Saturday, January 30, 2016

INDIA: Denial of dignity and rights. FREE POLITICAL PRISIONERS ! prepare international campaign for 2-9 avril 2016 - ICSPWI

INDIA: Denial of dignity and rights. FREE POLITICAL PRISIONERS !

Denial of dignity and rights

R.V. Moorthy Kobad Ghandy.
The health of 68-year-old political prisoner Kobad Ghandy, six years into his incarceration, is deteriorating rapidly, even as proceedings in the cases slapped against him, barring one, are yet to begin.
Ghandy is suffering from a host of health problems that include irritable bowel syndrome, dizziness, nausea, a severe kidney problem for which he has been receiving treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on and off, a serious heart condition, and an abnormal dropping of pulse rate for which he has been advised to have a pacemaker fitted. Lodged in the High Risk Ward of Tihar Jail, he is under severe stress and has appealed for a speedy trial or release on bail for treatment.
In September, on the basis of the Jail Superintendent’s report that Ghandy was a follow-up case of hypertension, decreased vision, an ingrowing toenail with keloid, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and cervical spondylitis, an Additional Sessions judge observed that his condition had visibly deteriorated during the trial of the case and granted him an interim bail for three months. But he continues to be in jail because there are several cases pending against him. Before Ghandy could produce the bail bond as required by the court, police teams from other States are waiting to rearrest him.
According to an affidavit filed with the Supreme Court, the Andhra Pradesh government revealed that there is a total of 14 cases against him—in that State, Telangana, Delhi, Surat, Patiala, West Bengal and Jharkhand. He is being charged under various, overlapping sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The Delhi case is in its final stages, and Ghandy is set to face serial trials across the country on its culmination.
He is being charged with being a central committee and politburo member of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), a banned organisation, and looking after the outfit’s international department, the subcommittee on mass organisation, central publishing bureau and the south-western regional bureau.
Ghandy was arrested in September 2009. He was seen as “a very important member and one of the founding pillars of the CPI (Maoist). As there is all likelihood that this underground cadre who has wide contacts and extensive network may be conducting [a] recce of targets in Delhi to commit offences. Hence, request to kindly make efforts to look out for this person and arrest him.”
According to the prosector’s statement, he was picked up from Bhikaji Cama Place in Delhi on September 17. It is shown that he was apprehended on September 20 at 1 p.m. by a team of police officers from the Intelligence Department, Hyderabad, after the Additional Director General of Police, Intelligence, Hyderabad, received a fax message at 11:30 a.m. the same day which said that he was moving in Delhi. He was shown as formally arrested by the Delhi Special Cell only at 1:30 a.m. on September 21.
Three charge sheets were filed, on February 18 and June 24, 2010, and the third on January 18, 2011, and it was pointed out that no review committee was formed, as mandated, before the Delhi Lieutenant Governor (L.G.) passed a Sanction Order (SO) on February 10, 2012, under Section 45 of the UAPA. A fourth charge sheet was filed on March 23, 2012, along with a fresh SO.
On March 28, the Additional Sessions Judge held that there was an inherent defect in the S.O. dated February 10, and therefore, it was not valid. He discharged Ghandy from the charges triable under the UAPA for want of valid sanction and held that the offences under Sections 419, 420, 468, 471 and 120-B of the IPC were triable exclusively by the court of magistrate. Thereafter, a fifth charge sheet was filed on March 29, 2012. On April 30, 2012, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate committed the case to the Sessions Court. Meanwhile, Ghandy was granted bail in two similar cases by the Andhra Pradesh High Court. The Supreme Court of India upheld the same on January 23, 2012.
Barred from leaving the State
The Delhi case is now in its final stages, but trial in the other cases is yet to commence as Ghandy has been barred from leaving the State by the L.G. under Section 268. This has effectively prolonged his imprisonment. Recently, in a letter published by Mainstream, Ghandy wrote: “Given that I have been denied my constitutional right to speedy trials, and, most importantly, given my age and failing health, I request that an appeal be sent out urgently to the government to release me on bail on health/humanitarian grounds.” Although there are several political prisoners languishing in jails across India under UAPA charges, Ghandy, an alumnus of Doon School and St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, has attracted a lot of media attention, most of it hostile. The media trial is so intense that it makes a fair trial in the courtroom difficult, said Rona Wilson, secretary, Public Relations, Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners.
The Patiala case is based on third party confessions; after seeing his photograph in a newspaper, two people said they had seen him giving an “inflammatory” speech on the lawns of Panjab University.
Ghandy said: “At that time, no FIR [First Information Report] was put against any “unknown” person. But an FIR was put against me in February 2010, five months after I had been in Tihar. Yet, without any evidence and mere hearsay, serious charges have been put.... It seems, after my arrest in 2009, [that] my name was added to this case which says a mob of about 500 unknown persons attacked a police camp in Bokaro in 2007. This is the first time I have heard about this attack, let alone be a part of it. That I have never been to Bokaro/Jharkhand in my life is another matter. No FIR was put against me when the incident occurred. And now the Jharkhand Police comes to arrest me nine years after the incident. In Andhra Pradesh, the police resorted to the method of making out a fake confession (in Telugu, a language I do not know), and on that basis adding my name to about 15 cases from the 1990s to 2005. No such ‘confession’ is even pretended to by the Jharkhand Police to add my name to this case. The legality of this is questionable.”
Rona Wilson said that Ghandy is not allowed to use the prison library or mingle with other prisoners. In June, he went on a hunger strike to protest against the repeated transfers within the jail that left him exhausted, weak and bedridden for several days. Besides, application after application has to be written for reinstatement of every small facility for two to three months after each transfer. The court had issued an order favourable to him on the basis of which he is not being transferred. In prison, rights are portrayed as privileges and there is an inhuman denial of basic facilities. “Political prisoners are especially treated with double standards,” she said. Divya Trivedi

BRASIL: Novos asasinatos; Pistoleiros a mando de latifundiários assassina covardemente dois camponeses em Jaru.

Ajude a denunciar mais este crime bárbaro!
Pistoleiros a mando de latifundiários assassina covardemente dois camponeses em Jaru

Jaru, 24 de janeiro de 2016

No dia 23 de janeiro de 2016, às 5 e 40 da tarde, os camponeses Enilson Ribeiro dos Santos e Valdiro Chagas de Moura foram perseguidos em Jaru por uma moto por um longo trecho dentro da cidade, do trevo da avenida dom Pedro I ate o km 1,5 da linha 605, quando os pistoleiros os executaram de forma covarde.

Os companheiros eram lideranças do acampamento Paulo Justino, enilson tinha 27 anos de idade e deixou uma filha e a esposa grávida de sete meses, Valdiro também deixou esposa e uma filha. O mandante do crime é o latifundiário Antonio Carlos Faitaroni.

Enilson vinha sofrendo ameaças indiretas já havia algum tempo, vejamos o histórico do latifundiário Faitaroni :

- 4 de novembro de 2015: camponeses do Acampamento Paulo Justino foram covardemente agredidos e despejados por 8 pistoleiros fortemente armados.

- Novembro de 2015: pistoleiros invadiram e roubaram casas no Assentamento Terra Prometida, abordaram pessoas que passavam nas estradas, ameaçaram quem não informasse onde os camponeses estavam acampados. Roubaram R$200 de um morador que vende picolé nas casas.

- Novembro de 2015: um morador do Assentamento Terra Prometida esteve na delegacia de Ariquemes para denunciar estes crimes e ouviu do delegado que a polícia estava atuando na área. Mas até agora, nenhum pistoleiro foi preso.

- 23 de novembro de 2015: dois pistoleiros atiraram contra dois acampados quando passavam de moto na estrada C 60, indo para o Acampamento.

- Novembro de 2015: pistoleiros agrediram brutalmente um funcionário de um fazendeiro vizinho da fazenda Santo Antônio, quando ele trabalhava na divisa. Ele foi socorrido de carro e transportado para Porto Velho, em estado grave. Os camponeses suspeitam que os pistoleiros cometeram este crime porque pensaram tratar-se de um acampado.

