Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Estado español: Apoyo a los 3 días internacionales de acción contra el gobierno fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India


Tal y como hemos informado el Comité Internacional de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India (CIAGPI) ha convocado 3 días internacionales de acción contra el régimen fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India.
29 de Enero 2015: Contra las compañías indias y los negocios económicos de la burguesía india/imperialismo
30 de Enero 2015. Ante las embajadas y consulados de la India
31 de Enero 2015: Reuniones en apoyo de la Guerra Popular en la India

En el Estado español el blog marxista-leninista-maoísta Dazibao Rojo informa que el Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India ha comenzando una campaña de propaganda de las jornadas internacionales de solidaridad con el pueblo de la India.
Por su parte la página en Facebook del Comité de Solidaridad Antifascista Internacionalista (CSAI) Málaga llama también a apoyar los 3 días de acción internacional.

 Sobre los 3 días internacionales de acción de Enero de 2015 ver también en el blog de Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo:
*¡Apoyar los 3 días internacionales de acción contra el gobierno fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India!
*CIAGPI : Contribución al llamamiento para los 3 días internacionales de acción contra el régimen fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India

Lal Salam! Best Succes to days of action 29-30-31january for PW in india! MRL - Sri Lanka

Dear Comrades,

We have decide to publish this poster at solidarity days to popularize and give support to the heroic protracted people's war in India waged by Indian proletariat under the leadership of CPI(Maoist).

The Slogan says,

Top Title: Long Live Indian Revolution!!!

Left Side: Indian Struggle is our Struggle! Its victory is our victory! its defeat is our defeat!

Right Side - Top:Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!
Right Side - Bottom: Support to the Protracted People's war!

Also we will give our support by spreading publications and statements of CPI(Maoist) among revolutionary peoples.

Lal Salam!
Best Succes to days of action 29-30-31january for PW in india!
Long Live PW in India!
Long Live MLM!

Com. Parakrama
MRL - Sri Lanka

¡Apoyar los 3 días internacionales de acción contra el gobierno fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India!

Tal y como hemos informado el Comité Internacional de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India (CIAGPI) ha convocado 3 días internacionales de acción contra el régimen fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India.
29 de Enero 2015: Contra las compañías indias y los negocios económicos de la burguesía india/imperialismo
30 de Enero 2015. Ante las embajadas y consulados de la India
31 de Enero 2015: Reuniones en apoyo de la Guerra Popular en la India
En diversos países del mundo ya hay programadas actividades a este respecto siendo algunas de estas las siguientes:

En CANADÁ el Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR-RCP) ha convocado un acto el sábado 31 de enero en Montreal. En la convocatoria a este acto se lee:
“Como parte de los días internacionales de acción para apoyar la guerra popular en la India, la Maison Norman Bethune te invita a un encuentro donde vamos a informar sobre los que realmente está sucediendo en la pretendida “democracia más grande del mundo”, donde el Ejército y la policía no han dudado en masacrar a las masas populares y dar caza a los activistas que osan solidarizarse con la víctimas de un Estado opresor, al servicio de los explotadores de todo tipo.
Con la participación de Dhruv Jain, portavoz de la Campaña Internacional contra la Guerra Antipopular en la India (Toronto)
Sábado 31 de enero, 15h
1918, rue Frontenac (métro Frontenac)

En ITALIA el Comité de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India ha editado el cartel que reproducimos y se preparan acciones en fábricas, universidades, barrios populares, etc.

Igualmente en ALEMANIA los camaradas de la organización Izquierda Socialista (SoL)  informa en su página web:
Evento con motivo de los días internacionales de acción contra el régimen fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde, en apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India del 29 al 31 de Enero. El 30 de Enero de 2015 a las 19.00 horas la Alianza Contra la Guerra Imperialista (BGIA) realizará un evento en Hamburgo en el café de SoL, Internationales Zentrum B5  Brigittenstraße 5, 20359 Hamburg
Sobre los 3 días internacionales de acción de Enero de 2015 contra el régimen fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India ver también en el blog de Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo:
*CIAGPI : Contribución al llamamiento para los 3 días internacionales de acción contra el régimen fascista de Modi, contra la Operación Cacería Verde y de apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India

Message of solidarity to Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria on its 7th Anniversary - Philippines

Onward the continuing struggle for genuine agrarian reform!
Long Live International Solidarity!
Joint message of solidarity from the Kilusang Magbubukid ngPilipinas (KMP) and the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC)
The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP, Peasant Movement of the Philippines) and the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) convey our most militant salute to the peasants, led by the Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA), in Sukumalya village, Rumpin district, Bogor regency in West Java province, Indonesia on its 7th year of unwavering struggle to defend their land. We strongly condemn the Jokowi government of Indonesia and its military, especially the National Air Force of Indonesia (TNI AU), for the harassment and continuing threats against Sukumalya peasants who are resisting state-sponsored land grabbing.
In 2007, the National Air Force of Indonesia shot one peasant and two others were abducted (one of them is a national committee member of AGRA) in its attempt to evict Sukumalya peasants to give way for the construction of the Air Force base. But despite this, the people of Sukumalya village are resolutely defending 1,070 hectares of land being claimed by the Air force. We are with you in your struggle to defend your ancestral land. Never give up the fight to defend your land! Your ancestors resisted the Dutch colonial rule and have defended the same land you’ve been fighting for. The KMP and APC likened the struggle in Sukumalya village to San Isidro village, Laur town of Nueva Ecija province in the Philippines where peasants are struggling against the Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation (FMMR) claiming ownership of 3,100 hectares. In 1930s, farmers were already cultivating the lands at FMMR.
But in 1991, the base of the Philippine Army (PA) 7th Infantry Division was moved in the contested 3,100-hectare land in Laur, Nueva Ecija. About 6,000 peasants live and are cultivating the land in San Isidro village. Like Sukumulya village, the people of San Isidro village were harassed and intimidated. On October 25, 2008, soldiers from PA 7th Infantry Division demolished 34 houses in the village. This was done after the farmers attended the caravan, led by KMP, to protest bogus Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in Manila. But the farmers were able to rebuild their homes and remained in their land. Up to now, peasant communities are militarized, soldiers camped in Barangay (village) halls sowing fear and terror. But the people of San Isidro village remain steadfast in their struggle. Through their strong unity and militant struggle, the peasants in San Isidro village were able to keep on cultivating their lands. Led by the Alliance of Farmers in Central Luzon (AMGL), the regional chapter of KMP, farmers in San Isidro village are actively campaigning for the passage of Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill (GARB) proposed by Anakpawis Partylist. They believe that only GARB would pave way for free land distribution and security from displacement.
On January 22, while AGRA and its members are celebrating the 7th year of Sukumalya’s continuing struggle against the land grabbing of National Air Force of Indonesia, the KMP on the other hand has mobilized 2,000 peasants to commemorate the 28th year of Mendiola Massacre. The KMP is holding the Aquino government liable for continuing denial of justice for the victims of Mendiola Massacre that happened in 1987, under the administration of his mother, the late President Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino. Joining today’s protest from the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Quezon City to Mendiola (near Malacañang Palace) in Manila are farmers affected by massive state and corporate land grabbing — farmers from 3,000 hectare Araneta Estate in San Jose Del Monte Bulacan, the 2,000-hectare Hacienda Dolores in Porac Pampanga, the 40,000-hectare Yulo King Ranch in Coron, Palawan, the 8,000-hectare Hacienda Looc in Batangas and the 6,000-hectare Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac. Ultimately, the best hope for genuine agrarian reform still lies in the peasants’ continuing militant and collective struggle and the resolute commitment to wage anti-feudal, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist struggles together with other sectors that are striving to build a truly sovereign, democratic and progressive society.
Long live AGRA!
Long live KMP!
Long live APC!
Long live international solidarity!

