Brasil - video for Gonzalo - FRDDP

Entre imagens de pichações e ações realizadas por todo o País em memória do grande Chefe do proletariado internacional, o Presidente Gonzalo, a FRDDP afirma que “os revolucionários brasileiros e as massas populares sob sua direção estão firmementes unidos com todos os revolucionários do mundo”. Ações por todo o planeta estão sendo realizadas defendendo a Chefatura do Presidente Gonzalo e seu todo-poderoso pensamento gonzalo.

Leia também: 'Presidente Gonzalo vive em seu todo-poderoso pensamento!': Ações da campanha internacional

A homenagem ao “maior marxista-leninista-maoista da época atual, Chefe do PCP, da Revolução Peruana e da Revolução Mundial” feita pelos revolucionários brasileiros nesse vídeo conta com um breve resumo da vida e da grande obra levada à cabo pelo Presidente Gonzalo. Ao longo do vídeo, são apontados momentos chaves em que o Presidente Gonzalo esteve presente impulsionando a luta do povo peruano, em dura luta contra o revisionismo de Kruschov.

Worldwide actions in honour of Chairman Gonzalo - info

We publish an overview on actions conducted worldwide in honour of Chairman Gonzalo.





elections in germany - from dem volke dienen comment

Das Spektakel ist vorbei, jetzt beginnt der Zirkus.

Die reaktionäre Einheitspartei Deutschlands hat ihr Spektakel abgehalten. Jetzt kommen wir in den Genuss zu verfolgen, ob der korrupteste Politiker seit Gerhard Schröder oder Pennywise aus NRW sich Kanzler nennen darf. Wir kommen in den Genuss mitzuerleben, ob die FDP in einer sozialdemokratischen oder christdemokratischen Regierung die Finanzpolitik diktieren wird.

Doch Spaß beiseite. Diese Wahl zeigt uns den Bankrott des Opportunismus und das Anwachsen der Tendenz im Proletariat und im Volk das Parlament abzulehnen. Sie zeigt den verzweifelten Drang der parlamentarischen Parteien nach einer Stabilität, die sich auf einem prinzipienlosen Programm basiert. Kurzum, die Krise des Parlamentarismus ist bestätigt und verstärkt.

Konkreter betrachtet wird deutlich, dass insgesamt rund 80 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten den kommenden Regierungschef – welcher es auch sein mag – ablehnen. Weder Scholz noch Laschet kommen über bzw. nur knapp über 20 Prozent, gemessen an den tatsächlichen Zahlen der Wahlberechtigten und der Stimmenabgabe (sowohl bei der Erst-, als auch bei der Zweitstimme). Die Ablehnung bestätigt sich auch darin, dass erstmals seit 1957 wieder eine Koalition aus mehr als zwei Parteien notwendig ist, um eine Mehrheitsregierung auf die Beine zu stellen. Die Nichtwähler sind hingegen mit 23,4 Prozent (14.329.469 Nichtwähler in totalen Zahlen) die stärkste „Partei“ bei dieser Bundestagswahl, dazu kommen noch fast 500.000 ungültige Stimmen. Auch auffällig ist der hohe Anteil an Stimmen, die sich auf die „Sonstigen“ verteilt.

tatsächliches wahlergebnis

France - Appel à la grève générale le 5 octobre 2021

Appel à la grève générale le 5 octobre 2021

Les principales organisations syndicales du pays appellent, le 5 octobre 2021, à une journée de grève et de mobilisation générale. La CGT, FO, la FSU, Solidaires et plusieurs organisations de jeunesse ont annoncé la mobilisation pour l’augmentation des salaires et l’amélioration des perspectives d’emplois, mais aussi dans la perspective de la réforme des retraites, que le gouvernement a repoussé au prochain quinquennat si Macron est réélu. La CFE-CGC, premier syndicat des cadres, a refusé de se joindre à ce mouvement. Le gouvernement va d’ores et déjà tenter de casser le mouvement dans l’œuf en recevant organisations syndicales et patronales lors du mois de septembre pour les convaincre de sa réforme des retraites. C’est après le mouvement de grève de l’hiver 2019 que le gouvernement avait retiré sa première tentative de réforme des retraites.

la cause du peuple

Colombia - ¡Legalizar el aborto asistido gratuitamente por el Estado!

¡Legalizar el aborto asistido gratuitamente por el Estado!

