Wednesday, May 31, 2023

50th Ibrahim Kaipakkaya - from TKP/ML

    Betreff: Kaypakkaya katledilişinin 50. yılında Viyana’da gerçekleştirilen yürüyüş ve uluslararası sempozyumla anıldı


Komünist önder İbrahim Kaypakkaya katledilişinin 50. Yılında Avusturya Viyana’da gerçekleştirilen yürüyüş ve uluslararası sempozyumla anıldı. Partizan’ın örgütlediği ve EKB’nin de destek verdiği etkinliklere ilgi yoğun oldu. Viyana’da gerçekleştirilen ve iki gün süren etkinliklerde İbrahim Kaypakkaya’nın çizgisinin uluslararası komünist hareketle olan ilişkisi öne çıktı. Enternasyonal ruh ve coşkunun öne çıktığı sempozyuma Brezilya, Peru, İsveç, Norveç, İspanya, Finlandiya, Kolombiya, Almanya, Avusturya, Filipinler ve Fransa’dan enternasyonal delegasyon ve MLM örgütler katıldı.

“Ölümsüzlüğünün 50. Yılında Komünist Önder İbrahim Kaypakkaya” başlıklı sempozyumun ilk günü Viyana’da yapılan yürüyüşle başladı. Yürüyüş korteji Kaypakkaya pankartıyla alandaki yerini alırken, kortejde Enternasyonal Komünist Birlik (EKB) ve TKP/ML bayrakları da öne çıktı. Stephenplatz’da başlayan yürüyüşe kitlenin ilgisi yoğun olurken yürüyüş boyunca sık sık “Önderimiz İbrahim Kaypakkaya”, “Yaşasın Enternasyonal Dayanışma”, “Yaşasın Partimiz TKP/ML, TİKKO, TMLGB”, “Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Viva, Viva, Viva!” sloganları atıldı. Yürüyüş antlar eşliğinde son bulurken kitle ve enternasyonal katılımcılar sempozyumun başlayacağı alana geçti.

Sempozyum, tüm ülkelerin katılımcılarının hep bir ağızdan söylediği “Enternasyonal Marşı” ile başladı. Marşın ardından devrim, demokrasi ve komünizm şehitleri anısında bir dakikalık saygı duruşu gerçekleştirildi. Arkasından TKP/ML MK’nın gönderdiği mesaj okundu. Mesaj kitle tarafından coşkuyla karşılandı ve selamlandı.

Mesajdan sonra etkinlik ilk oturumla başladı. İlk oturum da Türkiye, Almanya, Peru, Brezilya, Finlandiya, İspanya, Kolombiya ve Avusturya’dan katılımcılar “İbrahim Kaypakkaya’nın Enternasyonal Önemi” başlığında sunumlar gerçekleştirdi.


Birinci oturumda İbrahim Kaypakkaya’nın komünist çizgisinin şekillendiği tarihsel koşullar, bu koşullar içerisinde Maoizmin önemine vurgular yapılırken İ. Kaypakkaya ile birlikte Sison, Mazumdar ve Gonzalo’nun da benzer bir süreçten geçtiğine değinildi. Kaypakkaya’nın düşüncelerinin şekillenme sürecinin aynı zamanda revizyonizme ve reformizme karşı mücadeleyi de içerdiğini vurgulayan katılımcılar bu noktada İbrahim’in güçlü bir hat çizdiğine değindiler. Bu mücadele sürecinde İbrahim’in aynı zamanda berrak bir örgüt çizgisinin de olduğu vurgulanırken TKP/ML’nin bu bilinç sonucu ortaya çıktığının altı çizildi. İbrahim’in düşüncelerinin ölümünden sonra da ardılları tarafından etkin bir mücadele ile savunulduğu belirtilirken bugün partisinin tüm iç ve dış saldırılara karşı devrimci mücadelede sebat ettiği bunun da İbrahim Kaypakkaya’nın çizgisinden beslendiğine vurgu yapıldı.

Sempozyumun ilk günü Zen Erbane Grubu’nun coşkulu ezgileri eşliğinde son buldu.

Sempozyumun ikinci günü, EKB’nın gönderdiği mesajın okunmasıyla başladı. Gönderilen mesaj “Yaşasın Proletarya Enternasyonalizmi” sloganıyla coşkulu şekilde selamlandı. Sempozyumun ikinci oturumu “BPKD, Yarattığı Komünist Önderler ve Modern Revizyonizmle Mücadele” başlığında sunumlarla gerçekleştirildi. Bu başlıkta da Türkiye, Almanya, Peru, Brezilya, Finlandiya, İspanya, Kolombiya, Filipinler, Avusturya ve Fransa’dan katılımcılar sunumlar gerçekleştirdi.

