Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Semaine internationale d'actions et manifestation nationale pour la libération de Georges Abdallah

continuons le combat ! Libérons Georges Abdallah ! Suite à la dernière manifestation de Lannemezan du 6 avril dernier et fort de son succès, appel est lancé pour coordonner à nouveau nos forces et être encore plus nombreux lors de la prochaine rencontre de tous les soutiens à Georges Abdallah.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Maroc : Le Maroc produira des drones militaires grâce à Israël

La société israélienne BlueBird Aero Systems (détenue en partie par l’entreprise publique Israel Aerospace Industries) a annoncé le démarrage prochain d’une unité de production de drone au Maroc. Aucun détail n’a filtré sur l’emplacement de cette installation ni sur la date de démarrage de la production.  Cependant, on sait que BlueBird Aero Systems produit des drones comme le WanderB-VTOL (2,5 heures d’autonomie avec des communications d’une portée de 50km) ou le ThunderB (24 heures d’autonomie et une portée des communications de 150 km). Ces appareils sont principalement destinés à des missions de reconnaissance, de renseignement et de détection de cibles. En 2022, Rabat en avait commandé cent cinquante exemplaires, dont une partie sera donc produite sur le sol marocain.

Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’une entreprise israélienne montre son intérêt à développer cette industrie avec et au Maroc. En 2023, Elbit Systems, entreprise concurrente de BlueBird, avait indiqué qu’elle projetait d’y ouvrir deux sites de fabrication de drones. Le Maroc possède l’une des plus importantes flottes de drones militaires sur le continent. Les Forces armées royales auraient fait l’acquisition de 223 aéronefs pilotés à distance auprès de fournisseurs étrangers entre 1980 et 2024. Ceux-ci sont notamment utilisés dans le cadre de frappes contre le mouvement de libération du Sahara occidental

Drone marocain (archive)

Mexico - 6 anos Ernesto Sernas Garcia Vivo lo queremos!



México. El próximo 10 de mayo se cumplirán 6 años de la desaparición forzada de nuestro compañero Doctor Ernesto Sernas García quien fuera catedrático de la Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO), ensayista, investigador, conferencista y abogado postulante en la defensa de nuestros compañeros que fueron presos políticos durante el sexenio de Enrique Peña Nieto, acusados de terrorismo y portación de explosivos de uso reservado del ejército mexicano. El Dr. Sernas realizó una defensa magistral confirmando que todo se trató de un montaje del viejo Estado; tras esto fue desaparecido. Desde agosto de 2018 nuestra organización, junto a decenas de organizaciones democráticas y revolucionarias en México y el mundo, lanzó la campaña #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida la cual continúa vigente. En torno a ello y como parte de la segunda fase de nuestra Jornada de Lucha en Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo, el día 6 de mayo se realizó un mitin combativo en el Campamento de Resistencia que mantienen los compañeros artesanos sobre el andador de Gurrión, anunciando que el próximo 14 de mayo saldremos a las calles en exigencia de presentación con vida de nuestro compañero Ernesto Sernas García, y que a partir del 15 de mayo nos estaremos sumando a las acciones del magisterio democrático que estalla el paro nacional indefinido, agitando las consignas de la Huelga Nacional magisterial y popular y el Boicot contra la farsa electoral burguesa. Te alentamos a que realices iniciativas y acciones de apoyo para obligar al Estado mexicano a presentar con vida al Dr. Sernas. ¡Únete a la campaña internacional #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida!

Statement of the Communist Party of China Proletarian Alliance on May Day Labor Day

Comrades, the world capitalist system has entered its final moment of destruction and reached its end. Although the capitalist system is making its final resistance, it still cannot stop history. We have seen various progressive forces breaking down the empire. Now, we need to unite all the forces that can be united, the forces from the Third World, the forces from the revolutionary Communist Party, and all this requires a Bolshevik-style proletarian party and the persistence of proletarian internationalism international organization, and now we want to establish a Bolshevik-style revolutionary Maoist Communist Party in China to liberate the Chinese proletariat and realize a proletarian revolution. It is being realized and is inevitable.

USA - Center Palestine by Centering Revolution!

Statement on the Student Occupation Movement

By the Oakland-Berkeley Revolutionary Study Group

“And the little beginning of little academic conflicts is a great beginning, for after it–if not today then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the day after–will follow big continuations.” -Lenin

Student leaders of the university occupation movement have put forward a clear and principled call to not let normalizers and opportunists co-opt their movement into a distraction from the genocide in Palestine, led by US Imperialism and waged by Zionism. This call is absolutely correct in principle, but like all principles it must be fleshed out to be put into practice. What does it mean to center Palestine? It means to center the interests of the Palestinian people, and to frustrate all attempts to turn this movement into a platform for the honeyed words of romantic intellectuals, into a navel gazing spectacle for self centered activists.

But this principle of centering the interests of the Palestinian people does not mean that we should limit this movement to the issue of Palestine alone. The genocide in Palestine is a policy of US Imperialism. It is a bloody, horrific policy but it is still “merely” a policy. Underlying this policy is a deep rooted structure of imperialism, a stage in the development of human society in which the nearly 400 Million residents of the land currently known as the United States of America are conscripted into a factory which produces death, and the luxuries which the enemy consumes while watching this death. To properly center Palestine, we must lower our gaze, down from the highest branches of the tree of US imperialism, to the roots of the economic and political system which sustains it.

