Sunday, September 20, 2015

India - press news about K Muralidharan

ATS adds statements of ‘sympathisers’ to make a strong case against ‘Naxal’ leader
THE Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), which is likely to file a chargesheet against alleged Naxal ideologue K Muralidharan, has included the statements of suspected ‘sympathisers’ who were persuaded by Muralidharan to join the Naxal stir. The counter-terrorism agency is likely to file a chargesheet against Muralidharan in the coming week under certain sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and the Indian Penal Code( IPC).
In May, the ATS arrested top Maoist leader K Muralidharan alias Thomas Joseph alias Skaria alias Gopi alias Raghavan alias Ajith (62) and his aide Ismail Hamaza Chiragpilli alias Pravin alias James Mathew (29) from Talegaon Dabhade area, about 30 kms from Pune. In May 2014, Muralidharan, the national secretary of CPI(ML) Naxalbari, had merged his party with the CPI(Maoist) and was made the central committee member. After becoming a central committee member, Muralidharan was assigned the task to strengthen the outfit’s base in Pune and was therefore camping in Talegaon to scout for new members, the ATS claims.
To assert this claim, the agency has included the statements of over a dozen people from Pune, mainly comprising college students and businessmen. Sources claim that in 2014, these people, who are now witnesses, were approached by Muralidharan to join the outfit. “With the help of the absconding accused, Sanjay Deepak Rao (51), who allegedly provided logistic support, Muralidharan set up his base in Talegaon. He was able to approach a few and was in the process of ‘brainwashing’ them,” a senior official said.
“The witnesses have narrated the accounts in which they were persuaded to join,” added the officer. “A base in Pune was a part of the larger plan to expand their activities in the Western Ghats,” the official added. The police claim that other than the statements, they have recovered alleged ‘Naxal literature’, mostly in Marathi, English and Malayalam, and fake adhaar and PAN cards from the Talegaon safe house. In its chargesheet, the ATS will mention the new hideouts of the outfit, especially those in the central forest.
It will also throw light on the meetings between Muralidharan and alleged top Naxal leader Muppalla Lakshmana Rao alias Ganapathy. “Muralidharan has shared details of the treacherous travel he had to undertake to meet the man on whom there is a bounty of Rs 2.5 crore. Ganapathy, the general secretary of the CPI(Maoist) touted as the topmost Naxal leader in the country,” said an officer. Sources say Muralidharan has told investigators that the process of meeting Ganapathy would commence with a human courier suddenly landing up at his doorstep and passing on the message to get on to a train to a particular state and meet another courier at a certain place.

The human courier and Muralidharan would board a state-run bus and alight in an interior village. Soon, the courier would blindfold him and they would walk straight for two days. After his blindfolds would come off, Muralidharan could only see tall trees on all sides. He would then undertake another two-day journey though the forest to finally reach a ‘safe house’ where Ganapathy would meet him. “Other than the elaborate travels, the only detail he has shared are the names of the states such as Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka where he has travelled to meet him,” said the officer.

India - Maoists leader demands withdrawal of ops in Koraput district

KORAPUT: The Maoists have opposed Operation Bluemoon launched by the Koraput district administration in Narayanpatna and Bandhugaon blocks recently. Maoist leader and secretary of the Srikakulam-Koraput Divisional Committee (SKDC) of the CPI (Maoist) Daya through letters sent to some media persons in Koraput on Saturday has demanded a stop to the operation accusing the administration of trying to construct roads for establishment of BSF camps in Bandhugaon and Narayanpatna blocks to supress the Maoist movement.

“Maoists are fighting for the legitimate rights of people over land, forest and water. And through Operation Bluemoon, the administration is trying to supress it by deploying more forces in the area and is misleading people on false promises,” the Maoist letter stated. Recently, the administration launched the operation for strengthening infrastructure facilities like roads, schools, healthcare centres, drinking water facilities, electricity and to address the grievances of people in villages of the Maoist-hit Narayanpatna and Bandhugaon blocks. tnn

India - Maoists stick posters in Gua against Raghubar govt.for 11th charu mazumdar's anniversary

     People’s War in India Clippings 20/9/2015

Maoists stick posters in Gua against Raghubar govt.
Noamundi, Sept 20: Observing 11th death anniversary of veteran Maoist leader late Charu Mazumdar on Sunday, September 21, Maoists ultras pasted several posters at Gua Football ground, Gua Dav School, Nuian villages and on the premises of Private Mines against Raghubar Das and the police officers who were involved in killing Maoist militants. The Maoists have mentioned in the poster that Raghubar Das is fascist and must be burnt alive . The people of Gua are panick stricken over the incident.

Nepal - national bandh for a new costitution


CPN Maoist declared ‘People’s Constitution’ of Nepal
Today the CPN Maoists declared a People’s Constitution in a rally attended by thousands of people. The ‘People’s Constitution of Nepal’ has 82 clauses. The rally started and ended in Ratna Park; in the central part of Kathmandu. The opening address was by politburo member Anil Sharma “Birahi”. Rally that marched around the city was led by Khadga Bahadur Bishwokarma ‘Prakanda’, standing committee member of CPN Maoist Birahi said in his speech that the mainstream parties have betrayed the agreements that were signed during the people’s war.
Hence it has been deemed mandatory to come out with a people’s constitution. The entire document was read by Santosh Budha Magar; politburo member and former chief of the state of Magarat during the people’s war. After the entire constitution was read; there was a speech by CPN Maoist standing committee member and spokesperson Khadga Bahadur Bishwakarma “Prakanda”. “The constitution that will be declared tomorrow has omitted people’s rights and is discriminatory towards women, indigenous groups, the working class and marginalised people in general. This constitution is more regressive than the interim constitution in place right now. It only aims to serve a certain class of people who serve the three major ruling parties.” said Prakanda.
The program ended with Birahi ”We have already had a government and constitution during the people’s war so its not anything new for us to implement a people’s constitution.” He went on to challenge the Nepali state by ending the program “Tomorrow will be the day that, officially, the 12 point agreement will have been broken by the major parties. This then paves the path for us to restart the people’s war.” CPN Maoists have declared a general strike starting 5am tomorrow morning to defy Nepal government’s constitution declaration day.
Via Ignite South Asia 
A street wears a deserted look in bandh called by CPN Maoist led by Netra Bikram Chand (Biplap) in New Road, Pokhara on Sunday, September 20, 2015.
Protests over new Nepal constitution vindicate India’s position
At the highest levels in the Government of India, Nepal’s new constitution and the manner in which it has been pushed through is being viewed as ‘a major problem’ that could lead to strife and conflict right across the open border, top sources have said. Nepal’s top political leadership may not have listened to foreign secretary S Jaishankar’s advice to take dissenting forces on board before constitution promulgation. But Delhi feels that mass protests across the Tarai as well as the police killing of a protester in the bordering town of Birgunj have vindicated its position that Nepali leaders were playing with fire.

