Nouvelle Calédonie/Kanaky: Affrontements entre indépendantistes et gendarmes lors de la visite de Darmanin

En réaction à la présence du ministre de l’intérieur Gérald Darmanin en Kanbaly/ Nouvelle-Calédonie, une manifestation indépendantiste avait lieu mercredi, à Nouméa, pour dénoncer le projet de dégeler le corps électoral. Elle a été marquée par des heurts avec les forces de l’ordre. C’est la Cellule de coordination des actions de terrain (CCAT), composée de mouvements et de syndicats dans la mouvance indépendantiste (UC, PT, MOI, l’USTKE…), elle a organisé la manifestation mercredi. L’action consistait à marcher depuis le Mwâ Kââ pour, dans un premier temps se rendre au gouvernement afin d’informer les élus de leur demande du retrait du projet de loi constitutionnelle qui doit ouvrir le corps électoral citoyen. Puis, dans un second temps se rendre au haut-commissariat afin de remettre notre courrier au ministre de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer. Lors du déplacement, les responsables des forces de l’ordre leur ont indiqué un trajet qui selon eux devrait être sûr pour tous. »C’est ainsi que les manifestants ont été conduits dans un traquenard par la mise en place de camions militaires à l’angle des rues Anatole -France et Général-Mangin. Les affrontements ont alors commencé, faisant plusieurs blessés.

23/24 february for Palestine - first info


trade union, social organizations and Marxist scholars who have joined the calls for the international and internationalist day of action against the wars of capital, and in support of the Palestinian resistance, in Italy, Argentina, Germany, Japan, India, Turkey, Congo, Bangladesh, United States, Brazil, Russia, Portugal, Greece, Holland, France, Mexico, Colombia, and other countries.

There are two appeals, with the same basic content: the need to constitute an international field of the proletarians and the oppressed completely autonomous from the capitalist-imperialist camps that are heading towards an apocalyptic clash of power, to get in the way of this race towards a new world war that can and must be broken. The differences between the two texts concern aspects to be discussed and explored, but overall secondary to this priority.

February 24th – we can now take it for certain – will be a first step in this direction with the squares of many large and small cities around the world where this same message will be carried: Down with the wars of capital! Let’s stop the race towards a new horrendous inter-imperialist global slaughterhouse! Long live the resistance of the Palestinians and of all those oppressed by colonialism old and new! Long live authentic proletarian internationalism!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

L’État français et la Palestine : Génocide, interprétations fallacieuses, censure

