Wednesday, July 31, 2024

on Haniyeh's murder - The real only terrorism are the bombs of imperialism and Israel's Zionist watchdog

 declaration of PC maoist Italy

The terrorist action of the State of Israel in Tehran that led to the targeted assassination of the political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, and which follows the action of the same sign that led to the death of one of the leaders of Hezbollah, demonstrates the choice of the Nazi-style Zionist state of Israel to expand the war into total war against the Palestinian masses, against the Arab masses and their states.

This is inevitably a further step in the march towards world imperialist war.

Proletari comunisti denounces the heavy attack on Palestinian resistance and solidarity forces throughout the Arab world.

The terrorist attack and the genocidal war fuel the rebellion of the Palestinian and Arab masses in Gaza as well as throughout the area and international solidarity around the world.

The Palestinian resistance will find a way to advance towards its unity and will treasure these experiences to find the way to the winning weapon of the protracted people's war, and on this road become the point of reference for the Arab masses, also freeing them from the internal obstacles constituted by the Arab regimes that are expressions of the capitalist/feudal bourgeoisie.

The Italian imperialist state and government is accomplice in the genocide and state terror of the Israel/USA brand.

We are in favour of the immediate withdrawal of the Italian contingent in Lebanon.

We are against the position of the fascist-imperialist government Meloni/Crosetto/Tajani which asks the UN for authorization to participate directly in the ongoing war, modifying the instructions of the Italian military contingent. Participation that could only be against the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance, against Iran, against the forces in solidarity with Palestine in the Red Sea and throughout the Arab world.

We are on the side of these forces and we will support any political and military action that strikes against Zionism, imperialism and the complicit Italian government.

We are against imperialist war and we think that proletarians and masses must oppose in all forms the march towards war on a world level and within our country and that it is time for everyone to find the way to build and advance the instruments of the revolutionary proletarian people's struggle against war, against the imperialist states of terror, against the imperialist bourgeoisies.

The revolutionary party of the proletariat, the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist united front, the militant force to oppose the imperialist war and the reactionary wars of oppression of the proletarians and peoples with class war, revolutionary war, the protracted people's war.

With Palestinian resistance until victory!

For the unity of the proletarians and oppressed peoples of the whole world!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

July 31, 2024

Solidarity with memorial week for martyrs of the Indian revolution

Marco L. Valbuena, Chief Information Officer
Communist Party of the Philippines

July 30, 2024

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) offers unwavering solidarity to the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and all revolutionary forces in India as they observe their memorial week (July 28 to August 3) to honor their heroes and martyrs who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the national and social liberation of India.

We join the CPI (Maoist) in extolling their fallen leaders, namely Comrade Dama (Sujan Singh Madkam, Rajesh), Comrade Joganna (Cheemala Narasayya), and Comrade Sagar (Anne Santosh, Sridhar).

The oppressed and exploited masses of India will have no revolutionary movement to hinge their hopes on for freedom from imperialist domination and exploitation without the sacrifices of all their revolutionary martyrs. The same holds true for the masses of workers, peasants and other oppressed and exploited classes and sectors in the Philippines, whose aspirations for a bright future cannot be realized without the sacrifices of the martyrs and heroes of their national democratic revolution.

The CPI (Maoist) has demonstrated profound commitment to international proletarian solidarity by including fallen Filipino revolutionaries during their memorial week. We express our deep appreciation to the Indian revolutionaries for recognizing and remembering Ka Toto (Dionisio Micabalo), member of the CPP Political Bureau, Ka Sandy (Josephine Mendoza), member of the CPP Central Committee, and Ka Jude Fernandez, proletarian stalwart of the workers' movement in the Philippines.

Amid deep-going and prolonged crisis, the imperialists and reactionary classes are bound to unleash even greater counterrevolutionary violence against workers, peasants and all other classes, in their desperation to perpetuate the rotten system. Thus, to overthrow the old system based on oppression and exploitation, and replace it with a new, just and progressive system, the Party cadres and the broad masses of the toiling people must be ready to wage a life-and-death struggle.

Indeed, there can be no revolutionary victory without revolutionary sacrifice.

PRWC | Philippine Revolution Web Central

Recordando a Charú Mazumdar y apoyando la Guerra Popular en la India

Recordando a Charú Mazumdar y apoyando la Guerra Popular en la India 1

El 28 de julio de 1972, hace 52 años, fue brutalmente asesinado Charu Mazumdar, y hoy después de más de medio siglo de su lamentable muerte, su importancia como dirigente de la Guerra Popular en la India y de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial sigue representando un lugar trascendental en nuestra historia de lucha hacia la derrota del capitalismo imperialista, y eso solo es posible porque en vida fue un hombre ejemplar en su actuar, firmemente convencido de la necesidad y posibilidad científica de la revolución proletaria en la India, y quien dedicó todas sus energías a estudiar el marxismo y comprender la realidad en que vivían millones de obreros y campesinos en ese país.

Su constante trasegar entre las luchas del pueblo indio lo llevaron a hacer un estudio concienzudo que brillantemente dejó escrito en varios documentos que guiaron la lucha hacia el gran levantamiento de masas llamado El Trueno de Primavera y que dio inicio a la Guerra Popular en la India en el año de 1967, cuando miles de campesinos de la región de Naxalbari se insurreccionaron en contra de las políticas de Estado,

El único camino marxista para educarse, que Lenin y el Presidente Mao nos han enseñado es la lucha de clases. Solo al calor de la lucha de clases puede un comunista ser auténtico y brillante. Solo la lucha de clases es la verdadera escuela para los comunistas, y la experiencia de la lucha de clases tendrá́ que valorarse a la luz del marxismo-leninismo-pensamiento Mao Zedong, y tienen que sacarse enseñanzas de ella. De modo que el punto principal de la educación del Partido es aplicar las enseñanzas del marxismo-leninismo en el campo de la lucha de clases, para llegar a los principios generales a partir de esa experiencia. Y llevar de nuevo a las masas esos principios sacados de esa experiencia. Esto se conoce como ´De las masas a las masas´. Este es el punto fundamental de la educación del Partido.

