Friday, July 31, 2015

La gigantesca cárcel imperialista // Tirar una piedra, 20 años de cárcel.

Foto. (muro sionista en Palestina.
El mundo se encamina hacia una gigantesca cárcel
Como es costumbre en ellos, en 1990 los imperialistas nos engañaron. Al finalizar el apartheid en Sudáfrica creímos que, por fin, se imponía la comunicación y la convivencia entre personas de distintas razas.

Al caer el muro de Berlín también nos dijeron que se imponía la comunicación y la convivencia entre personas de distintas ideologías. Por fin, el mundo era libre y, a partir de entonces, imperaría la libertad de desplazamiento, que había sido obstaculizada por los soviéticos, que lo levantaron para que las personas no huyeran del terror comunista.

Nuestras ilusiones se desmoronaron cuando vimos los estragos causados por el imperialismo en las fronteras que, desde entonces, ya no son soviéticas sino rusas. Tras las guerras del Caúcaso y Ucrania entendimos mejor el Muro de Berlín.

Los propios capitalistas también nos ayudaron a quitarnos la venda de los ojos cuando empezaron a levantar muros por todas partes, esta vez sin la excusa soviética.

En sus posesiones coloniales de Ceuta y Melilla, España levantó vallas casi inexpugnables erizadas de pinchos para que quienes quieran saltárselas se desgarren y se desangren.

En el Mediterráneo, que siempre fue una vía de comunicación entre el este y el oeste, el norte y el sur, la Unión Europea ha puesto en marcha la Operación Tritón para que nadie entre sin el correspondiente pasaporte, más el visado, más una cuenta corriente saneada, más un certificado de vacunación, más...

Dentro de la propia Unión Europea, en el Canal de la Mancha, se ha abierto un campo de concentración que agrupa a todos los que tratan de entrar en Gran Bretaña y son rechazados en la frontera.

Marruecos fue un país pionero levantando muros. Ya ha construido ocho en el Sáhara para combatir al movimiento independentista. Recorren un total de 2.700 kilómetros salpicados de guarniciones militares, campos de minas, radares, baterías de cañones y ametralladoras...

Israel levantó un muro de 723 kilómetros para encerrar a los palestinos en una jaula, someterlos, controlarlos y, cuando les de la gana, bombardearlos y asesinarlos. El muro incluye alambres de púas, zanjas, zonas de arena o tierra fina para detectar huellas, torres de vigilancia, caminos asfaltados a cada lado para permitir patrullar a los tanques, así como zonas adicionales de defensa y áreas de acceso restringido.

En América del norte, Río Grande se ha quedado pequeño para impedir la entrada de latinoamericanos en Estados Unidos y la solución ha sido edificar un gigantesco muro a lo largo de la frontera con México de 1.123 kilómetros de largo. El muro incluye tres barreras de contención, iluminación de muy alta intensidad, detectores de movimiento, sensores electrónicos y equipos con visión nocturna conectados a la policía fronteriza estadounidense, así como vigilancia permanente con camionetas todoterreno y helicópteros artillados. Otros tramos de muro existen en los estados de Arizona, Sonora, Nuevo México, Baja California, Texas y Chihuahua.

Túnez va a construir un muro a lo largo de su frontera con Libia para impedir el paso al 

Dibujo. (un soldado israelí armado y protegido blindadamente)
Volvemos a denunciar: Israel penalizará hasta con 20 años de cárcel el lanzamiento de piedras

El Parlamento israelí (Kneset) aprobó una enmienda a una ley por la que endurecerá las penas, que serán de entre 10 y 20 años de cárcel, para quienes participen en disturbios y arrojen piedras contra fuerzas de seguridad o civiles.

La legislación obtuvo el visto bueno de la cámara al ser aprobado en segunda y tercera lecturas, según los medios locales. Propuesta por la exministra de Justicia Tzipi Livni y promovida posteriormente por su sucesora en el cargo, Ayelet Shaked, la ley fue aprobada por 69 votos a favor y 17 en contra.

La ley está destinada principalmente a jóvenes palestinos que suelen participar en protestas contra la ocupación de Israel o redadas en suelo palestino, y suelen protagonizar disturbios contra las fuerzas de seguridad israelíes. También afectará a aquellos que de forma individual o como parte de una facción armada palestina arrojan piedras contra vehículos que generalmente circulan por carreteras de la Cisjordania ocupada.

La enmienda trata de servir de suplemento y clarificación de la ley que regía hasta ahora, y define como delito la acción de lanzar piedras contra las fuerzas de seguridad con la intención de provocar disturbios o impedir que éstas cumplan con su labor. Y diferencia en dos categorías el delito de apedrear en virtud de la severidad de la acción.

En el primer nivel, los lanzadores de piedras pueden ser condenados a 10 años de prisión sin que la fiscalía tenga que probar su intención de causar un daño.

Y en el segundo, en los casos en los que quede demostrado que el autor del delito tenía intención de provocar daño podría ser sentenciado a hasta 20 años entre rejas.

La legislación vigente antes de la enmienda preveía un máximo de 20 años de cárcel para los lanzadores de piedras u otros objetos contra vehículos e individuos en una carretera, pero requería que la fiscalía demostrara que había intención de provocar daños. En muchos casos la intencionalidad era difícil de probar, por lo que los autores recibían sentencias relativamente leves.

La titular de Justicia israelí, Shaked, del partido ultranacionalista Hogar Judío manifestó al aprobarse la enmienda: “Hoy se ha hecho justicia. Durante años los terroristas se han escapado de los castigos y su responsabilidad. La indulgencia con los terroristas acaba hoy. Un lanzador de piedras es un terrorista y solo una sentencia acorde puede servir como disuasión”.