Déshumaniser et exterminer les Palestiniens
Depuis plus de quatre mois, l’État colonialiste d’Israël poursuit son but qui est de tuer le plus possible de Palestiniens, de les terroriser, de les affamer, de les déplacer de force, de leur couper tous les approvisionnements ou de les restreindre au maximum, le tout accompagné d’un discours visant à les déshumaniser ou d’une absence de discours afin que le monde les oublie. Israël tue les journalistes, les personnels de santé, les employés de l’ONU, les civils, bref tous les témoins de ce génocide organisé. Le quotidien des Palestiniens réfugiés à Rafah ou à Khan Younès, ce sont les bombardements et les tirs des soldats, la recherché effrénée de nourriture et d’eau, la recherche de matériau pour fabriquer un abri de fortune, chercher simplement, non pas à vivre, mais à survivre.
La dernière phase de ce plan est en cours. Les bombardements ont commencé de frapper Rafah, ville où sont entassés 1,3 millions de Palestiniens et Netanyahu annonce l’assaut terrestre « quand les civils auront évacué » alors que ce menteur invétéré sait bien que nulle évacuation n’est possible.
La mobilisation porte des fruits
L’indignation et la mobilisation se poursuivent dans le monde entier, malgré les tentatives des gouvernements pour l’empêcher (en Allemagne et aux États-Unis). Ce sont des millions de personnes qui continuent, jour après jour, à exiger un cessez-le-feu permanent et une paix véritable.
La preuve que cette mobilisation fonctionne c’est que, même s’ils ne lâchent pas Israël, les principaux gouvernements impérialistes occidentaux, USA en premier, commencent à élever la voix pour que le massacre s’arrête. Les pays arabes semblent se réveiller. La Jordanie demande à Israël de renoncer à l’assaut de Rafah, l’Égypte indique que, s’il a lieu, elle suspendra le traité de Camp-David, qui lie les deux pays et marqua la fin de leur conflit en 1979 ! Pour les pays occidentaux, c’est l’accusation d’être responsables et plus seulement complices du génocide qui pèse et pour les pays arabes celle de ne pas soutenir leurs frères palestiniens.
Cela ne suffit pas, d’autant moins que les USA négocient un plan pour un État palestinien sans consulter aucun des mouvements de la Résistance palestinienne, avec seulement la corrompue Autorité Palestinienne. Et qu’ils ont, une nouvelle fois, mis leur veto à une résolution réclamant les cessez-le-feu immédiat, présentée par l’Algérie. Nous devons empêcher l’assaut sur Rafah !!!
Partout dans le monde, la lutte des travailleurs et des peuples monte en puissance pour arrêter le massacre.
Le discours dominant fonctionne à plein
Même si de plus en plus de voix essaient de se faire entendre pour dénoncer la réalité du génocide perpétré à Gaza et pour que la France revienne à son ancienne orientation politique sur le sujet, abandonnée depuis Sarkozy, la barre est maintenue sur le soutien inconditionnel à Israël, tant au niveau de l’État français que des media.
Il n’est pas rare que celles ou ceux qui auraient des velléités de dénoncer la situation à Gaza soient sollicités pour donner leur avis sur le Hamas ou les captifs, baptisés « otages ».
Minimiser le réel rapporté par des témoins
Il faut aussi noter le traitement réservé aux propos dérangeants de certains témoins de retour de Gaza. Aucun media ne s’attarde sur les assassinats de journalistes, de soignants ou de personnels de l’ONU. Quand des médecins humanitaires de retour de Gaza affirment qu’ils n’ont jamais rien vu d’aussi horrible, nos media semblent obligés de le relayer. En revanche, quand ils déclarent qu’en quinze jours, ils n’ont vu à l’hôpital aucun combattant, uniquement des civils, ça n’est jamais repris. Bien au contraire, la destruction de l’hôpital Al-Nasser de Khan Younes est quasiment justifiée par le fait que l’armée sioniste y aurait arrêté des « suspects ».
Diffuser la propagande sioniste en continu
Depuis le 7 octobre, les media français relaient la propagande de guerre des sionistes sans jamais aucun doute, aucune précaution, aucun conditionnel. La liste est longue, des bébés décapités aux « suspects » d’Al-Nasser en passant par les accusations de viols sans plaignante ni témoin (aux dires mêmes de la police israélienne), l’hôpital Al-Shifa bombardé par des Palestiniens et la négation du nombre de morts qui va avec, les caches d’armes sous les hôpitaux, les employés de l’UNRWA affiliés au Hamas, etc. Aucun « journaliste » ne cherche à vérifier quoi que ce soit !
Et pourtant, n’importe qui sait que la propagande de guerre est forcément mensongère. Et la propagande israélienne est championne du monde en ce domaine, puisque bâtie dès le début sur une énorme mensonge, celui d’une « terre sans peuple ». Netanyahu est un orfèvre en la matière : mensonges à répétition sur l’application des accords d’Oslo, invention d’une culpabilité du grand mufti de Jérusalem dans l’holocauste des juifs, artifices pour masquer sa propre corruption. On se souvient que, recevant Netanyahu alors nouveau premier ministre en 2006, Jacques Chirac lui avait dit : « Je ne crois aucun mot qui sort de votre bouche. Votre seule politique, c’est de provoquer les Palestiniens. ».

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Is Eni stealing Palestinian gas in collusion with Israel? Italian imperialism in action in Gaza - info PCmItaly

Highlights: Is Eni stealing Palestinian gas in collusion with Israel?. The Italian government is the largest shareholder in the energy giant Eni, with a stake of 32% (social networking sites) The Palestinian Gaza Marine field is one of the oldest gas fields discovered in the eastern Mediterranean region. Despite the discovery of the Gaza offshore field since 2000, its resources, which are estimated at more than one trillion cubic feet of natural gas, are still locked in the ground. Eni confirmed that "no agreement in particular has yet to be signed, and that it currently has no activity in the region"

The issue of the Gaza gas field returned to the spotlight following the legal notice sent by the American law firm Foley Hoag - on behalf of Palestinian human rights organizations - to the Italian company “Eni” and international and Israeli energy companies.

The Italian government is the largest shareholder in the energy giant Eni, with a stake of 32% (social networking sites)

Rome -

The Palestinian Gaza Marine field is one of the oldest gas fields discovered in the eastern Mediterranean region, and it is seen as a promising opportunity for the Palestinians who suffer from a scarcity of energy resources, amid their suffering from the Israeli occupation.

