Thursday, May 30, 2019

Después de la Declaración Conjunta del Primero de Mayo Carta Abierta de Maoist Road - espanol

  • Traducción no oficial

Maoistroad - unity and struggle of mlm parties and organisations against right revisionism-opportunism and ‘leftist’ opportunism, dogmatism and petty bourgeois revolutionism...

from Joint Declaration MayDay 2019

Within the imperialist countries the tendency to fascism and open dictatorship advances.

In countries oppressed by imperialism, where the ruling regimes have always been reactionary and subservient of the imperialist powers, illusions on national, popular and anti-imperialist governments are falling down and dictatorships with openly fascist and military character are advancing    

Imperialism is misery, reaction and war....

....To develop and build the parties of the working class, to root them among the masses; to wage a hard struggle within the ranks of the masses for the ideological and political independence of the proletariat, based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; to build mass organizations under the leadership of these parties, able to lead the struggling sectors of masses and tear them away form the influence of the reactionary fundamentalist Pan Islamist. fascist-populist forces as well as the remnants of the social democratic and reformist forces; fight economism, legalism, imperialist chauvinism.....

...To organize the proletariat and mass resistance to internal reactionaries wars and, when the imperialist war advances, make serious determined preparations, to transform it into revolution; to build the militant and fighting forces of the masses to respond to state repression and fight fascist groups; to direct and pave the way for a true revolutionary struggle to overthrow imperialism, its states, its governments and establish the proletarian power....

...Against this system and its crisis the proletarians and the peoples are rebelling both in the imperialist countries and in the countries oppressed by imperialism. The objective conditions of the class struggle, of the national liberation struggle, of the people’s war are getting sharper.
On the subjective level, the proletariat and its Marxist-Leninist-Maoist (MLM) organizations are still lagging behind in developing strategies, tactics and organizations and are not up to the challenges put by the objective situation both in the imperialist countries and in the countries oppressed by imperialism.
The ruling classes of the whole world are increasingly resorting to fascism, to impose their plans and their power and also to divert the growing discontent and resistance of the people’s masses....

III International 
....The taking up of all this historical heritage is needed today more than ever for a real advancement of the international working class movement and the communist MLM movement in order to get rid, by means the active ideological struggle and the two-line-struggle, of the influences of the right revisionism-opportunism that leads to capitulation and also, as a secondary enemy but harmful to the purpose the ‘leftist’ opportunism, dogmatism and petty bourgeois revolutionism.....

....the genuine MLM communists call for:-  a unity based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, on the path of people’s war for the development of the world proletarian revolution.

A unity that will develop mutual help and cooperation to make common steps forward ...... the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist International Joint Conference of the MLM parties and organizations, with meetings and content discussions about ideological political items and tasks of this...
- the construction of proletarian parties able to lead the class struggle through the direct experience of the proletarians and peoples, towards the development of new democratic and socialist revolutions.– a unity of action in the fundamental fields of the class struggle both in the imperialist countries and in the countries oppressed by imperialism: 
             -the support to the People’s war in India, the Philippines and all the countries, Peru, Turkey etc.- where the path of the people’s war is developed at different stages; 
             -the defense and release of the political prisoners and prisoners of war in the world; 
             -the development of the anti-fascist and anti-imperialist front; 
-the unity of the classist trade union organizations;
- the development of women’s struggle and proletarian feminist revolutionary organizations.

extraits of May day 2019 Joint Declaration

Austria's celebration of I İbrahim Kaypakkaya`

Avusturya'lı Maoistler'den Kaypakkaya anma gecesine videolu mesaj
Avusturya'lı Maoistler'den Kaypakkaya anma gecesine videolu mesaj

Avusturya’lı Maoistler’den Kaypakkaya anma gecesine videolu mesaj

(Maoist) Komünist Parti kuruluşu için komiteler, Avusturya  tarafından elimize ulaşan Video mesaj şu şekildedir;

Yaşasın Komünist Önder İbrahim Kaypakkaya`nın kızıl güzergahı!
Komünist Önder İbrahim Kaypakkaya`nın 70.doğum yılı ve katledilişinin 46.yılında gerçekleşen Anma etkinliğine kızıl, enternasyonalist selamlarımızı iletiyoruz!
Nazi Almanyası`nın nihai yenilgisi olan 1945 yılı 8/9 Mayıs`a atfen yapılan Kızıl Ordu kahramanları anıtında çekimini gerçekleştirdiğimiz Video´yu İbrahim Kaypakkaya`nın çizdiği kızıl güzergaha atfediyoruz.
Video`da gördüğünüz Anıt Uluslararası Komünist Hareketin gücünün ve bu hareketin büyük önderi Josef W.Stalin`i sembolize etmektedir.

Haciendo frente al dogmato-revisionismo. Uno se divide en dos: el arma revolucionaria de Mao Tse-tung. Extractos del libro de Antonio de Irala.



El Presidente Mao ha sistematizado el estudio de la dialéctica centrándolo en el concepto de contradicción. Y ha logrado convertir esta teoría en un instrumento del más alto valor práctico mediante el método de UNO SE DIVIDE EN DOS, que puede ser considerado como un verdadero descubrimiento de Mao.