La medida ha provocado encendidas reacciones en los diputados árabes de la Cámara israelí. En el debate previo a la votación se produjeron tensiones entre los miembros de la Lista Común Árabe, que aglutina a las formaciones árabes del país y una judeo-árabe comunista, y tuvo que ser suspendido durante varios minutos por las voces de los legisladores.
interior de los takfiristas libios, a los que en 2011 el imperialismo puso al frente de un país desquiciado y arrasado. Por cierto, los takfiristas libios son los que se financian llevando miles de refugiados en barco a las costas italianas.

Si no espabilamos, el mundo acabará siendo un archipiélago de islotes rodeados por muros, alambradas, torres de vigilancia, grandes focos... una cárcel gigantesca en la que los de un lado ni siquiera podemos ver a los del otro (salvo por la tele).

Camarada Raneeta, valiente y heroica guerrillera de la revolución naxalita

de odio de clase

RANEETA -Guerrillera en Dandakaranya

El 20 de agosto a primeras horas de la mañana, tres guerrilleros incluida la camarada Raneeta fueron a la aldea de Makadchuvva para contactar con el pueblo. Entre tanto, cientos de miembros de Cobra (Comando d Acción Resuelta), C-60 y policías habían rodeado la aldea la noche del día 19.
Raneeta dio instrucciones a los dos guerrilleros que la acompañaban para romper el cerco de la policía. A las 7 de la mañana, comenzó un feroz enfrentamiento entre los tres guerrilleros con armas inferiores (sólo Raneeta tenía un fusil 303) y los doscientos comandos entrenados y con modernas armas letales.
Dos camaradas burlaron el cerco pero Raneeta no pudo hacerlo. Se escondió en un pequeño campo de maíz (de menos de una hectárea) cerca de la casa de un campesino. La policía persiguió a los dos guerrilleros durante un tramo pero les perdió la pista y regresaron.
Comenzaron a pegar a los aldeanos y a amenazarles. No sabían que una mujer guerrilla estaba escondiéndose pero Raneeta podía ver claramente a la policía desde su escondite. Buscó a un comando y disparó. Su objetivo fue tan perfecto que éste cayó muerto allí mismo.
La policía no sabía de donde provino el disparo y todos se concentraron en torno al comando muerto en medio de una confusión por levantarle. Raneeta buscó un nuevo objetivo y disparó contra ellos. Otro comando murió. Dos más resultaron heridos gravemente.
Fue entonces que los policías jawans comprendieron que la guerrillera se estaba escondiendo en el maizal. Uno de los comandos trató de penetrar en él llevando un chaleco antibalas, casco, etc. Raneeta le dejó acercarse y disparó una bala directamente a su cabeza matándole en el acto.
Todos los “valientes” comandos comenzaron a huir y no se atrevieron a entrar en el maizal. Continuaron disparando desde una distancia y gritando a sus oficiales superiores a través de sus aparatos de comunicación que ¡“el enfrentamiento es con una docena de maoístas desde hace tres horas y que necesitaban refuerzos”!
Hacia las 10 de la mañana un total de 600 comandos convirtieron el lugar en un acantonamiento militar. Después que llegaran las fuerzas adicionales, los comandos se atrevieron a avanzar hacia el campo de maíz pero una vez más la intrépida Raneeta les dio una respuesta apropiada con su rifle 303. Dos comandos más fueron heridos gravemente y todos huyeron.
A la tercera vez comenzaron a lanzar granadas explotando cerca de 25. La mayor parte del maizal ardió. Raneeta se escondió en un hoyo dentro del campo resistiendo este asalto. Las balas que la acosaban y la metralla que caía en torno suyo no la amedrentaron en absoluto. Esperaba como una leona centrada en disparar hacia su nuevo objetivo.
Los policías forzaron al propietario del campo de maíz a cortarlo para poder matar a los guerrilleros ocultos. Uno de los comandos se subió a un árbol. Finalmente pudo localizar a Raneeta y disparó contra ella desde la cima del árbol y la querida hija de Gadchiroli expiró.

Syriza =repression - Grecia: cárcel de 70 meses para tres manifestantes contra el nuevo Memorando

Un total de 70 meses de prisión (5 años de cárcel) con suspensión de 3 años han sido condenados tres de los detenidos en la manifestación por el 'NO' al nuevo Memorando del pasado del 15 de julio frente al parlamento.
Un inmigrante detenido fue condenado a 34 meses de prisión y 24 y 12 meses respectivamente para los otros dos manifestantes detenidos.
Los cuatro detenidos restantes fueron absueltos.
Los estremecedores condenas, especialmente duras para los delitos que les imputan, dan muestra del clima de terrorismo que quieren imponer para superar la resistencia popular.
Ahora los nuevos gestores y por tanto responsables de la represión son SYRIZA.
Como siempre la socialdemocracia haciendo el trabajo más sucio y rastrero del gran capital.
En el futuro la represión se endurecerá como consecuencia de la necesidad que tienen de acabar con la resistencia popular.

