Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Supportar la guerra popular in Filipinas!


Oficina de Información del CPP | Partido Comunista de Filipinas

El Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Filipinas ha ordenado a todos sus miembros y al Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo que frustren la guerra total de las Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas en una declaración emitida hoy, 26 de diciembre, con motivo de su 56 aniversario de fundación.

“Estamos decididos a frustrar la guerra total del enemigo, a recuperarnos de nuestras pérdidas, a obtener nuevas victorias y a hacer avanzar la resistencia revolucionaria del pueblo filipino”, declaró. El Partido atribuyó al movimiento de rectificación interna en curso su fuerza actual para superar los errores y deficiencias de los últimos años.

Anteriormente, el CPP desmintió las afirmaciones de las AFP de que el NPA se ha reducido a “un frente debilitado”. Aunque reconoció “graves pérdidas y retrocesos en algunas regiones y frentes guerrilleros”, el Comité Central dijo que las unidades del NPA se han “reorganizado y redesplegado rápidamente en línea con el movimiento de rectificación” y han logrado avances en la recuperación y expansión de la base de masas.

El CPP dijo que las unidades guerrilleras del NPA están ahora “ejerciendo creativa y sabiamente la flexibilidad” y frustrando gran parte de la estrategia enemiga de constricción gradual y operaciones militares sostenidas.

“El movimiento de rectificación del Partido ha inspirado a los combatientes rojos del Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo a perseverar en el arduo camino de la prolongada guerra popular para reconstruir y ampliar la base de masas, defender al pueblo contra el terrorismo de Estado, preservar y fortalecer el NPA y frustrar las ofensivas estratégicas del enemigo”, declaró.

Ordenaba al NPA “tomar la iniciativa para montar ofensivas tácticas, seleccionando objetivos que pueda derrotar”. Para profundizar sus lazos con las masas, el Partido ordenó al ejército popular que “prestara servicios económicos, sanitarios y educativos a las masas campesinas, al tiempo que las guiaba en la lucha antifeudal”.

Al mismo tiempo, el Partido llamó a sus miembros a “construir o reconstruir concienzudamente el movimiento clandestino”, ya que éste es la “cantera de reclutas del Partido”.

“El movimiento clandestino debe ampliarse para ayudar a ocultar y asegurar a los cuadros dirigentes y organizadores del Partido. Al mismo tiempo, debe llevar a cabo una amplia propaganda revolucionaria para difundir el llamamiento a la guerra popular con el fin de incitar a la población a apoyar y unirse al Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo”.

Police provocations in Berlin against LLL demostration - infosolidarity


Wir teilen hier einen Bericht von Avrupa Haber:

Revolutionäre, Sozialisten und Kommunisten aus vielen Städten Deutschlands und Europas versammelten sich um 10:00 Uhr am Frnakfurter Tor um an der Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Demonstration teilzunehmen, die jedes Jahr am zweiten Januar Wochenende abgehalten wird.

Trotz des kalten Wetters versetzten etwa zehntausend Menschen auf der Demonstration den deutschen Staat, der die deutschen Imperialisten repräsentiert, und insbesondere die Berliner Polizei, auf großartige Art und Weise in Unruhe. In den letzten Jahren hat es sich die Berliner Polizei zur Tradition gemacht die revolutionäre Prozession auf der LLL-Demonstration anzugreifen und dabei in exzessivem Maß Gewalt gegen sie einzusetzen. Die Wachhunde des Kapitals, die Sicherheitskräfte und deren Verantwortliche, geben der Polizei grimmig Order diejnigen Organisationen und Darstellungen anzugreifen, die Solidarität mit der palästinensischen Nation und dem palästinensischen Widerstand zweigen, diejenigen, die die Fahne Palästinas tragen, den Inhalt der Reden, die den imperialistischen deutschen Staat entblößen, und die geragnen Transparente.

Da es keinen Angriff auf und auch keine Bewegung gegen die Polizei durch das Demonstrations-Kontingent gab, enthüllt der Umstand das die Polizei allein durch die gehaltenen Propaganda-Reden so aufgeregt wurde, dass sie versuchten die Fahnen und Transparente zu entreißen, das Wesen der deutschen „Demokratie“. Polizeiangriffe auf grundlegende demokratische Rechte, wie Meinungsfreiheit, Versammlungsfreiheit, Demonstrationsfreiheit, die jedes Jahr auf der Tagesordnung der Demonstration stehen, wurden zu Polizei- und Staatsterror.