- Novembro de 2015: camponeses denunciaram que Antônio Carlos Faitaroni, pretenso proprietário da fazenda Santo Antônio disse várias vezes, para diversas pessoas que não vai perder a fazenda porque tem 36 homens trabalhando para ele lá, e que buscaria mais se algo acontecesse com eles. Camponeses denunciam ainda que Antônio Faitaroni manda recados aos líderes, que na verdade são ameaças: “eles são novos, é melhor desistirem.”

Esse crime clama por justiça e as mortes dos camponeses Enilson e Valdiro não podem ficar impunes.

Os camponeses só podem contar com suas próprias forças, pois hoje a polícia do coronel “Ênedy” (suspeito de comandar um grupo de extermínio de camponeses quando comandou o sétimo batalhão de Ariquemes) é quem fornece armas e munições e todo tipo de suporte pros bandos de pistoleiros dos latifundiários da região do Vale do Jamari, e ao mesmo tempo que persegue os camponeses que trazem uma galinha pra vender na cidade, persegue o camponês que tem uma espingarda de caça em casa persegue o camponês que não deu conta de pagar imposto de um moto velha e faz vista grossa pros bandos armados do latifúndio os mesmos latifundiários que grilam terras dos camponeses.


LCP - Liga dos Camponeses Pobres de Rondônia e Amazônia Ocidental




Em entrevista ao Canal 35 no dia 15/01/2016, e durante visitas ao 7º Batalhão da PM em Ariquemes (14/01/2016) e às cidades Monte Negro e Buritis (15/01/2016), onde se encontrou com entre outros o Prefeito Miotto Júnior (ver matéria), o Tenente-Coronel Ênedy atacou violentamente o movimento camponês:

“O coronel também frisou a atuação de criminosos disfarçados de sem-terras, que ele classificou como criminosos. “Quem invade, destrói, tortura pessoas, mata e queima propriedades só pode ser chamado de terroristas. Essas quadrilhas tem que ser punidas dentro do rigor da lei, se possível, na Lei Nacional de Segurança, que prevê esse tipo de ação criminosa. Tenho a determinação do governador Confúcio e do secretário de Segurança para atuar diretamente e combater os conflitos agrários na região. Eu comandei o 7º Batalhão e houve um tempo de calmaria durante a minha passagem por aqui. Daremos uma atenção especial para o Vale do Jamari nesta questão envolvendo a violência no campo.”
O atual Comandante da PM de Rondônia nutre um ódio mortal pela Liga dos Camponeses Pobres de Rondônia e Amazônia Ocidental, desde que foi denunciado por receber uma boiada para cumprir reintegrações de posse contra camponeses que legitimamente lutavam pela terra, no início de sua “carreira” em Jaru.
A partir de então, fez de tudo para criminalizar o movimento. Foi testemunha de acusação contra o camponês Ruço, injustamente acusado de ter assassinado um pistoleiro do latifundiário “Galo Velho” (o qual constava com destaque em uma publicação oficial sobre a grilagem de terras no Brasil). Os pistoleiros de “galo velho” aterrorizavam a população local nas estradas vizinhas à propriedade, armados e ao arrepio da lei parando camponeses nas estradas, destruindo pertences e humilhando pessoas. Ruço foi absolvido. No dia do julgamento, um advogado de um outro camponês acusado, também absolvido, relembrou o dia em que o então Presidente João Figueiredo entregou as terras que estavam griladas por Galo Velho às famílias que então povoavam o nascente Estado de Rondônia. Ênedy, que foi testemunha de acusação, ficou desmoralizado, e acabou confessando que policiais atuavam “fora do horário de serviço” para latifundiários da região. Serviço de pistolagem, nós afirmamos!
Talvez tenha sido neste período que Ênedy foi cooptado pelos órgãos de “inteligência” do Estado, pois passou a ser figurinha carimbada nas reportagens que acusavam a Liga dos Camponeses Pobres de ser uma extensão no Brasil do Sendero Luminoso, das Farc, praticante de guerrilha, etc., etc., etc. Ninguém se espante se o Major hoje acusar a Liga dos Camponeses Pobres de Rondônia de ser o braço do Estado Islâmico no país (o teor de suas declarações recentes o comprovam).
Frustrado em suas primeiras investidas, Ênedy logo se acobertou no guarda-chuva das reuniões promovidas pelo Ouvidor dos latifundiários Gercino José da Silva nas chamadas reuniões “Paz no Campo”. Ele estava presente quando os companheiros Élcio e Gilson participaram de uma destas, onde foram identificados e depois seqüestrados, torturados e assassinados. Nesse período, para compensar seu serviço sujo,foi alavancado pelo latifúndio e pelas agências que o cooptaram em cargos na corporação e na estrutura de poder do Estado.
Foi quando Ênedy assumiu o Comando do 7º Batalhão da PM de Ariquemes que a violência explodiu na região. O índice de criminalidade foi um dos maiores do Brasil. A violência em Ariquemes neste período lembrava a que aconteceu em Marabá, no Pará, nos idos dos anos 70/80. E esta violência partia principalmente dos grupos de extermínio e esquadrões da morte com a participação de militares sob o Comando de Ênedy. A cidade crescia graças principalmente à conquista da terra por centenas de famílias camponesas, que produziam e compravam como nunca antes, e a violência decorria da reação do latifúndio que via seus privilégios e desmandos afundar, diante das novas forças e relações econômicas que surgiam.
Nesse período, centenas de pobres foram assassinados por estes grupos de extermínio e esquadrões da morte. Dezenas de camponeses que lutavam pela terra foram assassinadas: o casal Tonha e Serafim, Oziel, Zé Bentão, Élcio, Gilson, Renato Nathan, entre muitos outros, da Liga e de outras organizações.
Vejam o que a CPT publicou em 16 de outubro de 2014:
“Milícia armada era contratada pelas fazendas da região de Ariquemes.
‘Capangas’, ‘milícias’, agentes penitenciários e policiais militares fortemente armados eram contratados para realizar ‘segurança’ nas fazendas da região de Ariquemes, sob a coordenação de um oficial da Polícia Militar e ex-comandante do 7º Batalhão de Ariquemes.
A acusação, que não cita o nome do referido oficial, foi revelada ontem 15 de outubro de 2014 em Ji Paraná, na 733ª Reunião da Comissão Nacional de Combate à Violência no Campo, acontecida na Câmara de Vereadores da cidade.
A informação teria partido de relatório do Núcleo Integrado de Inteligência da própria Polícia Militar, segundo a qual ‘se as autoridades não tomarem providências a situação poderá eclodir em graves conflitos agrários entre os proprietários rurais e os trabalhadores rurais sem-terras, inclusive assassinatos de ambos lados’.”
E então, quem é terrorista e criminoso?
Mas é desse tipo de “comando” que um Estado em decomposição econômica, política e moral precisa para descambar abertamente para o fascismo. E no dia 11 de janeiro de 2016), tomou posse no Comando da PM de Rondônia o Tenente Coronel Ênedy, após mais uma das campanhas de criminalização e demonização do movimento camponês levada a cabo nos primeiros dias do ano pelos setores mercenários da imprensa de Rondônia, porta-vozes do latifúndio, dos fascistas e também do que alguns chamam de “militares golpistas” (é só acessar quem reproduziu essa campanha sórdida.
O acontecimento, pela forma que se deu, causou estranheza nos círculos políticos de Rondônia. José Carlos Sá, no site “Banzeiros”, em 12 de janeiro de 2016, escreveu:
“Apenas para registrar a segunda passagem de comando da Polícia Militar feita indoor. Uso a expressão estrangeira para continuar achando muito estranho o que está acontecendo com a Polícia Militar. Trocas de comandantes em tempo curto e sem maiores explicações.
A transferência do comando do coronel Prettz para o coronel Kisner foi no gabinete do chefe da Casa Civil, sem a presença do oficial que deixava o posto. Agora, quase seis meses depois e “devido à chuva”, Kisner transmite o cargo ao coronel Ênedy no interior do Prédio de Comando da PM-RO.”
Ênedy, que andava meio no ostracismo depois que, mesmo apoiado pelo latifúndio, foi candidato a deputado estadual pelo PMDB e saiu derrotado e desmoralizado com ridículos 1.170 votos, foi ressuscitado por Confúcio Moura para aterrorizar as massas camponesas com suas declarações que a luta pela terra é crime e deve ser combatida com a Lei de Segurança Nacional, para oficializar o extermínio de lideranças e ativistas que lutam pela terra e para reprimir o povo em geral. Em Porto Velho, mal assumiu o comando, Ênedy mandou a tropa de choque e o GOE atacar covardemente motoristas de coletivo que pacificamente aguardavam uma reunião entre o sindicato e a prefeitura, por conta de um acordo não cumprido que resultou em dezenas de demissões.
Enquanto isso, Nilce de Souza Magalhães a pescadora e ativista do MAB - Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens, que estava desaparecida desde o dia 07 de janeiro de 2016, segundo informações divulgadas pela polícia de Rondônia foi assassinada por um “apenado” que teria sido denunciado por ela por furto. Ou seja, ela não foi assassinada porque combatia interesses poderosos, mas por “camponeses matando camponeses”, como é o discurso oficial em Rondônia.
O roteiro do desaparecimento (e possível assassinato) de Nilce é o mesmo dos diversos assassinatos de companheiros da Liga: alguém que esteve num momento ou outro nas áreas de conflito é preso por qualquer delito, repentinamente sai da cadeia e toma parte no assassinato de lideranças.
A situação é grave. As declarações de que os camponeses são “falsos sem-terra” do fascista Ênedy afrontam a própria constituição que reconhece o legítimo direito das massas se organizarem para lutar por seus direitos. Tentar aterrorizar todos os que estão lutando contra a grilagem de terras da União destinadas a reforma agrária, acusar indiscriminadamente de serem “terroristas” os milhares que lutam por seus direitos é ou não é terrorismo,? É ou não é criminalizar a luta pela terra? Ao silenciar sobre o desaparecimento de Nilce, o assassinato de Lucas Silva, os mais recentes e brutais assassinatos de Enilson e Valdino em Jaru, bem como os assassinatos de Renato Nathan, Élcio, Gilson, Terezinha, o desaparecimento de Luiz Carlos, o Comando da PM de Rondônia não está absolvendo os que praticaram estes crimes e mais uma vez, contra a própria constituição federal, decretando a pena de morte por execução sumária em Rondônia? Ou seja, assassinar camponeses não é crime, não é problema, é solução, para essa canalha! E se alguém ainda tiver dúvidas sobre as reais intenções do novo Comandante da PM de Confúcio Moura, mais uma de suas declarações:
“Utilizaremos os policiais que estão de folga, que receberão uma remuneração diferenciada para fazer esse serviço.”
Ou seja: está legalizada a pistolagem! Os assassinos de Enilson (coordenador da Liga) e Valdino, pela sua forma, perseguidos, baleados e arrematados com esmagamento de suas cabeças corresponde ao modus operandi dos grupos de extermínio já denunciados.
Por tudo isso, conclamamos a todas as vozes verdadeiramente democráticas que se levantem contra estes graves acontecimentos. Quem se calar agora, diante de todos estes fatos, vai ser cúmplice da legalização dos famigerados “esquadrões da morte” e grupos de extermínios em Rondônia, e também do fascismo, da criminalização e demonização da luta pela terra. Que as vozes de todo o Brasil se façam ouvir em defesa dos camponeses de Rondônia!

