Wednesday, May 31, 2017

USA - Calling All Antifascists! Red Guards Austin

We in RGA are hosting this guest article as call to action from trusted local antifascist organizers, we ask that you share this throughout social media, on blogs and everywhere possible to signal boost and spread the word!
Islamophobes plan to hold a rally at the state Capitol in Austin on June 10th against “sharia law”. We must first and foremost defend the people against these organized fascist hate groups. We have recently seen fascists converge on Austin in an attempt to make our city the Berkeley of the south. The far right sees Austin as a crown jewel which it wishes to capture; they want to be able to hold open hate rallies and move without being impeded. To do this, they need to go through the organized antifascists and the people of Austin. They see this city as a liberal oasis and like Berkeley they wish to combat this with uncompromising violence to go with their hateful rhetoric.
They have recently been known to ship fascists into town from all over the state to better carry out their reactionary agenda. This is the only chance they have at giving local antifascists a run for our money. This call can been seen from some of Houston’s most outspoken Neo-Nazis like William Fears, who in a recent video encouraged other fascists to converge on Austin specifically to attack the antifascist presence here. The fact that this video was produced by ex-con Fears who openly admits to being a Nazi and has a criminal record which includes aggravated kidnapping charges, burglary charges, criminal conspiracy and acquiring a fire arm with falsified documents should come as no surprise. All the far right calls for “law and order” are just more lies they tell to confuse people away from seeing these scum for what they are—predatory human-hating bigots.
The whole country reads report after report of white supremacist terrorism from a media which never calls it what it is—terrorism. Just this week we see news out of Portland Oregon where a white supremacist that was harassing some women he perceived to be Muslim turned to kill two men who tried to talk him down, seriously injuring a third. A man with a huge Swastika tattoo attacked and stabbed six people in Austin last year. It is clear that these people pose an immediate and real dangerous threat. We must seriously prepare to mobilize statewide networks of antifascists that can not only hold their ground in preventing the capitol city from hosting fascists, but can also popularize our struggle. Hundreds of antifascists, Muslims, immigrants and other Texans plan on countering the fascist event on June 10th. We humbly ask that you and your crews join us in giving the fascist scum a welcome they will not soon forget. If you love the people of your community, oppressed people and working people, then it is simple: you cannot tolerate fascists. Please invite your friends, your families, your co-workers, your classmates and everyone you know, car pool to Austin, and take a part in the historical struggle against fascism which is composed of many small battles like this one.
There is a multitude of events happening to confront the fascist activity which provide space for a diversity of tactics; no matter your methods for fighting back, or your level of comfort, you are needed and there will be room for you. No one in this struggle should feel more or less important than the next. We must all understand our personal and collective roles in stopping the spread of fascism. Just as a hand has many fingers, we must have many forces. It is when we come together and make a fist that the fascists can be halted in their tracks.
Our principle task must be to deny them movement, drown out their rhetoric and defend our communities. We must ideologically and physically confront them at every possible turn while emboldening others to do the same.
The fascists wish to blame Islam for the existence of ISIS, but it is leftist antifascist forces which deal the most shaking blows to ISIS fascism. Texas islamophobes have more in common with ISIS than anyone else and are fueled by the same kind of reactionary hatred. Do not let them terrorize the very same community that has suffered great wounds at the hands of ISIS. Do not let them turn tragedy into a rallying cry for fascism. These Trump supporters might be unwilling to accept the reality that their great leader supports Saudi Arabia, a reactionary regime which abuses the people under their dogmatic understanding of “sharia law,” but we do not fail to see the irony. We must make it clear that we stand with the Muslim community against both ISIS and these domestic reactionary bigots.
We call on all antifascists from around the state and region! We ask for your help in shutting these bastards down, defending the Muslim community and striking a blow against fascism. The far right has chosen Austin as a key trench in their war, let’s bury them in that trench under a sea of anti-fascist resistance. Let’s come together with dignity, for victory.
Make Austin the grave of local fascism
¡No Pasarán!

India: Maoists have mass base of 200.000 cadres and 10.000 guns...

