Soccorso Rosso Proletario (SRP) info

After the launch of a first day of mobilization on the occasion of the 19ThJune 19, as a day of the support for all communist and revolutionary political prisoners behind the bars in the world, raising the red flag of the "Day of Heroism" of the more than 300 Peruvian political and war prisoners of the Communist Party of Peru, who gave their lives with a heroic resistance for the revolution, for the Peruvian people, for the communists around the world, in the 1986 massacre.

SRP has been working in recent years with a great deal of information and counter-information, in support of political prisoners in Italy and worldwide, as a tool to express solidarity with all comrades, proletarians, communists, revolutionaries, social activists hit by state repression; as a voice of information and support for the struggles of prisoners in Italy; as a support, within the limits of our strength, to all the organizations and associations that deal with repression, to the families and to the democratic groups active in the prisons front.
Our campaigns for Nadia Lioce, against torturer and murderous prison, are known and recognized by all those who organize and participate in these struggles, who are not imbued with sectarian and self-referential spirit.

Now SRP is relaunched to become a unitary instrument, based on mass work and the mobilization of the masses, to build a united front against repression and prisons, clearly part of the more general united front of the proletarians and people’s masses.

On June 19 we start this new path in a new phase under the slogan:
Against the use of the coronavirus emergency to intensify anti-proletarian and anti-people repression - the attack on the right to strike and freedom of demonstration - against the murderer prison and the torturer prison - in support of the struggles in prisons and in solidarity with political prisoners in the world”

La lutte des Baloutches et la tempête impérialiste à venir – Partie I

Le 26 mai, l’histoire tragique d’une fille de 4 ans nommée Bramsh, ce qui veut dire étincelle en baloutche, a déclenché un feu de prairie au Baloutchistan, situé au Pakistan. Pendant qu’elle et sa la famille dormait sur le toit pendant une chaude nuit d’été, un groupe de trois braqueurs armés est entré dans la maison. La mère de la famille a résisté aux bandits et ils ont riposté en tirant la mère et sa petite fille. Bramsh a eu la chance de survivre, mais elle grandira sans mère. Les membres de la famille ont réussi à arrêter un des criminels et les deux autres ont été détenus plus tard par la police. Cependant, le chef de ce gang criminel, Sameer Sabzal, a été finalement arrêté encore plus tard seulement à cause des grandes manifestations exprimant la colère du peuple. Normalement, Sabzal

USA - New Revolutionary News Site! - internationalist greetings from maoistroad

 in English and Spanish language!

  • As it is written on the homepage this site was created in struggles and disputes within the editorial staff of Incendiary News. Manly upon the question of the pandemic, and what is the correct politic to develop.

The following quote is an excerpt from the editorial position of "Tribune of the People":

“Revolutionaries and especially centralized revolutionary news organs must be vigilant at exposing the machinations of the state and multi-state imperialist groupings. They must be fearless and understand that no “pandemic” is as deadly as imperialism. If Maoists are correct to insist that imperialism itself is a paper tiger, then these views must also extend to COVID-19. The reader deserves better analysis and improved synthesis, the nascent revolutionary struggle in the US deserves a better voice.

We aim to become this voice with patience, attentiveness, and initiative instead of sluggish perfunctory motions, with modesty instead of posturing, with a viewpoint from examining contradictions instead of mechanical inference, and most importantly with courage and honesty. Tribune of the People includes some of those who have made the above detailed errors, and so we take collective accountability while giving assurance that these errors will not be allowed to continue.

We understand that we start with a fraction of the networks and resources possessed by our old newspaper, armed only with a passion for the revolutionary struggle and the understanding that the truth is always more revolutionary than any distortion. What we lack in terms of reach will be overcome by our class position, relying on the masses and using the mass line. We understand that this will take work and time, and so we humbly proceed. We ask for support and contribution, whether it be financial, editorial, or literary, with physical distribution or just sharing our online articles far and wide.

Let the struggles commence!”

Sunday, June 28, 2020

from Brasil for Zia - open letter

Proletários de todos os países, uni-vos!
24 de junho de 2020

Ao Partido Comunista (maoista) do Afeganistão,


O Comitê Central do Partido Comunista do Brasil (Fração Vermelha), se dirige ao Comitê Central do Partido Comunista (maoista) do Afeganistão, a todos seus dirigentes, quadros e militantes, ao proletariado e massas oprimidas que lutam sob sua direção, para manifestar nosso profundo e fraternal pesar pelo falecimento do camarada Zia.

Como presidente e fundador do Partido Comunista (maoista) do Afeganistão, o camarada Zia teve um papel fundamental para o movimento revolucionário proletário no Afeganistão e destacou-se como uma figura proeminente para o Movimento Comunista Internacional, participando ativamente em todas as batalhas ideológica e políticas fundamentais do Movimento Comunista Internacional.

O MCI não pode avançar sem uma luta de duas linhas franca e aberta por unificar-se em torno dos princípios fundamentais do marxismo-leninismo-maoismo, contra o revisionismo e todo oportunismo. Aqueles que querem obstaculizar a luta de duas linhas aberta, franca e organizada em nome da “unidade”, como bem advertia o grande Lenin sobre os que levantam a bandeira da unidade para, na prática, sabotar a unidade, a unidade verdadeira.