Son palabras de los documentos que Mazumdar elaboró y que pueden consultarse en el siguiente enlace, para quienes quieran conocer una valiosa recopilación titulada Ocho Documentos Históricos, donde se desarrolla toda la línea que guio en su momento el trabajo del Partido Comunista de la India (marxista-leninista)

Charú Mazumdar fue asesinado mientras estaba bajo detención y custodia de la policía, y para nadie es un secreto que esa es una de las principales formas en que el Estado pretende aniquilar la revolución, esa práctica asesina jamás se ha detenido y mucho menos contra los revolucionarios comunistas que han sido declarados por el gobierno indio como la principal amenaza en todo el país, y por ende el blanco principal de los asesinatos sistemáticos que hoy están en niveles brutales en algunas regiones de la India.

Ya han sido varias las campañas de aniquilamiento contra los maoístas, pero uno de los más graves problemas es que en esas campañas han sido asesinados, no solos los militantes del Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta) y del Ejército Guerrillero Popular de Liberación, sino, miles de hombres, mujeres, ancianos y niños, a quienes las fuerzas reaccionarias las presentan cínicamente como “caídos en combate”; el Estado indio ha decidido masacrar al pueblo y piensa que con ello va a eliminar el arraigo tan profundo que tiene el movimiento comunista entre las masas, pero lo que están haciendo es apagando el incendio con gasolina.

La Guerra Popular en la India no es solo del pueblo indio, es parte de nuestra lucha contra el asesino mundo imperialista, y hoy más que nunca necesita del respaldo internacional para que se detenga esa carnicería por parte del gobierno; y por eso el Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta) está haciendo un llamado a celebrar la Semana de los Mártires, llamado que es publicitado por nuestros camaradas de Maoist Road a través del siguiente enlace:

El PCI (Maoísta) celebrará la Semana de los Mártires del 28 de julio al 3 de agosto de 2024

Recordando a Charú Mazumdar y apoyando la Guerra Popular en la India 2

Distrito de Malkangiri, 23 de julio de 2024: En un solemne homenaje a la inquebrantable dedicación y sacrificio de sus valientes camaradas, el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) ha declarado celebrar la Semana de los Mártires del 28 de julio al 3 de agosto de este año.

El PCI (Maoísta) celebra cada año la Semana de los Mártires en memoria de aquellos que dieron su vida en pos de la causa de la revolución en la India.

En un comunicado de prensa, el secretario del Comité Zonal Especial de la Frontera Andhra-Odisha (AOBSZC) del partido, el camarada Ganesh, dijo que la Semana de los Mártires del partido maoísta se celebraría para honrar los sacrificios de los camaradas que dieron su vida por la revolución. El camarada Ganesh dijo que el partido organizaría varios programas y eventos durante la semana para rendir homenaje a los mártires del partido.

“En los últimos seis meses, 140 camaradas han sido martirizados sólo en Chhattisgarh. El gobierno de Chhattisgarh ha lanzado una operación masiva llamada Operación Kaggar para reprimir a los maoístas, que el partido ha calificado como una conspiración para saquear la riqueza y los recursos de los dalits y las tribus. Los gobiernos central y estatal están tratando de eliminar a nuestro partido, pero es imposible. El gobierno central ha anunciado la Operación Kaggar para erradicar el maoísmo del país en los próximos tres años. En esta guerra de destrucción, la policía es el principal enemigo, que está torturando a la gente, abusando de ella y matándola sin ningún motivo”, sostuvo el camarada Ganesh.





Robert Reid | Presidente FFPS

El mundo está viendo a Filipinas en el centro de un teatro de guerra imperialista estadounidense contra China. En medio de la escalada del belicismo imperialista y el militarismo impulsado por la rivalidad interimperialista por la influencia territorial sobre la región Asia-Pacífico, los Amigos del Pueblo Filipino en Lucha amplifican el llamamiento y la práctica del Frente Democrático Nacional de Filipinas (NDFP) para convertir la guerra imperialista en guerra popular revolucionaria.

Durante más de medio siglo, la guerra revolucionaria armada del pueblo filipino por la liberación nacional, dirigida por el CPP-NPA-NDFP, ha sido un elemento de disuasión clave para que el gobierno neocolonial filipino apuntalado por el imperialismo estadounidense no transforme por completo a Filipinas en un mayordomo servil para llevar a cabo la agenda imperialista estadounidense en la región del Indo-Pacífico, como se indica en la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional (NSS) de la administración Biden.

La sangrienta guerra civil entre las Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas (AFP), apoyadas por Estados Unidos, y el Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo (NPA) sigue demostrando la destreza militar de la guerra de guerrillas con la línea general de la guerra popular prolongada, no sólo para agotar y manipular la supuesta superioridad militar de las AFP, sino para construir órganos de poder político en el campo profundo que son las semillas de un gobierno democrático popular que ya está representado internacionalmente por el NDFP. Este gobierno revolucionario democrático y popular que se está construyendo en el campo proporciona servicios básicos muy necesarios -incluyendo sanidad, educación y producción agrícola- a las masas rurales empobrecidas y sin tierra, a la vez que pretende arrebatar el poder político al podrido gobierno títere estadounidense de Filipinas y establecer la democracia nacional.