F. Ortega

El derecho al aborto es un derecho básico de las mujeres ciudadanas.
V. I. Lenin

Cada 28 de septiembre se celebra el Día Internacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito. Celebración que fue decretada en 1990 en el V Encuentro Feminista Latinoamericano llevado a cabo en Argentina por distintas organizaciones feministas. El objetivo con dicha fecha es la de reivindicar este derecho fundamental para las mujeres, luchar por su despenalización, y hacer conciencia sobre las complicaciones que traen consigo los abortos inseguros y clandestinos, siendo esta una de las causas de la mortalidad femenina. A pesar de que ese día fue impulsado por organizaciones feministas, la lucha por el aborto legal, seguro y gratuito no es exclusividad del movimiento femenino burgués. La lucha por el derecho al aborto es fundamental para el avance de la lucha de la emancipación de la clase obrera, en especial para la mujer trabajadora.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

INDIA: Red Homage to Comrade Abimael Guzman (Gonzalo), Founder Leader and Former Chairman of Communist Party of Peru!


Central Committee, CPI (Maoist) pays itʹs humble homage to 86 year old Comrade Manuel Ruben Abimael Guzman Reynoso (Gonzalo), founder leader and ex-Chairman of Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path who martyred on 11th September in the high security centre of the Callao Naval Base of Peru. Our Central Committee expresses deep condolence and sympathy to Peru Communist Party, proletariat, peasantry, all the revolutionary people of Peru and friends, comrades, kith and kin of Comrade Gonzalo.

Comrade Gonzalo who born on 3 december 1934 in Mollendo, a port town of Peru was attracted towards Marxism and joined Peruvian Communist Party during his student life in university. From 1962 to mid 70s he served as a professor of Philosophy at San Cristobal of Huamanga university in Ayacucho. During the 1970s comrade Gonzalo was arrested twice on the charges that he was involved in the violent activities against the Peru government.

In the year 1965 comrade Gonzalo visited peopleʹs republic of China and met comrade Mao Tse Tung. Comrade Gonzalo left his job as university professor and in the mid 1970s and went underground. After the demise of comrade Stalin, in the background of the transformation of Soviet Union Communist Party as a revisionist party and Soviet Union as a social imperialist county, the great debate, the great proletariat cultural revolution, the division in the international communist movement in 1950ʹs and 1960ʹs, the Communist party of Peru had also splintered.

Comrade Gonzalo had taken the line of protracted peopleʹs war and New democratic revolution developed by the Communist party of China under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung. Inspired by the great proletariat Cultural Revolution comrade Gonzalo rejected revisionism out rightly and formed Communist party of Peru-Shining path with 11 of his companions in 1969. Communist party Peru under the leadership of comrade Gonzalo launched peopleʹs war/guerrilla war against imperialism especially American imperialism, comprador bureaucratic bourgeois and feudalism of Peru in May 1980. The Shining Path guerrillas achieved remarkable victories against the armed forces of Peruvian government which is the representative of the reactionary and counter revolutionary ruling classes of Peru.

Italy - new issue of Gonzalo's interview


Onore e gloria al Presidente Gonzalo, leader della rivoluzione peruviana, grande comunista marxista-leninista-maoista

fatto morire nelle carceri dal regime peruviano e dall’imperialismo

Leggere/studiare la sua storica intervista

pubblicata per la prima volta in Italia nel gennaio 1990 dal giornale Rossoperaio -

pietra miliare del suo pensiero ideologico-teorico-politico e militare

 si può richiedere in forma stampata a - sarà rieditata dalla rivista  'la Nuova Bandiera'

Proletari comunisti/PCm Italia

Italy for Gonzalo - 24th september

 peruvian Consulate Milan



Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Hamburg - Demonstration: Honor and Glory to Chairman Gonzalo!

Following last Saturdays culmination of the sinister plans of the Peruvian reaction – under the leadership of Yankee imperialism and in collusion with the capitulationist and liquidationist right-opportunist line - to kill Chairman Gonzalo, an immediate call for a joint demonstration taking place a week later went out. Following this call some 150 people came together, including some from other countries, this Saturday in Hamburg to hold high the banner raised by Chairman Gonzalo and to offensively repel all attempts of smudging his image, after he in his lifetime victoriously crushed all the plans of the reaction to do so.

