Wednesday, August 31, 2016

international celebrations of 50°GRCP - maoist road calls ...

International celebrations of  50°GRCP - 

MAOISTROAD calls to all parties and organisations that signs MayDay JD 2016 and to all other parties and organisations in the world that support GRCP:  building together 10-100-1000 celebrations in the world! 
Realize together a true international celebration in the next year on the common basis of MAY DAY Joint declaration!

extraits of MDJD 2016

Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Long live the 50th anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!
Long live the Proletarian World Revolution! Long live Maoism!

.... we call upon the proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) in China. In the GPCR, as a great strategic beacon, the Mao Tsetung Thought is intensely spread and Chairman Mao becomes the recognized leader of the world revolution and the one who brought forward a new stage of Marxism-Leninism: Maoism. Five decades after Chairman Mao affirmed that “imperialists and all reactionaries are paper tigers” imperialism has descended further into its prolonged and deep crisis, in a world evermore ridden from storms the conditions to advance the revolution are increasingly favourable..... The proletariat, the masses, led by communists, must organize the proletarian and mass resistance against the internal war and resolutely undertake the preparations to turn the imperialist wars into revolutionary wars. To do so from the belly of the imperialist beast, communists are constructing new Maoist Communist Parties, making efforts to merge with the deepest masses of the proletariat, to win ideological hegemony in the revolutionary movement in order to, in front of all non-proletarian ideologies, mobilize, politicize and organize the most exploited sections of the working class and the poorest
masses, to prepare and carry out through actions the beginning and development of the People’s War.

....The countries oppressed by imperialism are the storm centres and base of the world revolution. In India, the Philippines, Turkey and Peru, the masses and the peasants, the main force of the New Democratic Revolution, rise up through Agrarian Revolution defend their lands, defeat the displacement plans from the countryside carried out by bureaucratic capitalism engendered by imperialism.
.......In India the People's War developed by the CPI (Maoist) has survived the encirclement and annihilation campaigns of the enemy, imposing defeats on imperialism and all reaction, and it is a great example for the masses of the whole world regarding the way forward. Hundreds of millions of peasants joining the masses of Indian workers – raised up in People's War under the direction of CPI (Maoist) – it is a great strength for the world proletariat.....They are defeating the new revisionism; they are an example for the International Communist Movement. .....

More than ever the urgent task of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement is to fight the current state of dispersion in the International Communist Movement, struggling for a Unified International Conference of Parties and Organizations that are Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. Pursuing this task will serve to establish, through the line struggle, new levels of coordination between Maoist forces around the world that will trigger new Peoples War's and enhance the anti-imperialist movement under the hegemony of the revolutionary proletariat

. Celebrate 50 years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!

 Developed and led by Chairman Mao Tsetung, the GCPR was the most advanced stage, the highest level of the Proletarian World Revolution. It put forward and solved the problem of how to lead the class struggle under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, how to continue the revolution under Socialism and move society to Communism after the ascent and success of capitalist restoration in USSR (1956) and for 10 years it prevented the capitalist restoration in China. The GCPR, mobilizing hundreds of millions of masses in defence of the dictatorship of the proletariat was the most shattering and overwhelming blow to bourgeois ideology, politics and culture, arming the international proletariat with Mao Tsetung Thought, which turned into Maoism. Chairman Mao Tsetung established that to struggle against power holders who take the capitalist road is the immediate task of the GPCR, however, that the fundamental is to solve the problem of world outlook; the question is to eradicating the roots of revisionism.
Therefore we must grasp the shining GPCR and its teachings underneath the change of ideology and in this sense fully assuming Maoism as the key issue for the class to take power, supported by a people's army capable of defending the New State supported by huge masses. Fifty years after the initiation of the GCPR the powerful east wind is continuing blowing to sweep away imperialism from the earth. The glorious People’s Wars of India, Peru, the Philippines and Turkey threaten to set the entire prairie on fire. These People's Wars, despite a thousand difficulties, are proving that the imperialist bandits are the real terrorists, the popular masses are the real heroic builders of a new world, that imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers, and that the masses are almighty. On this Mayday, amidst a world evermore stormy and challenging, to celebrate the GCPR is to continue swimming against the current, challenging wind and tide in deep ideological and political struggles to uphold Maoism in the struggle of the international proletariat to conquer power. The Communists around the world must assume their role with acts of war against imperialism so as to place Maoism in command and as guide for the new great wave of world proletarian revolution and sweeping imperialism off the face of the earth! We celebrate the beginning of the struggle to put Maoism as commander and guide of the proletarian world revolution to sweep away imperialism from face of the earth, a challenge that requires to resolve the pending and delayed task of constitution and reconstitution of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties throughout the world so as to trigger the People's War in as many countries as possible. ...
 1 st of May 2016

 List of signatories Collective of Iranian Maoists Committee Building the Maoist Communist Party, Galicia, Spanish state Committees for the Founding of the (Maoist) Communist Party, Austria Communist Nucleus Nepal Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan Communist Movement of Serbia Communist Party of Brazil Red Fraction – CPB (RF) Communist Party of Ecuador Red Sun – CPE (RS) Communist Party of India (Maoist)* Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist – TKP/M-L* Democracy and Class Struggle, British State Klassenstandpunkt, Class Position, Germany Great Unrest WSRM , Wales, British State Maoist Communist Group USA Maoist Communist Movement Tunisia Maoist Communist Party – France Maoist Communist Party ItalyMaoist Communist Party Manipur Maoist Group Shouresh – Iran (MGS) (*) Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia Maoist Revolutionary League - Sri Lanka Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party Construction Committee (Germany) – MLM-PAK Network of communist Blogs Peru People’s Movement (Committee for Reorganizing) Red Fraction of Communist Party of Chile Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP Canada) Revolutionary People's Front of Bolivia MLM Serve the People - Communist League of Norway Servir le Peuple - Sheisau Sorelh - Occitany - French state Workers Voice – Malaysia

