From "Dazibao Rojo" blog - EUSKADI: Llamamiento a enfrentar la provocación derechista en Altsasu (Nafarroa)


Después de que Ciudadanos adelantase que querían venir a Altsasu Vox se adhirió a ella. Hace pocos días el PP dijo que también venía. Vaya cuadrilla nos viene… Quieren venir a la plaza del pueblo y convertirnos en un símbolo, un símbolo de opresión.
Según dicen, vienen a “defender la libertad” al pueblo. ¿Qué libertad? ¿La libertad de encarcelarnos? ¿La de mantener unos salarios miserables? ¿La libertad de negar el derecho al aborto? ¿La de reprimirnos? ¿Libertad de golpear a refugiados en la frontera y de vender las armas para utilizar en guerras que los obligan a venir?... No engañan a nadie, son fascistas que vienen a reivindicar un nuevo autoritarismo.
Aquí no son bienvenidos, lo queremos dejar claro ¡Las calles serán siempre nuestras! Aquí no es bienvenido lo que representan. Por eso desde Altsasu llamamos a toda Euskal Herria, a todo el mundo, a los movimientos populares, colectivos y personas de todos los rincones a venir el 4 de noviembre a Altsasu. Al movimiento Antifascista, feminista, euskaltzale, internacionalista, antirracista, antirrepresivo, al movimiento estudiantil, a los espacios autogestionados… a traer sus reivindicaciones a Altsasu, para hacer frente al fascismo en todos sus frentes. Traed reivindicaciones, pancartas, txarangas, bafles… ¡Traed ganas de llenar el pueblo! ¡Llenemos Altsasu!
El 4 de noviembre, a las 10:00, quedamos en el cementerio de Altsasu ¡Allí nos veremos!
Mil vueltas, mil colores contra el fascismo.

Chili : Affrontements samedi à Santiago

Dans l’après-midi de samedi, la "Marche pour Jésus" organisée par les sectes évangélistes liées aux mouvements d’extrême-droite (comme le Mouvement Social-Patriotique) a été attaquée par des contre-manifestants anarchistes et antifascistes, ce qui a provoqué l’intervention de la police et une recrudescence des affrontements. Au moins un policier a été blessé et 19 contre-manifestants arrêtés.

Monday, October 29, 2018

From "LA Cause du Peuple" - France-Philippines : de Hyatt à Sumifru et Sagay, solidarité internationale de classe contre la répression


Depuis plus d’un mois, les ouvrières et ouvriers de l’hôtel Park Hyatt Vendôme à Paris sont en grève pour combattre les pratiques anti-syndicales et anti-employés de leur entreprise. Ils demandent entre autre l’emploi direct de tous les sous-traitants ainsi que des élections professionnelles et des droits pour l’activité syndicale. Au 18ème jour de leur grève, les ouvrières et ouvriers ont été attaqués par le personnel de sécurité défendu par la police, et deux grévistes, Soufiane et Moussa ont fini à l’hôpital. 
Dans l’entreprise Sumifru Philippines Corp, une multinationale japonaise d’export de bananes, les ouvrières et ouvriers en grève depuis le 1er octobre ont eux aussi connu des dispersions violentes par des gangsters privés engagés par leur employeur pour faire le sale boulot.

“Nous sommes en grève !” “Syndicats, pas terroristes !”

Aux Philippines, plus de 172 fermiers ont été assassinés sous la présidence de Duterte alors qu’ils tentaient d’affirmer leur droit à la terre sur laquelle ils travaillent, exploités par les propriétaires terriens et les grandes multinationales. Le 20 octobre 2018, 9 fermières et fermiers de la
Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs Sucriers (NFSW) ont été tués alors qu’ils se reposaient par des mercenaires engagés par les compagnies privées. C’est le massacre des 9 de Sagay, une attaque violente des milices patronales et de l’Etat (qui a immédiatement blâmé les fermiers d’avoir été communistes) contre les travailleuses et travailleurs syndiqués et organisés des Philippines.
Depuis la France ou les Philippines, la classe ouvrière ne fait qu’un, et doit se défendre contre les attaques violentes de la répression. Nous adressons notre solidarité à toutes les justes luttes des masses populaires, de Hyatt à Sumifru, de Paris à Sagay.