Die teilnehmenden revolutionären Kräfte widerstanden den Polizeiübergriffen allein durch Zusammenschließen und passive Selbstverteidigung. In den kommenden Jahren ist es notwendig den systematischen Polizeiprovokationen einen organisierteren Widerstand entgegen zu stellen und der Öffentlichkeit die Praktiken der Berliner Poliezi und ihrer Herrchen, die bis hin zur Folter wehrloser Menschen reicht, enthüllen

Entgegen der all Polizeiprovokationen und -angriffe riefen tausende die Parolen für Sozialismus und Revolution!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Brasil: Pistoleros asesinan 3 campesinos, incluyendo a un dirigente

 artículo publicado por A Nova Democracia.

Ataque de pistoleros asesina a 3 campesinos y deja 6 heridos en un asentamiento del MST en São Paulo (SP)

Pistoleros mataron a tres campesinos e hirieron a otros seis la noche del viernes 10 de enero en un ataque a tiros contra el asentamiento Olga Benário, organizado por el Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (MST) en Tremembé (SP).

La banda llegó alrededor de las 23:00 en coches y motos y comenzó a disparar contra los campesinos, entre ellos niños y ancianos. El objetivo central del ataque fue el líder Valdir do Nascimento (Valdirzão), asesinado de varios tiros en la cabeza. El ataque sigue el mismo modus operandi que otros ataques llevados a cabo por grupos paramilitares de extrema derecha en el campo.

Además de Valdir, fallecieron el joven Gleison Barbosa de Carvalho, de 29 años, y su hermano, Denis Carvalho, de 29 años. Denis fue hospitalizado en coma inducido, pero no sobrevivió y falleció hoy, 11 de enero. Todos los heridos fueron trasladados al Hospital Regional de Taubaté y al Servicio de Urgencias de Tremembé.

MST: ‘Años de constantes ataques’

El MST afirmó, en un comunicado, que “la Colonia Olga Benário se enfrenta a una intensa disputa con la especulación inmobiliaria destinada al turismo de ocio, debido a su ubicación estratégica en la región del Vale do Paraíba”.

Según el MST, este no fue el primer ataque al asentamiento. “Desde hace años, las familias asentadas vienen sufriendo constantes amenazas y coerciones, incluso después de varias denuncias realizadas ante órganos estatales y federales, las cuales continúan sin una respuesta efectiva para garantizar la seguridad y permanencia de estas familias en el territorio”.

El MST también afirmó que está: “indignado por la violencia y la falta de políticas públicas de seguridad en los territorios, que ponen en constante riesgo la vida de tantas personas”.

El gobierno se pronuncia

El Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario (MDA) del gobierno de Luiz Inácio (PT) hizo un tímido comunicado sobre el caso, en el que prometió trabajar “con los secretarios (del estado de São Paulo) Guilherme Derrite, Gilberto Kassab, con el delegado Osvaldo Nico Gonçalves y también con el director general de la Policía Federal, Andrei Rodrigues”, informó el ministro Paulo Teixeira, en una nota.

Es poco probable que el gobierno de São Paulo preste un buen servicio al caso, dado el historial policial y reaccionario del secretario de Seguridad Pública, Guilherme Derrite, y el carácter latifundista del gobernador Tarcísio de Freitas (republicano). En 2022 y 2023, el gobernador de São Paulo subastó, con un 90% de descuento, terrenos públicos acaparados por terratenientes en el oeste de Paranapanema, uno de los focos de la lucha por la tierra en SP. La venta fue parte de un plan para que los propios terratenientes acaparadores de tierras compraran las tierras, regularizando su posesión ilegal.

Se espera lo mismo de la Policía Federal (PF), organismo conocido por su represión contra los campesinos pobres. En 2024, agentes de la PF reprimieron, junto con una banda paramilitar, a campesinos pobres en Machadinho D’Oeste, región del noreste de Rondônia. El caso fue reportado exclusivamente por el diario A Nova Democracia , que informó que los campesinos fueron rodeados y golpeados por pistoleros y luego entregados a agentes de la Policía Federal; los agentes volvieron a golpear a los campesinos y detuvieron a uno de ellos.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

against AfDìs Conference in Germany


Thousands of anti-fascists, socialists and communists marched in Riesa, Germany today to block the fascist AfD's party's conference, facing severe police violence as state thugs sought to defend the conference from the people.

