconoce en
Israel una sociedad dividida en clases, y diferencia entre las clases enemigas reaccionarias cuyo
poder se concentra en el Estado sionista de Israel, y las clases trabajadoras cuyos enemigos no
son los trabajadores palestinos, sino sus propios opresores y explotadores sionistas.
El Pueblo Palestino sólo puede confiar en sus propias fuerzas y en las fuerzas del proletariado y
los pueblos del mundo, porque todos son víctimas de los mismos enemigos irreconciliables: los
imperialistas y las clases explotadoras reaccionarias en todos los países.
El Pueblo Palestino ni siquiera puede confiar sus destinos a las clases dirigentes y explotadoras
en la misma Palestina. Los estragos corruptos de la facción burguesa de Al Fatah que gobernó
tranzada en alianza con el imperialismo ruso y los reaccionarios gobiernos árabes, dio lugar a que
el Gobierno en la Franja de Gaza pasara a manos de la facción burguesa de Hamas ligada al
fundamentalismo islámico y ahora aliada a las hordas reaccionarios del Estado Islámico.
El causante profundo de la muerte, desolación y los terribles sufrimientos del Pueblo Palestino,
es el imperialismo -sistema mundial de opresión y explotación de los pueblos del mundo-, del
cual el imperialismo estadounidense tiene en el Estado sionista de Israel, su punta de lanza para
ejercer el dominio y la anexión territorial imperialista en el Medio Oriente. Sin embargo, la
solución no es el fundamentalismo islámico cuya política también se basa en la subyugación del
pueblo bajo la dictadura de las clases explotadoras, sólo que justificada en la sumisión religiosa.
Muchas voces se alzan alrededor del mundo contra la criminal matanza imperialista sionista en
Palestina. En nombre del proletariado de Colombia los comunistas revolucionarios se unen a
ellas; pero a diferencia de quienes callan ante los enemigos antagónicos internos del Pueblo
Palestino, conciben su verdadera emancipación como la derrota del imperialismo sionista,
conjugada con la derrota de las clases explotadoras en los territorios Palestinos.
Por diversos países despunta el apoyo a la heroica resistencia del Pueblo Palestino. También en
nombre del proletariado de Colombia los comunistas revolucionarios se solidarizan con su justa
lucha y se unen al sentir general revolucionario de respaldar la lucha armada como la forma
superior de la lucha política de las masas para derrocar a sus enemigos; aclarando sí, que la
victoria del Pueblo Palestino será conquistada por vía de las armas, pero no por el camino
burgués reaccionario de la Yihad Islámica, sino con la guerra popular de los obreros y
campesinos contra la dictadura imperialista sionista y contra cualquier forma de dictadura
islamista, hasta conquistar un nuevo tipo de Estado, donde sean los obreros y campesinos
armados quienes lo gobiernen todo.
De ahí, que más temprano que tarde, el Pueblo Palestino podrá transformar su heroica
resistencia avanzando a la revolución palestina como parte de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial
contra el imperialismo y todos los reaccionarios, ya no bajo la dirección de la burguesía sino del
proletariado constituido como partido comunista independiente de las demás clases. La
tendencia histórica principal en la fase imperialista es la revolución proletaria, y Palestina no es
la excepción.
Comité Ejecutivo – Unión Obrera Comunista (MLM)
Colombia, Julio 18 de 2014

mfpr italy panphlet ask to

The spark is seen in the historic strike of the women who brought the flame to feed and increasingly widening
We saw it in the strike of the women workers, primarily metalworking factories, in the strike of the women workers of the school, the precaious service, etc..; we have seen it in the participation of female students rebel strike
We saw this in the beautiful and meaningful initiatives and events that have given us strength and energy to continue the fight against femicide and rapes and all forms of oppression, double exploitation that every day we suffer "from men who hate women, by governments who hate women, the state that hates women"
Great is the power that has been unleashed on the day of STRIKE OF WOMEN, great anger but great determination to move forward
Because now the flame has been lit and we now look to the fight ever more combative and more targeted with objective: THE REVOLUTION
The English translation of the pamphlet by the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement is available in available.
Please ask to:

