Peru - police clash with antimining demo in Lima

from dem volke dienen

In Marcona gab am 25. Mai Proteste von Arbeitern des chinesischen Konzerns Shougang, der massenweise Menschen auf die Straße setzte. Bei diesen Protesten wurden unter anderem die Büros des Konzerns in Brand gesetzt. Die Bullen setzten gegen die protestierenden alles ein, was sie hatten, neben massivem Einsatz von Tränengas schossen sie auch mit scharfer Munition, wobei sie mehrere Arbeiter verletzten und einen erschossen.
Die Proteste gegen das Projekt Tía Marí, halten Peru zeitgleich weiter in Aufruhr, am 29. Mai gab es in Lima eine Demonstration mit über 2000 Teilnehmern, bei der es auch zu heftigen Auseinandersetzungen mit den Bullen kam.

Brasil - Estado genocida massacra indígenas

"Três indígenas assassinados entre a última semana de abril e primeira semana de maio. É a marca do genocídio praticado pelas mãos do gerenciamento petista em todo o território."…/5903-estado-genocida-ma…

Estado genocida massacra indígenas - com Informações do Conselho Indigenista Missionário – Cimi

Antikriegsdemo 16.6. 17 Uhr Morzinplatz Wien

30. Mai 2015
[igmk] Bündnissaufruf gegen die NATO/EU – Kriegskonferenz am 16.Juni in Wien
[igmk] Bündnissaufruf gegen die NATO/EU – Kriegskonferenz am 16.Juni in Wien
Auf die Straße gegen die NATO/ EU – Kriegskonferenz!
Antikriegsdemo: 16.Juni 2015/ 17 Uhr/ Morzinplatz (Schwedenplatz)
Keine Kollaboration mit den Faschist_innen in der Ukraine!
Schluss mit der Kriegsvorbereitung – Schluss mit der Kriegspropaganda!
Bündnissaufruf Kurzform:
Am 16./ 17. Juni 2015 findet in Wien die NATO –
“Sicherheitskonferenz”, ein Ableger der SIKO in München, die u.a. von
der deutschen Regierung, der deutschen Bundeswehr und den großen EU –
Rüstungskonzernen gesponsert wird, zum Schwerpunkt “Ukraine –
Konflikt” statt. Bei dem Treffen wirbt der ukrainische Präsident
Poroschenko, dem die G7 – Staaten großzügig zum Wahlsieg verholfen
haben, höchstpersönlich um militärischen, finanzielle und politische
Unterstützung der EU – Staaten für weitere Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen
Russland und jene Staaten, die sich der westlichen Diktion nicht

Paris for HDF

HF’ye yönelik saldırılar Paris’te basın açıklamasıyla protesto edildi

imagePARİS (30-05-2015) Paris’te  Türkiye Kuzey Kurdistan’lıların yoğun olarak yaşadığı 10 Paris’te,” GEÇİT YOK! HEPİMİZ DHF’LİYİZ” (ADHK) pankartı ardında toplanılarak, saat 18’de başlayan basın açıklamasında, DHF’ye yapılan saldırıların nedenleri, gerekçeleri anlatılarak, dayanışmanın önemine değinildi.
Ardından hazırlanan Türkçe ve Fransızca açıklama okundu. Açıklama, “Hepimiz DHF’liyiz”, “Kahrolsun Faşist Türk Devleti”, “Yaşasın halkların dayanışması” şeklinde atılan Fransızca Türkçe sloganlarla kesildi.
Açılan döviz ve taşınan ADHK bayraklarıyla gerçekleştirilen basın açıklamasında, uluslararası tutsaklarla dayanışma örgütü adına da bir dayanışma metini okundu.
Kitlesel bir sahiplenmenin yaşandığı basın açıklaması ve miting, sloganlar eşliğinde yürüyüşe çevrilerek.Dayanışma eylemi amacına uygun olarak, sonuçlandırıldı.

İstanbul’da barajlar yıkıldı - HDP

IMG_17457 Haziran seçimlerine hız katan HDP İstanbul mitingini tamamladı. Milyonların katıldığı mitingte kitle hep bir ağızdan “Erdoğan seni başkan yaptırmayacağız” sloganlarını haykırdı. İstanbul bölge adaylarının katılımı  ile başlayan mitingte, Aynur Doğan vb sanatçılarda ezgileri ile katılarak çeşitli inanç ve milliyetlerden Türkiye halkının ezgilerini kitleyle buluşturdu.
AKP tarafından çeşitli bahanelerle iptal edilen mitinge olan ilgi görülmeye değerken bu ilgi sahneye çıkan ve konuşma yapan adaylar tarafından barajı yıkmanın teminatı olarak yorumlandı. Seçim tavrını HDP’den yana alan Partizan da alanda yerini aldı. Birçok demokratik kitle örgütünün katıldığı mitingte 7 Haziran’dan sonra halayların demokrasi ve özgürlükler için çekileceği sözü verildi.
Milletvekili adaylarından Celalettin Doğan, Turgut Öker, Hüda Kaya gibi isimlerinde konuşma yaptığı mitingte barajın şimdiden yıkıldığı ifade edildi.
Milletvekiliadaylarının yaptığı kısa konuşma ve selamlamalardan sonra konuşmak için sahne alan HDP Eş başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş, kitleye seslenerek “Saraylarının camları titriyor. Sizin yürüyüşünüzle titriyor. Bugün saraylarının camları titriyor. Kandilli Rasathanesi bugün yanlış deprem alarmı verdi. Kazlıçeşme inletiyor Kazlıçeşme” dedi yapılan çalışmaları ve seçimler sürecinde ortaya çıkan enerjiye deyinen Demirtaş “Seçim sadece HDP’nin barajı aşıp aşmaması meselesi değildir. Türkiye’de hep birlikte bir birbirimizden korkmadan devletten korkmadan kendi ülkemizde barışın yaratılacağı bir seçimdir” dedi.
HDP’nin çoğulcu bir demokrasiyi görünür hale getirdiğini ifade eden Demirtaş, tüm renklerin Kazlıçeşme’de buluştuğunu söyleyerek, “Bütün Türkiye Kazlıçeşme gibi olsun, tüm Türkiye’de bayram olsun istiyoruz. Öylesine çirkin bir politikayla Türkiye’yi kutuplaştırdılar ki birbirimize selam vermemizi istemediler. Ama biz varız. Biz bütün renkleri görünür kılacağız dedik. Birbirimizin yaşam tarzına sahip çıkarak, çoğulcu demokrasiyi inşa edeceğiz” dedi. Türkiye’nin bir yaralılar ülkesi olduğuna değinen Demirtaş  “Bizler yaralılar ülkesiyiz. Biz bu yaralarımıza ilaç için devletten yardım beklemiyoruz. O nedenle birbirimizin yaralarını dokunalım ve yaralarına merhem olmak istedik ve HDP işte o merhemin adıdır” dedi ve kitleyi bu “merhem”i sahiplenmeye çağırdı.
“8 Haziran’a barışın güneşini bu ülkenin kara bulut semalarında inşa ederek başlayacağız” diyen Demirtaş, konuşmasında ayrca şu ifadelere yer verdi. “ Barışı ve zaferimizi En çok da acı çekmiş anneler barışı hak ediyor. HDP’nin başarısı demek barışın başarısı demektir. Çözüm sürecinin garantisi de HDP’nin başarısıyla kalıcı hale gelecek. 7 Haziran akşamı barış seven herkese zaferi armağan edeceğiz. İstanbul ‘Ben varım’ demişse, ayağa kalkmışsa yıkılmıştır o barajlar”
“HDP’nin varlığı parlamentoda güllerin açması demektir