A. Sistematización teórica
Es corriente entre los escritores marxistas estudiar las llamadas ‘leyes de la dialéctica’ siguiendo la exposición que Engels hace en su conocido libro “ANTI-DÜHRING“. Mao declara sobre el particular:

Se ha considerado en el pasado que la dialéctica consiste en tres grandes leyes, y Stalin dijo que consiste en cuatro grandes leyes. Yo creo que sólo existe una ley básica, la ley de la contradicción. Cualidad y cantidad, afirmación y negación, fenómeno y esencia, contenido y forma, necesidad y libertad, posibilidad y realidad, etc., todos son unidad de opuestos“. (1)

Por consiguiente, nos es de todo punto necesario seguir a Mao, de modo puntual y fiel en su estudio de la contradicción, para poder captar la esencia de la ‘UNIDAD DE OPUESTOS’; ir habituándose a su método de ‘UNO SE DIVIDE EN DOS’, y abarcar los problemas mencionados junto con sus consecuencias prácticas entre las que destacan las ‘reglas para alcanzar la victoria’, finalidad primordial de su estudio.
La contradicción, como el movimiento, es, para todo marxista, algo objetivo que existe en la realidad de las cosas. Y el concepto de la contradicción es justamente el ‘reflejo’ de esa realidad en la mente humana. Por consiguiente, el estudio de las características de la contradicción y de las leyes generales que la rigen, sólo podrá realizarse teniendo presente dicha realidad.
Esa realidad objetiva de la contradicción y lucha existente en toda entidad o cosa, viene impuesta por la naturaleza misma, y no por el capricho arbitrario o la fantasía creadora de filósofos o escritores políticos.

France Libérons Téo et Tristan ! Concert pour les Gilets Jaunes incarcéré.e.s le 29 juin


Soutenons Liberté pour les Gilets Jaunes – Clermont Ferrand !
Après un plaidoyer surréaliste du procureur qui rendait hommage à l’action des policiers au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale, le procès des Gilets Jaunes Téo et Tristan à Clermont-Ferrant s’est déroulé uniquement à charge pour nos 2 camarades. Qu’importe qu’ils soient accusés d’un crime sans victime, qu’importe que la police aie nassé sans raison, qu’importe les inégalités grandissantes dans notre pays, qu’importe que Téo et Tristan soient deux jeunes avec du travail.
Téo est condamné à 1 an et 8 mois de prison dont 10 avec sursis avec interdiction de paraître place de Jaude pendant 2 ans.
Tristan est condamné à 18 mois de prison dont 10 avec sursis avec interdiction de paraître place de Jaude pendant 2 ans.
Ils sont solidairement condamnés a rembourser les parties civiles et à trouver du travail (on appréciera l’absurde).
Il devront payer 9670 euros au crédit mutuel pour les dégradations de la vitrine.
D’autres amendes arriveront de la part de Clermont Communauté et de la société de parking du centre commercial de Jaude.
Par cette condamnation les juges persistent et signent dans la criminalisation des mouvements sociaux. Nous ne baisserons pas la tête, la solidarité est notre arme !

Le 29 Juin est organisé un concert de soutien pour Téo, Tristan et les Gilets Jaunes incarcéré.e.s. Soyons-là pour montrer la solidarité !

Maoist Communist Party Manipur says MPP is cleansed for a better regional politics

       Maoist Communist Party Manipur says MPP is cleansed for a better regional politics

Imphal, May 29 2019: MPP is one of the oldest regional parties of Manipur but it had been marred with troubles for ages.
Now the situation has considerably improved and no problem and conflicts exist now in MPP.
In a statement the Manipur Maoist said that party is keeping a close eye on this party so that no unwanted incident happens in it.
Maoist Party has taken responsibility of protecting the regional parties against their enemies who are attacking the outlook of regionalism.
Democratic Revolutionary Peoples Party (DRPP) perished because of its weakness in politics and MPP’s downfall is because there is no one to look after the party.
People who roamed around collecting money in the name of KCP, people who were chased out of their villages for disrespecting women, those who were chased out from other organizations had all joined MPP at one point of time.

India - From Chuni Kotal to Payel Tadvi: Condemn the institutional murders of Dalit Bahujan Adivasi students

On 22nd May, 26 year old Dr. Payal Tadvi, a Muslim tribal doctor committed suicide after having endured months of caste-based abuse and harassment from three caste Hindu doctors Hema Ahuja, Bhakti Mehere and Ankita Khandelwal. Payal had been sharing both professional and residential space with the three senior doctors, who repeatedly subjected her to torture and harassment, abusing her tribal identity, ragging her in the hostel, taunting and moral policing her on social media. At work, Ahuja, Mehere and Khandelwal would verbally abuse and humiliate Payal in front of patients. They deliberately prevented her from surgeries and from entering the operation theatre. She was repeatedly threatened with complaints to the dean and the departmental head. Forced to share a room with two of her oppressors, Payal would face harassment even in the hostel. Without a cot, she was sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Ahuja and Mehere would use her mattress to wipe their feet after using the toilet. They continued the harassment on Whatsapp groups, taunting her for her tribal background. After this, Payal was forced to sleep in the hospital where she was working. She faced casteist taunts from the seniors, “We won’t let them study. We will treat them this way. These people are from lower castes and should be treated this way”. Payal, who had joined the PG course in gynaecology at the Topiwala National Medical College in May of 2018, had been complaining about the harassment to her parents by December. They took complaints of ragging and caste abuse to the hospital administration who then chose to ignore them

Masiva huelga general en Argentina: la medida repercutió en todo el país

ARGENTINA: Exitosa Huelga General paraliza el país.