Viva a luta pela terra!

Terra para quem nela vive e trabalha!

Companheiros Enilson e Valdino, presentes na luta!

Fora Ênedy e Confúcio Moura fascistas!

Comissão Nacional das Ligas de Camponeses Pobres


BRASIL: REVOLTA POPULAR NA CIDADE DE COARI - AMAZONAS "Além da casa do prefeito Igsson Monteiro (PMDB), os manifestantes incendiaram a Câmara Municipal da cidade, depredaram e saquearam a casa de três vereadores e jogaram o carro do gestor no rio Solimões."


População queima casa do Prefeito, de vereadores e toca fogo na Câmara

A casa do prefeito, três vereadores e a Câmara Municipal, foram invadidas e incendiadas, na manhã desta quarta-feira (14), durante protesto de funcionários públicos que estão com salários atrasados, e também, de mototaxistas que estariam revoltados com as taxas impostas pelo executivo municipal.

Além da casa do prefeito Igsson Monteiro (PMDB) , os manifestantes incendiaram a Câmara Municipal da cidade, depredaram e saquearam a casa de três vereadores e jogaram o carro do gestor no rio Solimões.
O titular da Delegacia Interativa de Coari, delegado Luis Fernandes, pediu reforço da PM que enviou, por volta das 16h (18h no horário de Brasília) desta quarta, para a “Terra do Petróleo” cerca de 60 policiais militares do Batalhão de Choque. A situação já está controlada, porém a polícia não descarta novos ataques por parte dos manifestantes.
De acordo com informações da Polícia Civil, com informações da Polícia Civil, aproximadamente 400 manifestantes se reuniram na frente da casa do prefeito para protestar contra a falta de pagamento de salários que se arrasta desde o mês de agosto. Alguns dos funcionários estariam sem o décimo salário.

Casas e câmaras foram queimadas pelo povo revoltado

A situação saiu do controle e os manifestantes invadiram as duas casas do prefeito, localizadas no Centro e no bairro Tauamirim, onde destruíram eletroeletrônicos, móveis, e depois, incendiaram as residências que ficaram completamente destruídas. Em seguida, eles incendiaram a Câmara Municipal e saquearam a casa de três vereadores, Igseu, conhecido como Bat (PMDB), que é presidente da Câmara e irmão do prefeito, além dos vereadores Passarão (PTC) e Saluciano Junior (PMDB).
Conforme a Polícia Civil, durante a revolta, um mototaxista foi preso por incitar a violência. Mas ele foi liberado logo em seguida. O chefe da assessoria de comunicação da Polícia Militar, major Luiz Navarro, Coari ganhou reforço de policiais militares de cidades próximas e, também, do Batalhão de Choque. Os policiais deverão permanecer na cidade até que a situação esteja totalmente controlada. 

Um funcionário, que preferiu não se identificar temendo represálias por parte do prefeito, disse que a maioria dos funcionários públicos está com o salário atrasado desde o mês de agosto de 2014. Inclusive até o décimo terceiro salário não foi pago pelo chefe do executivo municipal. “É uma falta de respeito com os funcionários que precisam sobreviver e pagar suas contas”, frisou.

Coari e escândalos

Coari é conhecida no Amazonas como a “Terra do Petróleo” por conta da instalação da Petrobras na cidade. Embora seja rica no gás e petróleo, Coari é manchada pelos crimes ocorridos na cidade como corrupção e a rede de prostituição infantil, que era comanda pelo ex-prefeito de Coari, Adail Pinheiro. Este está preso desde fevereiro do ano passado, em um Batalhão da PM, em Manaus. Adail é suspeito de comandar uma rede de prostituição que envolvia vítimas com idades de 10 a 13 anos de idades na cidade. Ao menos sete pessoas foram presas e condenadas por integrarem o grupo de exploração sexual em Coari e Manaus. Adail foi condenado por favorecimento a prostituição infantil a 11 anos e 10 meses de cadeia em regime fechado. Mas como corre risco de morte, ele permanece em uma batalhão da PM.
Na última terceira-feira (13), o ex-prefeito foi condenado mais uma vez por unanimidade pela Corte do Tribunal de Justiça do Amazonas (TJAM), a 1 ano e dois meses em regime aberto, com pagamento da pena em serviços comunitários, por descumprimento de ordem judicial. (Fonte: Informações de Terra) (Foto: Blog do Ronaldo Tiradentes)

maoist road expresses our solidarity against spanish state repression

ESTADO ESPAÑOL: Prisión incondicional para el Secretario General de Reconstrucción Comunista.