Solidarity with the anti-fascists!
No Pasarán!



Allemagne: Berlin, la police réprime la commémoration des 3LLL - info

Ce dimanche 12 janvier, lors de la commémoration annuelle de l’anniversaire de la mort des dirigeants communistes: Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht et Vladimir Lénine ( commémoration dites des 3 LLL ) des affrontements ont eu lieu avec la police. 3000 manifestants se sont rassemblés et parmi eux, des militants pro-palestiniens sont venus marquer leur soutien et dénoncer une fois de plus le génocide de Gaza. Tout le long du parcours de la manifestation, ils ont brandit des drapeaux palestiniens et scandé des slogans de soutien au peuple opprimé et notamment le slogan: « From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free », slogan interdit en Allemagne depuis novembre 2023. 

Les forces de l’ordre ont tenté à plusieurs reprises d’interrompre les chants et slogans contre l’état d’Israël, en vain, ils ont alors fait usage de spray de gaz poivré et de matraques, les manifestants ont riposté à coup de mats de drapeau. 20 personnes ont été arrêtées dont une mise en garde à vue, 17 agents ont été blessés, trois manifestants sont légèrement blessées et hospitalisées.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

MaoistRoad today


MaoistRoad works for a new International Conference of mlm parties and organizations in the world for a new unity of mlm IMC after revisionist and opportunist collapse of the RIM.

 This Conference, and only this Conference, can decide to form a new International Organisation based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and only on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

 This new Organization needs it is must formed with partecipation of all parties and organisations that develope People's War, and today particularly CPI (Maoist).

 This new Organisation must elaborate the International Line today of mlm IMC and develope coordination, action's unity, solidarity and common aid,  in the fire of class' struggle in strict rally with proletarians and masses

For the building of this International Unified Conference and new International Organisation today needs a Two Lines Struggle against revisionism and rigth opportunist line(Avakianism, Prachandism, PerùLod etc) and 'left' opportunist Line represented today principally by ILC 'principally Maoism' (subjectivism,leftism, sectarism, egemonism..)

Of course it needs in this phase bilatelar and multilateral meetings, documents and international joint declarations on principal events in the class struggle in the world, common campaigns etc

MaoistRoad in this phase supports all struggles and actions of mlm forces in all countries in the world and publishes infos and texts about them, also if we have different opinions.

MaoistRoad publishes and encourages in this phase all comrades that want to engage in the building of new mlm communist parties and organisations in all countries, also when in the country there are various organisations  

11 january 2025

Mexico ¡SOL ROJO CELEBRARÁ SU ASAMBLEA GENERAL! - saludo solidario de MaoistRoad




El próximo 18 de enero la Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo celebrará su Asamblea General ordinaria, y esta ocurre en un momento político importante para nuestra organización democrática:

1)    Al desarrollarse en la recta final de nuestra Campaña de Rectificación iniciada desde la segunda mitad del año 2022.

2)    Trazará la ruta hacia el II Congreso Político de nuestra organización democrática.

Nuestra Asamblea General hará también un análisis sobre la situación internacional y nacional, donde la tendencia principal es la revolución, marcada por el ascenso de la lucha de clases del proletariado y la lucha de liberación nacional de los pueblos oprimidos ante la crisis general del imperialismo que a nivel mundial ha puesto sobre la palestra guerras de agresión, despojo, sometimiento y súper-explotación contra los trabajadores y los pueblos del mundo; al igual que la crisis estructural del capitalismo burocrático en México que redunda en corporativización, militarización e imposición de políticas antipopulares en beneficio de las clases parasitarias en el poder. ¡La rebelión se justifica!

Mujeres y hombres provenientes del campo y la ciudad, de las montañas y de los valles, de la selva y del mar, de los centros de trabajo y los centros educativos nos daremos cita para cumplir y hacer cumplir el mandato estatutario de nuestra organización democrática haciendo nuestras las consignas:

¡Profundicemos nuestra Campaña de Rectificación!