The enemy would prefer if we did not rebel at all, but this is out of the question. The next best thing is for them to limit our rebellion to an internal opposition, to a proposal for some new imperialist policy, to a call for return to “peace.” To center the Palestinian people does not mean to center them in our gaze, and convert ourselves into witnesses of their genocide. Nor does it mean to turn our rebellion into a toothless peace movement. It means to convert the enemy’s offensive war abroad, into a defensive war at home. It means to understand that only the people of Palestine can directly defend themselves through armed resistance. And only we can directly attack the imperialists at their centers of power. To center the interests of the Palestinian people means to use the outrage sparked by this genocidal policy of US Imperialism, and convert it into deep seated and all round revolutionary consciousness among the masses of the United States. No amount of militancy can overthrow this “giant with clay feet,” if this militancy is focused on fighting the shadow cast by this giant. The only thing that can do this is a clear definition of our enemy, and the discipline to attack this enemy at their weakest point with our strongest forces.

In order to help orient our forces, we want to outline two major deviations towards the student occupation movement.

Student Vanguardism

In a certain sense, the students can act as a vanguard of the revolutionary movement. The specific characteristics of students, who are mostly young people engaged in high level mental labor, means that students are often the first line of response to major political events, because they have high energy and are actively engaged in political life. But there are other characteristics of students that make them incapable of being a vanguard in the fullest sense of the term. Most students are not in school year round, and most students are in school for at most four years. College life also tends to isolate students from the lives of the broad masses. This makes it difficult for student movements to maintain a long term viewpoint, and to sustain protracted political struggles.

Rather than the vanguard, students are more like the scout force of the revolutionary movement. They are often the first to make contact with the enemy, but they are incapable of defeating the enemy on their own. Strategically, the students play a supportive role in the revolutionary movement, and their main task must be to facilitate the revolutionary movement of the working class. Today, the student movement is far in advance of the main force, the working class movement. If students do not keep this in mind, this will lead to a demoralization of the student movement, when inevitably they are incapable of defeating the enemy on their own. Tactically, students must continue their offensive against the enemy as far as possible. Strategically, students must circle back to join the main force, propagate the lessons they have learned about the enemy, and plan a new course of action with the main force of the revolutionary movement. This means that advanced students must prepare to go among the working class, especially when they leave school. To be effective revolutionaries, they must study revolutionary theory, especially the works of Marx, Lenin and Mao. But study alone will not give students proletarian consciousness, only social practice can do this. Therefore students must study revolutionary theory, allow this theory to open their minds to new forms of consciousness, and then change their social practice by going among the workers and allowing the process of capitalist production to imbue them with deep rooted proletarian consciousness.

Workerist Liquidationism

Because students are a scout force of the revolutionary movement, they are incapable of winning on their own. But no army could exist without an effective scout force. Students are an insufficient but absolutely necessary component of the revolutionary movement. Some pedantic “Marxists” believe that only workers employed in large scale production have any serious role in the revolutionary movement.

Liquidationism means renouncing the leadership of the advanced sections of the working class over the entire revolutionary movement. Therefore anyone who rejects the need for advanced workers to really lead the highly active student movement, and insists that workers must do everything on their own, is liquidating the leadership of the working class over the student movement, and replacing leadership with having workers do everything on their own. This viewpoint has led some revolutionaries to take a highly chauvinistic and condescending attitude towards the student movement, treating it as a distraction from the “hard core” revolutionary work of organizing workers at the point of production.

Just as students are isolated on campuses, workers are more or less isolated in their individual workplaces. As revolutionaries, we have two tasks to overcome this problem. We must propagate the activity of the students to the working class, explain to workers why the students are rebelling, and bring light of youth energy into the dark and stale factories and warehouses. Students must teach the workers about the crimes being committed by their bosses against their class sibblings around the world, in countries that many workers have barely heard of. We also must bring the salt of the earth attitude of the workers into the ivory tower of the universities. Workers who have been trained in the discipline of capitalist production can teach students how to avoid the “autonomist” anarchism that is so palatable in the petty bourgeois environment of the university. Workers who have been swindled by managers and capitalists for decades can teach students how to smell the bullshit promises of wide grinned university administration and the misleadership of demagogic professional “leftists.”

If revolutionary students can’t bring the workers to their encampments, they should form coordinated detachments, go to the working masses in their neighborhoods and workplaces, invite workers to tour their encampments, and share their experience with the broad masses, and try to gather lessons, advice, words of encouragement; anything that the workers can offer to bolster the isolated encampments. But regardless of tactics, which can never be prescribed in advanced, the advanced students must recognize that without the workers they are nothing, and to win over the workers they must transform themselves into proletarian revolutionaries, and steel themselves for the long decades of class struggle to come.

Victory to the Palestinian Resistance!

Victory to the Revolutionary Students!

Long live the International Proletarian Revolution!

Workers and Oppressed People of the World, Unite!


Revolutionary Study Group

Revolutionary Student Union

Revolutionary Maoist Coalition

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Operation Kagar: The Most Savage Stage Of The Brutal War In Dandakaranya Region - Revolutionary Writers’ Association


Dandakaranya, in its decades of revolutionary journey, pioneered several social and cultural experiments that India needs. It has been bearing the brunt of unparalleled violence for four decades. But now, it is in the midst of a ruthless battle for the past three months.  Operation Kagar (The Final Mission), with more than a hundred thousand paramilitary forces supported by drones, helicopters, and satellite surveillance, reminds us of an invasion of the poorest of poor indigenous people. It resembles a war of aggression as if the Mission were on a hostile nation. Unquestionably, it is a gory, and an uncivil war.