Photo du 
Nagkakaisang Pilipino sa Pransya
“La terre à ceux qui la travaillent” / “Justice pour les 9 de Sagay”
“Pour une véritable réforme agraire” / “Stop aux massacres”



Repudiamos veemente a arbitraria prisão domiciliar da defensora dos direitos do povo Margherita Calderazzi, detida em sua casa no dia 16 de outubro, sob a acusação de falta de pagamento de uma multa governamental.  
A companheira Marguerita além de uma destacada dirigente do movimento feminino de seu país tem uma destacada trajetória de organizadora do movimento operário da cidade de Taranto, sendo coordenadora nacional do Slai Cobas (sindicato de classe), e uma ativa defensora dos direitos dos migrantes da cidade.
Durante uma jornada de lutas em defesa dos direitos dos desempregados da cidade de Taranto em 2010, a companheira Marguerita foi acusada de insultar um funcionário público e foi multada em 2.500
Claramente a prisão da companheira expressa a repressão aos que lutam e defendem os direitos do povo. Nos do CEBRASPO condenamos sua absurda detenção e exigimos sua imediata liberdade. Convocamos todos os movimentos democráticos e revolucionários a se solidarizarem com a companheira Marguerita.

il fascio/golpista Bolsonaro vince le elezioni in Brasile - Trump/Bannon/Salvini i primi a congratularsi.. ma i secondi sono i falso sinistri Maduro e Morales!

India - Statement on BhimaKoregaon case. arrests

We, the members of civil society and more than 40 rights organisations including women’s rights organisations, dalit rights organisations, adivasi mass organisations, legal aid and research organisations, environmental groups, trade unions, students etc., have come together to register our condemnation of the continued hounding and reprisals by the state of human rights activists arrested allegedly in the BhimaKoregaon case. 

Stretching to the very last day of the temporary relief of house arrest granted by the Supreme Court vide order dated September 28, 2018 in RomilaThapar&Ors. v. Union of India, the Sessions court in Pune rejected the bail applications for Advocate SudhaBharadwaj, Arun Ferreira and Vernon Gonsalves, who were arrested allegedly in the BhimaKoregaon case on August 28, 2018. Lawyer and activist ArunFerriera and Vernon Gonsalves have been taken under custody by the Pune police yesterday, on October 26 and have produced before the Pune Sessions Court today, which has granted remand until November 6. 

Advocate SudhaBharadwaj’s has also been taken under custody a short while back by the Pune police, who were stationed at her house since late last night. 

October 26 witnessed high power drama in various courts- Pune trial court, Mumbai High Court and the Supreme Court -hearing and delivering orders on various pleas ranging from rejecting bail application of SudhaBharadwaj, Vernon Gonsalves and ArunFerriera

Brasil Bolsonaro gagne - Fascisme/golpisme in action

Jeudi 25 octobre, quelques jours avant l’élection du candidat d’extrême droite Jair Bolsonaro, la police a investi 27 universités, à la demande des tribunaux électoraux. Les forces de police étaient à la recherche de supposé matériel de propagande électorale illégale. À Rio, une juge a fait enlever une banderole du fronton du bâtiment de la faculté de droit de l’université fédérale Fluminense (UFF), sur laquelle était inscrit, autour du symbole antifasciste. À l’université de l’État de Rio, les agents électoraux ont retiré une banderole en hommage à Marielle Franco, un élue municipale de gauche assassinée en mars dernier (voir notre article). Dans le Paraíba, les agents du tribunal électoral se sont introduits dans l’université pour retirer une banderole où était simplement inscrit « moins d’armes, plus de livres ».
Les conférences et des débats sur la dictature militaire et le fascisme qui ont été interdits. C’est le cas d’un débat public intitulé « Contre la fascisme, pour la démocratie », qui devait avoir lieu à l’université fédérale de Rio Grande do Sul (la région de Porto Alegre). Dimanche dernier, dans une allocution filmée diffusée pour ses supporters rassemblés à São Paulo, Jair Bolsonaro a annoncé « nous allons balayer ces bandits rouges du Brésil » avec « nettoyage jamais vu dans l’histoire de ce pays ». Il a précisé qu’il allait classer le Mouvements des paysans sans Terre (MST) et le Mouvement des travailleurs sans toit (MTST) comme des organisations terroristes.
La Faculté de droit de l'Universidade Federal Fluminense avant l'intervention policière

