Thursday, September 29, 2022

Italy: Great mobilization of women throughout Italy against the black wave of the attack on the right to abortion - The role of the MFPR

  MILANO: SIAMO FURIOSƏ! Scateniamo la furia delle donne come forza poderosa della rivoluzione!

L'AQUILA: Non siamo macchine per la riproduzione, ma donne in lotta per la rivoluzione!

Anche a L’Aquila il MFPR è intervenuto in piazza al sit-in organizzato dalle compagne di Fuori Genere in occasione della giornata mondiale per l'aborto sicuro, per portare la voce delle donne lavoratrici e la solidarietà alle donne iraniane in lotta. Una voce che è stata accolta con entusiasmo dalle ragazze e i ragazzi presenti al presidio, che si è svolto in una piazza centrale e molto frequentata della città.
E’ stato portato il saluto delle lavoratrici, delle donne che lottano in una fase in cui la condizione delle donne/lavoratrici è peggiorata tantissimo, prima con la crisi/pandemia, oggi con la guerra interimperialista. Ma entrambe non sono che lo sbocco inevitabile di questo sistema economico e sociale capitalista che deve essere abbattuto.

I costi di questa sporca guerra della borghesia al servizio del Capitale si ripercuotono doppiamente sulla vita delle donne proletarie, delle operaie, delle lavoratrici.
E non si tratta solo di un attacco economico, che già di per sé è ancora più pesante per le donne in termini di più licenziamenti, precarietà, disoccupazione, ma c'è anche un attacco politico, ideologico che avanza nella tendenza generale al moderno fascismo della borghesia al potere.
Già durante questa campagna elettorale i corpi delle donne sono stati strumentalizzati in modo osceno. Da un lato i democratici, con le loro promesse di diritti e libertà civili in cambio di politiche che continuano a peggiorare le nostre condizioni di vita, dall’altro la destra conservatrice, che esibisce e strumentalizza la violenza sulle donne per portare avanti politiche razziste e rafforzare il controllo sui nostri corpi e sulla nostra sessualità, imponendoci maternità e lavoro di cura in cambio di briciole, spingendoci a lavori ultraprecari, sottopagati, tagliando i servizi scolastici, sanitari, sociali e scaricando sempre più sulle nostre spalle il lavoro di cura e il carovita mentre promette a confindustria sgravi fiscali.
La guerra imperialista poi sta aggravando ulteriormente la condizione delle donne proletarie, sia di quelle dei paesi in guerra, sia di quelle di paesi sul cui territorio la guerra non c'è ancora: si acuisce l'oppressione derivata dal ruolo di "esercito di riserva"; le donne rischiano di diventare sempre più solo macchine per la riproduzione.
Tutto questo avviene all’interno di un'onda nera che si va espandendo, dagli Usa all'Europa, all'Italia.