This weekend, Communists and Revolutionaries from Germany marched together shoulder to shoulder with comrades from the Nordic countries, from Austria and Turkey. A vivid internationalist and combative spirit was present through-out the manifestation that started marching at 19:00 from Feldstraße in the direction of Sternschanze, after – much to dismay of the police and to cheers from the manifestation and passers-by – a massive frame was erected depicting a five meter high likeness of Chairman Gonzalo. This frame, proudly carried in the front, was followed by rows upon rows of flags with the hammer and sickle as well as those of different Turkish revolutionary organizations.

Demonstration zu Ehren Vorsitzender Gonzalo Hamburg4

At Sternschanze a minute of silence of held, all participants raising high their fists in honor of Chairman Gonzalo. That this was an international manifestation was quite clear due to the speeches given and the greetings and documents that were read from different Parties and Organizations, such as Serve the People (from Norway), Maoist Committee (from Finland), Vorbote (Eng.: “Herald”, from Austria), from TKP/ML Central Committee – Political Bureau (from Turkey), TKP-ML Rojava, the Committee for the Construction of the Maoist Communist Party of Galizia as well as the Peru People’s Movement.

With the manifestation drawing to a close at Schlump train station, the police started to draw together forces in an attempt to intimate the demonstration, as it was a thorn in their eye to clearly see and loudly hear the participants of the action past the time they allotted for the closing of it. Unfaced by their show of force, the revolutionaries closed ranks, stood together, sang The Internationale and continued their manifestation, until all preparations for the closer of the action were made, and then retreated together, so as to not allow any openings for retaliatory attacks by the police and the police infiltrators that were sent after the participants.

Demonstration zu Ehren Vorsitzender Gonzalo Hamburg7

To take a clear position for the unwavering and unbroken stance of Chairman Gonzalo that allowed him to snatch laurels for the International Communist Movement from the fangs of death; to uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, with the universal contributions of Chairman Gonzalo, that is Gonzalo Thought; and to denounce the murder committed by the reaction; and to prepare for all the vile stories and lies that they, together with revisionism, are sure to cook up again now was necessary that day. And to have demonstration of this size, with this amount of preparation and mobilization involved and, particularly, with significant and important international character to itself within a week is a good step. Now the International Day of Action is close at hand, where on the 24th of September – the 29th anniversary of the speech of Chairman Gonzalo of 24. September 1992 – actions will take place through-out the World.

Demonstration zu Ehren Vorsitzender Gonzalo Hamburg4

Mexico - Comunicado tras la detención de militantes de Sol Rojo en Oaxaca




A la clase obrera y los trabajadores

Al campesinado pobre y los pueblos originarios

A las mujeres y la juventud popular

Al magisterio democrático de la Sección XXII del SNTE-CNTE

Al movimiento popular y sindical


·         Hace unos días se hizo público que el monopolio Twitter canceló la cuenta @SolRojoOax por “infringir las normas de seguridad”. En ese momento advertimos sobre el riesgo de que la represión pasara del plano virtual al plano material.

·         En días pasados se ha confirmando que diversos procesos penales del fuero común y federal continúan activos o se están integrando carpetas de investigación contra activistas y dirigentes de nuestra organización democrática.

·         Justo la tarde ayer, 20 de septiembre de 2021, tres de nuestros camaradas en Tehuantepec fueron víctimas de agresiones por parte de una gavilla mercenaria comandada por “Tacho Canasta”. Nuestros compañeros además de ser agredidos con armas de fuego y armas blancas, fueron también detenidos arbitrariamente por la policía municipal de Tehuantepec. La presidenta municipal Vilma Martínez Cortés y el mercenario “Tacho Canasta” están detrás de esta ola de agresiones.

·         Nuestros compañeros Salvador Pinal Meléndez, Salvador Pinal Vicente y la Mtra. Lucero Pinal Vicente luego de ser detenidos de forma arbitraria y golpeados por los elementos policiacos, fueron puestos a disposición de la Vicefiscalía Regional del Istmo especializada en delitos de alto impacto.

·         Luego de la intervención del cuerpo jurídico de nuestra organización y del respaldo de la Sección XXII del SNTE-CNTE, aproximadamente a las 24:00hrs de ayer, nuestros compañeros Salvador Pinal Vicente y la Mtra. Lucero Pinal Vicente fueron puestos en libertad por falta de señalamientos en su contra.

·         No obstante, el compañero Salvador Pinal Meléndez continúa bajo disposición del ministerio público imputado de delitos como disparo de arma de fuego y posesión de arma de fuego de uso reservado del ejército mexicano.