6 - Maoistroad Special Red Front Collective, speech International meeting May/Ju

Dear Comrades,

We want to warmly say thank you for the invitation to this important international conference, on the occacion of 50 years ,,movement of 68“ and especially we want to give a thank for the possibility to also make a speech as contribution to the conference. Firstly we want to thank the comrades from France who took up the initiative to organize this great event today. Our flaming red and internationalist salute to the International Communist Movement, especially to the communist Parties which lead and develope peoples war! Red and Internationalist Salute to all delegations and representatives which take part today and stand in struggle for taking up again or develop the historical mission of the international proletariat. We also sent flaming proletarian salutes from the communists and revolutionaries form Austria to you, which salute this meeting with their full hart. In tradition of the communists and partisans the country we are struggle in we want to salute you with an strong “Freedom!”

Workers of all countries and oppressed peope, unite!
The political power comens threw the barrel of the gun!

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and its international effects in Europe as part of the third big wave of World Proletarian Revolution.

Learn out of the historical praxis — Reconstitute and Constitute Communist Parties through people’s war!

We now live in an epoch, where imperialism is going towards its totally break down and Socialism is going towards its worldwide victory” (Mao Zedong, 9th party day of the CK of China,

Strugging, failing, once more struggling, again failing, again struggling and so on until victory -that’s the logic of the people, and the people will newer act against this logic. This is a low of Marxism.” (Mao Zedong, 1949)

The world is marching forward, the future is bright, and no-one can change this general tendency of history.” (Mao Zedong, 1945)

If we want a clear view over the so called “movment of 68”, we have to take the world situation at that time as base. The heroic victory of the international antifascist unity front (with the Sowjet Union on its top) in the second world war and the following victory of the Chinese Revolution against fascist Japanese Imperialism, lead to a new international situation. Ant-icolonial liberation struggles rose up in a level like never before, Peoples Republics were founded and with the victory of the Chinese revolution the socialist camp spread around mostly the half of the world population. The revolution arrives in a era where it builds the major tendency in the world, which holds the initiative in its hands, and the imperialists in contrary are forced to adapt its policy to the revolution, and lost the initiative in broad fields — which is manifested in the deepening of the general crisis of Imperialism.

Imperialism arrives at its last stage: The Chinese Communists unter the leadership of chairmen Mao Zedong difines this as ,, Epoch, where imperialismus is going towards its totally break down and Socialism is going towards its worldwide victory.“ This definition, which was accepted by the CP of China on its 9th party day in the year 1969, und greatly expresses the dialectic development of the contradictions, turns strongly against the revisionist, and within dogmatic and anti-Marxist “Breakdown Theory“, which assumes that Imperialism has a certain automatism which “anyway” will lead to its breakdown and with that it is negating, that only threw the front march of socialism, represented threw militarised and concentric build Communist Parties forged through protracted peoples war, imperialism could be sweeped away out of earth.

Social-imperialist Soviet Union, a product of counterrevolution in the earlier certer of world proletarian revolution have the be clearly be understood by all communists and revolutionaries as an answer of the bourgeoisie on the new epoch. The propetarian counterpath is, the deepening of the struggle for the political power in all of its aspect threw communists, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, initiated and led by chairmen Mao Zedong, builds the highes expression and the center of the new and third wave of world proletarian revolution. Maoism in its development, former called as ,,Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought“, is the Marxism of the new Epoch, which was and is still proved by the praxis of milliards of people.

The “Movement of 68” is a part of the third big wave of World Proletarian Revolution, with the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as its axis and chairmen Mao Zeong as its helmsmen. Folllowing the law of uneven development of the revolution, we find its cleares politival and ideological expression in the storm centerns of the World Proletarian Revolution, the oppressed people and nations: Especially we want to highlight the Communist Party of India (marxist-leninist) with its chairmen Charu Mazumdar, which constituted after the great Naxalbari Uprising in 1967 and the Communist Party of Peru with its chairmen Gonzalo. The shining power of red China reached also deeple within the peoples struggles and movements araund the world, which in many cases took up strongly the principle ,,Its right to rebell“ and make it to their own one, like for example in Palestine of Afghanistan. Before all the Communists of Peru and India took up the important sturggle to hold high, defend and apply the universally valid teachings of chairmen Mao Zeodong on international level, following the way of proptracted peoples war and the reconstition of miliarised and concentric bouild Communist Parties.