women's strike in Italy - debate in Wien Austria

With reference to the historical women strike which took place in Italy on 25th of november 2013 we were invited to Wien by a group of lesbians an feminists who were, so they said, very impressed by the strike.
A small group.of italian comrades, some belonging to mfpr, went to Wien on 14 and 15 of June.
On saturday morning a demonstration was organized in a very popular area of the town where a lot of migrants live. The demonstration was near an open market and there we had the first meeting with distribution of various pamphlets and so on.
There were also banners, photographs and music and we made a presentation of the strike, the topics on the basis of which it was organized: a women strike against violence, femminicidi but also considering the conditipn of women on the whole.
In the same evening there was a public meetic in a place occupied 29years ago Autonomen Frauen Lesbian Zentrum a very big selforganized place consisting of two floors where various activities take place: information for migrsnt women, courses to learn German, help for papers, various laboratories and a gymnasium for 5 courses of wendo.
The women there had organized in this year different demonstrations in particular the 8th of March with the participation of about 400 women. They also organized demonstrations at the houses of rapists and against pornographic exhibitions.
How and why the strike was organized in Italy has been very interesting for them and we made a continuous effort in comparing the situation in Austria and in Italy in order to understand if it will be ever possible to have a similar strike in Austria.
Obviously the negative role of socialdemocracy and the strict connection among parties and trade unions made them say very often: "but here it will not be possible" also due to the weakness of the "left". We must also consider the present situation of the comrades in Austria where there is no welfare state any more and wages are becoming worse and worse.
These women do a lot of political work but it seemed to us in a narrow environment of militants.
They were very impressed by our report about the strike most of all due to the big number of women who took part. At that point of the meeting we had an ovation.
We tried to explain the difficult points we had to face, the struggles among the different political points of view stsrting from the Rome on the 6th of July and explaining the two meetings of18th and 19th of October.
They were fascinated. One of them said :"I envy you for this strike." She focused also on equal opportunities and the lies on violence said through the mass media. They asked how did the mass media react in Italy.
Than after the meeting the discussion went on on abortion, on the attacks to the right of women to have abortion in both countries, on the role of Vaticano, they worried for the small interest of feminists on this topic in Wien.
In the same afternoon there had been the gay pride parade with the presence of catholics against the parade.
Questions concerned the modalities of the strike, communication among women, the real problems, the response of political parties. Then the video of the attack to the stage in Rome was projected.
We found the meeting very interesting and also a bit tiring for the necessary translation which made everything heavier and because the translater did not know the topics we were discussing and also we had so many topics to discuss in such a short time.
Fortunately we left copies of the translated dossier.
At the end of the evening they said they were very impressed and that the discussion had been very important also to focus on new thoughts and new things.
One of the feminists there said she didn't hear talking of class struggle and proletariat for 15 years.
The ones who brought the Italian women strike to Wien.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bangladesh - Workers of Shishir Group, Tuba stage protests for wages, bonuses

Workers of a knitting and dyeing factory in Tongi yesterday came to the company’s headquarters at Bangla Motor in Dhaka to demand their due wages and festival bonuses. Owners closed Shishir Knitting and Dyeing Factory, a unit of Shishir Group, on July 14, without notice, workers said. “We waited for 10 days but nobody from the management came to pay our dues,” said Md Mizan, a worker. About 300 workers of the factory that employs around 1,000 demonstrated in front of Planners’ Tower around 1pm and looked for the owners and top management of Shishir Group to demand their dues.

Nepal factory owners demand larger security force

NEPALGUNJ, JUL 24 – Entrepreneurs in Western Nepal have asked the government to beef up the Industrial Security Force (ISF) as the number of factories have swelled tremendously and security requirements have increased. The industrialists said that the security force was too small to handle the expanded needs. There are 345 armed police personnel under the ISF to protect factories scattered over 26 districts from Butwal to Kanchanpur.
A flurry of new factories have opened in the region since the end of the armed conflict eight years ago. Even though the fighting has stopped, industrialists still face threats from trade unions and assorted Tarai-based armed outfits who have been engaged in extortion.

