Monday, June 24, 2024

report of antiG7 manifestation 15 june Puglia /Italy

 many photos and many videos and speechs of maoist comrades on italian blog proletari comunisti


In the protest demonstration on Saturday 15 June against the G7, we participated with a strong contingent mainly made of workers, members of proletari comunisti, the Slai cobas for the class union and the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement, who struggle every day in their workplace, in the territory, to defend the workers’ interests and raise their class-consciousness and turn it into social political struggle against the masters and the government.

The G-7 brought together the chiefs of state and government of the 7 most industrialized and richest countries in the world; they were joined by premiers of various countries, from India to Brazil, from Turkey to the Middle East, Argentina, etc. The representative of the European Union and the Pope also participated. This summit decided one thing above all: 50 billion to continue the war in Ukraine, to continue all reactionary imperialist wars within the framework of sharpening world contradictions between the imperialist G-7 countries and Russia, China. A military and economic escalation that represents a step forward towards the third world war. They also reiterated the concrete military and political support for the genocide in Palestine carried out by the Zionist State of Israel, in the name of the so-called "Biden plan".

These are the decisions they made in a luxury resort in Borgo Egnazia, having made the Apulia a militarized zone, under a state of siege imposed by around 8,000 men of all police and armed forces, fully armed, even with posts missiles and aircraft carriers. They turned the inhabitants of that area into sequestered at home. At the same time, they tried to fuel the population's fear of protest demonstrations.

They occupied all the luxury hotels, first and foremost the Borgo Egnazia resort. They went on huge binges, endless celebratory photos and videos of all kinds, to show that they were all in agreement. They thus flaunted their power over the destinies of the world.

Italian prime minister Meloni, even more than her cabinet made of half figures and disqualified characters, tried to gain credibility towards the so-called "Great of the earth", with a humble subservient attitude, making the entire Region available to the warlords, under the sign of luxury, the waste of millions and millions of public funds. It has been reported that the overall cost reached 100 million.

Against this Summit, a strong mobilization effort was made by the forces gathered in the anti-G7 regional coordination, to which our organization and all the forces connected to it contributed, in stark contrast with to the stand prevailing among the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary left, the base unionism -except the Cobas Confederation and the Slai cobas for the Class Union- and the economicist or extremist groups, that have deserted the mobilization and left the field free to the imperialist masters and the Meloni government.

More than a thousand people with a strong base in the area participated in the protest, along with delegations from all over the country.

It has been important that the people of Fasano did not accept the logic that local administrations and the government had tried to impose them, to force them to keep everything closed, not to participate in anything.

The demonstration crossed the town along 3 km, and in many streets the march saw a strong presence of the local population at the sides, including the many who looked out from the windows.

The masses of Fasano were able to see with their own eyes that those who the State, the government, the mainstream press, the local press, the local administrations tried to paint as potential terrorists were in fact many young people, women, workers from Taranto, Brindisi, Bari, a few from other Italian cities.

They saw workers who had faced long journeys, like those from Bergamo; they saw comrades, at the forefront in the struggles on their territories, on the environment, against military bases, coming from Pisa, Florence, Ravenna, Milan, etc.; they saw many who came from other parts of the Southern Italy, like those who are opposing the bridge in Messina; or those who are carrying out many demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people and above all against the main war industry of our country, Leonardo, in Palermo.

The march gradually became an explosion of slogans against the warlords, against the capitalist/imperialist system. An explosion of solidarity to the Palestinian people. A protest that gradually gave a voice to everyone, who could not only to make their voice heard loud and clear, but also everything they represented.

It was said at this demonstration: they are 7, we are the rest of the world; those who do not want a new imperialist war, who do not want genocide in Palestine, who do not want poverty, exploitation, who do not want hunger; those who struggle in Italy for work, wages, against environmental and territorial devastation; the students who protest a school that serves the war, who claim to break any relationship with Israel; all those who ask for peace, democracy, and certainly not war, police state; all them were represented in the demonstration.

It was a strongly anti-fascist demonstration, because in it clearly advanced the understanding that we have a modern-fascist government in Italy, which wants to get its hands on the entire country and drag it into the imperialist war.

With the slogan "Apulia is not a war zone, never again G7 in our land", this demonstration was able to dismantle the propagated image of this G7; it managed to move, to excite the masses of Fasano who began to see clearly what this G7 really was, not what the mainstream media and newspapers told them.

There were journalists from other countries around the world, from the US to Japan who had to report the contents and strength of the demonstration. A highly communicative event towards the masses, among whom the consent to contents it expressed gradually increased.

We communists, avant-garde proletarians, women of the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement, are proud for having participated and contributed to its success.

We supported the anti-G7 coordination that made it possible, those who did the utmost to build the unity necessary for this demonstration.

The Meloni government and its servants in the Region claimed that Apulia with the G7 has become the showcase of the world. No, it has become the showcase of war. This G7 was a real shame, an outrage not only to our territory, but to the people of the world, to the workers of the whole country.