for debate - the first text of PCm Italy

Syriza won the electoral challenge-PCm Italy

They got the consent of the masses, tired of the policies of sacrifice and misery imposed by the Troika in the last years, the fierce unloading of the crisis that condemned the Greece to be poorer and poorer and has saved, so far, the banks and, partially, the masters. A deep crisis that has seen the answer of the masses of Greece with a general struggle, sieges and assaults to the parliament and other institutions. Thus, behind the success of Syryza there are primarily the masses.
Therefore, proletari comunisti – PCm Italy firstly considers this result a fruit of the struggle of the masses. It was neither easy or granted. The corrupt political forces tied to the European and domestic finance, the speculation and corruption, have tried to prevent and restrain this result. They fed the most dangerous of the European fascist formations, Golden Dawn, which had tried with the demagogy and the anti-migrants and anti-left violence to occupy a prominent place in the political scene and impose the fascist option amidst the crisis of the country. The masses, and even more the proletarian, student, rebel youth are those who fought in the front line the fascists, the police infiltrated and the State that defended them. Syriza took advantage of the radical action of the masses and the youth rebellion, has capitalized and used them in the electoral arena. The result of the elections in Greece is relevant if you think that the “communist” list too has reached a significant percentage, this also was not granted, in a climate of strong polarization.
Anyway, the wind that comes from Greece is a wind of change and putting into discussion the big capital and of European imperialism. Of course now we are at a crucial point. Tsipras and Syriza are not a revolutionary force, but a new social-democracy. Their program is illusory in the just aspects favorable to the masses, and achievable only in its, so say so, pragmatic part, of which Tsipras boasts and that is recognized, of reconciliation of the interests of the Greek bourgeoisie with those of the European bourgeoisie, led by Germany (Tsipras has made statements of maximum opening to the latest decisions of Draghi and ECB). This reconciliation can not change, except in small details, the living conditions of the masses. It can not give them a job, a house, a wage to live, a decent health care and even less can give them the real power to decide on their present and future. For this, while it may appear the outcome of a fight, the victory of Tsipras is a stage of it and must be a new beginning. If the electoral victory stops the struggles, then the masses and above all the proletarians, the youth, will lose, and the fate of SYRIZA will be those of all social-democracies, to cover the capital, to serve the capital, to represent the capital in the clash between the bourgeois State and the masses. But another problem begins to emerge and with the rise of Syriza will be even more clear.
Greece is in an international context of a new tendency to the war and becomes a country in the trenches of the contention between the Western imperialist countries, led by US, and Russia, already grappling with a crisis on its doorstep in Ukraine. Greece borders one of the fiercest regional powers in the ascendant, Turkey, which on the one hand, as a prop of NATO and, on the other hand, as capitalism in its own, has always played a role of control and aggression towards Greece. So, the internal contention in Greece combines with the international situation, combining both the aspects of the class struggle, the revolutionary struggle for socialism and the anti-imperialist liberation struggle. The putschist and fascist traditions, supported by NATO, are a permanent feature in Greece.
Confronted to all this, Syriza is a boat in a stormy sea, a crock pot amidst iron pots. Proletari Comunisti – PCm Italy supports the workers and the masses who rejoice today, as well as all the forces that want the fight continues, the rebellion continues, against imperialism, capitalism and reaction. The days to come in Greece will be difficult days. It needs to have confidence in the masses, to build the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Party in the fire of the class struggle in close tie with the masses, to build a united front that gathers the masses who voted Syriza, to build a fighting force that challenges the fascist reaction, the bourgeois State, the open or covert troops of NATO imperialism and their hitman in the region, the Turkey of Erdogan.
PCm Italy
26 January, 2015

unity against Indian State - unity against imperialism - unity mlm parties

Unite in struggle against the Indian state!


Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist Communist Party Manipur. 
Under the signboard of globalisation, structural adjustment and open market economy world imperialism has announced its global agenda to further intensify the domination, exploitation and oppression of the people. The current global crisis of world imperialism has further sharpened its attacks, bringing about the inevitability of even more misery, horror, devastation and war, on a world scale. The proletariat and the oppressed people of the world continue to resist this agenda by raising revolutionary struggles, against imperialism and the subservient reactionary ruling classes of different countries, generating a new wave of people struggles all over the world, particularly in the oppressed countries.
As Mao had formulated, the oppressed countries constitute the storm centres of world revolution and revolution is the main trend in the world today......
Let us all unite to overthrow the Indian state and destroy this monstrosity!
Let us support each other in our struggles!
Let us advance along the path of protracted people’s war guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Let us fan the flames of new democratic revolution and thus serve the cause of the world socialist revolution!
Maoist Communist Party Manipur
Communist Party of India (Maoist)
January 26, 2015

India - Maoists protest Obama visit

While US President Barack Obama was interacting with the media in Delhi on Sunday, outlawed CPI (Maoists) hijack two passenger buses in strife-torn Kaklur in Dantewada Dantewada, south Chhattisgarh, to protest his visit to India. Ahead of Republic Day, security arrangements were beefed up in Bastar but police remained unaware about the Maoists taking the buses with over 50 passengers on board under their command for three hours till they reached Kate Kalyan police station in Dantewada late evening.
The rebels released the passengers unharmed. “The Maoists wrote slogans on the buses and fixed banners on it against the visit of the US President and the Republic Day celebrations. The buses were later released and all passengers are safe,” additional director general of police (anti-Maoist operation) RK Vij told HT. The Maoists, early Monday morning, also removed a small stretch of a railway track, leading to the derailment of a goods train at Kaklur. The extremists had blown up the tracks in Rayagada district of Odisha on Saturday, disrupting the schedules of various trains.
“The Maoists halted two buses. There were around 30 sangham members (lowest cadre of CPI-Maoist). Some in uniform were giving instructions. They spoke to the passengers regarding their protest against Obama,” Vikas, a conductor in one of the buses, told HT. Some passengers from Jagdalpur, requesting anonymity, shared that the rebels were talking in Gondi and Hindi. “We were terrified. Sangham members were carrying bows and arrows but we didn’t see any other weapons, though there were also Maoists in uniform,” they said. Interior areas of Bastar wore a deserted look on Monday, with buses and other vehicles off roads and local markets closed. The banned outfit blocked roads at various places by felling trees and placing boulders. The bandh call, however, did not have any impact in the urban areas of Bastar.