greece - turkey for atik

Anasayfa , ATiK Dayanışma , Yunanistan’da ATİK için panel yapıldı

Yunanistan’da ATİK için panel yapıldı

Yunanistan’da ATİK için panel yapıldı
Yunanistan’da ATİK için panel yapıldı
Yunanistan adli makamları yürütülen mücadele sonucu tutsaklardan Erol Gültekin’i serbest bırakmak Kitlesel katılımın gerçekleştiği panel yapılan sunumların ardından sona erdi.
bırakılmaması gerektiğine değinildi. Bu zaferin verilen mücadelenin sadece bir adımı olduğu, maçın kazanılması için enternasyonal mücadelenin güçlendirilmesi gereğine değinildi. Europol anlaşmasının geri çekilmesi üzerinden bir mücadelenin ortaya konarak, bugün Türkiyeli devrimciler üzerinden estirilen terörün, yarın genişleyerek devam etmesinin önlenmesi anlamında önemli olduğunun altı çizildi. Panelistlerin konuşmalarından sonra dinleyiciler söz alarak görüşlerini ifade ettiler.
Kitlesel katılımın gerçekleştiği panel yapılan sunumların ardından sona erdi.

India -in bauxite Telangana..Maoist activities increases!

Maoists trying to regain ground in bauxite hills
They see an opportunity to exploit tribals’ opposition to mining The CPI (Maoist), which had receded from Visakhapatnam’s Agency areas in recent years, has been trying to recover its influence over tribal communities. The banned naxalite group allegedly sees an opportunity in the TDP government’s proposal to mine bauxite in the Vizag hills, to which tribal people in this district have been opposing for long. After taking over reins, Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu has been repeatedly stating that bauxite deposits in the Eastern Ghats will be exploited.
Tribal groups in the Agency area are alarmed that this will result in their eviction from their homelands and loss of livelihood. Sources say there have been inputs to suggest that CPI (Maoist) has resumed its attempts to stoke unrest among tribals. The Maoists are allegedly back to organising meetings in remote tribal villages in the hills, trying to rally opposition to bauxite mining. Four meetings are said to have been held so far with about 1000-1500 tribal people attending. Some elected representatives are said to have been coerced by the Maoists into attending some of these meetings. Police are worried over these reports. They believe Kudumula Ravi, one of the top regional leaders of CPI (Maoist) in the area, has been active in the tribal hills in the last eight months trying to organise support for his party.
The forested Agency area provides cover for the Maoists and tribal populations thrown off their lands and occupations have been their target groups. But in the face of stern measures by the police, the Maoists have been unable to get logistic and operational support as they used to be in the past. But the tribals’ strong opposition to the government’s proposal to exploit the vast and high-quality bauxite deposits in 3,600 hectares in Araku, Sapparla and Jerrela areas has provided another opportunity for the Maoists. Apart from tribals fear’s, environmentalists too believe that bauxite mining may destroy the flora and fauna unique to this area.
Telangana government beefs up security as Maoist activities increases

HYDERABAD: The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS)-led government in India’s newest state has beefed up security in border districts apart from providing bullet-proof vehicles to ministers, alarmed by the attempts of Left-wing extremists to regain their lost ground in the region. The ruling TRS, which had till last year repeatedly debunked the apprehensions over threat of Maoists once Telangana was carved out, has also decided to further modernise the police force by earmarking substantial funds.

support turkish workers in struggle

Lettori aggiorniamo lo  scritto “La guerra degli operai turchi” Il loro sciopero è importante. Il  Governo Turco aveva  impedito con un decreto lo sciopero nel settore metalmeccanico indetto per il 29 […]


Soutenons la grève des ouvriers de l’automobile en Turquie ! Türkiye’de grev yapan metal işçilerini destekleyin !

Declaración de Maoist Road-La Vía Maoísta: ¡La represión nunca detendrá la rebelión! ¡Los camaradas de la DHF no están solos! ¡Unámonos e intensifiquemos la solidaridad internacional!