This demonstration unmasked the Meloni government, the warlords of the G7 and the entire court that supported them. It unmasked the bourgeois state, which is incapable of dealing with even the basic problems of the people but sends 8,000 armed and trained soldiers and secret services when hosts these summits. They deployed such a military force because they are afraid, they fear that the people don't believe their propaganda it and will rebel against all this.

The message of the demonstration was: It is right to rebel! Unite in one front all the organisations, associations that are against war, fascism, repression, against the attack on work, wages, health care; against 50 billion for the war while people have to pay for medicines, youth are forced to emigrate or can't afford the costs of their studies and don't have a real future.

In this demonstration the protest of women was at foremost. Because this G7 dealt with women; the worst "women's representative" was Meloni herself, the chief of our government, who tried to remove from the agenda any reference to women's rights and in particular to the important and symbolic one, women's freedom of choice, which is the freedom of abortion.

This demonstration was a general re-appropriation of the resistance struggle of the Palestinian people: "We are all Palestinians", "Netanyahu murderer, hands off the children", was repeatedly shouted. Representatives of the Palestinian people spoke wholeheartedly and accounted the enormous disaster of a people deprived of everything, at risk of starvation, who are also denied humanitarian aid; they talked about hospitals bombed, about women who cannot give birth, they talked about 15,000 children murdered in this war, they talked about the hatred that marks imperialism, the Zionist State of Israel towards a whole people, so much as they try to annihilate them with genocide. They also spoke of the solidarity that is growing and that even the G7, the ultra militarized summit of the lords of the world, is not able to suffocate the voice of the opposition, the voice of the people.

The demonstration also condemned other regimes attending this summit.

The Erdogan fascist regime, which is waging a war against the Kurdish people, which filled the country with political prisoners -at the demonstration there were representatives of the Kurds in Italy who spoke and conveyed their thanks to the entire protesters and clearly exposed what is happening in Turkey.

The Indian regime of Modi, who was welcomed with all honours by Meloni and other imperialists, it being important for them in the framework of the inter-imperialist conflict, particularly against China, while the Italian imperialist state with the Meloni government actively participates in the maneuvers of the Indo-Pacific pact, is the regime of massacres, suppression on the Indian masses and particularly the indigenous populations of the forests, the national minorities of Kashmir and of the fighters of the people's war led by the Maoists in many areas of the country. At the demonstration we exposed the nature and actions of Modi and his regime with panels and speeches about the nature and actions of Modi, obtaining a strong audience from the demonstrators and the international press.

The G7 marked a stage in the support to the inter-imperialist war ongoing in Ukraine, fuelling the war which transformed Ukraine into a territory of immense destruction and deaths for many Ukrainians and Russians. Nevertheless the next day the warlords went to Geneva to talk about peace in Ukraine.

The G7 saw the various rulers smiling, embracing each other, while each of them was thinking of his interests, clearly together with the others, but also against the others.

From this point of view, government leaders appeared increasingly weak. Biden, who risks not being elected in the next American elections, as well as Macron and Scholz, who come from an electoral defeat. All these rulers have focused on defending themselves and the imperialist interests they represent.

In front of all this, it is important that the voice of the demonstration and the voice of our organization have been heard loud and clear. We have dealt a "blow" to imperialism and its governments. We brought portraits of warlords with bloody faces; we put up banners, posters denouncing any aspect of their policies; and with our speeches in the square of Fasano, at the gathering, during the march, from the stage at the end of the event, we exposed what was happening and what the G7 really was. Strong, clear speeches, made from the heart, in close connection with those we represent or want to represent, speeches which characterized the demonstration in a proletarian, revolutionary, internationalist and communist way.

There were more than 1000. Think of the significance it would have had if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands from all over the country had come to Apulia. Think what a slap in the face it would have been for the warlords, what a slap in the face it would have been for Meloni. Think of the significance it would have had for the peoples of the world to know that these rulers, wherever hold their summits, are surrounded, forced to hear loud and clear the voice of the people and in particular of the majority of the people, the proletarians, the poor masses, the youth, women.

Where were the unions? Trade unions in all countries are increasingly at the service of the masters and the government. In Italy they talk, talk, but in fact they are tight like thieves with masters and ministers at the negotiating tables. These unions did not mobilize the workers on this occasion, indeed they tried everything to keep them from knowing anything.

Where were the parties of the so-called "opposition", busy until the day before in the electoral campaign talking about the "needs of the people", about "peace"..?

Where were the USB, the Si.Cobas? Where were that part of organizations that define themselves as anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, internationalist? Where were the No-Tav movement? Why did they miss this date?

On the 15th the two hills emerged clearly: the hill of imperialism, of capitalism, of warlords, of exploitation, of fascism, of the oppression of the peoples of the world and the hill that fights to overthrow this world, to eliminate this system that produces war.