Non abbiamo certo da aspettare che la Meloni "governi" per sapere che il primo bersaglio, il “nemico principale” del primo governo a guida di una donna al servizio dei padroni, delle classi dominanti e del sistema capitalista e imperialista siano proprio le donne e il diritto di aborto.
Sappiamo bene che le donne non sono tutte uguali, le donne al potere, le padrone, le ricche, le politicanti sono la faccia più concentrata e feroce del potere capitalista e imperialista.
In questa società è la contraddizione di classe che conta più del genere: c'è un femminismo borghese, un femminismo piccolo borghese e un femminismo proletario, è la classe e non il genere che distingue o unisce le donne e ogni forma di femminismo che non sottolinei questo elemento è parte della dittatura borghese e patriarcale.
La borghesia al potere odia il diritto d’aborto perché pone come centrale l’autodeterminazione delle donne, il fatto che una donna può e deve decidere liberamente, perché le donne devono essere incatenate a determinati ruoli funzionali alla conservazione, mantenimento e perpetuazione di questo sistema sociale capitalista. La lotta necessaria contro gli attacchi al diritto d'aborto è "pericolosa" per la borghesia dominante perché essa mette in discussione le basi ideologiche, politiche, materiali di questo sistema capitalista. E ciò vale anche per la questione femminicidi.
In Italia, nonostante la legge 194, molti sono gli ostacoli che si frappongono ad un concreto accesso ad un aborto sicuro, determinati principalmente dall'obiezione di coscienza da parte di medici e personale sanitario, a cui danno man forte le politiche delle amministrazioni di destra (Fdl, Lega), dalle Marche, all'Abruzzo, all'Umbria.
Noi questa legge, la vogliamo proprio cambiare soprattutto in quella norma ipocrita che concede ai medici la facoltà dell'obiezione di coscienza.
In Italia abbiamo una lunga esperienza delle politiche familistiche portate avanti sia dal cosiddetto centrosinistra che dal centrodestra che riaffermano fortemente il ruolo di angelo del focolare delle donne, soprattutto in anni di crisi, il ruolo centrale della famiglia, di puntello di questo sistema sociale.
D'altra parte è chiaro come il partito della Meloni intenda far passare a livello nazionale l'obbligo del seppellimento dei feti, negli anni già approvato in diverse regioni, campagne ideologiche sulla natalità per dare forza-lavoro fresca al capitale e, con un linguaggio che ricorda il nazismo, "per evitare la «sostituzione etnica» degli italiani" (capogruppo Fdi Carlo Ciccioli), quindi, sì bambini ma che siano bianchi..; campagne realizzate a macchia di leopardo per evitare un attacco frontale al diritto d'aborto che, sempre, in Italia ha scatenato una pronta e forte risposta delle donne.
D'altra parte la stessa Meloni in campagna elettorale ha  rivendicato che "Dio, patria, famiglia" non è contro la modernità.
Noi diciamo che questo è moderno fascismo e poichè l’oppressione delle donne è “oppressione senz'altro”, la lotta della maggioranza delle donne oppresse che si pone nella prospettiva di abolire “tutte le oppressioni”, di tutti, anche degli uomini, anche dei lavoratori, per una umanità nuova, è centrale per una nuova società, che chiamiamo socialismo, e per costruirla non esiste che una via , quella rivoluzionaria con le donne in prima fila.

Tutto l’intervento del MFPR è stato accolto con molto entusiasmo, soprattutto nel messaggio finale, dal presidio, che ha ripreso in maniera corale lo slogan finale “non siamo macchine per la riproduzione, ma donne in lotta per la rivoluzione”

PALERMO: Giù le mani dal diritto di aborto

Come lavoratrici/precarie in lotta Mfpr siamo intervenute oggi alla manifestazione promossa da Nudm Palermo e altre realtà politiche e sociali

La nostra libertà di scelta non si tocca!

Abbiamo diffuso il volantino in collegamento con le compagne/lavoratrici che scendevano oggi in piazza a Milano, preso e condiviso da diverse donne giovani e meno giovani.
Molto apprezzato è stato il cartello portato in solidarietà con le donne iraniane in lotta.

Un corteo combattivo e determinato che si è concluso dinnanzi al palazzo della Regione a tre giorni dalle elezioni nazionali e regionali ...
Una prima risposta  di lotta  che deve vedere noi donne in prima linea a combattere contro l'onda nera che dagli Usa, Polonia si vuole estendere anche in Italia con la destra fascio-sessista della Meloni/Fdi.

E non sono mancati momenti di contrasto con  alcune donne in merito allo striscione e  volantino " la Meloni è una donna e voi la attaccate?"  a cui le lavoratrici  hanno prontamente ribadito che non è il genere che ci può unire ma la classe di cui si è parte,  la Meloni/FdI rappresenta la parte più nera della borghesia al potere che sfrutterà e opprimera' ancora di più lavoratori, proletari e in particolare la maggioranza delle donne
Non ci fermate! La nostra doppia lotta nn può che continuare ...

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The revolutionary uprising of the oppressed masses in Iran

. .....This is a great mass uprising to overthrow the Islamic Republic. There is no leadership at the moment. The masses in the street belong to the working class and other laboring classes and the middle classes, and currently the conflict is for freedom and democracy and against tyranny and dictatorship. The movement is getting wider day by day.

With friendly greetings

 red road of iran(maoist group)


جنبش انقلابی توده های تحت ستم ایران

ایران بار دیگر صحنه نبردی بزرگ شده است. نبرد خلق و ضد خلق، نبرد آزادی با استبداد و دیکتاتوری، نبرد خرد با حکومت جهل.