Arrest of Sabyasachi Panda is a drama, says CPI (Maoist)

KORAPUT: The Andhra-Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee (AOBSZC) of the outlawed CPI (Maoist) has labelled the arrest of home-grown Maoist leader Sabyasachi Panda as a state-sponsored drama. Ajay, a spokesperson of AOBSZC, through letters sent to the media in Rayagada on Wednesday, said soon after his expulsion from CPI (Maoist), Sabyasachi joined hands with the state government and formed the Odisha Maovadi Party to defame the original Maoist organization.
“Sabyasachi’s arrest is an eyewash. Since long Sabyasachi has been working on the direction of the state government and providing all necessary information against our organization to police,” the one-page letter written in Odia said. “In the name of encounter, police raid his hideouts. Sabyasachi has surrendered all looted arms to police. He had prepared grounds to get his men arrested in connivance with police. And now Sabyasachi’s arrest is part of well-knit plan to salvage his image.

2,432 militants arrested in Manipur Police between 2012 and July 2014

 IMPHAL: A total of 2,432 militants have been arrested by the Manipur Police between April 1, 2012 and July 18, 2014, state Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam, who also holds the Home portfolio, said.
A total of 17 militants were arrested from outside the state, Gaikhangam told the Assembly last evening in reply to a question from opposition member L Ibomcha of NCP.
He said Rs 61.86 lakh was seized from the arrested militants, 1,154 of whom are in judicial custody. The rest have been released on bail.
Of the total amount seized from the militants, Rs 50.81 lakh is with the police because the cases are still on in various courts in the state and the rest have been deposited with the state government, he added.

Step-up tactical offensives and mass struggles against the rotten, puppet and brutal Aquino regime - CP of Philippines