Madrid, 29.01.16
El máximo responsable de la organización Reconstrucción Comunista, Roberto Vaquero, fue ingresado en prisión incondicional por orden del juez Velasco de la Audiencia Nacional, informan medios de prensa burguesa hoy.
Se le acusa de tenencia ilícita de armas y de pertenencia a banda criminal. Los otros detenidos, entre ellos un ciudadano con nacionalidad turca, se les han señalado diversas fianzas para eludir la prisión.
El juez también ha decretado la ilegalización de la organización comunista por espacio de un año y el cierre de sus locales en Vallecas-Madrid y en Valencia.
Los nueve internacionalistas detenidos en tres ciudades del Estado Bilbo, Madrid y Valencia dentro del operativo represivo "Operación Valle" realizaban tareas de solidaridad y apoyo con la causa del pueblo kurdo en la Rojava.
Fuentes cercanas a los comités de apoyo al pueblo kurdo, descartan vinculos con el PKK y señalan a las autoridades turcas como las que presionan a las autoridades reaccionarias del Estado español para que procedan judicialmente contra la solidaridad con los kurdos.

Turkey for debate - “MKP’s III Congress: A New Stage in Liquidationism”, by Ibrahim Suphi

 This is the English translation of an article originally written in Turkish and published in a special edition of the magazine Partizan in June 2014. It is in response to the propositions, analysis and the general line presented in the documents of the 3rd Congress of the MKP (Maoist Communist Party of Turkey and North Kurdistan). The MKP Congress was held sometime in 2013 and its documents were made public in the Turkish language sometime in 2014., March 20, 2015, 57 pages.   English: PDF format (A4 paper size) 

Canada - Luttes révolutionnaires en Turquie et au Kurdistan - Le 30 janvier à Ottawa


L’escalade des tensions en Turquie entre le gouvernement et les mouvements progressistes en a fait l’un des points chauds de la lutte révolutionnaire à l’échelle internationale. Mais alors que les organisations progressistes et les populations civiles font face à une répression intense et cruelle, en particulier au Kurdistan, les informations et une analyse en profondeur de la situation en Turquie sont difficiles à trouver. C’est que l’État turc est un allié clé du Canada et de l’OTAN; en tant que tel, il jouit d’une sorte d’impunité et demeure à l’abri du regard des grandes puissances. Venez en apprendre plus sur le passé et le présent des mouvements révolutionnaires en Turquie et au Kurdistan!
Des rafraîchissements seront servis
Où: 601, rue Cumberland, uOttawa (3e étage, sur le campus)
When: Samedi 30 janvier à 14h
Organisé par le Comité prolétarien d’action révolutionnaire-Ottawa.

A bas l’État d’Urgence, l’État policier ! On a raison de se révolter ! PCF maoiste

ob_627eff_12370831-713838022079974-5037569223731Depuis les attentats fascistes de Daech du 13 décembre dernier, le parlement a voté l’État d’Urgence.
Tous les politicards du parlement ont voté pour l’État d’Urgence, du Front National au Front de Gauche ! A peine voté, le gouvernement a déjà prolongé de 3 mois supplémentaires. Aujourd’hui, « l’état d’exception » que l’on nous a vendu comme temporaire et répondant à une « nécessité de sécurité » devient la norme. Les chiens de garde de la bourgeoisie ont franchi un pas de plus dans le renforcement de l’appareil répressif en cherchant à incorporer les mesures relatives à l’État d’Urgence dans la législation courante, voire même dans la constitution. Cela nous prouve une fois de plus que les lois dites d’exception n’ont rien d’exceptionnelles, mais sont bien une manœuvre pour imposer au peuple une fascisation constante de l’appareil d’Etat. Si demain le FN arrive au pouvoir, il n’aura même pas à voter de lois anti ouvrières car le gouvernement Hollande-Valls aura déjà fait le travail en amont, cela avec la complicité plus ou moins active de l’ensemble des partis de droite comme de gauche !
Alors, on essaye de nous vendre que c’est pour notre bien, que c’est pour lutter contre les terroristes. La mascarade a duré à peine quelques jours.
Des quartiers entiers ont été placés sous couvre-feu, comme à Sens en Bourgogne.
Des milliers de perquisitions ont eu lieu. Pour au final pas grand-chose, puisque dans l’écrasante majorité des cas, les perquisitions n’ont même pas donné lieu à des gardes à vue.
L’objectif, c’est de montrer du doigt une partie de la population : les habitants et habitantes des quartiers populaires, et en premier lieu les immigrés ou désignés comme tels. Pour l’État et les fascistes, le terme immigré est interchangeable avec musulman ou encore arabe. Le projet de loi raciste sur la déchéance de la nationalité va clairement dans ce sens, il permet de jeter la suspicion généralisée sur toute une frange du prolétariat d’origine immigrée, transformé ainsi en danger potentiel vis à vis du reste de la population désigné comme « communauté nationale ». Nous devons rejeter les lois racistes qui divisent notre classe en reléguant une partie au rang de bouc émissaire et enchaînant l’autre partie derrière les intérêts directs de la bourgeoisie.
Selon eux, nos quartiers seraient donc des nids de terroristes. Nos voisins et nos voisines, nos frères et sœurs de classe, prépareraient des attentats ! Le message est clair : « nous sommes entourés de poseurs de bombes potentiels. N’ayez crainte, nous sommes là pour vous protéger ! Si vous n’êtes pas d’accord, c’est que vous avez sûrement quelque chose à vous reprocher… » Voilà ce que dit l’État bourgeois.
Alors forcément, avec l’État d’Urgence, plus besoin d’enquête ni de juge pour astreindre à résidence, pour perquisitionner ! Les préfets et les flics s’en donnent à cœur joie : expulsions de squats, assignations à résidence de militants et militantes, coups de pression, etc., etc.
Avant l’État d’Urgence, ils allaient chercher des syndicalistes chez eux à 6h du matin pour une simple chemise déchirée ! Imaginez un peu ce qui nous attend…
La lutte antiterroriste a pour vocation d’élargir son champ d’action à toutes celles et ceux qui luttent contre l’État. On le voit bien avec les ouvriers de Goodyear qui ont été condamnés à 9 mois de prison ferme alors qu’ils luttaient contre la fermeture de leur usine…
Voilà ce qui est, voilà la situation qui se développe sous nos yeux. C’est dans ce contexte qu’on nous exhorte à nous ranger derrière le drapeau, derrière notre armée, pour partir en guerre. Comme avant la 1ère Guerre Mondiale. On nous demande de défendre les puissances impérialistes qui partent en guerre. Celles là même qui grâce à ces interventions militaires pillent les ressources naturelles de trop nombreux pays. Citons comme exemple parmi tant d’autres Areva, à qui l’opération soi-disant « humanitaire » au Mali profite bien pour exploiter l’uranium du Niger. C’est la même logique en Syrie où les futurs profits se feront sur les milliers de cadavres que l’État français bombarde quotidiennement.
Ces puissances impérialistes qui n’hésitent pas à déstabiliser des pays, en utilisant toutes leurs cartes pour diviser le peuple et dresser les uns contre les autres, tout ça pour mettre en place de nouveaux chiens de garde qui leur seront bien dociles. Et après, alors que les monstres qu’ils ont eux même créé se retournent contre eux, ils viennent jouer aux pompiers ! Ce sont eux les responsables !
On voit bien quelles conséquences terribles cela a eu pour l’ensemble des peuples opprimés du monde.
Cette situation est dangereuse. Elle profite à la bourgeoisie pour renforcer son appareil d’État, dans un vrai élan de militarisation et de flicage général de la société. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est pour votre bien nous disent ils !
Cette situation, et surtout ses acteurs, renforce la montée du fascisme. Sarko avait commencé à labourer le terrain pour le Front National. Certains et certaines se sont dit que Hollande allait y faire barrage. Mais non, bien au contraire ! Avec toutes les mesures anti-ouvrières et anti-populaires, le PS trace la voie royale au FN !
Face à l’État d’Urgence qui est en passe de devenir l’état normal de la société, face à la montée du fascisme, la seule solution c’est la révolution ! C’est le développement du Front sur une ligne antifasciste, anticapitaliste et révolutionnaire ! C’est le développement des outils qui ont pour but de servir le peuple ! C’est le développement de la solidarité internationale avec les peuples du mondes en lutte contre l’impérialisme et le fascisme !
C’est le développement dans nos usines et entreprises et sur nos chantiers de structures regroupant syndiqués et non syndiqués dans des perspective révolutionnaires ! C’est le développement de notre force combattante qui face aux attaques réactionnaires rend coup pour coup !
En un mot, c’est le déploiement de la seule guerre justifiée, la Guerre Populaire, la guerre du peuple pour reprendre le pouvoir et mettre en place un système qui serve les intérêts du prolétariat et des masses populaires !
Nous appelons à relever la tête et à reprendre nos affaires en main !
Le chemin n’est pas facile, mais nous devons faire tomber les illusions !
Aujourd’hui, les défis sont de taille et c’est unis et déterminés que nous arriverons à y faire face !
A bas l’État d’Urgence, l’État policier ! On a raison de se révolter !