Información obtenida de:

The Guardian revela transacciones financieras y acuerdos petroleros entre Turquía (miembro de la OTAN) y el Estado Islámico

El diario británico The Guardian publicó el domingo un informe en el que atestiguó los lazos y el apoyo de Turquía al grupo terrorista (Daesh, en árabe). Según este rotativo británico hay evidencias claras que confirman que altos funcionarios turcos y destacados miembros de Daesh estuvieron en contacto directo y llevaron a cabo transacciones financieras y acuerdos sobre venta de petróleo de EIIL a Turquía.
Las pruebas, reveló The Guardian, llegaron a las manos de oficiales occidentales luego del exitoso asalto de las fuerzas especiales estadounidenses sobre la residencia de Abu Sayyaf, un alto comandante de Daesh que también se dedicaba al contrabando de petróleo de EIIL a Turquía.
“Hay miles de unidades de memoria USB y documentos que conseguimos sacar de ahí”, ha dicho un oficial occidental, probablemente estadounidense, que pidió el anonimato.
Estamos analizando los contenidos, pero las pruebas están tan claras que podrían tener profundas implicaciones para nuestra relación con Ankara”, sostuvo.
Según este oficial los contenidos de estas memorias USB y documentos son pruebas innegables de las transacciones entre el Gobierno de Turquía y altos miembros de Daesh.
Estamos analizando los contenidos, pero las pruebas están tan claras que podrían tener profundas implicaciones para nuestra relación con Ankara”, sostuvo.
Una de las principales fuentes de ingreso de Daesh es la venta del petróleo de los territorios que ocupan que, según nuevas cifras, estarían entre 8 y 10 millones de dólares al dia, la inmensa mayoría del cual se consigue de las ventas de dicha banda mediante sus transacciones con Turquía.
El sábado el Gobierno turco, tras los avances de combatientes kurdos que estaban cerca de cortar a EIIL el acceso a Turquía, empezó una serie de bombardeos contra los kurdos en Irak y Siria bajo la excusa de combatir a Daesh y el terrorismo.

INDIA:Anuradha Ghandy: The Rebel. / Esbozo biografico de la vida de la camarada Anurandha Ghandy. LAL SALAAM !