In Europe the movement of 68 was firstly represented threw the most deepest and broadest masses of the proletariat: The workers, the women and the youth and as a second wave of the movement also the middleclasses, especially the students, joint this big storm. To go after a petty bourgeois and bourgeois writing of history, which try to falsify the movemnt of 68 in Europe as only a student movement, and to assume them the initiative of his movment, means to falsificate the nature of 68 to an ,,movment for the bourgeoisie“. We have to clearly see that the students as “class in between” could articulate its petty bourgeois rebellion supposingly ,,on thir own“, because the proletarian leadership, communist parties were missing on a broad scale. The old Communist Parties were corroded by revisionism and the new were in the forst step of formation. Waked up threw the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution the revolutionaries turned their view hopfully to China and took their inspirations from the big victories there and parts out of them intensified the struggle for the new creation of communist parties, whereby all of this forward looking belongigs inhered also the old roots of revisionism, which were never totaly destroyed.

This contradiction led parts of the revolutionary movement, wich fully hated and [abgelehnt] the old revisionism and reformism, but at the same time with serious faults concerning the understanding of the dialectical relation between avantgarde and masses as well as concerning the question of the Communist Party, to take up armed struggle. Here as well we have to see the uneven development of the armed struggle in the differnt countries of europe, in the imperialistic ones as well as in the oppressed countries, which was led in very differnet levels but showed an enormorous virity in its expression. Despite all faults and unclearness within this movement, it was an uprising wich put up the question of armed struggle in an practical way again and with that gave an important contribution for the question of the peoples war in impialist countries.

The movment of 68 in Austria had its strongest expression and also started with the students, which targeted in their rebellion especially the enormous conservativism as well as the continuation of Nazi-Fascism in Austria. The antirevisionist forces which stood in sympathy with the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and Charimen Mao Zedong and constituted in the MLPO were no directly product of the movement of 68, although it had an certain impact on its development, but were formed in the year of 1966. As one of the first parties in the world which made a broke with the old revisionist party as result of the struggle against Chrustschow revisionism, the MLPO developed a few important first steps. But also within them revisionist roots were inherent, which hinders them to strongly take up the crusual leaps which were done with the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution by deepening and further development of the way of chairmen Mao Zedong.

The lack of understanding towards the universal further development of Marxism-Leninism threw chairmen Mao Zedong leads themself in the swamp of revisionism, in which the swamp latestly in the end of the 70ies. They were not able to analyse the counterrevolution in China as an expression of class struggle in socialism, and not als defeat, like it was done by the modern revisionists.

Serious wrong assessments and different limitations lead to the point, that the MLPC in the uprising of 68 could not intervene as leading force in the struggle. Die absent communist leadership was in Austria the central Aspect, why this uprising could not immediatly lead to a strenghtening of the revolutionary forces und it tooks another decades to start putting the teachings of this great rebellion in service of the proletariat, for the reconstitution of the communist party in Austria.

The teachings of the movement of 68 dectats the communists the important task the ful to evaluate the rich experiances of the armed struggle in imperialist countries. Thy are decicive to concretisize the path of the peoples war as universal applicational military theory of the proletariat. The teachings of the movment of 68 lead to communists to always strive after developing from the avantgarde to the acknowledget avantgarde, which can lead also the struggle of the broad masses beside the proletariat und with that to develope the three strategic weapons vom small to big, the Party, the army and the unity front, with the party as its center.

Despite many limitations and subjective faults the revolutionary forces in the movement of 68 was an the biggest mass uprising in Europe as part of the third big wave of the world proletarian revolution, in which the base of the coming revolutionary and communist forces was created.
Maoism as third, highest and last step of proletarian ideology has got today to the foundation of the International Communist Movement. Following the strategic offensive of the world proletarian revolution, it is the tasks of the Communists to put Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism as command of the new wave of world proletarian revolution, to hold high, do defend and to apply -to constitute and reconstitute communist parties, militarized and concentrically though peoples war. The different varieties of modern revisionism, which want to build up the party in “another way” and to stubborn keep in this way gos back even after the historical teachings of the movement of 68. Als the question of peoples war to handla as a question ,,of the futurre“ to practice economism at the same time goes back as well after the historical teaching of the movement of 68, which put up the question of armed struggle in the imperialist countries on the agenda. T0 take up the international significanve of the 68 strongly, gives the communists the clear task to unite through the two lines struggle under the universal proletarian ideology: Marxism-Leninsm-Maoism and to give our whole live for putting Maoism as command of the new wave of proletarian world revolution!

