Sunday, July 31, 2022

Maroc: Répression politique avec le soutien technique de l’UE

Abdellatif Hamamouchi, 28 ans, journaliste et militant de l’Association marocaine des droits humains aurait été victime d’une violente agression par des hommes qui appartenaient, selon lui, aux services secrets marocain en juillet 2018. Ils l’auraient battu et jeté par terre avant de lui prendre son téléphone portable. Ils seraient environ une dizaine de journalistes militants, comme Abdellatif Hamamouchi, à avoir témoigné sur la confiscation de leurs téléphones portables suite à leur arrestation arbitraire. Cette pratique est liée au fait que l’UE a livré au Maroc, de la cadre de la coopération relative a la politique migratoire, des logiciels espions conçus par MSAB et Oxygen forensics, deux sociétés spécialisées dans le piratage des téléphones et l’aspiration de données. Des logiciels auraient aussi été livrés aux autorités marocaines par la société franco-libanaise Intertech Lebanon, sous la supervision du Centre international pour le développement des politiques migratoires (ICMPD).

La société suédoise MSAB aurait fourni à la police marocaine un logiciel espion nommé XRY apte à déverrouiller tous types de smartphones pour en extraire les données d’appels, de contacts, de localisation, mais aussi les messages envoyés et reçus par SMS, WhatsApp et Signal. Le logiciel américain Oxygen forensics, quant à lui, a livré un système d’extraction et d’analyse de données baptisé «Detective» conçu pour contourner les verrouillages d’écran des appareils mobiles afin d’aspirer les informations stockées dans le cloud (Google, Microsoft ou Apple) ou les applications sécurisées de n’importe quel téléphone ou ordinateur. Ils différent du logiciel israélien Pegasus parce qu’ils nécessitent un accès physique au mobile à pirater, et ne permet pas de surveillance à distance. Aucun contrôle n’aurait été effectué sur ces logiciels, ni de la part des fabricants, ni des fonctionnaires européens. Le Maroc peut utiliser ses nouvelles acquisitions à des fins de répression interne sans que l’Union européenne n’en sache rien.

Burning Questions of the Sri Lankan People’s Movement: What is to be Done? - for debate

By Maya John

(This article is based on a talk delivered at the online session organised by International Solidarity with the People’s Movement in Sri Lanka on a 23.07.2022)

The people’s movement in Sri Lanka has entered into a deadlock with the ‘(s)election’ of Ranil Wickremesinghe as President. Within hours of him assuming office, a mid-night crackdown on the Galle Face protest camp was unleashed. Only cowards attack in the dead of the night as they have much to hide during the day. Despite brutal state repression, the people’s movement shows a resilient commitment to continue. This resilience stems from a simple fact: the people are fighting against Wickremesinghe for the same reason why they were fighting against his predecessor. 

Brasil - 25/07: Chacina no Complexo do Alemão é TERRORISMO DE ESTADO!

O Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos repudia as operações criminosas comandadas pelo governador Claudio Castro. Operações estas que tem como principal alvo o povo preto e pobre, trabalhador morador das favelas. 

Tais operações, com seu caráter contra insurgente, mais uma vez espalha sangue e terror na vã tentativa de amedrontar estas massas, que por sua vez seguem resistindo bravamente, com faixas, palavras de ordem nas manifestações em rechaço à PM assassina.

Menos de dois meses após a Chacina na Vila Cruzeiro, Claudio Castro tenta naturalizar e fazer com que esta nova chacina passe apenas por mais uma "ação rotineira de guerra às drogas", e por isso cabe aos democratas, organizações progressistas e todos os verdadeiros defensores dos direitos povo repudiar de modo veemente esses massacres que se tornam uma política permanente do governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e que serve de laboratório para o resto do país. E mais do que nunca devemos sair em defesa do direito do povo se organizar para se defender de todos os tipos de atrocidades cometidas contra ele diuturnamente.

Leia também:


Cobertura do Jornal A Nova Democracia


2º Encuentro de Mujeres del Pueblo


Publicado por Periódico Mural 26 julio, 2022

Publicado en PAÑOLETA ROJA      

A las mujeres del pueblo

El pasado 8 de marzo llevamos a cabo nuestro 1er. Encuentro de Mujeres del Pueblo donde nos reunimos mujeres campesinas, obreras, profesionistas, estudiantes, maestras, amas de casa, autoridades comunitarias, mujeres de la clase trabajadora dispuestas a organizarse bajo la línea del feminismo proletario para la emancipación de todas y todos los oprimidos de México y el mundo como parte de la agenda por la Revolución Proletaria Mundial.