She was born into privilege and could easily have chosen the easy life. But Anuradha Ghandy chose guns over roses to fight for the dispossessed.
On a muggy April evening in 2008, somewhere in Mumbai, a doctor was trying desperately to get in touch with his patient. The patient happened to be a woman in her early 50s, who had come that morning with high fever. The doctor had advised a few blood tests, and, as he saw the reports, he started making frantic calls to the phone number the patient had scribbled in her nearly illegible handwriting. The number, he soon realised, did not exist. He was restless. The reports indicated the presence of two deadly strains of malaria in the woman’s bloodstream—she had to be admitted to a hospital without delay. Time was racing by and there was no trace of her.
By the time the woman contacted the doctor again, a few days had passed. The doctor wanted her placed under intensive care immediately. But it was too late.
The next morning, on April 12, Anuradha Ghandy was dead. She had suffered multiple organ failure, her immune system already weakened by systemic sclerosis, an auto-immune disease responsible for, among other things, her bad handwriting.
The news spread quickly among friends and followers of Anu, as she was fondly called. Before long news had reached Indora, a Dalit basti in Nagpur where Anu had lived for seven years. This was before her name appeared in the Home Ministry dossiers as Janaki alias Narmada alias Varsha – the only woman in the CPI(Maoist)’s Central Committee, the highest decision-making body of the Naxalites.
How did the daughter of a high profile lawyer of Bombay High Court, a graduate of the city’s prestigious Elphinstone college, an M.Phil in Sociology, a girl born into privilege, come to choose a life of struggle and hardship in the treacherous jungles of Bastar, a rifle by her side and a tarpaulin sheet for a bedding? The answer perhaps lies in the times she lived in. Or the kind of person she was. Or maybe a bit of both.
Anuradha was born to Ganesh and Kumud Shanbag, both of them activists, who chose to marry in the office of the Communist Party of India (CPI). As a young boy, Ganesh Shanbag had run away from his home in Coorg to join Subhash Chandra Bose’s army, and later, as a lawyer, he would fight the cases of communists arrested in the Telangana struggle. While his briefcase would be full of petitions filed on behalf of the arrested comrades, Kumud would be busy knitting and collecting sweaters to be sent for soldiers fighting war with China.
Anuradha’s brother Sunil Shanbag, who is a progressive playwright, recalls her being good at studies as well as extra-curricular activities like dancing. But she was extremely aware of what was happening around her. Says Sunil: “When I was in boarding school, she would send me letters, writing about issues like the nationalisation of banks. And she was only 12 then.” But beyond this awareness, Anuradha was like any other girl when she joined college in 1972. “She would come home and straighten her hair with the help of a warm iron as girls would do in those days,” recalls Kumud Shanbag.
The early 70s were heady days for the youth. Much was happening all around the world. Mao had ushered in the Cultural Revolution in China. Vietnam was offering fierce resistance to the American forces. Back home, the spring thunder of Naxalbari had erupted. Hundreds of students of elite colleges were giving up their careers and joining the Naxalite movement. Young men from affluent families, who had gone abroad for higher studies, were getting radicalised. One of them was an alumnus of Doon School, and a classmate of Sanjay Gandhi. Kobad Ghandy’s father was a top Glaxo executive, and the family lived in a sprawling sea-facing flat in Worli. He had gone to pursue a course in chartered accountancy in England, and it was there that he got initiated in radical politics. Leaving his course unfinished, he returned.
Meanwhile, Anuradha had been working as a lecturer, but she was dedicated to the Progressive Youth Movement (PROYOM), which drew its inspiration from the Naxal movement. Later, she would become one of the torchbearers of the civil liberties movement in Mumbai. It is around this time that Anuradha and Kobad came in touch with each other. It is not clear who inspired whom, but soon both had turned “staunch activists,” as one common friends puts it.
The two soon fell in love, and Kumud vividly remembers the day Kobad came visiting their house. “My husband was here on this chair,” she points out, “and Kobad came and fell on his knees and said: ‘Can I marry your daughter?’”
The two got married in November 1977.
By 1980, Naxal squads from the erstwhile CPI(ML) (People’s War) were entering Dandakaranya—a swathe of forest spread across Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, and Orissa—to set up a guerrilla base. In 1981, the founder of the People’s War, Kondapalli Seetharamaiah expressed his desire to meet Kobad during a conference of the Radical Students’ Union in Andhra Pradesh. The People’s War was keen to enter the Gadchiroli region of Maharshtra. Naxal ideologue Varvara Rao says the meeting between the two paved the way to the formation of People’s War in Maharashtra.
Kumud Shanbag at her Mumbai flat, with a picture of Anuradha on her wedding day (Photo: RITESH UTTAMCHANDANI)
Kumud Shanbag at her Mumbai flat, with a picture of Anuradha on her wedding day (Photo: RITESH UTTAMCHANDANI)
The couple’s commitment was total. A year later, Anuradha moved to Nagpur, which has the second largest slum population in Maharashtra, and is also home to a significant number of Dalits (It was in Nagpur in October 1956 that BR Ambedkar accepted Buddhism). She first stayed in a barsati [small, one-room terrace apartment] in the Lakshmi Nagar area. Kumud remembers visiting her there with her husband. “When we saw where she stayed, we couldn’t believe our eyes,” says Kumud. The roof leaked from many places. And it rained that night. “Our helper was with us who crept under a table and slept there,” recalls Kumud.
By 1986, however, Anuradha had shifted to north Nagpur’s Indora locality, the epicentre of Dalit politics. She rented two small rooms at the house of a postal department employee, Khushaal Chinchikhede. “There was absolutely nothing in their house except two trunksful of books and a mud pitcher,” he says. Anuradha also worked as part-time lecturer in Nagpur University. Later, Kobad would also come to live there. Both would be out till midnight. Anuradha used a rundown cycle to commute, and it was later at the insistence of other activists that Kobad bought a TVS Champ moped.
Indora was notorious for its rowdies. “No taxi or autorickshaw driver would dare venture inside Indora,” says Anil Borkar, who grew up in Indora. But Anuradha was unfazed. “She would pass though the basti at midnight, all alone on a cycle,” remembers Borkar. He met Anuradha through a friend. “She made me aware of so many things. It was like the whole world opened in front of me,” he says.
Because of Anuradha, Devanand Pantavne, a black belt in karate turned into a poet and the lead singer of a radical cultural troupe. Pantavne remembers her as a stickler for deadlines. “She would get very angry if we took up a job and then didn’t deliver on time,” he says. Another young man, Surendra Gadling was motivated by Anuradha to take up law. Today, he fights cases for various activists and alleged Naxals. “She is my guiding light,” he says. It is not without reason. Anuradha led by example, living the life she wanted the basti boys to lead.
anuradha4In 1994, a Dalit woman, Manorama Kamble, working as a maid in an influential lawyer’s house was found dead, with the lawyer’s family claiming that she had accidently electrocuted herself to death. But the activists feared that she had been raped and then killed by the lawyer. Anuradha led an agitation, and it was due to her efforts that the case created ripples in the state assembly and in Parliament.
In Indora, one of Anuradha’s trusted lieutenants was Biwaji Badke, a 4ft-tall Dalit activist. “Every morning Badke would come to her house and share all news with Anuradha over tea,” recall friends. Later, when he was diagnosed with throat cancer, Anuradha brought him to her house and nursed him for months. Another associate, Shoma Sen remembers her being very sensitive to the lives of others. “Her house in Indora was open to everyone. Every time someone would come and one more cup of water would be added to the tea,” she says.
Because of her, many others from well-to-do families were inspired to become activists. Says her old friend and associate of her activist days, Susan Abraham: “When I became an activist it was always heartening to see someone from Anu’s background working along with you.”
It was in the mid 90s that Anuradha joined the Naxal leadership in the jungles of Bastar and finally went underground. Maina, a member of the CPI-Maoist’s Special Zone Committee in Dandakaranya, remembers her efforts to mingle with the local Gond tribals: “Many people used to question us about her, saying didi (Anuradha) is not from this country, she does not know our language. Didi would smilingly approach them saying: ‘I know what you are asking; please teach me your language; I will learn everything from you.’”
Life in the jungle is very harsh. The guerrillas are always on the move, from one village to another, carrying heavy kitbags. Even there, Anuradha wouldn’t shy away from enduring hardships; she did everything that other guerrillas would do. A Naxal leader, who was in Bastar when she first came there, remembers her not sparing herself any of the regular military drill: running, crawling, push-ups, the works. Says Maina, “She would slip and fall many times while walking in the slushy mud, but she would get up and laugh.”
In 1999, Anuradha was camping along with other guerillas in Chhattisgarh’s Sarkengudem village when the police surrounded them. An encounter ensued. Lahar, a senior guerilla remembers Anuradha taking cover and aiming her gun at the ‘enemy’. Later, she would always recollect that incident, urging the youth to learn the skills of guerrilla warfare. But Sunil remembers her speaking about the “awkwardness of carrying a gun.”
The hard life of the jungle was not easy on her body—she suffered frequent bouts of malaria. During the same summer, she had been walking for hours one day when she stopped and lost consciousness. Her comrades made her drink glucose water. Apparently, she had suffered a sun-stroke. After she recovered, she refused to hand over her kit-bag to others, says Lahar.
When south Bastar was affected by severe drought in 1998-99, the tribals were forced to eat rice, which, Maina says, “had more stones than grain in it.” The same rice was offered to the guerrillas as well, which they would eat with tamarind paste. “Taking one fistful after another and then gulping water in between, she used to take a lot of time to finish her meal,” recalls Maina. She also developed ulcers in her stomach. “She would relieve the pain by eating one or two biscuits and a glass of water,” she says.
To lessen her load, Anuradha also decided to do away with the heavy blanket guerrillas carry, opting instead for a thin bedsheet. It was during this time that she developed sclerosis.
No matter what the Centre claims, the Naxals often fill in the void created by the government in their areas of influence. In Basaguda in Chhattisgarh, an embankment needed to be built around a tank called Kota Chervu; some ten villages were counting on supplies from this tank. The government had ignored the villagers’ pleas for years. It was under Anuradha’s guidance that people from 30 villages undertook this work. Those who worked were given a kilogram of rice a day. The government panicked and sanctioned Rs 20 lakh; it was refused. By 1998, more than a hundred tanks had been constructed by the Naxals in Dandakaranya.
Anuradha also took on the responsibility of crafting learning models to educate women. She regularly took classes on the problems faced by women guerillas, and wrote and translated Naxal propaganda material. She would prepare charts with photos of political leaders and explain world affairs to local illiterates. Sometimes, she would conduct classes on health issues.
Between all this, Anuradha would make secret trips to Mumbai. “She would come, and I would apply oil in her hair and massage her body. I wanted to pamper her as much as I could,” says Kumud.
“The most amazing thing was she would always know much more than us about films and other popular culture,” says Sunil. During the staging of one of his plays in Mumbai, Anuradha slipped in quietly, watched the play, and left quietly. “I came to know later that she was there,” says Sunil.
anuradha3At the ninth congress of the CPI(Maoist) in 2007, Anuradha was made a member of the central committee. By this time, Kobad had become one of the key Naxal leaders, in charge of party documentation. (He was arrested in Delhi on September 20).
It was on the basis of Anuradha’s work that the Naxals prepared the first-ever caste policy paper within the Marxist movement in India. She also drafted papers on ‘Marxism and Feminism’, of which the top Naxal leadership took note.
During the time spent in Dandakaranya, Anuradha helped the guerrillas overcome the limitations of collective work by making them understand what roles cooperatives could play in increasing agricultural production.
In Bastar, Anuradha raised questions on the patriarchal ideas prevalent in the party. At the time of her death, she had been working with the woman cadre, to devise plans that would help them take greater leadership responsibilities. It was in Jharkhand while taking classes with the tribals on the question of women’s oppression that she contracted cerebral malaria, which led to her death.
In her memoirs of Anuradha, her friend Jyoti Punwani wrote: “The ‘Naxalite menace’, says Manmohan Singh, is the biggest threat to the country. But I remember a girl who was always laughing and who gave up a life rich in every way to change the lives of others.”
In Nagpur, I requested Chinchikhede to open the rooms once occupied by Anuradha. All that remained of the old days was a sticker of Bhagat Singh on the door. It was sunset and the sky had turned crimson. A comrade who accompanied me lay on the floor, a floor he was too familiar with. And he recited a poem by Gorakh Pandey:
It’s thousands of years old/their anger/thousands of years old/is their bitterness/I am only returning their scattered words/with rhyme and rhythm/ and you fear that/ I am spreading fire.