BPKD’nin Uluslararası Komünist Hareket içindeki etkinliğinin ülkelerdeki KP’ler içinde de bir dizi tartışmayı açığa çıkardığı Mao’nun “büyük tartışma” direktifinin Peru’da Gonzalo, Filipinler’de Sison, Türkiye’de İbrahim Kaypakkaya ve Hindistan’da Mazumdar tarafından etkin bir anti revizyonist mücadeleye dönüştürüldüğüne değinildi. Bu sürecin kendi önderlerini yarattığını ve bunun da ülkelerdeki Halk Savaşılarını geliştirdiğine vurgu yapıldı. Katılımcılar BPKD’nin kendi ülkelerindeki komünist parti ve örgütleri nasıl şekillendirdiğine dair tarihsel bilgilendirmelerle katkılar yaptılar. Bu tartışmalarda tüm önderlerin modern revizyonizmle ve onun somut görüngüleriyle güçlü bir mücadele hattı ortaya koyduklarının altı çizildi.

İki gün süren ve birçok ülkeden MLM örgüt ve partinin katıldığı sempozyum güçlü enternasyonal coşkuya sahne oldu. Sempozyum İbrahim Kaypakkaya’yı selamlayan sloganlar ve devrim andının söylenmesi, “Yaşasın Enternasyonal Dayanışma”, “Yaşasın Halk Savaşı” sloganlarının hep bir ağızdan atılmasıyla son buldu.


Italia - Contro la Guerra imperialista, mobilitazione dei proletari alla fabbrica produttrice di mezzi militari per la guerra in Ucraina

Iniziativa alla Fincantieri di Palermo - 

Contro la guerra imperialista, il governo della guerra Meloni.  

Ieri mattina in fabbrica tra gli operai dei Cantieri Navali, dove da qualche giorno è arrivata da Taranto la portaerei della Marina Militare italiana Cavour, con una iniziativa  di denuncia e di lotta contro la guerra imperialista al servizio dei profitti dei padroni capitalisti, contro il governo Meloni che conferma ed estende la sua strategia guerrafondaia aumentando ogni giorno le spese militari, l'invio di armi e mezzi militari nelle zone di guerra, come l'Ucraina; e, come è stato scritto nel volantino che abbiamo diffuso agli operai "rafforza questa tendenza allestendo e inviando una flotta di navi, guidata appunto dalla portaerei Cavour, davanti alle coste della Cina dove la tensione è già altissima per la presenza di navi militari degli Stati Uniti, principalmente e di altri stati imperialisti. Mandare la portaerei Cavour significa quindi alimentare deliberatamente queste tensioni che possono portare ad una guerra ancora più larga"

                                                      intervento compagno pc

Monday, May 29, 2023

Inde: Les lutteurs et lutteuses en grève contre un dirigeant harceleur affrontent la police

Les lutteurs et les lutteuses mènent une grève et des manifestation pour obtenir la démission et l’arrestation de Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, député du BJP (parti de la droite indouiste au pouvoir) et chef de la Fédération indienne de lutte, qui a été accusé de harcèlement sexuel par sept lutteuses, dont une mineure. Cette mobilisation ont obtenu le soutien d’organisations de tout le pays, représentant des milieux et des domaines divers, tant le problème des harcèlements et agressions des femmes est profond en Inde. Les manifestations en cours ont ont également attiré l’attention sur le traitement des athlètes et la nécessité de protéger leurs droits et leur bien-être.

Dimanche 28 mai, à leur 36e jour de lutte, ils ont débordés les dispositifs policiers organisé devant le nouveau bâtiment du parlement que le premier ministre Modi inaugurait (photo de gauche). Des renforts de police ont été nécessaire pour les repousser. Il y a eu plusieurs arrestations, y compris plusieurs champions et championnes de lutte extrêmement populaires dans le pays (photo de droite).

France/Bretagne: Répression d’une manifestation anti-gouvernementale à Rennes

secours rouge

La manifestation organisée samedi à Rennes contre Macron, Darmanin et le fascisme a été attaquée dès son départ par les forces de l’ordre qui ont tiré des gaz lacrymogènes sur le cortège place de Bretagne. Les manifestants se sont alors dirigés vers la place de la République. La préfecture avait interdit la manifestation et déployé un important dispositif pour barrer la route du centre-ville aux manifestants. Il y a eu quatre arrestations.

Colombia - Resolución de la UOC (mlm) sobre el Movimiento Sindical

Resolución de la UOC (mlm) sobre el Movimiento Sindical 1

Reproducimos la resolución sobre el Movimiento Sindical aprobada por la UOC (mlm) en el 2000. Un documento importante que contribuye a dar luces sobre las discusiones que se han suscitado entre los trabajadores con motivo de las elecciones en la CUT y Fecode. La resolución clarifica sobre el verdadero papel que deben jugar los sindicatos en la lucha general de la clase obrera por su liberación definitiva y que lo diferencia del sindicalismo conciliador, que lastimosamente se impuso desde hace ya casi 5 décadas. El documento sirve para que los trabajadores decidan a consicencia que camino tomar si quieren lograr que las conquistas no sigan siendo arrebatadas y recuparar las que se perdieron en estos 50 años.