Ciudades paradas. Hoy se realiza una nueva huelga contra el modelo económico del régimen macrista. El cese de actividades fue prácticamente completo

El paro general se hizo sentir en cada rincón de Argentina, con epicentro fundamental en las grandes urbes, donde el cese de actividades fue prácticamente completo.
En todo el país, el Paro Nacional decretado por movimientos sociales, la CGT y numerosas organizaciones sindicales que se encolumnaron detrás de la central obrera, alcanzó un inusual punto de acatamiento.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

info - Grève générale au Soudan: «On utilise enfin nos droits»

Des manifestants soudanais au premier jour d’une grève générale de 48 heures à Khartoum, le 28 mai 2019.
© REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah

Le Soudan entamait ce mardi 28 mai deux jours de grève générale, à l’appel de la coalition civile en pointe de la révolte populaire qui a entraîné la chute du président Omar el-Béchir. Objectif : forcer la main des putschistes pour qu’ils acceptent des concessions dans les négociations en cours.

De nombreux piquets de grève avaient été montés dans différents quartiers de la capitale. L’ambiance était bon enfant. Des salariés de banques, d’assurances, des employés de ministères et d’institutions étatiques sont descendus dans la rue pour réclamer un pouvoir civil. Beaucoup manifestaient pour la première fois. Sous la dictature, c’était impossible. Mais avec Omar el-Béchir en prison, les langues et les esprits se sont libérés.
La dernière fois que je me suis mise en grève, c’était en 1985, j’étais encore lycéenne. Mais maintenant je n’ai plus peur. Ce soulèvement nous a donné un espace de liberté qu’on avait perdu. On l’a obtenu grâce au sang versé par les martyrs de la révolution. Mais si on veut obtenir la paix et la justice, on doit continuer à faire pression sur les soldats. Et je pense que la grève va les faire plier.
[Reportage] Grève quasi inédite chez les fonctionnaires
29-05-2019 – Par Sébastien Nemeth
Cette journée de grève a évidemment entraîné des perturbations. De nombreux vols ont ainsi été annulés. Et selon plusieurs sources, la milice du général Hemeti a brièvement arrêté des employés de la compagnie d’électricité. Le numéro deux de la junte avait menacé ses salariés de licenciement. Mais cela n’a pas empêché les Soudanais de suivre le mot d’ordre. Beaucoup disent qu’ils n’ont

Syryza crack in Greece - KKE/ML

Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ έστρωσε το δρόμο της αντιδραστικής πορείας. Αγώνας για να ανοίξει ο δρόμος του λαού!

Οι εκλογές της 26ης Μάη κατέγραψαν και ανέδειξαν όλα τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά που διαμορφώθηκαν στην πολιτική και κοινωνική ζωή τα τελευταία χρόνια, μετά την ανάδειξη του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην κυβέρνηση. Πορεία δεξιά, ολόκληρου του πολιτικού συστήματος, ενίσχυση των αντιδραστικών – εθνικιστικών – ακροδεξιών δυνάμεων, με το λαό και τη νεολαία στη γωνία να δέχονται τα απανωτά χτυπήματα της επίθεσης του συστήματος και να καλούνται σε υποταγή και συμμόρφωση σε ένα όλο και πιο αντιδραστικό σκηνικό.

Austria Powerful demonstration against the Ustaša-meeting in Bleiburg/Pliberk - afainfoblatt

On May 18, thousands of Ustaša-fascists from Europe gathered again for the commemoration of their myth of the alleged massacre on the „Loibacher Feld“ (a memorial place in Bleiburg/Kärnten of the Ustaša-Fascists). Years of persistent resistance and protest of antifascists led to the result, that this year thousands of fascists less than last year marched up at this event. This success also could be seen at the mood within the counter-protests, which was partially very combative and as a whole very powerful and decisive to end this meeting once and for all.

info from Nepal - Call for International Solidarity with the comrades of Communist Party of Nepal/Chand

Kathmandu, 29.05.19
La prensa de Nepal informa que según la policía, los muertos y heridos de las explosiones del pasado domingo en la capital, eran miembros o simpatizantes del clandestino Partido Comunista de Nepal, que dirige el camarada Biplav.
Según esto, las explosiones fueron accidentales, tanto en su manejo como en su transporte. Una tuvo lugar en una barberia en Sukehdara, en la que se afirma, se estaban fabricando bombas de tubo. En la misma, resultaron muertos un conocido activista de la organización juvenil del PCN y otras dos personas no identificadas, tres personas estan heridas de gravedad.