Despite the discovery of the Gaza offshore field since 2000, its resources, which are estimated at more than one trillion cubic feet of natural gas - which far exceeds the needs of the Palestinian people - are still locked in the ground and have not been exploited commercially until now due to Israel’s obstruction of all efforts aimed at establishing an independent energy infrastructure. For the Palestinians, it is also trying to seize these resources to export them through deals with neighboring countries with the participation of European Union member states.


At the beginning of this month, the issue of the Gaza gas field returned to the spotlight following the legal notice sent by the American law firm Foley Hoag - on behalf of Palestinian human rights organizations - to the Italian energy giant Eni and other international and Israeli energy companies.

The office warned it not to proceed with exploration activities in the Gaza offshore well, which is owned by the Palestinian people, in accordance with the provisions of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which the State of Palestine signed in 2019.

This warning comes after Israel announced last October 29 that it had granted a license to the Italian energy company to operate in the Gaza field, which Palestinian human rights organizations considered a violation of international law.

Director of the Center for International Legal Studies, Fabio Marcelli, said in an interview with Al Jazeera Net that Eni's contract with Israel constitutes a violation of international law, which prohibits the occupying authority from disposing of the natural resources found in the lands it occupies, including the adjacent marine areas.

Marcelli warned that the company's mere initiation of exploration activities to exploit resources belonging to the Palestinians would make it a partner of the State of Israel, which is now burdened with accurate and documented accusations of committing genocide before the International Court of Justice.

The same spokesman pointed out that "Eni's complicity" - which is considered a public company - in such crimes will extend to the government of Georgia Meloni, which is working to supply Israel with part of the weapons it uses to carry out genocide in the Gaza Strip.

For its part, Eni explained - in an exclusive statement to Al Jazeera Net - that it "obtained - along with other companies - exploration licenses based on an international tender, and that licenses related to the exploration activities expected in October 2023 were granted."

The company confirmed that "no agreement in particular has yet to be signed, and that it currently has no activity in the region, and that wherever it operates, it is keen to ensure that its activities are consistent with international law and best safety practices."

A legal warning to the Italian company “Eni” not to explore in the Gaza offshore field that belongs to the Palestinian people (Reuters)


With the continuation of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, the matter has become embarrassing, not only for Eni, but also for the Italian government itself, which is the largest shareholder in the company by 32%.

This was evident in the responses of Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tayani - last Wednesday - during the parliamentary questioning when he tried to evade the government's responsibility in this case, stressing that the company located in the entire Mediterranean region is listed on the stock exchange and operates according to market rules.

Tayani tried to downplay the importance of the agreement, referring to Eni’s confirmation that the contract is still under preparation, and that there are no ongoing exploration operations yet in the area in question.

He also tried to reduce the pressure exerted on the Italian company, pointing out the importance of reconciling economic interests with the legitimate aspirations of peoples, and stressing the necessity of defining borders and maritime areas in accordance with rules dictated by international law.

The government official added, "We are facing an issue of conflict of interest, and the best solution is the path of mediation, dialogue, and finding solutions through negotiation, similar to the agreement reached by Lebanon and Israel in October 2022 regarding the demarcation of their maritime borders."

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera Net, Angelo Bonelli, the official spokesman for Green Europe and representative of the Green and Left Alliance, denounced Tayani's statements, describing them as unacceptable.

Bonelli - who interrogated the Foreign Minister in Parliament regarding the issue - confirmed that Israel - in accordance with Article 55 of the Hague Treaty - does not have the right to use Palestinian natural resources to achieve its own economic gains.

He said, "We know very well that the energy issue is very important to our country, but there are also lofty morals and values ​​that lead us to say that at a time when more than 30,000 Palestinian civilians are being killed today, there are those who are trying to steal their resources to achieve their own profits."

In response to Al Jazeera Net's question about what initiatives he intends to take during the coming period, the Italian MP revealed his party's intention to plead before the European Court of Justice against the company "Eni" in an international case.


For his part, journalist Alberto Negri - in an interview with Al Jazeera Net - described Tayani's statements as "ridiculous", and that they were "a desperate attempt to climb onto a sheet of glass."

He said that the minister's talk about the absence of any activities yet to exploit Palestinian natural resources is due to the fact that the exploration phase has not begun and must be completed.