call of Vikalp spokerperson Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee CPI (Maoist)

...Our Party appeals to all Maoist parties the world over, revolutionary
organizations, international human rights organizations, trade unions, 
renowned democratic and  progressive intellectuals, workers
peasants, students, youth, artists, writers, scientists, environmentalists,
teachers, employees, patriotic citizens to raise 
 their voice against the decision of aerial attacks on
Dandakaranya, i.e. Rajnandgaon, Bastar and Gadchirolli's 

 adivasi majority areas and to take to streets in protest.

from Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan declaration October 4, 2015

....We called for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the communist (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) and the new democratic movement in Afghanistan to loudly announce the long fifty year presence of this movement in the arena of the revolutionary political struggle in Afghanistan so as to state the fact that: the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Maoist movement is an occasion that invites us all to consider five decades of the ups and downs of revolutionary struggle and reaffirm our commitment to strongly carry forward our patriotic, national, democratic, and revolutionary responsibilities.
The Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan has repeatedly announced that the biggest flaw and weakness of the current communist and new democratic movement of Afghanistan is its mere political presence and lack of representation in the arena of armed struggle against the occupiers and the puppet regime. Indeed it is this limitation that is reducing the effect of our political and ideological struggle against our principal and non-principal enemies. In circumstances when the principal aspect of the struggles in the country is armed struggles, the mere political and non-military voices in an environment full of the thunders of bombs, canons, and guns are rarely heard. Therefore, in these circumstances our struggle can only have a path-breaking effect if it is carried out in preparation for the people’s revolutionary national war of resistance against the occupiers and the puppet regime (the current form of people’s war in the country).
For correct, principled, timely and effective conduct of these efforts, the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan has to constantly mobilize and expand all of its members, supporters, and the masses under its leadership. Moreover, the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan and other Maoist forces and individuals in the current situation need to establish stronger unity amongst themselves, on the one hand, and carry forward polemics and discussions for solving theoretical disagreements, on the other, so as to expand their practical cooperation amongst themselves, and ideologically and practically move towards cooperation, coordination, and unity.
Forward on the path towards initiating and carrying forward the revolutionary people’s national war of resistance against imperialist occupiers, the puppet regime, and reactionary ISIS occupiers!
Forward on the path of struggle against other reactionaries aligned with imperialist and reactionary powers!
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
October 4, 2015     


India - Press freedom groups call for release of Indian journalists

A coalition of press freedom and human rights groups is calling for the release of two Indian journalists who have been detained for several months. Somaru Nag, who worked for the newspaper Patrika, was arrested on 16 July 2015 and accused of being a Maoist sympathiser who collaborated with villagers to sabotage road-building equipment. Nag, who covered rural issues such as access to water and electricity, faces charges of banditry, arson and criminal conspiracy.
Santosh Yadav, a freelance journalist who reported on allegations of human rights abuses by the police against tribal communities, was arrested on 29 September 29 2015. He is accused of rioting, criminal conspiracy, and attempted murder. Police also allege that he associated with a terrorist organisation and of “supporting and aiding terrorist groups”. Both men are represented by the same lawyer, Isha Khandelwal, who says they are innocent of all charges.

Both men were detained in Chhattisgarh, one of the fastest-developing states in India and a major source of electricity and steel for the country. The region has been the scene of attacks by Naxalite-Maoist insurgents of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The coalition, headed by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), argues that journalists working in the state find themselves caught between the Maoists and government forces.

Anti-communist trial in Norway

Solidarity for Tjen Folket and SOS Rasisme

"Fight and hate the class enemy state"
“Fight and hate the class enemy state”

We send our warmest regards to the comrades from SOS Rasisme and Tjen Folket, Norway, who are facing repression from the Norwegian bourgeois state right now.
SOS Rasisme is an mass organization which managed to unite people in an anti-racist and anti-fascist struggle, to fight back the racist initiatives like „Pegida“ and to give anti-fascism the only correct and necessary direction – to stand against the bourgeois state and imperialism which cause the horror of imperialist war and destruction, escape and finally racism.
We all know that the state is used to shift the solutions of the problems caused by imperialist displacement onto the shoulders of the people. But of course as soon as anti-racist or anti-fascist work are linked to anti-imperialism and stop being empty words but turn into effective skills of fighting against the bourgeois system, as soon as an anti-racist organization starts to create combatants for the revolutionary process and to gain new energy for political struggle, the bourgeois state gets alarmed and does not tolerate this work anymore. Because the „ghost of communism“ is always something they are afraid of, thus every time we raise our heads they will give everything to destroy us and our organizations. The trial against SOS Rasisme and the investigation about Tjen Folket is therefore clearly an anti-communist campaign and is used to destroy the people’s confidence in such organizations.
How many tax fraud scandals of the rich have been covered up, how many millions of dollars, euros or kronas flowed into the pockets of the bourgeosie, not least the „representatives“ of the government? It is „business as usual“ among the upper classes. So the deviousness and the class justice can clearly be revealed. It is evident – they have their judiciary, we have ours! We follow the doctrine: „Serve the people!“.
The attacks of the bourgeosie won’t stop our comrades from following that doctrine. They will only uncover the grotesque face of imperialism and what is happening under the disguise of democracy and show the people the necessity to resist and organize.
In this spirit: „To be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing but a good thing.“ [Mao Tse-Tung]
United on behalf on proletarian internationalism we send our warmest revolutionary greetings to the 8 accused comrades and wish them and everybody who stands by their side lots of strength and fighting spirit and trust into the proletarian optimism which reminds us – our struggle will be won sooner or later.
 Long live proletarian Internationalism!
Long live Tjen Folket!

Indian students - Rohith Vemula’s Death- An Orchestrated murder by Sangh Parivar, MHRD


Statement by Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle, IIT-M
Suicide (as stated by media but it is not so) of Dalit Research Scholar Rohith Vemula in Hyderabad University Campus has strangulated the entire democratic voices of this country. It once again exposed the repressive role of Brahminical State apparatus and Hindutva fascism against oppressed masses and working classes! The scholar was a member of Ambedkar Student Association (ASA), where his group exposed the pre-planned role of RSS in Muzaffarnagar riot through screening the documentary titled ‘Muzaffarnagar baqqi hai’.
Because of this he and his team members were targeted by Hindutva fanatic group ABVP. In order to curb his team’s democratic voice inside the university, the union labour minister and RSS ideologue Bandaru Dattatreya wrote to MHRD minister Smirti Irani by stating that “UoH has become a den of casteist, extremist and anti-national politics”. UoH admin merely acted as a puppet in the hands of Hindutva group and suspended five of the ASA members including Rohith Vemula. What a coincidence! To ban APSC-IITM also, a nexus of local BJP elements in Tamilnadu, Hindutuva student group in IITM and MHRD ministry worked tirelessly through IITM administration!
It is clearly evident that this has been repeated in Rohith Vemula’s case also. Initially APSC was castigated as anti-national element and rusticated further when it criticised and exposed the fascist Modi govt. and Brahminical tyranny of RSS! Much in the same way the APSC team members underwent psychological torture by the nexus of these authorities. The similar fascist nexus also involved in the shear harassment of Rohith Vemula and strangulated him to death.
Therefore, one cannot simply consider this as suicide whereas Rohith Vemula’s death is an Orchestrated murder of Bramahnical fascist forces. Either in UoH or in APSC-IITM, or in FTII cases, it is evident that Brahminical fascism has its own agenda where its aim is to get hold of the academic institutes by strangulating dissenting voices and establish Brahminic hegemony! The democratic voice, we rarely enjoy in academic spaces is not a merciful freebie granted by these Brahminic forces; rather we’ve got through prolonged, consistent and vigorous fight with them through centuries. It is a high time to find a graveyard to these fascist nexus otherwise no one can stop the murder of many such Rohith Vemulas who is an icon of our democratic voice!