On April 16, 29 revolutionaries, including at least 12 women, were killed in an attack in a joint operation by the BSF and the State police in the Maad area. They all dreamt of a beautiful life for all of us. In that quest, they bestowed the ultimate tribute to the revolutionary legacy: the tender sacrifice of their mortality. The massacre took place as part of a new war called Operation Kagar [Final Mission] by the Central Government. The North Block in Delhi deployed maximum forces to Dandakaranya [official figures -80,000] to capture the Abuzmad [Unknown Maad] area.

On one hand, the BJP is trying to win for the third time in the General Elections. On the other hand, it is trying to hold its hegemony on the revolutionary bases.  The installation of Ram in Ayodhya, the bringing of CAA as part of the conspiracy to make the Muslims pariahs from their own land, and attempts to bring a Uniform Civil Code by the saffron government to legitimize the Hindu Brahmanical culture- all are incremental steps to turn India into a Brahminical Hindutva fascist state. On the economic front, all trade, business services, and natural wealth are being brought under corporatization. War on Dandakaranya is to expedite this process. Is such a massive conflict taking place only to regain a too-remote and hitherto unknown forest area? Sounds like a fairy tale. Truth is indeed stranger than fables.

Indeed, in the age of finance capital, this internal conflagration is led by a government running under a modern constitutional democracy. This war aims to deliver vast swathes of natural resources to mega-corporations. Owing to unflinching resistance in Dandakaranya against the large-scale corporatisation of its natural wealth beneath the earth, the rulers turned Dandakaranya into one of the most extensive military zones. Militarization has not begun now but started three decades ago. It has a history of at least thirty years. The government considers the Adivasi movement a Himalayan obstacle to their corporatization designs. Ironically, the seizure of the so-called remotest areas has become a pivotal problem for the Centre.

¡La victoria es el único resultado de la épica guerra popular! - supportar la guerra popular en las filippinas

¡La victoria es el único resultado de la épica guerra popular!

El 29 de marzo de 2024 es el 55 aniversario del Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo.  Durante los últimos 55 años nuestros combatientes rojos han luchado contra el enemigo del pueblo con valor y honor. Son los amados guerreros de las masas. Saludamos su valor, rendimos el más alto honor y homenaje a los mártires y héroes revolucionarios del Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo, y les ofrecemos nuestra más profunda gratitud por los sacrificios que han hecho para triunfar contra el enemigo.

El enemigo siempre pretende destruir el movimiento revolucionario y detener el auge de la lucha popular. Pero ningún instrumento coercitivo del Estado, por brutal y fascista que sea, puede impedir que el pueblo luche por un nuevo sistema social. Es la violencia brutal y la carga intolerable de la explotación y la opresión de la gran burguesía compradora, los terratenientes y los capitalistas monopolistas lo que impulsa a las masas a persistir en la lucha.

La codicia de los capitalistas extranjeros y nacionales deshumaniza a los obreros, a los campesinos y a todas las masas trabajadoras. La violencia de la explotación y la opresión contra las masas que persiste día tras día y la criminal indiferencia hacia su abyecta pobreza legitiman la justicia de la guerra popular y, por tanto, deben ser apoyadas. El pueblo filipino se compromete con la revolución armada no porque glorifique las guerras. Se comprometen con ella porque entienden que sólo a través de la lucha armada se cumplirán sus aspiraciones a una sociedad justa, desarrollada y progresista.

Durante más de cinco décadas, los revolucionarios y las masas han resistido los embates del enemigo. Las penurias y sacrificios del pueblo filipino y su ejército han construido una base sólida para el avance de la revolución democrática nacional y la creación del Gobierno Democrático Popular.

El imperialismo y los reaccionarios locales pueden parecer un enemigo formidable. Pero tenemos al pueblo del lado de la revolución y, una vez despertado, organizado y movilizado por millones, se convierte en una fuerza invencible. Es responsabilidad del movimiento revolucionario seguir despertando, organizando y movilizando al pueblo allí donde se encuentre.

Informa sobre este anuncioPrivacidad

A pesar del enorme número de la fuerza enemiga, el armamento y el fuerte apoyo del imperialismo estadounidense, el movimiento revolucionario ha sido capaz de contrarrestar y derrotar cada plan estratégico contrarrevolucionario implementado por los regímenes desde Marcos padre hasta Duterte. Los «oplanes» del actual régimen de Marcos correrán la misma suerte.

La participación y el apoyo de las masas a la revolución son inquebrantables. Además, las fuerzas revolucionarias en el extranjero, incluidos los emigrantes filipinos, están muy inspirados por los sacrificios del Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo. Muchos han expresado su deseo de luchar junto a los guerreros del pueblo.

Indudablemente, el coraje y la audacia de las masas y de las fuerzas revolucionarias frente a la agudización de las contradicciones de clase se mantendrán en el cofre de las historias que inspiran el avance continuo del movimiento revolucionario. 

Rectificación y resurgimiento

Sobre la base de sus logros y con el firme apoyo de las masas combatientes, el Partido ha emprendido un movimiento de rectificación para corregir sus debilidades y errores y llevar la guerra popular a cotas aún más altas. Este movimiento de rectificación fortalece y une al Partido y al pueblo en la correcta línea revolucionaria y refuerza la voluntad combativa y las capacidades de las masas y del ejército popular para hacer frente al enemigo. La historia ha demostrado que la revolución avanza cuando se emprende la rectificación para corregir errores e implementar tareas que hagan avanzar aún más la guerra popular, y para evitar desviaciones de los principios del marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo que guían la revolución democrática popular.