La segunda explosión, en Chandragiri, afecto a dos personas jóvenes, que viajaban en una motocicleta, resultando muerta una de ellas y herida de gravedad la segunda, se afirma que les explotó un artefacto que transportaban.

call by maoistroad

....This move of current pseudo communist Nepal government dangerously synchronizes with the historical social fascist acts against the fundamental human/political rights and righteous people's movement. Hundreds of party sympathizer and supporters, party members and leaders are being systematically arrested and tortured across the country. Fabricated fake legal cases are being manufactured by the state agencies against the detained individuals. Further, cadres from sister organizations (such as Students wing, Teachers wing, Workers wing) politically supporting the Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) are also equally terrorized by the state agencies. This political ban and ongoing systematically organized state sponsored horror simply violets all fundamental sociopolitical rights of any human being.
We sincerely expect to receive your support and solidarity in the struggle towards the scientific socialism led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) against the fascist ban imposed by the government of Nepal. ...

Brasil - para as manifestações do 30M - video

Reproduzimos vídeo enviado pelo Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário (MEPR) com a convocatória para as manifestações do 30M que irão acontecer em todo o Brasil. 

Norway - class struggle Tjen Folket Media.

Folkelig kamp på Frøya fører til midlertidig stans

India info Maoist attack in Jharkhand

The injured were air lifted to private a medical hospital in Ranchi. While 24 of the personnel were from 209 battalion of Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA).
At least 26 security personnel of central police force and state police were injured after Communist Party of India (Maoists) allegedly triggered a series of IED blasts on Tuesday morning in Rai Sindri hills under Kuchai police station limits of Jharkhand’s Sarikela-Kharsawan district.
The injured were air lifted to private a medical hospital in Ranchi. While 24 of the personnel were from 209 battalion of Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA), a CRPF team specialising in anti-Maoist operations, the remaining were from the state police’s special task force, Jharkhand Jaguar.
According to officials there was no direct confrontation with Maoists, who escaped after triggering the blast. Forces have cordoned-off the area, and search operations were conducted. By evening, 11 personnel were discharged while the rest are undergoing medical treatment for various injuries. Senior officers said that 3 CRPF personnel were still critical.

Canada - info - Removal of Chair from the Coordinating Committee and Expulsion from the MER-RSM

It is our duty to inform you the former chair of the MER-RSM, Dimka has been removed from the Coordinating Committee. He has also been expelled from the movement. This comes after his inexcusable mishandling of an investigation into sexual violence perpetrated by a former comrade from Ottawa.
In short, he failed to take seriously and properly investigate concerns of patriarchal, abusive and manipulative behaviour due to his close connection to the perpetrator. He took an antagonistic approach through all of his actions. When contacting the survivor initially rather then taking the position of believing and supporting them and working from there, his first step was to discredit and not to support them, rather to take an antagonistic attitude. Even prior to contacting the survivor when he learned they had faced sexual violence he errored in failing to recognize the predatory behaviour as it developed and prevent it before harm could be done. As a member of leadership he had a great responsibility and he used his position to ultimately prevent proper investigation and obscure the truth. He put forward a red herring which misdirected the focus from the initial concerns protecting his comrade and himself from criticism. He assumed a level of intrigue on the part of the comrade who raised concerns and accusations which then led him to push through isolating them from the movement as a whole without basis, an error from which the damage cannot be undone. This prevented the investigation from being taken on properly and fundamentally broke the trust put in the Coordinating Committee by comrades.
One lesson we have learned is any comrade can make grievous errors and no one should be above criticism. There is no excuse for the damage Dimka has done to comrades locally, he used his position to insulate himself and a close comrade from accountability. This behaviour is unacceptable for any member of the revolutionary movement, and his errors demonstrated a failure to apply proletarian feminist politics. Even in his departure, he did not grasp the root of his errors and failed to correct his misdirection continuing to slander and victim-blame.
However, we also need to self-criticize. Although Dimka was partially to blame for what happened, the Coordinating Committee acts collectively and we fundamentally failed to recognize the errors that Dimka made early in the process. We allowed our confidence in Dimka to stop us from criticizing what should have been clear errors in the way he handled the situation. We did not look further into the details and remove Dimka from the role of lead investigator before taking action. There were errors in judgment that actively put comrades at risk and we facilitated those continuing in that we failed to act sooner to question his perspectives. For the first week of our knowledge about the accusations of the perpetrator we were complacent and that allowed Dimka to continue to do damage. The comrade who brought forward allegations was not contacted immediately by other members of Coordinating Committee to allow for a proper investigation. We allowed Dimka to be our single information source in spite of the severity of the situation and his role in it. He had previously made similar errors in failing to investigate properly instances of sexual violence and in having good practice of proletarian feminism. Although he produced a self criticism at that time we should not have placed our trust in his ability to handle the same sort of case effectively given his connection to the perpetrator. Our failure to do so allowed him to do harm yet again and perpetuate sexual violence. We recognize our principal error was to not remove him from taking an active role in the investigation when we first learned about it. Secondarily we acted without independently contacting the survivor and finally we assumed bad faith based on very little information from a
single source being Dimka. We apologize for these errors on our part we did not act to put a stop to the harm being done as soon as we possibly could and instead allowed it to continue for far to long.
In universalizing the lessons our approach should have been to remove Dimka from an active role in the investigation, to independently contact all parties involved and seek the truth from facts, and finally to collectively sort through information before pursuing any action. Our failure to do so in this case caused severe damage and it cannot be allowed to happen again. Beyond this we must recognize, no matter how earnest the comrade, no one is invincible from error so as we say above no one is beyond criticism. With his departure the Coordinating Committee has elected Ken Kollontai to be the chair until the next congress. If you have any questions or criticisms please contact us. Finally we would like to apologize again our practice failed to meet the standards it must. We have and will continue to draw lessons from this to properly practice proletarian feminism in Canada.
In Solidarity,
MER-RSM Coordinating Committee