On Monday, the Filipino people will again be subjected to a whole slew of lies and illusions to be churned out by Benigno Aquino III and his machinery of specialists in manipulating the media and public opinion. Amid worsening crisis conditions, Aquino’s slated fifth state of the nation address is bound to fail in stopping the forward march of the Filipino people and their determination to put an end to his rotten, puppet and brutal rule.
The crisis of the ruling political system continues to worsen as widespread graft and corruption under the Aquino regime is exposed. Behind Aquino’s endless talk of clean government, he has arrogated the right to divert billions upon billions of pesos of public funds for political patronage in favor of his partymates, political supporters and big business cronies.
Aquino’s vain defense of his pork barrel Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) further isolates his regime from the toiling masses as well as from the middle class sectors who have been disillusioned with his façade of righteousness. To the broad masses of workers and peasants, Aquino’s claims that anomalous fund diversions committed under DAP have benefited the people are empty and baseless.
After four years under the Aquino regime, socio-economic conditions have deteriorated. Ordinary Filipinos continue to suffer daily from widespread unemployment, low wages, landlessness and landgrabbing and rising prices of food and basic commodities and services.
It is clear that Aquino’s claims of “inclusive growth” are one big lie. To the Filipino people, so-called “economic growth” is a meaningless pile of statistics that elates only the big foreign banks and portfolio capitalists whose financial investments are guaranteed quick profits. Aquino has made foreign finance capitalists from China and the US ever happier with the recent signing of the all-out bank liberalization law.
The state of Philippine national sovereignty is at its lowest in over two decades with Aquino’s acquiescence to every imposition of the US military in exchange for US support and military financing. The high point of Aquino’s all-out puppetry to the US imperialists was the signing of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) which paved the way for the reestablishment of US military bases around the country. Behind his anti-China rhetoric, Aquino continues to accommodate and allow big comprador capitalists from China and the US to dominate the Philippine economy.
Aquino’s peace rhetoric is a big fakery. Military brutality and abuses continue unabated as Aquino has ordered the AFP to step up its Oplan Bayanihan war of suppression in order to protect and advance the interests of foreign mining companies and big agri-corporations. The state’s armed forces continue to commit extrajudicial killings, massacres, abductions, illegal arrests, harassments and physical abuses. They subject people to hamletting by occupying their homes and preventing people from carrying out production and commerce through food and economic blockades.
Through words and deeds, the Aquino regime has worked hard to put an end to peace negotiations with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). It has refused to heed the clamor for a resumption of NDFP-GPH peace negotiations in order to address the outstanding problems at the root of the civil war. After making a big show of signing agreements with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Aquino is reneging on his promises by mangling the draft of the Bangsamoro Basic Law in order to make it conform to the GPH constitution.
To the Filipino people, it has become starkly clear that the Aquino regime is no different from the past regimes. They are ever determined to put an end to Aquino’s rule and advance their national and democratic struggles.
There is a swelling protest movement against the Aquino regime in school campuses, urban poor communities, factories, market places, offices and other places. Majority of the Filipino are dissatisfied with Aquino and are increasingly vocal and active in their demand against his continued rule.
Progressive members of the Philippine congress have filed several impeachment cases against Aquino reflecting the people’s demand for Aquino’s ouster. While majority of the members of congress are pork barrel recipients and beholden to Aquino, they could not ignore how the demand for Aquino’s impeachment is fast gaining ground among the broad masses of workers, peasants, youth, women and middle class sectors. The demand for Aquino’s impeachment can swell into a mass movement involving tens of thousands of people marching in the streets.
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) supports the Filipino people in their effort to intensify their struggles to oust Benigno Aquino III from power and put an end to his regime of bureaucratic corruption, militarism and human rights abuses and foreign military presence and intervention. The CPP supports the call for the establishment of a democratic council comprised of morally righteous leaders and representatives of the democratic sectors.
In the face of the Filipino people’s heightening struggle for the ouster of Aquino, the CPP orders the New People’s Army (NPA) to step up tactical offensives across the country. The NPA must continue to seize and maintain the initiative and launch increasingly frequent tactical offensives. Work to completely defeat the Aquino regime’s Oplan Bayanihan. There should be no letup in launching tactical offensives against Aquino’s armed forces in order to weaken it and provide the democratic mass movement further momentum in ousting the Aquino regime.
The NPA must take advantage of the worsening socio-economic crisis and isolation of the Aquino regime by aggressively recruiting new Red fighters and arming them with weapons seized from the enemy. The Filipino people need the NPA to grow severalfold in order to bring the people’s war to a new and higher level. Their struggle to oust the Aquino regime will serve as a dress rehearsal for the overthrow of the entire semicolonial and semifeudal system.

100e anniversaire de «l’incident» du Komagata Maru: une lutte à finir - PCR-RCP Canada