Delhi noted the ‘promulgation of a constitution’, but it refrained from welcoming it on Sunday. The use of the phrase ‘a’ is seen as significant, for India does not see it as the definitive document it is meant to be. India is upset with the Nepali political elite’s false assurances to India and amused at its opportunistic use of the ‘nationalism’ card. It is also clear there is no alternative to a substantial review and amendment of the constitution. And it feels there is no durable solution without taking Madhesi, Tharu and Janjati concerns on board. At the moment, no Tarai party has signed the constitution.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Galiza Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

GALIZA: Nota do Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

Tomado do blog India Vermella.

O Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India quere amosar, públicamente, o seu fondo pesar e indignación polo asasinato, a mans da policía de Warangal, do camarada Vidyasagarreddy Manikanti e da camarada Shruthi, nun falso combate.
As forzas represivas, tiñaos secuetrado dos seus domicilios e despois de tortura-los e violar a camarada Shuthi arroxaron seus corpos no bosque.
Unha vez máis, os verdugos do pobo teñen asasinado a persoas que adicaron suas vidas a loitar por unha nova sociedade sen explotadores nin opresión.
Os terroristas, ao servizo dos terratenientes e da burguesia burocratica, teñen os días contados e moi pronto seran eles os que sexan xusgados e executados polos seus crimens contra o pobo.
O asasinato dos camaradas, mostra as claras que non hai outro camiño para a liberación do pobo, que a Guerra Popular Revolucionaria que encabeza o Partido Comunista da India (maoísta), provada vanguarda das masas oprimidas na India e principal destacamento, hoxe, da Revolución Proletaria Mundial.

Lal Salaam ! 
Viva a Guerra Popular na India! 
Viva o PCI (maoísta)! 
Viva a Revolución Prolétaria Mundial!
Morte aos criminais opresores! 

Galiza, 18.09.15
Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

INDIA: Datos da autopsia desvela que a camarada Shruthi foi violada pola policía antes de asasinarla.

New Delhi, 17.09.15
Fontes da prensa india dan conta dos resultados das autopsias realizadas aos cadaveres dos militantes maoístas asasinados en Warangal, nun falso combate coa policía, o pasado día 15.
En medio dun grande operativo policial foron entregados, no MGM Hospital os corpos do camarada Vidyasagarreddy Manikanti e da camarada Shruthi a seus familiares e amigos, entre os que estaba o coñecido poeta e intelectual revolucionario, Vara Vara Rao, fundador da Asociación de Escritores Revolucionarios, Virasam. 
En medio de esceas de grande dolor e ira coñeceronse detalles das autopsias que revelan que a moza asasinada fora violada previamente polos esbirros da policia de Telengana. 
O coñecido escritor tamén acusó ao ministro principal K Chandrasekhar Rao de ordear o asasinato dos naxalitas.

GALIZA: Condenando energicamente el asesinato de los camaradas Shruthi y Manikanti.

(Versión en castellano)

Al Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta).
Alas organizaciones de masas revolucionarias.
Al pueblo de la India.

Con profundo dolor e indignación de Clase hemos conocido el brutal asesinato de la camarada Shruthi y del camarada Vidyasagarreddy Manikanti a manos de la policía fascista del Estado de Telangana.
Ambos, valientes cuadros del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), fueron secuestrados de sus domicilios, del distrito de Warangal, por agentes policiales al servicio de los terratenientes y explotadores que oprimen al pueblo de Telangana. Fueron torturados y despues asesinados, vistiendo uniforme del EGPL, para simular un enfrentamiento en los bosques Eturunagarm.
Los mismos criminales del camarada Vivek asesinado recientemente en iguales circunstancias. Estamos seguros que sus asesinos no queradan impunes y que mas temprano que tarde pagaran sus crimenes contra al pueblo y sus hijos mas valerosos.
Reciban camaradas, nuestro sentimientos de apoyo y solidaridad en estos tristes momentos.  
Lal Salam !

Galiza, 17 de septiembre del 2015

¡Honor y Gloria para los Heroes del Pueblo!
¡Viva la guerra popular revolucionaria en la India!
¡Viva el glorioso Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)

Comité de Construción do Partido Comunista maoísta da Galiza.


Na manhã do último dia 16 de setembro, metalúrgicos demitidos da empresa Eisa Petro-Um, estaleiro localizado na cidade de Niterói, Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, realizaram uma manifestação na entrada da empresa contra o atraso do pagamento dos salários atrasados e as rescisões contratuais.
No meio do protesto, os trabalhadores se revoltaram contra alguns burocratas pelegos da CUT (central sindical patronal ligada à gerência reacionária PT/FMI) que estavam no local. A mafiosa CUT, como de costume, levou seus "seguranças" bate-paus, mas não intimidou a categoria.
Em entrevista ao canal SBT, o operário Reginaldo Dias afirmou:
— Em nenhum momento o pessoal da CUT se moveu para ajudar os trabalhadores. Então isso aí é tudo um teatro da CUT, que é ligada ao governo!
Revoltado contra as injustiças, um outro operário disse:
— Se dependesse desse sindicato dos metalúrgicos, eu estaria há três anos passando fome.
Após o tumulto, a Polícia Militar reforçou a "segurança" e os trabalhadores, em sua justa revolta, bloquearam o portão. O clima era de intensa indignação, pois ali se encontravam operários que não pediam mais do que exigir seu legítimo direito.
Confira o artigo publicado na nova edição de AND:

Em defesa da saúde e da vida do Presidente Gonzalo - a nova democracia
Abimael Guzmán, o Presidente Gonzalo
Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, o Presidente Gonzalo, chefatura do Partido Comunista do Peru (PCP) e da Revolução Peruana, foi preso juntamente com grande parte do Comitê Central do partido em setembro de 1992. Ele é mantido encarcerado em completo isolamento em uma cela subterrânea na Base Naval de Callao, localizada na capital Lima.
Sob a chefatura do Presidente Gonzalo, em 17 de maio de 1980, foi desencadeada a Guerra Popular que repercutiu em todo o mundo e encheu de alegria os corações e mentes dos revolucionários e oprimidos da terra.
Ainda que os governos de turno que sucederam Fujimori seguissem repetindo mil vezes o seu fim, o PCP segue brigando duramente contra o vento e a maré da contrarrevolução e da ação dos revisionistas traidores e capituladores.