El NDFP está reconocido internacionalmente como representante legítimo del pueblo filipino y con estatus de beligerancia. De forma complementaria, el NDFP expresa y se compromete en el trabajo de solidaridad con otros pueblos y naciones oprimidos de todo el mundo, compartiendo sus experiencias y lecciones clave aprendidas al llevar a cabo una revolución armada que los más de 50 años de contrainsurgencia estadounidense a través de varios regímenes títeres no ha logrado aniquilar, y por lo tanto sigue siendo una espina clavada en el costado de los intereses geopolíticos estadounidenses en la región. El NDFP comparte sus experiencias y lecciones concretas en el espíritu del internacionalismo proletario, ayudando al proletariado y a otros pueblos oprimidos de otras naciones a desarrollar su propia estrategia y tácticas de guerra popular.

El empeoramiento de la crisis social y económica del capitalismo monopolista global madura el clima para que el fervor revolucionario de los pueblos frustre y frustre el impulso bélico del imperialismo librando guerras por la liberación nacional y social en todo el mundo.

Por eso es urgente que apoyemos a los que convierten la guerra imperialista en guerra revolucionaria y por eso los pueblos del mundo deben promover y apoyar la justicia de las guerras populares que se libran actualmente, como en Filipinas, Palestina, India, Kurdistán y otros lugares que siguen despertando a los pueblos a tomar las armas e invocar su derecho colectivo a librar la lucha armada para debilitar y cortar el dominio de los tentáculos del imperialismo estadounidense en todo el mundo.

La visita del Secretario de Defensa de EEUU, Lloyd Austin, y del Secretario de Estado, Antony Blinken, a Filipinas la próxima semana indica un nuevo aumento de la intervención de EEUU. Se informa de que EEUU está en las fases finales de la aprobación de casi 2.000 millones de dólares en «ayuda a la seguridad» adicional para el Indo-Pacífico, incluyendo 500 millones de dólares para el régimen de EEUU-Marcos y las AFP. En los dos últimos años, bajo el régimen de Marcos, Estados Unidos ha intensificado el despliegue de sus tropas, el preposicionamiento de armas en sus bases militares de Filipinas, el ruido de sables y la realización ininterrumpida de ejercicios de guerra.

Mientras nos preparamos para nuestro Día de Acción Mundial del 26 de agosto, sigamos uniéndonos urgentemente al pueblo filipino y apoyando la revolución filipina en su lucha contra la guerra imperialista estadounidense en la región, al igual que lucha por la liberación nacional y democrática del pueblo filipino.

Friends of the Filipino Peoples (FFPS) es una organización mundial que apoya la lucha del pueblo filipino por una auténtica liberación nacional, tal y como se recoge en el programa de 12 puntos del Frente Democrático Nacional de Filipinas (NDFP

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Happy 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution! - info for debate


Happy 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution!

Congratulations on the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, especially to our martyrs, to the families of the martyrs who gave a piece of their lives to the revolution, to our veterans, to all women and peoples.

When the peoples all over the Middle East lit the fire of revolt against anti-democratic practices, oppression and persecution, we stood up in Syria and demanded a humane life. With the intervention of the imperialists and reactionary states in the region, our revolt was manipulated and a dark gang like ISIS was created. When the darkness of ISIS enveloped the entire Middle East, the security forces of the Syrian regime fled, leaving the people living in the region in the hands of gangs. It was precisely in such a process that the People's Defense Units organized the resistance of Armenians, Arabs, Kurds, Ashuris and Assyrians around themselves and showed an epic resistance against this darkness. Our immortal Commander Nubar Ozanyan came to Rojava in such a process and started to weave a line that would take us Armenians out of the line of betrayal and surrender and laid the foundations for us to establish our own self-defense force.

Thousands of women like Arin Mirkan and Avesta Xabur, who were immortalized in the war against ISIS, have turned the Revolution into a tool of struggle against the darkest face of patriarchy in our region. The Rojava Revolution is also a revolution that created the possibility for Armenians who were assimilated by forgetting their language, culture and history to return to their roots. After the neutralization of ISIS darkness, the direct invasion attacks of the Turkish state led by Erdogan, who fed and raised these reactionary gangs, began. The villages that we rebuilt after years of struggle were demolished and the trees we planted were uprooted. In addition to the ongoing occupation in Afrin, Serekaniye and Gire Sipi, Ayn Isa, Kobane, Minbiç, Til Temir and other cities are being bombarded. Our people are being forced to migrate through embargoes and border closures, cutting off our water, targeting our infrastructure and energy sources. But despite all this, the resistance of the QSD, of which we are a part as an Armenian self-defense force, continues.

The Turkish State is imposing Pashinyan's and Barzani's line of surrender and compromise on all the peoples of the region and on us Armenians. However, as soldiers of Nubar Ozanyan, we do not accept this surrenderist and betrayal line. It is our duty to enlarge the determination of our martyrs who did not succumb to the darkness of ISIS. It is our duty not only to train and equip our existing self-force militarily and politically, but also to ensure the unity and organization of Rojavan Armenians against occupation and betrayal. We take the determination to fulfill these duties from thousands of our immortals, especially Nubar Ozanyan and Oskan Bagirian. We once again celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution by reiterating our promise to defend and advance the revolution.

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade


Colombia - Comunicado de la Asamblea Nacional Popular Independiente

Comunicado de la Asamblea Nacional Popular Independiente 1

A continuación, compartimos el comunicado publicado por el comité de dirección de la Asamblea Nacional Popular Independiente realizada el pasado 13 y 14 de julio en Cali. Esta Asamblea representa un avance en la unidad para la lucha por las reivindicaciones del pueblo, con independencia de las clases dominantes y su Estado.