100e anniversaire de «l’incident» du Komagata Maru: une lutte à finir

26 juillet 2014
Rassemblement de masse pour célébrer le 100e anniversaire de l’«incident» du Komagata Maru
Dimanche 27 juillet à 14h00
au Carré Robson, à Vancouver
Organisé par le Comité pour le célébration du 100e anniversaire du Ghadar Party
Des événements commémoratifs se tiennent un peu partout au pays à l’occasion du 100e anniversaire de ce que l’histoire officielle a qualifié « d’incident du Komagata Maru », du nom du navire sur lequel quelque 376 passagères et passagers venus du Pendjab ont tenté d’entrer au Canada, en dépit des lois racistes qui empêchaient en pratique les ressortissants de ce qui était alors le « Raj britannique » d’immigrer au pays.
Malgré le fait qu’en 1913 seulement, le Canada avait accueilli plus de 400 000 nouveaux arrivants (d’Europe, principalement), ceux qui étaient considérés comme des « Brown people » étaient systématiquement refoulés. Inspirés par le mouvement anticolonialiste et anti-impérialiste grandissant en Inde, des centaines de Pendjabis ont répondu à l’appel de Baba Gurdit Singh et résolu de défier ouvertement les lois racistes en tentant d’entrer au Canada.
Arrivé le 23 mai 1914 dans la baie Burrard près de Vancouver, le navire a immédiatement été intercepté et empêché d’accoster par les autorités de l’immigration. Après des semaines de pourparlers et d’affrontements pendant lesquels le gouvernement n’a pas hésité à déployer la Marine royale, seulement 20 passagers ont été autorisés à entrer au Canada, les autres ayant tous été refoulés en Inde.
Arrivé à Calcutta le 27 septembre, le navire a été arraisonné par la marine britannique, qui a tenté de procéder à l’arrestation d’une vingtaine de passagers considérés comme les « leaders » du mouvement. Dans le brouhaha qui a suivi, 19 personnes ont été assassinées, la plupart des autres ayant été arrêtées et jetées en prison.
« L’incident » du Komagata Maru est survenu dans un contexte de forte mobilisation, en Inde et à l’étranger, contre l’Empire colonial britannique et la misère qu’il imposait à ses millions de « sujets ». Un an plus tôt, des ressortissants pendjabis sur la côte ouest des États-Unis et du Canada avaient fondé un parti, le « Ghadar Party » (« Parti de la rébellion »), dont l’objectif était de lutter pour l’indépendance de l’Inde. Baba Gurdit Singh en était d’ailleurs sympathisant.
Cent ans plus tard, Komagata Maru demeure un puissant symbole, non seulement du racisme au cœur de la construction et du développement de l’État canadien, mais aussi de la résistance anti-impérialiste et des aspirations légitimes des peuples subjugués par les grandes puissances coloniales. Ces phénomènes – oppression et résistance – persistent encore au 21e siècle. Ils s’incarnent notamment dans la poursuite du vol des territoires autochtones par la bourgeoisie canadienne et le resserrement des politiques d’immigration du Canada.
À l’occasion du 100e anniversaire de cet important événement qui fait partie de l’histoire populaire du Canada, il est parfaitement juste et approprié de dénoncer le racisme inhérent de l’État canadien. Mais l’héritage du Komagata Maru est encore plus grand : c’est tout le projet colonialiste et impérialiste de ce qui était alors l’Empire britannique qu’il remettait en cause.
L’héritage du Komagata Maru, il s’incarne aussi dans la résistance en cours en Inde, où les ouvrières et ouvriers exploitées, la paysannerie pauvre et les millions d’Adivasis luttent pour se libérer des anciens et nouveaux oppresseurs. Et encore une fois, l’État canadien se range totalement du côté de ces derniers. Rendre hommage aux héros du Komagata Maru passe donc aussi – sinon d’abord – par notre engagement à lutter pour défaire l’impérialisme canadien et mettre à mort le système dont il fait partie.

For the debate: Interview to Hamas (in Spanish)