Nota: Recibimos de los camaradas de Maoist Road – La Vía Maoísta la siguiente declaración que Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo hemos traducido al español:DECLARACIÓN DE MAOIST ROAD-LA VIA MAOISTA: ¡LA REPRESIÓN NUNCA DETENDRÁ LA REBELIÓN! ¡LOS CAMARADAS DE LA DHF DETENIDOS NO ESTÁN SOLOS! ¡UNÁMONOS E INTENSIFIQUEMOS LA SOLIDARIDAD INTERNACIONAL!
La policía turca, con ingentes fuerzas (se informa que cerca de 800 tomaron parte en la operación), asaltó las casas de decenas de activistas revolucionarios miembros de la DHF (Federación de Derechos Democráticos) en Estambul y Kocaeli a primera horas de la mañana del 27 de Mayo.
Según las primeras informaciones, 22 activistas han sido detenidos, acusados de ser miembros del Partido Comunista Maoísta (MKP) y haber participado en las manifestaciones del 1º de Mayo y por la muerte de Berkin Elvan. La policía ha declarado que todavía buscan a varios activistas y se esperan nuevas redadas.
El número de policías implicados y los cargos contra los activistas muestran claramente el propósito terrorista y de venganza de estas detenciones. El régimen turco está tratando de intimidar a los revolucionarios y, especialmente, al creciente movimiento popular que tomó las calles en las recientes semanas. Esta es la represalia del Estado turco.
Pero, tal y como los camaradas de la DHF escribieron en su comunicado: “Las detenciones no nos intimidarán”.
Las numerosas protestas en solidaridad con los activistas detenidos organizadas en Estambul, Dersim, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Erzincan, Mersin, Adana y muchas otras ciudades por todo Turquía, muestran que está es sencillamente la verdad.
También en Londres y en distintos países de Europa, incluso en la lejana Noruega, se han llevado a cabo protestas en solidaridad con la DHF.
¡La represión no detendrá la rebelión! ¡DHF no está sola!
Maoist Road – La Vía Maoísta se une a la solidaridad internacional y llama a las personas y fuerzas revolucionarias antiimperialistas y democráticas a extender la solidaridad internacionalmente, con protestas ante las embajadas y consulados turcos y otras acciones donde sea posible.
29 de Mayo de 2015

Sobre las recientes detenciones de camaradas de la DHF (Federación de Derechos Democráticos) en Estambul y Kocaeli (Turquía) ver también en el blog Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo:
*Turquía: ¡Libertad para los camaradas de la DHF detenidos en Estambul y Kocaeli!

Declaración: Los camaradas de DHF detenidos en Turquía no están solos!

Repression will never stop the rebellion! The DHF comrades arrested are not alone! Let us join and intensify the international solidarity!

The Turkish police, with huge forces (it is reported that around 800 took part in the operation) raided the houses of dozens of revolutionary activists members of DHF (Federation of democratic rights) in Istanbul and Kocaeli, in the early morning of May 27.

According to the first information, 22 activists have been arrested, accused to be members of the Maoist Communist Party (MKP) and to have participated on May Day and Berkin Elvan demonstrations. The police said they are still seeking a number of activists and other raids are expected.

The number of police involved and the charges on the activists filed show clearly the terrorist and vengeful purpose of these arrests. The Turkish regime is trying to intimidate the revolutionaries and, especially, the growing people’s movement which took the streets again in the recent weeks. This is the reprisal of the Turkish State.

But, as the DHF comrades wrote in their communiqué: “Detentions will not intimidate us”.The many protests in solidarity with the arrested activists organized in Istanbul, Dersim, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Erzincan, Mersin, Adana and many other cities throughout Turkey show that this simply the truth.In London also and in different countries in Europe, even in the far Norway, protests in solidarity with DHF took place.

The repressions will never stop the rebellion! DHF is not alone!

maoistroad joins the international solidarity and call or the revolutionary anti-imperialist and democratic forces and individuals to extend the solidarity internationally, with protests at the Turkish embassies and consulates and other actions wherever is possible.
maoistroad 29.5.2015 

from austria for turkish comrades

Dear comrades
We want to inform you that we have a demonstration at the Turkish embassy in Vienna Austria on Sat 30 May with several revolutionary and communist organizations on support of DHF.
Revolutionary greetings
Long live proletarian internationalism!

>Repression will never stop the rebellion! The DHF comrades arrested are not alone! Let us join and intensify the international solidarity!
>The Turkish police, with huge forces (it is reported that around 800 took part in the operation) raided the houses of dozens of revolutionary activists members of DHF (Federation of democratic rights) in Istanbul and Kocaeli, in the early morning of May 27.
>According to the first information, 22 activists have been arrested, accused to be members of the Maoist Communist Party (MKP) and to have participated on May Day and Berkin Elvan demonstrations. The police said they are still seeking a number of activists and other raids are expected.
>The number of police involved and the charges on the activists filed show clearly the terrorist and vengeful purpose of these arrests. The Turkish regime is trying to intimidate the revolutionaries and, especially, the growing people’s movement which took the streets again in the recent weeks. This is the reprisal of the Turkish State.
>But, as the DHF comrades wrote in their communiqué: “Detentions will not intimidate us”.The many protests in solidarity with the arrested activists organized in Istanbul, Dersim, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Erzincan, Mersin, Adana and many other cities throughout Turkey show that this simply the truth.In London also and in different countries in Europe, even in the far Norway, protests in solidarity with DHF took place.
>The repressions will never stop the rebellion! DHF is not alone!
>maoistroad joins the international solidarity and call or the revolutionary anti-imperialist and democratic forces and individuals to extend the solidarity internationally, with protests at the Turkish embassies and consulates and other actions wherever is possible.

german traslation - N. Modis hindufaschistisches Regime entfesselt eine neue Welle der staatlichen Repression und der Krieges gegen das Volk

N. Modis hindufaschistisches Regime entfesselt eine neue Welle der staatlichen Repression und der Krieges gegen das Volk

Lasst uns die intensive Counterinformation enthüllen und mit internationaler und internationalistischer Solidarität beantworten

Der indische Staat, regiert von Modis Regime, das den indischen Herren und dem Imperialismus dient, entwickelt ein neues Stadium erbitterter Repression auf allen Gebieten mit dem Ziel das Volk stark zu erschüttern, den Volkskrieg zu stoppen und die Maoisten, die ihn führen, anzugreifen. Um seine Pläne zu beschleunigen, die natürlichen Bodenschätze an die einheimischen und ausländischen Konzerne auszuverkaufen, reorganisiert das indische Regime seinen ganzen Unterdrückungsapparat: Die Armee, Luftwaffe, Polizei und paramilitärische Banden. Sie greifen nicht nur die „Bedrohung durch die Naxaliten“ an, sondern auch alle Bewegungen, die in Opposition zu ihren Politiken stehen und gegen die „Operation Grüne Jagd“ (Operation Green Hunt – OGH) Widerstand leisten. Ebenso greifen sie die demokratischen Intellektuellen, Menschenrechtsaktivisten und jede abweichende Stimme an, die zu hören ist, um jeden in der Nähe der Volksbewegungen und dem durch die Maoisten geführten Volkskrieg auszulöschen. Sie greifen die Adivasi-Bevölkerung an, die auf dem reich an Bodenschätzen Land leben, wo der Volkskrieg stärker ist, um die neue Volksmacht, die dort heranreift, auszulöschen. Insbesondere in den letzten Wochen hat das indische Regime die illegalen Festnahmen von vermeintlichen revolutionären Intellektuellen und sozialen Aktivisten angepriesen, die immer schon kriminalisiert und dazu gezwungen wurden in den Untergrund zu gehen und dann als Terroristen gebrandmarkt wurden, deren einziges Verbrechen es ist, der Kommunistischen Partei Indiens (Maoisten) (CPI-Maoist) anzugehören.