Negri explained to Al Jazeera Net, "Eni has certainly not spoken in the past, nor even the Italian government, about concluding an agreement with Israel to exploit the Gaza gas field. Had it not been for the warning that reached the company in the past few days, this incident would have remained hidden from Italian public opinion."

He explained the attempt by Eni and the Italian government to conceal the agreement by saying that the war and the Israeli massacres against the Palestinians had already begun, and therefore they had to announce their suspension as a minimum.

Negri added, "Our Foreign Minister's talk about conflicts of interest and preferring the path of mediation and dialogue in such cases is nothing but a speck of dust in the eyes, because Eni did not negotiate with the Palestinians, but only with the Israeli government, even though the Gaza Marine field was discovered a year ago." 2000, and the Palestinians have not been able to extract gas from it until now due to the severe blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip since 2007.”

Source: Al Jazeera

Israel/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls


Israel/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls

19 February 2024

GENEVA (19 February 2024) – UN experts* today expressed alarm over credible allegations of egregious human rights violations to which Palestinian women and girls continue to be subjected in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children, according to information received. “We are shocked by reports of the deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing of Palestinian women and children in places where they sought refuge, or while fleeing. Some of them were reportedly holding white pieces of cloth when they were killed by the Israeli army or affiliated forces,” the experts said.

The experts expressed serious concern about the arbitrary detention of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls, including human rights defenders, journalists and humanitarian workers, in Gaza and the West Bank since 7 October. Many have reportedly been subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, denied menstruation pads, food and medicine, and severely beaten. On at least one occasion, Palestinian women detained in Gaza were allegedly kept in a cage in the rain and cold, without food.

“We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online.

The experts expressed concern that an unknown number of Palestinian women and children, including girls, have reportedly gone missing after contact with the Israeli army in Gaza. “There are disturbing reports of at least one female infant forcibly transferred by the Israeli army into Israel, and of children being separated from their parents, whose whereabouts remain unknown,” they said.

“We remind the Government of Israel of its obligation to uphold the right to life, safety, health, and dignity of Palestinian women and girls and to ensure that no one is subjected to violence, torture, ill-treatment or degrading treatment, including sexual violence,” the experts said.

They called for an independent, impartial, prompt, thorough and effective investigation into the allegations and for Israel to cooperate with such investigations.

“Taken together, these alleged acts may constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and amount to serious crimes under international criminal law that could be prosecuted under the Rome Statute,” the experts said. “Those responsible for these apparent crimes must be held accountable and victims and their families are entitled to full redress and justice,” they added.

* The experts: Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences; Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967; Dorothy Estrada Tanck (Chair), Claudia Flores, Ivana Krstić, Haina Lu, and Laura Nyirinkindi, Working group on discrimination against women and girls.

The experts are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN human rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms. Special Procedures mandate-holders are independent human rights experts appointed by the Human Rights Council to address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent of any government or organisation and serve in their individual capacity.

German Imperialism Is Rapidly Preparing For War

 The following article analyses the Munich Security Conference and the attitude of the German bourgeoisie in the context of the imperialist preparations for World War III. It was published in the Maoist newspaper Özgür Gelecek ( in Turkey. Unofficial translation.] 

The German imperialist bourgeoisie is feverishly preparing for war. The initiator of the 1st and 2nd imperialist wars, German imperialism is working intensively to become the central base and wage the 3rd World War. 21 February 2024 The Western bourgeoisie, especially the political and military spokespersons of the German imperialist monopolies, sleep with war and wake up with war. Especially since Russia's attack on Ukraine, all their efforts have been to shape the economy according to the war, while arms production has become one of their urgent tasks to prepare the military power for a new imperialist war. On 16-18 February 2024, the 60th Munich Security Conference (MGK) will be held in Munich, Germany. They are organising a conference where imperialist bandits, arms monopolies will talk about bargaining, preparing for war, how to maximise arms production and military power, and how to plan domestic fascistisation by destroying democratic rights and freedoms. Of course, the negotiations for the protection of the interests of all imperialist bandit representatives, their own countries and monopolies will be made at the highest level. The war lobby of all imperialist countries will be at this conference. In short, besides the fact that the NSC is one of the places where the imperialist monopolies negotiate to share the world, this year's conference is likely to be even more contentious and in an environment where threats are thrown because it is held in an environment where polarisation is sharpening. This conference coincided with the start of NATO's five-month-long exercise called "Unshakable Defence", in which about 90,000 troops from 31 NATO members and the candidate country Sweden will participate. It is obvious that this exercise is a preparatory and offensive exercise against Russia. Germany will again be the military base of this exercise for five months. In addition to being the economic motor power of Europe, Germany also wants to be the military motor power and is preparing accordingly. The Chancellor Scholz, the Minister of Defence, the Chief of the General Staff, the Minister of the Interior, the Chairman of the National Security Council, all of them are talking about preparing for war and shaping the economy for war. This is not enough, they also want society to be shaped according to the war. While Germany is preparing its economy and society for the imperialist war, it is preparing the EU countries for the war in the same way. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wants to send more weapons to Ukraine. He proposes turning the EU economy into a war economy. He emphasises that this is urgent. And he adds that it would be useful for Europe to be ready for a conflict with Russia, "possibly lasting decades". "We have to get used to the idea that there could be a threat of war in Europe, and that means we have to be ready for war," said German Defence Minister Pistorius. Germany's Chief of the General Staff, Carsten Breuer, also told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that the German Army "should be ready for war" within five years, "This does not mean that there will be a war, but it is a possibility." The prime ministers of