En una entrevista exclusiva, realizada por el presentador del programa HARDtalk de la BBC, Stephen Sackur, Meshaal dijo que los palestinos de Gaza quería vivir sin el bloqueo israelí y abrirse al mundo, pero que necesitan apoyo internacional, que no llega porque "el mundo ha sido hipócrita a favor de Israel".
BBC Mundo les presenta parte de la entrevista.
¿Cuánto creen que durará el conflicto?
El sufrimiento y la catástrofe humanitaria es creación de Israel, nosotros somos las víctimas y espero que termine lo antes posible. Esta es una guerra que Netanyahu lanzó contra Gaza sin ninguna justificación. Utilizó el tema de los asentamientos en Cisjordania y tomó venganza en Gaza para satisfacer a la comunidad internacional y a sus oponentes políticos, a través de sangre palestina.
Pero se les ofreció una tregua…No rechazamos ninguna iniciativa que alivie esta agresión y asedio. Lo que se nos ofreció fue un alto al fuego que agravaba la situación de sitio, y la gente en Gaza ya ha tenido suficiente. Ocho años de bloqueo injustificado ha matado más gente que las guerras previas. Lo que estoy diciendo es claro: parar la agresión y parar el bloqueo.
Una cosa es sentarse en Doha a decir que no aceptan el bloqueo, pero en esta situación, ¿no es una tregua lo que necesitan?
Esta postura no fue acordada en Doha, esta es la posición de la gente de Gaza, de Hamas, de la Yihad Islámica, del Frente Popular. Y las masas palestinas en Gaza nos dicen: "No acepten el cese al fuego, sólo si nos levantan el bloqueo".
Los bancos del mundo han puesto presión sobre los bancos palestinos para no enviarle dinero a la gente en Gaza. Y la gente está muriendo. Imagínese que Reino Unido –una gran isla en el Atlántico- sufriera un bloqueo. ¿Qué harían los británicos?… Hace un par de días escuché a un parlamentario británico decir: "Yo hubiese lanzado cohetes contra Israel y contra la agresión".
Civiles, escudos humanos y resistencia
Hamas ha sido acusado de exponer deliberadamente a los civiles.
Los números cuentan una historia diferente. Se pueden usar las cifras de ambas formas. Tenemos más de 700 mártires, la mayoría de ellos civiles. Y esto está confirmado por Israel.
¿Quién debiera hacerse cargo de la responsabilidad? ¿Los invasores o quienes se defienden? Esta es la tercera agresión contra Gaza. Como los sudafricanos, los palestinos queremos vivir sin ocupación, sin asentamientos. Es tiempo de que la comunidad internacional le ponga fin a la última ocupación histórica: la palestina.
También se habla de que utilizan escudos humanos…
Eso es mentira. El único responsable de matar palestinos es Israel, usando sus F16 y armas de EE.UU. y occidente.
Cuando Hamas y cualquier miembro del movimiento de resistencia se defiende contra la ocupación, lo que hace es proteger a su gente.
Estamos haciendo lo que otra gente también está haciendo cuando son sujetos de opresión.
¿Justifica la resistencia instalar misiles en escuelas?
Francamente, eso es mentira. Miren hacia Israel. ¿Dónde están los lanzadores de cohetes en Gaza?
Los lanzadores de cohetes que pertenecen a la resistencia están bajo tierra e Israel no ha sido capaz de alcanzarlos. Por eso fingen que están en áreas civiles, así Israel bombardea hospitales, mezquitas, torres y edificios. Cometieron una masacre en Shujaiya y Tufah. Gaza es una carnicería y el mundo se sienta hacia atrás y culpa a Hamas.
¿Por qué mientras Israel le pedía a la gente dejar sus hogares las autoridades palestinas les pedían continuar con sus vidas?
¿Quieres que las autoridades palestinas obliguen a su gente a dejar su tierra? ¿Es esta la lógica con que ustedes en Reino Unido o en EE.UU actúan? ¿Qué tipo de gobierno le pide a su gente que dejen sus hogares?
¿Qué autoridad tiene Hamas para pedirle a los civiles que desoigan las advertencias?
Los palestinos tienen el derecho a permanecer en su tierra y sus casas. ¿Sabe cómo "advierte" Israel? Manda una señal y tres minutos después manda un F16 a destruir sus casas. ¿Es eso una advertencia? Israel falló en atacar a la resistencia y ahora está atacando a los civiles. Esa es la realidad.
Pero han llamado a la gente a proteger sus casas "con su vida".
Hamas no le da órdenes a la gente de mantenerse en sus hogares. Hamas los anima a mantenerse firmes para mostrar su firmeza. Ustedes no deberían culpar a las víctimas. La culpa debería apuntar a los israelíes que han realizado esta masacre. Mientras Hamas se concentra en los soldados, tenemos 700 muertos (palestinos), la mayoría civiles. Esa es la diferencia radical entre la resistencia palestina y la agresión israelí.
Shimon Peres dijo que ningún estado toleraría terroristas viniendo de túneles para matar inocentes.
La ley internacional debiera aplicarse a Israel. Están ocupando, invadiendo. Están matando. Están dejando gente sin hogar. Por qué en vez de fijarse en los rústicos y débiles cohetes que vienen de Gaza no se fijan en los sofisticados misiles que la están golpeando, y que fueron construidos en todo el mundo.
No hay duda de que Israel es superior en armas, pero tiene derecho de defenderse de los cohetes indiscriminados…
¿Y para los palestinos con territorios ocupados por Israel, la ley internacional no aplica? ¿No tienen derecho a defenderse? Por qué Israel tiene derecho a defenderse, si es el invasor, el opresor. Tiene un ejército gigante.