Genosse K. Murali und H. Ismail wurden im Krankenhaus in Talegaon Dabhade festgenommen, wo sich der erst genannte einer medizinischen Untersuchung unterzog, während die Genossen Roopesh, seine Frau Shyna und andere in Cimbatore verhaftet wurden. Es ist bekannt, dass wenigstens zwei von ihnen die notwendige medizinische Hilfe und Behandlung verweigert wurde, während andere Gefangene das aufdeckten, drohte die Polizei bei der Befragung damit, sie in den Wald zu bringen und sie in einem Encounter zu erschießen oder dass ihre Familien verhaftet würden. Unter diesem Vorwand wird ihre illegale Inhaftierung verlängert und es ist zu befürchten, dass es zu Folterungen kommt, wie in vielen Fällen bewiesen ist. Gegen diese Verhaftungen in den letzten Tagen gab es eine breite Mobilisierung in Indien für die Freilassung der Gefangenen, für die Verteidigung ihrer Leben und Verbesserung ihrer Haftbedingungen.

Die Verfolgung von Intellektuellen und Demokraten an den Universitäten hörte nie auf. G.N. Saibaba, Professor an der Universität Delhi, mit einer Behinderung von 90 Prozent, sitzt seit einem Jahr im Gefängnis, während das Verfahren gegen ihn nie eröffnet wurde und die Gerichte eine Freilassung auf Kaution wegen seiner Behinderung wiederholt verworfen haben, obwohl der Beweis erbracht wurde, dass er keine Gefährdung darstellt und keine Möglichkeit hat zu entkommen. Währenddessen geht die Hexenjagd auf Studenten und Intellektuelle weiter, die für ihre „maoistischen Verbindungen“ gebrandmarkt und bedroht werden, schikaniert werden, verhaftet werden, für Jahre inhaftiert werden und auf ein Gerichtsverfahren warten, das wenn es eröffnet wird, sie oft am Ende freispricht. In Indien und in der ganzen Welt fordern Solidaritätsadressen ihre unverzügliche Freilassung und die Aufhebung der drakonischen Gesetze, ein koloniales Erbe angewandt, um sie zu verfolgen. Die gleichen Gesetze wurden benutzt, um eine lebenslängliche Haftstrafe wegen „Aufwiegelung“ für R. Sarkhel und P. Chatterjee zu begründen, die Mitglieder der Revolutionären Demokratischen Front (Revolutionary Democratic Front – RDF), einer offiziell nicht verbotenen Organisation, zusammen mit C. Mahato und drei anderen bekannten Aktivisten des Volkes.

N. Modis Regime erhöht die Repression und Vertreibung auf hoher Stufenleiter, was oft mit Massakern gegen die Adivasi und Menschen einhergeht, die sich der Vertreibung von ihrem Land widersetzen, um für die großen Projekte Platz zu machen, die ihr Land für immer vernichten. Die KPI (Maoisten) zeigt, wie sich der indische Staat auf „Salva Judum 2“ vorbereitet, die Antwort auf die erste Salva Judum Miliz, die in den letzten Jahren entfesselt wurde. „Salva Judum“ ist der unrühmliche Name der paramilitärischen Banden von Hindufundamentalisten, denen freie Hand und volle Straffreiheit gegeben wurde für Gewalttaten, Feuer legen, Zerstörungen, Massaker, Vergewaltigungen, begangen im Namen der „Entwicklung“ vieler Dörfer. Es ist eine neue Eskalation des Krieges gegen das Volk seit 2009 – die Operation Grüne Jagd (OGH) – die die kämpfenden Volksmassen und alle Abteilungen der demokratischen Opposition in der indischen Gesellschaft auf allen Gebieten angreift, wie es während bei der ersten „Salva Judum“ Phase vorgekommen ist, deren Banden von den Massen und dem Volkskrieg geführt von der KPI (Maoisten) angegriffen und zerstört wurden.

Die Initiativen des Widerstandes, um den Krieg gegen das Volk weit über Indien hinaus zu stoppen, wachsen während die Volksbewegung das Ziel hat, die herrschenden Klassen zu überwältigen. Die Repression wird nicht aufhören, sondern die Rebellion füttern. Die festgenommenen Genossen sind dem Volk wohl bekannt und geliebt, welches seine Solidarität ausdrückt und den Kampf intensiviert. Aber wir müssen auch dringend die internationale und internationalistische Solidarität verstärken, die sich in den letzten Jahren in vielfältiger Weise entwickelt hat, um die völkermörderische Hand N. Modis zu stoppen und den Kampf der indischen Massen zu unterstützen. Das Internationale Komitee für die Unterstützung des Volkskrieges in Indien ruft die ganze Bewegung dazu auf für eine lange andauernde Kampagne der Gegeninformation und Entlarvung des indischen Regimes und des Imperialismus, der es aufrechterhält.

Stoppt die Operation Grüne Jagd!

Verteidigt die festgenommenen Genossinnen und Genossen und die politischen Gefangenen!

Unterstützt die kämpfenden Massen!

Ein Monat der Aktivitäten und Initiativen an den Botschaften, Konsulaten, Zentren des ökonomischen Interesses der indischen Konzerne, öffentlichen Versammlungen, um zu informieren und die Solidarität des Volkes zu entwickeln, die Märtyrer der Revolution zu ehren, Bücher und Publikationen der KPI (Maoisten) und den indischen Intellektuellen vorzustellen und von der Situation in Indien sowie dem Fortschritt des revolutionären Kampfes des Volkes zu lernen.