Controrivolutionary repression in Japan

     Repression against Japanese communist organization Chūkaku-ha

The following post comes via Throw Out Your Books a useful source of English language material on the Japanese left-Signalfire
On January 18th, police raided a small apartment in Kita ward in Tokyo, where they uncovered hints on the whereabouts of Masaaki Ōsaka. Now aged 66, Ōsaka was an activist in the far-left radical group Chūkaku-ha and is named as a suspect in the death of a police officer during a riot in Shibuya 45 years ago.
Police announced that the apartment was a Chūkaku-ha ajito, or secret base, and that they believe Ōsaka is had been living there until a few years ago. This is the first known raid on a place where he is suspected to have resided. Ōsaka has been on the lam the longest among the most-wanted fugitives in Japan. His image remains a common sight on wanted posters at police substations, especially in Tokyo.
Police perennially make announcements about Ōsaka as they find the crumbs left behind on his fugitive trail. In 2012, an ajito was exposed in Tachikawa City, west Tokyo, and items seized from it revealed possibilities that Ōsaka was hiding out somewhere in Kita ward. The raid on January 18th was carried out by police on suspicion of fraudulent signed private documents, and security police are now checking if there were any items left behind that could provide clues on Ōsaka’s current status. (This is a common tactic, raiding locations or arresting radical activists on minor charges that it is hoped will lead to other pieces of information.)
During the January 18th raid, two men in their forties and fifties who resisted the search were arrested on suspicion of interfering with police officials carrying out an investigation. The police say they are members of a “revolutionary army” secret wing of the radical organisation that carries out terrorist activities and supports fugitives. They are both remaining silent in police custody (the usual Japanese New Left tactic of kanmoku) and the Chūkaku-ha organ, Zenshin, has yet to make a public comment. (This post is based solely on mainstream media reports.)
Ōsaka is a suspect in the death of a young police officer during the so-called Shibuya Riot Incident on November 14th, 1971. The riot escalated out of a protest against the continued occupation of Okinawa by United States (at the time, the bases in Okinawa were heavily used as part of the United States war machine operating in Vietnam). It came at the end of the most intense series of large-scale protests in Japan, and in a year that saw multiple bombings and “guerrilla” activity by both radical factions and also non-sectarians. Ōsaka is accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail that set the officer on fire.
Ōsaka was one of seven Chūkaku-ha activists named as suspects in the killing; all the others have been arrested and charged. Among them is Fumiaki Hoshino, who was arrested in 1975 and remains in prison on a full life sentence, though the evidence to link him to the actual death of the police officer is based on police confessions on six other activists (three of whom were minors) that were later retracted. His campaigners have been fighting for a retrial for many years, as well as two civil suits over “lost” evidence and censored letters between Hoshino and his wife. They regularly hold demonstrations, including in Tokushima around the prison where Hoshino is held.
Since late 2014 there has been a conspicuous resurgence in police raids on Chūkaku-ha facilities and arrests of activists, though none have been charged as yet.

India Condemning the new wave of State terror being unleashed on the people of Chhattisgarh-CDRO

Bijapur. 18th January, 2016.
Reports from Nendra and Pedda Jojer in Bijapur, and Kunna in Sukma reveal a new and brutal wave of systematic violence being carried out by security forces in South Chhattisgarh. On the one hand Chhattisgarh police proudly announces the launch of new operations and tactics, boasting of better coordination among forces and improvement in training. On the other, we have the bold but lesser heard voices of people who inhabit the lands to which the police is “laying siege” – revealing the bitter truth of the war the State continues to wage on its people.
The Coordination of Democratic Rights Organization (CDRO), a nation-wide platform of rights organizations, together with Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) and CPDR (Tamil Nadu) conducted a fact-finding in these areas between the 15th and 17th of January. Here are some of our findings.
In a chilling repeat of the violence we saw in Peddagellur and around, forces in large numbers entered Bellam Nendra, in the Basaguda thana area on the 12th of January 2016. They stayed for two nights – looted homes, used up food and rations, beat up several women and sexually assaulted several others. A young woman was covered with a mosquito net and gang-raped, another mother and her young daughter were forced into their homes and simultaneously raped by 5 security personnel. They hurled abuses and issued threats of extreme violence. There were also two rounds of blind firing into the forests surrounding the village.
At the same time, further away in Sukma district, forces in large numbers entered Kunna and surrounding villages between the 12th and 14th of January. Fearing the inevitable and baseless violence inflicted upon them by paramilitary forces, most of the men of the village fled into the forest. Once again, in what seems to be a part of the ethos of combing operations, those who remained were beaten up brutally and women were sexually assaulted. 5 women and 22 men were rounded up and taken to a camp in the area. After the intervention of human rights activists, the 22 men arrested were released. The five women who were picked up were stripped and brutally sexually assaulted. Besides these 27 persons, two of the women who were also assaulted in the village are now in hospital for medical care. Lalu Sodhi, from the village Kormagondi was brutally beaten up by the forces on the 13th of January who succumbed to his injuries the next day on the 14th January. Joga Sodi, who too was brutally tortured, is unable to walk now.
During their visit to the area, the team also learned of an encounter that had occurred in Chinna Jojer, Gangalur thana, Bijapur through local newspapers. On visiting the area, we found that what was reported to be an ‘encounter’ in which four Maoists were killed, was in fact a cold-blooded murder of villagers, including a 13 year old child.
Six young people from around Pedda Jojer were on their way to the market at Reddi early on 15th morning to purchase their daily needs, when they were fired at by paramilitary forces hiding in the forest. Majji Badram aged 20, Oyam Munna (24), Oyam Tulasi (13) of Pedda Jojer village accompanied by Madkam Pandu (20) from Akuwa Village and two other children aged 9 and 12 were among those who were fired at. Four of them were killed instantly, while two young girls managed to escape. The team also found that the bodies had bullet wounds behind the ears and forehead indicating that the group were shot at from close range. There was no panchnama conducted at the site of the crime, and the troops did not inform the families of the deceased. Instead, they had to make their way to the thana and demand the release of the bodies. District administration and police are yet to come out with any response to the incident.
The remarkable similarity in scale, magnitude and nature of these operations which have been conducted in places distanced not only by several kilometers but also in varied topographical locations marks the beginning of a new wave of State-sponsored violence. Rampant looting, blind firing, brutal beating, cold-blooded murder and sexual assault seem to have become a part of the fabric of routine combing and search operations, revealing the ways in which extreme forms of violence have been institutionalized by the State and it’s security forces.
In light of this new wave of terror being unleashed by the State, we demand:
Stop ‘Operation Green Hunt’ at once.
Immediate action against the gross atrocities committed by the security forces of the State under Sections 294, 302, 323, 354 (B), 376, 395 of the Indian Penal Code, POCSO (2012) and the SC/ST Atrocities Act (1989).
Immediate provision of fair compensation to those affected by State violence.
Immediate withdrawal of all paramilitary troops from the Bastar region.
Ashish Gupta, Chilaka Chandrashekhar
Convenors, CDRO

India - Freedom for Kobad Ghandy and for all political prisoners in india! 2-9 avril international campaign!

Denial of dignity and rights
The health of 68-year-old political prisoner Kobad Ghandy, six years into his incarceration, is deteriorating rapidly, even as proceedings in the cases slapped against him, barring one, are yet to begin. Ghandy is suffering from a host of health problems that include irritable bowel syndrome, dizziness, nausea, a severe kidney problem for which he has been receiving treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on and off, a serious heart condition, and an abnormal dropping of pulse rate for which he has been advised to have a pacemaker fitted.
Lodged in the High Risk Ward of Tihar Jail, he is under severe stress and has appealed for a speedy trial or release on bail for treatment. In September, on the basis of the Jail Superintendent’s report that Ghandy was a follow-up case of hypertension, decreased vision, an ingrowing toenail with keloid, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and cervical spondylitis, an Additional Sessions judge observed that his condition had visibly deteriorated during the trial of the case and granted him an interim bail for three months. But he continues to be in jail because there are several cases pending against him. Before Ghandy could produce the bail bond as required by the court, police teams from other States are waiting to rearrest him.