Nuestras páginas están abiertas para la difusión de este significativo trabajo que se plantea continuar en los próximos meses.
Revolución Obrera

Comunicado de la Asamblea Nacional Popular Independiente

Los pasados 13 y 14 de julio en la ciudad de Cali fue celebrada la Asamblea Nacional Popular Independiente. Algunas semanas antes, una amplia diversidad de organizaciones y luchadores populares desarrollamos un proceso de preparación de esta asamblea mediante la participación en comisiones de trabajo, plenarias nacionales virtuales y convocatoria reivindicando la independencia ideológica, organizativa y política del movimiento obrero y popular en medio de la crisis política nacional e internacional.

Este esfuerzo independiente del Estado, el gobierno y sus partidos, contó con la participación de delegados de organizaciones de diferentes sectores sociales (obrero, juvenil, campesino, mujeres, culturales y artistas, etc.), de las principales ciudades del país y espera ampliarse a nuevas expresiones organizativas del pueblo trabajador a lo largo y ancho de Colombia en asambleas populares independientes territoriales.

Durante los dos días se desarrolló un debate democrático entre los asistentes, marcado por un ambiente de unidad frente a reavivar la lucha por las verdaderas transformaciones que necesita el país, levantar las banderas antiimperialistas y de solidaridad con los demás pueblos oprimidos del mundo, especialmente con el pueblo palestino, y oponernos resueltamente a la guerra mundial.

El primer día de la asamblea se discutió sobre la situación a nivel internacional y nacional, posteriormente se conformaron las comisiones de trabajo sobre reivindicaciones inmediatas frente a diferentes problemáticas: sobre tierra, campesinado, pueblos étnicos y vivienda, mujer y diversidades sexuales, sindical, juvenil y ambiental. El segundo día las discusiones continuaron en las comisiones para luego concluir la Asamblea con la plenaria de cierre en donde se aprobaron las respectivas resoluciones producto del trabajo de las comisiones y se eligió un Comité Directivo, el cual estará encargado de dinamizar el trabajo de la Asamblea hasta el próximo encuentro. En los próximos días daremos a conocer a todo el pueblo trabajador colombiano y sus organizaciones, los respectivos documentos emanados de esta Asamblea Nacional Popular Independiente.

Convocamos a todas las organizaciones obreras y populares que trabajen por la organización, educación y movilización por los derechos del pueblo a sumarse a esta iniciativa independiente y revolucionaria que reanime la movilización y la lucha independiente, única esperanza de auténtico cambio y dignidad para el pueblo trabajador.

CPI (Maoist) To Observe Martyrs’ Week From July 28 To August 3 Of 2024

Malkangiri District, July 23, 2024: In a solemn tribute to the unwavering dedication and sacrifice of it’s brave comrades, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has declared to observe Martyrs’ Week from July 28 to August 3 of this year.

The CPI (Maoist) observes Martyrs’ Week every year in memory of those who have laid down their lives in the pursuit of the cause of revolution in India.

In a press release, the party’s Andhra-Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee (AOBSZC) secretary, Comrade Ganesh, said that the Maoist party’s Martyrs’ Week would be observed to honor the sacrifices of the comrades who have laid down their lives for the revolution. Comrade Ganesh said that the party would organize various programmes and events during the week to pay tribute to the party’s martyrs.

“In the last 6 months, 140 comrades have been martyred in Chhattisgarh alone. The Chhattisgarh government has launched a massive operation called Operation Kagar to suppress the Maoists, which the party has termed as a conspiracy to loot the wealth and resources of the dalits and tribals. The central and state governments are trying to eliminate our party, but it’s impossible. The central government has announced Operation Kagar to eradicate Maoism from the country within the next 3 years. In this war of destruction, the police are the main enemy, who are torturing people, molesting them, and killing them without any reason,” maintained Comrade Ganesh.

Comrade Ganesh condemned the government’s Operation Kagar, which he said was aimed at eliminating the Maoists. He alleged that the government was trying to crush the movement by killing innocent people and branding them as Maoists.

Comrade Ganesh also accused the government of trying to loot the resources of the tribals and poor people. He said that the Maoists would continue to fight against the government’s policies and protect the interests of the people.

Comrade Ganesh appealed to the people to participate in the Martyrs’ Week observance and make it a success. He said that the Maoist party would not be intimidated by the government’s repressive measures and would continue to fight for the rights of the people.

The CPI (Maoist)’s Martyrs’ Week observance is being held to commemorate the death anniversary of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, general secretary of the erstwhile CPI (ML), who was killed in police custody in 1972.

Letter from a Bengali Comrade on the Ongoing Student Movement and its Repression

This letter is from a comrade in Bangladesh to comrades abroad. The nine-point demand is as follows:

  1. The prime minister must accept responsibility for the mass killings of students and publicly apologise.
  2. The home minister and the road, transport and bridges minister [the latter is also the secretary general of the Awami League], must resign from their [cabinet] positions and the party.
  3. Police officers present in the sites where students were killed must be sacked.
  4. Vice Chancellors of Dhaka, Jahangirnagar and Rajshahi universities must resign.
  5. The police and goons who attacked the students and those who instigated the attacks must be arrested.
  6. Families of the killed and injured must be compensated.
  7. Bangladesh Chhatra League [BCL, the pro-government student wing, which is, effectively, the government’s vigilante force] must be banned from student politics and a student union established.
  8. All educational institutions and halls of residences must be reopened.
  9. Guarantees must be provided that no academic or administrative harassment of protesters will take place.