A luta de duas linhas no Movimento Comunista Internacional está se elevando a um novo patamar. Nestas batalhas recentes, nossos partidos, enquanto partidos comunistas irmãos, assumiram posições contrárias em torno de uma série de questões de princípios, sobre as quais começamos a desenvolver uma luta franca e aberta, com o objetivo de conquistar a verdadeira unidade de princípios no Movimento Comunista Internacional. Nesta luta acreditamos que o camarada Zia e seu partido, desde uma posição oposta a nossa, foram e são partidários da unidade baseada nos princípios, e seu exemplo deve ser seguido.

Sua morte prematura, no momento em que os comunistas em todo mundo avançam na luta por realizar uma Conferência Internacional Maoista Unificada e fundar uma Nova Organização Internacional do Proletariado, é um importante prejuízo para o Movimento Comunista Internacional.

No momento em que se aprofunda a crise do sistema imperialista mundial e se multiplicam novas e poderosas ondas de rebeliões populares como um tufão pelo mundo, anunciando um novo momento para a Revolução Proletária Mundial, estamos seguros de que o proletariado e massas populares do Afeganistão poderão transformar esta perda em mais decisão, unidade e audácia para cumprir suas urgentes tarefas, e através da guerra popular, expulsar o invasor rapace, aplastar seus lacaios para o triunfo da revolução de nova democracia, servindo à Revolução Proletária Mundial em varrer o imperialismo e toda a reação da face da terra.

Honra e Glória eterna ao camarada Zia!
Viva o marxismo-leninismo-maoismo, principalmente maoismo!
Abaixo a Guerra imperialista! Viva a invencível Guerra Popular!


Partido Comunista do Brasil (Fração vermelha)- P.C.B. (FV)
Comitê Central

Déclaration de Georges Abdallah lue lors de la manifestation du 27 juin 2020 à Paris,

contre l’annexion de la Cisjordanie, contre l’occupation sioniste
et en soutien à la résistance du peuple palestinien

Cher·e·s ami·e·s, Cher·e·s Camarades,
Dans des conditions particulièrement difficiles, les masses populaires palestiniennes et leurs avant-gardes révolutionnaires se battent sans relâche, depuis la fin des années soixante. L’émergence et l’affirmation de la révolution palestinienne contemporaine, suite à la défaite de la bourgeoisie arabe et ses divers régimes en 1967, ont certes suscité l’enthousiasme des masses populaires et des forces vives dans le monde arabe, surtout dans le Machrek... Cependant les réactionnaires de tous bords n’ont jamais voulu, et ne peuvent pas vouloir, cohabiter avec ce foyer révolutionnaire dans cette région et cautionner en quelque sorte une réelle Résistance à l’entité sioniste qui, soi dit en passant, n’est pas simplement un instrument parmi tant d’autres au service de l’impérialisme pour le pillage et la domination de la région. Il est en fait un prolongement organique de l’impérialisme occidental. C’est bien pourquoi la lutte du peuple palestinien assume dans la région une tâche bien plus compliquée que toute autre lutte de libération nationale contre le colonialisme traditionnel.
Depuis le tout début des années 1970, la liquidation de la révolution palestinienne est à l’ordre du jour des forces impérialistes et de leurs affidés réactionnaires régionaux. Les guerres et les massacres se sont succédé depuis et les masses populaires y ont fait face avec les moyens et les capacités disponibles...bien que la révolution ait été tiraillée (elle l’est toujours aujourd’hui) entre deux pôles : l’un cherchant à tout prix les négociations et les concessions sans fin et l’autre s’attachant à la résistance par tous les moyens et particulièrement la lutte armée. D’innombrables batailles ont été livrées, certaines ont été perdues, d’autres ont été gagnées, mais dans l’ensemble et en dépit de toutes les pertes et en dépit de toutes les erreurs, les masses populaires ont pu consolider certaines réalisations dont personne ne peut aujourd’hui contester leurs portées stratégiques.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

India extraordinary three days 18-21 june!- 10.000 people in a maoist meeting - PCI(maoist)

The Maoists' huge open house for three days ... 
thousands of people participatingThree days from June 18th to 20th 
More than 10 thousand people ... 
300 People's Liberation Guerrilla Army member500 members of 
the Jana Militia .... 
sporting events among the red flags ... cultural events .... 
lectures ....

Turkey/Kurdistan Let's Resist the Invasion and annexation Attacks of Fascism!

Kaypakkaya news
We declare that we will actively stand by the Kurdish 
nation in every field we are in, 
against the aggression of Turkish 
fascism, especially guerrilla fields. 
Let us be in all sorts of militant, 
legitimate action periods against the 
aggression of fascism in all areas we are in. 
Let's narrow the squares and streets to fascism.

Yaşasın Kürt Ulusunun Özgürce Ayrılma Hakkı!
Faşizmin İşgal ve İmha Saldırılarına Karşı Duralım!