Monday, February 19, 2024

CPI (Maoist) Extends Support To Delhi Chalo Farmers Protest

Tunis demonstration in solidarity with Rafah and Palestine

On February 17, a demonstration took place in Tunis organized by the Coordination for Joint Action for Palestine and the Tunisian Campaign of Boycott and Opposition to Normalization with the Zionist Entity in which around 200 demonstrators took part.

The demonstration crossed the center of the capital starting from Bab el Khadra and arriving at Avenue Bourghiba, chanting slogans against the Zionist aggression in Gaza and the announced operation against the city of Rafah, on the border with Egypt. Slogans against some imperialist countries that support Israel such as the USA and France accompanied by the sanctioning of a Carrefour supermarket and the French Institute in Tunisia (the French cultural center).

The demonstration arrived on Avenue Bourgouiba, instead of stopping in front of the Municipal Theater (where political demonstrations traditionally take place in the city centre) spontaneously headed a few dozen meters away, towards the French embassy where slogans such as “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free”, “Stop Genocide”, “Macron assassin”, “Supporting the Resistance is a duty”, “dear Qassam (qassam missile n.d.a.) hit Tel Aviv”, an Israeli flag was set on fire.

The mobilization in Tunisia for Palestine animated by the two committees that began the day after 7 October has never stopped, but after about two months of limited actions or sit-ins in front of the American embassy or other limited places, the movement pro-Palestine now returns to parade through the streets of the capital.

Turkey - Partizan's work supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people

exposing Israeli Zionism continues.
Attached are the news and visuals of these works.
revolutionary greetings

Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated! The resisting Palestinian people will win!

Istanbul Partisan; "Zionist Israel continues its occupation and massacre attacks against the Palestinian people with the cooperation of the reactionary-fascist states of the region," he said. Partisan "The Turkish state gives all kinds of support to the Zionist war machine. It is an accomplice to these massacres of Israel"

In various parts of Istanbul, Partizan "Zionist Israel will be defeated, Resisting Palestine will win!" By making sticker work, he exposed the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people and condemned their massacres.

Bolu Partisan; "Zionist Israel is massacring the Palestinian people with the cooperation of the imperialists and the common interest of the reactionary-fascist states of the region," he said, "The Turkish state is on the side and side of the war, shedding crocodile tears, Israel Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated! The resisting Palestinian people will win!" he said.

In Bolu, Partizan made a sticker work with the phrase "Zionist Israel will be defeated, Resisting Palestine will win!", which exposes the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people and condemns the massacres.


Italy - strong demostrations and clashes with police in Italy in solidarity with Palestine - info proletari comunisti/PCm Italy


pc 18 febbraio - Forte contestazione alla Fiera delle Armi di Verona


pc 18 febbraio - Torino Palestina: Corteo con migliaia di persone. Bruciata una immagine di Meloni con Netanyahu

Torino, corteo pro Palestina e sinagoga blindata. Bruciata una immagine di Meloni con Netanyahu. In centinaia in corteo per la Palestina, slogan e striscioni: “Israele assassino”

Simulato un bombardamento a Gaza mentre i bambini giocano a calcio. La Russa: «Solidarietà a Meloni»

pc 17 febbraio - A Palermo oggi in centinaia davanti alla sede della Rai - Fermare il genocidio del popolo palestinese, No alla stampa asservita al governo Meloni