Hyderabad: Maoists still have a mass base of 200.000 cadres spread over 35 districts and possess nearly 10,000 firearms, 4,000 of them company-made and the rest countrymade, according to a report of the Special Intelligence Branch, the anti-Maoist wing of the Telangana State police.
The April 25 Maoists’ ambush of CRPF personnel in a neutral territory in Sukma district in Chhattisgarh saw a large number of militia members working in support. CRPF additional director general Sudeep Lakthakia said, “Security forces getting ambushed is an operational hazard in tribal areas. The Maoists and the militia supporting them are large in number. They had a 1:5 superiority during the recent attack.”
Prof. Nandini Sundar from the Delhi School of Economics’ department of sociology, who has done extensive work on tribals in the area, said: “How many deaths will it take to realise that too many people have died?”
She said the only permanent solution was dialogue and ensuring the constitutional rights of the Adivasis over their land and forests. “The security establishment is trying to claim that they have reduced the Maoist footprint and this is the last gasp. Unless the underlying issues are addressed, only sending in more CRPF personnel will not work.”

Rojava : Deux internationalistes tués sur le front de Raqqa

Ce lundi 29 mai, Ayşe Deniz Karacagil est tombée en martyre dans l’opération pour libérer Raqqa. Elle combattait dans les rangs du MLKP et de l’International Freedom Battalion. Les combattantes et combattants des QSD (Forces Démocratiques Syriennes) sont dans la dernière phase d’approche de Raqqa, la capitale auto-proclamée de l’Etat Islamique. Les Forces approchent à présent par le sud de la ville. Un autre internationaliste, İbrahim Tufan Eroğluer, combattant des BÖG (Bataillon Unifié de Libération, composante de l’IFB) est également tombé en martyr ce lundi matin.
İbrahim Tufan Eroğluer İbrahim Tufan Eroğluer
Ayşe Deniz Karacagil Ayşe Deniz Karacagil 

ILPS Canada : 50 Years of Naxalbari celebrated!

We resolve to carry forward the Spirit of Naxalbari, to support the peasants, workers, women, Adivasi people, and all the oppressed masses of India in their struggle for genuine national and social liberation.  And we extend this spirit of solidarity to the Indigenous peoples, proletarians and oppressed people struggling here in Canada and to working class and oppressed people around the world.
We condemn state terrorism, repression and crimes against the people perpetrated by the  Indian State on a daily basis, including but not limited to “Operation Green Hunt”, the brutal repression against the people of Kashmir, widespread state sanctioned violence against women, state sponsored Hindutva chauvinist sectarian violence, and caste based violence against dalit people.  And we condemn the Canadian, U.S. and other imperialist powers who support, condone or provide cover to these crimes against the people and the corporations and elites who benefit from the plunder of the India.
 We call for freedom for all the prisoners of imperialism:  Freedom for Comrade Ajith, Professor GN Saibaba, and all political prisoners of the reactionary Indian State!  Freedom for Leonard Peltier, John Graham and the masses of Indigenous people who face a regime of racist mass incarceration by the Canadian and U.S. colonial states!  Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, Marwan Barghouti, Ihsan Dababseh and for all Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist occupation jails!  Justice for Political Prisoners, victims of extrajudicial killings and the disappeared  in the Philippines, Mexico and everywhere!

India - Suzuki va doubler les capacités de son usine du Gujarat sur le sang des ouvriers et sur la repression - SOLIDARITE' AVEC LES 13 OUVIERES CONDAMNE'S A LA PRISON A VIE -ICSPWI

Suzuki va investir 876 millions de dollars sur son site industriel du Gujarat en Inde au cours des deux prochaines années afin d’en doubler les capacités de production et d’y installer une usine de moteurs.
Le site pourra ainsi fabriquer jusqu’à 500 000 véhicules par an. Au total, les capacités de production de Suzuki en Inde passeront à 2 millions d’unités, dont 1,5 million à Haryana et 500 000 dans le Gujarat.
Suzuki prévoit une croissance à deux chiffres de ses ventes en 2017-2018 grâce à l’amélioration de l’économie indienne et au lancement de nouveaux modèles. Le constructeur a vendu 1 568 000 véhicules en 2016-2017, en hausse de 10 %. « Notre objectif est d’atteindre 2 millions d’unités à l’horizon 2020 », ajoute Suzuki.

SAMIDOUN - Les prisonniers politiques palestiniens cessent leur grève de la faim après un accord

Après 40 jours de grève de la faim, et 20 H de négociations entre l’occupant et les dirigeants des prisonniers en lutte, ces derniers annoncent avoir obtenu une victoire sur leurs revendications humanitaires, déclare Samidoun.