TKPML - 1st CONGRESS! - Call received

To the Turkish, Kurdish and various nationalities of our people;
Established under the leadership of comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on 24 April 1972, our Party has accomplished its 1st Congress, which Ibrahim Kaypakkaya planned, but could not lead due to his imprisonment and subsequent murder in custody.
The international proletariat and the Communist parties, that embody its struggle, have always, despite the historical ups and downs marched forward. By not abandoning the red flag from its first day of foundation, our party TKP-ML has always remained a important contingent of this movement.
Our party TKP-ML has successfully held its first Congress. This Congress is seen by the Party as an important milestone that is a platform where shortcomings and weaknesses are discussed and ways to overcome these weaknesses and shortcomings are formulated; experience and knowledge is consolidated in order to build on its strengthens to facilitate further advance.
Our 1st Congress has a special historical importance for the international proletariat, the proletariat of our country and our people. Despite the counter-revolutionary offensive against our party in April 2015 by German imperialism in collaboration with the Turkish state, that was followed by an opportunist, splitist and liquidationist attack led by a minority group within the Party, who were ‘leftist’ in words and rightist in practice, our Congress, firmly embracing its principles, saluted the achievements of the founders of our party and rejected all forms of liquidationist attacks.

PCm Italy - il governo fascio populista Salvini/DiMaio e Mttarella si apprestano a varare il nuovo decreto razzista e liberticida sulla sicurezza - massima e immediata opposizione in tutte le forme