Unite under Maoism!
Take up the teachings of 68 — create proletarian leadership, forge the communist parties!
Long live the wold proletarian revolution!

Red Front Collective,

June, 2018

5 - Maoistroad Special Serve the People – Communist League - Norway speech International meeting May/June 68 - Paris 24/6/2018

In honour of the fighters of Paris 1968

This is a message from Serve the People – Communist League. I am honoured with the task of delivering this to you. First of all, the League salutes the Maoist Communist Party of France and all red fighters in France. The League salutes the conference on the great May revolt of 1968, we greet the organizers and activists, and we thank you for your hospitality – and most of all, for your proletarian internationalist comradery.
May '68 had it’s epicenter here in France, in Nantes, in Paris, in the factories, universities and streets of this country where the masses of people has a long and glorious history of rebellion. But May '68 was internationalist in it’s content. And the waves raised by the masses of France, rolled over Europe. Even in Norway, the storms of '68 had a great impact.
The new communist movement of Norway set sail in this storm of class struggle. It was the perfect circumstances to found the new Marxist-Leninist movement. And Norwegian Marxist-Leninists was not only inspired by May '68. They learned from it, and propagated the lessons of the rebellion – and of the repression.
In a great speech on proletarian dictatorship, the Marxist Leninist leader Tron Øgrim pointed to the commune of Nantes in 1968, as an example of red power. He explained for Norwegian students in 1970, how the red power was dictatorial – for the capitalists – but democracy for the people. His conclusion was that this dictatorship was a great expansion of the freedom of the people.
His conclusion was that France 68 was proof that people’s power has to be defended by violence. And the reason 1968 did not lead to socialism, was betrayel from the revisionists and that the masses did not grasp Mao's tesis that political power grows from the barrel of a gun.
Today, 50 years later, our ideology must go further than the Marxist-Leninists of 1970. To little revolutionary violence, to little proletarian dictatorship – is both the truth, but how? By whom? Our ideology today, the third and higher stage of Marxism, the omnipotent Maoism, gives us the key to unlock greater lessons in this question.
Comrades! Let us honour the fighters of '68, by raising the red flags over Europe again! Let us raise them, and keep them flying – through ice and fire, through ebb and flow, through storm till shining communism!
Let us build Maoist Communist Parties in all countries! People’s war until communism! In the spirit of proletarian internationalism –

 red front!

maoistroad support all initiatives for the celebration of 200th anniversary Marx

this video realized in Italy by PMLI is good 

we publish the parts 2/3/4/5/6 from panama comrades


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Norway against Nato

Aktivistkomitéene vil delta i alle disse demonstrasjonene. I tillegg distribuerer vi plakater og løpesedler for å vise motstand og informere om øvelsen og hvorfor vi er mot den.

NATO er verdens største terrorist. Under amerikansk førerskap har okkuperer alliansen Afghanistan for 17. år. De bombet i stykker Libya i 2011. De bombet Jugoslavia i 1999. Stormaktene i NATO, og særlig USA, er verdens største imperialister og krigsforbrytere. De er verdens største våpenprodusenter og eksportører av våpen til krigshandlinger og råtne regimer på alle kontinenter. Stormaktene i NATO har, uten å overdrive, drept millioner av mennesker de siste femti årene, særlig muslimer.
NATO er en aggressiv militærallianse. De hevder de er til for "fred" og "forsvar", men i virkeligheten er NATOs medlemsland de absolutt mest krigerske i verden. Deres allierte og venner dreper for fote i land som Jemen, Kurdistan, Palestina, Syria og så videre. Når de trener sammen, skjelver kloden. Når de samkjører sine våpensystemer og strategier, øker trusselen mot verdens folk.
Kampen mot NATO stopper ikke etter Trident Juncture. På Værnes ved Trondheim har US Marines en base med flere hundre utstasjonerte soldater. Rundt om i landet ligger en rekke baser som er sentrale for norsk krigføring i utlandet. Og samfunnsutviklingen går i retning mer militarisme både praktisk og i utviklingen av en norsk krigskultur. Vi vil bygge motstand mot dette, på grunnlag av internasjonal solidaritet. Vi aksepterer ikke den norske statens krigseventyr. Vi vil bekjempe de vestlige stormaktenes krig mot verdens fattigste. Derfor vil vi fortsette arbeidet for å samle folk mot denne militarismen, og til støtte for de som kjemper mot okkuopasjon og krig i den tredje verden.
Aktivistkomiteene vil før jul stifte en ny nasjonal organisasjon for all makt til folket, mot fascisme og imperialisme. Denne vil fortsette kampen mot NATO og Norges kriger.