¡Rumbo al II Congreso Político!

¡Construyamos el Frente del Pueblo!




¡Salvo el poder, todo es ilusión!
¡Somos la chispa que enciende la pradera!
¡Con el Sol Rojo, el pueblo vencerá!
¡Que los trabajadores gobiernen la patria!

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo

Congress in Nepal - RCPNepal - info


Long Live National Unity Congress



The National Unity Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal that was inaugurated on November 28, 2024 concluded on December 8. It was not like a regular Congress of a certain party, but a Congress held after the unification of the Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal) and the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal, which was formed, one year earlier, of the unity between the CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) and the CPN (Bahumat). So, this Congress was, in essence, a unity Congress between the parties divided into three different streams. These three communist parties' common concern was a proletarian revolution, but had serious differences in some important theoretical questions. In the context of the Nepalese communist parties that used to split due to minor tactical differences in the past, the question of how long this unity between the three parties with different working styles and practicing separate lines for years, would last was smouldering among the people. Some people even launched a campaign to break this unity. Having digested all these challenges, Congress has adopted a revolutionary line and constituted a united party as an alternative revolutionary party of the country. This unity based on struggle was possible due to the positive understanding of the leaders involved in the unity process.

From Ang Bayan: CPP CC Confirms 8 Components Of The Rectification Movement

Ang Bayan Ngayon | December 29, 2024

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Central Committee reaffirmed the eight components of the rectification movement outlined last year in its statement for the Party’s 56th anniversary. The Party leadership said the eight components of the rectification movement must be comprehensively implemented. Efforts must be sustained. We must guard against slacking, overcome inertia and resist regressing to previous practices.

“In broadening the rectification movement, we seek to ensure that it covers all parts of the Party and all aspects of revolutionary work.” the Central Committee said.

The Central Committee’s movement outlined last year has eight components. Three of these are study and re-education campaigns. Two are focused on summing-up of experiences and studying concrete conditions. The others are focused on comprehensive and all-sided criticism and self-criticism, assessing the level and capabilities of all Party members, and ensuring the implementation of education courses.

These are listed in the statement as follows:

1) A study campaign to thoroughly study and review the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism

2) A study campaign to thoroughly review the Party’s Constitution and the Program for a People’s Democratic Revolution

3) A study campaign to review the documents of the First and Second Great Rectification Movement, Our Urgent Tasks and Specific Characteristics of Our People’s War, and documents of the Party’s history

4) A campaign to sum-up experiences and review previous summings-up

5) A social investigation and class analysis (SICA) campaign at all levels

6) A campaign of criticism and self-criticism at all levels

7) A campaign to evaluate the performance of all Party cadres

8) A continuing campaign to ensure full implementation of the Three Level Party Course

The rectification movement launched last year by the Central Committee aims to correct mistakes and overcome weaknesses and shortcomings. “These have arisen principally from petty-bourgeois subjectivism, mainly in the form of empiricism, in the Party’s ideological, political and organizational work,” the Central Committee said.

The Party leadership calls on organs, branches, and members to deepen and broaden the rectification movement. In this regard, it was observed in the past year that is not enough to proclaim the rectification movement and declare support for it. “All Party committees, from the center to all branches, must carry out self-criticism and rectification of past errors, fully imbibe Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to revolutionize their thinking and methods of work, and move forward with full ardor,” the committee said.

It said the success of the rectification movement will be measured with concrete numbers indicating both quantitative increase and qualitative growth of the Party, the revolutionary armed struggle, the revolutionary mass movement and the organized mass base.

“We are confident that by deepening and broadening the rectification movement, we shall be able to forge a stronger and powerful Communist Party of the Philippines and lead the people’s democratic revolution to even greater victories in the coming years,” the Central Committee said.

Source : https://philippinerevolution.nu/angbayan/party

RCPN General Secretary Mohan Baidya Admitted To Hospital


Kathmandu, December 27, 2024: Mohan Baidya (Kiran), the General Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal (RCPN), has been admitted to the hospital. The 78-year-old veteran Nepalese Maoist leader was hospitalized at the Tribhuvan University (TU) Teaching Hospital in Maharajgunj on Thursday after experiencing respiratory problems, a leading RCPN cadre announced to the press today.