Le “limature” al decreto Sicurezza-bis richieste dal presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, al presidente del Consiglio, Giuseppe Conte, e sulle quali si era arenato l’ultimo Consiglio dei ministri ci sono state: cancellate le multe da 3.500 a 5.500 euro per ogni straniero trasportato in violazione delle Convenzioni internazionali che si sono trasformate in sanzioni da 10mila a 50mila euro per chiunque violi il divieto d’ingresso in acque territoriali, mentre è stata definita con chiarezza l’attribuzione delle responsabilità di limitazione del transito nei mari italiani tra i diversi ministeri di competenza. Se ne va anche l’assunzione del commissario straordinario per velocizzare le notifiche di reati passati in giudicato, ma rimangono le 800 assunzioni in due anni (al costo di 28 milioni di euro, mentre una seconda bozza lo quantificava in 25) e vengono ulteriormente inasprite le pene per le violenze contro pubblici ufficiali, soprattutto se compiute in occasione di manifestazioni o eventi pubblici. È stato introdotto anche un intero capitolo sugli episodi di violenza durante le manifestazioni sportive. Dopo le modifiche Matteo Salvini non ha parlato, mentre il Viminale ha auspicato la discussione del decreto nel prossimo Cdm.
Immigrazione, via le multe per ogni migrante soccorso. Fino a 50 milioni per i rimpatri
A sollevare dubbi di costituzionalità nella prima bozza del decreto era stato soprattutto l’articolo 1, quello che prevedeva multe da 3.500 a 5.500 euro alle imbarcazioni per ogni straniero trasportato dopo un intervento fuori dalle acque territoriali italiane in violazione delle Convenzioni internazionali. Al posto di questo provvedimento, sia nella seconda versione che nell’ultima diffusa, ne è stato inserito uno che punisce chi trasgredisce un divieto d’accesso in acque territoriali dopo la notifica, come successo ad esempio nel caso della nave Sea Watch che si è diretta verso Lampedusa con 65 persone a bordo nonostante la diffida da parte del ministero dell’Interno: “Salvo che si tratti di naviglio militare o in servizio governativo – si legge -, in caso di violazione del divieto di ingresso, transito o sosta in acque territoriali italiane, si applica a ciascuno di essi la sanzione amministrativa del pagamento di una somma da euro 10mila a euro 50mila. In caso di reiterazione commessa con l’utilizzo della medesima nave, si applica altresì la sanzione accessoria della confisca della nave, procedendo immediatamente a sequestro cautelare“.
In tema di immigrazione aumentano anche i poteri in mano al ministro dell’Interno che, informando il dicastero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, quello della Difesa e la presidenza del Consiglio, potrà “limitare o vietare l’ingresso, il transito o la sosta di navi nel mare territoriale, salvo che si tratti di naviglio militare o di navi in servizio governativo non commerciale, per motivi di ordine e sicurezza pubblica“. La norma ha l’obiettivo, tra gli altri, di impedire alle navi delle ong, ogni volta che viene ravvisata una violazione delle leggi sull’immigrazione, di entrare nelle acque territoriali italiane e, quindi, dirigersi verso uno dei porti per effettuare lo sbarco. Impedimento che non può esserci nel caso in cui le organizzazioni riescano a trasbordare i naufraghi su una nave della Marina Militare.Rimane in piedi lo stanziamento di 3 milioni di euro complessivi nel triennio 2019-2021 per l’utilizzo di agenti di Polizia di altri Stati in operazioni sotto copertura per il contrasto al favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina.
Inoltre, in tema di rimpatri viene proposta l’istituzione di un fondo destinato a finanziare “interventi di cooperazione mediante sostegno al bilancio generale o settoriale ovvero intese bilaterali, comunque denominate, con finalità premiali per la particolare collaborazione nel settore della riammissione di soggetti irregolari presenti sul territorio nazionale e provenienti da Stati non appartenenti all’Unione europea”. Un fondo che servirà, quindi, anche a favorire i rimpatri degli extracomunitari irregolari che disporrà inizialmente di 2 milioni di euro per il 2019, ma che, grazie ai tagli al Fondo per i centri di accoglienza, potrà godere di un incremento annuo fino a 50 milioni di euro.Rimane in piedi lo stanziamento di 3 milioni di euro complessivi nel triennio 2019-2021 per l’utilizzo di agenti di Polizia di altri Stati in operazioni sotto copertura per il contrasto al favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina.
Inoltre, in tema di rimpatri viene proposta l’istituzione di un fondo destinato a finanziare “interventi di cooperazione mediante sostegno al bilancio generale o settoriale ovvero intese bilaterali, comunque denominate, con finalità premiali per la particolare collaborazione nel settore della riammissione di soggetti irregolari presenti sul territorio nazionale e provenienti da Stati non appartenenti all’Unione europea”. Un fondo che servirà, quindi, anche a favorire i rimpatri degli extracomunitari irregolari che disporrà inizialmente di 2 milioni di euro per il 2019, ma che, grazie ai tagli al Fondo per i centri di accoglienza, potrà godere di un incremento annuo fino a 50 milioni di euro.
Pene più severe per reati durante manifestazioni. Tolte pene su resistenza passiva
Il Viminale ha scelto la linea del pugno duro nei confronti di coloro che si macchiano di reati commessi durante manifestazioni o eventi pubblici. Nell’ultima versione diffusa, però, il Viminale ha dovuto fare un passo indietro sulle pene legate alla resistenza passiva durante le manifestazioni. Secondo quanto previsto dalla seconda versione del decreto circolata il 21 maggio, la resistenza alle cariche della polizia, anche se svolta senza un’offesa ma con l’utilizzo di barriere come scudi o altri materiali che limitano l’intervento delle forze dell’ordine, sarebbe stata punita. Un inasprimento considerato eccessivo, visto che nell’ultima versione questa parte è stata cancellata, ripristinando così il diritto dei manifestanti a proteggersi in caso di cariche delle forze dell’ordine. I minimi e i massimi di pena, in questi casi, erano stati alzati, così come la durata dei Daspo. È stato reintrodotto anche il concetto di tenuità dell’offesa, eliminato nella seconda versione, e l’inasprimento delle pene per oltraggio a pubblico ufficiale per i quali la seconda bozza stabiliva un aumento di pena che passava a un massimo di 3 anni e 6 mesi, contro i tre anni previsti dal codice penale vigente.
Queste revisioni sono però coincise con l’inserimento di pene più severe nel caso in cui si configuri il reato di interruzione o ostacolo di pubblico servizio in caso di manifestazioni o eventi pubblici. In queste circostanze, la reclusione prevista può arrivare fino a due anni.Come nella prima bozza circolata il 9 maggio, la nuova norma prevede il divieto di partecipare a manifestazioni o eventi pubblici indossando caschi o altri oggetti e indumenti che limitano il riconoscimento della persona. La pena per i trasgressori prevederà l’arresto da due a tre anni e il pagamento di un’ammenda da 2mila a 6mila euro, in aumento rispetto alla versione precedente.
Più rapidità nella notifica delle sentenze, 800 assunzioni ma niente commissarioIl ministero dell’Interno, attingendo dal Fondo per il federalismo amministrativo, ha stabilito lo stanziamento di 28 milioni di euro (erano 25 nella seconda versione) nel biennio 2019-2020 per l’assunzione di 800 persone a tempo determinato per “eliminare l’arretrato relativo ai procedimenti di esecuzione delle sentenze penali di condanna” ed evitare così che condannati in via definitiva debbano attendere le lungaggini burocratiche prima dell’applicazione della pena. Cancellata, rispetto alla prima bozza, l’idea di assumere un commissario straordinario che gestisca le operazioni.Aumentato di 500 unità anche il contingente di personale delle Forze armate in occasione delle Universiadi 2019 di Napoli, per una spesa stabilita in 1,2 milioni di euro da recuperare sempre dal  Fondo per il federalismo amministrativo.......

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Comrade Ajith to be Freed ? The Supreme Court of India has declined the appeal filed by Pune Police

The Supreme Court of India has declined the appeal filed by Pune Police against the bail granted to Ajith by the Bombay Supreme Court.