La actual situación que atravesamos confirma que existe una campaña de criminalización en contra de nuestra organización y nuestra lucha en defensa de los derechos del pueblo. Principalmente por oponernos a los megaproyectos de despojo y muerte como lo es el Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec.

Las agresiones contra nuestra organización no son nuevas; tenemos clara la responsabilidad del estado en la desaparición forzada de nuestro camarada Dr. Ernesto Sernas García (10 de mayo de 2018) y el asesinato en emboscada de nuestro camarada Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino (11 de abril de 2019).

Tenemos clara también la responsabilidad del estado por omisión por cuanto al desplazamiento interno forzado de nuestros compañeros Triquis de San Miguel Copala, así como la criminalización, persecución y hostigamiento contra las comunidades en Resistencia Civil contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica.

A esto se suma el despido de más de 2,200 trabajadores de salud en medio de la pandemia reflejada en la extensión de contagios comunitarios en localidades indígenas de las diversas regiones del estado, así como la negativa de pago de salarios devengados a los trabajadores de telebachilleratos comunitarios en el estado de Oaxaca y las violaciones a su Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo.

El gobierno del estado, en complicidad con el gobierno federal, piensan equivocadamente que con esta actitud podrán desgastar a las bases SolRojistas o mellar nuestro espíritu de lucha combativa.

Ante esta situación nuestro Comité Estatal ha encendido las alertas y está convocando al inicio de una serie de movilizaciones en diversas regiones de la entidad a partir del próximo 23 de septiembre en el marco del 56 ANIVERSARIO DEL ASALTO AL CUARTEL MADERA, conocido como el inicio de la lucha armada socialista en México.

Una vez más CP-Sol Rojo enarbola la demanda irrenunciable de respeto y cumplimiento de nuestros Cinco Puntos Centrales:

1.- Justicia (presentación con vida del Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, castigo para los asesinos de nuestro compañero Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, libertad inmediata e incondicional para el compañero Salvador Pinal Meléndez-preso político en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, cancelación de los procesos penales y de las ordenes de aprehensión en contra de nuestra militancia, castigo para quienes despojan al pueblo, cárcel para el mercenario Tacho Canasta).

2.- Cumplimiento de las medidas cautelares de los desplazados Triquis de San Miguel Copala y en contra del hostigamiento hacia las comunidades en huelga de pagos contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica.

3. Cancelación de los megaproyectos de despojo y muerte (subestación eléctrica militar de SEDENA en San Blas Atempa, Parque Eólico Binniza en Juchitán, cancelación del Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec).

4.- Respeto a los derechos laborales y sindicales (en apoyo a los trabajadores afiliados a la Sección 9 del SINTS y del SUTTEBCEO, en contra de los despidos masivos, en defensa del salario y los derechos colectivos).

5.- Respeto a los derechos del pueblo.

Así mismo, manifestamos nuestra adhesión a las acciones de solidaridad con nuestras hermanas y nuestros hermanos del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) que en estos momentos también están resintiendo una campaña de agresiones sistemáticas en contra suya por parte del gobierno de Chiapas y el gobierno federal.

¡Si tocan a un@, nos tocan a tod@s!


¡Ernesto Sernas García, presentación con vida!

¡Luis Armando no murió, el estado lo mató!

¡Salvador Pinal Meléndez, libertad!

¡Presos políticos, libertad!

¡Respeto y cumplimiento a nuestros Cinco Puntos Centrales!


¡Con el Sol Rojo, el pueblo vencerá!

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo

Comité Estatal








La velada comenzó con un acto conmemorativo conjunto a través del Comité Austriaco para la Defensa de la Vida y la Salud del Presidente Gonzalo y la organización revolucionaria turca Partizan. Se escucharon canciones revolucionarias peruanas y se hicieron varios discursos. La velada se complementó con una pequeña exposición de fotografías seleccionadas de pinturas murales y carteles de la revolución peruana, que documentan la solidaridad con la Guerra Popular, los presos políticos y especialmente con el Presidente Gonzalo.

Con alrededor de 50 visitantes, el evento no solo contó con una gran asistencia, también hubo una gran aprobación para que la campaña en defensa de la vida y la salud del Presidente Gonzalo continúe en diferentes condiciones después del asesinato. Esta determinación también se reflejó en la poderosa acción que marcó el final: una manifestación a la embajada peruana.