26 Haziran 2020

Canada - unity of revolutionary students in the MER-RSM


On Thursday, June 25, the 7 members of the Hants Revolutionary Study Group voted in a resolution to apply the Mandate of Revolutionary Student Movement (MER-RSM). Based on our understanding of the Mandate, and our shared principles of revolutionary Communism, we ask the Coordinating Committee to accept us as a formal MER-RSM section under the name of Revolutionary Student Movement – Nova Scotia-Mi’Kma’Ki (RSM – NS/MK).
We believe in the cause of bringing about proletarian revolution, and feel that the RSM offers a network of supportive comrades and organizers capable of guiding our small group in applying the Mass Line towards that horizon.
Our immediate goals are to begin reading sessions of the introductory course, conduct social investigation, and launch a Serve The People food program. In addition to our current Marxist book exchange. Through proper application of the Mass Line and propaganda campaigns, we hope to grow our ranks of educated and dedicated cadre, capable of inspiring others, and forming mass organizations to pull in the advanced and intermediate workers in our surrounding communities. It would be our eventual long-term goal to establish a PCR-RCP organizing committee to further establish a militant base here in the Maritimes.
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! People’s War until Communism!

Afganistán: El camino del camarada Zia continúa

USA - Defend Austin’s Targeted Three campaign

Defend Austin’s Targeted Three

By the Editorial Board Tribune of the people
The Joint Task force between the Austin Police Department and FBI has begun singling out, tracking, and arresting protesters believed to be associated with a protest against the corporation Target. So far three people have been arrested and charged with trumped-up felonies for “participation in a riot” and “burglary of a building.”
The first felony arrest was carried out tactically against a young Black mother, who received both of the above mentioned charges. She had only livestreamed the protest without entering the building or carrying out any physical act that could be considered rioting. She was targeted by the state who immediately began labeling her “Antifa” in an attempt to criminalize her reporting and the movement for Black lives. She has no previous convictions and is being persecuted because the state fears the voices of Black women who stand for the people and believe that revolution is necessary.
The Target Protest that has caused authorities to single out protesters.
Two more protesters were apprehended by the state and charged almost identically. In no case has the state even attempted to articulate an actual criminal act, just that they were believed to be at the protest and were “known members of Antifa.” This is not a crime, and neither of the others have any

Covid 19 India - letter from Gautamʹs partner Sahba.'You must have also heard regarding Varvara Raoʹs terrible and deteriorating health condition inside the jail.

 Remember that Maharashtra is the epicenter of the Covid epidemic.
Dear Anand
Gautam called me yesterday after a gap of 15 days. All I knew until then was that he was sent to a quarantine facility in Taloja on 26th May after he was suddenly shifted from Tihar jail in Delhi to Bombay. This quarantine facility runs from a school building in Taloja where new inmates are brought before being shifted to jail.
Gautam mentioned to me on the phone some of the horrific details that I am sharing with you.
He said that there are 350 inmates crowded into six class rooms in the building with Gautam having to share the room with 35 other inmates, many others sleeping in the corridors and passages. There are only 3 toilets, 7 urinals and a common bating space without a bucket or a mug. He said that the congestion is such that apart from the fear of Covid-19, inmates are prone to skin infections too.
He also said that there is no fresh air as they are mostly locked in with no place to walk or exercise, although he manages to do his yoga as other inmates help to clear some space for him. He said he has lost 2 kg in these three weeks of prolonged quarantine and was wondering how long the authorities would keep him and the other inmates in such inhuman conditions. Taloja jail at present does not seem to have space for new prisoners such as him. Given these circumstances it worries me to think about the extreme health risk that he and other inmates are being exposed to on a daily basis.
He also mentioned how all of them are completely cut off from the outside world as there is no news flowing in or out of this quarantine facility. He wondered about what could be going on in the world outside!
I must say I am truly aghast with what he shared with me yesterday.
Despite these deplorable conditions that he described to me, he sounded well and said that he is trying his best to manage and not wilt under the sheer burden of this ordeal.
I thought I must share this with you since you have often been asking me about his well being . His lawyers and I are trying to see what can be done, although I do believe that it is important for us outside to raise our voice against this kind of inhuman treatment of a political prisoner like Gautam - and in fact all the other BK 11 currently in jail.
You must have also heard regarding Varvara Raoʹs terrible and deteriorating health condition inside the jail.
The concerned authorities urgently need to look into this and make necessary amends.
Well, thanks for calling me earlier today.
( Anand Patwardhanʹs Facebook Post)

India - Ten Thousand People Attend Meeting Organized By CPI Maoist In Chhattisgarh State