Fidesz: 52,1%
PiS: 42,4%
EFDD: 31%
Lega: 30%
RN: 23,5%
FPÖ: 17,2%
SD: 16,9%
PS: 13,9%
Kotleba: 12,1%
VB: 11,5%
FvD: 11%
AfD: 10,8%
DPP: 10,8%
SPD: 7,5%
Vox: 6,25% Cs: 16% PP: 17,3 % ADÑ: 0.05%
UCE-RecorteCero 0.23% 
XA: 4,8%


Los estudiantes democráticos luchamos por defender los intereses del pueblo al interior de las instituciones educativas frente a la opresión que ejercen terratenientes y grandes burgueses con su Estado.
Para frenar esa lucha cada gobierno de turno con ayuda de ciertas autoridades educacionales y estudiantes lacayos, han aplicado la represión directa, y leyes y normas con las que buscan corporativizar y desarticular el movimiento estudiantil. Por ejemplo las leyes educacionales aprobadas por la “nueva mayoría” y su orquestada “oposición”, le dan mayor control a los explotadores sobre la educación profundizando y protegiendo sus negociados, como el de la FALSA GRATUIDAD, que deja sin estudios a un creciente número de compañeros (estadística del MINEDUC):
La ley de educación superior, ley de universidades estatales, ley de acreditación institucional, carrera docente, desmunicipalización, etc. tienen como centro la profundización del capitalismo burocrático, y para lograrlo usan la corporativización y desarticulación del movimiento estudiantil, obligando a centros de estudiantes y federaciones a una participación forzada en instancias burocráticas para proteger los negociados de las clases explotadoras ¡ESTO ES FASCISMO!.

Maoist rebels attack Indian government forces, wounding 11

Police say Maoist rebels have triggered a blast in eastern India, wounding eight paramilitary soldiers and three police officers carrying out a search operation in a forested area.
Police officer D.K. Pandey says the wounded soldiers have been hospitalized in Ranchi, the state capital, after Tuesday’s attack. The soldiers belonged to a special jungle warfare unit.
The explosive is suspected to have been buried in a dirt track.
Early this month, Maoist rebels attacked a van carrying police commandos in western Maharashtra state and killed 15 officers and their driver.
The Maoist rebels, who claim inspiration from Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, have been fighting India’s government for more than four decades, demanding land and jobs for tenant farmers and the poor. They are active in several parts of India.

El partido comunista y el parlamentarismo; Internacional Comunista, 1920. Texto del 2º Congreso del Komintern.

V.I. Lenin. II Congreso de Komintern.
V.I. Lenin durante el discurso en el mitin de apertura del II Congreso de Komintern. 1920.
La nueva época y el nuevo parlamentarismo

La actitud de los partidos socialistas con respecto al parlamentarismo consistía en un comienzo, en la época de la I Internacional, en utilizar los parlamentos burgueses para la agitación. Se consideraba la participación en la acción parlamentaria desde el punto de vista del desarrollo de la conciencia de clase, es decir del despertar de la hostilidad de las clases proletarias contra las clases dirigentes. Esta actitud se modificó no por la influencia de una teoría sino por la del progreso político. A consecuencia del incesante aumento de las fuerzas productivas y de la ampliación del dominio de la explotación capitalista, el capitalismo, y con él los estados parlamentarios, adquirieron una mayor estabilidad.
De allí la adaptación de la táctica parlamentaria de los partidos socialistas a la acción legislativa «orgánica» de los parlamentos burgueses y la importancia, siempre creciente, de la lucha por la introducción de reformas dentro de los marcos del capitalismo, el predominio del programa mínimo de los partidos socialistas, la transformación del programa máximo en una plataforma destinada a las discusiones sobre un lejano «objetivo final». Sobre esta base se desarrolló el arribismo parlamentario, la corrupción, la traición abierta o solapada de los intereses primordiales de la clase obrera.

Brasil - Nota do Cebraspo: 'Escalada da violência policial evidencia guerra contra o povo!'

Foto: Mídia 1508
Reproduzimos na íntegra a nota enviada pelo Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos (Cebraspo) à Redação de AND através de correio eletrônico.
Segundo dados do Instituto de Segurança Pública (ISP), somente nos primeiros quatro meses de 2019 foram registradas 558 mortes decorrentes de intervenção policial no Rio de Janeiro. De acordo com as estatísticas oficiais, a polícia militar NUNCA MATOU TANTO NO RIO DE JANEIRO. Para citarmos os exemplos mais alarmantes, no dia 5 de maio, por exemplo, oito pessoas foram mortas em uma operação no complexo da Maré. Três meses antes, no dia 8 de fevereiro, ocorreu a chacina do Fallet-Fogueteiro, em que 15 pessoas foram mortas e segundo os relatos de moradores 9 dentro de uma mesma casa foram executadas a facadas!
Não são poucos os casos em que após as operações policiais, moradores relatam que execuções sumárias aconteceram dentro das favelas.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Berlin clashes between Saturday in Rigaer Straße

Allemagne : Affrontements Rigaer Straße

180 policiers ont été déployés pour reprendre le contrôle de la fameuse , à Berlin-Friedrichshain, où plusieurs immeubles sont occupés. Des barricades enflammées ont barré la rue vendredi soir et, surtout, la nuit de samedi à dimanche. Les occupants ont résisté à l’intervention de la police en lançant des pierres, des bouteilles de peinture. Un policier a été blessé et une voiture de police endommagée.  from secours rouge.
Ce samedi soir à Rigaer Straße

INDIA: Maoístas ejecutan a político del reaccionario Partido del Congreso en Chhattisgarh.