El mundo ha sido hipócrita a favor de Israel. Promueven y abrazan la democracia. ¿Por qué entonces no respetan la democracia en Palestina, cuando Hamas ganó las elecciones?
La estrategia de Hamas
El conflicto se encuentra en un punto muerto por la determinación de ambas partes. Cohetes son lanzados a Tel Aviv e incluso más lejos. ¿Es esa la estrategia de Hamas?
Nuestra estrategia en Hamas es reestablecer la tierra del invasor y establecer un estado como cualquier otro, independiente, sin ocupación ni invasión. La estrategia de Hamas es defender a su gente. Claro que tenemos una pelea difícil, Israel es más fuerte que nosotros militarmente, pero nosotros tenemos una causa justa. Y la historia ha demostrado que la gente que persigue causas justas sale victoriosa sobre los invasores, sin importar cuánto tiempo demore.
¿Cuál es la estrategia de Hamas?
El objetivo es el derecho de autodeterminación, poner fin a la ocupación israelí, a los asentamientos judíos y a la agresión. Preferimos la opción pacífica, pero estamos obligados a resolverlo por la vía militar.
Hamas ha hablado de una tercera intifada. ¿Ayuda esto a los palestinos?
¿Por qué no le atribuyen la responsabilidad a Netanyahu? Él fue el responsable de que los planes de Kerry fallaran durante la negociación con Abbas. Si los estadounidenses y europeos le hubieran dado una oportunidad, abierto una ventana a los palestinos, esta escalada de violencia no habría pasado. Pero les han cerrado las ventanas -y la esperanza- en la cara a los palestinos.
La gente vive bajo ocupación, pero en 60 años no han tenido la oportunidad de resolver el problema. El mundo está injustamente en nuestra contra. Estamos sufriendo, pero la gente que vive bajo ocupación siempre sufre. Y al final del día, saldremos victoriosos.
Cese al fuego
¿Qué sería necesario para un cese al fuego?
Queremos un cese al fuego lo antes posible. En paralelo a levantar el bloqueo en Gaza. Esa es la demanda del pueblo de Gaza. Yo hago un llamado a la ONU, a Reino Unido, a EE.UU. a ir a Gaza y preguntarle a la gente que es lo que quiere. Les garantizo que esa será la respuesta.
Pero ha habido propuestas. EE.UU. propuso un trato de dos etapas…
Más allá del mecanismo, lo importante es que garantice genuinamente el levantamiento del bloqueo en Gaza. Esas promesas ya las hemos escuchado en el pasado, pero no se hizo nada.
Queremos un aeropuerto, un puerto, estar abiertos al mundo. No queremos ser controlados por una frontera que vuelve Gaza la prisión más grande del mundo.
Usted es el líder político de Hamas. ¿Es posible parar los cohetes, para entonces negociar un cambio en lo económico?
¿Pero por qué insiste en el paso a paso? Arafat trató el paso a paso en Oslo y, ¿cuál fue el resultado, luego de cinco años de negociaciones? Nada. Han pasado más de 20 años. Queremos un comité internacional para parar la agresión y levantar el bloqueo. Queremos un acuerdo de verdad, no paso a paso. Y también queremos que termine la ocupación. Los palestinos tienen el derecho a ser libres en Cisjordania y Gaza. Tenemos el derecho a la autodeterminación y a vivir en nuestra tierra.
El futuro del gobierno de unidad
Hamas está más débil. Perdió varios aliados, Irán no está tan cerca, tienen problemas económicos…
Pero no nos rendiremos. Sí, Hamas está pasando por un momento difícil. Pero ese es el peligro que Netanyahu no calculó bien, creyó que Hamas se debilitaría al estar sitiado. Y se sorprendió cuando vio que la gente en Gaza y Hamas es más fuerte. Las circunstancias difíciles no nos van a obligar a rendirnos. Hamas no pelea porque tiene aliados, pelea por su causa, una causa justa.
Suena casi suicida.
Cuando te mantienes firme en tus derechos, ¿te estás suicidando? Toda la gente que peleó batallas desiguales: los vietnamitas, los sudafricanos, incluso los franceses contra los nazis, salieron victoriosos. Pelearon por los principios de libertad y dignidad. La gente no pelea porque el equilibrio de poder está a su favor, porque el poder siempre está de lado del invasor. Pero la gente (que persigue causas justas) gana.
La "resistencia" de Hamas es llamada terrorismo por Israel. ¿En qué punto queda el acuerdo con Fatah? El gobierno de unidad pareciera haber muerto.
Desde la declaración de reconciliación y de un gobierno de unidad nacional, Israel lanzó una guerra en su contra. Su objetivo es sabotearlo. Tenemos obstáculos, pero Abbas y yo estamos seguros de que será exitoso. Nos vimos en Doha. Estamos unidos por las demandas de nuestra gente y por detener el bloqueo.
¿Por qué algunos acusan a Abbas de colaborar con Israel? Suena como que tiene poca credibilidad.
Tenemos nuestras diferencias, sobre seguridad en Cisjordania y otros temas de sueldos en Gaza, pero podemos resolverlo en miras de la unidad nacional. Israel quiere que fallemos.
¿Cuándo terminará el conflicto?
Inshallah, espero que termine esta noche o mañana. Como palestino, espero que termine lo antes posible.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The NPA paralyzed a boom spray in SUMIFRU’s pineapple plantation on 22 July. On the same day, another NPA unit harassed more than 50 troops under the 104th Division Reconnaissance Company. The guerrillas first employed a command-detonated explosive then engaged a short exchange of fire before they safely withdrew.
Spokesperson, NPA South Central Bukidnon Subregional Command
23 July 2014