Salam Comrade,

We hope you are all doing well there. We are facing a total blackout situation in Bangladesh as I’m writing this. Already more than 150+ students and working people have sacrificed their lives in the fight against Hasina’s government. This fascist Awami government has seized all the media and internet access, and now the only media are news channels and print media which are almost indirectly controlled by the government. People cannot differentiate between the truth and falsehood in this difficult situation.

As far as I know, leaders of the movement are facing abductions and arrests by the agencies of government. The government is saying that some of the leaders are already compromised with the government but most of them are still standing with their demands. The appeal division has declared a 7% quota for the 1st and 2nd class government jobs. 5% of the quota is reserved for the freedom fighters’ families. We condemn this decision because this decision does not reflect the demands of the movement.

In the meantime, we must say this movement is no more a matter of quota. The government has killed so many people in the country and now declared a curfew for an indefinite time. Also, the army has been deployed to control the movement. Basically, the government is pushing for the situation to the extent that political activities are illegal. Many of the anti-Awami leaders have already been arrested. People are also being arrested for participating.

Awami Hasina’s government has become so fascist that it cannot even allow simple just demands for students and has killed more than 150 people till now. Students are now saying there is no other demand but one: Step Down Hasina.

We stand with the nine-point demand of the leaders of the quota reform movement according to Prothom Alo (a Bangladesh-based news media). Withdraw all armed forces from the road and end the curfew. Call for the resignation of total government and fight to create a temporary anti-fascist people’s government.



National Committee Member,

Revolutionary Student-Youth Movement/Bangladesh

Friday, July 26, 2024

From Ang Bayan: Student Protestors In Bangladesh Demand Prime Minister’s Resignation Amid State Violence

July 24, 2024

Calls for the resignation of Bangladesh prime minister Hasina and her cabinet mounted amid her government’s crackdown on student protests over the past weeks. Students said the Hasina government has shown its fascist fangs and wants to suppress all kinds of opposition to the current regime.

The protests began in late June but flared up from mid-July when the state began violently cracking down on the demonstrations. Latest reports said indiscriminate police firing on protesters killed as many as 174. The bloodiest massacre was on July 18, where 22 students were reported killed. As many as 2,400 individuals have been reported arrested. Apart from this, the Bangladesh state implemented a curfew and internet blackout. Freedom of the press was also suppressed, and only pro-state newspapers were allowed to report on the events.

Student protests in Bangladesh won an initial victory when the country’s Supreme Court changed the employment system for government positions. The students called the system “discriminatory” for allocating 30% of jobs to the relatives of veterans of the country’s independence struggle in 1971. The students insisted that employment in the bureaucracy should be based on merit. In the court’s decision, the quota was lowered to 5% for the veterans’ descendants and 2% for national minorities and the disabled. It opened the employment of almost the entire bureaucracy (93%) in accordance with the call of the students.

Amid intense repression, the students presented a 9-point demands to Hasina and her government.

They demand that Hasina accept responsibility for the mass killings and publicly apologize. Along with her, the ministers from the Awani party should also resign from the cabinet. The students also demanded the firing of the police who were at the protest sites, as well as the officials of the three universities where the violence against students started.

The police and goons who attacked the students and those who instigated the attacks must be arrested. They said that the families of the killed and injured must be compensated. The Bangladesh Chhatra League, the state’s student arm, must also be banned from universities, and instead the establishment of student unions must be allowed. All educational institutions and halls of residence must be reopened.

Finally, guarantees must be provided that no academic or administrative harassment of protesters will take place.

NDFP: Comrade Wally Agudes (Ka KM) is worth more than the Sierra Madre mountains!

“The National Democratic Front-Rizal and the entire revolutionary people of the province salute Comrade Wally “Km” Agudes who sacrificed his life for the sake of the Filipino people and his beloved Rizaleño countrymen. We also wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and relatives.”

The Democratic National Front of the Philippines says goodbye to one of their comrades, Wally “Km” Agudes, who was extra-judicially executed and was not killed in an encounter by the reactionary 80th Infantry Battalion in Barangay Burgos, Rodríguez, Rizal. They also denounced the lies and the hidden information by the police and the military in their press statements on the reason of the operation and its results, who died and how many were captured.

In the first statement of the reactionary army, they describe that they suffered an assault and opened fire, murdering one member of the NPA and capturing another two. However, in the second statement they said that they presented an “order” that resulted in the encounter with NPA. In this occasion there was one murdered and only one captured.

According to witnesses, last time that Ka Km was alive he tried to retreat, they also hear him shouting that he would not fight, because he was severely ill and could not walk. They also heard elements of the reactionary army crying because being knocked down. It is also denounced that they would have manipulate his body.

Additionally, Laila Ramos was captured in an “encounter”. She is a Dumagat women active in

defending their ancestral land and resisting the destructive giant dams of Kaliwa-Kanan-Laiban Dam, an organizer of the native movements in Dumagat and Remontado and has been falsely accused of being part of the guerrilla, according to the NDF itself. In addition, she is not only blind but immediately needs to have a surgery due to a tumor, so in addition of being captured under false accusation, by humanitarian reasons she must be released.

“Our sorrow, hatred and every drop of tears for Comrade Km and all the martyrs of the province, the Timog Katagalugan region and the entire archipelago, you can expect to flourish as a whirlwind to revolt with the masses of the people to win the People’s Democratic Revolution. This is the only path to achieve the true freedom and democracy that the US imperialist and complicit local ruling classes are denying to the working classes.” states NDF

GALIZA:25 de Julho- Pola República Socialista Galega(Galiza Vermelha)


25 de Julho Dia da Pátria Galega

Pola República Socialista Galega

Base de apoio da revoluçom proletária mundial

Neste 25 de Julho vivemos num mundo em que a humanidade ainda nom foi capaz de deter a colonizaçom de vários países como Palestina, Wallmapu (o País dos Mapuches), Nova Caledônia (Kanaky), Papua Nova Guinea, etc.