Baidya had participated in an event organized by the Krishna Sen ‘Ichhuk’ Foundation on the occasion of the 131st anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong on Thursday. Afterward, he experienced health issues and was taken to the hospital. The doctors attending to Baidya recommended hospitalization, and he was admitted accordingly, the RCPN cadre declared.

During the Unity Congress of the RCPN, held last month, Baidya also faced health issues and was unable to attend the entire session, the RCPN cadre stated.

According to the RCPN cadre, Baidya’s health condition is now improving.

Last year, Baidya was admitted to the TU Teaching Hospital for about a week for treatment.


India: Revolutionary Students’ Front condemn repression on students

We hereby share a statement published by the Revolutionary Students’ Front (RSF).

We, the Revolutionary Students’ Front, strongly condemn the autocratic actions of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) administration. The students’ protest, which began on September 19, 2024, was a legitimate response to the administration’s failure to address their grievances regarding unhygienic conditions in the campus mess. The situation escalated with the brutal deployment of CRPF [Editor’s note: Indian paramilitary unit] and police against protesting students, highlighting the brahminical fascist rule of BJP-RSS’s increasing tendency to militarize educational campuses.

Furthermore the university authority’s decision to shift to online classes and forcefully vacate the hostels in a deliberate attempt to suppress the students’ voice will have devastating consequences on their academic performance. As most of the students at MANUU come from marginalized backgrounds, this decision will disproportionately affect them, denying them access to education. The student union elections, which were scheduled to take place on 24th September, have been cancelled by the authorities as well, suppressing the democratic rights of students. On 10th December, amid the ongoing protest, instead of addressing the issues faced by the students, the university administration in an autocratic manner, issued an order expelling several students from hostels, barring them from future admissions, and requiring them to sign undertakings under the draconian MANUU Students Conduct & Discipline Rules, 2014. Additionally, 13 students were served notices under BNSS (Section 35(6)) [Editor’s note: Indian Penal Code] with police involvement.

We call forward all the democratic people and organisations to stand in solidarity with the students of MANUU, who are fighting for their democratic rights, dignity, and education. We demand that the university administration take immediate action to address the students’ grievances, reinstate the expelled students, withdraw the police notices and allow student union elections to take place in a free and fair manner.

India: Press Conference by CASR

We hereby share a press invitation that we have received from Campaign Against State Repression (CASR).

Press Conference against NIA witch-hunt of Labour and Student Rights Activists in North Indian State under bogus Lucknow Conspiracy Case (Maoist’s NRB [Editor’s note: Northern Regional Bureau] revival Case).

3PM | January 3, 2025

Press Club of India, New Delhi


1. Mrigank, Spokesperson, Delhi Committee, CPI-ML (New Democracy)

2. Prof. Nandita Narain, Former President, DUTA [Editor’s note: Delhi University’s Teachers Association]

3. Hem Mishra, Political Activist

4. Safoora Zargar, Activist

5. Dhananjay, President, JNUSU [Editor’s note: Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union]

6. Asif Iqbal, Activist

Since the filing of this bogus Lucknow Conspiracy Case (Maoist’s NRB Revival case RC01/2023) on June 19, 2023, NIA has unleashed 3 rounds of undemocratic and arbitrary raids on almost two dozen activists and organisations working in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh. On December 20, 2024, latest spate of raids were conducted predominantly in Delhi, Haryana and Punjab. All the activists targetted in these three raids have been working among Farmers, Labourers, Students, Women and other oppressed sections to organise them and address their demands. They have been active in famous Anti-CAA movement and Kisaan Andolan (2020) and we believe that it is because of their important roles in such movements and rising democratic assertion of the people, that the Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist BJP-RSS government is unleashing NIA witch-hunt so as to suppress democratic dissent and get away with its criminal deeds, unaccounted.

We believe that the media, as one of the pillars in a democracy has an important role to amplify the people’s call for equality and justice, especially in the times of fascist upsurge where media itself is being gagged and isolated. We, therefore, urge you to join the press conference and amplify the demands put forward by the conference.



Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 - year of Georges Abdallah free!