قتل مهسا امینی به وسیله ی نیروی انتظامی

روز چهارشنبه 23 شهریور 1401( 14 سپتامبر 2022) مهسا امینی دختر 22 ساله کرد به وسیله ی گشت ارشاد که اینک به درستی از سوی زنان و توده های مردم به عنوان گشت کشتار نامیده می شود به بهانه ی «پوشش نامناسب» دستگیر می شود و پس از چند ساعت جسدش بدون علائم حیاتی به بیمارستان کسری تهران منتقل می شود و پس از دو روز در کما بودن جان می سپارد.

زینا (نام کردی مهسا به معنای زندگی) دختری اهل کردستان بود. مردمی که نماد مقاومت و مبارزه علیه جمهوری اسلامی و حکومت دیکتاتوری خمینی و خامنه ای بوده اند.

مراسم عزاداری مهسا در سقز به یک حرکت بزرگ تبدیل شد

مراسم عزاداری مهسا در سقز محل زندگی مهسا یکی از شهرهای کردستان ایران برگزار شد. در این مراسم زنان روسری از سر برداشتند و در شهر توده مردم در اعتراض به این جنایت حکومتی گردهمایی و راهپیمایی کردند.

جنبش سراسر ایران را در بر می گیرد

توده های مردان و زنان در پشتیبانی از مبارزات توده های شهر سقز جنبش بزرگی را آغاز کردند و این جنبش به سرعت تمام شهرهای ایران را فرا گرفت. از کردستان تا بلوچستان و از آذربایجان تا بندرعباس.

این نبرد سختی است از طرف همه اقشار مردم ایران، به ویژه کارگران و کشاورزان و طبقات زحمتکش جامعه ایران، علیه حکومت جانیان، دزدان و مال پرستان و فاسدان و فریبکاران و حقه بازان. این حرکت تمامی این نظام را با خامنه ای جنایتکار در رآس آن تکان داده است.

مبارزه ای چهل ساله

تاریخ طولانی این نبرد بزرگ توده ای به همان دوران انقلاب 1957 بر می گردد. همان زمانی که استبداد به آزادی اعلان جنگ داد و آن را به پس راند و حالا 41 سال است که بر آن حکومت می کنند. جنبه اصلی مبارزات کنونی مبارزه برای آزادی و برای استقرار یک حکومت دموکراتیک و مستقل بوده است.

فرزندان طبقه کارگر و زحمتکش بدنه اصلی جنبش هستند

مردان و زنان و دختران و پسرانی که در خیابان ها علیه این نظام و علیه دیکتاتوری خامنه ای شعار می دهند متعلق به توده های زحمتکش و در راس آنها طبقه کارگر و کشاورز و لایه های پایین و میانی متوسط ​​هستند. اینها جمعیت اصلی کشور هستند. حضور طبقات مرفه هنوز آنچنان محسوس نیست و اقشار مرفه هنوز آن طور که باید به این طبقات نپیوسته اند.


پس از مدت ها افول جنبش دانشجویی که دلایل مختلفی دارد، ورود دانشجویان به میدان مبارزه، رنگ دیگری به جنبش آزادی کنونی داد. در بسیاری از دانشگاه های ایران، دانشجویان تجمع و راهپیمایی برگزار کردند و با نیروی انتظامی و بسیج درگیر شدند.

شکل مبارزه

این مبارزه تاکنون تا حدودی مسالمت آمیز و تدافعی بوده است، اما هر آنچه در جریان است از صلح آمیز و تدافعی به خشونت آمیز و تهاجمی تبدیل شده است. عبارتی که اکنون در اکثر درگیری ها از توده مردم شنیده می شود این است:

"بزنید این موجودات پست فطرت را !"

و این زنان و مردان ایران هستند که این مزدوران حکومت و دشمنان توده مردم را مجازات می کنند. اشکال حرکت

اشکال اصلی این حرکت، گردهمایی و راهپیمایی و شعار خوانی است. شعارها عموماً از همان ابتدا علیه گشت ارشاد، نیروی انتظامی و بسیج و دولت و «آخوند باید گم شود» و «مرگ بر دیکتاتوری» و «مرگ بر خامنه ای» و «مرگ بر اصل ولایت» است.