Centinaia di solidali, attivisti, compagni, compagne, giovani studenti, donne hanno protestato stamattina a Palermo davanti la sede della Rai in collegamento anche con tutte le altre proteste, presidi che si sono svolti in questi giorni in diverse città da Napoli, a Bologna, Torino, Genova, Roma... e forte è stata la solidarietà espressa verso i manifestanti manganellati dalla polizia

Tanti gli interventi di denuncia del genocidio che deve essere fermato, dell'azione criminale e terrorista dello stato nazisionista di Israele sostenuto dall'imperialismo Usa in primis, della complicità degli Stati Europei compreso l'Italia con il governo Meloni che vuole imporre anche attraverso la stampa, i mass media a livello di massa una narrazione a senso unico pro/Israele, interventi di sostegno alla Resistenza del popolo palestinese, una donna palestinese ha gridato che ora "SIAMO TUTTI E TUTTE PALESTINESI", la necessità di continuare la lotta e mobilitazione che si deve estendere verso tutti quei settori sociali che ancora non si mobilitano anche per l'azione nefasta ideologica e politica del governo

In questo senso importanti, abbiamo detto intervenendo come compagni di proletari comunisti, sono le prossime date di mobilitazione dello sciopero nazionale del 23 febbraio indetto dai sindacati di base e della manifestazione nazionale del 24 febbraio a Milano con le iniziative collegate in altre città come Palermo, date che sono state poi ribadite in altri interventi.

Studentesse hanno voluto tenere i nostri cartelli condividendone il messaggio

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Galiza - Boicote ao novo circo eleitoral do 18 de Fevereiro

Em cada nova “festa da democracia” o revisionismo tenta convencer ao proletariado galego de que o Regime Espanhol é um instrumento neutro, que nom é o inimigo do povo galego. O revisionismo tenta ocultar que o Regime Espanhol é o instrumento da aliança entre a burguesia galega e a burguesia espanhola, ademais de outras classes e estratos sociais secundários aliados, como é o caso do clero, de setores desclassados, etc.

A prática política do revisionismo sempre fortalece ao estado burguês porque sempre mantém viva a ideia de que mediante as eleiçons, as instituçons e as reformas do estado burguês é possível, eliminar o caráter destrutivo da sociedade capitalista, ou que é possível eliminar a tendência para novas guerras interimperialistas, que é possível eliminar a Lei da Acumulaçom Capitalista que determina que o aumento da riqueza de umhas poucas pessoas implica a pobreza de muitas outras pessoas no mundo, ou que é possível regular as diferenças máximas entre a renda da burguesia e o salário da classe operária mediante impostos, etc.

O revisionismo sempre tenta “salvar” à classe obreira da sua “desilusom” no estado burguês. Ainda quando o revisionismo pede a “abstençom” sempre é porque “nengumha das opçons é adequada”. Ainda que o revisionismo pede a “abstençom”, inconscientemente quer deixar claro que nom quer considerar ao estado burguês como o inimigo, que nom quer combater as falsas ilusons na reforma do estado burguês.

Outros revisionistas optarám, igual que outras vezes, por manter silêncio sobre a farsa parlamentar. Para muitos sempre está a opçom do “menos malo”. Um menos malo que nunca tem fim, porque sempre há algo pior mas é o “menos malo” diante do novo elemento ainda mais malo.

Para o revisionismo as eleiçons som o eterno processo de “acumulaçom de forças”. Umha eterna “acumulaçom de forças” que nunca acaba e que só serve para “acumular” o sentido comum da ideologia burguesa. Umha “acumulaçom de forças” que justifica tudo mas que nom serve de nada se queremos umha “guia para açom”.

Na situaçom atual do proletariado galego, onde nom existe o partido comunista que cria vínculos que unem a vanguarda e as massas, qualquer outra posiçom política diferente do boicote, significa renunciar a combater a ideologia burguesa. Significa desviar-se da linha política justa. Porque renunciar a destapar e denunciar o caráter de classe do estado é contribuir a difundir a ideologia burguesa. Tanto tem que o revisionismo fale muito de sindicalismo, antifascismo, socialismo, comunismo, etc, porque o seu programa e a sua prática só servem para justificar algumha versom obreirista, ou postmoderna, da ideologia burguesa.