O Comitê Internacional de Apoio à Guerra Popular na Índia (CAGPI) vem desenvolvendo intensa campanha em defesa do preso político indiano K.Murali, renomado escritor e militante maoísta, mais conhecido entre as massas e revolucionários da Índia como Ajith.
Ajith, que tem 62 anos de idade e passou recentemente por uma cirurgia cardíaca, foi arbitrariamente preso em um hospital de Pune, no estado de Maharashtra, quando se encontrava sob cuidados médicos e, em seguida, conduzido encapuzado por policiais para o cárcere. Organizações democráticas indianas denunciam que ele não vem recebendo os devidos cuidados médicos.
Em vários países, organizações revolucionárias e democráticas realizam campanhas em defesa de Ajith.
Na Itália, ocorreram panfletagens na Universidade de Palermo com o objetivo de esclarecer os estudantes e professores sobre a atual situação política da Índia e denunciar as atrocidades policiais cometidas contra os povos tribais. Cartazes em defesa de Ajith foram colados no interior e nos arredores da universidade. Muros de Palermo também foram pichados com palavras de ordem exigindo a sua libertação.
Foi convocada para o dia 16 de julho uma manifestação popular diante da embaixada indiana em Roma para protestar em defesa dos presos políticos indianos e contra a “Operação Caçada Verde”, operação genocida do velho Estado indiano contra os camponeses, povos tribais e, principalmente, para combater os maoístas.
Na cidade de Milão, ativistas realizaram uma grande agitação nos bairros proletários. Cartazes em defesa de GN Saibaba e Ajith foram colados nas ruas e panfletos foram distribuídos. Em Taranto, também ocorreram panfletagens e colagens de cartazes como parte da campanha internacional.
No Estado espanhol, ativistas de organizações populares e revolucionárias também desenvolvem intensa campanha com colagens de cartazes e pichações.
Cartazes em diversos idiomas foram disponibilizados pelo CAGPI para impulsionar a campanha em defesa de Ajith e dos demais presos políticos revolucionários do velho Estado indiano. O cartaz pode ser baixado através do link:


O mundo inteiro, através dos meios de comunicação internacionais, indigna-se, mais uma vez, contra novo crime contra o povo palestino cometido por bandidos sionistas e trazido a público nesta sexta-feira, 31 de julho.
Um bebê de um ano, identificado como Ali Saad Dawabsha, foi queimado vivo durante um incêndio provocado por colonos sionistas em um vilarejo localizado na Cisjordânia.
O ataque terrorista ocorreu durante a noite e também feriu o pai e o irmão de 4 anos do bebê também ficaram feridos. Os bandidos picharam a palavra "Vingança" em duas casas que foram atacadas.
Ali Saad Dawabsha, de 1 ano e meio, foi morto na casa de sua família em Duma. O ataque ocorreu durante a noite. Os pais e o irmão dele, de quatro anos, também ficaram feridos durante o incidente.
As "autoridades" israelenses — facínoras da pior espécie —, como o primeiro-ministro Binyamin Netanyahu, não demoraram a chamar o ataque de "repreensível e terrível" e qualificá-lo como "ato de terrorismo". Nada mais cínico, pois são exatamente estas figuras que comandam as incursões sanguinárias do exército de Israel contra a Faixa de Gaza e outras localidades habitadas por palestinos, além de promover campanhas fascistas de ódio.
As organizações da Resistência Palestina, por sua vez, afirmam que o governo de Israel é o principal responsável pelo assassinato.