El resurgimiento en todos los aspectos del trabajo por la revolución es el resultado de la rectificación por el movimiento revolucionario. Analizar y resumir nuestro trabajo, corregir los errores y poner el acento en lo que hay que hacer inmediatamente dará energía a los camaradas para cumplir con sus responsabilidades y tareas.

La guerra popular es una empresa necesaria en la construcción del Gobierno Democrático Popular que responda a las necesidades de las masas. El viejo orden social debe ser destruido para construir sobre sus escombros y cenizas un sistema de gobierno justo, equitativo y favorable al pueblo. La nuestra es una guerra justa y la guerra popular del pueblo filipino está destinada a la victoria.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

1st May have been celebrated in London, Britain,.Red Flag News


The 1st May have been celebrated in London, Britain,.

Revolutionaries have reported on the mobilization held in London. The 1st of May has been “marked with a heightened anti-imperialist and revolutionary spirit”. Partizan readers and revolutionaries which responded to the Editorial Board of Red Flag News’ call attended to the march and carried out their banners and flags.

Red Flag News also report on “workers across Britain blockaded various Israeli arms factories to prevent them operating.” The revolutionaries in Britain highlight the ties between the intensification of the anti-imperialist struggle and this 1st of May, being clearly shown how the British workers reject the high support given by the British government to the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel.

Workers blocking Israeli arms factories on the morning of 1st of May. Source: Red Flag News

Great britain - Mobilise for a Red May Day! - info

Published by


May 1st 2024 will mark 134 years of May Day, International Workers Day. It is borne out of the continuous struggle between the exploited working class and the exploiting ruling class who own the means of production and the vast majority of the wealth. 

It was first marked to celebrate the anniversary of the historic victories of workers in Chicago who, through militant and combative struggle, were able to win an eight-hour work day. Since then, the spirit of May Day has been celebrated and carried forward by workers across the world and serves as a reminder of the power which the working class can wield to defeat the Capitalist ruling class. In Britain, we celebrate May Day to carry forward and commemorate the historic and powerful struggles of our working class. From the General Strike of 1926, the Miners’ Strike of 1972, and into this year with the wildcat strikes of courier workers; the rebellious nature of the British working class has continued and the people have continued to fight for their rights courageously. 

May Day gives many vital lessons to the workers of the world. Mainly, we cannot hope to win against those who exploit us without rebellion and combative action. Many workers in the unions understand this, and have been fighting to build a militant struggle to improve pay and conditions. Despite this and the worsening conditions that workers are facing, the leadership of the unions seem as eager as ever to sit down with the bosses and work things out non-antagonistically. This is not in the interests of the working class, and consistently leads to the workers being made to accept subpar and below inflation pay-rises. 

May Day is not simply to mark the past, but to fight for the future. This is as important as ever, the Capitalist-Imperialist system which bleeds us dry is undergoing its continual and inevitable decomposition, it is getting weaker by the day. Imperialism is a paper tiger, when it gets weaker it must project its ‘ferociousness’ in the most violent of ways, this is why the US Imperialists are undertaking such an abominable and genocidal campaign of violence in Gaza currently. Their rotten system is doomed to failure and the victory of the working class is certain, but this can only be realised when the workers themselves organise to combat the Capitalist class. 

It is in this optimistic and combative spirit that we call on the workers of Britain to celebrate May 1st. Workers across Britain will be out in force, and anti-imperialists and revolutionaries on the ground will be in attendance rallying the masses. For those looking for an opportunity to get involved in this momentous occasion, particularly in London, there is no better time.

Workers of the world unite!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Balikatan exercises trample on Philippine sovereignty and security


Marco L. Valbuena, Chief Information Officer

Communist Party of the Philippines

May 10, 2024

In collusion with the Marcos regime and its armed forces, the US government and military showed utter contempt for Philippine sovereignty and security when it used the country as a launching pad for its inordinate display of firepower to serve its obsession with provoking a war with its imperialist rival China.

The large-scale Balikatan war exercises conducted on Philippine land and territorial waters only served to further raise the temperature of military conflict in Asia, particularly in the South China Sea.

The Party and the Filipino people condemn the Marcos regime for allowing the US and its allies to use the country's territorial waters for war maneuvers. Conducting these so-called "freedom of navigation operations" from Philippine waters further pushes the country into the vortex of growing conflict, and increases the danger of being dragged into an inter-imperialist war.

We must condemn the US and Philippine armed forces for using the shores of Rizal town in Palawan to fire several rockets from US HIMARS missile launchers into the waters of the South China Sea, purportedly against an intruding force, with a clear allusion against China.

The Party likewise denounces the US and Philippine military for mounting their howitzers and other weapons at the sand dunes of Laoag to turn the northern coasts of the Philippines into a firing range where a "made in China" ship of an "imaginary enemy" was used as target for artillery and aerial bombs. The live-fire exercises, billed as the "climax" of the Balikatan war games, are clearly aim at antagonizing and provoking China, raising tensions, and hindering diplomatic and peaceful efforts to resolve disputes.

The Party condemns the US military for flying low its jet fighters, which not only violated the country's sovereign airspace, but also caused panic and trauma among residents in the northern towns and provinces of the Philippines.

The Party condemns the Balikatan war games for disrupting the livelihood of tens of thousands of people, especially fisherfolk along Palawan and the western coastal provinces of Luzon, who were driven away from their fishing grounds by the AFP's enforcements of a "no sail" fishing ban, leaving them without income for several weeks. The Balikatan war games also saw a total disregard for the environment with rockets being fired, bombs being exploded and US warships dumping its toxic waste on Philippine waters.