New Delhi, 26.05.19
Medios de prensa indios informan de la ejecución de un dirigente del Partido del Congreso en el estado de Chhattisgarh.
Los hechos ocurrieron el pasado día 25 en Kistapar, en el distrito de Bijapur de Chhattisgarh.  El político reaccionario, identificado como Sahadev, fue arrestado en su domicilio y ejecutado  por los maoístas del Ejercito Guerrillero Popular de Liberación a pocos kilómetros de la estación de policía local.
Por el momento no hay mas información sobre esta ejecución.

letter Nepal - solidarity with Communist Party of Nepal - Chand and news from Katmandu

Dear comrades,

we would like to draw your kind attention towards the recent ban imposed by the current Government of Nepal ( March 12, 2019)
against the Communist Party of Nepal (Led by comrade "Netra Bikram Chand - Biplov").

This move of current pseudo communist Nepal government dangerously synchronizes with the historical social fascist acts against the fundamental human/political rights and righteous people's movement. Hundreds of party sympathizer and supporters, party members and leaders are being systematically arrested and tortured across the country. Fabricated fake legal cases are being manufactured by the state agencies against the detained individuals. Further, cadres from sister organizations (such as Students wing, Teachers wing, Workers wing) politically supporting the Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) are also equally terrorized by the state agencies. This political ban and ongoing systematically organized state sponsored horror simply violets all fundamental sociopolitical rights of any human being.

In this regard, we will highly appreciate if your party can spare few minutes to critically evaluate the recent political situation of Nepal.

We sincerely expect to receive your support and solidarity in the struggle towards the scientific socialism led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) against the fascist ban imposed by the government of Nepal. 

Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) is the sole heritor of the historical Nepalese people's war (started in 1996-) that was regrettably dissolved by former comrades Prachnada and Dr. Baburam Bhattarai surrendering in favor of old parliamentary systems. This party identifies the "Indian monopoly capitalism" and Indian expansionism closely collaborating with the Anglo-European American imperialism as the root cause of sociopolitical suffering in the south asia. Further, it puts forward the concept of "unified people's revolution" in an active participation of people supported by the revolutionary party as a path towards the scientific socialism.

Additionally, Nepalese people's progressive front (NPPF), Europe is a Nepalese diaspora which acts as a common forum of progressive Nepalese living in Europe. Apart from its social activities, NPPF stands for fundamental human rights, freedom of speech and rightful people's struggle in Nepal and around the world.

Nepalese people's progressive front (NPPF), Europe
Central Committee

NEPAL: Gran tensión en Kathmandu en medio del Nepal bandha convocado por el PCN-Biplav.

 Nepalese army personnel examone the site of an explosion in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, May 26, 2019. Two explosions killed three people and wounded at least five more in different parts of Nepals capital on Sunday, with police suspecting that an outl
Kathmandu, 27.05.19
Según informan agencias noticiosas internacionales, en Kathmandu las escuelas y los principales mercados permanecieron cerrados hoy lunes, mientras que el tráfico era escaso.
Las fuerzas policiales en Nepal se encontraban en alerta máxima, en medio de una huelga general (Nepal bandha) convocada por el ilegal  Partido Comunista de Nepal que dirige el camarada Biplav, a los que responsabilizan de una serie de explosiones este domingo pasado, que causaron la muerte a cuatro personas e hirieron a otras siete en la capital.
El PCN había pedido una huelga general en todo el país para presionar al gobierno para que liberara a sus miembros detenidos y una investigación imparcial de la muerte de uno de sus cuadros.
La primera explosión ocurrió en el norte de Katmandú, matando a dos personas e hiriendo a cinco, dijo la policía. La segunda explosión fue en una casa en la parte central de la ciudad, matando a una e hiriendo a otra.
Una tercera explosión, hirió a dos personas, que la policía afirma son miembros del clandestino PCN.

Se reportan explosiones en varias localidades, entre ellas Pokhara. Tambien se informa de la quema de dos vehiculos en el distrito de Makawanpur por piquetes del PCN.*

*El grupo comunista escindido se separó del partido maoísta, que combatió a las tropas del gobierno de 1996 a 2006, cuando sus miembros abandonaron la guerra popular  para unirse al proceso de paz y la política general.

(Esta historia ha sido publicada a partir de un canal de información de la agencia AP)

Text from PKI Maoist Indonesia and news

Indonésie : Manifestation de soutien suite à l’arrestation d’une leader syndicale

Le 17 mai, Reni Desmiria, la secrétaire du syndicat de l’usine de fruits de mer Bumi Menara Internusa (BMI), a été arrêtée, accusée par la direction d’avoir remis un faux certificat d’études secondaires pour pouvoir être embauchée. Elle a été dénoncée à la police par la direction de l’usine, celle-ci ayant insisté pour qu’elle soit arrêtée. La direction réclame la peine maximale dans ce genre de cas en Indonésie, c.-à-d. 6 ans de prison.
Reni Desmiria travaille depuis huit ans à l’usine. Depuis 2012, le SPBMI (syndicat des travailleurs du BMI) s’efforce de mettre un terme aux abus généralisés dans l’usine, notamment le recours massif aux contrats de travail occasionnels, qui créent une insécurité permanente et touchent particulièrement les nombreuses femmes de l’usine. Depuis le 23 mai, le syndicat organise des manifestations pour réclamer sa libération.
Manifestation de soutien à Reni Desmiria Manifestation de soutien à Reni Desmiria