Desde a sua prisão, o Presidente Gonzalo — o pensamento guia da Revolução Peruana, denominado pensamento Gonzalo, aplicação criadora do marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo à realidade concreta do Peru —, é alvo constante de maquinações arquitetadas pela CIA ianque e os serviços de inteligência peruanos para atribuir a ele a autoria de supostas “cartas de paz” e negociações para uma “solução política para os problemas derivados da guerra”. O Estado reacionário serviçal do imperialismo alimenta e dá todas as condições para a articulação, desde as prisões, de elementos capituladores e o desenvolvimento de Linhas Oportunistas de Direita (LODs), revisionistas e capitulacionistas, para atacar a chefatura, o PCP e a Revolução Peruana.
Organizações revolucionárias e democráticas de vários países desenvolvem uma campanha internacional em defesa da saúde e da vida do Presidente Gonzalo, exigindo sua apresentação pública e direta perante a imprensa nacional e internacional, e que que lhe seja permitido pronunciar-se.
Em comunicado publicado em junho de 2015, o Comitê Reorganizador do Movimento Popular Peru chama atenção para a luta daqueles que, no país, trabalham temporária e relativamente isolados, que se unam “sujeitos a chefatura do Presidente Gonzalo, na Base de Unidade Partidária do Partido, para impulsionar a tarefa pendente”: a da “reorganização geral do Partido para solucionar o problema da direção da guerra popular”, para, assim, “dar-lhe um novo grande impulso”.

Marcha desesperada dos migrantes é crime do imperialismo - O mundo precisa da Revolução Proletária


A Liga dos Camponeses Pobres do Norte de Minas e Sul da Bahia convida para o seu 8º Congresso, a ser realizado nos dias 10 e 11 de Outubro na cidade de Januária.
Com a consigna “CONTRA A CRISE, TOMAR TODAS AS TERRAS DO LATIFÚNDIO!”, estarão reunidos os delegados eleitos nas áreas e os convidados.

Maroc : Alaa Derbali acquité, quatre prisonniers en grève de la faim

L’étudiant maoïste marocain Alaa Derbali est passé en jugement comme prévu le 15 septembre. Il est sorti libre du tribunal - toutes les charges qui pesaient contre lui ayant été démontées par la défense. Quatre autres étudiants maoïstes incarcérés sont toujours en grève de la faim à Agadir. La grève a commencé il y a plus d’un mois.
Collage d'affiches en faveur d'Alaa Derbali Collage d’affiches en faveur d’Alaa Derbali 


The parlamentary elections on 7th July 2015 became HDP ‘s victory and AKP ‘s defeat and the state president T. Erdoğan. HDP said, ‘we won’t allow you to become president’, the election’s results turned their announcement into reality. Besides their longing for 400 PM they prevented an AKP majority strong enough to form a government on its own. T. Erdoğan trying to lead country and government with the attitude of an Ottoman sultan still has not overcome his failure in the elections. He planned Neuwahlen and therefore violated constitution and laws. Coalition bargaining only served him as a means of distraction and he wasted time with it. Thus, he organized early elections on base of the constitution passed by the military-fascist junta of 1980. He decided to organize elections under the conditions of dirty war. T. Erdoğan admitted publicly he ordered the Turkish armed forces, to keep the 1st November away from becoming another 7th July.
This means a policy to get the desired result is applicated through conter-revolutionary force and state terrorism in Kurdistan. Today massacres are comitted in Kurdish cities and municipalities as a part of the fascist terrorism. Thousands of HDP members and Kurdish patriots are kept prisoners. Snipers murder children. The police special forces and soldiers commit all sorts of cruelties, burn down forests and cities are leveled to the ground. Guerillas are tortured before being killed, murdered female guerillas are presented naked in the streets. T. Erdoğan tries to make the population spy on each other; this policy is fairly known from the Ottoman Era. The natural, traditional and ethical structures of society are being destroyed by denunciation and corruption. He tries frighten society and exercise his power through village chairpeople, craftsmen, small shopkeeper, muftis and taxi drivers. With fear and threatening the Kurdish people is forced to migrate.
Tens of thousands Kurdish people will flee the massacres. The rulers try to force hundred thousand Kurds to stay away from voting this time. Therefore, this time their will be no election surveillance at all and all kinds of manipulation and fraud will be observed in the elections. Erdoğan and the AKP government together with the fascist generals he released from prison a concept of attack against the Kurdish people at the MGK meeting (National Security Council) in October 2014. Hence, after the 7th July elections the dirty war began. In Turkey, Kurdistan and Rojava this war has become a war of willpower between revolution and conter-revolution. The common goal of US, Barzani, KDP and AKP in this war is PKK and Kurdish liberation movement’s defeat or its acceptance of the Barzani line and liquidation of the Rojava revolution.
This means that HDP, which has become the common face of revolutionary struggle in Turkey, is being pushed back and the revolutionary dynamics are limited and eventualle liquidated. According to all polls and political observers the elections of 1st November will not bring any fundamental change. Contradicting with Erdoğan and AKP’s hopes the voter turnout is even rising. It’s obivous that in this case T. Erdoğan and the AKP war government in this case will try to get its results through state force and bans.
If they turn out not to be successful they might try to postpone the elections once again. Because of the government’s policy the elections process will be marked by chaotic developments, trys of attacks and massacres and political tension. There are no security measures for the elections in Kurdistan, one could take seriously. It wouldn’t be a suprise if HDP decided to stay away from the polls this time because of manipulation and oppression. T. Erdoğan and the AKP 

Down Syriza government! Boycott polls in Greece! - MAOISTROAD

KKml position

maoistroad is agreed with denounce,but not for solution-

Peoples’s Front against the Imperialist Instigators of War People do not need protectors

TThe Communist Party of Greece (marxist – leninist) condemns the government and the parties that follow the dogma “we belong to the West” (SYRIZA, New Democracy, PASOK, POTAMI) because they strengthen the bonds of imperialist domination, entangle our country into the imperialist conflicts and put our people in danger.
The CPG (m-l) calls to the people and the youth to build a mass anti-imperialist front of struggle as the dangers are growing and they must not be unprepared and just choose under which imperialist flag will bow. The responsibilities of organizations and parties that refer to the Left are especially heavy because they had time and again refused to acknowledge the dangers of imperialist yoke. The CPG (m-l) facing the elections of 20 September, supports the Electoral Coalition of CPG (m-l) and M-L CPG, and calls to all militants, workers and the youth to fight against the US, the EU and NATO for a peaceful, democratic, independent, and socialist Greece.