En este primer encuentro discutimos y compartimos las luchas que desde nuestras diversas trincheras hemos sostenido defendiendo la educación y salud públicas, la tierra y el territorio, la autodeterminación de nuestros pueblos originarios, los derechos laborales, la defensa de los presos políticos, entre muchas otras luchas que históricamente han recaído en las manos femeninas, que no somos las primeras pero si las continuadoras del legado de camaradas probadas en la teoría y la práctica que han vislumbrado un camino luminoso hacia el comunismo.

Por lo que una de las tareas que nos hemos impuesto es la construcción del instrumento nacional que aglutine las demandas y experiencias de las mujeres de nuestro país, el Movimiento Femenino Popular como palanca para la emancipación femenina y de la clase trabajadora. Buscando la participación de las mujeres de los más variados sectores que breguen por la defensa de nuestros derechos laborales, económicos, educativos, políticos, sexuales, etc. bajo la ideología del feminismo proletario como guía.

Ante ello hacemos un llamado fraterno y camaraderil a todas las compañeras de organizaciones democráticas, colectivos y mujeres revolucionarias a sumarse a esta tarea transcendental que la realidad misma nos impone, pues sin mujeres no hay revolución.

Hagamos nuestras las demandas de justicia que exige el pueblo, démosle batalla seria al patriarcado pegándole desde sus entrañas y sigamos el gran ejemplo de Clara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburgo, Nadezdha Krúpskaya, Inessa Armand, Alexandra Kollontai, Chiang Ching, Anuradha Ghandy y Camarada Norah.

Las esperamos los días 29 y 30 de julio en el estado de Oaxaca para seguir desatando la furia de la mujer como fuerza poderosa para la revolución. Para mayores informes puedes comunicarte al correo

 Tomado de Periódico Mural, prensa popular y democrá


Saturday, July 30, 2022

CPI (Maoist) - Martyrs’ Week Banners Surface In Balaghat District - info

Balaghat District, July 30, 2022: Cadres of the CPI (Maoist) have put up banners in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh, giving a call to observe ‘ Shaheed Saptah‘ or ‘martyrs’ week’, which prompted the police to step up security in the area, an official said on July 30, 2022.

Balaghat, located in the southeastern region of Madhya Pradesh, is one of the three Maoist-affected districts in the State with Mandla and Dindori being the other two.

“Naxals put up banners and left pamphlets on Friday in Sonewani area under Roopjhar police station limits, in which they gave a call to observe ‘ Shaheed Saptah‘ from July 28 to August 3,” Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Aditya Prakash Mishra said. Police are investigating how these banners reached the area, he said.

“However, there is no information about the presence of Naxals in this area. Intensive patrolling is being carried out to monitor the situation and security has been increased,” ASP Mishra added.

In the banners and posters, the Maoists have given a call to hold condolence meetings and construct memorials in memory of slain Maoists.

Martyrs’ week is observed by the CPI (Maoist) during this period every year, in memory of their leader Charu Mazumdar, who died in police custody on July 27, 1972 in West Bengal.

In June of this year, three Maoists, including a member of the divisional committee of the CPI (Maoist), were killed in an encounter with security forces in Balaghat district.

One of them was divisional committee member Nagesh aka Raju Tulavi (40), who had cases filed against him in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh.


Comité Central del Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta) – ¡Observar la semana de los mártires del 28 de julio al 3 de agosto de 2022!

traducción IC_CI

¡Observar la semana de los mártires del 28 de julio al 3 de agosto de 2022!

¡Celebrar el 50º aniversario de la muerte del camarada Charu Mazumdar y el 40º aniversario de la muerte del camarada Kanhai Chatterjee, los hacedores de la Revolución India, grandes maestros y líderes fundadores de nuestro Partido con gran espíritu revolucionario y determinación revolucionaria!

¡Derrotar la ofensiva estratégic del enemigo a’SAMADHAN’-Prahar con el objetivo de avanzar en la Revolución de Nueva Democracia en la India!

¡Llamado del Comité Central del PCI (Maoísta) a las bases del partido, Comandantes del EGPL, combatientes, diversos órganos revolucionarios del pueblo, obreros, campesinos, estudiantes, intelectuales y a todo el pueblo oprimido!

Comité Central del
Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta)

INDIA: Celebrando la semana de los Mártires de la Revolución en la India (Revolutionary Students' Front)

En el 50° Día del Martirio del camarada Charu Majumdar, y en el 40° Año del Martirio del camarada Kanai Chatterjee, los dos pioneros de la revolución de nueva democracia de la India, el Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario organizó una marcha y mítines para conmemorar a todos los mártires de la revolución en curso y exigir la liberación de todos los presos. Quemando la bandera de Trinamool-BJP, los estudiantes prestaron juramento hoy, un eslogan antiguo: "¡Recuerden a los mártires y paguen la deuda de sangre!" El programa se cerró cantando "Internacional" al final del encuentro.

Observe the Week of Remembrance of the Martyrs from July 28 to August 3, 2022!