La Unión Obrera Comunista (marxista leninista maoísta) al analizar la situación del movimiento sindical

Mexico - Comunicado: Sol Rojo condena agresión contra bases de apoyo zapatistas


Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo condena enérgicamente las nuevas agresiones registradas el pasado 22 de mayo contra la comunidad Moisés Gandhi, base de apoyo del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional ubicada en Ocosingo, Chiapas.

El ataque fue perpetrado por la Orcao (organización paramilitar al servicio de la contrainsurgencia del viejo Estado) y forma parte de una escalada de agresiones que va en aumento en contra del territorio zapatista y contra los pueblos y comunidades que nos oponemos a la imposición de megaproyectos imperialistas de despojo y muerte como el mal llamado “Tren Maya” y el Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT).

Los SolRojistas sostenemos que estos megaproyectos despojan y matan a campesinos pobres e indígenas en México, y esta nueva agresión contra las bases de apoyo zapatistas ha dejado herido de gravedad al compañero tzotzil Gilberto López Sántiz.

Responsabilizamos al gobierno de Chiapas encabezado por Rutilio Escandón Cadenas por la implementación de políticas antipopulares de corte contrainsurgente y su clara relación con los grupos paramilitares que operan en la entidad.

Responsabilizamos al gobierno federal de Andrés Manuel López Obrador por la imposición de estos megaproyectos imperialistas y la militarización del país, afectando los territorios y la vida de las comunidades agrarias e indígenas.

El viejo Estado se prepara para la guerra reaccionaria contra el pueblo; es deber de demócratas y revolucionarios poner un alto a estos planes oscuros construyendo un verdadero proceso de unidad con principios, que surja desde abajo, con un carácter independiente, antielectorero, anticapitalista y antiimperialista.

 ¡Solidaridad con las comunidades zapatistas y el EZLN!

¡Gobierne quien gobierne los derechos del pueblo se defienden!

¡Con el Sol Rojo, el pueblo vencerá!


México, mayo 25 de 2023


action of people's war in Philippines


5 AFP Soldiers Killed During NPA Counteroffensive In Negros Occidental Province

JB Regalado | Spokesperson | NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | New People’s Army

May 27, 2023

The LPC-NPA mounted a counteroffensive against attacking troops of the 62nd IB last May 20, 2023 at around 5 AM in Sitio Napiluan, Barangay Quintin Remo, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental province. At least 4 enemies were killed in action, according to witnesses who saw state forces carrying cadavers in Brgy Sibucawan, Isabela. The fascist soldiers were in a rush to raid the residence of the Ramirez family in the said sitio where a unit of the NPA rested after a long travel. Julwar ‘Ka Ryan’ Luciano was also martyred on the 3rd encounter in the area.

Alvin ‘Ka Dagger’ Bayno, hailing from Sitio Caliban, Barangay Banog-banog, Isabela, Negros Occidental province was wounded and subsequently killed by the 62nd IB in accordance with their policy of ‘no NPA is to be captured alive’, in utter disregard to CARHRIHL. Ruben Obidas, 49, a farmer from Sitio Nakuruhan, Brgy Quintin Remo also suffered the same fate. After being wounded from AFP strafing and indiscriminate firing, he was murdered by the 62IB. Meanwhile, civilian couple Juliven Ramirez, 23, and Evelyn Meren, 31, both from Sitio Napiluan, were also murdered by the AFP.

Another encounter ensued in Sitio Amumuyong, Barangay Trinidad, Guihulngan City on the same day at around 5 AM between the NPA and the 16th Scout Ranger Company. 1 enemy was KIA, while Cristito ‘Ka Cris’ Nelles Jr and Rolly ‘Ka Marnie’ Benero was martyred during the firefight. Still hungry for blood and desperate due to their failure of crushing the NPA in Central Negros, the murderous AFP killed Antonio Babor, 77 and his son, Jurielen Babor, 27, farmers and residents of the area. To cover up the crime, state forces planted guns in the murder scene.

Continue to advance the armed struggle!

Long live the revolutionary martyrs!

Let them be our inspiration, along with the broad masses that we serve!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

from afghanistan to nepal

To the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal!

Dear comrades,

We extend our red and revolutionary greetings to you.

We heartily congratulate the successful Communist Unity Congress (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) between the CPN (Revolutionary Maoists) and the CPN (Majority), resulting in the formation of the “Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal.” We do so with great hope and belief that it will bring joy and inspiration to Maoists worldwide.