مداخله یگان ویژه و نیروی انتظامی و سپاه پاسداران یا بهتر بگوییم سپاه کشتار که اکنون تمام شریان های اصلی سیاسی، نظامی و اقتصادی را در دستان خود متمرکز کرده است، باعث شده است که توده های مردم به ضد حمله علیه مزدوران و این سپاه جهل بپردازند. موتورهای نیروهای سرکوب و خودروهای «گشت ارشاد» را آتش زنند و با مشت و لگد خود آنها را به کتک گیرند.

بازتاب جهانی جنبش

این جنبش در سراسر جهان بازتاب داشته و همراه با مردم ایران، توده های ایرانی مهاجر را در تمام کشورهای جهان فعال کرده است. بسیاری از هنرمندان و ورزشکاران کشته شدن مهسا امینی را محکوم کرده و به نفع جنبش توده ای موضع گرفته اند.

خامنه ای و پاسدارانش وحشت کرده اند!

خامنه ای از طبقه کارگر و جنبش توده ای می ترسد. برای این که طبقه کارگر و مردم ایران متحد شوند و جنبش به یکباره همه جا را بپوشاند و جهانی شود و مهم تر از آن ادامه یابد.

اینها دشمنان اصلی خامنه ای و پاسداران او هستند:

مردم متحد، جنبش جهانی همه طبقات اجتماعی و تداوم این جنبش

آنها به خوبی می‌دانند که اگر مردم متحد باشند و جنبش کنونی از تداوم برخوردار باشد، نه می‌توانند آن را کنترل کنند و نه از فروپاشی داخلی خود جلوگیری کنند. ادامه جنبش در نهایت به معنای سست شدن بندهای استبداد و تجلی ناتوانی سپاه کشتار و نیز متلاشی شدن باندهای حکومتی و متلاشی شدن بیشتر حکومت از درون است. اینها دو روی یک سکه هستند. به همین دلیل است که می خواهند خود را متحد و قدرتمند و شکست ناپذیر جلوه دهند. به طوری که مردم از آن بترسند. به طوری که فکر کنند نمی توانند آن را سرنگون کنند و به اسارت و بردگی تن دهند. این است که سریع لشکر کشی می کند و سریع تیراندازی می کنند و عده ای را می کشند.

پیشروی و عقب نشینی دولت

شکی نیست که جناح و باند خامنه ای و به اصطلاح هسته سخت قدرت آنقدر احمق هستند که عقب نشینی نمی کنند. جدا از غافلگیری و ناآماده بودن و عموماً ناتوانی در واکنش فوری به جنبش یا ترس از عواقب این گونه واکنش ها، روش کلی آنها تا کنون و در بیشتر مواقع این بوده است که اجازه دهند جنبش توده ای مقداری از نیروی خود را تخلیه کند. آهسته و پس از آن و از منظر آنها وقتی خسته می شوند و با سازماندهی نیروها و برنامه ریزی خود به ضد حمله همه جانبه و سرکوب حداکثری بپردازند.

مبارزه با جهنم تحجر و استبداد

سران مومیایی این نظام پوسیده و حامیان اندک آن، جهنمی بزرگ در ایران ایجاد کرده اند، جهنمی از جهل و آزادی کشی و استبداد تا مردم را به «بهشت» موعودشان ببرند. مبارزه کنونی مردم ایران علیه این جهنم و برای آزادی است و تا به دست آوردن آن ادامه خواهد داشت.

پیشرفت و تکامل این قیام بزرگ بدون شک توده های کشورهای منطقه و جهان را تحت تاثیر قرار داده و تغییرات جدیدی را به همراه خواهد داشت.

زنده باد جنبش آزادیبخش و دموکراتیک زنان

زنده باد جنبش آزادیخواهانه و دموکراتیک توده ها

مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی

برقرار باد جمهوری دموکراتیک خلق به رهبری طبقه کارگر

گروه مائوئیستی راه سرخ ایران

6 مهر 1401

26 سپتامبر 2022

Google English translate

The revolutionary uprising of the oppressed masses in Iran

Iran has once again become the scene of a big battle. The battle of people and anti-people, the battle of freedom with tyranny and dictatorship, the battle of wisdom with the rule of ignorance.