Chers amis et camarades,

en ce temps traditionnel d'expressions des bons vœux pour cette nouvelle année, que se souhaiter dans un monde de dominations, d'oppressions, d'exploitations et de répressions si ce n'est de faire de cette nouvelle année un nouveau jalon de résistances et de combats parce qu'un autre monde est non seulement possible mais nécessaire et qu'un autre futur est à venir !

Que 2025 soit une année de luttes acharnées partout dans le monde contre

Afghanistan: Les ONG dans le collimateur des talibans

La semaine dernière, les autorités afghanes ont rappelé aux ONG, nationales et internationales, qu’il leur était interdit de travailler avec des femmes afghanes. Le régime a annoncé vouloir fermer toutes les organisations non gouvernementales, qu’elles soient nationales ou étrangères en Afghanistan, si elles ne respectent pas cette nouvelle règle. Le non-respect de ce nouvel ordre entraînerait pour les ONG la perte de leur licence d’exploitation. Depuis le retour des talibans à Kaboul en août 2021, les femmes ont  progressivement été chassées de l’espace public.

Actuellement, les Afghanes ne peuvent plus étudier au-delà du primaire, aller dans les parcs, les salles de sports, les salons de beauté, ni quasiment sortir de chez elles sans chaperon. Une récente loi leur interdit de chanter ou de déclamer de la poésie. Elle les incite aussi à « voiler » leur voix et leurs corps hors de chez elles. Ce n’est pas moins de 28 millions de femmes et filles que les talibans emmurent vivantes.

Official CPP New Year’s Statement: Carry The Revolution Forward And Achieve New Victories In 2025

Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer | Communist Party Of The Philippines

December 31, 2024

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army, together with all revolutionary forces allied with the National Democratic Front and the Filipino people, boldly and militantly usher in the new year 2025. We envision 2025 as a year of unrelenting struggle and hard-won victories. With an unshakable resolve, the Filipino people led by the Party will further heighten their resistance to the Marcos regime’s corruption and oppressive economic policies, brutal state terrorism, and outright national betrayal.

The past year saw an even sharper decline in the people’s well-being. In the coming year, the broad masses of the Filipino people must heighten their resistance to the Marcos regime’s anti-people and anti-poor economic policies. They are determined to rise in protest against skyrocketing prices, insufficient wages, job scarcity, dispossession of people’s land and livelihoods, economic dislocation and the continuing deterioration of public services.

The people seethe with outrage amid sharpening social inequality and injustice. While the majority struggled to survive in poverty as well as climate disasters in 2024, Marcos and his corrupt bureaucrats, crony capitalists and big landlord allies continued to indulge in excess and luxury. They have accumulated more wealth through corruption, exploitation of workers and peasants, and plundering the country’s natural resources.

The people are determined to shatter Marcos’ reign of terror. They have had enough of Marcos’ brutal war of suppression that continues to be carried out behind the façade of his “insurgency-free” declarations. They demand the lifting of martial law conditions in thousands of rural villages under heavy military control. They condemn the wanton surveillance, harassment’s, Red-tagging, arrests and trumped-up charges in both cities and the countryside, and demand an end to these abuses.

The significant escalation of US military intervention last year is sparking the people’s patriotic anger. They are angered over how Marcos is allowing the country to be pushed to the brink of US armed tensions with China, and how US officers command Philippine forces from their secret military bases. The Filipino people demand the removal of US military bases, an end to Marcos subservience and calls for an independent foreign policy and regional peace through dialogue.

As vanguard of the Filipino proletariat and all oppressed classes and sectors, the Party is determined to lead the Filipino people in their struggles in the coming year. Its cadres and activists are striking deeper and wider roots among the broad masses of the people to arouse, organize and mobilize them along the path of militant resistance. Its cadres are leading units of the New People’s Army as it wages guerrilla warfare to frustrate the Marcos regime’s war of suppression, further expand its mass base and launch tactical offensives against the enemy.

The Party is determined to overcome past weaknesses and raise its capability to lead the masses in their numbers. It enjoins all its cadres and the revolutionary masses to further steel their determination to expand and strengthen the Party, the NPA and revolutionary mass organizations, advance the national democratic revolution and strive to secure victories in 2025 and the coming years.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Statement of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan - for debate

"The Current Situation of the Region and the World"
"The Urgent Tasks Before Us in the Present Circumstances"

One of the characteristics of imperialism globally is its extensive promotion of religious fundamentalism and its support for achieving political power. This is because the foreign policy of imperialism, especially American imperialism, does not aim to combat fundamentalism and terrorism but instead fosters their growth globally.