Com informações de
No último dia 27 de julho, combatentes do Exército Guerrilheiro Popular de Libertação (EGPL), dirigido pelo Partido Comunista da Índia (Maoísta), explodiram um edifício do governo em Pachmo, no estado de Jharkhand. Segundo o periódico The Times of India, o edifício anteriormente era um posto da polícia.
Para realizar a ação, o grupo de guerrilheiros implantou e detonou dispositivos explosivos improvisados. O prédio, que ficou completamente destruído, estava vazio na hora das explosões.
Alguns dias antes, um esquadrão armado com cerca de 40 guerrilheiros maoístas incendiou 24 caminhões da empresa de transporte Hyva, que opera na construção de mineradoras que exploram povos tribais e camponeses.


jul 17th, 2015 | By | Category: Liga Operária
Os operários são superexplorados, expostos a ritmo de trabalho exaustivo, trabalham sem condições coletivas e individuais de proteção e sofrem humilhações, ameaças de demissão constantes e estão expostos a mutilação e morte.
Gerenciamento Dilma/PT/PMDB/Pecedobê&Asseclas é culpado pela carnificina nas obras. Recebendo propinas das empreiteiras, o governo Dilma sucateou a fiscalização nas obras e permite que a patronal cometa todo tipo de abusos, terceirização etc.


workers'struggle in Turkey

sf_deriden_iscilere_dava125 gündür direnen SF Deri işçilerine tazminat davası açıldı. 600 bin TL’lik davaya tepki gösteren IndustriAll Küresel Sendika “SF Deri’de işçi haklarının ihlal edilmesinden Mulberry de sorumlu” diyerek, SF Deri’nin iş yaptığı ünlü marka Mulbery’i de işçilerin haklarına saygı gösterme çağrısı yaptı.

Anasayfa , Haberler , SDP tutuklamaları protesto etti

sdpBursa: SDP, Antalya’da tutuklanan üyeleri için Heykel Meydanı’nda basın açıklaması gerçekleştirerek, gözaltı ve tutuklamaları protesto etti.

support campaign for freedom of atik's activists - “ATİK’li tutsaklarla dayanışmayı büyütelim

tutsak_kadnTekirdağ Hapishanesi’nde bulunan tutsaklar, ATİK’li tutsaklar için bir açıklama yaparak konsolosluklara gönderdiler. Açıklamada “Bizler, Avrupa’nın ilerici güçlerini, kapitalizme isyan bayrağını tüm samimiyetiyle dalgalandıran devrimcileri, saldırıları boşa çıkartmak için teşhir ve protesto etmeye, duyarlılık göstermeye ve dayanışmayı büyütmeye çağırıyoruz” denildi.
Tekirdağ 1 No’lu F Tipi Hapishane’de bulunan TKP/ML, MLKP ve MKP dava tutsakları ATİK’e dönük saldırıları protesto ederek Almanya, Fransa, İsviçre ve Yunanistan konsolosluklarına gönderilmek üzere açıklama yaptılar.

“Zorbalar, yanıtlarını er geç alacaklardır”
Emperyalistlerin ve uşaklarının ezilen ulus ve halklara dönük saldırılarının bir parçası olan ATİK’e yapılan Almanya merkezli saldırıları protesto ediyoruz” diyen tutsaklar, “Emperyalizmin ekonomik, siyasi krizinin büyüdüğü bu süreçte halkların antiemperyalist, devrimci-demokratik mücadelesinin gelişmesi emperyalistlerle uşaklarını korkutmaktadır. Bu yüzden onlar Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika’daki halk dalgalarını bastırmak için bütün gerici güçleri desteklediler. Bu yüzden onlar Avrupa’da, Amerika’da gelişen halk hareketlerine saldırdılar. Bu yüzde Yunanistan halkı başta olmak üzere tüm halklara kölece bir yaşam dayatılmaktadır. Bu yüzden onlarca devrimci-komünist partilere, devrimci mücadeleye pervasızca saldırmaktadırlar. Güya IŞİD’e karşı mücadele ettiğini söyleyen bu halk düşmanları Rojava-Kobane direnişini- mücadelesini destekleyen kurumlara saldırmaktadırlar. ATİK’e saldırı bu temel tutumun ürünüdür. Halkların mücadelesini bastırma ve çıkarlarını korumak için IŞİD vb. örgütlerden yararlanmaktan zorba emperyalist devletler ve uşakları halklarımızdan er ya da geç gereken yanıtı alacaklardır” diyerek tepki gösterdiler.