Celebrate the 50th birth anniversary of the makers of Indian revolution, Mahapadhyayas, founding leaders of our party, Comrade Charu Majumdar, 40th birth anniversary of Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee with great revolutionary spirit and revolutionary determination!

Defeat the enemy's strategic ʹSamadhanʹ - preemptive attack aimed at advancing India's new democratic revolution!

Dear comrades, people,

Soon on the occasion of July 28 Martyrs Memorial Day, we are going to remember all the martyrs who laid down their precious lives for the liberation of the oppressed people of the country and the world with care and respect. What makes it special this time is that it is the 50th birth anniversary of one of our great teachers of Indian revolution, Comrade Charu Majumdar (CM). On July 16, 1972, he was arrested by the police at a house in Kolkata. He died on 28th July as he was suffering from asthma and was deprived of oxygen. Another one of our Indian revolutionary masters Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee (KC) left us forever on 18th July 1982 due to severe illness. With the immortality of these two, the Indian revolution suffered the biggest loss. Commemorating the 50th death anniversary of Comrade CM and 40th death anniversary of Comrade CM and Comrade KC on the occasion of July 28 Martyrs' Memorial Day, the Central Committee humbly salutes all the martyrs who made the supreme sacrifices for the ultimate goal of establishing socialism and communism for the new Indian democratic revolution from the Naxalbari armed peasant struggle till today.

Comrade Gonzalo, the leader of the Peruvian communist movement, was imprisoned for a long time by the American-Peruvian fascist rulers who finally took his life. With this, the world communist movement lost a great leader. Comrade Ka Oris, spokesman for the New People's Army of the Philippines, was assassinated by the US-Philippines fascist rulers. On this occasion, the Central Committee pays tribute to the beloved leaders of the people of the world, Comrade Gonzalo, to the Communist leaders of the Philippines, Comrade Ka Oris, and to all the heroes who have sacrificed their lives in the revolutionary movements and national liberation movements around the world, promising to continue their aspirations to the end.

During the last year, 124 comrades were martyred playing their part in the protracted people's war aimed at making India's new democratic revolution a success. During this period, our central and state leaderships suffered serious damage due to the brutal attack by the Indian dalari ruling classes and the unhealthy environment created by the imperialist system. The members of the Central Committee were Comrade Tapas Da (Pathit Pawan Haldar, Secretary of the West Bengal State Committee), Comrade Chintan Da (Narendra Singh), Comrade Amber Da/Gagan Da/Saheb Da (Poornendu Shekhar Mukherjee), Central Committee, Polit Bureau Members Comrade Ramakrishna/Saket Da (Akkiraju Haragopal), this Died in time. Central Committee member Comrade Deepak Da (Milind Baburao Tel Tumble) was martyred along with 26 PLGA adventurers after fighting the enemy forces for hours in the Matola-Parewa encounter.

Apart from them Comrade Rupesh Da/Vijay Yadav (Sandeep Yadav), members of Bihar-Jharkhand Special Area Committee Secretariat, Comrade Lala Da/Agni (Sahdev Rai Manjhi), members of East Bihar-Northeast Jharkhand SAC, Comrade Nakul, members of 2U SAC were killed in different enemy covert operations. Party senior worker Comrade Aluri Lalitha, DKS ZC Secretariat member Comrade Narmada (Uppuganti Nirmala), All India Revolutionary Cultural Movement leader Comrade Raj Kishore, Andhra Pradesh Janatayamandal artist Comrade Dappu Ramesh passed away. Bihar Regional Committee members were martyred in a fake encounter in Budeshwar. Senior leaders of the party. Tyagiji/Baba (Shiv Shankar Rajak) passes away due to illness.

Apart from these, four comrades in Central Regional Company-2, 8 in Bihar-Jharkhand (BJ), 13 in East Bihar-North-Eastern Jharkhand (T.B. - E.Jha.), 69 in Dandakaranyam (DK) were among those who died during this period. There are three comrades in Andhra-Odisha Border (AOB), one in Odisha, eight in Maharashtra-Madhya Pradesh-Chhattisgarh (MMC), 13 in Telangana and two in Andhra Pradesh. There are 34 female comrades among them. 9 DVC/CYPC Level Comrades – Comrade Suk Lal (Ramsai Parchami, North Gadchiroli DVC Secretary, DK), Comrade Mantu Khaira (JD CM, BJ), Comrade Mahesh (Shivaji Gota, North Gadchiroli Divisional Commander in Chief, DK), Comrade Lokesh (Jogal Podyam, Company-4 CYCM, DK), Comrade Dilip Tulavi (Company-4 CICM, DK), Comrade Dharmu (Mangu Kalmu, Company-4 CICM, DK), Comrade Sunnu (North Gadchiroli Alternate DVCM, DK), Comrade Arun (Urasam Kamla, Uttar Gadchiroli Alternate DVCM, DK), Comrade Saket (Company-6 Commander, CYPCM, DK); 32 AC/PPC members, 32 party PLGA members, 21 comrades revolutionary public structures leaders/activists (RPC presidents/members, public association leaders, public militia commanders/members), there are 8 revolutionary sympathizers and revolutionary people. Out of them 69 comrades were immortalized in encounters, 19 in fake encounters, 27 due to illnesses, three comrades due to lack of proper treatment due to negligence of authorities and four comrades in accidents. The details of the immortality of the three comrades have not been received. Details of 17 comrades are to be received. Apart from them, many leaders, activists, intellectuals, revolutionary sympathizers and friends of revolutionary, progressive and democratic public organizations working in open movements across the country have passed away during this year.