To analyze the current situation, it is helpful to look back and understand the nature of Pan-Islamist and theocratic forces and how they gained power in countries like Afghanistan (August 2021) and, more recently, the collapse of Bashar al-Assad's government in Syria (December 2024). This also includes the increasing rise and strengthening of fundamentalism in countries such as Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Turkey, Oman, Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt (Middle Eastern countries), India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka (South Asian countries), as well as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Kashmir, Xinjiang (formerly East Turkestan) in western China, and southern Siberia in Russia (Central Asian countries). These developments illustrate the intensification of imperialist and reactionary conflicts and alignments in the current conditions.

Let us start with the French Revolution:

The French Revolution (1789–1799) is considered one of the most significant events in world history. It succeeded in suppressing the churches, abolishing Catholic monarchy, nationalizing church properties, and exiling approximately 30,000 priests. In October 1793, the Christian calendar was replaced with the revolutionary calendar, and festivals celebrating freedom, reason, and enlightenment replaced the Inquisition. Revolutionary government laws became strictly mandatory in April 1794. Anti-church laws were passed by the legislative assembly and its successor, the National Convention, as well as by departmental councils across the country.

The Concordat of France, signed in 1801 between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII, was an agreement designed to resolve conflicts between the French government and the Catholic Church following the French Revolution. This agreement lasted for over a century until it was abolished by the Third French Republic in favor of secular policies through the establishment of laïcité (secularism) on December 11, 1905.

The French Revolution and the Dynamics of Imperialism

The French Revolution was a historic event that silenced the churches but has not been replicated since 1905. After that point, during the era of imperialism, the monopoly bourgeoisie never sought to overthrow feudalism. Instead, efforts were made to reconcile the bourgeoisie and feudalism. This was because imperialism relied on feudalism as the backbone of its control in dominated nations, including colonial, semi-colonial, feudal, and semi-feudal countries. Imperialism saw the growth of religious fundamentalism as a tool to further its interests.

This reality was highlighted during the Cultural Revolution in China, where Mao Zedong explicitly stated that the bourgeoisie was no longer capable of revolution and that the responsibility for such revolutionary actions had shifted to the proletariat.

Recent developments in the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia reflect this assertion, with religious fundamentalism on the rise in these regions. Imperialist protégés, supported by unconditional aid, came to power in Afghanistan in August 2021 and in Syria in December 2024, with assistance from Zionism, Turkey's reactionary government, and unreserved support from American imperialism.

The Syrian Civil War, which erupted in 2011 following the Arab Spring, ultimately led to the collapse of Bashar al-Assad's government. However, Assad's regime was not toppled by revolutionary forces or the masses, but by Islamic fundamentalists, led by Abu Muhammad al-Jolani, a former member of al-Qaeda in Iraq and a close associate of Zarqawi. Al-Jolani played a significant role in the early years of the Syrian conflict, founding Jabhat al-Nusra as an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria. However, by 2016, he rebranded it as Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham and formally severed ties with al-Qaeda. From 2016 onward, the inter-imperialist contradictions between Russia and the United States heightened regional tensions and exacerbated the internal conflicts in Syria following the Arab Spring. Russia, owing to its military presence at the Hmeimim Air Base (Arabic: قاعدة حميميم الجوية) in southeast Latakia, sided with Assad. Meanwhile, the U.S., in collaboration with Israel and Turkey, supported Abu Muhammad al-Jolani and the "Syrian Taliban," who ultimately rose to power with imperialist, Zionist, and regional reactionary backing. Similar to the Afghan Taliban (long-standing puppets of imperialism), this power grab in Syria reflects an imperialist game, revealing covert agreements between Western imperialists and Russian imperialism. Bashar al-Assad, in his final days, was fully aware of his inability to alter the situation and thus adopted a passive stance. It is now evident that Western imperialists and Russian imperialism have reached agreements regarding Ukraine and Syria, engaging in a transactional exchange. What the Western imperialists offered to Russia in Ukraine and what was left for it in Syria remains to be seen over time.