L’accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALENA) qui est entré en vigueur officiellement le 1er janvier 1994 constituait lors de sa mise en œuvre d’une extension au Mexique de l’accord économique qui liait déjà les États-Unis et le Canada depuis 1989. Comme chacun le sait maintenant, l’administration Trump à titre de représentante des intérêts capitalistes américains a imposé à ses partenaires économiques une renégociation de l’entente afin de mieux satisfaire les intérêts impérialistes des États-Unis. De fait, lors de la dernière campagne électorale américaine, Trump a fortement insisté sur l’idée selon laquelle l’entente de libre échange était la principale cause du déficit commercial américain et du déclin du secteur manufacturier des États-Unis au cours des trente dernières années.
Ce qui s’est formé avec l’ALENA est une importante zone de marché de plus de 400 millions de personnes et partageant un produit intérieur brut (PIB) de plusieurs milliers de milliards de dollars. L’intégration des économies des États-Unis, du Canada et du Mexique a ainsi favorisé l’émergence et le développement d’un puissant bloc capitaliste capable de rivaliser avec d’autres importants blocs économiques, notamment le bloc composé par les États membres de l’Union Européenne (ÉU).
Grâce à l’ALENA, les États-Unis sont devenus la plaque tournante des échanges régionaux en Amérique. De fait, les membres de l’ALENA entretiennent entre eux des liens étroits. Plus particulièrement, le Canada et le Mexique occupent une place privilégiée auprès des États-Unis (représentant les deux premiers marchés à l’exportation des États-Unis), si on tient compte de leur poids respectif réel dans l’économie mondiale (i.e. PIB équivalant à 1,3% et 1,9% du PIB mondial en 2016 pour le Canada et le Mexique respectivement). Par ailleurs, les États-Unis, dont le poids dans le PIB mondial atteignait 15,5% en 2016, sont le principal partenaire commercial du Mexique et du Canada. Ces derniers ayant respectivement exporté, en 2016, 81,3% et 76,4% de leurs marchandises aux États-Unis tandis que 46% et 52,2% de leurs importations provenaient respectivement des États-Unis.
Étant donné un tel rapport étroit entre les différentes économies capitalistes, il apparaissait normal que ces dernières cherchent à pérenniser les rapports qu’elles entretiennent les unes avec les autres afin d’assurer le fonctionnement de l’ensemble économique nord américain. Toutefois, il ne faudrait pas oublier que derrière toute entente entre capitalistes se cache toujours et nécessairement l’organisation régionale de la division du travail entre États qui permet de faire perdurer les rapports d’exploitation les plus favorables pour le capitalisme au détriment des prolétaires (et de la paysannerie si on considère le Mexique)

Austria antifascism

Die antifaschistischen Massenproteste, die Donnertagsdemos, in Österreich gehen weiter. Wir wollen dazu abermals auf eine Stellungnahme von Genossen der "Antifaschistischen Aktion - Infoblatt" in Österreich aufmerksam machen.
An der sehr guten und kämpferischen letzten Donnerstagsdemo anschließend, haben auch diese Woche wieder über 5.000 Protestierende lebendig und laut ihre gerechtfertigten Anliegen gegen die Regierung gezeigt! Von Mal zu Mal klingen die Parolen lauter und werden von mehr Leuten mitgeschrien. Auch diese Woche konnte die kämpferische Stimmung gut gehalten werden.