India - Never and None can stop people's war guided by PCI (Maoist)!

Intensify agitation against Mamata’s fascist governance!
Revive mass movement for unconditional release of leader of Lalgarh Chatradhar Mahato and others!

In expanding and strengthening their organization in West Bengal to revive Lalgarh-type movement, few years back under CPI(M) rule in West Bengal.
Some of the banners recovered from the spot read in Bengali language ‘Maa Mati Manusher slogan-er adaley Mamatar fasiwadi susasan er virodhey tibra pratiwad andolan gode tulun,’ (CPI-Maoists) (Intensify agitation against Mamata’s fascist governance), while another in hindi read ‘Lalgarh andolan ke neta Chatradhar Mahato samet sabhi netaon ko bina shart riha karney hetu andolan nirmal karo’ (Revive mass movement for unconditional release of leader of Lalgarh Chatradhar Mahato and others).

Maoists call Malkangiri bandh on Sept 25

KORAPUT: CPI (Maoist) has called a bandh in Malkangiri on September 25 in protest against the recent surrender of villagers in the district to police. Over 500 people in four villages surrendered to police in less than three weeks. In a letter to mediapersons on Tuesday, secretary of the Maoists’ Malkangiri division committee Poonam Chandra urged the locals to cooperate with them on the bandh. “Police are misleading villagers by using priests, traditional healers and quacks against us. The surrender of villagers is staged and managed by security personnel to weaken the Maoist movement,” the letter said.

It added: “Several Maoists who surrendered are yet to get the compensation promised by the state government. Police are misleading gullible villagers with false promises. The Maoist organization is working for the legitimate rights of the poor and tribals and it will continue doing so.”

India - war against people and against maoist! rape, torture!



“Comrade Shruthi who was killed in alleged encounter on 16th September was captured alive & tortured brutally. Her elbow was twisted 180 degrees and torn apart by binette, police poured acid on her stomach, she was raped by the police and finally killed her in point blank range.“-Statement circulated by democratic activists on social media
Tension at MGM Hospital
Amid heavy police bandobust, post mortem was conducted on the slain naxals at the MGM Hospital here on Wednesday. Tension prevailed for some time as the police did not allow the parents of the deceased naxals to have a glimpse. They, along with other relatives and activists of different organisations staged a demonstration at the hospital mortuary. Following court intervention, parents were allowed to see the bodies before the post mortem was conducted. Police cordoned off the area around mortuary.
Despite prohibitory orders, large number of people gathered at the mortuary. Civil Liberties’ activists, members of Revolutionary Poets Association, Naxal martyrs’ relatives association and others arrived at the hospital raising slogans and dubbing the encounter ‘fake’. Two naxals Sruthi alias Mahitha and Vidyasagar Reddy alias Sagar were killed in the exchange of fire with the police on Tuesday at Rangapur forest area in Govindaraopet mandal. The bodies were shifted to MGM Hospital late in the night.
After post mortem, they were handed over to the relatives. Those who gathered at the mortuary took out a procession for a while near the hospital. Revolutionary poet Varavara Rao, Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi (MRPS) leader Manda Krishna Madiga and others visited the hospital.
Politicos, Activists Dispute Maoist Encounter Theory
WARANGAL: A day after the police gunned down two Maoists in the forests of Tadwai mandal in the district, the civil society and political parties have lambasted the government alleging that the encounters were fake and the killings state-sponsored murder. Virasam leader P Varavara Rao, who visited the MGM hospital, alleged that T Shruthi, the woman Maoist, was sexually abused before killing. The parents of the two victims too alleged that their children were detained by the police and later bumped off.
Expressing doubts over the authenticity of the police story, TTDP leader E Dayakar Rao demanded a probe by a sitting judge. Congress Jagitial MLA T Jeevan Reddy too termed the encounter as ‘fake’ and held the government responsible for the trend of youngsters joining the Maoist outfit. Director General of Police Anurag Sharma, meanwhile, contended that the police personnel were combing the forest area, when they spotted the Maoists. “Our men came face to face with the Maoists and the latter opened fire on the police. In the retaliatory fire, the two were killed while some others fled the spot,” he claimed. Police across the districts bordering Chhattisgarh have intensified combing operations and are maintaining vigil at the check posts.
Vara Vara Rao alleges rape of slain Maoist, seeks probe
WARANGAL: Noisy scenes were witnessed at the MGM Hospital here on Wednesday where doctors performed post-mortem on the bodies of two Maoists killed in an encounter with the police in the district on Tuesday. Protesters including families of the two slain Maoists, led by revolutionary writer and Virasam founder Vara Vara Rao, gathered at the hospital and accused the Telangana government of killing Shruti alias Maisakka and Vidyasagar Reddy alias Gopanna in cold blood in the forests of Eturunagarm. Vara Vara Rao levelled a serious allegation that prior to killing Shruti, the police personnel raped her.
He further alleged that the police poured acid on different parts of Shruti’s body in a bid to destroy the evidence of their ‘misdeeds’. Calling the encounter as fake and the version of the incident provided by the police as a ‘cock-and-bull’ story, Vara Vara rao demanded a thorough enquiry into the encounter. The well-known writer also accused chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao of conspiring to eliminate Naxalites by any means. He also said it was as a direct result of the government’s failure to provide employment to the youth in the state.
In a testimony to growing desperation among jobless youth as many as 36 highly educated young men and women went underground to join the Maoist movement just in the last two months, he said. Members of the Amaraveerula Bandhumitrula Committee, meanwhile, staged a dharna outside the hospital demanding that the authorities allow the parents into the mortuary to witness the post-mortem.
Anticipating trouble, a large number of personnel from Mattewada, Intezargunj, Hanamkonda police stations and senior police officers were present at the hospital. The bodies were handed over to the families after a three-member team of forensic doctors completed the post-mortem which was also videographed. The reports and the video were submitted to the court. Meanwhile, the Telangana units of Congress and TDP in Hyderabad alleged that the state government killed the two Maoists in a fake encounter and demanded a judicial probe into the incident.