Your unity congress is the culmination of your tireless and sincere efforts to establish principled unity based on the interests of the nation and your unwavering commitment to revolutionary change in Nepal’s current situation. The CPN holds a proud history of mass struggles, notably the victorious people's war waged by the CPN (Maoist) since 1996 to 2006. This historical chapter will be etched in Nepal's history with golden letters, and the CPN’s active participation in the RIM has left a positive impact on revolutionaries worldwide. However, the unfortunate deviation of the “Prachanda-Bhattarai path” led to a decline in the people's war in Nepal and its drift towards revisionism and parliamentarism. Subsequent divisions hindered the party's ability to regain its cohesiveness over the past 17 years.

We are pleased to witness the successful reunification of the CPN (Revolutionary Maoists) and the CPN (Majority) into a single party, the “Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal”. We firmly believe that your party will play a crucial role in preparing for the forthcoming conference of Maoist parties and organizations worldwide and reviving the RIM. Our party is committed to strengthening relations with your party and working together to enrich the plans for the international conference of parties and organizations worldwide.

The formation of the unified party, centred around Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles, is a significant achievement that has liberated Nepalese Maoists from ideological, political, and organizational confusion. By persisting in the two-line struggle and reigniting the people's war in Nepal, you will shake the foundations of the strongest enemy of the proletariat and peoples worldwide, ultimately serving the cause of world revolution.

Comrades, from the depths of our hearts, we extend warm congratulations and express our pride in actively working alongside the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal and other Maoist parties and organizations worldwide in preparation for the international conference and the revival of the RIM. We seek to forge stronger solidarity in the struggle between the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal and the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, along with other participating members of the international conference of Maoist parties and organizations.

Long live the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal!

Long live the people's war in Nepal!

Down with the reactionary government of Nepal!

Onward to the organization of the international conference of parties and organizations worldwide!

Central Committee

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

May 26, 2023


Two books that we support

banner facebook 05.2023B
Dear Comrades,

This month we are excited to release two new, important texts in our Tales From the Front collection.

First, Anna Louise Strong’s, The First Time in History, offers a firsthand account of life in Soviet Russia during a critical period of its history, from 1921 to 1923. Strong, a journalist who was politicized by the political upheavals in her time, such as the Everett Massacre and the Seattle General strike, was invited to the USSR to document the work of building the world’s first socialist State. Her work of political journalism in to this end offers keen observations and insights that provide a vivid and nuanced portrayal of the social, economic, and political changes that took place during this pivotal time.

The second books is Hundred Day War, by William Hinton. With unprecedented access to firsthand accounts, Hinton tells the story of the intense struggle of Red Guard factions at Qinghua University during the Cultural Revolution, which eventually led to students building their own cannons and tanks to engage in armed conflict. These events were a direct result of the line struggle that was being waged at the top levels of the CPC. They demonstrate the lengths to which the Right and ultra-Left went to manipulate the people and the enormity of the Left’s determination to resolve the factional antagonisms in order to remake one of China’s most high-ranking universities into a people’s university, tasked with educating and training the next generation of proletarian intellectuals.
Both of these books are written with documentary-style reporting on the exciting, messy, intense work of building a socialist society. Far from an idealized portrayal of some utopian revolutionary outcome, these two authors bring the day-to-day struggles—the joyous, astonishing victories and the devastating, heartbreaking defeats—to life with their vivid storytelling. In these pages are lessons we are required to learn if we are to really grapple with the notion of taking power and governing for the people. We hope you find these texts as important and enlightening as we believe them to be.

In solidarity,

Foreign Languages Press


Friday, May 26, 2023

India news - CPI (Maoist) Squad Clashes With Security Forces In Kandhamal District - info

Kandhamal District, May 24, 2023: Security forces engaged in a brief skirmish with a squad of CPI (Maoist) cadres in Budhanai Reserve Forest under Tumudibandh Police Station in Kandhamal district of Odisha state today.

The personnel of Special Operations Group (SOG) along with the district police launched a combing operation in the reserve forest in the early morning after receiving intelligence inputs regarding the presence of armed cadres of the CPI (Maoist) in the area, during which the police team came across a squadron of around 20 Maoists inside the reserve forest, said an official.

The Maoists opened fire on the police team, with the police personnel retaliating in self defense, he added.

“The exchange of fire continued for about half an hour. The Maoists managed to escape by taking advantage of the jungle terrain,” said the official.



for debate - On the elections in Turkey on 14 May


when maoistroad publishes texts with the note 'for debate ' means that this text does not reflet our position but it is useful for mlm parties and organisations to read this text and if you want to write about it in agreement or against  - maoistroad


"FORGET THE 18 MAY OF '73!" The Power of the People is in its Organisation!
Description: The following article is the editorial of the latest issue of the newspaper Özgür Gelecek, which publishes on the MLM line in Turkey. This article analysing the election results in Turkey is not an "official translation".