India - maoists in Andhra Pradesh - indian press

Andhra Pradesh: Maoists: Waning Support
Communist Party of India – Maoist (CPI-Maoist) cadres, along with a large number of armed militia members and sympathisers, attacked and destroyed an Ashram(hermitage) of a local spiritual guru, Jaggamdora Simhachalam akaSatyanarayana, at Gurramveedhi village in the G. Madugula mandal (administrative unit) of Vishakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, in the night of January 17, 2015. Simhachalam was not at his Ashram at the time of the attack. Maoists beat up six persons present in the Ashram and set afire furniture, vehicles and a shed. Claiming responsibility for the incident the Korukonda ‘local area committee’, left pamphlets and hung a banner saying that the Ashram was attacked in retaliation to the killing of Sharath and militia member P. Ganapathi on October 19, 2014, and that Simhachalam would not be spared.
‘Divisional committee member’ Sindri China Ranga Rao aka Sharath and P. Ganapathi were lynched by locals while Maoists were taking Simhachalam to apraja court (‘people’s court’) near Korukonda Shandy,

for debate - AN sobre eventos de Paris

LA GUERRA DE AGRESIÓN IMPERIALISTA ESTÁ DE REGRESO A CASA La primera constatación y de mayor importancia para el desarrollo de la situación actual que tenemos que hacer con relación a lo ocurrido en Paris-Francia el 7 del presente mes y año es que la guerra de agresión imperialista está de regreso a casa. Es un hecho innegable que las acciones cruentas contra la redacción de la revista “Charlie Hebdo” y el mercado judio ha sido un acto de guerra que ha golpeado al imperialismo francés en su propo suelo y remecido a los demás países imperialistas, a “estremecido el débil equilibrio político europeo” apuntó The Wall Street Journal (WST, 13 de enero de 2014).
Ni el gobierno francés ni los medios a su servicio, ni lo conocido sobre los autores, planeamiento y ejecución de estas acciones de guerra permite establecer con seguridad autoría de “al Qaida” o el “Estado Islámico de Siria e Irak” ( “Estado Islámico”- ISIS o IS, por sus siglas en inglés). Claro está, que los representantes del imperialismo francés en su propaganda manipulan esto porque necesitan crear opinión pública favorable para la guerra imperialista de agresión como “guerra contra el terrorismo del IS”.

Monday, January 26, 2015

maoist actions against Obama's visit - International support people's war actions! 29-30-31 3 international days ! ICSPWI

Maoist Actions In India Against Obama's Visit Actions In India Against Obama's Visit
On a three-day visit to India, Obama will reach Delhi on January 25. ... And, India will use it against the Maoists, causing problem to the latter.” .... International Day of Solidarity and action for the political prisoners in India ...
... people'war in India! 29-30-31 JANUARY THREE DAYS OF ACTION! ... Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist Communist Party Manipur. ..... against OBAMA's visit in India - demonstration in Delhi ...
Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist Communist Party ... The most notorious form of this is the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (1958). ..... on January 26 to protest against US president Barack Obama's visit to India.
Barack Obama's India visit .... January 29-30-31, 2015 International Days of Action against Operation Green Hunt, against ...
5 giorni fa - Maoists call for people to “condemn and boycott” Obama visitIn "CPI(Maoist)". Kundapur: Anti-govt Maoist banner, pamphlets, graffiti appear in ...
10 ore fa - CPI(Maoist) and MCP Manipur Joint Statement Against Obama's Visit To India. Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist ... The recent visits of the Indian Prime Minister to various countries in Asia and ... The most notorious form of this is the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (1958). › Topics
The CPI Maoists of the Andhra Odisha Border (AOB) area have called for a bandh on January 26 to protest against US president Barack Obama's visit to India. › India › Jharkhand
01 mag 2014 - Action sought against Jharkhand police officers in connection with a Maoist ambush ... duty in connection with a Maoist ambush that left eight members of a ... INDIA. Security plan for Obama visit being finalized 40 minutes ago ... › India News › State News
Maoists call for shutdown in Jharkhand over Obama's India visit ... Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Tuesday directed the officials to initiate action against any ...

India - Obama-Modi summit - War's alleance - in interimperialist contraddition and against Indian people's war

India and US seal nuclear deal as Modi hosts Obama
Barack Obama and Indian PM Narendra Modi hug after the US president arrives in Delhi 25/01/2015 Narendra Modi broke with protocol to meet President Obama personally at the airport in Delhi

The US and India have announced a breakthrough on a pact that will allow American companies to supply India with civilian nuclear technology.
It came on the first day of President Barack Obama's visit to India.
The nuclear deal had been held up for six years amid concerns over the liability for any nuclear accident.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the nations were embarking on a "new journey" of co-operation, with stronger defence and trade ties.
Mr Obama said that the nations had declared a new friendship.

The nuclear pact had been agreed in 2008 but the US was worried about Indian laws on liability over any accidents.
Now, a large insurance pool will be set up, without the need for any further legislation.
US ambassador Richard Verma said: "It opens the door for US and other companies to come forward and actually help India towards developing nuclear power and support its non carbon-based energy production."
The leaders take tea - or coffee - in the gardens of Hyderabad House, 25 JanThe
The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says the sides also agreed to increase their bilateral trade five times, from the current $100bn (£66.7bn) a year. The US will also sell more military hardware to India.
Earlier, Mr Modi stressed the importance of the visit by breaking with protocol to receive Mr Obama personally at Delhi airport.

He said the two nations would increase cooperation on defence projects and on "eliminating terrorist safe havens and on bringing terrorists to justice".

The BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi says security around the Republic Day parade is generally tight, but this year the high-profile visit has taken preparations to a new level.
Indian security personnel keep guard in front of India Gate as it rains in New Delhi January 22, 2015.

advance people's war in India and Manipur!

Advance unity mlm that aids advancement of the people's war in the world!
Let's advance international support to people'war in India e Manipur!
Give force to International Committee support people'war in India!




Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist Communist
Party Manipur.

Unite in struggle against the Indian state!

Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist Communist Party Manipur. - important joint statement advance mlm unity long live people's war long live marxism-leninism-maoism! maoistroad 26-1-2015

Joint Statment of Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Maoist Communist Party Manipur.

Unite in struggle against the Indian state!

Under the signboard of globalisation, structural adjustment and open market economy world imperialism has announced its global agenda to further intensify the domination, exploitation and oppression of the people. The current global crisis of world imperialism has further sharpened its attacks, bringing about the inevitability of even more misery, horror, devastation and war, on a world scale. The proletariat and the oppressed people of the world continue to resist this agenda by raising revolutionary struggles, against imperialism and the subservient reactionary ruling classes of different countries, generating a new wave of people struggles all over the world, particularly in the oppressed countries. As Mao had formulated, the oppressed countries constitute the storm centres of world revolution and revolution is the main trend in the world today.

The region of South Asia continues to provide a concentrated expression of this truth. South Asia, with more than 1/5th of the world population, is a simmering volcano, as recognised by the imperialists themselves. All the major contradictions in the region are intensifying and call for revolutionary solutions.

In India, national liberation movements are continuing in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. The protracted people’s war continues to rage in Central and Eastern India and is now opening up a new front in the South West. Various people’s struggles against imperialism and the reactionary ruling classes are also surging forward. India forcibly maintains the oppressed nationalities under its hegemony. Not only does the Indian army of occupation crush their just demands with utmost brutality, they have been pitting one section of the people against the other to drown their just struggles in oceans of blood. This is to be seen in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Kashmir and Central and Eastern India. Naga regiments are deployed in the latter against the people’s war and Indian Army is deployed in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya to suppress the national liberation movements.

The Indian state is more and more functioning as the regional gendarme of US imperialism and thus fulfilling its expansionist ambitions, suppressing people’s movements in the sub-continent. Indian rulers have been even more crudely intervening in the internal affairs of neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives. The recent visits of the Indian Prime Minister to various countries in Asia and hobnobbing with US and other imperialists are new steps to preserve and consolidate its political and economic hegemony in South Asia region, contending with China. Barack Obama, the US President, comes as chief guest for the Indian expansionists’ show off parade of the 26th to promote this and tighten US control. The Indian expansionist state backed by world imperialism, particularly US imperialism, constitutes the common enemy of the peoples of South Asia.