¡Proletarios de todos los países, unìos!



El primero de septiembre se estacionó por 6 días en el puerto del Callao el portaviones de los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.)George Washington, que cuenta con 90 aviones y una tripulación de 3,200 hombres y sofisticado armamento de defensa y de ataque concretando la utilización del Puerto del Callao como base de operaciones navales de la IV Flota de la Marina de los Estados Unidos (reactivada después de 58 años, en julio de 2008)* , que está bajo el Comando Sur de las Fuerzas Armadas del imperialismo yanqui.

Con este acto, el puerto peruano del Callao pasa a ser base de operaciones navales y por tanto del posicionamiento estratégico militar del imperialiasmo yanqui en América Latina para su guerra de agresión contra nuestros pueblos. Con ello, el imperialismo está en condiciones de llevar a cabo bastas operaciones miltares en el territorio del propio Perú y de los demás países sudamericanos, como las que hemos visto en el Medio Oriente y el Norte de Àfrica.

India Police tortured and killed Maoists: Varavara Rao


Dubbing the encounter as `fake’, revolutionary poet Varavara Rao alleged that police tortured brutally and killed both the Maoist party naxals – Sruthi and Vidyasagar Reddy. He broke down and wailed inconsolably holding sisters of slain Maoist Sruthi alias Mahitha at the MGM Hospital mortuary. Demanding the State Government own up the responsibility, he said that youth were being attracted to the revolutionary movement as the KCR’s Government failed to keep up its promises leave alone implementing the much-talked Maoist party agenda. “None asked him to implement Maoist party agenda. He himself claimed it. We all want the Government to function as per Constitution – giving people a chance to speak, express and differ,” he said. According to intelligence reports, a total of 36 persons joined the Maoist party since the separate Telangana was formed. Scores of youth were disillusioned with the promises and functioning of the TRS Government. Mr. KCR promised a Telangana free from encounters. “KCR promised a heaven and nothing short of it. What is happening in Telangana is visible to all. In Warangal district alone, nearly 1,500 acres of land is being illegally mined by contractors.
The tribals were questioning the government and young men driven by ideals are standing by these innocent tribals. Hence they are being killed in fake encounters,” Mr. Varavara Rao said. The people of Telangana did not ask for gold or anything from Mr. KCR. All they want is peace, water for irrigation, land for cultivation and nothing else. Those labouring hard are denied their rights and fruits of labour. Those sitting in Parliament and Assembly supporting the contractors are making lots of money depriving the poor of their land. “What happened to the promise of three acres of land to the SCs. Who is questioning the Government on this promise,” he said urging the people and the media to stand up and question the Government.

Fake encounter, allege parents
The parents of Sruthi, Sudarshanam and Rama Devi, alleged that their daughter was killed in a fake encounter. They told the media that their daughter was arrested, tortured and killed in a cruel manner by the police. “She joined the Maoists to achieve people’s Telangana and to fight for the poor Adivasis. Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Ministers and the police should own responsibility for her death,” Sudarshanam said. Meanwhile, the parents of Vidyasagar Reddy alias Sagar remained silent over the death of their son. Sagar, who completed tenth class, used to work as a car driver and worked with a private seeds company before joining the Maoist party just one month back, the parents said.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