Samidoun annonce que les précisions sur cet accord seront données en fin de journée, après une conférence de presse du porte parole des prisonniers ce samedi à 17 H.
« Samidoun salue la lutte des courageux prisonniers palestiniens, qui sont en première ligne de la résistance palestinienne pour la liberté. Leurs victoires et leurs combats sont ceux de tout le peuple palestinien et de tous ceux et celles qui défendent la justice et la libération de la Palestine.
Nous saluons également tous ceux qui se sont battus dans le monde entier en soutien aux prisonniers palestiniens, pendant ces 40 jours, et qui partagent leurs victoires ».

Maroc - Rif - 25 activistes présumés maintenus en détention à Al Hoceïma

Vingt-cinq personnes qui avaient été arrêtées lors de manifestations à Al Hoceïma ont comparu mardi 30 mai.

La grogne ne faiblit pas. Depuis le début du mois de ramadan, tous les soirs dans la région marocaine du Rif, des gens manifestent pour protester contre les conditions économiques et sociales dans cette partie du pays. Les arrestations se poursuivent. Selon des militants, 12 personnes ont été interpellées mardi 30 mai. Au quatrième jour des manifestations, une audience s’est tenue le jour même pour examiner le sort de plusieurs activistes présumés.

Vingt-cinq personnes ont comparu mardi au tribunal d’Al Hoceïma. Elles étaient poursuivies selon le procureur du roi pour outrage aux agents des forces de l’ordre et usage de la violence. Le parquet a finalement décidé à l’issue de cette audience le maintien en détention de ces hommes âgés de 18 ans à environ 45 ans, et ce jusqu’à la prochaine audience le 6 juin prochain.
Pourtant, leurs proches avaient espoir en une issue favorable après la libération lundi de sept personnes. A la sortie de la salle, un père de famille était anéanti par le maintien en détention de son fils décidé par les juges. Safouane, 18 ans, devait passer des examens scolaires les jours suivants. « Son examen est demain, vendredi et samedi aussi, explique sa mère, Naïma. Et là, il doit rester en prison. » La libération des détenus reste la principale revendication des habitants d’Al Hoceïma.
Quarante arrestations depuis vendredi
Au total, 40 personnes ont été interpellées depuis le début des incidents qui ont éclaté vendredi après l’interruption d’un prêche à la mosquée d’Al Hoceïma par le leader de cette contestation populaire – qui dure depuis plus de six mois. Nasser Zefzafi, leader de la contestation populaire dans le nord, a été interpellé lundi matin et transféré à Casablanca, comme la plupart des militants considérés comme le noyau dur de la contestation.

Bangladesh: 50th Anniversary of Naxalbari celebrated in Dhaka

Procession and discussion meeting held at 50th anniversary of Naxalbari was held in Dhaka on 25th May.
At around 3:30 pm a procession started from the Press Club to Progoti conference room, Mukti Bhawan, 2 Purana Paltan in Dhaka. The meeting and Discussion was led by Jafar Hossain, assisted by Atif Anik started at 4.15 pm. The discussion started with respect to the heroes of Naxalbari. The following comrades spoke and gave statements during the conference: Masud Khan, President of National Democratic People’s Forum; Anis Raihan, political activist and organizer; Professor Md. Nurannabi; Bijan Sommanit, member of Shahid Biplobi and Deshpremik Smriti Sangsad; Biplab Bhattacharjo, convener of Revolutionary student-youth movement; Badal Shah Alam, editor of Khanan magazine; Lalfauj’s secretary Prince Ahmed; Hasan Fakri, President of Shahid Biplob and Deshpremik Smriti Sangsad.
At the end of the discussion meeting, a team of Revolutionary Workers Movement and Revolutionary Student-Youth Movement sang revolutionary songs.

Österreich: Aktionen zu „50 Jahre Naxalbari“.- Austria: Acciones por el 50 aniversario de Naxalbari

El sábado 20 de mayo se realizó un día internacional de acción con motivo del 50 aniversario de la gran levantamiento de Naxalbari.En 1967, los oprimidos se alzaron en Naxalbari (India) en el levantamiento armado contra los terratenientes y las potencias imperialistas. Puntos de referencia esenciales son que estaban a favor de la China socialista, la revolución cultural y Mao Zedong. Entonces surgió Charu Mazumdar el más importante líder del levantamiento de Naxalbari, cuyas enseñanzas viven hasta hoy en el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta) y en la guerra popular!También en Austria, se apoyó el día internacional de acción, aquí hay algunas fotos de esto:
Viena:Fue una acción organizada en contra de la Embajada de la India, que expresó su solidaridad con las luchas de las masas en la India, y se dirige especialmente a los representantes del Estado indio reaccionario en Austria. Del mismo modo,  se hizo una pintura mural, que insta a apoyar la guerra popular, que hoy sigue la tradición del importante levantamiento de Naxalbari.Apoyarla guerra popular en la India!