The Modi regime of the BJP is transforming the state into a fascist apparatus to crush all types of democratic movements in India, surpassing all its predecessors. It is attacking worker’s rights and going all out to deepen imperialist penetration of the economy. It is imposing Brahmanic fascist values in all spheres of society. The main thrust of this offensive is a new phase of the ‘war on people’ (Operation Green Hunt) aimed at destroying the on-going protracted people’s war and intensification of suppression of various national movements. This means more fake encounters (of both revolutionaries and common people), more loot, destruction, mayhem, tortures and atrocities on people, more attacks, political and physical, on any kind of opposition, more trampling of civil rights, and more severe repression in various forms on political prisoners incarcerated in prisons all over the country.

State violence in India is institutionalised through constitutional immunity to the police, the paramilitary and the army. The most notorious form of this is the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (1958). The AFSPA has its roots in British colonial legislation dating back to the mid-19th century. More directly, it was based on a British colonial ordinance, called the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Ordinance promulgated in 1942 to assist in suppressing the "Quit India Movement", part of the struggle against British colonialism. The AFSPA has been operative for years together in large parts of the Northeast region of India and in Jammu Kashmir. The AFSPA empowers security forces to arrest and enter property without warrant, to shoot to kill, even in circumstances where they are not at imminent risk. It’s a license to kill and rape when they want. It has facilitated grave human rights abuses, including extrajudicial execution, "disappearance", rape and torture. Declaring an area a "disturbed area" and granting the military extensive powers is in practice imposing an undeclared emergency regime. The AFSPA has allowed members of the armed forces to perpetrate abuses with impunity. They have been shielded by clauses in the AFSPA that prohibit prosecutions from being initiated without permission from the Central government. Such permission is rarely granted.

If the AFSPA allows the most heinous suppression to be legitimised by the constitutional standards of the Indian state, all of this and worse is being done as part of ‘Operation Green Hunt’ in the battle zones of the people’s war led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in Central and Eastern India, without any pretence of legality and even in open violation of judicial sanctions. Here the victims are mainly the adivasis and dalits at the bottommost layers of society. In a span of ten years nearly two thousand have been killed and countless more brutally tortured, and jailed. This brutal multi-pronged countrywide offensive on people’s various resistances, particularly targeting the Maoist movement, has been raging unabated, since its launch in mid-2009 by the UPA-2 government till date. Preparations for its Third Phase are going on at a rapid pace under the fascist NDA Government.

The peoples of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya and Jammu Kashmir have been for long victims of the Indian state’s counter insurgency operations. Thousands have been killed by the heartless Indian armed forces. In Manipur alone, according to rough estimates, eight thousand nine hundred and eighty three beloved people have been killed, under the AFSPA. The sixteen lakh indigenous population in Manipur live under the jackboots of one lakh Indian armed forces killers equipped with sophisticated weapons.

This is the real face of Indian ‘democracy’. This is the reality of the Indian Republic. It is a prison house of nations. It is a sweathouse for imperialism and its comprador lackeys. It is a torture chamber for the oppressed and exploited.

We appeal to the people, to the oppressed nationalities and the exploited, all over India,

Let us all unite to overthrow the Indian state and destroy this monstrosity!

Let us support each other in our struggles!

Let us advance along the path of protracted people’s war guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Let us fan the flames of new democratic revolution and thus serve the cause of the world socialist revolution!

Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Maoist Communist Party Manipur.
26th January 2015

Tsipras – first comment about GREECE elections – PCm Italy

unofficial traslations

Syriza won the electoral challenge.

They got the consent of the masses, tired of the policies of sacrifice and misery imposed by the Troika in the last years, the fierce unloading of the crisis that condemned the Greece to be poorer and poorer and has saved, so far, the banks and, partially, the masters. A deep crisis that has seen the answer of the masses of Greece with a general struggle, sieges and assaults to the parliament and other institutions. Thus, behind the success of Syryza there are primarily the masses. Therefore, proletari comunisti - PCm Italy firstly considers this result a fruit of the struggle of the masses.
It was neither easy or granted. The corrupt political forces tied to the European and domestic finance, the speculation and corruption, have tried to prevent and restrain this result. They fed the most dangerous of the European fascist formations, Golden Dawn, which had tried with the demagogy and the anti-migrants and anti-left violence to occupy a prominent place in the political scene and impose the fascist option amidst the crisis of the country. The masses, and even more the proletarian, student, rebel youth are those who fought in the front line the fascists, the police infiltrated and the State that defended them.
Syriza took advantage of the radical action of the masses and the youth rebellion, has capitalized and used them in the electoral arena. The result of the elections in Greece is relevant if you think that the “communist” list too has reached a significant percentage, this also was not granted, in a climate of strong polarization. Anyway, the wind that comes from Greece is a wind of change and putting into discussion the big capital and of European imperialism.
Of course now we are at a crucial point. Tsipras and Syriza are not a revolutionary force, but a new social-democracy. Their program is illusory in the just aspects favorable to the masses, and achievable only in its, so say so, pragmatic part, of which Tsipras boasts and that is recognized, of reconciliation of the interests of the Greek bourgeoisie with those of the European bourgeoisie, led by Germany (Tsipras has made statements of maximum opening to the latest decisions of Draghi and ECB). This reconciliation can not change, except in small details, the living conditions of the masses. It can not give them a job, a house, a wage to live, a decent health care and even less can give them the real power to decide on their present and future.
For this, while it may appear the outcome of a fight, the victory of Tsipras is a stage of it and must be a new beginning. If the electoral victory stops the struggles, then the masses and above all the proletarians, the youth, will lose, and the fate of SYRIZA will be those of all social-democracies, to cover the capital, to serve the capital, to represent the capital in the clash between the bourgeois State and the masses.
But another problem begins to emerge and with the rise of Syriza will be even more clear. Greece is in an international context of a new tendency to the war and becomes a country in the trenches of the contention between the Western imperialist countries, led by US, and Russia, already grappling with a crisis on its doorstep in Ukraine. Greece borders one of the fiercest regional powers in the ascendant, Turkey, which on the one hand, as a prop of NATO and, on the other hand, as capitalism in its own, has always played a role of control and aggression towards Greece. So, the internal contention in Greece combines with the international situation, combining both the aspects of the class struggle, the revolutionary struggle for socialism and the anti-imperialist liberation struggle. The putschist and fascist traditions, supported by NATO, are a permanent feature in Greece. Confronted to all this, Syriza is a boat in a stormy sea, a crock pot amidst iron pots.
Proletari Comunisti - PCm Italy supports the workers and the masses who rejoice today, as well as all the forces that want the fight continues, the rebellion continues, against imperialism, capitalism and reaction. The days to come in Greece will be difficult days. It needs to have confidence in the masses, to build the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Party in the fire of the class struggle in close tie with the masses, to build a united front that gathers the masses who voted Syriza, to build a fighting force that challenges the fascist reaction, the bourgeois State, the open or covert troops of NATO imperialism and their hitman in the region, the Turkey of Erdogan.
PCm Italy
26 January, 2015

India: Contra la visita de Obama ....