It is necessary not to look at the masses of the people as voters, it is necessary to keep in mind that the people are subjects, that they are a power only when and only when they organise for their own class interests.
24 May 2023

On 14 May, presidential and parliamentary elections took place. While the People's Alliance provided the majority in the parliament in the parliamentary elections, it was announced that R.T.Erdoğan received 49.52 per cent; Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu received 44.88 per cent; Sinan Oğan received 5.17 per cent in the presidential elections. According to the official announcement of the YSK, there is a difference of 2.5 million votes between Erdoğan and Kılıçdaroğlu.
Thus, it was announced that the presidential elections were left to the second round to be held on 28 May. Now an intense bargaining traffic is being carried out in the bourgeois political arena. As a matter of fact, it was reflected in the press that the racist fascist who received a certain number of votes for the second round openly demanded office and

against Hiroshima's G7 - info

#JunkG7 | ILPS Statement on the G7 Hiroshima Summit
#JunkG7 | ILPS Statement on the G7 Hiroshima Summit
We congratulate all the members of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) and the International Peoples Front, for the Peoples’ Summit to Counter G7 in Kyoto, Japan and accompanying solidarity Global Days of Action held in several countries May 18-20, 2023.

Leaders of the G7 countries – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the European Union, met in Hiroshima this past weekend. 

The G7 sought to make the Hiroshima Summit a platform for the US drive against its rivals China and Russia. Moscow dismissed it as a “propaganda show” while Beijing protested Japan’s “smear” and the UK’s “slander”. At the G7 sideline, the US met its Quad partners Japan, Australia and India for its so-called Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Commentators have previously called the G7 a “selfie summit” while others criticize it for falling short on promises. While the Summit pays lip service to a “free and open world” based on the rule of law, it was the US and its allies who make their own rules. While there are calls for disarmament, the G7 is on a war path. 

The latest report from the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs shows that the post-9/11 US-led War on Terror may have caused at least 4.5 million deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

Within the G7, differences are merely papered over. As they cannot completely decouple from China, they just agree on “de-risking” their China relations.  In fact, the China led BRICS group of countries has already overtaken the G7 in terms of global GDP.

The EU’s ‘Global Gateway’ and the G7’s own ‘Build Back Better World’ (B3W) competing funding schemes never took off. China’s trade with the EU and the US has dwindled by as much a third in the past months. On the other hand, China’s trade with partners in the Belt and Road Initiative is growing as well as with China’s Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) 

Taiwan’s trade with China is three times larger than with the US. But arms sales of the US to Taiwan is close to US$10 billion in the past three years, while Taiwanese people by far see themselves as part of China, along with most of the world.

While G7 leaders met, the 22 members of the Arab League was hosted by Saudi Arabia, and the first China-Central Asia Summit was held in Xian. Major global regions, including Africa and Latin America are no longer the realm of their old colonial empires.

The G7 Summit has become a relic of the past.  The US and its allies are desperate to hold on to its  imperialist hegemony despite the reality of a global  economic  and environmental crisis that cannot be resolved whilst imperialism exists,  growing global military  conflicts and people’s resistance right across the globe, including in the home of U.S. imperialism itself.

It is imperative for the peoples of the world to remain ever vigilant against the US and G7 war provocations. The people can stop the wars by fighting back imperialism.##


International People's Front


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Spanish State: Repression against antifascist movement, 15 arrested facing eleven years of prison

the red herald

Clashes between police and protesters in 2021 at Vox rally in Vallecas.

In Navalcarnero, Madrid, Spanish State, 15 people belonging to the antifascist movement have been charged after a police set-up. The sentences that they want to prosecute them for are eleven years each. They are accused of damages, injuries, incitement of hatred, attack against authority, threats, resistance and serious disturbance of public order.

In 2021, some regional elections were held, one of them was in Madrid. It was in this time when Vox, political party that is famous for their proposals against immigrant workers and against workers rights, decided to go to working-class neighborhoods and proletarian cities to do their “political campaign”. Regarding this, one neighbor told to the local media after noticing that a rally would be held in his neighborhood: “It’s a provocation. I’m going to make noise so they can’t be heard. A leftist neighborhood and the far-right comes? It seems horrible to me because this is not exactly a source of votes for Vox”. This neighborhoods and towns of Madrid where Vox went, has a long proletarian tradition.

And so it was, it didn’t take long for the news to show how the neighborhoods rejected the arrival of the political party. Some notable clashes took place in the neighborhoods of the Red Square of Vallecas, where 2 people were arrested and 35 were lightly injured, among them 21 officers due to clashes between the police and the demonstrators. In Navalcarnero, after the protests, the 15 accused were arrested. This is how the detainees describe in their statement what it was like in Navalcarnero: “The repressive response was brutal. The government sent hundreds of riot police to take over our neighborhoods and protect the fascists. So that Abascal [Author’s note: the leader of Vox] could spread his stuff, they charged against our people, beat us up and arrested us. Navalcarnero was no exception. The police unleashed chaos throughout the town harassing neighbors protesting against Vox and its henchmen. Two months later, they went to the homes of 15 young people to take them into custody. Now, two years later, they want to put them on trial using the typical police set-up. Our crime? Being antifascists. The sentence they want to impose on us for it? 11 years in prison. 11 years in prison for defending our neighborhoods from fascism.”