The killing of Mehsa Amini by the government police

On Wednesday, September 23 (corresponding to September 14, 2022), Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish girl, was killed by the Irshad patrol, which has now been rightly called the killing patrol by women and masses of people, under the pretext of "finding hair" and "covering". "Improper" is arrested and after a few hours his body is transferred to Kasri Hospital in Tehran without any vital signs and then he dies in a coma for two days.

Zina (Kurdish name Mehsa means life) was a girl from Kurdistan. A people that has been a symbol of resistance and struggle against the Islamic Republic and the dictatorial government of Khomeini and Khamenei.

Mehsa's mourning ceremony in Saqqez turned into a big movement

Mehsa's mourning ceremony was held in Saqez, where Mahsa lived, one of the cities of Kurdistan, Iran. In this ceremony, the women took off their headscarves and in the city, the masses gathered and marched in protest of this government murder.

The movement covers all of Iran

In support of the struggle of the masses of Saqqez city, the masses of men and women started a great uprising and this uprising quickly covered all the cities of Iran. From Kurdistan to Baluchistan and from Azerbaijan to Bandar Abbas.

This is a fierce battle on behalf of all classes of the people of Iran, especially the workers and farmers and the hardworking classes of the Iranian society, against the government of Janyans, against thieves and corrupt people who collect wealth, and against hypocrites, deceivers and tricksters. This movement has shaken the body of this tyrannical regime, with the criminal Khamenei at the head of it.

A forty-year struggle

The long history of this great mass battle goes back to the same time as the 1957 revolution. The same time when tyranny and stonewalling declared war on freedom and pushed it back, and now they have been ruling it for 41 years. The main aspect of the current struggle has been the struggle for freedom and for the establishment of a democratic and independent government.

The children of the working classes are the main body of the movement

Men and women, girls and boys who are chanting in the streets against this system and against the Khamenei dictatorship belong to the toiling masses, and at the top of them are the working class and farmers, and to the lower and middle layers of the middle class. These are the main population of the country. The presence of the affluent classes is still not so noticeable and the affluent layers have not yet joined these classes as they should.

University Students

After the decline of the student movement for a long time, which has various reasons, the entry of students into the battlefield gave another color to the current freedom movement. In many universities of Iran, students held rallies and marches and clashed with police forces and Basij.

fighting form

So far, this struggle has been relatively peaceful and defensive to a certain extent, but everything that is going on has changed from peaceful and defensive to violent and aggressive. The phrase that is now heard from the masses in most conflicts is:

"Beat these rapscallion !"

And these women and men of Iran are the ones who punish these mercenaries of the government and the enemies of the masses.

Forms of movement

The main forms of this movement are gathering, marching and chanting. The slogans are generally against the Irshad Patrol, police forces and Basij and the government from the very beginning and "Makhund must be lost" and "Death to the dictatorship" and "Death to Khamenei" and "Death to the principle of Velayat al-Faqih" are always at the top of them. .

The intervention of the special unit and the police forces and the Revolutionary Guards, or rather the Killing Corps, which has now concentrated all the main political, military and economic arteries in its hands, has caused the masses to counterattack the mercenaries and this Ignorance Corps And make the crime hard. They set fire to the engines of the repression forces and the "guidance patrol" cars and beat themselves with fists and kicks.

Global reflection of the movement

The movement has been reflected all over the world, and together with the people of Iran, it has mobilized the masses of Iranian immigrants in all the countries of the world. Many artists and athletes have condemned the killing of Mahsa Amini and have taken a position in favor of the mass movement.

Khamenei and his guards are terrified!