The Balikatan war exercises were conducted alongside a psywar campaign by the US and the AFP to varnish and glorify the image of the brutal US war machine. The US is using the strategy of shock and awe to manipulate the mindset of the Filipino people. Local news reports are being shaped by US narratives, and carry the language and phraseologies promoted by the US government and echoed by defense and military officials of the Marcos government. Not a few Filipino journalists, academics and opinion makers--consciously or unconsciously, well-meaning or not--are promoting US-fueled Sinophobia among Filipinos. On various platforms, US imperialism is being depicted as a "big brother" and "defender." Attention is being drawn away from the fact that across the world, the US is being condemned for its direct culpability in the genocide being carried out by Israel against the Palestinian people, or in prolonging the war in Ukraine by pouring weapons into its proxy.

This year's Balikatan exercises by the US military, the largest to date, show the rising tempo of US military intervention in Asia, along with its "first island chain" geopolitical strategy to contain or prevent the expansion of China's economic and military power. We are in the latest phase of the US "pivot to Asia" which it declared in 2011, in order to secure and expand its economic interests. Since then, the US has heightened its military presence from Japan to Australia, as well as in Pacific countries. In line with its strategy, the US has strengthened its military presence in the Philippines by increasing the number of military bases, aka EDCA sites, across the Philippines. Behind the veil of non-stop military "exercises," the US military continues to maintain a permanent presence in the Philippines, strengthening its military foothold in the country.

China has become increasingly antagonistic and aggressive in countering growing US military presence, saber-rattling and war provocations. It has so far refused to cross the red line of armed confrontation with either the US or the Philippine military by using so-called "gray tactics," but has aggrieved the Filipino people by denying Filipino fishermen access from their traditional and shared fishing grounds in the Scarborough Shoal. It has also water-bombed Philippine Coast Guard and civilian vessels, claiming their "supply missions" were violating its "gentleman's agreement" with the Duterte and Marcos regimes.

Heightened US military presence and intensified intervention in the South China Sea, in collusion with the AFP, must be vigorously denounced because these impede diplomatic, non-antagonistic and peaceful means of settling disputes in the South China Sea. In order to pursue non-military solutions to these disputes, we must also oppose the steady and large presence of Chinese military and paramilitary vessels in the South China Sea, especially those within the exclusive economic zone and extended continental shelf of the Philippines.

The Marcos regime's alignment and subservience to the war-obsessed US imperialists further tramples on Philippine sovereignty and threatens the country's security. The puppet Marcos proves that an independent foreign policy cannot be realized under the current semicolonial and semifeudal system, and the class rule of big bourgeois compradors and big landlords.

Amid intensifying US war preparations and provocations and rising dangers of the Philippines being dragged into an inter-imperialist war, the Party calls on the Filipino people to stand united and fight for genuine national freedom. Only by liberating the Philippines from the clutches of US imperialism can the Filipino people have the power to shape its own history and create a society that is prosperous and just.

PRWC | Philippine Revolution Web Central

Ne touchez pas à Rafah !Grèce: Affrontements à une manifestation pro-palestinienne à Athènes - infosolidaire


Grèce: Affrontements à une manifestation pro-palestinienne à Athènes

En signe de solidarité avec les Palestiniens, un millier de manifestants, brandissant des drapeaux palestiniens et des banderoles proclamant « Ne touchez pas à Rafah ! », se sont rassemblés mardi devant le bâtiment du parlement sur la place Syntagma, à Athènes. La tension est montée d’un cran lorsque la police a tenté de disperser un groupe de manifestants qui avaient escaladé le portail de l’ambassade d’Égypte, en face du parlement, ce qui a donné lieu à une brève confrontation. La police anti-émeute a fait usage de matraques, de gaz lacrymogènes et de grenades flash pour repousser les manifestants. Quelques minutes plus tôt, des gaz lacrymogènes avaient été utilisés lorsque des manifestants avaient tenté de se diriger vers la Tombe du Soldat Inconnu, située sous le bâtiment du Parlement.

Dossier(s): Grèce Tags: , ,

Release of the 49 revolutionaries imprisoned after the resistance of the 1st of May in Istanbul

“Free the May 1st Prisoners! Taksim belongs to the people! Neither defending Palestine nor Kaypakkaya is a Crime!”.

252 people have been detained so far since the 1st of May, when thousands of people struggled against the police in Saraçhane to march to the Taksim square. In addition to repressing those who defied the ban, the police carried out a special attack against the image of the communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya and the organization Youth Committee who denounced the trade between Turkey and Israel. 49 people, including 6 Partizan readers, have been incarcerated and taken to the Silivri prison. They continue their struggle and together with other political prisoners saluted the 1st of May resistance by banging on the doors and shouting slogans.

Partizan has made a press statement demanding the release of the 49 revolutionaries, displaying a banner with the slogan “Free the May 1st Prisoners! Taksim belongs to the people! Neither defending Palestine nor Kaypakkaya is a Crime!”. In the statement, the unlawful ban on demonstrations on the Taksim square and the massive repression set up to guard it were again denounced as well as the repressive operations started in the aftermath. The hypocrisy of the Turkish State regarding Palestine was also condemned. The torture of those detained and imprisoned was denounced, as well as that they have been slandered as terrorists in the media and through this the unlawfully extended detention periods have been justified.

“The steps we took to transform the revolutionary will into a mass will were embodied in the Saraçhane resistance. We stand with our comrades. Let our 49 arrested comrades and friends be released! We call on all our people to embrace our comrades, our comrades’ struggle and May 1st. Taksim belongs to the people!” the statement concluded.