Internationales Komitee für die Unterstützung des Volkskrieges in Indien


Informationen, Beteiligung und Organisation über:

Dies ist eine nicht autorisierte Übersetzung des englischen Originals, das unten stehend und auf einzusehen ist. Dokumente, Schriften und Bücher der KPI (Maoisten) sind in englischer Sprache unter abrufbar. 30.05.2015 - ks

Modi`s fascist hindutva regime unleashes another
wave of state repression and war on people
Let us respond intensifying counter-information, exposure, international and internationalist solidarity
The Indian state, ruled by the Modi’s regime serving the Indian masters and imperialism, is developing a new stage of fierce repression on all fields with the aim to crush the people, stop the people’s war, attack the Maoists who lead it. In order to speed up the plans of selling off the natural resources to the domestic and foreign MNCs, the Indian regime is restructuring its entire repressive apparatus: army, air force, police, paramilitary gangs. They attack not only the “Naxalite threat”, but all the movements opposing their policies and resisting the ‘Operation Green Hunt’. They also attack the democratic intellectuals, human rights activists and any dissenting voice is heard, to wipe out anyone around the people’s movements and the people’s war led by the Maoists. They attack the adivasi populations living on the lands rich in natural resources, where the people’s war is stronger, to eliminate the new people’s power that is blossoming there. In recent weeks, in particular, the Indian regime has widely touted the illegal arrests of estimated revolutionary intellectuals and social activists, already criminalized and forced to go underground and then branded as terrorists, whose only crime is the belonging to the CPI (Maoist).
Comrades Murali Kannampally and Ismail Hamza were arrested in the hospital of Talegaon Dabhade where the first was undergoing medical treatment, while comrades Roopesh, his wife Shyna, and others were captured in Coimbatore. It is known that at least two of them have been denied legal assistance and medical care they need, while other prisoners revealed that, while questioning, the police threatened to take them to a forest and execute them in fake encounters or that their family will be arrested. Under any kind of pretext, their illegal detention is extended and it is feared the resort to torture, as already occurred many cases. Against these arrests in the recent days there was a wide mobilization in India for the release of prisoners and to defend their living and detention conditions.
The persecution of intellectuals and democrats in the University never stopped. GN Saibaba, professor at Delhi University, with a disability of 90 percent has been in prison for a year while the trial has not even started and the courts have repeatedly rejected his bail application, despite the evidence that he represents no danger and has no chance to escape. Meanwhile, the witch hunt continues on students and intellectuals branded for ‘Maoists links’, threatened, harassed, arrested, detained for years waiting for a trial, that, when celebrated, at the end often will acquit them. In India and around the world the initiatives of solidarity demanding their immediate release and the repeal of the draconian laws, a colonial heritage, applied to haunt them. The same laws used to sentence for life under ‘sedition’, Raja Sarkhel and Prasun Chatterjee, members of the Revolutionary Democratic Front, an officially not banned organization, along with Chatradhar Mahato and three other known activists of the people
Modi’s regime increases to a large-scale the repression and displacement, often with massacres, on the adivasis and people who resist the deportation from their land to give space to the big projects which will devastate their lands forever. The CPI (Maoist) reveals how the Indian state is preparing a ‘Salva Judum 2′, the replica of the first Salva Judum unleashed in recent years. Salva Judum is the infamous name given to the paramilitary gangs of Hindu fundamentalists who were given free hand and full impunity for atrocities, fires, destruction, massacres, rapes, committed in the name of ‘development’ in many villages. It is a new escalation of the war on the people lasting since 2009 – the Operation Green Hunt – that the struggling people’s masses and all the sections of the democratic opposition in the Indian society are countering on all fields, as occurred during the first Salva Judum, whose gangs were hit and defeated by the masses and the people’s war, led by the CPI (Maoist).
The initiatives of resistance to stop the war on the people multiply throughout India, while the people’s movement aiming to overthrow the ruling classes grows. Repression will not stop but feeds the rebellion. The comrades arrested are well-known and loved by the people, who express solidarity and intensify the struggle. But we also urgently need to intensify the international and internationalist solidarity, that in recent years developed in many forms, to stop the genocidal hand of Modi and support the struggle of the Indian masses. The International Committee to Support the People’s War in India calls the whole movement to mobilize in a protracted campaign of counter-information and exposure of the Indian regime and imperialism that sustains it.
Stop Green Hunt!
Defend the arrested comrades and political prisoners!
Support the struggling masses!
A month of activities and initiatives at the embassies, consulates, centers of economic interests of the Indian multinationals, public meeting to inform and develop people’s solidarity, to honour the martyrs of the revolution, presenting books and publications of the CPI (Maoist) and Indian intellectuals to learn about the situation in India and the advances of the revolutionary people’s struggle.
International Committee to Support the People’s War in India - 20.05.2015
Info, joining, organization: and

ICSPWI _Stop Green Hunt! Defend the arrested comrades and political prisoners! Support the struggling masses!¡Alto a la Operación Cacería Verde! ¡Defender a los camaradas detenidos y a los presos políticos! ¡Apoyar a las masas que luchan!

Modi’s fascist hindutva regime unleashes another wave of state repression and war on people