Hubo grandes carteles distribuidos con una cita de Charu Mazumdar, el más grande líder del levantamiento de Naxalbari y la revolución en la India.


 Estimados C., le informamos lo siguiente:

Ayer por la noche informo ATV canal 9 de las tareas cumplidas por el EPL en la capital, donde Jaime Antezana afirma" son pruebas que hacen para que desenvuelven y pasen acciones militares, y que bandera es el Partido y dinamita significa que estan fuertes y que emplearan la violencia", esto lo sostiene y antes negaba el ganapan, seudo senderologo y sobre la acción similar en la carretera central no sacaron nada, la ocultaron pero tenemos fotos de ella, les estamos enviando.
 Buena preparación y su ejecución misma, todo expresa un brillante éxito para el Presidente Gonzalo, el Partido y la guerra popular y golpe contra el imperialismo y la reacción y aplastamiento al nuevo revisionismo. Acciones que tienen que remover la capital gran caja de resonancia en el país y en el extranjero. 
Hoy 27 salió en el diaro Ojo casi todo lo de puente Carapongo, con pinta y bandera, además se afirma por parte de un jefe de la Dincote: " que se hizo despues de fecha de 17 de Mayo para que la policía no se infiltre, que se ha estado haciendo durante estos días y que los senderistas lo realiza de

Modi zu Besuch in Berlin

Heute ist der amtierende indische Premierminister Narendra Modi zu Besuch in Berlin. Der Kern des Besuches ist etwas, wonach sich der deutsche Imperialismus seit längerem die Finger leckt – wirtschaftliche Öffnung.
Nun stielt sich Modi weiter um konkrete Aussagen zum Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Indien herum, und fokussiert sich darauf, Investitionen zu fordern. Jedoch ist dies die Frage, die den deutschen Imperialismus umtreibt. Ganz klar wird das, wenn man die Prognosen des „Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (ifo)“ heranzieht: Bei einem Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Indien kann die BRD als die EU dominierender Imperialismus sein Bruttoinlandsprodukt jährlich um 4,6 Milliarden Euro steigern.
Störende Hindernisse für den „Handel“, also die Ausbeutung Indiens, sollen durch ein Freihandelsabkommen außer Kraft gesetzt werden, wie z.B. die Zollgebühren auf Importe von fertig Montierten PKW, die zwischen 60 und 100 Prozent des Neupreises liegen.
Wie gesagt, Modi sagt zu diesem Freihandelsabkommen nichts, wünscht aber Investitionen von deutschen Unternehmen in Indien. Dass diese nicht im Interesse des indischen Volkes sind, ist klar. Denn was bedeutet es, wenn der deutsche Imperialismus „investiert“? Wie das ifo es klar ausgedrückt hat: mehr Profit für den deutschen Imperialismus.

Partido Comunista de Filipinas: La ley marcial de Duterte no sólo es contra el Nuevo Ejército del Pueblo (NPA), es contra el pueblo en general