Destapar o caráter de classe do Regime Espanhol como o poder político da burguesia galega em aliança com a burguesia espanhola e polo tanto como, o principal inimigo do povo galego é fundamental no trabalho de agitaçom comunista. Sem tomar consciência do caráter de classe do Regime Espanhol é impossível ter consciência da realidade social do mundo.

Boicote à farsa eleitoral!

Destapar ao Regime Espanhol como inimigo do povo!

Inde - farmers against Modi's drones

Les agriculteurs ont entamé leur marche « Delhi Chalo » (Allons à Delhi) mardi matin, à bord de camions et de chariots chargés de nourriture, de literie et d’autres fournitures, après que les négociations avec le gouvernement n’aient pas abouti à un engagement sur des prix minimums pour toute une série de cultures. Les autorités ont pris des mesures de sécurité strictes dans les zones limitrophes de New Delhi. Des centaines de policiers en tenue anti-émeute ont été déployées au milieu de blocs de ciment surmontés de fils barbelés et de conteneurs destinés à barrer la route au convoi. Les forces de sécurité ont arrêté les agriculteurs à la frontière de Shambhu, qui sépare le Pendjab et l’Haryana – les États du nord auxquels appartiennent la plupart des agriculteurs – à près de 200 km de leur destination.

Les manifestants ont jeté des pierres et tenté de briser les barricades, la police et les forces paramilitaires ont eu recours à des gaz lacrymogènes et des canons à eau. Les forces de sécurité ont également utilisé des drones pour larguer des grenades lacrymogènes sur les agriculteurs qui, en réponse, ont lancé des cerfs-volants dans le ciel dans l’espoir d’enchevêtrer les machines. Plusieurs syndicats d’agriculteurs ont déclaré qu’ils protesteraient contre l’action de la police en bloquant le trafic ferroviaire à plusieurs endroits au Pendjab pendant quatre heures jeudi.


France - solidaritè creative pour la palestine et repression


France: Arrestations et perquisitions pour un escalier peint

Dans la nuit du dimanche 11 au lundi 12 février, les marches de l’escalier de la rue Sainte Marie des Terreaux, à Lyon, ont été repeintes aux couleurs de la Palestine, pour visibiliser l’horreur du génocide pratiqué par l’armée d’occupation israélienne. Six ont été pris sur le fait et mis en garde à vue et trois ont subi des perquisitions immédiates (ce qui est illégal, car les règles de mises en garde à vue ne s’appliquent normalement pas à ce genre de délit). Une directive ministérielle est d’ailleurs appliquée : chaque action concernant la Palestine doit conduire, autant que possible, à une garde à vue, dans le but d’intimider.

secours rouge

INDIA:Long Live Bhumkal Day Long Live Jantana Sarkar! Retaliate and Defeat "Operation Kagaar"(Final War). Protect, Consolidate and Expand Jantana Sarkar. CPI(MAOIST)



Press Release

Date 26-1-2024

Long Live Bhumkal Day Long Live Jantana Sarkar!

Retaliate and Defeat "Operation Kagaar"(Final War).

Protect, Consolidate and Expand Jantana Sarkar.

Dear Revolutionary people!

We are going to celebrate 114 Bhumkal Diwas on 10th of February. In 1910 Adivasi people of Bastar revolted against British imperialism and established in Barsur their 'Madiya Raj' (state). Our heroic Madia people celebrate Bhumkal Day in the memory of that great people's revolt. After the establishment of Madiya state on 10th February Jantana sarkar was practiced for 40 days. Let us say Jai Sewa and Jai Johar to martyr Gundadhar and all his comrades- inarms who sacrificed their lives while revolting against British colonialism for the establishment of Madiya state. By continuing the glorious history of Bhumkal revolt and by forging unity between Adivasi and non-Adivasi people of Dandakaryana, and carrying forward the ideals of great Bhumkal heroes who laid down their lives for the establishment of Jantana Sarkar, let us pay our revolutionary homage to them. Central Regional Bureau conveys its revolutionary greetings to the people of Dandakaryana who are marching relentlessly on the path laid down by the great Bhumkal warriors.