In a show of strength, the CPI (Maoist) held a programme in the core area of Bastar region in Chhattisgarh. A meeting of around 10,000 people was also held in the three-day programme. A discussion on successor of Rammana, the special secretary of Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee (DKSZC), who died in December 2019 was also held.
The programme was held in villages at the border of Sukma and Bijapur districts from June 18-20.
Sources said that top Maoist leaders including new general secretary of CPI (Maoist) Nambala Keshav Rao, alias Basavaraju, head of battalion number of 1, Mandavi Hidma, Kosa, Devji and Sujata also attended the meeting.
“The information about this three-day meeting has reached me. We are looking into it,” said Director General of Police (DGP), Chhattisgarh, DM Awasthi told Hindustan Times.
The senior police officers in Bastar believe that for the first time in last five years such big gathering of civil population has been organized by the Maoists.
“Such big gathering was last called by Maoists in Potumpalli village of Sukma in 2015. This year’s gathering was mainly attended by villagers of Sukma, Bijapur and Dantewada districts. Some people of Narayanpur were also present in this gathering,” said a police officer posted in Bastar region.
The total population of these three districts is about 5.5 lakh.
Another police officer informed that about 300 armed Maoists and more than 500 jan militias (who back the Maoists) were deployed to protect the area for three days. “Sujatha, wife of senior Maoist leader Ganpathy was in-charge of security. We don’t have pictures because people were not allowed to carry mobile phones in the gathering,” said the officer.
“A woman who attended the gathering told us that the Maoist leaders made stage in the jungle and were giving speeches about the history of Maoism and Bastar. They have also shown the looted weapons and paid tribute to the Maoists who died in recent past. Sports, dance and other cultural activities took place in the gathering,” said a police officer.
Experts believe that the Maoists organize these gatherings to show their strength to the people.
“I attended one similar meet in Abujhmad in Naryanpur district in 2004 before Salwa Judum in which 10,000 people participated for few days. If they are again doing such meeting after a gap of five years, it is a proof enough that Maoists may be weak but to say that they will be finished soon is day dreaming. People are still with the Maoists in deep jungles in Central India,” said Shubhrashu Chaudhary, Chhattisgarh-based peace activist, who have written extensively on Maoism.
Sources said that the Maoists are supposed to release a video and press release of the gathering in next few days.
“Just before the meeting, a senior-level discussion took place over the successor of Maoist leader Ravula Srinivas alias Ramanna (56), who died in December 2019 and was in charge of Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee (DKSZC). A review meeting of tactical counter offensive campaign or TCOC, in which Maoists carry out attacks between April and July every year also took place,” said another IPS officer, preferring anonymity.
The officer further said that there were three main objectives behind the meeting.
“Firstly, to emphasise that Maoists would still rule the jungles of Bastar in spite of death of Ramanna and would carry forward his legacy. Secondly to show of strength that villagers are with them and thirdly to discuss over the successor of Ramanna. The Maoists have also displayed the arms, which they have looted in Minpa attack (Sukma district) in which 17 jawans were killed in March this year,” said the officer.
Bela Bhatia, a human rights activist based in Bastar in Chhattisgarh said, “This gathering of thousands of emphasized the need of public education, measures specially education and health.”
Total size of Bastar division is 39,117 square kilometre and population is 15 lakh.
There are seven districts in Bastar division which include Kanker, Kondagaon, Jagdalpur, Dantewada, Sukma, Bijapur and Narayanpur.
As per police estimate, about 4,500 Maoist cadre (from its political and military wings) live in the jungles of Bastar. More than 2,00,000 people including women and children in Bastar are Sangham Sadasya (members) of CPI (Maoist).