Galiza - Boicotar a farsa eleitoral

Boicotar a farsa eleitoral

Fazer um apelo ao boicote da farsa eleitoral é umha necessidade para o Movimento Comunista Galego (MCG). A principal raçom deste apelo ao boicote é elevar a consciência dos setores mais avançados do proletariado galego. Confundir ao proletariado com as possíveis reformas dum novo governo, dum novo regidor, dum novo Pleno Municipal, etc; é contribuir a legitimar o aparelho do estado burguês. Neste caso legitimar o Regime Espanhol.

Ocultar o caráter de classe do Regime Espanhol como se este Estado nom fosse umha aliança da burguesia espanhola com entre outras, a burguesia galega; é ir contra os interesses estratégicos do proletariado.

O proletariado de qualquer país necessita formar umha vanguarda que diferencie em palavras de Mao, “quem som os amigos e quem som os inimigos do povo”. Fazer passar qualquer instituiçom do Estado, incluídas as de âmbito local, como um instrumento para melhorar a vida do povo nom nos achega a ser conscientes da natureza do Estado. Um Estado burguês que é o principal instrumento do poder político da burguesia espanhola, da burguesia galega e do bloco social que as apoiam.

Os estados burgueses da Europa e o Regime Espanhol em particular, tenhem muita experiência em tratar com plataformas eleitorais que consideram perigosas e sabem como legalizá-las, como criar fichas policiais da sua militância e como encarcerar metodicamente os seus quadros políticos.

Todas as instituiçons do parlamentarismo, todas as instituiçons “representativas”, servem para difundir a ideologia burguesa, o sentido comum burguês. Todas estas instituçons, Parlamentos, Senado, Concelhos municipais, etc, som efetivos instrumentos para manter a “paz social”, porque essa é a sua funçom.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Message Of Solidarity On The 50th Anniversary Of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya's Martyrdom - Communist Party of the Philippines

The Communist Party of the Philippines, New People's Army and all revolutionary forces in the Philippines extend militant greetings of solidarity to all communist and revolutionary forces of Turkey, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, founder of the Communist Party of Turkey.

The Filipino people are inspired by the revolutionary lifestory of Comrade Kaypakkaya, who at a very young age, ardently studied Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and applied the universal principles to the particular conditions of Turkey. He indefatigably carried anti-imperialist and socialist propaganda and education among the people of Turkey.

Like many young revolutionaries in the Philippines, Kaypakkaya was inspired by the upsurge of the socialist revolution in China led by Chairman Mao. In his early 20s, he established the Communist Party together with other proletarian revolutionaries. He subsequently led the formation of the Workers' and Peasants' Liberation Army or the TIKKO to carry out the revolutionary armed struggle.

Fifty years ago today, the fascist reactionaries captured, tortured and snuffed the life out of Kaypakkaya in the vain attempt to put down the rising cause of the workers and other exploited and oppressed classes in Turkey. The seeds of the revolution in Turkey, however, will continue to take deep and wide roots.

The revolutionary deeds of Kaypakkaya continue to live on in and beyond Turkey. His memory continues to inspire the people of Turkey to wage resistance against imperialism, fascism and all forms of oppression.

As billions of workers, peasants and oppressed people suffer in both capitalist and semicolonial and semifeudal countries, and face the threat of imperialist war and ruin, the need to wage revolutionary resistance grows ever stronger.

Let The Memory Of Kaypakkaya Live Forever!

Raise High The Red Banner Of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Long Live International Anti-Imperialist Solidarity!

Long Live The International Proletariat!

Long Live The Solidarity Of All Oppressed And Exploited Peoples!

Long Live The National Democratic Revolution In Turkey And The Philippines!


Long live Ibrahim Kaypakkaya - maximum support to all celebrations of 50th immortality years -

 we publish also in the next days info and photos

İbrahim Kaypakkaya was commemorated at his grave in Karakaya village in Çorum province in Central Anatolia. news and video are disponible

Thursday, May 18, 2023

NDFP-Bohol Condemns Abduction, Torture And Summary Execution Of Activist Arthur Lucenario

National Democratic Front Of The Philippines

May 17, 2023

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Bohol condemns the murder of one organizer and activist, Arthur “Ka Jasper” Lucenario, and NDFP consultants conducted by the forces of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

An immense ridicule is yet again started by the reactionary state and the criminal soldiers of the 47th IBPA and RMG here in Bohol province. On the 12th of May 2023, 6:00 in the morning, the news report publicized a fake encounter that happened at Barangay Tabuan, Antequera in which security forces had allegedly slain one and injured two members of the New People’s Army.