India: Contra la visita de Obama guerrilleros maoístas atacan un hotel en Kerala y el Comité del PCI (Maoísta) de la Frontera Andhra Odisha llama a la huelga general el 26 de Enero

25 Enero 2015: El canal de noticias internacionales RT  informa que guerrilleros maoístas indios han atacado un hotel de propiedad estatal en el turístico estado de Kerala en protesta contra la visita del presidente Barack Obama a la India. Seis hombres enmascarados armados con rifles de asalto irrumpieron en el hotel Tamarind Easy Hotel, situado en Thirunelli, en el estado suroccidental de Kerala y propiedad de la Corporación de Desarrollo Turístico de Kerala, informa 'The Indian Express'. Los atacantes rompieron los cristales del edificio, destrozaron por completo el interior y destruyeron equipos y mobiliario de oficina (ver imagen). El guardia de seguridad del hotel dijo a la Policía que los maoístas escribieron en las paredes lemas y consignas antiestadounidenses para protestar contra la visita de Obama. Posteriormente los hombres armados huyeron hacia un bosque cercano al hotel. Se informó de que ni el guardia de seguridad ni los turistas que se hospedaban en el establecimiento sufrieron ningún daño.
Además la agencia de noticias TNN en un despacho desde Visakhapatnam informa que la organización del PCI (Maoísta) en la zona de Frontera Andhra Odisha ha llamado a un bandh (huelga general) el lunes 26 de enero contra la visita a la India del cabecilla del imperialismo yanqui Obama. En un comunicado de prensa firmado por Vijayalakshmi, secretaria del comité de la zona de Korukonda llama al pueblo a que la huelga general sea un éxito y advierte con castigar a aquellos que estén ligados a la policía.

Sobre la campaña del PCI (Maoísta) contra la visita de Obama a la India ver también en el blog de Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo:


Jan 19: Dalits angry as Bihar court acquits 24 accused in 1999 massacre

January 19, 2015
Dalits angry as Bihar court acquits 24 accused in 1999 massacre
Family members of the Dalits who were killed in 1999 in Bihar’s Arwal
district, allegedly by activists of outlawed Ranvir Sena, are
disheartened over the release of all the accused.
Additional District Court judge Raghvendra Kumar Singh on Tuesday
acquitted 24 accused in Shankarbigha massacre case for lack of
sufficient evidence against them.
Etwaria Devi, in her late 50s, lost her husband Ganga Paswan and
another relative Nanhu Paswan in the massacre of 22 Dalits on January
25, 1999, at Shankar Bigha village.
The surviving family members are not only upset and sad over the
verdict, they are also angry and feel there is nobody to do them
“There is no one to do justice to the poor like us. We have only pain
and misery in our life,” said Etwaria Devi in a choked voice.
Another resident of the village, Rajmani Devi, whose husband,
father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law were killed in the
massacre, said: “Who cares for justice to the poor? We have lost hope.
It is bad news for us that all accused were acquitted.”
Both of them said they have no hope left as money and muscle power of
the powerful feudal forces were responsible for the gruesome incident.
Lakshman Ram, a village elderly, said most of the villagers were
unhappy and angry over the court acquittal.
“The villagers are not ready to accept that the accused have been let
off…,” said villager Ram, who also had lost a relative.
He also blamed the police and the state government for the acquittals.
“The police did not file a strong chargesheet with solid evidence
against them…,” he claimed.
All the Dalit victims were landless agricultural workers.
Shankar Bigha is located near Lakshmanpur-Bathe where the Ranvir Sena
killed 61 agricultural workers belonging to backward communities in
December 1997.
This is the fifth major acquittal in a massacre case in the state.
In 2012, the high court acquitted 23 accused of Bathani Tola massacre
of 1996 in which 21 Dalits were killed.
On October 9, 2013, the Patna High Court acquitted 26 accused of the
Lakshmanpur-Bathe massacre of 1997.
On July 3, 2013, the high court acquitted nine of the 10 accused in
the Miyanpur massacre case of 2000 in which the Ranvir Sena men
allegedly killed 32 people in Aurangabad.
On March 1, 2013, the high court acquitted 11 convicted accused in the
Nagari Bazaar massacre case in which 10 CPI-ML supporters, mostly
Dalits, were killed in Bhojpur district in 1998.
- See more at:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

against OBAMA's visit in India - demonstration in Delhi

Many progressive democratic and patriotic organizations will hold a protest against Barack Obama being invited as Chief Guest of republic Day ceremony by Modi Government. Obama heads the imperialist plunderers the world, is foremost war mongerer. He is coming here to seek further dilution of nuclear liability bill, make more strategic defense deals. The details of the programme are as follows:

Date: January 24th, 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 12:00 noon onwards
Venue: Jantar Mantar
Participating Organizations
All India Federation of Trade Unions (New),r, Democratic Students’ Union, Desh Videsh, Indian Federation of Trade Unions, Inqalabi Majadoor Kendra, Krantikari Naujawan Sabha, Majdoor Patrika, Mazadoor Ekata Kendra, Morcha, Nowruz, New Democratic Party of India, Parivartankami Chatra Sangathan, Peoples’ Democratic Front of India, Peoples’ Front, Delhi, Pragatisheel Mahila Ekata Kendra, Progressive Democratic Students’ Union, Revolutionary Democratic Front, Sanhati Delhi...others

Maoist road call to the International support to Manipur revolution ! 26 january international information by maoistroad and night of solidarity in USA