According to an affidavit filed with the Supreme Court, the Andhra Pradesh government revealed that there is a total of 14 cases against him—in that State, Telangana, Delhi, Surat, Patiala, West Bengal and Jharkhand. He is being charged under various, overlapping sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The Delhi case is in its final stages, and Ghandy is set to face serial trials across the country on its culmination. He is being charged with being a central committee and politburo member of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), a banned organisation, and looking after the outfit’s international department, the subcommittee on mass organisation, central publishing bureau and the south-western regional bureau…

TKP/ML firebombs jihadi den in Istanbul

TIKKO militants in Istanbul firebombed a building used by AKP supporters to hold fund raisers for Sunni sectarian fascist groups in Syria including Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda in Syria) and Sham al-Ahrar. The communique noted “We will apply the necessary punishment to the criminals and the state”.
Via New Turkey

Nepal Info - Chand-led Maoist announce formation of people’s govt in Bajhang


Jan 25, 2016- Netra Bikram Chand-led CPN Maoist announced the formation of people’s government at Bajhang district on Sunday.
During the programme, announcing the formation of 17-member district council under the coordination of Chandra Bahadur Singh, leader Pun said that they will run a parallel government if the government and parliamentary party do not mend their ways. “We will form people’s court and people’s army if the government fails to pay heed towards us,” said Pun.

Meanwhile, people at the programme said that Chand-led Maoist’s ongoing movement could give rise to another insurgency.

honour to the women armed struggle in Kurdistan - but Ocalan line is a revisionist and socialdemocratic line - Only people's war strategy guided from a maoist party can win against imperialism and all reactionary force in kurdistan!

Zehra Doğan/JINHA
MÊRDÎN – In a world where thousands of women are victims of male violence every year, there is no choice but struggle, according to YPS-Jin (Women’s Civil Defense Units) member Dünya Sterk. She called YPS-Jin’s struggle an “internationalist struggle against the masculine system.”
The town of Nusaybin, in Mardin province in Northern Kurdistan (in Turkey), has a long history of resistance. Today, as the Turkish state positions armored vehicles on every corner, it is the children and women of the town who are leading the construction of the barricades.
Dünya Sterk, member of the Women’s Civil Defense Units formed to defend Nusaybin, discussed the struggle for a new life behind the barricades.
In the peace process that began in Turkey in 2013, said Dünya, the Turkish state “thought they could just waste our time,” even as the Kurdish people held up their end of the peace process.
“But still, it’s not the Kurdish people that are losing here; it’s the state,” she said. If the Turkish state had not succeeded in entering the defended neighborhoods in towns like Nusaybin even after two months of declaring brutal 24-hour curfews, “this means that the state has already lost.” Dünya said that the state was now waging a full-scale war, targeting even small children.
“Nobody should be expecting us to be displaying discretion,” said Dünya. “Against those who are killing our children and our mothers, of course our struggle has to be an armed struggle.” She said that the youth of the YPS had no choice but to take up arms, but that their struggle was a political and cultural one in addition to a military struggle.
Dünya commented on the importance of women’s autonomous structures for the Kurds, a phenomenon that began in the region with the women’s structures in the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party).
“Under actually existing socialism, we had ‘first the people’s struggle, then the women’s struggle,’ but it doesn’t work like that,” said Dünya. “From this experience, we learned that an approach that postpones [the issue of] women doesn’t solve the problem. The people’s struggle and the women’s struggle need to happen at the same time.” She noted that in the revolution in the Rojava part of Kurdistan, the revolution became a women’s revolution through the declaration of the armed women’s defense force, YPJ.
“So in this sense, here in Bakur [Northern Kurdistan], we couldn’t stay limited to just the YPS,” said Dünya. “We had to declare the women’s autonomous formation, YPS-Jin—as women waging a 5,000-year women’s struggle against the patriarchal system that starts these wars. Otherwise, the revolution will be inadequate. Like our leader [Abdullah Öcalan] says, if you don’t solve the problem from the root, it’s not solved at all.”
Dünya said that in a world where thousands of women are killed by male violence every year, armed women’s organizations like PAJK, YPJ, YBŞ-Jin and YPS-Jin were the only option.
“As Kurdish women, we’ve declared 2016 to be [the year of] the charge for women’s freedom. Let women all over the world take a side,” said Dünya. “YPS-Jin has a call for all women: we’re not just struggling for one race. With our women-led struggle against all the attacks of the patriarchal system, we’re saying ‘we are here.’
“Our struggle is internationalist; all women of the world need to take their place in the struggle,” said Dünya.

India bandhs in Jharkhand-Bihar and Dumaria-Imanganj area - Consolidation of maoist people's war in Northeast India and Vizag Agency area

Jharkhand-Bihar Maoist bandh begins tonight
RANCHI: A 24-hour Jharkhand-Bihar bandh called by CPI (Maoist) will begin on Sunday night.The bandh is against January 8 ‘police encounter’ in Bihar’s Aurangabad where five Maoists were gunned down. The Maoist have called it a fake encounter. The outfit has urged its cadre to enforce the bandh in the two states. They have also issued an appeal to the masses for support.The transport services between Jharkhand and Bihar might come under attack during the bandh, intelligence branch sources said.
A large number of goods and public transport vehicles run between the two states, the number grows at night. Maoists, in May 2015, had torched three dozen vehicles defying a bandh in Bihar.Jharkhand police spokesperson S N Pradhan said that heavy vehicles and trains might be targeted.

..In Giridih and Ranchi, long-distance bus and train services were affected but no incident of violence was reported. “The day passed off peacefully as we had deployed adequate security personnel in sensitive and super-sensitive locations in the district. Apart from roads connecting Giridih and Dhanbad, Dumri and Deoghar, adequate forces have been deployed in hypersensitive Pirtand, Dumri, Nimiyghat, Tisri, Deori and other areas,” said Giridih SP Kuldeep Dwivedi, adding that the security forces were giving especial attention across the Jharkhand – Bihar border. All urban areas in Bokaro, Dhanbad, Jamshedpur, and Hazaribag saw a mized response. Police spokesperson S N Pradhan said no major untoward incident was reported from any part of the state.

Maoist Consolidation in Northeast India
With most major insurgent groups in the region signing ceasefire agreements or peace accords with the government, the space left vacant is slowly being filled up by the Maoists. The Maoists are now planning to make fresh recruitments in Assam.

11057908_469213523237299_4334309764861618761_nIn the rural areas of eastern Assam, short documentary films are being shown to young boys aged between 12 to 13 years, to brainwash them to join the Maoist movement. Details of such youths are being shared through WhatsApp. These include details about the youth’s education, family background and location. Therefore, if their
Preponed Maoist bandh cripples life in Dumaria-Imanganj area
GAYA: The preponed bandh called by CPI (Maoist) the ultra leftist organisation crippled life in the Dumaria-Imamganj region of South Gaya district. Life, elsewhere in the district as well as Nawada, Jahanabad and Arwal districts of Magadh division was near normal. The 24 hours bandh call was earlier given for the intervening period between zero hours on 26 and 27 January. The Maoist subsequently advanced the bandh period to the same hours on 25 and 26 January.
The bandh call was given by the ultras to register protest against the killing of four Maoists in the Aurangabad district. The Maoists were killed last week during an encounter with the police forces engaged in the anti naxal operation in the area. Reports reaching the divisional head quarters from the Dumaria-Imamganj region of the Gaya district say that all shops, business establishments, commercial bank branches and educational institutions remained closed on Monday. Vehicluar traffic on State Highway 39 was nominal, as most of the vehicles, particularly transport buses and trucks remained off the roads. However some bikes were seen plying in the area. Vehicles on the Dobhi-Chatra route too remained off the road.
In what may be regarded as a set back to the red rebels, the bandh call had absolutely no effect in the Tekari sub division area of Gaya district and the whole of Arwal and Jahanabad districts. Tekari sub division of Gaya and Arwal and Jahanabad districts have witnessed large scale naxal violence in the 1990s and the Maoists had to make a retreat following armed resistance by Ranvir Sena, a private army of the land owners. When contacted Magadh Range DIG Ratn Sanjay said that no report of any untoward incident has been received from anywhere in the five districts of Magadh division. An alert has been sounded and strict vigil was being maintained, said the