NPA launches punitive action against SUMIFRU, hits AFP troops in Bukidnon

In one day, units of the New People’s Army under the South-Central Bukidnon Sub-regional command launched two offensive actions in the towns of Cabanglasan and Quezon, Bukidnon. The NPA first harassed reactionary troops, then launched a punitive action against SUMIFRU (Sumitomo Fruits).
The Red fighters paralyzed a boom spray in SUMIFRU’s pineapple plantation in Barangay Maynaga, Cabanglasan on 22 July 2014, around 11:40 AM. They seized a KG9 machine pistol from the company guards. The 8th Infantry Battalion responded too late after the NPA unit safely withdrew. This is the third NPA punitive action against this company this year.
Meanwhile, around 11:30 AM of the same day, another unit of the NPA harassed a column of more than 50 troops under the 104th Division Reconnaissance Company. The guerrillas first employed a command-detonated explosive then engaged a short exchange of fire before they safely withdrew. The attacked troops are headed by a certain 1st Lt. Gamad and are part of the hot-pursuit operation being launched presently against NPA operatives who successfully launched an attack against an outgrower of Del Monte Pineapple Plantation in Sitio Kiantig, Barangay San Jose, Quezon last week.
Casualties among the fascist troops of 104th DRC after the offensive are yet to be confirmed. Residents of the area are forbidden from going to the place of incident to cover their failure, which serves to belie their oft-repeated rants that the NPA is weakening after three batches of fake surenderees this year.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pamphlet by RPFM Italy on the women's strike on 25 November 2013

The spark is seen in the historic strike of the women who brought the flame to feed and increasingly widening
We saw it in the strike of the women workers, primarily metalworking factories, in the strike of the women workers of the school, the precaious service, etc..; we have seen it in the participation of female students rebel strike
We saw this in the beautiful and meaningful initiatives and events that have given us strength and energy to continue the fight against femicide and rapes and all forms of oppression, double exploitation that every day we suffer "from men who hate women, by governments who hate women, the state that hates women"
Great is the power that has been unleashed on the day of STRIKE OF WOMEN, great anger but great determination to move forward
Because now the flame has been lit and we now look to the fight ever more combative and more targeted with objective: THE REVOLUTION

The English translation of the pamphlet by the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement is available in available.
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