There is no truth to the said “encounter”. There wasn’t a clash between the AFP and NPA on that day. It is an old, repeated practice done by the agents of the reactionary government to abduct, torture and murder activists and civilians, and claim that they were casualties of an encounter by planting firearms near their dead bodies.

Lucenario, who was last seen on the 14th of April this year at the municipality of San Miguel, was reported to have been abducted by the troops of the 47th IB at 3:00 in the early morning, while driving alone by motorcycle. Within one month, in the hands of the fascist state, he experienced various forms of torture which is evident in his dead body.

Ka Jasper was a civilian, youth and farmer organizer – not a soldier of the New People’s Army – slain by fascists. To justify their crime, the fascists placed a .45 calibre pistol on the right hand of Ka Jasper and mindlessly opened-fire for almost 10 minutes which inflicted great trauma and fear to the people. The hands of the fascist regime of Marcos, Jr. and the reactionary army is stained with blood from killing Ka Jasper and many other victims murdered under the US-Marcos, Jr. regime. They must be held accountable for the crimes against the people.

The criminal National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), AFP, PNP, and other paramilitary groups are the machines of the reactionary government for violating human rights, causing suffering, killing, and hindering peace.

The revolutionary movement here in Bohol province is always open and ever supportive of the peace negotiations between the GRP and NDFP. However, a just and lasting peace can only be attained when there is societal justice and there’s no other way to achieve this except by armed struggle through protracted people’s war.

As long as the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system in the Philippines ruled by US imperialism, big comprador bourgeoisie, and huge landlords remain, the revolutionary armed struggle of the people will persist to forge their own free, peaceful, and abundant future.

GRECIA: El evento conmemorativo del líder comunista Ibrahim Kaypakkaya se celebró en Atenas

 POR  · 

El evento conmemorativo del líder comunista Ibrahim Kaypakkaya se celebró en Atenas 1

Tomado del portal Partizan Traducción literal

El 14 de mayo, a las 19:00, se celebró un evento conmemorativo en Atenas, la capital de Grecia, para conmemorar el 50 aniversario del asesinato del líder comunista İbrahim Kaypakkaya.

El evento, que comenzó con un momento de silencio, continuó con discursos. En el discurso pronunciado en nombre de TKP/ML se dijo lo siguiente. Es el 50 aniversario de su asesinato. ¡El líder comunista İbrahim Kaypakkaya sigue siendo una antorcha para nuestra lucha! KAYPAKKAYA transformó la bandera que abrió al revisionismo y al oportunismo en una ruptura comunista revolucionaria y se embarcó en la construcción del Partido Comunista, que es la única llave para la cerradura de la liberación en nuestro país. Con las decisiones de febrero, se levantó una bandera abierta contra el revisionismo del TİİKP y se sentaron las bases del Partido Comunista. El proceso de la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria, que bajo la dirección de Mao incluyó el levantamiento de la bandera del proletariado contra el revisionismo y los seguidores del camino capitalista, ha abierto una nueva época a escala mundial. El impacto de la Revolución Cultural pronto fue más allá de las fronteras de China y envolvió los movimientos de masas que se intensificaron en todo el mundo. El líder comunista İbrahim Kaypakkaya también señaló la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria como uno de los principales alimentos para el resurgimiento de la línea comunista revolucionaria en Turquía. La necesidad de la lucha de clases en el socialismo, que surgió concretamente con la Revolución Cultural, y la formulación de Mao de las necesidades de esta lucha también fue una gran fuente de inspiración. KAYPAKKAYA se dio cuenta de que la lucha contra todas las ideologías burguesas debe continuar continuamente, que sólo de esta manera se puede preservar la bandera del proletariado, y tomó su audacia ideológica de esta línea. La bandera que se levantó contra el revisionismo y los viajeros capitalistas con la Revolución Cultural fue tomada por KAYPAKKAYA en nuestro país. KAYPAKKAYA ha sido uno de los mejores estudiantes de la Revolución Cultural y uno de los maestros más importantes de la lucha por la revolución y el comunismo en nuestro país y en el mundo”. y se refería al proceso por el cual se construyó el Partido del Proletariado, del cual Kaypakkaya fue el fundador. «La actitud abierta adoptada contra el reformismo, la conciliación oportunista y el revisionismo, la audaz defensa de la revolución y el comunismo, la naturaleza irreconciliable de su línea ideológica revolucionaria con las ideologías burguesas mantienen fresco el miedo a KAYPAKKAYA incluso hoy. El hecho de que a pesar de que han pasado 50 años desde el asesinato de KAYPAKKAYA después de meses de tortura, es un crimen mencionar su nombre y llevar los banderines con su foto es la mayor expresión del miedo al fascismo. Nuestro partido, TKP/ML, del cual es fundador, continúa su legado teórico-ideológico, audacia, revolución y lucha comunista ininterrumpidamente dejada por nuestro líder fundador İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA en los 50 años intermedios. Nuestro Partido sigue insistiendo en la guerra popular y lleva la bandera roja del proletariado con gran devoción y entusiasmo. Nuestro Partido continúa su marcha del comunismo bajo la guía del MLM con la audacia y voluntad heredada del líder comunista İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA contra las ideologías que surgieron con el objetivo de impedir que todo el compromiso de clase y el proletariado lucharan por el comunismo.