Como se informó, más de 70 personas participaron en esta manifestación especial, que estuvo acompañada de antorchas y grandes pancartas. El cobarde asesinato del Presidente Gonzalo fue condenado enérgicamente. La importancia del presidente Gonzalos y del Partido Comunista del Perú fue enfatizada con diversas consignas. Eso, que se demostró una vez más cuando la marcha llegó a la embajada, todavía aterroriza a los gobernantes del Perú hoy. Las luces se apagaron rápidamente en la embajada como si no hubiera nadie allí. ¡Los representantes no tuvieron el valor de pararse frente a la multitud, ni se atrevieron a abrir la ventana!

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Battalion: We take Gonzalo as an example!

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Battalion: We take Gonzalo as an example!

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Battalion commemorated the communist leader President Gonzalo, who was immortalized on September 11. In a news article on Cemil Amed gave a speech at the commemoration, which started with a military ceremony and a moment of silence. Amed stated in his speech that President Gonzalo is not just a Peruvian revolutionary and has a practice that will guide workers, peasants and oppressed peoples all over the world.

No to the anticommunist “Holy Inquisition”! Hand over the body of Abimael Guzman to his comrades!


No to the anticommunist “Holy Inquisition”!

Solidarity to the Peruvian communists!

Hand over the body of Abimael Guzman to his comrades!

The death of the imprisoned leader of the Peruvian communist party, was the result of a slow and torturous extermination policy imposed by all the oligarchy governments, with the assistance of the USA, from his arrest to today, a total of 29 years. Abimael Guzman was buried literally in an underground cage of a few meters wide; not just as a punishment for leading a large, mass popular armed uprising, but also for the fact that he resisted and didn’t submit to his captors, he did not renounce his ideas. The Peruvian oligarchy governments have been responsible all these years for the massacres in jail and for the inhumane treatment conditions of thousands of communist political prisoners.

The death of Abimael Guzman sparked a new round of anticommunist hysteria in Peru and internationally. We are witnessing an unprecedented and coordinated campaign of demonization, slander and falsification of the real facts of the armed conflict in Peru during the decades 1980-1990. Those responsible for the massacres of unarmed farmers, students and trade unionists, the fascist military who starred in tortures, disappearances, extrajudicial jurisdictions and other criminal acts but also the corrupted bourgeois politicians, the paid employees of Washington and CIA, accuse the communists of violence and terrorism! Those who reached the point of planning and executing even a massive sterilization program of the indigenous women population in the Andes, those who stole the country’s wealth, those who forcibly keep the majority of the people in poverty and illiteration, have the audacity to accuse the communists of being monsters! With them lies a group of regime intellectuals, some of them repented leftists, who have built careers by slandering the popular and revolutionary movement, have been hosted these last days in the major international media, pouring anticommunist poison.

Monday, September 20, 2021

India - he Maoist party has called for a successful ʹBharat Bandhʹ of farmersʹ unions on the 27th of this month


Communist Party of India (Maoist) Statement on Farmers Bharat Bandh

Full Text

Revolutionary Salutes to the struggle of Indian Farmers

Advancing towards success for the past 10 months against Hindutwa!

Make success All India Bandh on 27th September 2021

The Yogi Adityanath government worried with the Kisan Maha Panchayat planned by Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), Samyukt Kisan Morcha and several struggling farmersʹ organisations opposing the agriculture laws proposed by the Centre, in Mujaffarnagar on 5th September conspired to stop it. The program was unique in the movement going on for the past 10 months. It blocked all the National Highways especially Haryana, Punjab, UP and Meerut Zone (Meerut, Ghaziabad, Shamli, Bhagpat) with the help of PAC (the state armed police) to avoid the gathering of the farmers in large numbers. It fixed digital cameras and drones in the meeting place.

The entire city was set up with CCTVs. The farmersʹ meeting held in Mujaffarnagar the place that stood as the main centre of Hindutwa forces in bringing the BJP to power in the centre and in instigating religious riots in UP not only memorises the 62 persons died in the riots of the Hindutwa forces in 2013 but also provides relief to the 50 thousand people who became homeless.

Yogi planned to stop the meeting with the worry that their party might face defeat in the coming elections to the Assembly in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand like in West Bung and his failure to fulfill the promises to the peasantry. However the successful Maha Panchayat in which large number of youth from 22 states and also women farmers proved that no force can stop the struggling peasantry of agrarian India. The CC of our party conveys revolutionary salutes to the peasantry.

Our party supports the call to hold all India Bandh on the 27th September to intensify the militant peasant movement going on in the country for the past 10 months in the meeting. Our Party has already appealed the peasant movement to give a call to defeat the Hindutwa forces in the coming elections to UP Assembly. It firmly supports the call to ʹbe determined to defeat BJPʹ.