Immortality is inevitable in class struggle and people's war. The achievements of the party cannot be imagined without the sacrifices of public heroes. At present revolutionary conditions are increasing internationally and domestically. The exemplary and inspiring great revolutionary lives of the immortals give the party and all the revolutionary forces sufficient strength to make use of the growing revolutionary situation and advance.

In the memory of all these martyrs, the commemoration week from July 28 to August 3, 2022 should be celebrated with the spirit of their sacrifices and revolutionary determination, and on this occasion, the party ranks, PLGA forces, revolutionary public structures, labor, agriculture, Calling students, youth, intellectuals, all oppressed communities and special social sections.



Central Committee

CPI Maoist)

26 July 2022


GALIZA: 28 de julio-Celebrando los 70 años del nacimiento del camarada eterno MARTIN NAYA


En un gran ambiente de camaraderia, donde sonaron canciones de las Luminosas Trincheras de Combate del Perú, así como otras canciones como Partisanen vom Amur o Bella Ciao, amigos, camaradas y familiares  celebraron el nacimiento del camarada eterno Martin Naya, recordando su importancia para el movimiento popular en Galiza. En esta celebración también se conmemoró el 50 Aniversario de la muerte de Charu Majumdar y se rindió un sincero y caluroso homenaje rojo a todos los Mártires de la Revolución en la India dentro de la semana de celebraciones de los Mártires convocada por el PCI (Maoista) del 28 de julio al 3 de agosto.

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TKP/ML for Martyrs Week


Enternasyonal Komünist Hareketin Önderlerinden, Hindistan Halk Savaşı'nın Mimarı Çaru Mazumdar yoldaş şahsında Hindistan Komünist Partisi (Maoist)'in "28 Temmuz- 3 Ağustos Komünizm ve Devrim Şehitleri Haftası"nı selamlıyoruz.


Foreign Languages Press info

ENG banner facebook 07.2022
Dear Comrades,

We know it’s been some time since we released new books in English, as we’ve been working hard on developing our different language sections. Thank you for your patience! We’re happy to add two important books to our Foundations Collection:

Woman and Socialism by August Bebel was a foundational text for Engels when he wrote Origin of the Family, arguably history’s proletarian feminist book. After reading Engels’ Origin, Bebel reconsidered some of his positions and analysis, eventually revising his text in a new edition. Their work and the progression of it is a worthy example of the importance of scientific, undogmatic approaches to philosophy and theory.

The German Ideology by Marx and Engels is a collection of manuscripts dealing with the materialist conception of history through a criticism of German idealist and metaphysical materialist philosophy from the 1830s and 40s. The document was first published in the Soviet Union during the 1930s and has since been considered one of Marx and Engels’ great classics.
Since our last newsletter, we’ve opened a new section in Catalan with three titles (Five Essays on Philosophy, ARAK and the National Question), as well as publish Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine—in Swedish! The titles in our German and French sections also continue to grow with the addition of Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement and Critique of Maoist Reason (German), and State and Revolution and the Path to Revolution (French).

This July we managed to release a total of 10 (!) new books with the help of over a dozen comrades all over the world. This growing team of multilingual comrades is making the Foreign Languages part of FLP become a reality. We continue to be amazed and heartened by the ongoing support we receive from everyone who works to assist this small press is spreading these relevant, insightful works.

Onward in struggle,

Foreign Languages Press


Brasil - Grande celebração: AND ato político-cultural de 20 anos

Desde já e com satisfação, o Comitê de Redação do jornal A Nova Democracia convida a todos seus amigos, leitores e apoiadores para o ato político-cultural que celebrará esse grande feito: 20 anos de luta da imprensa popular e democrática em defesa dos interesses mais genuínos das massas trabalhadoras e da nação. Em breve, mais informações.

Data: 30 de agosto, às 17h;

Local: Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais do Município do Rio de Janeiro, na cobertura;

Endereço: R. Evaristo da Veiga, 16 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro.

Fonte.  AND