El representante del KKE (m-l) dijo: Estamos pasando por un proceso en el que las contradicciones interimperialistas se están profundizando en todo el mundo. Esta situación trae condiciones más severas para los pueblos del mundo. Son los partidos comunistas los que asumirán y elevarán la lucha de los trabajadores y trabajadores en este proceso. Lo que necesitamos en estas condiciones son líderes como İbrahim Kaypakkaya que surgió de entre el pueblo. Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, tanto teórica como prácticamente, se opuso al reformismo y al pacifismo como un verdadero líder revolucionario. Libró una lucha contra el imperialismo, el fascismo y toda reacción. Kaypakkaya logró transformar la teoría revolucionaria en práctica revolucionaria. Larga vida a İbrahim Kaypakkaya, larga vida a TKP/ML.

El representante de Laiki Drasi también pronunció un discurso en el evento; Kaypakkaya es una poderosa resistencia al reformismo y al fascismo.

MÉXICO: SOL ROJO: Informe de acciones: 5 años #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida

Informe de acciones: 5 años #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida
mayo 16, 2023

Mitin 11 de mayo 2023, Palacio de la Ignominia

A la clase obrera y los trabajadores

Al campesinado pobre y los pueblos originarios oprimidos

A las amplias masas populares de Oaxaca, México y el mundo

El pasado 10 de mayo se cumplieron 5 años de la desaparición forzada de nuestro camarada Doctor Ernesto Sernas García, tiempo durante el cual la familia del compañero y distintas organizaciones democráticas hemos mantenido en alto la exigencia de su presentación con vida y castigo a los culpables. Son cinco años de omisiones, aquiescencia, complicidad y dilaciones por parte de la Fiscalía General del Estado de Oaxaca y las Comisiones de Búsqueda estatal y federal; cinco años en los que las excusas, las promesas y los discursos institucionales contrastan con las cifras oficiales de más de 105 mil desaparecidos en todo el país.

Mujer Mazateca, solidaridad con Dr. Sernas García

La realidad es contundente, desde el inicio de la militarización del país en el año 2006 hasta la fecha (es decir, del sexenio de Felipe Calderón hasta el de Andrés Manuel López Obrador) se vive una guerra contra el pueblo cuyos objetivos siguen siendo la desarticulación de los movimientos populares y otros procesos de resistencia comunitaria, la atomización de las fuerzas del pueblo, la balcanización del territorio nacional y el reforzamiento de las cadenas de dominación del imperialismo -principalmente yanqui- sobre nuestro país, profundizando la situación semicolonial que pesa sobre este.

A las desapariciones forzadas y las fosas clandestinas que cubren el territorio nacional se suman los asesinatos de luchadores populares, los feminicidios, la prisión política de activistas y el desplazamiento interno forzado de comunidades enteras. ¿No es esta una guerra reaccionaria? ¿No es evidente que las víctimas las pone el pueblo pobre?

UABJO. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales

Para conmemorar esta fecha y seguir exigiendo justicia se han llevado a cabo una serie de acciones los días 10 y 11 de mayo que incluyen pintas, pegas de carteles y dazibaos, colocación de mantas y muestras de solidaridad con la leyenda 5 años #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida. Además, el día 11 de mayo la CP-Sol Rojo realizó un mitin en el zócalo de la ciudad de Oaxaca y un acordonamiento de masas al palacio de gobierno en exigencia de que los titulares del poder ejecutivo y la fiscalía atiendan a la familia del Dr. Sernas y el equipo de abogados democráticos que llevan el caso.

Puente, entrada a Cd. de Oaxaca

Durante el mitin, la compañera Yolanda Ruiz Cruz, vocera de CP-Sol Rojo ha enfatizado… “por eso, a cinco años de su desaparición hacemos el emplazamiento a los gobiernos estatal y federal para que sean atendidas en lo inmediato la exigencia de presentación con vida del Dr. Sernas García, el castigo a los asesinos de nuestros compañeros Luis Armando [Fuentes Aquino], Jesús Manuel [García Martínez] y Félix Vicente [Cruz]… exigimos la absolución del compañero Salvador Pinal Meléndez quién ha sido preso injustamente por defender sus tierras, y exigimos también que cesen los ataques contra comunidades y activistas que se oponen a la imposición del Corredor Interoceánico”. La organización ha anunciado que se movilizará de forma masiva en las distintas regiones del estado en próximas semanas para elevar sus exigencias.