“ATİK göçmen emekçinin mücadele örgütüdür”
Açıklamalarının devamında “ATİK göçmen emekçilerin mücadele örgütüdür. Göçmen emekçilerin kararlı bir mücadele örgütü olan ATİK bu yüzden emperyalistler için bir tehdit ve tehlikedir” diyen tutsaklar, “Bizler devrimci tutsaklar olarak, ezilen halkların mücadelesi yargılanamaz diyoruz. Kobane-Rojava direnişi yargılanamaz diyoruz. Emperyalistlerin ATİK şahsında yapmak istediği budur. Onlar ezilen halkların sesi ve temsilcisi bir örgütü susturmaya ve yok etmeye çalışarak halklar üzerindeki dizginsizce sömürüye devam ettirmek istemektedirler. Bunun için ATİK’i savunmak, ATİK’e yönelik saldırıları boşa çıkartmak önemlidir. ATİK ve ATİK tutsaklarıyla güçlü bir dayanışma geliştirmek, onların yalnız olmadığını ve halkların mücadelesinin durdurulamayacağını göstermek için gereklidir” diyerek tutsaklarla dayanışma içinde olduklarını söylediler

Israel - the nazi-zionist state must be delected

Palestine : Israel alimentera de force les prisonniers en grève de la faim

La Knesset vient de voter une loi qui permettra d’alimenter de force les prisonniers qui font la grève de la faim. Des milliers de prisonniers palestiniens se mettent régulièrement en grève de la faim pour protester contre les conditions de détention inhumaine et le régime de détention administrative qui permet de détenir indéfiniment et sans procès un prisonnier. 396 prisonniers sont actuellement en détention administrative, certains depuis plusieurs années. L’association médicale israélienne a protesté contre la loi sur l’alimentation forcée, la définissant comme une forme de tortures, et a appelé les médecins israéliens a refuser de la pratiquer. L’alimentation de force ne pourra avoir lieu que si le médecin en charge pense que la vie du prisonnier est en danger immédiat. Cette loi est contraire à la loi israélienne sur les droits des patients et aux lois internationales sur l’éthique médicale, ce dont les autorités israéliennes font peu de cas...
Le vote de cette loi fait suite à la libération du prisonnier palestinien Kader Adnan, détenu pendant 6 ans sous détention administrative qui a été libéré le mois dernier après une dure grève de la faim.
Le nombre de détentions administratives Le nombre de détentions administratives

in Germany condanms for turkish revolutionaries - solidarity from maoistroad

Allemagne : Fin d’un procès anti-DHKP-C

Ce mardi 28 juillet, le verdict a été prononcé contre Özgür Aslan, Sonnur Demiray, Muzaffer Dogan et Yusuf Tas à Stuttgart, dans le cadre d’une procédure § 129b ("organisation terroriste étrangère") : 4 ans et 9 mois pour Ozgur Aslan, 5 ans 6 mois pour Sonnur Demiray et 6 ans pour Tas Yusuf et Muzaffer Dogan. Ils ont été condamnés pour un travail d’information, de collecte de fonds et l’organisation d’événements musicaux, notamment un grand concert du groupe "Yorum".
Les quatre ont été arrêtés à la suite d’un raid de grande envergure le 23 iuin 2013 pour appartenance au DHKP-C. Tas Yusuf Aslan et Özgur ont été livrés par l’Autriche à l’Allemagne. Les poursuites, qui ont commencé en septembre 2014, et qui représentent un dossier de 60.000 pages, ont tenté d’établir une connexion directe entre le DHKP-C, le groupe Yorum et les accusés. Cela suit une logique déjà apparue dans d’autres procès ou toute activité est considérée comme venant du DHKP-C et servant le DHKP-C. La solidarité avec les accusés a débouché sur l’arrestation de 50 personnes, et sur plusieurs condamnations à des amendes administratives. Plus de 20 personnes ont été de la même manière condamnés pour avoir cotisé au DHKP-C.
Pour écrire aux prisonniers :
Ozgur Aslan, Muzaffer Dogan, Yusuf Tas : Asperger Str. 60 ; 70439 Stuttgart
Sonnur Demiray : Herlikofer Straße 19 ; 73527 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Il est probable que les prisonniers seront bientôt transférés dans l’autre prison. Pour suivre leur actualité (en allemand) :, site allemand qui est part du Secours Rouge International.
Un rassemblement à Stuttgart Un rassemblement à Stuttgart 

continua a Seman dos Mártires convocada polo PCI (Maoísta)


New Delhi, 27.07.15
Numerosos cartazes, bandeiras vermellas e octavillas chaman as masas populares a participar na Seman dos Martires, convocada polo clandestino Partido Comunista da India (Maoísta) coma homenaxe aos revolucionarios mortos, dende o 28 de xullo (data do asasinato do inolvidabel camarada Charu Mazumdar) ao 3 de agosto. Estan convocados band (folgas xerais) en moitos estados e zonas da India e as autoridades reaccionarias estan en estado de alerta, pois esta previsto un grande seguimento particularmente nos transportes incluido o ferrocarril. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Maoists are observing ‘Martyrs’ Week’ from July 28 in memory of their comrades

Maoists Kill Former Deputy Sarpanch of Village in Maharashtra
GADCHIROLI: A former deputy sarpanch of Godalwahi village in Dhanora taluka of Maharashtra was allegedly murdered by the Maoists as they suspected him to be a police informer. A Maoist unit reached Deorao Kirange’s (26) residence, woke him up, took him outside the village and shot him dead near a bridge on the Godalwahi-Kondawahi road last night, a police release said here today. Deorao’s body was found on the road this morning with a letter near his body in which the Maoists mentioned that Deorao was killed because he was a police informer, the release said.
The release issued by police identified Deorao Kirange (26) as the one who was allegedly murdered by the Maoists as they suspected him to be a police informer, though the police mentioned nothing about the victim. The Maoists are observing ‘Martyrs’ Week’ from July 28 in memory of their comrades who were killed in various police encounters. The police have deployed large number of personnel in Maoist-affected areas in view of this development and kept a tight vigil.
An offence has been registered at the Godalwahi police assistance centre against the Maoists and anti-Maoist operations have been intensified in the area after the incident, the release said. According to the police release, the Maoists murdered Deorao to spread terror in the area and oppose developmental works, A few days ago they had also killed a sarpanch of Damrancha village, the release said.
Maoists would target Howrah, Sealdah, metro stations:

Eastern Rly Kolkata, Jul 28 (PTI) Maoists would target important stations including, Howrah, Sealdah, Kolkata and metro rail stations in the city, Eastern Railway today said. “Information has come that Maoists are targeting Howrah, Sealdah, Kolkata and Metro Railway stations,” an Eastern Railway release said here. “Maoist posters have been found at some railway stations of Eastern Railway like Ratanpur and Kajra railway stations in Jamalpur-Kiul section of Malda Division,” the release said.