Maoist activity on upswing in Vizag Agency area
With the International Fleet Review (IFR) dates coming close, the district police appear to be a bit worried over the recent spurt of Maoist activity in the Agency area, especially in the cut off area on the Andhra Odisha Border (AOB). According to District Superintendent of Police Koya Praveen, the Maoists have been active in certain pockets in the Agency areas, for the last one year. Their presence has increased in places such as Pedabayalu, Munchingput and G. Madugula, especially after the formation of the Malkangiri-Visakhapatnam- Koraput (MVK) division. The MVK division was formed last year to concentrate in the cut off area of the Andhra Odisha Border (AOB).
Earlier, the area was being taken care of by the East Division, and now it has been moved to the East Godavari region, to regain its lost ground. The MVK division which is headed by Venu, has been active and its cadres comprise mostly of Gutti Koya tribals and Girijans from the Koraput area of Odisha, said the SP. “The recent killings of a couple of innocent people including a former Sarpanch of Jerela, after branding them as police informers, indicate their active presence. None of the killed persons had any touch with the police, but were once Maoist sympathisers. They are using the killing method to spread fear among the locals and to deter them from getting close to the government machinery,” Mr. Praveen told The Hindu . To counter the movement, the police have moved additional forces in the Agency area and have intensified the combing operations.. are not curtailed soon, Northeast India is in danger of a full blown Maoist insurgency…

India - Anti-Republic Day agitation in Jamui and Nawada, Odisha and North East CPI(maoist)


Anti-Republic Day agitation in Jamui and Nawada
CPI (Maoist) raises black flags and issues posters. “Our freedom is false, the people are hungry.” (Maoist) raises black flags and issues posters. “Our freedom is false, the people are hungry.”images-cms-image-000013078
Maoists hoist black flag and torch vehicles to boycott Republic Day in Odisha
Rayagada/ Bolangir: The Maoists threatening people to boycott Republic Day celebrations, on Tuesday hoisted black flags in several places in Bolangir district and torched vehicle engaged in road construction work at Rayagada district. The ultras unfurled black flags on school premises in Chaulabngi in Khaphrakhol block in Bolangir district leaving mao posters and pamphlets appealing public to boycott the Republic Day, said sources. Meanwhile, Maoists torched a JCB machine and a tractor engaged in road construction work at Dalianuji village under Muniguda Police Station in Rayagada district late Monday night.
Leaving behind Maoists poster and red flags, they appealed the locals to observe the republic day as a black day. Their intent is clear as they look to boycott the republic day after the encounter of two Maoist leader Sushil & his wife a day before on the border area of Angul & Deogarh. The Police have launched combing operation in the area and have recovered the warning posters.

Outfits call shutdown on Republic day in North East
IMPHAL: The United National Liberation Front of WESEA (UNLFW)- a conglomerate of Coordination Committee (CorCom), Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA), and other insurgent outfits – have called for boycotting the Republic Day celebrations in the region (north-east). A statement issued by UNLFW also called for a total shutdown in the region from midnight January 25 till 6 PM on January 26 and imposing sanctions on all official and non-official programmes.
The call exempted emergency services, media from the purview. The outfits alleged the union government was pursuing a hegemonic colonial policy in the region to assimilate all the distinct culture, people and territories and called for protecting the indigenous identity of the people of the region, including Manipur. The outfits also included Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC), Maoist Communist party (MCP-M), Kangleipak Communist Party and Poirei Metitei Lup (KCP-PML).

India press - The return of the Naxals....the “most serious internal security challenge”...What are the reasons that, despite setbacks, they continue to challenge the state,..

View From The Right: Red terror
The cover story in the Organiser, “Trouncing the red terror”, highlights the need to tackle the “most serious internal security challenge” in the country. It notes that “every now and then” reports about the “waning Naxal might” emerge, but we also “find them gaining ground in some other part of the country with a different name”. “What are the reasons that, despite setbacks, they continue to challenge the state,” it asks, and adds “the biggest reason is that we never dissected the ideological plank and character of this category of communists”, who “keep on changing goalposts”. It notes that they “effectively use propaganda” and “exploit all possible constitutional means to challenge the Constitution”.

The story says that “we, as a nation, get carried away by their agenda… and keep debating whether it is a development issue or security issue”. It highlights the failure “vote-bank politics” as “we allow people with Maoist ideology to thrive in urban spaces while banning the organisations they speak for”. “This contradiction in purpose and positioning is the real reason why Maoists have survived and spread their wings in different areas,” it says. Contending that the Maoists “should be treated like any other terrorist organisation”, it says that if “no implicit or explicit support to the Islamic State is permitted, then why are legal, ideological or literary battles on behalf of the Maoists allowed”.


Maoist extremists have brought in units of Company-10, trained to kill with precision; 37 people are known to be on their hit list.
Contrary to the Maharashtra government’s recent claim that left-wing extremism is on the wane, the State faces a rejuvenated red cadre that has vowed to eliminate 37 senior police officers and informants in 2016. The latest hit list has been issued by Naxals in response to the State’s lucrative surrender policy, which, the government claims, has taken off in a big way resulting in a substantial drop in violence. But the latest data show that this claim could be exaggerated. Intelligence inputs have revealed that to execute the hit list, the extremists have brought in several units of Company-10 from Chhattisgarh, each with a strength of 30 men trained to kill with precision.
“This (the latest hit list) is a matter of serious concern for the State, even as inputs show new strategies are being adopted to attract youth with fresh vigour,” an intelligence note in the possession of The Hindu reads. Counter-strategy As part of the Naxal revival policy, documents recovered recently by Gadchiroli Police show that plans are afoot to win the surrendered cadre back to the Maoist fold or eliminate them. The counter-strategy was launched by the CPI-Maoist’s Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee (DKSZC) in villages around Gadchiroli where most of the surrendered cadre lives. Dandakaranya stretches over 92,000 sq km across five States — Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh. — and is a significant holding area for Maoists.
“Left wing extremists adopted a similar strategy in 2009-2010 in Bastar and now, cornered by police action and a spate of surrenders, the outfit is desperate to retain its hold in the red bastion,” reads an intelligence report of the Anti-Naxal Operation Unit of Maharashtra Police. The State government has claimed that thanks to its latest policy – a Rs 5 lakh cash reward and rehabilitation – as many as 51 extremists surrendered in 2015. Violence, too, has ebbed, the government claims.
However, there is another side to the story. In 2015, 18 tribal informants were killed, and 15 murders connected to red extremism were reported as against 14 the previous year, 66 policemen injured as opposed to 43 in 2014, 18 civilians were killed as opposed to six the previous year. Naxals also killed 10 police informants in 2015 as opposed to 8 in 2014. Data also show only two extremists were killed in 2015 as against 13 the previous year. Property worth Rs 1.76 crore was destroyed in 2015 as against Rs 1.49 cr the previous year. Two policemen were killed in 2015, while the number was 11 the previous year. This spate of violence and destruction took place despite the government making the Special Director General (Nagpur) accountable for protecting surrendered Maoists under the new surrender policy. Senior officials told The Hindu that a minor drop in violence could be attributed to the joint operations carried out in 2015.

Another internal note revealed that surrenders were on account of various factors in addition to the state policy, such as ‘health problems, love affairs, internal rifts, sexual exploitation,’ because of which ‘guns were dropped’. Before the new policy came into effect, 40 extremists had surrendered in 2014, and 48 in 2013, showing there has not been a substantial decrease in either violence or number of persons surrendering since the new policy was introduced in end-2014. Maharashtra first launched a Naxal surrender policy on August 29, 2005, and has claimed that 502 extremists have given up arms in the last 10 years since then in violence-hit regions. “The 2015 scenario indicates that the government’s new approach has ensured a retreat of Maoists and advancement of our forces. But we must move with caution,” a senior official said.