Partizan’dan 1 Mayıs tutuklamalarına ilişkin açıklama

Partizan tarafından 1 Mayıs gözaltı saldırılarına ve tutuklamalarına ilişkin İnsan Hakları Derneği İstanbul Şubesi’nde basın açıklaması düzenlendi.

Partizan, “Devrimci iradeyi kitlesel bir iradeye dönüştürmek için attığımız adımlar Saraçhane direnişinde somutlaşmıştır. Tutuklanan 49 yoldaşımız, arkadaşımız serbest bırakılsın! Tüm halkımızı yoldaşlarımızı, yoldaşlarımızın mücadelesini ve 1 Mayıs’ı sahiplenmeye çağırıyoruz” dedi.

Partizan, 1 Mayıs’ta Taksim’e çıkmak isteyenlere yönelik gözaltı ve tutuklama saldırılarına ilişkin İnsan Hakları Derneği (İHD) İstanbul Şubesi’nde basın açıklaması gerçekleştirdi. “1 Mayıs Tutsakları Serbest Bırakılsın! Taksim Halkındır. Filistin’i de Kaypakkaya’yı da Savunmak Suç Değildir! pankartının asıldığı basın açıklamasında Partizan, “Devrimci iradeyi kitlesel bir iradeye dönüştürmek için attığımız adımlar Saraçhane direnişinde somutlaşmıştır. Yoldaşlarımızın yanındayız.” denildi.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Two Lines Struggle Journal in the BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET - Towards the new edition dedicated to MayDay declarations international and national /Palestine international Solidarity / India Philippines people' war etc



Two Lines Struggle Journal

Published by an Association of Maoist Political Parties and Organizations

      Two Lines Struggle is an international journal of Maoist politics. We believe it was inaugurated in late 2022 by much the same group of parties and organizations associated with the “Maoist Road” website and journal.

      The first issue, from late 2022, focuses on the widespread desire to hold an international conference of MLM parties and organizations.

      The second issue, from early 2023, focuses in part on criticism of the recent founding of a competing international organization of MLM parties and organizations, the “International Communist League”, which seems to be based on Gonzaloism. The article in this second issue by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) is especially noteworthy in this regard.

      If you know of other issues of “Two Lines Struggle”, or other relevant information or documents by or about them which should be posted here, please contact us at: freespeech@bannedthought.net

Two Lines Struggle Journal

  • #3, 2024 (probably February), “Special Edition on the 130th Birth Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung”, 52 pages.   English: Searchable PDF format   [4,942 KB]  
    • Joint Declaration on the Occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung
    • Declaration of RIM 1993: Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
    • Maoist Communist Party of Italy: Long live Chairman Mao!
    • Communist Workers’ Union (mlm): On the 130th of Mao and 30th of the Declaration of RIM
    • Communist(Maoist) Party Afghanistan: Decisively support joint Declaration
    • Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla: Comments on the Joint Declaration
    • Yeni Demokrasi: Maoism our Rallying Cry for Proletarian Power
    • Palestine
      • Communist Party of India (Maoist): We stand with Palestine!
      • ICSPWI International actions week
      • Maoist Communist Party of Italy: On Palestine’s situation
    • People’s Wars
      • CPI (Maoist): Imperialist War – Revolution
      • CPI (Maoist): Annals of 2023

  • #2, 2023 (evidently from early in the year), 96 pages.   English (Corrected version): Searchable PDF format   [3,581 KB]
    • Editorial
    • For an International Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference
      • UOC (MLM) not participate in the International Conference of the CCIMU?
      • Galicia: Communiqué on the UMIC and the ICL (CCCPMG)
      • PCm Italy not participate in the Maoist International Conference
      • Document UOC: “Leftism” and the struggle for communist unity
      • Document PCI(Maoist): The Stand of CPI (Maoist) on the formation of International Communist League (ICL)
      • Document CPP: On the announced formation by the International Communist League
      • Critical notes about ICL Declaration from PCm Italy International Commission
      • Political declaration and the principles of International Communist League
    • Debate
      • Imperialist war and proletarians - PCm Italy
      • Multipolarism is not anti-imperialism!
      • Statement from the RK Norway (RK)
      • On the Initiative for Building a New International Organization/Forum of Maoists CC, PBSP
      • Nepal -The Manifesto of Party Unity
    • People’s Wars
      • Final Message Of CPP Founding Chairperson Joma Sison
    • May Day
      • International Declaration Declaration by CPI(Maoist)
      • UOC: May Day Passing in review our ranks
      • PCm Italy: MDJD 2023 not only a declaration

  • #1, 2022 (but evidently from late in the year), 100 pages.   English: Searchable PDF format   [2,848 KB]
    • Editorial
    • For an International Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference
      • Proposal Regarding the Balance of the International Communist Movement and of its Current General Political Line - CUMIC
      • On the “Proposal on the Balance of the International Communist Movement and its current General Political Line - For a Unified Maoist International Conference!” - UOC (mlm) Colombia
      • Some critical notes on “For a Unified Maoist International Conference! - Proposal regarding the balance of the International Communist Movement and of its current General Political Line” - PCm Italy
      • On the Unified Maoist Conference (UMIC) - CCPCM Galicia
      • The Approach of Our Party on the Prepared Draft - TKP/ML Turkey
      • Info for other documents in web-site
    • Debate
      • Brief critical Notes on “Our Position Against the Imperialist War in Ukraine” of Communist International website - PCm Italy
      • On the “criticism” of the Italian comrades - CI-IC.org
      • On the Necessary Development of the Two Lines Struggle on the War in Ukraine - PCm Italy
      • Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary - Maoist) by Maoist Outlook
    • People’s Wars
      • Answers of Basavraj, General Secretary of CC, CPI (Maoist) to the Questions of Journalist Alf
    • Let’s develop the Revolutionary Struggle against the Imperialist World War Preparations! - Joint Declaration

the tasks now of mlm mouvement in the call for debate of the May Day Joint Statement of Afghanistan/Iran comrades