Vivemos num mundo em que os povos ainda tenhem que realizar guerras justas que devem ser apoiadas em todo mundo. Trata-se de guerras de libertaçom nacional e de guerras populares prolongadas como sucede na Índia, em Filipinas, no Iêmen, em Palestina, etc.

Mas tamém vivemos num mundo em que as grandes potências provocam guerras proxy em países como Ucrânia, Sudam do Norte, Líbia, etc. Todas estas som guerras injustas das que o proletariado deve fazer denúncia.

O ascenso da burguesia chinesa como a burguesia da maior economia do mundo conduz a confrontaçom com os Estados Unidos da América e os seus aliados (a OTAN e a UE) polas matérias primas, os mercados solventes, as rotas comerciais, etc. Mentres a OTAN perde presença e polo tanto poder político em África substituída pola Rússia e ao mesmo tempo, economicamente a China está a substituir a República Francesa, ao Banco Mundial e a UE no continente africano. Este retrocesso da OTAN acelera as políticas militaristas, a propaganda bélica nos jornais e demais meios de comunicaçom onde Rússia e China som tratados como inimigos é cada dia mais constante. A tendência geral dos estados é o militarismo, é preparar-se para guerra e isto inclui reforçar os exércitos e ter capacidade de mobilizar contra sua vontade as grandes massas operárias para umha nova carnificina de escala industrial. Tamém inclui a necessidade de aumentar a censura e a repressom interna contra qualquer pessoa que pode ser considerada um perigo para o estado burguês.

O panorama das contradiçons sociais a nível mundial provoca umha grande confusom entre o Movimento Comunista Galego, entre as pessoas que honestamente se consideram comunistas na Galiza. O caminho adotado pola burguesia dos Estados Unidos de América (EUA) dumha maneira ou outra levará á umha nova guerra mundial. As burguesias dos países da Europa nom topam saída sem os EUA, nom porque os seus militares ocupam a Europa (que tamém) senom mais bem, porque o domínio mundial dos EUA era compartilhado com os seus sócios.

A crise e a guerra som recursos capitalistas para destruir meios de produçom e poder iniciar um novo ciclo de acumulaçom mas a existencia de grandes potências com muitas cabeças nucleares muda as consequências dumha guerra entre grandes potências atômicas.

Há pessoas que afirmam que a Europa é umha colónia dos EUA mas realmente, nom há nada parecido entre a realidade social dos países europeus e umha colónia. Muitas destas afirmaçons da situaçom colonial da Europa devem-se ao nacionalismo dumha pequena e média burguesia que reclama políticas económicas protecionistas.

O proletariado consciente nom pode deixar-se arrastar para defender um determinado setor da burguesia de qualquer país. Os estados burgueses nom som anti-imperialistas senom que fortalecem o poder da burguesia local e polo tanto a exploraçom da classe obreira. O poder da burguesia dumha grande potência é substituído por outra grande potência mas o proletariado e os povos oprimidos seguem igual.

O proletariado consciente deve apoiar-se na sua própria compreensom científica do mundo, nom na academia burguesa, nem no possibilismo burguês, nem tampouco na lógica “do menos malo”.

Temos que entender que o Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo é a necessária subjetividade, a consciência que precisamos para poder transformar o mundo conscientemente até a aboliçom das classes no comunismo.

Se a burguesia precisou o renascimento europeu e a ilustraçom para derrubar o velho regime feudal, o proletariado precisa da consciência revolucionária que exige começar por mostrar o caráter de classe do estado burguês como principal instrumento do poder político da ditadura burguesa. Sem umha adequada compreensom do Regime Espanhol como aliança entre a burguesia galega e a burguesia espanhola nom podemos avançar na formaçom dumha vanguarda consciente.

Pola República Socialista Galega como base de apoio da Revoluçom Proletária Mundial!


Bloody "New Philippines" of the US-Marcos regime

Human Rights Report
(December 1, 2023-June 30, 2024)

In the past two years of the US-Marcos regime in power, nothing has marked its reign more than the intensified violence against the Filipino people and suppression of human rights. To illustrate these cases and strengthen the campaign for justice, Ang Bayan (AB) releases this report on the state of human rights in the country.

This report is based on information collected and analyzed by AB on cases of human rights violations committed by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the Philippine National Police (PNP) and other armed agents of the US-Marcos regime from December 1, 2023 to June 30 this year. This is the third in a series of human rights reports issued by the AB under the current regime. Illustrated here is the intense brutality and violence suffered by the Filipino people in the past seven months, under the ongoing campaign of repression and counterinsurgency by the US-Marcos regime.

As in the past, many cases in the countryside went unreported due to the difficulty of sending reports by units facing intense military operations. There are also cases in which only the general incident was recorded, without the exact number of victims.

This report does not include cases of killings under the "war on drugs" perpetuated by the Marcos regime. This current report also does not adequately cover the many violations against Moro people's human rights that are not reported to the public.

International standards for estimating the number of victims of evacuation and militarization, and the number of children affected, were used by AB in this report.
report is disponible  at ICSPWI

mexico acciones contra Operacion kagaar - images - sol rojo - info



A la clase obrera y los trabajadores

Al campesinado pobre y los pueblos originarios oprimidos

A las mujeres y la juventud popular

A los pueblos del mundo

Cumpliendo con el llamado a realizar una Semana de Solidaridad con los pueblos de la India y el Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta), en contra de la “Operación Kagaar”, y en apoyo a la guerra popular en la India, hemos realizado diversas acciones de carácter internacionalista en distintas regiones de Oaxaca.