Respuesta a la afirmación de Bello de que la ley marcial no es contra el NPA 

Silvestre Bello III, negociador jefe del GRP, insiste en que el CPP cometió un error al exhortar al New People’s Army a intensificar sus ofensivas tácticas contra la AFP. Afirma que la declaración de la ley marcial en Mindanao no es contra el NPA.
La ley marcial de Duterte no sólo es contra el NPA, es contra el pueblo en general. Limita los derechos civiles y políticos del pueblo. Limita su libertad de movimiento y otras libertades. La ley marcial transfiere estas libertades a los militares y somete al pueblo a abusos. Bajo la ley marcial son los militares, los reconocidos abusadores de los derechos humanos, los que gobiernan.
En la ciudad de Davao, con un fanático apoyo a la ley marcial, la alcaldesa Sarah Duterte está acorralando a la gente en sus comunidades. Cerca de trescientas personas ya han sido arrestadas arbitrariamente por los militares por no cumplir con las reglas arbitrarias impuestas por los militares y los burócratas militaristas. La ley marcial de Duterte está condenada a ser peor que su “Oplan Tokhang”.
Con estas políticas severas, Duterte está demostrando que bajo su ley marcial, todo el mundo es sospechoso hasta que pueda demostrar lo contrario. Como todo filipino sabe, sobre todo los pobres y oprimidos, probar su inocencia a los militares a menudo es imposible.
El GRP debe responder por estas violaciones flagrantes del Acuerdo General sobre el Respeto de los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (CARHRIHL). Además de las cuestiones pendientes de cerca de 500 presos políticos que permanecen detenidos bajo el gobierno de Duterte, así como la creciente lista de violaciones de derechos humanos perpetradas por la AFP bajo su “Oplan Kapayapaan”.
La imposición de la ley marcial en Mindanao tendrá implicaciones negativas en las actuales negociaciones de paz del NDFP-GRP.
Puesto que la ley marcial de Duterte es en contra del pueblo, es imperativo que el New People’s Army (NPA) tome medidas para oponerse y luchar contra ella para defender los derechos e intereses del pueblo.
Si es cierto que la ley marcial en Mindanao no está dirigida contra el NPA, entonces Bello debe informar al Secretario de Defensa Delfin Lorenzana. Al anunciar la declaración de la ley marcial, fue el mismo Lorenzana quien citó al NPA como uno de los “problemas” de la GRP por lo qué toda Mindanao tuvo que ser sometida a la ley marcial.
Además, incluso antes de la declaración e imposición de la ley marcial en Mindanao del régimen de Duterte, la AFP ha estado llevando a cabo una guerra sucia mediante la ocupación de comunidades civiles, ejecuciones extrajudiciales, secuestros y detenciones bajo su “Oplan Kapayapaan”. Envalentonado por la orden de Duterte a los militares para “aplastar las colinas”, ha llevado a cabo bombardeos aéreos cerca de las comunidades civiles, sembrando terror entre los residentes y dañando sus medios de subsistencia. Estos ataques se han llevado a cabo principalmente contra las masas campesinas sospechosas por la AFP de estar involucradas en la causa revolucionaria.
Sólo al intensificar la lucha armada revolucionaria el pueblo puede defender sus derechos e intereses.

 Videos - Protestas contra la Ley Marcial en Filipinas



El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, inauguró a principios de esta semana, acompañado de una cohorte de sacerdotes, un obispo y numerosas jerarquías de la renacida Iglesia ortodoxa de ese país, un templo dedicado, según reza el anuncio oficial, a las "víctimas del comunismo". Como sucediera en la Rusia de los zares, el jefe del Estado fue acompañado la ceremonia del acto inaugural por "su confesor" personal, el obispo Tijón Shevnukov.
No faltan quienes resultan negativamente sorprendidos por este tipo de eventos. Y es que sucede que, de forma paradójica, dentro y fuera de Rusia, hay no pocos comunistas y gentes pertenecientes a la izquierda que no ahorran sus simpatías hacia el actual presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin .
Sin embargo, la carrera de Vladimir Putin no difiere un solo ápice de la de cualquiera de los miles de burócratas de la antigua URSS , que integraron la casta estatal que se fue haciendo con el aparato del Estado soviético en el curso de las últimas décadas de la existencia de ese país.

Celebrating 50 Years since Naxalbari : Part 2 by Harsh Thakor

    These Articles reflect the personal opinions of Harsh Thakor

PART 1 Here :

Below I am reproducing parts from Gautam Navlakaha’s ‘In  a Heartland of Rebellion.’It accurately reveals the extent of revolutionary democracy the Maoists had built up and their practice of mass line.

Excerpts from Gautam Navlakha's experience(Sanhati)

What Do I Believe?

What is my overall impression? How do I read the Maoist movement in DK?

I am convinced that this war will be unlike any other war which Indian government has waged in the last 63 years. That this is one war which will test the resilience of the Indian state as it has never been done before.

Precisely because it is a war in which people are fighting in their own territory to save their land, forest, water, minerals, from being grabbed and they are convinced that they have an alternate vision, not just for themselves, the adivasis, but for Indian people as a whole.

 It is a different ball game altogether when a people feel that destiny beckons them to emancipate themselves in order that they can inspire fellow country men and women to rally around them and follow their example.

However, no movement in India has so much to its credit and yet so little written about it or so much abuse hurled at them. Far less than this gets talked about and celebrated. Those of us, who believe in liberty with equality , must rejoice at the remarkable strides Maoists have taken and in showing us how far the spirit of  serve the people  can take us.