Dandakaryana (DK) is predominantly an Adivasi area which is composed of different tribal communities. The area is abundant with mineral resources. Adivasi people of DK are struggling for water, land and forest, identity, self-respect and to seize political power since 1980 under the leadership of CPI (Maoist). They are consolidating in the revolutionary mass organizations and struggling against the loot and plunder of natural resources by the Indian state which is a big tool and suppressive machine in the hands of feudal and compradors classes supported by the imperialists. Under the banner of "Land to the tiller-All Powers to the Revolutionary people's committees", the people of DK have established alternative Political Power organs- Jantana Sarkara and are democratically executing the people's power. This jantana Sarkar organs are presenting a new alternative development model in the country. The predatory ruling classes of India are continuously trying to dismantle the alternative people's state power through its military force. It is trying to legitimize its repression through bourgeois reforms. But our jantana Sarkar is giving a befitting reply to all anti- people measures and machinations to wipe out jantana Sarkar and people are showing extraordinary resilience against the exploitative ruling classes' actions and policies. Hail the revolutionary DK people who are fighting for the protection, consolidation, and expansion of the jantana Sarkar.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Italy - naples and turin - against RAI/TV regime TeleMeloni for Palestine - clashes with police

 proletari comunisti/PCm Italy info

pc 14 febbraio - nuove cariche poliziesche a Torino contro la manifestazione alla Rai/TeleMeloni - massima solidarietà

scontri al presidio pro Ghali e Palestina davanti alla Rai a Torino: lanci di uova e fumogeni, la polizia carica
I tafferugli davanti alla sede Rai di via Verdi (Ansa)
I tafferugli davanti alla sede Rai di via Verdi (Ansa) 

Tensione in via Verdi, dove i manifestanti contestavano la tv di stato dopo le frasi del cantante a Sanremo Tre poliziotti e quattro carabinieri feriti, due blindati imbrattati a colpi di bomboletta. Ancora, lanci di uova e torce da segnalazione contro i contingenti schierati a protezione della sede della Rai in via Verdi, a Torino: è il pomeriggio di tensione che si è vissuto ieri nel cuore della città, al culmine della protesta Pro Palestina organizzata dai militanti dei centri sociali e dei collettivi studenteschi contro i giornalisti della tv di Stato.

vedi video

: «Il governo italiano è complice del genocidio in corso in Palestina, non ci aspettavamo niente di diverso perché la Rai è voce del governo - dicono i manifestanti - ma siamo arrivati a livelli imbarazzanti di censura». Viene menzionato il «cessate fuoco» chiesto da Ghali durante l’ultima serata di Sanremo: «Ci si accanisce contro una persona che ha espresso il pensiero di tante persone di Torino e di tutta Italia - continuano - ma la propaganda di guerra non cancellerà il genocidio in Palestina e l’unico risultato sarà di farci arrabbiare ancora di più». E cantano in coro «Free free Palestine» e «I popoli in rivolta scrivono la storia. Intifada fino alla vittoria».

martedì 13 febbraio 2024

pc 13 febbraio - cariche poliziesche a napoli contro i manifestanti sotto la RAI/TeleMeloni! massimo sostegno e protesta nazionale


  • Momenti di forte tensione davanti alla sede della Rai di Napoli, in viale Marconi, per la manifestazione organizzata in mattinata dopo le polemiche seguite all'esibizione di Ghali a Sanremo e per chiedere lo stop del conflitto a Gaza. Alcuni manifestanti hanno tentato di affiggere uno striscione ma il tentativo è stato bloccato dalle forze dell'ordine con spintoni e manganellate. Ci sono feriti, tutti non gravi: 5 manifestanti e 5 agenti 
  • Una manifestante, colpita alla testa, ha parlato di "una reazione violenta, spropositata e inattesa" da parte delle forze dell'ordine. "Davvero non ce lo aspettavamo, eravamo lì pacificamente, armati solo delle nostre bandiere, e invece è finita così", ha detto quanto successo è intervenuto anche l’ex sindaco di Napoli Luigi De Magistris, presente al presidio. "Stamattina ero davanti alla Rai di Napoli per protestare contro l'uso politico della televisione pubblica da parte dell'amministratore delegato Roberto Sergio che schiera la radiotelevisione pubblica italiana a favore dello Stato d'Israele prendendo le distanze dal cantante Ghali che aveva osato parlare di genocidio", ha scritto sui social De Magistris
  • "Il bilancio per chi ha chiesto giustizia per il popolo palestinese, la fine dell'occupazione israeliana, il cessate il fuoco, lo stop al genocidio e ai crimini di guerra dei sionisti israeliani, è di molte manganellate, con teste aperte e molto sangue", ha aggiunt
  • C'è anche chi ha indossato al presidio una maschera