Um gegen das Essverbot in der U6 zu protestieren wurde die U-Bahnfahrt vom Urban-Loritz-Platz bis zum Schwedenplatz als Teil der Demo eingeplant, doch die meisten Demonstranten kamen direkt zum Schwedenplatz. Obwohl viele Leute wegen dem langen Wochenende nicht dabei waren war die Beteiligung trotzdem groß und der Kampfgeist ungebrochen. Es waren auch dieses Mal wieder viele neue Leute auf der Straße. Und auch dieses Mal erhellten Bengalos die Nacht.

USA Campaign Present Dr. Sernas Alive!

Present Dr. Sernas Alive!

Comrade Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, a revolutionary lawyer and law professor in Oaxaca, Mexico was disappeared in San Agustín de las Juntas on May 10 of this year — he is one of the many revolutionaries and servants of the people disappeared by the reactionary Mexican state.
The U.S. Red Guards joins the Communist and progressive organizations of the world in condemning his disappearance and in demanding the presentation of Dr Sernas alive to the masses, poor peasants, and workers of Mexico.
At the time of his disappearance, Dr. Sernas—a professor of constitutional law at Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca—was in the midst of defending twenty-three Maoist militants of Corriente de Pueblo Sol Rojo, a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organization which is active in the heartland

China class struggle

China Labour Bulletin’s Strike Map recorded 1,332 strikes and collective protests by workers in the first nine months of the year, the vast majority of which were the result of employers’ flagrant violation of workers’ rights, such as the failure to pay wages, social insurance contributions or compensation to laid-off workers.
Demands for wage arrears occurred in 1,075 of the cases recorded on the map, or 80.7 percent of the total. The problem was particularly severe in the construction industry, which accounted for nearly half of all the collective protests in the first nine months, but was also apparent in manufacturing, as factories closed down or relocated, as well as in service industries, as new businesses folded under the intense pressure of market competition.

As noted in CLB’s report on the workers’ movement in China  (中国工人运动观察报告2015-2017), the construction industry has long been a huge embarrassment for the ACFTU in terms of organizing. After decades of flagrant rights abuses, union officials are still at a loss as how to bring construction workers into the union and protect their fundamental rights. Instead trade union officials prefer to blame the multiple layers of subcontracting, the high mobility and seasonality of labour, and the alleged incompetence of workers, for their own failure to organize the industry.
The ACFTU has attempted to extend its reach in the transport and logistics industry by recruiting truck drivers and food-delivery workers but as the Strike Map shows, strikes and protests by drivers are still a regular occurrence, and accounted for 14 percent of all collective protests in the first nine months of the year. Many drivers complained that their incomes had stagnated or had actually declined to the point that they could no longer make a living.
As the manufacturing sector continues to decline, many factories are struggling to survive and are defaulting on wages, cutting bonuses and reducing overtime. The failure of the union to protect factory workers’ interests was dramatically highlighted during the summer when employees of Jasic Technology in Shenzhen tried to unionize. The local trade union reportedly colluded with management to block the worker activists organizing attempts, ultimately leading to the workers’ dismissal and detention by local police.
Likewise, in the north-eastern city of Changchun, workers at FAW-Volkswagen have been campaigning for the best part of two years for equal pay for equal work and the right to be hired on direct employment contracts with the car manufacturer with proper benefits but, thus far, the union has done little or nothing to help.
In the service and retail sectors, which when combined accounted for 16 percent of all protests in the first nine months, workers are hopelessly under-represented by the union because they are often hired as agency workers or individual contractors rather than employees, and the union, which focuses on organizing inside enterprises, is still floundering when it comes to the gig economy.
And even when there is a union in place, such as at retail giant Walmart, it has deliberately excluded those worker activists who are dedicated to improving the pay and conditions of their co-workers. See CLB’s report, China’s Walmart workers: Creating an opportunity for genuine trade unionism, for more details.

Canada Conférence | Présentation critique du maoïsme aux États-Unis Maison Norman Bethune

Des «Students for a Democratic Society» jusqu’au Black Panther Party, le maoïsme possède une longue histoire chez nos voisins du Sud. Pendant au moins deux décennies, le RCP-USA et ses prédécesseurs l’ont incarné avec une certaine pertinence, avant de rompre avec lui et de prétendre inventer une «nouvelle synthèse». Alors que ce parti n’est plus qu’une caricature de lui-même, des groupes et collectifs tentent de se regrouper et de se l’approprier. Quels sont-ils et sur quelles bases s’organisent-ils?