new declaration of Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

برای انتشار در سایت شعله جاوید:
The Path of Comrade Zia Continues

The Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan has lost one its founding leaders and chairperson; this is a huge loss for the party, the camp of revolution in our country, and the international Maoist movement.
Comrade Zia, as a true communist revolutionary, dedicated his life to the cause of communism and proletarian revolution. His life was one of defending and promoting the principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. He made an immensely important theoretical and practical contribution to the cause of revolution and communism. His name and legacy will be inscribed in the history of the Maoist struggle––not only in our country but in the international movement.
He was a prolific writer, a committed intellectual, and a great thinker, unparalleled in the communist and intellectual history of our country. Over the course of his revolutionary career, our comrade has penned hundreds of articles and left behind thousands of written pages addressing the different needs of the revolutionary and communist movement. However, comrade Zia never put his name on any document that was intended for external publication; as a true proletarian revolutionary, he was not interested in name, fame, and personal egoism; comrade Zia was single mindedly interested in the development and spread of revolutionary ideas and the struggle for proletarian revolution in Afghanistan and globally. To pay tribute to his invaluable intellectual labour, we call on the central committee of the party to publish selected works of comrade Zia. Publication of his work is essential for class struggle and strengthening the camp of revolution.
At a time when the camp of reaction was blaring the “death of communism” and “the end of history,” comrade Zia started the struggle for the formation of the Communist Party of Afghanistan. He proclaimed that delaying the formation of a communist party is nothing but an indication of not accepting our responsibility for the revolution in Afghanistan and global revolution. The first issue of the second round of Sholajawid as the central organ of CPA announced, “at a time when social-imperialists, imperialists, revisionists, and varieties of reactionaries are making resentful attacks internationally, in the region, and in Afghanistan against communism, drafting the program and founding the CPA is a principled and courageous and appropriate communist counter attack.” Under his leadership Sholajawid was launched with a masthead of the Mao Zedong quote: “To bring about a revolution, there must be a revolutionary party. Without a revolutionary party, without a party based on Marxist-Leninist-[Maoist] theory and the Marxist-Leninist-[Maoist] style, it is impossible to lead the working classes and large popular masses to victory in their struggle against imperialism and its lackeys.”
On the 7th of October 2001, when the American imperialist coalition invaded and occupied Afghanistan, the Communist Party of Afghanistan under comrade Zia’s leadership, took a stance against the imperialist occupation and its puppet regime. When opportunists and revisionists rushed in under the wings of the occupation, the CPA called for the unity of the MLM movement into one party to provide an MLM response to the imperialist invasion and occupation. Thus, the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan was founded. The third round of Sholajawid, as the central organ of the C(M)PA, started publishing with the masthead, “Sholajawid is the central organ of the C(M)PA, which is principally in the service of initiating and carrying forward the revolutionary people’s war of national resistance (the form of people’s war particular to the current situation).”
Comrade Zia paid significant attention to the Maoist theory of principal contradiction. He never missed an opportunity to highlight that the principal contradiction is between imperialism and the oppressed peoples and nations. In the context of Afghanistan, he emphasized that the principal contradiction is between the imperialist occupation and the puppet regime, on the one hand, and the peoples of the country, on the other.
In 1987 comrade Zia founded the Revolutionary Communist Cell of Afghanistan (RCCA), becoming the first organization to raise the banner of communism in the country, in its name. He made a rupture with the unprincipled tradition in the communist movement of the country where the banner of communism was hidden behind democratic, new democratic, and even Islamist slogans. He established the Revolutionary Communist Organization of Afghanistan (RCOA) in 1989, which led to the formation of the Communist Party of Afghanistan (CPA) in 1990. The RCOA under comrade Zia’s leadership became the third organization in the world to accept Maoism as the third and highest stage of revolutionary science and ideology.
Moreover, RCCA and RCOA, under his leadership, launched the Voice of Revolution as their organ, making another radical rupture from the deviationist tradition where organizations claiming to be communist were publishing journals (and some still are) with religious slogans. Later, by launching the second round of Sholajawid as the central organ of the CPA as a communist (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) journal, he took important steps forward in answering the theoretical and ideological needs of revolutionary struggle and communism in the country. Comrade Zia constantly strived for the unity of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement in the country. He constantly fought against sectarianism, individualism, petty-bourgeois egoism that were hurdles confronting the unity of the MLM movement in the country.
Comrade Zia continuously, criticized and exposed the capitulationist positions of revisionist and left-liberal forces and their hollow theoretical basis in Afghanistan. The persistence of the C(M)PA in this struggle forced some of the capitulationists to at least partially abandon their position and pay lip service to anti-occupation rhetoric. Our comrade firmly believed in and applied the communist principle of criticism and self-criticism, struggle-unity-struggle. The first issue of the second round of Sholajawid stated: “Sholajawid will carry forward the struggle against opportunism dominant in groups and forces, remnants of the new-democratic movement. However, it will strive to learn from the past mistakes and will not engage in futile verbal tirades and ad hominem attacks.” Comrade Zia and the party under his leadership remained committed to this. His legacy provides a positive model for future ideological and line struggles within our movement. He was a model revolutionary organizer, and a dear comrade for the true communists and revolutionaries.
Comrade Zia was an example of a true internationalist. It was under his theoretical and ideological leadership that the C(M)PA took a principled stance against deviationist and revisionist lines within the Revolutionary International Movement, which were responsible for the collapse of RIM. He paid immense importance to building an international Maoist organization, and saw it as imperative for the growth of the communist movement internationally and in Afghanistan. Therefore, Comrade Zia has penned over several dozen articles on important line issues of the international Maoist movement and towards struggle for the formation of an international Maoist organization.
Comrade Zia’s empty place would be felt in the struggle of our party and the international Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement. However, we continue comrade’s Zia path by harbouring revolutionary humility, grasping Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and applying the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist style of work and mass line in all our struggles. To this end, comrade Zia’s legacy provides us with a model of learning and improving; we should firmly uphold and apply the principals of criticism and self-criticism and learn from previous mistakes. Comrade Zia, like a true communist revolutionary, never stopped learning. He taught us to remain in close contact with the masses, learn from the masses, improve and learn in the trenches of class struggle and apply theory to praxis.
We pay our deepest condolences to the central committee of the C(M)PA, all members and supporters of the party, the international Maoist movement, and we particularly express our deepest sympathy with our comrade’s family and loved ones.
Comrades rest assured, the flag of struggle that has been kept flying by sacrifices of tens of thousands of Maoist and new-democratic militants in our country will not fall. The flame of struggle for Maoism will not be extinguished as highlighted in the preface of our party programme, “this flame is more ablaze than before and burning and is going to put fire on the life stock of enemies, a big fire, a mighty fire.”

Long Live Comrade Zia!
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long Live the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan!
Long Live Proletarian internationalism!
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, unit, #6
24 Jun 2020

for comrade Zia - from Tunisia ElK

      الرفيق ضياء الأمين العام للحزب الشيوعي الماوي في أفغانستان سيظل بيننا شعلة متوهجة تنير طريق الثورة .

توفي الرفيق ضياء الأمين العام للحزب الشيوعي الماوي الأفغاني بسكتة قلبية عن سن 68 عاما وقد نعاه الحزب يوم 21 جوان 2020.

وهو من القادة المؤسسين للحركة الشيوعية الافغانية منذ العهد الملكي وقد واصل السير على الطريق الذي خطه أكرم ياري القائد الشيوعي الماوي الذي سقط شهيدا سنة 1979.

وكان الرفيق ضياء من بناة وحدة الشيوعيين الماويين في بلاده بتوحيد منظمات ثلاث وهى الخلايا الشيوعية الثورية التي كان من مؤسسيها سنة 1987وتحالف العمال الثوري ومنظمة تحرير افغانستان ، مما أدى الى ولادة الحزب الشيوعي الماوي في أفغانستان سنة 1990

كما لعب دورا مهما في مقاومة الغزوين الروسي والأمريكي المتلاحقين لبلاده ، فضلا عن مقاومة الرجعية الدينية ، وهو من رفع شعار الحرب الشعبية في مواجهة المحتلين وعملائهم .

و على الصعيد الأممي كان له دور بارز ضمن الحركة الأممية الثورية وتطوير العلاقات الرفاقية بين المنظمات والأحزاب الشيوعية الماوية عبر العالم .