Let us respond intensifying counter-information, exposure, international and internationalist solidarity
The Indian state, ruled by the Modi’s regime serving the Indian masters and imperialism, is developing a new stage of fierce repression on all fields with the aim to crush the people, stop the people’s war, attack the Maoists who lead it. In order to speed up the plans of selling off the natural resources to the domestic and foreign MNCs, the Indian regime is restructuring its entire repressive apparatus: army, air force, police, paramilitary gangs. They attack not only the “Naxalite threat”, but all the movements opposing their policies and resisting the ‘Operation Green Hunt’. They also attack the democratic intellectuals, human rights activists and any dissenting voice is heard, to wipe out anyone around the people’s movements and the people’s war led by the Maoists. They attack the adivasi populations living on the lands rich in natural resources, where the people’s war is stronger, to eliminate the new people’s power that is blossoming there. In recent weeks, in particular, the Indian regime has widely touted the illegal arrests of estimated revolutionary intellectuals and social activists, already criminalized and forced to go underground and then branded as terrorists, whose only crime is the belonging to the CPI (Maoist).
Comrades Murali Kannampally and Ismail Hamza were arrested in the hospital of Talegaon Dabhade where the first was undergoing medical treatment, while comrades Roopesh, his wife Shyna, and others were captured in Coimbatore. It is known that at least two of them have been denied legal assistance and medical care they need, while other prisoners revealed that, while questioning, the police threatened to take them to a forest and execute them in fake encounters or that their family will be arrested. Under any kind of pretext, their illegal detention is extended and it is feared the resort to torture, as already occurred many cases. Against these arrests in the recent days there was a wide mobilization in India for the release of prisoners and to defend their living and detention conditions.
The persecution of intellectuals and democrats in the University never stopped. GN Saibaba, professor at Delhi University, with a disability of 90 percent has been in prison for a year while the trial has not even started and the courts have repeatedly rejected his bail application, despite the evidence that he represents no danger and has no chance to escape. Meanwhile, the witch hunt continues on students and intellectuals branded for ‘Maoists links’, threatened, harassed, arrested, detained for years waiting for a trial, that, when celebrated, at the end often will acquit them. In India and around the world the initiatives of solidarity demanding their immediate release and the repeal of the draconian laws, a colonial heritage, applied to haunt them. The same laws used to sentence for life under ‘sedition’, Raja Sarkhel and Prasun Chatterjee, members of the Revolutionary Democratic Front, an officially not banned organization, along with Chatradhar Mahato and three other known activists of the people
Modi’s regime increases to a large-scale the repression and displacement, often with massacres, on the adivasis and people who resist the deportation from their land to give space to the big projects which will devastate their lands forever. The CPI (Maoist) reveals how the Indian state is preparing a ‘Salva Judum 2′, the replica of the first Salva Judum unleashed in recent years. Salva Judum is the infamous name given to the paramilitary gangs of Hindu fundamentalists who were given free hand and full impunity for atrocities, fires, destruction, massacres, rapes, committed in the name of ‘development’ in many villages. It is a new escalation of the war on the people lasting since 2009 – the Operation Green Hunt – that the struggling people’s masses and all the sections of the democratic opposition in the Indian society are countering on all fields, as occurred during the first Salva Judum, whose gangs were hit and defeated by the masses and the people’s war, led by the CPI (Maoist).
The initiatives of resistance to stop the war on the people multiply throughout India, while the people’s movement aiming to overthrow the ruling classes grows. Repression will not stop but feeds the rebellion. The comrades arrested are well-known and loved by the people, who express solidarity and intensify the struggle. But we also urgently need to intensify the international and internationalist solidarity, that in recent years developed in many forms, to stop the genocidal hand of Modi and support the struggle of the Indian masses. The International Committee to Support the People’s War in India calls the whole movement to mobilize in a protracted campaign of counter-information and exposure of the Indian regime and imperialism that sustains it.
Stop Green Hunt!
Defend the arrested comrades and political prisoners!
Support the struggling masses!
A month of activities and initiatives at the embassies, consulates, centers of economic interests of the Indian multinationals, public meeting to inform and develop people’s solidarity, to honour the martyrs of the revolution, presenting books and publications of the CPI (Maoist) and Indian intellectuals to learn about the situation in India and the advances of the revolutionary people’s struggle.
International Committee to Support the People’s War in India
Info, joining, organization:

El Comité Internacional de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India ha hecho público el siguiente comunicado que los camaradas de Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo han traducido al español:

El Estado indio, gobernado por el régimen de Modi que sirve a los amos indios y al imperialismo, está desarrollando una nueva etapa de feroz represión en todos los campos con el objetivo de aplastar al pueblo, detener la guerra popular y atacar a los maoístas que la dirigen.
Con el fin de acelerar los planes de vender los recursos naturales a las compañías multinacionales locales y extranjeras, el régimen indio está reestructurando todo su aparato represivo: ejército, fuera aérea, policía y bandas paramilitares.
Atacan no sólo la “amenaza naxalita”, sino a todos los movimientos que se oponen a su política y resisten la “Operación Cacería Verde”.
Atacan también a los intelectuales demócratas, a los activistas de derechos humanos y a cualquier voz disidente que se escuche, para eliminar a quien se encuentre en torno a los movimientos populares y la guerra popular dirigida por los maoístas.
Atacan a las poblaciones adivasis que viven en las tierras ricas en recursos naturales, donde la guerra popular es más fuerte, para eliminar el nuevo poder popular que allí está floreciendo.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

PC maoísta Italia publica nuevo número de su periódico “Proletari Comunisti” y edita cartel - gran marcha