 ....The Maoist movement globally needs the People's War to start in new countries and consolidate and expand existing People's Wars. The Maoist movement needs to resolve existing disputes between different factions of the movement through constructive and principled discussions. The Maoist movement needs to organize more extensive, extensive, and systematic international militant campaigns, and have a unified international propaganda and advocacy voice. To achieve the above urgent needs and address these deficiencies, it is necessary to establish an international Maoist centre. This requires an international Maoist conference to overcome the scattering of the movement.....

We need ...Bolshevik parties, proletarian people's Army and Revolutionary United Front.. in May day statement of CPI(Maoist)

..... The proletarian parties of the world must accomplish New Democratic Revolutions in the path
of Protracted People‘s War in semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries; Socialist revolution in capitalist-
imperialist countries. Therefore, we must build determined Bolshevik parties that construct proletarian
People‘s Army and Revolutionary United Front. These parties must work in mutual solidarity. It is the
duty of the world proletarian parties to build and unite the anti-imperialist struggles and nationality
liberation struggles. These must strengthen enough so as to ‗transform the imperialist war into a civil
war‘, fight against imperialism, domestic comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and big landlords. Only
thus we can establish Socialism and later Communism where there is no space for exploitation and

May Day Joint declaration 2024 calls for the unity of the communist and raises the work for a true international conference


.....We need the unity of the communists, in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses, who fight revisionism, economism, wright opportunism and ‘left opportunism’, factor of sectarianism, division in the ranks of the communist movement.

Let us unite under the leadership of the proletariat to make the peoples of the world towards the world advance to world socialist revolution, to eradicate imperialism and thereby establish communism on earth.

We need an international conference and a new international organization of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations, at the stage possible today, of coordination, unity of action and the working out a new general line of the international communist movement....

action against italian imperialism in Tunis - advances internationalism between italian proletariat and tunisian people


 PC m Italy info

Meloni and government delegation visits Tunisia

 Italian prime minister Meloni with a ministerial delegation composed by the minister of home affairs Piantedosi, the minister of University and Scientific Research Bernini, and by the vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cirielli (supported by the ex Italian Ambassador in Tunisia and now prime minister advisor for foreign affair) met Tunisian president Saied and their counterpart ministers.

Three agreements were finally signed:

– Italy will support Tunisian State budget (no further details now)

– Italian investment for small and medium Tunisian enterprises through the Tunisian Central Bank (no further details now)

– Implementing of more University exchanges.

While the meeting were going on in the presidential palace, a protest sit-in organized by FTDES (Tunisian Federation of Social and Economic Rights) took place in front of the Italian embassy.

The spokesperson of the organization, Romdhane Ben Amor, denounced Meloni visit and the Italian attempts to force Tunisia to accepts more expulsion of migrants from Italy to Tunisia, the inhuman conditions in the Italian migrants centers in Italy (CPR) where also exposed.

Many banners about migration were showed and also a banner criticizing the Piano Mattei (Italian big investment plan to other countries) were exposed as well as an attempt to steal Tunisian national resources:

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

France: Les forces de sécurité marocaines au secours des JO

Une cinquantaine de pays ont déjà accepté d’aider la France à sécuriser les Jeux olympiques en y envoyant des forces de l’ordre. Un total de 2 500 policiers et gendarmes étrangers est attendu en France en amont et durant les compétitions, dont des militaires belges et polonais . A ces pays vient de s’jouter le Maroc. Suite à la rencontre entre les ministres de l’intérieur marocains et français à Rabat, le 12 avril dernier (photo), il a été décidé que des policiers marocains patrouilleront avec les forces de l’ordre dans l’Hexagone, et que des démineurs seront affectés sur les sites où se dérouleront les compétitions. La ville de Saint-Etienne, où jouera l’équipe marocaine U23 de football – les moins de 23 ans –, est notamment concernée. Rien n’a encore filtré sur la taille du contingent marocain.

 secours rouge

From 1 May to 18 May...It is the Struggle that Days Bring! - info for debate

[Explanation: This article is an editorial in the Maoist newspaper Özgür Gelecek, published in Turkey. It provides information on the state of the class struggle in Turkey. The translation is unofficial.]

Istanbul 1 May was celebrated in the practice of those who said "1 May is Taksim area" and stood behind this will and made the streets leading to Taksim ring with their slogans, and in Saraçhane, despite all the adverse conditions, they charged the barricade.

8 May 2024

We left behind the 1st of May 2024. 1 May 2024 celebrations contain important lessons for the struggle of the working class and oppressed world rights both internationally and in our country. Evaluating these lessons correctly is important for the class struggle in the coming period.

Internationally, the 1 May celebrations show that the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist opposition of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world is rising. In addition to the mass participation in the celebrations, we witnessed that the mass opposition to the genocidal attacks of the imperialist-backed Israeli Zionism against the Palestinian nation manifested itself in the 1 May celebrations.