They are not saints, certainly not sinners, but as mortals they have shown what an unflinching commitment to bring about social transformation actually means. Critics can find faults, magnify them, over-read them, rulers can try to  eliminate ,  cripple  and  choke , to use the words employed by the PM, to wipe them out, but it is not possible to deny that they are rooted among people, they survive because of this, and they are expanding politically because poor and deprived believe in them. 

Its not only Maoists reaching out to people but people are reaching out to them and inviting them to enter new areas, to assist them in their everyday struggles.

Therefore, I believe that whether they are dealt a setback or lose their base or bases here or there, this movement is not going to be obliterated. 

I think that if they are pushed from one area they will sprout elsewhere. This is the significance of their claim that they are thinking in terms of 50-60 years and not just here and now. 

They are here to stay. This represents a significant shift.

So, one should not belittle their achievement. 

All the more because while scholars and activists talk about alternative development models and paradigms, here are Maoists who have been practicing it for last thirty years among millions of Indians.

And not only are they developing agriculture, introducing social and economic reforms, debating social mores but are engaged in working out their own take on industrialization, mining ..Yes it is small step when you consider the vast canvas of India. But is there any other political formation which has come anywhere close to what they have achieved against this many odds?

Ironically, whatever document one was given to read or conversation we had was invariably punctuated with their admission of many a shortcoming or mistake or weakness. .

While I consider them honest admission I believe these are highly exaggerated. One of the things which stuck me was that unlike elsewhere where people tend to over blow their achievement here party was being modest about them. Constantly talking about the problems they face or what needed to be done.

For instance when I asked why is it that there is so little written material in shape of travelogue, reportage, party documentation etc on DK movement? There are few books available in Hindi, even these are translated from Telugu or Punjabi, and there is booklet brought out by the party on the development work in DK which is available in English and Hindi. But these are few and far in between. P Shankar s book  yeh jungle hamara hai  (This Forest Belongs to Us) needs updating since it was written in 1997 in Telugu and later translated into Hindi. Somehow the answer was that they never got round to doing this. Why? Did they not know that their detractors have used this knowledge deficit to malign them?

Yes, they did especially when in the initial period of Salwa Judum they were blamed for bringing white terror  upon themselves. They were accused of having stopped adivasis from plucking tendu leaf.

Whereas  the truth was that we were opposed to government announced price of less than Rs 50 for a bundle of 50 leaves when private contractors were offering nearly double the rates. That was the period when we realized that some intellectuals were levelling charges against us by believing whatever was told them in the Salwa Judum camps.

But why did they not publicize their achievement? Here they were practicing alternate  development  enriching adivasi society be it in terms of economic activities, health, education, development of their language (developing a new script) and preserving tribal culture ..Why did they not encourage more write ups on their experience and work in DK? I could not find satisfactory answer; I was met with shy smiles.

My own take is that for years DK was seen as an adjunct to the movement in AP. By the time it took roots and organs of people s power began to consolidate nearly two decades had passed. It was around the turn of this millennium that serious efforts were made to invite writers to come, visit and write. This picked up with the formation of CPI (Maoists) with significant presence in several states and setback experienced in AP.

The remarkable thing is that party in DK is strongly located among the poor adivasis and women. The advantage of entering an area which had been overlooked by the Indian State for decades, where political parties were marked by their absence, proved to provide the Maoists with a tremendous advantage.

This they seized and as a result the progress made, the utilization of resources and how far it went - against Indian State s record where 12 paise for every rupee allocated reaches the people, here nearly every penny serves the people - the frugality of life of party members in DK as well as the PLGA, the backbone of the movement, makes evident a fact that collective work and commitment to serve the people can make even limited resources go very far.

I did not probe whether they debated while utilizing resources the choice between equity and efficiency or how did they resolve it, but it was evident to naked eyes that emphasis was on reaching out to as many as possible with minimum of wastage. The way in which every scrap of paper was saved and used was an everyday reminder. 

Every scrap was used for scribbling a message, instruction or requirement. Life remains tough and Spartan. The problems the party faces are mounting: on the one hand offensive as well as encirclement by the State and on the other loss of human and material resources.