India - Varavara RAO on Martyr’s Remembrance Week

 ‘State an agent of globalisation’
The Maoist party has been successful in setting a model of resistance against the onslaught of globalisation in the country, poet and writer Varavara Rao has said. Addressing Martyr’s Remembrance Week observation here on Tuesday, he said Maoists were dreaming of a self-reliant society without oppression, suppression or private property. “The state has become the agency of implanting globalisation policies. Maoists are the only party, who fight against globalisation policies.
The forest areas in the country are under the threat of corporates as those are the mines of natural resources and cheap labour. That’s why Maoists’ activities are focused on forests,” he said. “Even when the Constitution gives adivasis the right over forest resources, most parts of the country’s forests are under the control of the paramilitary forces,” he noted. In the name of operations such as Green Hunt, Thunderbolt and Vijaya, the state has been unleashing violence against the poor tribals. It’s a paradox that in a democratic country, the Army rules the entire North East and Kashmir, he said. As long as classes exist, class struggles too will be there, he added.

The parallel government set up by the party in the Dandakaranya region of Chhattisgarh was a model of how people could win over oppression and harassment, Mr. Rao said. Praising the alleged Maoist activities in the Western Ghats area, the writer said there had been attempts by the party to spread base in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and the Western Ghats. “The Western Ghats area has the tradition of armed struggles right from the time of Naxalite activist Varghese. The government has tried to scuttle the activities through Operation Thunderbolt. Recently, they arrested leaders like Murali, Roopesh and Shyna. Though the arrests were a setback to the movement, they will reequip and hit back,” he said. Leader of Porattam M.N. Ravunny presided over the function.

india- Roopesh to Continue Hunger Stir in Jail

KOLLAM: Maoist leader Roopesh, who was under police custody for the last five days, said he would continue his hunger strike in the Coimbatore jail as he was not being treated as a political prisoner and were denied the rights of one. The district court on Wednesday sent him back to Coimbatore jail as the police did not seek for an extension of his custody. Roopesh was on hunger strike since he was brought to Kollam on Saturday demanding the authorities to consider Maoists as political prisoners and not terrorists. When asked if he wanted to inform the judge anything, Roopesh said he was not given an opportunity to file a petition before the Coimbatore District Collector seeking removal of UAPA imposed on him.

While being taken out of the court, he shouted slogans seeking withdrawal of draconian laws such as NSA and UAPA.During his stay here, he abstained from having solid food. The court had granted a five-day police custody from Coimbatore jail on Saturday to investigate his links to two other suspected Maoists arrested earlier. Kundara police had in May arrested Remanan, 44, from Sasthamkotta and Anandan, 50, from Kundara for allegedly procuring SIM cards with forged documents. These SIM cards were found to be purchased from a mobile shop in Bharanikkavu. Roopesh allegedly contacted a weapon dealer in Coimbatore using one of those SIM cards procured by Remanan and the call details were finally traced, which led to the arrest of the duo.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Palermo for ajith and political prisoners in india in a presentation of Ajith's book - against AVAKIANISM


All'interno della nuova Campagna Internazionale per la liberazione di tutti i prigionieri politici indiani, dopo la riuscita iniziativa all'ambasciata indiana a Roma lo scorso 16 Luglio, a Palermo è stato presentato in anteprima nazionale il libro di Ajith, teorico e dirigente rivoluzionario del Partito Comunista dell'India (maoista) incarcerato dal regime indiano lo scorso maggio.
Nonostante il caldo e un disguido causato dalla struttura ospitante che a pochi giorni dell'iniziativa a propaganda iniziata ha modificato la data della stessa, in sala erano presenti principalmente giovani e qualche lavoratore che hanno preso parte alla presentazione alcuni di essi intervenendo con domande e interventi e salutando con lunghi applausi gli appelli per la liberazione di Ajith dopo aver sentito chi è e cosa rappresenta il compagno.
Ajith ha dedicato oltre quarantanni della sua vita alla lotta rivoluzionaria, ha messo le sue abilità intellettuali al servizio delle masse popolari e della classe operaia in India e nel mondo, al servizio della rivoluzione di nuova democrazia in India e della rivoluzione proletaria mondiale.
Il compagno Ajith, tra le varie cose, aveva scritto analisi su questioni importanti quali la questione delle caste che tutt'ora esistono nella "più grande democrazia del mondo" (come viene chiamata l'india dalla borghesia in tutto il mondo) o circa la repressione e marginalizzazione contro i popoli indigeni come gli adivasi.
Ajith è un analista brillante circa la politica estera del nuovo governo Modi e la situazione economica internazionale ( è stato recentemente tradotto su questo blog un suo lungo scritto in merito diviso in due parti PARTE 1 e PARTE 2) in cui aveva iniziato a trattare argomenti strategici per il movimento rivoluzionario nei paesi imperialisti come la vittoria riformista e illusoria per le masse in Grecia di Tsipras e il ruolo e il valore aggiunto che i migranti portano alla lotta di classe nei paesi imperialisti.
Su questo blog è disponibile la traduzione di un altro scritto di Ajith che sfata il mito ben presente in India e nel mondo, della non violenza ghandiana che trovate QUI

E' stato detto che il libro "Contro l'avakianismo" si inserisce nel quadro della lotta viva e reale in corso in India e nel mondo.
Alla fine dell'iniziativa alcuni dei presenti hanno preso e richiesto copie del libro.