Dear Comrade,
US President Mr. Barak Obama is going to grace the India’s Republic Day Celebration on 26th January 2015 as a Chief Guest of the Function. The main agenda of the present fascist communal Government of India for inviting US president as a Chief Guest in the celebration is nothing but a strong message of consolidating anti-people reactionary alliance of the Imperialist world. We the proletarian revolutionary people of the world must unite and prepare to fight the Imperialism. So I Therefore would like to request the genuine revolutionary party and citizen of United States to support Revolutionary movement of Manipur. International Committee of Solidarity for Manipur Revolution calls for “International Protest Day against Indian Expansionism” under the banner of “End the Indian Occupation in Manipur” on 26th January 2015 in New York, USA.
State violence in India is institutionalized through a culture of institutional impunity to the police, the paramilitary and the army. In June 1984, Thousands of Sikh People were killed and hundreds of Sikh women were gang raped in the sanctity of golden temple by the Indian Army during ‘Operation Blue Star’. In Jammu and Kashmir Thousands of People were killed and In the village of Kuman-Poshpura in Kashmir valley, about 100 women were mass raped by the Indian Army in a single night of 23rd Feb 1991, Hundreds of peoples disappeared. Hundreds of Muslim People were killed and hundreds women were gang raped by security forces during the anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat in 2002, as the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi just watched. Almost Ten Thousand of people have been killed in Manipur under the Armed Forces Special powers act 1958 is an example of Indian Army’s on-going war on people in the South Asian Sub-Continent which is presently kept under Indian Colony. Operation Green Hunt is another example of hypocrisy of the so-called “largest democracy in the world”. Is really mean India a republic? India is a Prison house of various nation and nationalities.
Under the signboard of globalization, structural adjustment and open market economy; world imperialism has announced its global agenda to further intensify the domination, exploitation and oppression of the people. The agenda reflects a new spiral of crisis of world imperialism bringing about the inevitability of even more misery, horror, devastation and war, on a world scale. The proletariat and the oppressed people of the world continue to resist this agenda by raising revolutionary struggles, against imperialism and the subservient reactionary ruling classes of different countries, generating a new wave of people struggles all over the world, particularly in the oppressed countries. As Mao had formulated, the oppressed countries constitute the storm centers of world revolution and revolution is the main trend in the world today. The region of South Asia continues to provide a concentrated expression of this truth. South Asia, with more than 1/5th of the world population, is a simmering volcano, as recognized by the imperialists themselves. All the major contradictions in the region are intensifying and call for revolutionary solutions.
National liberation movements are continuing in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and other South Asian Sub continent. Various people’s struggles against imperialism and the reactionary ruling classes are also surging forward. India continues to forcibly maintain the oppressed nationalities within Indian hegemony. Not only does the Indian army of occupation crush their just demands with utmost brutality, they have been pitting one section of the people against the other to drown their just struggles in oceans of blood. This is to be seen in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Kashmir and Maoist liberated areas of Mainland India. Naga regiments are deploying at Maoist Liberated area to oppress the Dalit and Adhivasis people and Indian Army are deploying in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya to oppress the Indigenous Peoples.
The irresistible advance of the New Democratic Revolution and Protracted People’s War in India led by The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is changing the political geography and revolutionary dynamics of South Asia. The emerging new wave of protracted people’s war is clearly visible in India. The Indian ruling classes under the leadership of the BJP, sharpening their offensive against the on-going protracted people’s war and various nationality movements in South East Himalayan Region which are now kept under their Colony. Various operational command units have been formed to suppress these struggles and the central government is directly coordinating all the various operations. The BJP, a Hindu chauvinist force, announced that an integrated and comprehensive strategy to root out the Maoist movement in the country would be soon finalized. The ‘usual’ encounters and fake encounters (of both revolutionaries and common people) are on with not a single day passing in the movement areas without cordon and search & combing operations, areas dominations, loot, destruction, mayhem, tortures and atrocities on people by the government forces. Attacks, political and physical, on any kind of opposition, trampling of civil rights and revolutionary workers’, peasants’, students’ and women’s, threats and attacks on revolutionary and democratic organisations and severe repression in various forms on political prisoners incarcerated in prisons all over the country are continuing unabated. They are now going to transform the state into a fascist apparatus and adopting to crush all types of democratic movements in India, surpassing all its predecessors.
It has also started functioning as the gendarme of US imperialism in order to fulfill its expansionist ambitions, suppressing people’s movements in the sub-continent. Indian rulers have been even more crudely intervening in the internal affairs of neighboring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives. The recent visit of Indian Prime Minister at various parts of the Asia and US is a new step to consolidate its political and economic hegemony in the South Asian region.
The Indian expansionist state backed by world imperialism, particularly US imperialism, constitutes the common enemy of the people of South Asia. This provides a concrete political basis for fighting the common enemy is become a Revolutionary necessary of South Asian sub continents. Without Fighting the Imperialist Indian State there will be no advancement of Revolutionary movement in Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri-Lanka and all so called North East Part of India which are under colonial rule. The increasing collusion between Indian Expansionism and National Bourgeois of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka can be clearly seen in the politics of the region in recent SAARC Summit held at Kathmandu on 26th and 27th November 2014. Indian Media’s clearly mentioned that India is no more in the position of Big Brother but as a Big Boss of the South Asian Countries. The Reactionary Government of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and are supported by the Indian Reactionary Government and Indian rulers have been working as prop of US Imperialism in Asia. The Indian rulers seek total domination of the countries of South Asia acting as the props of the US in this region. It is very clear that without fighting Imperialist India, there will be no advancement of Revolutionary Movement in entire South Asian sub-continent.
The North East part of India which is under Indian colony has been controlled by imposing the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (1958). The AFSPA has its roots in British colonial legislation dating back to the mid-19th century. More directly, it was based on a British colonial ordinance, called the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Ordinance promulgated in 1942 to assist in suppressing the "Quit India Movement", a phase in the movement for Indian independence. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) a law operative in "disturbed areas", including large parts of the Northeast region of India and Jammu Kashmir, has facilitated grave human rights abuses, including extrajudicial execution, "disappearance", rape and torture. Declaring an area a "disturbed area" and granting the military extensive powers is in practice imposing an undeclared emergency regime. The AFSPA has not only led to human rights violations, but it has allowed members of the armed forces to perpetrate abuses with impunity. They have been shielded by clauses in the AFSPA that prohibit prosecutions from being initiated without permission from the central government. Such permission is rarely granted.
The AFSPA empowers security forces to arrest and enter property without warrant and gives the security forces power to shoot to kill in circumstances where members of the security forces are not at imminent risk. It’s a license to kill and rape when they want. It facilitates impunity because no person can start legal action against any members of the armed forces for anything done under the Act, or purported to be done under the Act, without permission of the Central Government.
We all know that we the people of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya are the most vulnerable victims of Indian counter Insurgency Operation. Thousands of our beloved Peoples have been killed by the heartless Indian Armed Forces. Only in Manipur 8983 (Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Three) beloved people had killed by the Indian Armed Forces under the Armed Forces Special Powers act 1958. The death toll is very uncertain that it’s a biggest threat to the Indigenous population of Manipur. We have only 16,000,00 (1.6 Million) indigenous population in Manipur which control by the One hundred Thousand (100,000) of Indian democratic Killers equipped with sophisticated weapons like AK 47 Riffles, Insas-Riffles, 80 mm Motors, MP 5 Rifles and so on.
So I Therefore once again would like to request the genuine revolutionary party and citizen of United States to support Revolutionary movement of Manipur. International Committee of Solidarity for Manipur Revolution calls for “International Protest Day against Indian Expansionism” on 26th January 2015 in front of the office of the Consulate General of India, New York. The Protest will be held under the banner of “End the Indian Occupation in Manipur”.
Thanks and regards,
Organizing Committee
International Protest Day against Indian Expansionism
International Committee of Solidarity for Manipur Revolution.

India Maoists to launch protests against Presidential visit ‘Go Back Barack Obama!’ BASTAR- ODISHA