Estas acciones han sido apoyadas por diversas organizaciones tales como el Centro Cultural y de Estudios de la Ciencia para la Revolución Proletaria (CCECRP) que publicó una entrevista reciente realizada al Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta) por Red Media; además los compañeros de Periódico Mural publicaron un suplemento especial con los llamamientos de la CP-Sol Rojo y de la Liga Anti-imperialista.

Durante esta semana también hubo charlas, pintas, pega de dazibaos, mesa informativa, carteles, volanteos y una intensa actividad política de las y los SolRojistas que enarbolamos la consigna “De México a la India ¡Frenar la guerra contra el pueblo!”

Seguimos alentando a demócratas y revolucionarios en nuestro país a levantar en alto la bandera del internacionalismo proletario solidarizándose con el PCI (m) y la guerra popular en la India. ¡Abajo la "Operación Kagaar"! ¡Viva la guerra popular en la India!

A continuación, dejamos el reporte gráfico de estas acciones.










Mesa informativa






Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tunisie : Manifestation pour la libération de Georges Abdallah et de la Palestine

Vendredi 19 juillet, plusieurs centaines de personnes ont manifesté à Tunis, à l’appel de la Coordination d’action commune pour la Palestine, pour la libération de la Palestine et de Georges Abdallah.

La foule a scandé plusieurs slogans exprimant son engagement en faveur du communiste libanais et dénonçant la responsabilité politique de la France dans son maintien en détention.

Les manifestant·es ont également exprimé leur solidarité avec la résistance du peuple palestinien (qui subit, en ce moment, un génocide), dénoncé la normalisation des régimes réactionnaires arabes avec l’Etat sioniste et rejeté le rôle criminel de l’impérialisme occidental. Plus d’informations sur cette manifestation ici.

India’s Adivasi Communities Are Facing Brutal Repression - by Jacobin - ICSPWI - info

Narendra Modi’s government has launched a brutal crackdown on the
Adivasi communities of India’s tribal belt in defiance of the constitution.
Its goal is to clear the way for exploiting lucrative mineral resources by
trampling on Adivasi rights.
In the mineral-rich heartland of India’s Bastar region in the state of Chhattisgarh, a severe onslaught
against indigenous communities, known as Adivasis, is currently unfolding. The Indian government
o�cially recognizes the major Adivasi community in the region, the Madia, as a “particularly
vulnerable tribal group.” Despite this recognition, the ongoing state-led aggression against them poses
a grave threat to their existence, putting thousands of lives at stake.
At the heart of this unfolding tragedy lies the Indian government’s steadfast commitment, echoed by
the declarations of Home Minister Amit Shah, to eradicate Maoist revolutionaries by the end of 2024.
In their pursuit of a “Maoist-free India,” state forces have intensi�ed their operations in 2024. Over the
past four months, they have killed ninety-two Adivasis and Maoists. On April 16 alone, security forces
killed twenty-nine Adivasis and Maoists, ��een of whom were women.
To carry out this bloodshed, the Indian state has deployed not only thousands of local police
operatives but also more than ten thousand troops from border security and paramilitary forces as well
as special counterinsurgent units. They have established hundreds of military camps across Adivasi
India’s Adivasi Communities Are Facing Brutal Repression
1 of 8 04/05/24, 10:02
terrain to terrorize and eliminate them.
Military and police camps have been strategically established at intervals of three to �ve kilometers to
saturate Bastar. In Chhattisgarh, there are nearly three hundred such camps, with Bastar alone hosting
about a hundred. Each camp accommodates between �ve hundred and two thousand personnel,
armed with heavy weaponry, and supported by drones of various sizes. Additionally, every camp is
equipped with two mine-proof vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, and war tanks.
Furthermore, the state is resorting to the use of drones to drop bombs in Adivasi areas. This
aggression illustrates how the Indian state is endangering its indigenous people. The question remains:
Minerals and Maoism
For over �ve decades, the Maoists, also known as Naxalites, have been waging a relentless struggle
against the state, advocating for socioeconomic justice and people’s rights over water, forest, land, and
self-respect. However, the Indian government views this revolutionary movement as a major “internal
security threat” and labels it a “menace” to the nation. In response, it has embarked on a mission to
“sanitize” regions under Maoist in�uence.
In the context of Bastar, renowned writer Arundhati Roy has o�ered valuable insights into the complex
dynamics of the con�ict by looking at it in terms of three main factors: mineral resources, the Adivasi
communities, and the Maoists. At the core of this issue lies the abundant reserves of minerals.
The state of Chhattisgarh accounts for a large proportion of India’s mineral reserves, including 38
percent of its tin ore, 20 percent of its bauxite, 18 percent of its iron ore, 17 percent of its coal, and 4
percent of its diamonds. Mineral extraction in the state contributes almost 13 percent of India’s total
mineral production value.

Italy - Large and continuous demonstrations by the Bangladeshi community in Bergamo - Support and participation of PCm Italia comrades


'Abbiamo perso sangue, la nostra non è più una protesta per le quote ma per cacciare Hasina. Denunciamo gli omicidi mirati degli oppositori al governo, dei dirigenti del movimento degli studenti, assassinati nelle strade, prelevati di notte casa per casa con i cadaveri fatti sparire, migliaia arrestati'.

Nuova protesta della comunità del Bangladesh a Bergamo, con più emozioni nelle voci e più movimentata rispetto a sabato, che si è ritrovata nel piazzale davanti al Comune con gli studenti e contro la feroce repressione del regime di Hasina, dei militari che hanno sparato sugli studenti in lotta, ripartita a luglio per l’abolizione del sistema delle quote.