When the prison act was first enacted by the British in the Indian subcontinent, never for the coloniser was it an act or necessity to ‘reform’ the prisoner in the colony. The principle concern for the coloniser who put up the prison system in the Indian subcontinent was to use it as a tool to administer/discipline the colonised. When we see a 90 percent disabled political prisoner like Dr. GN Saibaba being kept in sub-human conditions in solitary confinement in anda barracks—allegedly constructed to keep Sikh nationalists—or a cultural activist like Hem Mishra being brutally beaten up for citing the rules that prohibit handcuffing of the under-trial prisoner while taken outside the jail for production in the court of for medical treatment or when we witness scores of political prisoners in Presidency Jail West Bengal on hunger strike for not allowing visitors or their relatives to meet them we are certain that the post-1947 prison administration in the Indian subcontinent has changed little in letter and spirit from the days of the British colonial Raj.
The inhuman, unhygienic, crowded prison conditions with corrupt officers prevalent in post-47 Indian subcontinent is an inheritance from the colonial days where the art of confinement, torture, mistreatment everything has been perfected as part of a strategy to criminalise communities, dissidents from among the colonised who became a hindrance for the state building in the colonial days. No other way can one comprehend the steel re-inforced concrete room without any windows (a jail within several jails) in which Mr. Zahibuddin Ansari—allegedly involved in the 26/11 blasts—is incarcerated with a high voltage lamp on 24 x 7 in the room. All this as claimed by the Mumbai police is for the safety of Mr. Zahibuddin Ansari and not at all torture or inhuman treatment of any kind!
As we observe September 13 as the day of the political prisoner the increasing instances of re-arrests of political prisoners incarcerated for their alleged Maoist links who have been acquitted of all cases or have been given bail from just outside the prison gates when they are released is becoming a standard practice of the police and the intelligence agencies for whom impunity has become the law itself.
The art of perfecting the rule of the colonised with a colonial administrative apparatus that comprised mostly of the brown sahibs further made the inheritance of the colonial prison manual as well as the sizeable chunk of the IPC with all the draconian sections in it easier in the post-47 Indian subcontinent. The penal state that India is fast becoming today teethed with the worst kinds of draconian laws has its origins in the early colonial state apparatus.
It was against the fundamental tenets of that prison system—a place to mistreat, torture, humiliate, to criminalise dissent, a place where you are left to die slowly due to the extremely unhygienic conditions—Jatin Das and his comrades went on a historic hunger strike in the Lahore prison. We might recall that Jatin Das and other revolutionaries were lodged in the Lahore Jail to be tried for the Lahore Conspiracy Case. The hunger strike was initiated against the pathetic conditions of the local prisoners in contrast to the strikingly better treatment meted out to the British prisoners. To have food from the prison kitchen infested with rats and cockroaches was a health hazard. To wear the clothes that were unwashed for days together was yet another hazard for the political prisoner from the Indian subcontinent. Moreover none of the prisoners from the Indian subcontinent had access to notebooks, pens, or periodicals/newspapers/books. This hunger strike which was historic for the number of days it went as well as the futile efforts of the British to break the will of the hunger strikers—they beat the prisoners to give up the hunger strike, tried to force feed them, many times refused even to give them water—had captured the imagination of the masses of the people as news started spreading about the revolutionaries who were steadfast on their demands. The most important demand among others was the right to be recognised as a political prisoner. It was the historic fasts-unto-death (1916-1920) by the Irish revolutionaries that shook the conscience of the world thus inspiring many to resort to hunger strike inside prison as a means to send a political message or as a last resort to fight for the rights inside the prison.
In the same tradition Bhagat Singh and his revolutionary comrades were on hunger for the right to be recognised as political prisoners. Jatin Das who by then had acquainted with Bhagat Singh and his comrades joined the hunger strike on the 15 June 1929. When he joined the hunger strike itself jatin Das was certain that the British colonisers would seldom listen to the demands of the political prisoners and that it would be a fast unto death. Despite persuasions from his fellow comrades Jatin Das refused to lift his hunger strike. On 13 September 1929 Jatin Das breathed his last as his body failed to keep up with his indomitable spirit.
As this is being written there are hunger strikes going on for days in the prisons of Tihar in Delhi, Presidency Jail in Kolkata, Mumbai as is being reported in the press and by civil rights activists.
1. In Tihar Jail, Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone, an accused in case National Investigation Agency v. Syed Salahuddin & Ors. (RC-11/2011/NIA-DLI) is on an indefinite hunger strike demanding that his case be shifted to Srinagar as there is no justification for a case to be tried in Delhi when out of the 285 witnesses cited by the prosecution in this case, 203 are the residents of Jammu & Kashmir state and it is likely, if not certain, that bringing more than 200 witnesses from Jammu & Kashmir to Delhi will inordinately prolong and hopelessly delay the trial. When it takes most of the under trial Kashmiri Muslim political prisoners lodged in several prisons in the Indian subcontinent years to finish their trial—in most cases acquitted after long periods of detention as under trials with some having served more than 14 years for the judiciary to declare them innocent—the indefinite hunger strike of Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone gains credence as his apprehensions of the criminal delay in trial let alone justice is based on concrete experiences of fellow Kashmiri Muslims.
2. About 30 political prisoners lodged in the Presidency Jail have been on hunger strike for the more than 10 days in protest against the violation of their rights by jail authorities. For about two weeks the political prisoners were confined to their cells and not allowed to mingle with others. Further they were not even allowed to make routine calls to their relatives or well wishers.
3. Mr. Zahibuddin Ansari has been on indefinite hunger strike for than 35 days demand an end to isolation in the most inhuman conditions that can be.
Some of the instances cited above form only the tip of the iceberg of a situation prevalent in the Indian subcontinent today, especially the conditions prevalent in the prisons. The circumstances that exist today are perfect for the criminalisation of all forms of political dissent once again reminding us of the heroic sacrifice of Jatin Das who till his last breadth fought undauntedly for the right to be recognised as a political prisoner.
As the legacy of Jatin Das lives on, today inside the prisons political prisoners are fighting for the general improvement of the prison conditions while raising their demand to be recognised as a political prisoner. It is important to note that the political prisoners have been incarcerated for their political beliefs and activity among the masses to build a new world free from all forms of oppression, exploitation, mistreatment and discrimination. A world free from all forms of violence, domination and killing. For whatever rights Jatin Das and his comrades fought for inside the prison, today after 66 years of so-called independence, hundreds of thousands of political prisoners are continuing the fight—for the right to be recognised as a political prisoner; against discrimination; humiliation; torture; confinement; for hygienic food and cleaner surroundings.
The growing divide between the rich and the poor, the increasing miseries of the masses of the people in the form of rising unemployment, waning purchasing power, diminishing income, lack of social security, of displacement from their livelihoods, from forest dwellings, of land grab, all have resulted in rising indignation among the people. Hundreds of thousands of people who have resolutely stood against the pro-imperialist, pro-rich policies of the Indian state have been met with the worst kind of state repression and incarceration. Prisons are breeding diseases due to the worst kind of hygiene. Deaths in prisons are on the rise. High rates of deaths of prisoners have even been recorded from Tihar Jail which the government touts as the ‘State-of-the-Art’ Prison in Asia. Torture and custodial deaths are going unreported or left unnoticed by the courts. Political prisoners who are struggling inside the prisons for the rights of the prisoners in general and the right to be recognised as a political prisoner are met with the worst kinds of mistreatment so as to dissuade them from their struggle. Adivasis, Muslims, people belonging to oppressed nationalities, dalits, workers, and whomsoever fighting for a better world branded as terrorists/Naxalites/Maoists abound the prisons of the subcontinent. Highlighting the jail conditions, mistreatment and discrimination as well as the general plight of the masses of the people in the Indian subcontinent, political prisoners in various prisons have been observing 13 September as the Political Prisoners’ Day.
As the world economy is moving from one spiral of crisis to another with hardly any signs of real recovery the Indian economy which is ever more integrated with the industrialized West is reeling under the tremors of the faultering imperialist economies. This has further ridden the ruling classes of India into deeper turmoil unable to bail them out of wrath of the masses of the people who are forced to bear the brunt of the deepening crisis. As people pour out to the streets protesting against the failure of successive governments to take care of their well being more and more of the masses are framed under the worst draconian laws and put behind bars. Further those who are arrested and kept behind bars are condemned to stay there forever as various intelligence agencies of different states and the notorious NIA indulge in framing huge number of cases on the political prisoners. At a time when a lawless police/paramilitary/intelligence agencies, armed with the worst kind of draconian laws—such as the UAPA, AFSPA, PSA, NSA, and a surfeit of state-wise special security acts—designed to exercise impunity it becomes significant and decisive on the side of the progressive and democratic sections of the society to come forward and raise their voice against the increasing atrocities on the people. It becomes significant for the people of the subcontinent to demand to do away with all draconian laws meant to suppress the people. It becomes decisive and significant for all of us to demand the unconditional release of all political prisoners. 13 September in this sense is a milestone that gives us the necessary direction in this regard to tread a path to reclaim our fundamental rights, to deepen democracy. Demanding for the unconditional release of all political prisoners thus becomes one with our struggles to demand a better world for all of us where the real values of democracy can sprout and flourish.
In Solidarity,
SAR Geelani
Amit Bhattacharyya
Secretary General
Rona Wilson
Secretary, Public Relations