Khamenei is afraid of the working class and the mass movement. For the working class and the people of Iran to be united and for the movement to cover everywhere at once and become universal and more importantly to continue. These are the main enemies of Khamenei and his guards:

United people, the universal movement of all social classes and the continuation of this movement

They know very well that if the people are united and the universal movement enjoys a certain continuity, they can neither control it nor prevent their own internal disintegration. The continuation of the movement means finally the loosening of the bonds of tyranny and the manifestation of the inability of the killing corps, as well as the disintegration of government gangs and the further disintegration of the government from within. These are two sides of the same coin. That's why he wants to make himself appear unified and powerful and invincible. So that people are in awe of it. So that they don't think they can overthrow it. To give in to submission, captivity and slavery. It is that they march quickly and shoot quickly and kill some people.

Advancement and retreat of the government

There is no doubt that Khamenei's faction and gang and the so-called hard core of power are so stupid that they will not back down. Apart from being surprised and unprepared and generally unable to react immediately to the movement or fearing the consequences of such reactions, their general method so far and for most of the time has been to let the mass movement drain some of its strength. slow and then, and from their point of view, when they are tired and by organizing their forces and planning, they will launch an all-out counter attack and implement maximum repression.

The fight against the hell of petrification and tyranny

The mummy heads of this rotten system and its few supporters have created a big hell in Iran, a hell of ignorance and freedom killing and tyranny to take the people to their promised "paradise". The current struggle of the people of Iran is against this hell and for freedom, and it will continue until it is obtained.

The progress and evolution of this great uprising will undoubtedly affect the masses of the countries of the region and the world and will cause new changes.

Long live the liberating and democratic women's movement

Long live the libertarian and democratic movement of the masses

Death to the Islamic Republic

May the People's Democratic Republic be established under the leadership of the working class

red road of iran(maoist group)

Sep 26 2022


13/19th september - global action week for India - London demostration

Londra Hindistan’lı Politik Tutsaklarla Dayanışma Eylemi

LONDRA|27.09.2022| Londra Hindistan konsolosluğu önünde, 26 Eylül tarih’de saat 15’de  Hindistan’lı tutsaklarla destek eylemi gerçekleştirildi. ATİK Londra komitesi olarak Hindistan’daki politik tutsaklara yönelik baskı ve şiddet protesto edildi. Yapılan eylemde, Hindistan’da politik tutsaklar üzerindeki şiddete son! Politik tutsaklara özgürlük! Hindistan’daki faşist saldırılara son! sloganlarının atıldı. UPOTUDAK açıklaması okundu. Ayrıca eylem boyunca bildiri dağıtımı yapıldı.


Monday, September 26, 2022

13/19th september - Global action week - report from Italy

The week of global action launched by the International Committee in Support of the People's War in India, on the recommendation and in close connection with the Communist Party of India (Maoist), was in Italy an important qualitative leap in anti-imperialist and internationalist proletarian support in our country.

All activities were concentrated on a strong day in Rome.

In the morning there was a demonstration at the Indian embassy. The Italian imperialist state and the police headquarters in Rome had banned the demonstration in front of the embassy and, taking as a pretext the use of Roman squares for the electoral campaign, had also denied the nearby squares, granting only a square far enough from the embassy.

All the operating structures of the Committee have organized, therefore, in legal and illegal forms the initiative. First we concentrated in a denied square, Piazza della Repubblica and the demonstration began by displaying the banner "Basta bombe e droni sulle popolazioni – Basta massacri e repressione – Libertà per tutti i prigionieri politici."[Stop bombs and drones on populations - Stop massacres and repression - Freedom for all political prisoners] supported by representatives of the various mass organizations. Meanwhile, the notes of "Bella ciao" of a supportive Bar resounded in the air.

Then the comrades without flags and symbols moved compactly in the direction of the embassy and reached it counting on the "surprise" effect. Clearly the forces of repression expected a blitz and when the strong delegation appeared they lined up in front of the embassy.

The protesters did not stop, they raised the banner in front of the entrance of the embassy and shouted slogans.

The police did not intervene but pressed for the action to end.

As planned, the demonstrators put the banner back and went to the square that had been granted and occupied it in the side facing the passage of people.

The police again intervened demanding that the demonstration take place in restricted forms and less visible to the masses. The firm resistance of the women comrades, who were still the majority of the demonstrators, rejected this attempt; and a long second part of the demonstration took place.

A massive mass leaflet of the communiqué of the Support Committee and of the appeal of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) was made and dossiers and materials of the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement on Indian political prisoners were spread.