Go back Barack Obama: Bastar
Maoists to launch protests against Presidential visit ‘Go Back Barack Obama!’ This is how Naxal cadres in Maoist hotbed Bastar are “welcoming” US President Barack Obama, the country’s chief guest on the Republic Day. On a three-day visit to India, Obama will reach Delhi on January 25. To make themselves heard across the country, the Maoists have given a call for Dandakaranya Bandh on January 26. There are hand-written red banners, posters and pamphlets all overin the Dandakaranya region. The Maoists have also sent releases to various newspapers and television channels in Chhattisgarh to communicate their stand on Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Maoists in India consider both these leaders as their enemies No.1.
The Left-wing extremists have given an economic twist to their protest. Through pamphlets and press releases, they have strongly opposed Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in banking, insurance, mining, defence, retail, telecom and education sectors. CRPF personnel stand guard in a Naxal-hit area. AFP. “The Maoists have put up banners and distributed pamphlets in Dantewada opposing the visit of the Obama. They are making clear their opposition to FDI and the capitalism. To them whoso-ever joins hands with America is their enemy. They have raised slogans against the Indian government as well,” RK Vij, ADG (Naxal Operations) Chhattisgarh told Firstpost.
He added, “By creating disturbances in the Red Corridor, their objective is to make their presence felt when the US President is in India. But we’re keeping a close watch on their activities.” Red Corridor is the Naxal-infested region in the east of India spanning 10 states, including Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. “It was an obvious move expected from the Maoists as they don’t want India to lean towards the US. They would create disturbances prior to Obama’s visit, to mark their presence and malign the country,” remarked Anil Kamboj, a counter-terrorism analyst. He added, “India’s increased closeness to the US is a geo-political strategic move and if everything goes well, India will gain technological support. And, India will use it against the Maoists, causing problem to the latter.”
Copies of a few of the Maoist releases in possession of Firstpost bear the signature of Gudsa Usendi, the spokesperson of Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee of the CPI (Maoist). Opposing to the proposed reforms in Labour laws, Coal bill etc, the Naxals across the Red Corridor have called for burning of effigies of ‘tourist’ Obama and Modi, by accusing both as “Fascists”. “The Maoists have adopted multiple-approach to communicate their protests against the visit of Barack Obama. Apart from distributing pamphlets and posters, they have issued releases to the press through emails. They have expressed opposition to FDI, Coal Bill and asked villagers to boycott the Panchayat election in Chhattisgarh. Expecting some kind of disturbances around the Republic Day we’ve beefed up security in the region,” said Dipanshu Kabra, DIG (SIB), Chhattisgarh.
The Maoists had attacked a team of the Chhattisgarh Armed Force on an anti-Naxal operation near Bilaspur three days ago. It had left three jawans injured. According to Rishi Bhatnagar, a Bastar-based journalist, “The Maoists always mark their protest during India’s national events like Republic Day and Independence Day by displaying black flags in the ‘liberated’ zones in Dandakaranya. After the last ambush at Kasalpad in Sukma on December 1, 2014, there was a hiatus in Naxal activities in the region, but to get back into the news ahead of Obama’s visit, they attacked security forces in Bijapur two days back. There can be more.” An intelligence agency source added, “The Maoists have also registered their protests in other parts of the Red Corridor. In an attempt to draw international attention they would try to create disturbances in their regions as well around Republic Day.”

Maoists to observe Jan 26 as Black Day in south Odisha
Protesting the anti people policies of the Central government and the visit of US president Barrack Obama to India to attend the Republic Day celebrations in the national capital, the Maoists have decided to observe January 26 as a Black Day in five south Odisha districts. In an audio release to the media on Thursday night, top Maoist leader and secretary of Bansadhara-Ghumusar-Nagavali Divisional Committee Umakant said the farmers of our country are unable to spend Rs 20 per day. Unabale to repay their loans, they are forced to commit suicide, he said. “The Centre has not taken any steps to overcome the unemployment problem. There are around 50 crore unemployed youths in the country. Besides, the Centre has not thought of the future of the nearly 10 crore of child labourers who are working as migrant and bonded labourers,” he pointed out. Referring to the law and order situation, the Maoist leader said a woman in India is either subject to atrocity or rape every half-an-hour.
Coming down heavily on the double standards of the Centre and the state government, he said contrary to the announcement of a pro-tribal policy, the tribals have been deprived of their rights on land, forest and water that have been handed over to the multi-national companies (MNCs). “Besides, the Odisha Police, in its anti-Maoist operation in association with the Central para-military forces, has been torturing innocent tribals by branding them as Maoists and Maoist sympathizers,” he said.
The Maoist leader also alleged that the Narendra Modi led government, which had come to power by assuring the people of bringing back black money stashed abroad, has now gone back on its promise and is working for the MNCs. Condemning the visit of the US president, the Maoist spokesperson said the USA government, in the name of waging war against the extremists, has been killing thousands of innocent civilians all over the world to accomplish its imperialism goal. “For this, we strongly condemn the visit of the US president and have decided to observe the Republic Day as Black Day in Rayagada, Ganjam, Gajapati, Kandhamal and Kalahandi districts,” Umakant said.

India - Obama's visit in india is also for ' establish a joint programme ..with terror incidents' - OBAMA GO HOME CRY INDIAN PEOPLE AND MAOISATS!

India looks to US for lessons in teamwork to defuse the IED threat, says report
To effectively counter the menace of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), India may soon establish a joint programme to integrate counter-IED efforts of defence ministry, Union Ministry of Home Affairs (UMHA) and agencies involved in dealing with terror incidents, reports The Times of India on January 24. Report said that the idea is being seriously looked at by the Government following the recently concluded counter-IED meet between India and United States (US) in Washington. Sources said the four-day meet, which began on January 15, was an experience sharing exercise where officials from the internal security apparatus of both countries exchanged ideas on challenges in their respective countries, ways to counter them, nature of explosives and use of technology.

INDIA - Neither and none can stop people's war guided by PCI (Maoist)!

Naxals set 14 vehicles on fire to stall road work
Nagpur: The rebels of banned outfit Communist party of India (Maoist), also known as Naxals, on Thursday set on fire around 14 vehicles of an Andhra Pradesh-based private company engaged in road construction in Dhanora tehsil of north Gadchiroli. This is the second such major incident in Dhanora tehsil within a year’s span. Naxals had torched around 27 vehicles, engaged in construction of road between Dhanora and Godalvahi via Pustola, in January last year....The company is likely to have suffered a loss worth around a couple of crores. Gadchiroli police have not registered an offence even after 24 hours of the incident as neither the public works department (PWD) nor the private contractor came forward to lodge complaint at Dhanora police station.

Maoists rebuild base after combat ops
RAIPUR: Shaken by Chhattisgarh police’s intensive combat operations, Naxalites are trying to rebuild their base ahead of panchayat polls by threatening villagers to either support their candidate or boycott elections. According to police, Naxalites have been holding meetings in the interiors of Sukma, Dantewada, Bijapur and Narayanpur districts of Bastar division from last month following the declaration of four-phase panchayat polls in state scheduled to begin from January 28.
The cadres of outlawed CPI (Maoist) have scaled their visits to the villages and are holding meetings of villagers, including candidates, in areas where they had faced severe setback due to aggressive combat, patrol and surrender during past couple of months, police sources said. They are appealing to villagers to expand the base of ‘Janatana Sarkar’ (self-styled people’s government of Maoists)
. “Though Naxalites don’t have faith in the democratic process, they apparently feel that capturing seats of village head in the remote areas would certainly help them mobilise tribal masses in their favour,” an official said. “There are several factors which influence the local polls. However, we are aware of every situation (Naxalites holding meetings) and have beefed up operations to foil their evil bid,”
Maoists trigger IED blast on Visakhapatnam-Raipur railway line in Odisha

Bomb disposal squad visited the site of the blast, suspected to have been carried out by Maoists, the SP said adding that investigation was on. Rail services on the route were disrupted for sometime and about half a dozen trains were stranded at Kesinga, Muniguda and Rayagada railway stations. In a banner found from the site, Vansadhara-Nagabali and Ghumusar division of banned CPI (Maoist) claimed responsibility for the blast saying they were opposed to the forthcoming India visit of US President Barack Obama, police officials said.
Land acquisition ordinance kicks up controversy
Anandram Rathore’s attempt to self-immolate would have become just a footnote in a country where suicides by farmers is common but for the circumstances surrounding the desperate act. The 45-year-old farmer from a nondescript Madhya Pradesh village had acted in protest against acquisition of his land for a private power plant. Around the same time a week ago, tribal farmers of 20 villages in Chhattisgarh adopted a resolution, protesting fresh allocation of coal blocks in forest land. In Rajasthan, too, farmers announced plans to hold a massive protest demonstration in Delhi against the Centre for “trampling” on their rights.
Maoist involvement in Bihar blast suspected, say Police
Following a bomb blast in Arrah’s Civil Court on January 23, where three persons were killed including a Police Constable and 16 injured, Police said that Communist Party of India-Maoist’s (CPI-Maoist) involvement in the blast cannot be ruled out, reports The Deccan Chronicle. According to one of the Police personal deployed said “A woman was seen talking on phone and when the prisoner van arrived she started to walk towards the van while still talking on her phone, blast occurred when the Police Constable tried to stop her”.