Antifa in Hambourg - Germany

Deutschland | Hamburg | Erfolgreiche antifaschistische Proteste

Nach dem Verbot der Demonstration von Faschisten und rechten Hooligans durch die Polizei, das vom Bundesverfassungsgericht in letzter Instanz bestätigt worden ist, reisten zum 12. September dennoch tausende Antifaschisten nach Hamburg. Zuvor hatten die Faschisten einen „Plan B“ im Falle eines Verbotes angekündigt. Als Grund für das Verbot gab die Polizei an, nicht für die Sicherheit gewährleisten zu können.

In Hamburg demonstrierten ab 10 Uhr über 14.000 Menschen gegen Faschismus, zusätzlich gab es auch noch eine legalistische Veranstaltung auf dem Rathausmarkt, organisiert von bürgerlichen Parteien, auf der auch der Hamburger Bürgermeister Olaf Scholz sprach, hier nahmen etwa 7000 Menschen teil. An ersterer Demonstration nahmen auch türkische und deutsche revolutionäre Organisationen teil. Auf dem Jungfernstieg begaben sich eine große Gruppe Antifaschisten  zurück zum Hauptbahnhof, da von dort aus die Ankunft von Faschisten gemeldet wurde. Sofort begannen die Bullen hier anzugreifen und versuchten die Antifaschisten daran zu hindern zum Hauptbahnhof zu gelangen, dazu setzten sie ohne Warnung Pfefferspray und Wasserwerfer ein. Trotz allem gelang es einer großen Anzahl Antifaschisten zum Hauptbahnhof zu gelangen. Hier wurde ein Zug, in dem sich einige Faschos befanden mit Steinen aus dem Gleisbett beworfen. Die Bullen begannen darauf hin den gesamten Hauptbahnhof zu sperren und Antifaschisten einzukesseln und immer wieder anzugreifen.
Über den Tag verteilt sollen in der gesamten Stadt immer wieder kleine Gruppen von Faschisten  von Antifaschisten vertrieben worden sein. Am Nachmittag gab es eine Spontandemo von der Flora aus in Richtung Reeperbahn, dabei kam es auch zu Auseinandersetzungen  mit der Polizei, die prügelte, Pfefferspray und Wasserwerfer einsetzte. Am Abend wurde ein Einwohner von einer Gruppe Bullen überrannt, zu Boden gestoßen und in Folge des Aufpralls bewusstlos. Anschließend griffen die Bullen die Action Medics an, die versuchten den Verletzten zu behandeln. Die Lüge der Bullen, der Mann hätte einen Zuckerschock erlitten ist inzwischen auch durch ein Video widerlegt, das inzwischen auch von bürgerlichen Medien aufgegriffen wurde. Der Verletzte wurde inzwischen aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen. Allgemein griffen die Bullen sehr brutal durch, so sollen an dem Tag auch Journalisten durch Polizisten verletzt worden sein. Die Zahl von einem schwer Verletzten, die die Polizei angibt wird stark untertrieben sein.
Am gleich Tag fand im Stadtteil St. Pauli auch das Brigitten- und Wohlwillstraßenfest unter dem Motto „International kämpfen – International feiern“ statt, das auch dazu aufrief die antifaschistischen Proteste zu unterstützen. Das Fest stand auch gegen die geplante Olympiabewerbung Hamburgs und für ein Bleiberecht aller Flüchtlinge. Verschiedene Organisationen machten Infostände und von der Bühne für das internationale Musikprogramm wurden unter anderem von der „Systemoppositionellen Atomkraft Nein Danke-Gruppe“ (SAND) und dem „Kollektiv Rotes Hamburg“ (KRH) Reden gehalten. Die Rede des KRH richtete sich gegen die vom deutschen Staat geförderte Mobilisierung faschistischer Kräfte und die gewollte Spaltung der Massen im Bezug auf die sogenannte „Flüchtlingskrise“.
Im Verlauf des 12. September wurde auch eine Ersatzveranstaltung für die Faschisten in Bremen bekannt gegeben. Auch hier gab es Gegenaktivitäten. Um ein Anreisen von Antifaschisten aus Hamburg zu unterbinden stoppte die Polizei den Zugverkehr nach Bremen. Antifaschisten in Bremen wurden teilweise von der Polizei eingekesselt. Insgesamt sollen etwa 100 Faschisten in Bremen gewesen sein.
Am 13. September wurde in Hamburg eine Demonstration türkischer Faschisten vom Veranstalter selbst aufgelöst. Zuvor hatten sich etwa 300 Gegendemonstranten versammelt und es gab Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei. Die Situation war dadurch angeheizt, dass am am vorherigen Tag in Hannover ein Jugendlicher von türkischen Faschisten im Zusammenhang mit einer Demonstration mit einem Messer am Hals verletzt worden war. Auch in der Schweiz gab es in Bern einen Zwischenfall, bei dem ein türkischer Faschist mit einem Auto durch eine Gruppe Gegendemonstranten fuhr und dabei drei verletzte, einen von ihnen schwer.
In Frankfurt hatte es bereits am 10. September Auseinandersetzungen zwischen türkischen Faschisten und Gegendemonstranten gegeben, bei denen die Faschisten oftmals unterlegen waren.