In addition to the banners for political prisoners and against drones and massacres of indian populations, a large banner was placed in support of the people's war and also was re-proposed the exhibition that is circulating throughout Italy of the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement.

All the representatives of the adhering bodies took the floor, with strong and blunt interventions, appreciated by the demonstrators and the masses who passed, stopped, talked, asked. The voice of the workers of the Slai cobas, of the women of the RPFM, was particularly heard.

The demonstration was joined by the International Red Rescue, the main organization in our country in defense of political prisoners of the Red Brigades and an integral part of the international network present in several countries. These comrades had brought a large panel for the political prisoners of Turkey and northern Kurdistan, and a militant former political prisoner took the floor in the square, and this had not happened for some time.

The other big aspect of quality was the presence of six representatives of the several hundred Indian workers working in factories and workplaces in northern Italy, who defied blackmail and repression – these are workers who identified in front of the embassy and in the square risked dismissals and expulsions, taking into account the strong pressures of the Indian embassy, inspired by the Foreign Minister of the Modi regime, towards the European governments, and Italian in particular, so that the prolonged and incisive campaign may come to an end.

A campaign that also saw on this day the presentation of a dossier to the national and international press on the conditions of Saibaba and Varavara Rao and on the list of prisoners of the various associations operating in India, sent by the Indian comrades, and whose liberation and defense of health conditions in prisons are claimed.

Numerous passers-by stopped in the square, including some citizens of Indian origin and a large group of girls, some working in solidarity associations, who were interested in the campaign and forged ties in particular with comrades of the RPFM.

During the demonstration, slogans were shouted: "Freedom for political prisoners!", "Long live the people's war!", "Long live proletarian internationalism!", "The imperialist war can only be stopped if the people's war advances!".

It was the first and important event in Rome, where the Committee was not present and had no active solidarity structures.

But the day is not over.

In the afternoon in the important structure of Metropoliz, a factory occupied and transformed into an imposing cultural and artistic museum by hundreds of migrants and Roma people who occupied it, led by the movement of struggle for housing – 'Metropolitan Blocs' – an anti-capitalist proletarian assembly was held, organized essentially by communist proletarians, which saw the participation of 70 representatives of trade union bodies, association of struggle, committees against repression, movements of various Italian cities, Marxist intellectuals engaged in the main Italian universities, on the themes of the struggle against imperialist war and the social struggle of proletarians, migrants and popular masses.

In this assembly, the voice of solidarity with the Indian political prisoners and the people's war, was clearly expressed. All participants received the information and complaint material, distributed during the day and some of the participants in the demonstration for India took the floor in the assembly and in particular the representative of the Indian workers of Bergamo.

An endless day, probably the strongest and most articulated that there has been in Europe and in the imperialist countries in recent years; a point of arrival of the prolonged action of the Committee in Italy led by the PCm; but above all a new starting point for the development of a real mass movement in support of the people's war in India.

September 24, 2022


FILIPINAS: Message of solidarity to the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the occasion of its 18th anniversary


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People’s Army extends its fraternal greetings of revolutionary solidarity to the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the occasion of its 18th anniversary.

The CPP honors the 124 heroes and martyrs who died in the past year while serving the cause of new democratic revolution in India, including members of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) and warriors of the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army. We grieve over their deaths, but more importantly, we draw inspiration from their example of selfless dedication to the liberation of all the oppressed and exploited classes and people.

The CPP deeply appreciates the gesture of international solidarity of the CPI (Maoist) in paying tribute to Ka Oris, former NPA spokesperson, as well as other communist and revolutionary leaders across the world.

The CPP supports the CPI (Maoist) in leading the resistance against the fascist and reactionary Brahmanic Hindutva Narendra Modi regime, particularly in fighting to overcome and frustrate the all-out military offensives against the revolutionary forces and people under the so-called “SAMADHAN”-Prahar strategic offensive. We are inspired by the determination of the CPI (Maoist) and the PLGA to resist the relentless fascist onslaught that vainly seeks to crush the people’s democratic revolution and pave the way for greater imperialist plunder of India’s resources and exploitation of its workers and peasants.