Los camaradas italianos de Proletari Comunisti – Partido Comunista maoísta – Italia han editado un cartel (que reproducimos) donde se lee:
Contra las guerras imperialistas y reaccionarias que producen miseria y muerte para el pueblo
Contra el imperialismo italiano, el CARA y el CIE = Lager del Estado
Solidaridad con los inmigrantes
No al racismo
Proletarios Comunistas – Partido Comunista maoísta – Italia
Blog: proletari.comunist.blogspot.comTambién los camaradas italianos nos informan que acaba de publicarse su periódico “Proletari Comunisti”, nº 7 (Nueva Serie), Mayo 2015. Este número -cuya portada reproducimos- incluye:
Por el partido de la nueva resistencia
Notas sobre el 70º aniversario de la Resistencia
Sobre la manifestación de Milán NO-EXPO
Nota crítica sobre “autonomía difusa”
Fabricas y movimiento sindical de clase
Fca-Sata: octavilla a los obreros
Los afortunados trabajadores de Melfi
Lucha contra la buena escuela de Renzi
Internacionalismo Proletario:
1º de Mayo Rojo e Internacionalista – Declaración conjunta
1º de Mayo en el mundo
Europa/Turquía: Fuera las manos de ATIK
India: Libertad para los camaradas detenidos
De Proletari Comunisti – Partido Comunista maoísta – Italia ver también en el blog de Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo:
*Edición especial del periódico “Proletari Comunisti” del PC maoísta con ocasión del 1º de Mayo 2015 (30 de Abril 2015)
*Italia: Carteles del PC Maoísta y del MFPR con ocasión del 70º aniversario de la liberación sobre el régimen fascista (Abril 2015)
*Solidaridad internacional con los detenidos de ATIK y Yeni Kadin ¡Si os golpean a vosotros nos golpean a todos nosotros! (Abril 2015)
*La victoria de Tsipras-Syryza en Grecia – Comunicado del PC maoísta de Italia (26 de Enero 2015)
*PC maoísta Italia: El ataque a Charlie Hebdo – El imperialismo, incluido el francés siembra vientos…¡y cosecha tempestades! (Enero 2015)
*PC maoísta Italia – México: un crimen absoluto que no puede pasar en silencio (21 de octubre 2014)
*PC maoísta Italia: Con la resistencia kurda, contra el Estado Islámico y el imperialismo (21 de octubre 2014)
*Intervención del PC maoísta de Italia en el Encuentro Internacional con motivo del 10º Aniversario del PC de la India (Maoísta) (27-28 Septiembre 2014)
*PC maoísta Italia: De Ferguson a Nápoles… la rebelión contra los esbirros asesinos es justa y necesaria
*Italia: Se celebró el Activo Nacional de Proletari Comunisti – PC maoísta Italia (Septiembre 2014)
*Italia: La represión estatal no impide el movimiento contra la guerra imperialista y los MUOS en Sicilia- ¡No puede detener la acción del Partido Comunista maoísta dentro del movimiento de masas! (Agosto 2014)
*PC maoísta Italia: 19 de junio 1986-2014 ¡No sólo un aniversario! (Junio 2014)
*PC maoísta Italia: Contra la cumbre de Estados y gobiernos europeos del 11 de Julio en Turín (Junio 2014)
*¡Boicot a las elecciones europeas! – Cartel conjunto de los maoístas de Europa
*PC maoísta Italia: “Elecciones Europeas boicot activo, Unidad Proletaria y Antiimperialista”  (Mayo 2014)
*PC maoísta de Italia: 25 de Abril aniversario de la resistencia antifascista (Abril 2014)
*Segunda Escuela de Cuadros de Poletari Comunisti – Partido Comunista maoísta de Italia (Diciembre 2013)
*Llamamiento del PC maoísta de Italia para el 7 de Noviembre: Organizarse y unirse para la revuelta general (Noviembre 2013)
*PC maoísta de Italia: 7 de Noviembre jornada de movilización política nacional (1 de Noviembre 2013)
*PC maoísta de Italia: ¡Poner fin al horror sin fin! ¡Imperialismo asesino! ¡Gobiernos imperialistas asesinos! (Octubre 2013)
*Cartel del Partido Comunista maoísta de Italia (Septiembre 2013)
*PC maoísta Italia: 10 puntos para la unidad de los comunistas en el Partido Comunista de nuevo tipo
*Hacia un 1º de Mayo Proletario, Rojo e Internacionalista  – Declaración del PC maoísta de Italia (Marzo 2013)
*Intervención del Partido Comunista maoísta de Italia en la Conferencia Internacional de Apoyo a la Guerra Popular en la India (Hamburgo, 24 de Noviembre 2012)
*Intervención de “La Nueva Bandera” – Partido Comunista maoísta de Italia en el Encuentro Internacional “De la Sublevación en los Banlieues a la Revolución Proletaria” (París, abril de 2006)

from italy for turkish comrades arrested

solidarietà internazionalista con i militanti rivoluzionari turchi della DHF arrestati in Turchia

All’alba del 27 maggio a Instanbul e Kocaeli oltre 800 poliziotti armati con fucili mitragliatori, giubbotti antiproiettile hanno e pesanti arnesi da scasso sfondato le porte e devastato le case di decine di militanti della DHF (Federazione per i Diritti democratici, organizzazione legale di orientamento rivoluzionario e maoista) prelevandone e arrestandone oltre 20.
Agli arrestati è stata contestata l’accusa di appartenere al MKP (Partito Comunista maoista) e di essere stati protagonisti di scontri di piazza lo scorso primo maggio a piazza Taksim e nelle manifestazioni per l’assassinio del rivoluzionario turco Berkin Elvan.
La dimensione e violenza dell’operazione, le forze esagerate impiegate, l’immediata campagna stampa di menzogne criminalizzazione dei “terroristi” arrestati, non lasciano dubbi sulla natura intimidatoria e di rappresaglia dell’attacco repressivo.

Ancora una volta lo stato turco scatena la sua forza armata contro l’opposizione, per dare un monito a tutto il movimento popolare che nelle ultimi mesi ha ripreso con forza le strade di tutto il paese e ripetutamente in scacco gli apparati di polizia.
Questo attacco segue di poche settimane quello orchestrato insieme allo Stato tedesco contro un’altra organizzazione dei lavoratori turchi all’estero, ATIK colpita da arresti in diversi paesi.
Lo Stato fascista turco si illude di soffocare la ribellione con arresti, carcere e campagne di criminalizzazione ma, come affermano i compagni turchi :
“la rivolta di Gezi Park e Piazza Taksim di tre anni fa ha prodotto un fatto irreversibile: la gente ha smesso di scappare davanti la polizia, il popolo non ha più paura, anzi scende in strada e dà battaglia a Istanbul come in tutto il paese!”
E così anche dopo questo attacco la risposta popolare è stata immediata e diffusa, affollate manifestazioni di protesta si sono tenute a Istanbul, Dersim, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Erzincan, Mersin, Adana e in tante altre città in tutto il paese.
In diversi paesi europei dove è forte la presenza di masse turche e organizzazioni facenti riferimento
all'organizzazione colpita si sviluppano in questi giorni manifestazioni protesta e solidarietà

DHF taksim gozalti basin aciklamasi 1

Lo stato fascista turco che oggi attacca la DHF è lo stesso che da sempre è fedele alleato dell’imperialismo, membro NATO, lo stesso che fiancheggia l’ISIS per soffocare Kobane e la lotta per di liberazione del popolo curdo, buon amico di tutti i regimi reazionari del Medio Oriente e complice dei trafficanti di uomini. Un nemico di tutti i popoli della regione che il governo imperialista italiano ha sempre coccolato caldeggiandone l’associazione all’UE.
Le nostre organizzazioni  chiamano  tutti gli antimperialisti, democratici e rivoluzionari a far sentire la loro voce contro questo nemico comune al fianco dei rivoluzionari turchi sotto attacco.
Facciamo appello a tutte le forze disponibili ad ampliare anche nel nostro paese la solidarietà internazionale con la DHF, contro l’imperialismo e lo stato fascista turco.
I rivoluzionari turchi arrestati non son soli!
Lo stato fascista turco è un nemico anche nostro e il governo imperialista italiano è suo complice!

Viva la solidarietà internazionale!

proletari comunisti – PCm Italia
Soccorso Rosso Proletario
maggio 2015
 Per info, adesioni:

Friday, May 29, 2015

Declaration - Repression will never stop the rebellion! The DHF comrades arrested are not alone! Let us join and intensify the international solidarity!

The Turkish police, with huge forces (it is reported that around 800 took part in the operation) raided the houses of dozens of revolutionary activists members of DHF (Federation of democratic rights) in Istanbul and Kocaeli, in the early morning of May 27.