The CC once again clarifies that the revolutionary farmersʹ organisations of all states in the leadership of our party will further unite with the Hindu and Muslim farmers struggling for the annulment of the bureaucratic agriculture laws. The CC appeals the Samyukta Kisan Morcha to make success the 25 Maha Panchayats in a unique manner arranged to preserve the country, the peasantry, traders, employees and youth of the country that kept the country for sale. The help the people of the nearby villages extended to the farmers who attended the Maha Panchayat in Mujaffarnagar through 5000 stalls is commendable. We hope this tradition would continue in all the future meetings.

We must remember that branding the farmers as terrorists, turban Naxalites or any such by the evil Hindutwa forces is only to put them behind bars on bureaucratic repressive Acts whenever they feel them dangerous. Our Party appeals to the entire peasantry to fight with dedication facing any number of hurdles and attacks in the movement to annul the agriculture laws meant to serve the interests of corporate classes and force the farmers to death. Nearly 500 farmers died due to many reasons out of police repression, in this movement.

The Hindutwa forces conspired in all ways to disrupt the farmersʹ movement starting from hoisting flags irrespective of the farmers on the red fort on 26th January only for evil propaganda on the movement. The central leaders made a vain attempt to demoralize the organized strength of the peasantry stating the possibility of Corona pandemic. They indulged in attacks on the convoy of the leader of peasant movement Rakesh Tikayat. They conspired in all ways to disrupt the unity of the farmersʹ organisations fighting non-compromisingly. But the farmers are determined.

The centre stated that it is holding back the agriculture laws for one and a half years. This is a very important success of the movement. It will not be surprising if the Hindutwa forces that were defeated in the West Bung elections promise to annul the bureaucratic laws so as to compete without fear in the coming elections. Our party appeals to the peasantry to not believe the deceptive Brahmanic Hindutwa forces and to continue the movement with utmost consciousness until the acts are withdrawn by the Parliament. There are a lot of such traitorous experiences of boasting of Parliamentary democracy. The people must be called upon to not vote to any political party that is not prepared for the annulment of agriculture laws.

The suicides of farmers did not end. This year the conditions indicate an impact of lack of rain on the Khariph and Rabi crops. There is an unprecedented low rainfall in 23 years in Odisha. The central and the state governments are announcing consolation reforms that do not come into practice and affect the lands of the farmers. The farmers of Punjab are affected with additional electricity charges. There is no talk about distribution of agrarian lands to the Dalit and poor people in Punjab.

On the other hand the lands of the farmers are being handed over to the corporate classes for dead cheap rates. In such a situation let us be determined to preserve the agriculture and farmers of the country. The indigenous people of the country are fighting unprecedentedly militant to protect the natural resources of the country. They are condemning the murders and atrocities of the security forces of the ruling classes and struggling with the demand to withdraw the lakhs of police forces in the forest areas and that no police station/camp be set up without the permission of Gram Sabha. The peopleʹs demonstration in Silinger in Bijapur district is going on as a model for the past four months. Our party appeals to the farmersʹ movement to identify with these movements and states that it is not possible to protect the country without a coordination of the movements of the workers, peasants, employees, students, Dalits, tribal, Muslim people and women.

There is unprecedented unemployment in the country. The workers are suffocated with work burden and not assured in life. Oil prices and those of essential goods rose and are testing the purchasing power of ordinary people. Lockouts in the name of Corona pandemic are indiscriminately announced at the cost of migrant labor. Foolish decisions of the governments are only spreading the pandemic.

The people are deprived of minimum medical service leading to the death of lakhs. The country is facing severe crisis in all sectors. On the other hand, as stated by the leaders of Samyukt Kisan Morcha, the rulers of the country put the country for sale in the international market. We have to protect the country. The Sangh clique spoke of cultural nationalism until yesterday but now is aggressively unleashing imperialist economic policies in all sectors in the name of Aatmanirbhar mortgaging the sovereignty of the country.

At a time when the country is completing 75 years of nominal independence, the rulers are celebrating it in the name of ʹAazadi kaa Amrut Mahotsavʹ. As the struggling farmers sloganeer, let us protect our country that is made dependent and put for sale in the international market and make it secular, democratic and self-reliant. Let us fight and win our beloved country from the chains of the big feudal, big bourgeois forces.

Central Committee.