However, the point is that while they face problems they also exaggerate their weaknesses. If one reads, for instance, the party document on rectification being carried out by them it reveals that most examples they cite are probably drawn from outside DK and most likely AP. Let me illustrate:

a) In some areas, the lands occupied from landlords in the past are lying fallow due to government repression; when the landlords try to sell these lands, the rich peasants and middle peasants are purchasing them. On such occasions, instead of bringing pressure through the agricultural labourers and poor peasants, who occupied those lands, on those who purchased the lands and stopping the sales, the squads themselves have been thrashing the rich and middle peasants who purchased the lands.

b) In the struggle for the eradication of bad habits like liquor consumption, educating the people with a long term view is lacking; in the struggle to obstruct the manufacture of arrack, instead of rallying the people, especially the women, prominence is being given to squad actions only. Physical punishments are being imposed disregarding class basis.

c) When problems arise in man-woman relations, especially in matters relating to marriage, judgments are being given without taking into view, the social problems women face.

d) In various kinds of people s  Panchayats  instead of listening to the versions of both sides apart from gathering the needed information from others in the villages also, one sided judgments are being - delivered, under the effect of sectarianism.

e) When some among the people commit mistakes, when they oppose our mass organisations, or when they are suspected to be working as informers, punishments much beyond their wrongs are being imposed    

Now squads have given way to platoons, companies and now they are talking of battalions. In Bastar where land was distributed the ousted landlords have not been able to either sell or take possession of their lands expropriated from them and distributed to poor adivasis by JS. 

This is opposite to what happened in AP. 

In AP land which was distributed lay fallow and attempts were made to sell them off which was thwarted through squad action. Indeed during the peak of SJ these lands may have remained fallow, but by now Adivasi peasants have begun to return to cultivate the lands, and size of the land which remains fallow has shrunk. 

Also in Bastar, JS extends credit and seeds to poor peasants and loans to purchase pair of bullocks provided to poor peasants to encourage them to take to ploughing their fields rather than using shovels to plough the land. Besides, in DK s JS areas there are no arrack shops and only traditional liquor is brewed.

Therefore, mobilizing women against arrack shops, so effective in early phase of the movement in AP, is not needed here. Indeed incidence of drunkenness is far less. Punishment meted out is not in excess of mistake committed. In fact people are proud that ordinary crimes have reduced. 

Finally, an adivasi comrade said that in AP, unlike here in DK, party members had become little lazy. I said really. He said here in DK we do all the work ourselves; even carry our supplies and even when we fetch it from the haat everyone has to chip in to carry it. 

In AP people would use their mobile and place order and provisions would arrive either in tractor or jeep. He said they exposed themselves to informers and infiltration.

Below is a writing of Beranard d’Mello on the Che Gueveras of Telegu Society reviwing the book of ‘Understanding Maoists’ by Venugopal Rao.It reflects weaknesses of military line but to me is still wrong in calling it Che Guevarist.

He summarizes the weakness in the maoist militeay strategy in protecting itself from attacks.Here I give great relevance to the analysis of the C.P.R.C.I.(M.L.) line coming from T.Nagi Reddy-D.V.Rao..The basic documents reflect what is true ppw .

Today in many region ssubjective factors do not exist for armed struggle and the Maoist party has not reached the stage of base ares the Telengana armed struggle achieved.

Brasil - Chacina em Pau D`arco no Pará é crime de Estado!

reproduzimos a seguir gravíssima denúncia e pronunciamento da Liga dos Camponeses Pobres (LCP) do Pará e Tocantins e da Comissão Nacional da Liga dos Camponeses Pobres acerca de uma chacina promovida pela DECA (Delegacia de Conflitos Agrários). Traremos mais informações na edição nº 189 do jornal A Nova Democracia, que está sendo preparada.

As informações dão conta de 11 mortos e 14 baleados.
As informações que chegaram até agora apontam a DECA como a responsável pela operação militar.
As mentiras começam com a DECA informando que os policiais foram recebidos a tiros e reagiram! Mentirosos! Assassinos! Canalhas!
Todo mundo que conhece armamento sabe que aquelas poucas que foram apreendidas e mostradas não encorajariam ninguém a enfrentar a polícia. É só ver os corpos dos companheiros assassinados para concluir que foram fuzilados, e não estavam em posição de confronto.
Esta área já havia sido reintegrada ao latifundiário grileiro que nós conhecemos muito bem. A DECA, outras polícias, pistoleiros e seguranças particulares estavam na área para fazer segurança para o latifundiário. E fizeram a chacina para vingar a morte de um suposto pistoleiro que teria morrido na região.