وبهذه المناسبة الأليمة يشارك حزب الكادحين في تونس الرفاق الأفغان الحزن والأسى لوفاة الرفيق ضياء ويعبر لهم عن مشاعر المواساة ، مؤكدا أن مسيرة حياته الثورية تمثل مدرسة ستتعلم فيها أجيال متلاحقة من الماويين في أفغانستان وخارجها معنى الوفاء للماركسية اللينيينية الماوية والسير في طريق الكفاح والثورة

حزب الكادحين .

تونس 25 جوان 2020

firma por la declaracion sobra el dia de heroicidad - por Socorro Rojo Proletario Italia

Soccorso Rosso proletario - Socorro Rojo Proletario Italia  ha decidido - su indicacion de su partido de referencia PC m - Italia - de subscrivir esta Declaracion porque comparte el valor y el significado historico  de 'el dia de heroicidad', como la analisis de la situacion del presidente Gonzalo in distincion con la LOD en Perù 

Con esta firma en el mismo tiempo  SRP asume el suo compromiso por    ¡Elevar la campaña de defensa de la salud y la vida del Presidente Gonzalo a mayores alturas!

Soccorso rosso proletario - italia
23 junio 2020

firma asta hora


Comité de Redacción la revista “El Maoísta”, Junio de 2020

Partido Comunista del Brasil (Fracción Roja)

Movimiento Popular Perú

Ola Roja - Dinamarca

Comité Bandera Roja - Alemania

Comité Maoísta en Finlandia

Servir al pueblo - Liga Comunista de Noruega

Socorro Rojo Proletario - Italia

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

for comrade Zia - PCm Italy

The Maoist Communist Party - Italy joins the comrades of the Communist (Maoist)Party of Afghanistan in honoring, celebrating and drawing lessons from the life and work of Comrade Zia.
The construction of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party in one of the historical and current epicenters of the clash between imperialism and oppressed peoples is an extraordinary undertaking for the communist movement and feeds the struggle for the international unity of the proletarians in the imperialist countries and the oppressed peoples, in the more and more necessary new wave of the world proletarian revolution.
Through the words of the press release by the Central Committee of the C(M)PAon the occasion of his death, Comrade Zia we see all its value and significance.
The founding of the Party, of which the 30th anniversary falls this year, is his most important legacy. Having kept the Maoist road is a contribution in the difficult times that our movement goes through. The teachings of line, practice and ability to lead, renew the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan are today a heritage for the communists in the world.
The role of Zia at the time of RIM and that of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan today in the struggle for the reconstruction of a new MLM international organization are important.
Our Party expresses its utmost support for the revolutionary people’s war of national resistance against the imperialist occupiers, the puppet regime and the reactionary ISIS occupiers.
In the name of Zia, we will call the proletarian vanguards in our country to intensify international solidarity with the struggle of the peoples of Afghanistan.


June 2020

for comrade Zia - Parti Communiste maoïste France

Communiqué : le Camarade Zia est immortel !

A nos camarades d’Afghanistan :

C’est avec grande peine que nous avons appris le décès du Camarade Zia, Président du Parti Communiste (Maoïste) d’Afghanistan, d’une crise cardiaque à 68 ans. Le Camarade Zia était un dirigeant de longue date du mouvement communiste en Afghanistan, un révolutionnaire déjà lorsque l’Afghanistan était encore une monarchie. Le Parti Communiste maoïste et nos organisations présentons nos condoléances les plus larges au Parti du Camarade Zia, à ses camarades, aux masses d’Afghanistan et à ses proches. Nous nous souvenons que ces camarades en avaient fait de même lorsque le Camarade Pierre, notre fondateur, était lui-même décédé.
Nous soulignons des contributions du Camarade Zia plusieurs points présents dans son éloge funèbre publiée par le Comité Central du Parti Communiste (Maoïste) d’Afghanistan (voir ci-dessous) :
  • Son rôle dans l’unification des communistes d’Afghanistan, c’est-à-dire des marxistes-léninistes-maoïstes, sous la direction d’un seul parti, le Parti Communiste (Maoïste) d’Afghanistan. Depuis la Cellule Communiste Révolutionnaire qu’il a fondé et dirigé en 1987 jusqu’au Second Congrès du Parti Communiste (Maoïste) d’Afghanistan en 2014, nous voyons là une vie dédiée à la lutte sans relâche pour l’unité des communistes.
  • Son mot d’ordre de révolution par la guerre populaire pour la résistance nationale contre les impérialistes, les capitalistes bureaucratiques et les féodaux de tout poil en Afghanistan.
  • Sa contribution à la continuation et au développement de la ligne politique d’Akram Yari, grand dirigeant communiste afghan tombé en martyr aux mains du gouvernement réactionnaire en 1979.
Chers camarades du Parti Communiste (Maoïste) d’Afghanistan, nous partageons votre peine car c’est le prolétariat international qui a perdu un combattant. Nous saluons la continuation de son travail et le développement de la voie révolutionnaire en Afghanistan et dans tous les pays.
Le Camarade Zia est immortel !
Le Camarade Zia vivra dans les luttes du prolétariat internationale !
Camarade Zia, présent !
Vive le Marxisme-Léninisme-Maoïsme ! 