According to the first information, 22 activists have been arrested, accused to be members of the Maoist Communist Party (MKP) and to have participated on May Day and Berkin Elvan demonstrations. The police said they are still seeking a number of activists and other raids are expected.

The number of police involved and the charges on the activists filed show clearly the terrorist and vengeful purpose of these arrests. The Turkish regime is trying to intimidate the revolutionaries and, especially, the growing people’s movement which took the streets again in the recent weeks. This is the reprisal of the Turkish State.

But, as the DHF comrades wrote in their communiqué: “Detentions will not intimidate us”.
The many protests in solidarity with the arrested activists organized in Istanbul, Dersim, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Erzincan, Mersin, Adana and many other cities throughout Turkey show that this simply the truth.
In London also and in different countries in Europe, even in the far Norway, protests in solidarity with DHF took place.

The repressions will never stop the rebellion! DHF is not alone!

maoistroad joins the international solidarity and call or the revolutionary anti-imperialist and democratic forces and individuals to extend the solidarity internationally, with protests at the Turkish embassies and consulates and other actions wherever is possible.

maoistroad 29.5.2015 

india - against repression of MODI's Regime - I was jailed on suspicion of being a Maoist -Arun Ferreira

I was jailed on suspicion of being a Maoist. Kerala verdict could save others from my fate
Arun Ferreira
“Are you a Maoist?” a trial court Judge asked one of my co-accused.
Both of us had been charged with theft and violence Maharashtra’s
Gondia district.
My co-accused was confused. In theory, during a trial, the accused
person is given an opportunity to offer an explanation for any
evidence presented against him. In this particular case, a policeman
had testified that my co-accused and I were members of the banned
Communist Party of India (Maoist). Though the charges against us were
about an act of violence, the testimony of the witness related to
membership of a banned organisation and we were being questioned about
our adherence to an ideology. We shouldn’t have been surprised. These
misinterpretations of the law are a regular feature of arrests,
detentions and prosecutions of people like us who are determined to be
“left-wing extremists”.
Against this background, we must heartily welcome Friday’s ruling by
Justice A Muhamed Mustaque of the Kerala High Court stating that
merely being a Maoist is not a crime. Upholding Voltaire in his
oft-quoted words “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll
defend to death, your right to say it”, Justice Mustaque clarified
that though the political ideology of Maoists is incongruous with the
philosophy of India’s Constitution, he nevertheless believes that it
is a basic human right to for people to have aspirations.
Established principle
“Police cannot detain a person merely because he is a Maoist, unless
police forms a reasonable opinion that his activities are unlawful,”
he declared, reiterating the legal principles laid down by the higher
judiciary over the years. While granting bail to the pediatrician and
human rights activist, Binayak Sen in April 2011, the Supreme Court
had observed that though Sen may be a Maoist sympathiser, that did not
automatically make him guilty of sedition. Drawing an analogy, the
court questioned whether it would be proper to draw an inference that
a person is a Gandhian merely because Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography
was found in his possession.
Likewise in October 2012, Justice Abhay Thipsay of the Bombay High
Court, while granting bail to a person in a similar case, had
commented that the possession of literature having a particular social
or political philosophy would not amount to an offence. The Bombay
High Court further stated that such a proposition runs counter to the
freedoms and rights guaranteed by Article 19 of the Constitution.
However, though the higher judiciary has clearly held that the
constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms and rights override
any attempt to persecute a person on basis of his ideology, certain
draconian laws allow the police to repeatedly detain persons on this
very basis. The British-era sedition law (Section 124A of the Indian
Penal Code) or the more recent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act
provides this umbrella for contempt of the judiciary’s opinion. The
Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 1967, amended in 2004, 2008 and
again in 2012, allows for the determination of guilt on the basis of
ideology and association ‒ provisions that are inconsistent with
existing constitutional freedoms of expression, ideology or
This act, like its predecessor the Prevention of Terrorism Act,
contains a list of organisations deemed to be banned. The CPI (Maoist)
and “all its formations and front organisations” is listed as no. 34.
A rebel is often charged with being a member of a banned organisation
by the police on the basis of the books he reads or possesses. In some
cases, as in the case of Delhi University professor GN Saibaba or
members of the Kabir Kala Manch cultural group, they continue to be
incarcerated under the charges that the organisations that they
represent espouse causes similar to those of the Maoist and hence
considered to be “front organizations”. This is the criminalisation of
an ideology, the Kerala High Court warned of.
The other aspect allowed under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act
for determination of guilt is by association. Existing criminal law
allows for abettors and conspirators of an offence to be also made
culpable for its commission. However the Unlawful Activities
Prevention Act stretches this interpretation of who is an abettor or
co-conspirator by mere membership or association with an organisation.
On this count too, the Supreme Court had rejected the doctrine of
“guilt by association” in the Arup Bhuyan and Indra Das judgments and
held that mere passive membership of a banned organisation does not
make a person guilty.
In those cases, the accused were charged of being members of the
United Liberation Front of Asom. As in the Kerala High Court judgment
vis-à-vis ideology, here too the Supreme Court held that “mere
membership of a banned organisation will not incriminate a person
unless he resorts to violence or incites people to violence or does an
act intended to create disorder or disturbance of public peace by
resort to violence.”
Compensation ordered
What makes the Kerala verdict different is that judge ordered that
compensation of Rs 1 lakh be paid for wrongful detention, since there
was no reasonable basis for suspecting that a cognisable offence had
been committed. Though it is a well established practice for the state
to pay compensation for constitutional violations by its
functionaries, this is perhaps the first time such compensation has
been awarded for wrongful detention in a political case. The strong
adverse reactions from the Kerala Home ministry and the police were
only be expected since the judgment challenges the assumption of the
security forces that the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and other
anti-terror laws provides them full sanction to indiscriminately
criminalise ideology or association.
The pioneering 2011 Supreme Court judgment in Indra Das has already
been challenged by the Union of India through a review petition. It
can only be expected that the state of Kerala will similarly try to
overturn the present order. The road to acceptance of constitutional
values of individual liberty, freedom of belief and expression by the
executive organs and police forces is indeed a long weary one.
It took me four months and eight months to finally be released from
prison. I was acquitted of all charges. This determination of guilt by
ideology and association ensures that hundreds of others like me have
spent years in prison, denied bail and other reliefs.