Arun Ferreira releases Colours Of The Cage: A Prison Memoir
Three political activists, arrested on different days from different parts of the country and lodged in separate jails, narrated how they were all subjected to similar methods of torture by the police. “The police took me to different parts of Mumbai after the arrest and threatened to bump me off,” said Vernon Gonsalves, a political activist who was arrested in 2007 from Mumbai and lodged in Nagpur jail. Mr Gonsalves’ experience was curiously similar to that of Piyush Guhas, a small entrepreneur . “After I was picked up from Raipur (in Chhattisgarh), police asked me about my ‘last wishes’ indicating that I will be bumped off sooner than later,” said Mr Guha. Acknowledging that he also was subjected to similar psychological torture, writer-activist Arun Ferreira gave graphic details of violence at multiple levels in police and judicial custody.
“The police pumped 20 millilitre of petrol in the rectum of one of the prisoners who kept discharging blood for two months, besides smelling of petrol when he belched,” said Mr Ferreira, who also was lodged in Nagpur prison. Mr Ferreira gave an account of Narco Analysis and Brain Mapping,” particularly on the Muslims who are arrested on terror related charges. “During Narco Analysis tests, the accused who is drugged could be asked a particular question and his or her answer is recorded. Later, the question is replaced thus making it appear that the accused has named others as co-accused… this is a clear distortion of facts,” said Mr Ferreira. All activists were arrested for their alleged connection with the Communist Party of India (Maoist).

por el debate - texto de Colombia - “En Colombia: pacifismo armado. En la India: Guerra Popular”

 – Artículo de “Revolución Obrera”, órgano de la Unión Obrera Comunista (MLM) de Colombia

Nota – Reproducimos a continuación el artículo “En Colombia: pacifismo armado. En la India: Guerra Popular” publicado en el órgano de la Unión Obrera Comunista (MLM) de Colombia Revolución Obrera  nº 420, de 23 de Enero de 2015 :
Para los intereses de las masas, hay guerra justas y guerra injustas; las que llevan agua al molino de la revolución son las justas; y las que alimentan la explotación y el sojuzgamiento, la paz entre ricos y pobres, la conciliación de clases, la confianza en el Estado burgués, son guerras injustas.
Dos actuales ejemplos de este tipo de guerras se están viviendo hoy en la India y Colombia. En ambos países de libran guerras internas con mucho derramamiento de sangre, con combatientes en varias partes del territorio, y con contendores en apariencia similares, pues son hijos del pueblo alzados en armas contra las fuerzas armadas de Estados reaccionarios. Sin embargo, son guerra de contenido y rumbo completamente diferentes.
En la India, existe como punta de lanza, el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), fundado por varias organizaciones revolucionarias de la India en el año 2004, como resultado del proceso de re-organización de los comunistas de ese país que después de un periodo de lucha por la unidad, lograron reagruparse y fundar el nuevo Partido, sobre las bases de la guerra popular que se venía adelantando por parte de las masas populares desde el año de 1967, año en el cual se dio el gran levamiento de la región de Naxalbari, dirigido por el Partido Comunista de la India (ML) del cual recordamos a los camaradas Charu Mazumdar y Kanhai Chatterjee, además de otros grandes dirigentes de las masas indias de aquella época, en particular, obreros y campesinos pobres.

Un documento - siglado PARTIDO COMUNISTA DEL PERU - 3 de Diciembre del 2014

¡ Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
Podría decirse de nuestro proceso que durante tantos años estamos
forzando la realidad ?¿Quién ha planteado el carácter semifeudal,
Semicolonial y capitalista burocrática de la sociedad peruana?
nosotros y somos nosotros quienes estamos develando el carácter
reaccionario del viejo Estado terrateniente-burocrático, pro imperialista
Quién antes ,que partido político lo ha demostrado ante las masas?
¿Quién ha definido el carácter de la revolución democrática hoy en
camino ininterrumpido al socialismo y a través de revoluciones
culturales llegar al comunismo ? El Presidente Gonzalo, el Partido Comunista
del Perú . Y lo hacemos aplicando en la práctica lo que predicamos de palabra
durante años, porque somos marxistas desde que Mariátegui nos fundó
como Partido marxista-leninista, creemos que un Partido se constituye para
Tomar el Poder político y no para ser Partido en sí, más en este país desde los
años ´60 el Partido fue reconstituido y se retomaron las bases marxistas de su
fundación, se derrotó y barrió al revisionismo y el Partido desarrolló a la luz
del maoísmo generando un pensamiento específico, propio, aplicando a las
condiciones objetivas de nuestra sociedad, el Pensamiento Gonzalo devinien-
do en Partido de Nuevo Tipo, Partido reconstituido marxista-leninista-maoísta,
pensamiento Gonzalo. Luego manejando las leyes del proceso de la sociedad
peruana contemporánea y aplicando la ideología desarrolló la tesis maoísta
del capitalismo burocrático y mostró así los dos caminos que se dan en el
Perú, y se concluyó que habiendo llegado al tercer momento del capitalismo
Burocrático y teniendo Partido de Nuevo Tipo lo que nos correspondía como
respuesta dialéctica materialista histórica , lo que se debía responder a las
condiciones objetivas y subjetivas existentes era que el Partido se levantara
en armas y dirigiera a las masas para con lucha armada y Nuevo Poder desa-
rrollar esa situación revolucionaria y generar la crisis revolucionaria para
conquistar y defender el Poder . Y ¿Qué Partido hay en el Perú que tenga
una dirección marxista-leninista-maoísta ,pensamiento Gonzalo? Un marxista
cabal, ortodoxo, capaz de defender el marxismo elevándolo a niveles que ni se
imaginan cuanto aporta a las revoluciones en el mundo hoy? ¿Quién ha esta-
blecido todas esas leyes de la sociedad, del Estado, del Partido, de la revolu-
ción, de la Guerra Popular, del ejército y del Nuevo Poder ?Todo lo ha hecho el
el Presidente Gonzalo, el más grande marxista -leninista -maoísta que existe
hoy en la tierra ¿ Alguien puede demostrar lo contrario? ” .
Presidente Gonzalo
(Doc. “Sobre las Dos Colinas ” 1991)
En este aniversario del natalicio de nuestro querido y respetado Presidente Gonzalo, y de la creación y conformación del Ejército de Nuevo Tipo, hoy Ejército Popular de Liberación, el Partido Comunista del Perú expresa su saludo y sujeción firme y resuelta a nuestra Jefatura el Presidente Gonzalo, jefe del Partido y la revolución, dando el firme compromiso de Defender su Salud y Vida con Guerra Popular; asimismo expresamos nuestra sujeción consciente y voluntaria a nuestra todopoderosa ideología el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo, principalmente el maoísmo a nivel internacional, y a su aplicación concreta y creadora el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo, pensamiento Gonzalo principalmente el pensamiento Gonzalo para la revolución peruana. Pensamiento Gonzalo punto de partida de nuestra Base de Unidad Partidaria