Abbiamo portato la nostra solidarietà internazionalista esprimendo la nostra partecipazione con un cartello per la fine del regime e per l’unità degli studenti e delle operaie/i nella rivolta, cartello diventato subito parte della manifestazione, nelle mani e nei piedi dei manifestanti che ad un certo punto hanno cominciato ad usare l’effige di Hasina come bersagli per le loro scarpe, sostenendo con gli slogan l’odio contro la dittatrice che ‘doveva essere buttata giù’.

Una protesta che ha alzato la bandiera degli studenti di Dacca: abbiamo perso sangue, la nostra non è più una protesta per le quote ma per cacciare Hasina. La morte di Abu Saied il primo studente ucciso a freddo con tre spari dalla polizia ha scosso tantissimo gli studenti. Ora il governo davanti alla potenza delle proteste propone un accordo? Perché non ci ha pensato prima? Dopo la brutale repressione non ha più senso un accordo. Chi pagherà per tutte queste vite? È una farsa quella del governo, poi cosa succederà? E l’opinione comune tra i manifestanti, pur nelle difficoltà della censura verso l’informazione e le comunicazioni con lo stop a internet e alle telefonate, che la notizia riportata dalla BBC e ripresa da altre fonti, a proposito di una tregua di 48 ore nelle lotte degli studenti, non sia veritiera, ma di parte governativa e sostenuta dai gruppi di studenti dell’ala studentesca della Lega awami, il partito della prima ministra Sheik Hasina, già entrati negli scontri dalla parte della polizia con spranghe di ferro e altre armi contro i settori in rivolta.

Una tregua che non ci può essere senza la giustizia della fine della dittatura di Hasina, detto con fermezza negli slogan e dalle voci dei manifestanti, guardando alle lotte delle operaie tessili, 'che hanno un piano comune, che sono contro il governo...'

Poco prima di spegnere internet è stato dichiarato il coprifuoco, i militari sono nelle strade con i carri armati. In una telefonata difficoltosa e drammatica, nella notte di sabato, una giovane studentessa da un parente ha avuto la descrizione di una situazione devastante, con uccisioni sul posto:

‘Hanno preso a pretesto la protesta degli studenti per uccidere gli oppositori dei partiti non governativi, come stanno uccidendo tantissimi ragazzi e stanno nascondendo i cadaveri. Li uccidono di notte fanno le perquisizioni nelle case, hanno la lista delle persone che vogliono spazzare via, anche ‘normali come gli studenti, oltre all’opposizione. Per questo dico che secondo me le manifestazioni continueranno fino a quando non riusciranno a zittire il popolo.’

‘Gli studenti stavolta sono veramente arrabbiati con lo Stato. Hanno detto di aver iniziato una protesta pacifica, perché sono venuti ad ucciderci? È morto un ragazzo e si sono arrabbiati tutti.

Se abbiamo perso sangue che senso ha fare una protesta pacifica? Non è più una protesta è una guerra civile vera e propria. ‘Quando diverse persone hanno cercato di fermare la polizia e si sono messe davanti ai loro mezzi, Abu Saied ha aperto le braccia e ha detto per favore fermatevi e non andate oltre perché nell’altra strada stanno protestando. C’è sempre la speranza che la polizia, lo stato siano con il popolo e che aiutino il popolo, ma è una dittatura mascherata e un poliziotto gli ha sparato 3 colpi a freddo, e anche lottando con la morte ha continuato a tentare di fermarli. È stato il primo martire Abu Saied, portato via a braccio dai suoi compagni. Veniva da una famiglia molto povera, l’unico di 5 fratelli che ha studiato, con le borse di studio, sempre a pieni voti, ma all’università non si è trovato tanto bene ed è sceso in piazza a protestare. Sono rimasta scioccata quando ho sentito che hanno ucciso un ragazzo della mia età.

 Molti degli slogan lanciati ieri denunciano questi fatti e chiedono la restituzione dei corpi. Anche questo cartello dice ‘basta recitare, dacci il numero dei morti, lascia presto il trono, libera il Bangladeh

‘La lotta degli studenti contro le quote è da anni che c’è, il 2018 è stato importante, ma anche prima. Finché era per i combattenti, provenienti da famiglie povere veniva capito. Nell’economia del Bangladesh i posti pubblici sono importanti, sono considerati più sicuri e pagati un pò meglio. Per questo il regime li vuole usare come strumenti di consenso e di corruzione.

'Adesso siamo nel 2024 e sono i nipoti che prendono vantaggio per questa quota, senza considerare il merito. Mi ha spiegato mia mamma, che nei test chi ricade nella quota parte da 4 punti, gli altri da 0. Anche per i posti di lavoro lo stipendio diventa più altro, un privilegio senza più motivi. 

 'La mobilitazione delle operaie è successa così tante volte è come se fosse normale. Sono specialmente famiglie molto povere che vivono in baracche, lo stipendio è molto piccolo e il marito, la moglie e sfortunatamente anche i bambini devono andare al lavoro. Nelle baracche tutta la famiglia va a lavorare per uno stipendio molto minore delle regole stabilite. La protesta degli studenti adesso si è allargata, almeno altre 5 università si sono aggiunte alla Dacca University, e anche parti della classe sociale media e bassa. I ricchi vengono pagati dallo stato per stare zitti. Per ora non vedo una partecipazione diretta delle operaie tessili ma credo sia questione di tempo. Hanno qualcosa da dire contro il governo, uno vuole giustizia, l’altro diritti, che non hanno. Il piano comune è che sono contro il governo.