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ESTADO ESPAÑOL: Un acusado de crímenes contra la humanidad, nuevo embajador de Bangladesh en España


Por Héctor Bermejo / kaosenlared.
El 18 de agosto, el ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores español aceptó la propuesta, hecha por el gobierno de Bangladesh cuatro meses antes, de Hassan Mahmud Khandaker como nuevo embajador de Bangladesh en España. La decisión se tomó sin haber tenido en cuenta una carta que la comunidad de bangladesíes había remitida el 2 de julio al ministro García Margallo, solicitando que rechazase a este hombre como embajador.
Según informes y denuncias de diversas organizaciones de defensa de los derechos humanos, de dentro y fuera de Bangladesh, como Odhikar o Ain O Salish Kendra o Human Right Watch, Hassan Mahmud Khadaker es responsable de graves crímenes contra la humanidad, como ejecuciones extrajudiciales, desapariciones forzadas y torturas, cometidos cuando fue el Director General del temible Batallón de Acción Rápida de la policía, RAB, y después, cuando fue ascendido a Inspector General de la Policía, cargo que ocupó hasta diciembre de 2014. Bajo su mando, según las organizaciones, aumentaron los asesinatos y las desapariciones de miembros de la oposición, activistas, periodistas, incluso de ciudadanos inocentes que nada tenían que ver con ningún movimiento crítico o de denuncia.
Actualmente el TPI ha recibido tres demandas contra la cúpula del régimen bangladeshí, entre ellos el nuevo embajador en España. Dos de ellas, el Caso Nº OTP-CR-23/12 y el Caso Nº OTP-CR-36/14, interpuestas por el grupo Británico-Bangladeshí en enero de 2012 y enero de 2014, y la tercera, presentada por la organización estadounidense de derechos humanos, Human Right & Development in Bangladesh, en octubre de 2013.
El señor Khandaker es una de las pocas personalidades del regimen ilegítimo de Bangladesh acusadas ante el Tribunal Penal Internacional, TPI, de crímenes contra la humanidad. En una lista de 16 acusados, encabezada por la Primera Ministra, Sheikh Hasina Wazed, el señor Hassan Mahmud Khadaker ocupa el sexto lugar. En la introducción de dicha demanda, se dice del acusado número seis, “Este individuo ha demostrado aptitudes extraordinarias y experiencia para llevar a cabo ejecuciones extrajudiciales mientras fue Director General del RAB. Por sus actos desalmados, el gobierno de la liga AWAMI le recompensó ascendiéndolo a Inspector General de la policía. En varias entrevistas con los medios, ha expresado su arrogancia para reprimir a los miembros y activistas de los partidos de oposición”.
El actual gobierno de Bangladesh, la liga AWAMI, liderado por la Primera Ministra Sheikh Hasina Wazed, llegó al poder gracias a unas elecciones fraudulentas en 2008, que repitió en enero de 2014, entre grandes protestas populares y una brutal represión, que causó cientos de muertos. Según misiones de observación electoral independientes, de las elecciones celebradas el 5 de enero de 2014 se puede concluir que para 153 de los 300 escaños del parlamento solo se podía votar a un candidato de la liga AWAMI, y para otros escaños, la opción era entre dos candidatos de la misma. La participación fue inferior al 10%.
El régimen fascista de Hasina se mantiene en el poder contra la voluntad del pueblo, ejerciendo una brutal represión contra los miembros de la oposición, el Partido Nacionalista de Bangladesh, BNP, una coalición de 20 partidos, y contra cualquier persona crítica con el régimen.
Los bangladesíes residentes en España han convocado una movilización el día 15 de septiembre frente al ministerio de Exteriores y Cooperación en Madrid, para protestar por dicho nombramiento y para exigir al ministerio una explicación, una respuesta a la carta remitida en julio advirtiendo del pasado criminal de Hassan Mahmud Khadaker. Tras la protesta entregarán en el MAEC un informe que recoge de forma rigurosa cientos de asesinatos, desapariciones, ejecuciones extrajudiciales y torturas, cometidos por las fueras de seguridad del país. En dicho informe se dice del nuevo embajador:
Hassan Mahmud Khandaker fue Director General del Batallón de Acción Rápida (RAB) durante los primeros días de gobierno de la Liga AWAMI, donde tuvo un papel decisivo en una serie de desapariciones forzadas llevadas a cabo por su personal. s tarde, fue recompensado siendo nombrado jefe de la policía en agosto de 2010. Con su llegada como nuevo Inspector General de la Policía, los crímenes llevados a cabo por la policía se intensificaron. El número de desapariciones forzadas, asesinatos extrajudiciales y muertes bajo custodia se incrementaron rápidamente. El número total de personas muertas bajo la dirección de Hassan Mahmud Khandaker superó la media de víctimas del RAB, desde 2004. Concretamente, el RAB mató a 74 personas en el año 2011 según Odhikar.
Se ha podido saber que Hassan M. Khadaker viajará a España los días 18 y 19 de septiembre para realizar algunas gestiones antes de tomar posesión del cargo e instalarse con su familia en Madrid.
El abogado británico-bangladesí ASM Sayen, al frente de las demandas presentadas en el TPI de La Haya desde que falleció el abogado principal, Barrister AM Azhar, (famoso por haber defendido a Salman Rusdie), espera que el TPI abra sus investigaciones en breve, una vez estudiados los casos presentados.
Si esas investigaciones se abren y el TPI ordena el arresto de los acusados, España podría verse en la obligación de detener al embajador de Bangladesh en su territorio. Ya que es firmante del Tratado de Roma.
A la manifestación del martes, día 15, acudirán bangladesíes exiliados en todos los rincones de
Europa: Reino Unido, Portugal, Dinamarca, Francia, Italia, Irlanda… también de otras ciudades y regiones de España como Barcelona, Asturias, Málaga…. Los bangladesíes están indignados y quieren una respuesta del ministro José Manuel García-Margallo. Llevan años denunciando el régimen de terror que impera en su país y advierten en sus demandas que “Si Sheikh Hasina y los demás acusados no son detenidos inmediatamente por la intervención del TPI, el mundo tendrá que padecer más sangre y lágrimas en Bangladesh”.

Berlin - Germany - JW-Stand auf dem Weisestraßenfest

Dieses Jahr beteiligten wir uns als Jugendwiderstand mit einem Bücher- und Infotisch am Weisestraßenfest. Direkt neben dem Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen und der Roten Hilfe boten wir revolutionäre und antiimperialistische Literatur, Aufkleber und Flyer an. Auf dem selbstorganisierten Straßenfest im Neuköllner Schillerkiez gab es auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein bunt gemischtes Programm aus informativen Ständen – vor allem lokaler – politischer und sozialer Inititativen, Kinderbespaßung, Kultur und Musik. Der teilweise recht massive Regen schmälerte leider die Aktivitäten und vor allem die Besucherzahlen, trotzdem war es insgesamt ein schönes Fest.