traslaation in French

Eloge funèbre du camarade Zia, président du Parti communiste (maoïste) d’Afghanistan

for comrade Zia - from CPN (Revolutionary Maoist Nepal

The Central Committee,
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
Subject: Message of condolence
Dear comrades,
We are extremely distressed to hear the news that Comrade Zia, the Chairman of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan has died of a heart attack recently. With immense grief, we express our revolutionary homage to Comrade Zia, heartfelt condolences to the whole rank and file of your party and the entire bereaved relatives and family members of Comrade Zia.
The death of Comrade Zia is an extremely grievous event that has incurred a huge loss to the International Communist Movement. You have correctly said that comrade Zia's death is a huge loss not only to the entire proletariat and the oppressed people of Afghanistan but also to those of the entire world and ICM as a whole. But, howsoever painful it may be, and a loss of whatever magnitude it may impart upon us, we have to overcome it and transform all the woes into strength by tirelessly pursuing his revolutionary legacy to the last. Our party is confident that a firm grasp of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and resolute commitment to the emancipation of the entire workers and the oppressed people of Afghanistan and the world will enable your party and the revolutionary people of Afghanistan to overcome the loss and take the revolution forward from where Comrade Zia has left.
With proletarian internationalist greetings!
General Secretary
Central Committee
CPN (Revolutionary Maoist

for comrade Zia - from Brasil

Estimados camaradas,

Hemos recibido.

Reciban nuestro pesar fraterno y internacionalista. Luego nos vamos manifestar al respecto.

c. de Brasil

for comrade Zia - Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist-Leninist (TKP-ML)

To the Central Committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
Dear Comrades
We received the sad news of the untimely passing of comrade Zia, Chairman of the C(M)PA and one of its founders, following a heart attack at the age of 68. We understand the tragic loss of such a comrade in a prominent and leading role in the development of the C(M)PA. We also appreciate your party’s efforts and comrade Zia’s leading role in the furthering international relation between revolutionary and communist parties advancing proletarian internationalism.
Comrades, we are living through some of the most challenging times in the history of the international communist movement and class struggle in each country. At the international level, we have the urgent task of achieving principled unity between the proletarian forces and organisations. This can only be done through overcoming revisionism and opportunism without which, ultimately, our common struggle to defeat and smash imperialism will remain impossible to fulfil. The International communist movement and the proletariat worldwide needs comrades such as comrade Zia at its side to accomplish these tasks. However, despite his sad loss, we are confident that other comrades will take up his role and continue to uphold Comrade Zia’s revolutionary legacy.
On behalf of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML) and the whole party and the proletariat of our country, we express our heartfelt sorrow for the demise of comrade Zia. We further extend our solidarity with C(M)PA, the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of Afghanistan.
The memory and the legacy of our fallen comrades will live forever in our common struggle against imperialism and all reactionaries.
Comrade Zia’s memory will live in our struggle!
Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist-Leninist (TKP-ML)
International Bureau
23 June 2020

Comrade Zia Chairman of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan is Immortal

The death of comrade Zia is an immense loss for our party, the proletariat and peoples of our country, the international proletariat, revolutionary peoples, and the international communist movement.
No doubt his death will cause deep grief and sorrow for the members of our party, other Maoists, and peoples of our country. The central committee calls on all members of the party to turn our grief and sorrow into inspiration for revolutionary struggle, keep party unity, and as before remain united around the central committee.
Comrade Zia’s life was full of revolutionary commitment and serving the people. In his early youth, he joined the ranks of revolutionary struggle against the obsolete monarchic regime. After the infamous coup d’état of 1978 and the subsequent Soviet social imperialist invasion in 1979, he continued his national-democratic and revolutionary military and political struggles.
Comrade Zia founded and led the Revolutionary Communist Cell of Afghanistan in 1987, which led to the formation of Revolutionary Communist Organization of Afghanistan in 1989. Comrade Zia with his revolutionary comrades founded the Communist Party of Afghanistan in 1990, the central committee of which elected him as the chairperson of the Communist Party of Afghanistan.
After the American led imperialist invasion and occupation of Afghanistan on the seventh of October 2001, the Communist Party of Afghanistan under comrade Zia’s leadership, and realizing the necessities of immediate revolutionary struggle, took a stance against imperialist occupation, calling for the unity of the Maoist movement in the country. The Organization for the Liberation of Afghanistan and the Revolutionary Workers Alliance of Afghanistan responded positively to this call for unity, leading to the unity process of the communist (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) movement between the three organizations, and the eventual unity congress formed the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan. Comrade Zia was again unanimously elected as the chairperson of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan. Likewise, in the second congress of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan in 2014 he was again unanimously elected for the same role.
Throughout his professional revolutionary career, comrade Zia paid relentless attention and strived for the training of youth and new revolutionary cadre. He struggled relentlessly for the manifestation of initiating a revolution based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and provided a model of sustained self-improvement in the fire of class struggle and in close contact with the masses.
Comrade Zia will remain in our memories as a comrade for all struggles––an immortal comrade, a tireless comrade, a comrade committed to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism that never abandoned the camp of the exploited and the oppressed.
Comrade Zia rendered a valuable service to the revolution by defining the ideological and political line of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan. He played an important role in the conduct of the international activities of the party, whether in relations to the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement or in relations to individual international Maoist parties and organizations.
The central committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan pays its condolences for this huge loss to all members, supporters of the party, and other Maoists of Afghanistan and the world. In particular we pay our deepest condolences to family members and loved ones of our comrade.
Comrade Zia, as the chairman of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan not only continued the revolutionary line of Akram Yari, but further developed it.
Yes comrades,
The camp of revolution lost a legendary comrade, and this is a huge loss for all of us. However, the life of comrade Zia has provided us with a model of an exemplary, committed, and true communist leadership. Comrade Zia has left behind a valuable legacy, which teaches us to never abandon our position, and always firmly stand with the proletariat and swim like a fish within the sea of the masses. He taught us to constantly challenge and rebel against the situation and solidly remain committed to the fundamental principles of the party.
Comrade Zia’s life was truly in the service of revolution and the international proletariat. In an epoch when imperialism and reaction are making an onslaught in our region and around the world, in the darkest and saddest of times, he raised the slogan of revolutionary people’s war of national resistance against imperialist occupiers, their puppet regime, and the reactionary ISIS occupiers. He made a bridge between previous and current generations of revolutionaries, and as a brilliant teacher spread the seeds of revolutionary ideas. He performed his responsibilities in this regard in an excellent manner.
Comrade Zia will live in the struggles of the international proletariat!
Comrade Zia will be immortalized in the struggles of the international proletariat!
Comrade as a true Maoist leader will remain in the history of our class!
Comrade Zia is with us!
All party units within the country and supporters of the party outside are obliged to hold commemoration ceremonies in celebrating the revolutionary memories of this comrade within a month.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Long Live the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
May the path of Comrade Zia continue forever