Our hill says: let's stop the war, let's rebel, let's organize, let's unite, let's make a great united front, let's unite all the forces that are against the imperialist war, let's stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, let's force our governments to break economic, political and military ties with the State of Israel, we demand the condemnation of the Israeli regime for war crimes by the International European Court of Justice, we are for the recognition of the State of Palestine because in that land, Palestine, it needs a State, from the river to the sea, we need an international and internationalist front.

The demonstration highlighted the existence of an embryonic proletarian, communist, internationalist party that has to be built, because politics cannot be delegated to parliamentary parties, it is necessary that the proletariat, the masses in the streets, have their own party.

This G7 Summit was a step in the march towards world imperialist war, and the struggle against it has national and international significance.

The 50 billion taken from Russia's assets is a true act of war. We are therefore measuring ourselves against a great event.

In Fasano, having dismantled the narrative in the small means to get the key to dismantle it at a national level. It teaches us how to dismantle the war machine, with which contents and slogans.

Genocide is a consistent form of the ideology, politics and practice of imperialism in the current phase of crisis – Paper Tiger Imperialism. In that, Palestine is emblematic but it is not the whole. We have to fight imperialism. We in Fasano fought the battle of the Palestinians, but against the our enemies, striking the imperialist world system. This is the contribution we gove to the Palestinians.


In Fasano it wasn't a question of launching extremist slogans, such as "Piazzale Loreto..." - some comrades did so. The matter was not and is not the self-demonstration of who we are. Nor should Meloni be considered as Mussolini. “Fascism” is different today, it is modern-fascism.

The correct, central slogan that spoke to those were around us was: "Puglia is not war zone, never again a G7 in our land".

Slogans with an identity but affirmed in connection with the masses were needed.

At the G7 proletari comunisti chose to conduct an autonomous action, taking up our responsibilities in terms of propaganda, agitation, organization, bringing this battle at a national level in the workplaces and areas of presence.

In Fasano we occupied the central square since the morning, brought the national and international banners and slogans of our organization; just as at the gathering, during the march, from the stage at the end of the event, we brought the general and particular line of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist proletarian and communist vanguard, in what was not only part of the large movement of solidarity with Palestine ongoing throughout the country, but also the most important event of national and international significance that took place in Italy, particularly this year.

What entered the scene in Fasano is the embryo of a genuine revolutionary Party. We represented the most organized form of the proletarian and people’s voice in the field of opposition against war and fascism.

We were an internationalist contingent, not only for having joined the internationalist aspect of the event, with Palestine at the centre, but for having brought Turkey and India regimes to the attention of all the participants and all the mass media.

The Party that we are building in its form of propaganda and agitation, which is the center of our activity in this year, has emerged in a clear, sharp form during the demonstration, without any shadow of sectarianism, ideologism, self-referencing and self-propaganda.

We brought the slogans: against the imperialist war for the socialist revolution; the imperialist war can only be stopped if the people's war advances; all summarized by the most significant banner of the entire event…

We exposed the real nature of the Meloni government, in a way which in a certain sense was the most incisive and direct against the Meloni government, hitting the mark and provoking the reaction and attack of the entire bourgeois press and mass media.

In the demonstration we were a vanguard Party with a mass line, and the mass line led by a Party is a Maoist weapon to address and gather the support and potential of the masses.

It was the result of the good work done in the red base in Taranto, joining the work of the anti-G7 regional coordination.

Our comrades came at the demonstration with a vanguard spirit and great efforts, aware of the great work done in Palermo and Bergamo-Milan to put the mobilization against the G7 on the agenda, in a difficult situation and daring to go against the tide.

We openly fought the desertion by the radical parliamentary and extra-parliamentary left, by base trade unionism in its two largest wings, the right USB and the "left" Si.Cobas. On this occasion, their economism and false extremism showed their true nature, and that they are, in spite of many comrades who are part of them, useless tools not only for the construction of the party but for the construction of the united, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist front.

As well as is is clear that, although there were many students and women, their national and organized presence was certainly missing. As regards the women, it is yet another proof of how important and strategically decisive the role and organization of the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement are.

We must fully valorise the demonstration and our action in it on a national scale and make it a ground for the advancement of the entire movement and in particular of the class and our organization.

Of course, what the demonstration has marked is the persistent crisis of the working class and the still inability by the struggle movement in general, see the resounding absence from Naples, to find a path to a real recovery. The social and political passivity, whose only signal is electoral abstentionism, the subordination of the entire movement to the interests of the bourgeoisie in the factories and workplaces, the rule of the ruling class ideas in the mass consciousness and of the wrong positions and ideas also in those sectors of political opposition and union and social struggles, all that shows the actual limit of consciousness and organization that we have to face.

The demonstration in Fasano encourages us, it must serve to fight pessimism, ideological and practical backwardness, subjective shortcomings, keeping attached to particularisms, which continue to exist in our ranks, which act as an internal enemy to our work.

Now we have to continue. We are really strong and influential when we act as a united group in the manner of Lenin, assimilate in the field mlm worker training, draw lessons from practice.

It is the time of the plan for the Party, of the new Theses, of the program, of agitation and propaganda, to organize the Party of the revolution.

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