Especially in the USA, the leading power of the imperialist capitalist system, the suppression of the occupation protests that started in universities and gradually spread to universities in other capitalist countries with fascist force apparatus -as if showing the limits of bourgeois democracies- made the solidarity with the Palestinian national struggle more visible in the 1 May celebrations.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Zionist army prepares the assault on Rafah! - call from the Palestinian Youth of Italy


This morning the Zionist army ordered the evacuation of the eastern areas of Rafah, the last city in the southern Gaza Strip, the most overcrowded city in the world right now, designated as a “safe zone” so far despite continuous shellings. About 1.5 million Palestinian civilians have taken refuge there. The army warned residents through leaflets dropped by military planes to move to other areas of Gaza. An estimated 100,000 people live in eastern Rafah.

In the leaflets, the army indicated that it is preparing a military operation against the Resistance in the area. This evacuation order could be the preparatory phase for the invasion of the city, so far the only one not invaded by land, planned for weeks by the Israeli government but postponed several times due to international pressure, caused by the Western fear of losing Egypt, opposed to the invasion of areas near its borders, as a strategic partner.

International organizations and allies of the Zionists, including the United States, have consistently opposed the invasion of Rafah due to Egypt’s threats to withdraw from the agreements signed with the Zionist entity.


Let us make this angry cry of alarm our own. We never gave particular credence to the negotiations, made suspicious by the clever propaganda campaign that had been orchestrated around it (“Everything depends on Hamas”, “If Hamas really cares about the fate of the people of Gaza”, “The political wing of Hamas is ready for an agreement, but Sinwar opposes it”, etc.), only to “discover” that for Netanyahu’s gang the assault on Rafah, the second act of genocide, was never in question. In essence, the Resistance forces would have to return almost all the prisoners still alive to their hands in order to get “in exchange”, with certainty, what? The assault on Rafah, only postponed for a few dozen days. Perhaps postponed, since the state of Israel has not fulfilled a single one of its promises, certain as it is 100% of its impunity.

Instead, we had taken seriously – isolated, but not at all intimidated by our isolation – another exchange promised by Washington & Co. to Tel Aviv: the one between the end of tensions between Israel and Iran and the green light for the destruction of Rafah, perhaps not officially expressed – what does it matter? We therefore take the liberty of repeating the political and operational conclusion of our analysis of a few days ago:

“For the time being, Israel has agreed to put the brakes on Tehran. But, on the ‘other hand’, he is eager to carry out the genocide operation by attacking Rafah with the same exterminating method with which he destroyed Gaza and Khan Younis, in order to prove that he is ‘invincible’ and that he has ‘eradicated Hamas’. Whatever the cost. If the attack on Rafah has so far been postponed, it is certainly not due to the ‘humanitarian’ qualms of Washington or European capitals, but to the fact that inevitably, by launching it, the Netanyahu government will also enter into friction with Egypt, which fears like the plague the mass encroachment of Palestinians into the area adjacent to Rafah – an area strongly depressed on an economic level and resentful towards the Egyptian central power because infrastructure projects are blocked and all the money available has been going to tourist areas in the south for a long time. As a result, it has been the main, if not the only, settlement area of Isis in the past years, and with the arrival of a mass of Palestinian refugees it would become a powder keg. But the Netanyahu gang is ready to take any adventure to impose what it dreams of being ‘the final solution’ to the Palestinian question, confident that it can drag behind it, whatever happens, its historical protectors and accomplices. And quite sure that it doesn’t have to fear Tehran’s action too much if it stays away from Iran’s vital interests, which do not include the liberation of Palestine at the hands of the Palestinian resistance.

CPI (Maoist) Calls On Masses To Condemn Police Murder Of Tribals In Narayanpur District -info


Narayanpur District, May 6, 2024: The West Sub-Zonal Bureau (Gadchiroli district) of the Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee of the CPI (Maoist) urged democrats, rights activists, well-wishers of tribal people, and tribal organizations to condemn the brutal murders by police officers who opened fire in Kakur-Tekametta forest of Narayanpur district, Chhattisgarh, bordering Maharashtra, on April 30 during a combing operation.

In a press release dated May 4, the spokesperson of the West Sub-Zonal Bureau, DKSZC, Comrade Srinivas stated, “The sequence of events unfolded as follows: the police had surrounded the area from all sides by the time the people of Kakur and Mangeveda arrived to celebrate their traditional festival. Suddenly, the police opened fire, resulting in the deaths of four tribal farmers: Kovasi Pandu and Tekametta (his wife, Soni), Mainu Korcha of Mangeveda, Lalsu Kovachi and Tekametta (his wife, Susheela), and Ramulu Naroti of Mangeveda (his wife, Neela). Our party vehemently condemns the brutal murder of these farmers.”

“Additionally, six revolutionaries became martyrs in police firing at various locations in the vast forest: Joganna (Cheemala Narasayya of Vadakapalli, Peddapalli district, Telangana), a Regional Committee member Vinay (Bellampalli, Adilabad district, Telangana), a Platoon Party Committee Member Malesh (Mallepad, Bijapur district), a Company Party Committee Member Sarita, Party Members (Vetya, Kodduru, Narayanpur district), Sindhu (Musramguda, Etapalli tehsil, Gadchiroli district); and Chilaka (Komatpalli, Bijapur district). The party also urged the masses to condemn the police’s brutal massacre and ‘Operation Kagaar-Surya Shakti,” the statement added.

It further said that 60-year-old Joganna attempted to break the police cordon and flee but succumbed to exhaustion due to the scorching heat, and the police apprehended him alive. By that time, Joganna had passed his AK-47 Rifle to his comrades. Despite being unarmed, he was brutally killed by the police, declared Comrade Srinivas.