Monday, June 22, 2020

MKP:17’ler Zafer Yürüyüşümüzün Teminatıdır! - honour and glory for maoist comrades fallen! maoistroad

MKP:17’ler Zafer Yürüyüşümüzün Teminatıdır!

kaypakkaya haber
Maoist Komünist Parti (MKP) 2005 yılında Mercan vadisinde TSK tarafından düzenlenen baskınla yaşamını yitiren MKP MK üyeleri, üye ve savaşçıları için açıklama gerçekleştirdi

Gökyüzü dingin ve hareketsizdi helikopter uçuşlarından önce. Güneş sıcağa doğacak, ısıtacaktı doğayı. Dost olacaktı soğuktan sakınana… Kopacak “kıyamatten” ve soğuk demirin yakıcı, yabanıl sıcağından habersiz… Munzurların zirveleri güneşi gören ilk gözlerdi. Bakan gözler vardı zirveleri tarayarak Güneşi arayan… Ufuk kendiliğinden kızıl açardı Munzurlarda. Tatlı bir serinlikle sökerdi oralarda şafak… Ve kopacak “kıyametten” habersiz ilk ışınlarını yolladı Munzur zirvelerine. Zirvelerden eteklere doğru inerken telaşlıydı o gün Güneş… Gecikmeden anlaşıldı telaşı… Vadilerden demir kuşlar yükseldi yukarılara… Namlular çoktan doğrulmuş çatılı yürekler üstüne… Tanıklığına yenisini ekledi Munzurlar. Vuruşma anıydı, en amansız, en cesur ve en korkaklarla… 17 Haziran sıcağında çöktü boran, tufana boğuldu dağlar… Buluttan gelen su damlacıkları değil, kurşundu, mermiydi, toptu yağan… Tam 17 can, 17 yoldaştı ölüm kusan makinalara göğüs geren… 17 Kızıl karanfildi, devrim toprağında dikilen, Sosyalist Halk Savaşına filiz veren… Böyle başladı 17‘lerle yazılan ve ilerleyen tarihi serüven… Patikalar devrime çıkardı oralarda ve Onlarda… Nişangahlarda devrim yazılıydı… Hedeflenen herşeye devrim asılıydı… Dağlar devrim fabrikası… Ol sebeptendir Munzurlardaki cengimiz ve bir sabah vakti 17 kere vurulup düşüşümüz…
Değerli Halklarımız, Yoldaşlar!
Partimizin önderler gurubunun ezici çoğunluğu, kongre delegelerimizin büyük bir bölümü ve önemli bir Parti Üye bileşenimizden oluşan 17 yoldaşımız,  2005 yılı 17 Haziran günü düşmanın stratejik saldırısı sonucu Munzur dağlarında katledildi! 17’ler katliamı olarak devrim tarihi ve Parti belleğimize kazınan katliamın 15. yıl dönümündeyiz. Ölümsüzlüklerinin 15. yıl dönümü vesilesiyle, 17’leri sonsuz saygıyla anıyor, anıları önünde eğiliyoruz.
17’ler katliamında fiziken yitirdiğimiz, Parti Genel Sekreterimiz Cafer Cangöz, Genel Sekreter yardımcısı Aydın Hambayat, Parti Merkez Komite üyeleri Okan Ünsal, A. Rıza Sabur, Parti üyeleri ve Kongre delegelerimiz Alaattin Ataş, Ersin Kantar, Kenan Çakıcı, Berna Saygılı Ünsal, Taylan Yıldız, Cemal Çakmak, Dursun Turgut, Binali Güler, İbrahim Akdeniz, Ökkeş Karaoğlu, Gülnaz Yıldız, Parti militanı HKO üyeleri Çağdaş Can ve Ahmet Pektaş yoldaşlarımız ölümsüzdür!