 * Because of difficulties of communication, still waiting for official signature

call of PCm Italy for reading 'proletari comunisti' newspaper

Proletari Comunisti è il giornale dell’avanguardia proletaria e comunista del nostro paese, impegnata nel processo di ricostituzione di un autentico partito comunista rivoluzionario, un partito marxista-leninista-maoista, capace di raccogliere i quadri e le energie migliori della classe operaia e dei movimenti di lotta dei proletari e masse popolari.
Un partito che ha un obiettivo chiaro: organizzare la rivoluzione proletaria per spazzare via il governo e lo Stato dei padroni nel nostro paese, in unità con la comune battaglia che organizzazioni come le nostre conducono in altri paesi europei e su scala mondiale con i partiti e le organizzazioni marxiste-leniniste-maoiste nel mondo che dall’India al Brasile, dal Perù alla Turchia, ecc. sviluppano la guerra popolare di lunga durata per rovesciare il sistema mondiale imperialista e marciare verso il socialismo e il comunismo.
Gli articoli che appaiono su questo giornale non hanno uno scopo meramente informativo e non sono scritti per tutti, ma sono scritti per i militanti comunisti nel nostro paese,per le avanguardie operaie e di lotta che vogliano andare oltre la loro lotta, per la gioventù e le donne ribelli all’ordine sociale esistente ma non in maniera anarchica o pacifista, ma per divenire contingenti di prima linea della guerra di classe per il comunismo.
Questo giornale, quindi, non si limita a denunciare i padroni e i crimini della classe dominante, ma deve denunciare, criticare e smantellare chi nelle nostre fila si traveste da “comunista, rivoluzionario, antagonista”, ma lotta e vuole incanalare la lotta sulla via perdente e dannosa delle elezioni, della lotta sindacale tradizionale e del movimento pacifico, del cambiamento inteso come cambiamento degli uomini e delle sigle dei governi e delle amministrazioni locali e non del cambiamento dello Stato e del sistema di dominio di una minoranza sulla maggioranza delle masse, per sostituirlo con il potere rivoluzionario dei proletari e delle masse, unica soluzione alla crisi, alla miseria, allo sfruttamento, ai morti in mare, alle guerre, al fascismo, al razzismo, alla barbarie capitalista e imperialista.
Ogni numero di ‘proletari comunisti’ non va visto in sé, ma collegato ai numeri precedenti. Per esempio la riforma costituzionale l’abbiamo già affrontata in un numero precedente, la questione delle elezioni l’abbiamo approfondita nel numero di giugno. In questo numero affrontiamo la questione della Brexit; denunciamo i primi passi, delle nuove giunte comunali che si pretendono di “cambiamento” per ingannare il popolo; torniamo attraverso la vicenda dell’attentato in Bangladesh sulla questione dell’aggressione imperialista ai popoli del mondo e del cosiddetto “terrorismo”; facciamo conoscere alcune iniziative di lotta, di cui si è parlato poco o niente nella stampa borghese o opportunista; e, infine,
pubblichiamo integralmente un importante documento del Partito Comunista dell’India (Maoista) che mentre affronta una feroce repressione, massacri e torture, conduce una guerra di popolo esemplare per tutto il mondo e che dall’alto di questa “cattedra” fa appello alla celebrazione mondiale degli eventi più importanti degli ultimi cento anni: il cinquantesimo anniversario della Grande rivoluzione culturale proletaria in Cina, la Rivoluzione d’Ottobre del 1917, la nascita e la figura di Carlo Marx, guida imperitura della classe operaia nel mondo.

Questo giornale è fatto per coloro a cui interessano queste cose e non per altri. Che gli altri si abbeverino alle varie fogne della stampa e di internet, di riformisti, populisti e forze piccolo borghesi, mosche cocchiere e servi, ora belanti ora urlanti, dell’imperialismo.

India - Sept 2: Strike campaign and programs in Gurgaon-Manesar-Dharuhera-Bawal-Bhiwadi-Neemrana industrial belt

August 22, 2016
Strike campaign and programs in Gurgaon-Manesar-Dharuhera-Bawal-Bhiwadi-Neemrana industrial belt:
Let us make 2 September All India Workers Strike a success!
Let us transform the strike from a ‘yearly ritual’ to a momentum for co-ordinated militant bottom-up collective action of workers and uncompromising relentless struggle against anti worker neoliberal design!
Modi government is in the process of implementation of a series of anti-worker reforms in the labour law to rob the workers of their rights to form unions, to strike, to have a dignified and secured job, to get wage that can afford critical minimum level of life standard and so on. It is a part of the class war that Modi is executing for the big capitalists. The working masses, in response, will retreat further to despair with some sporadic expressions of anger here and there, or, will fight back with renewed militancy and collective actions, disturbing the pro-coporate ambitions like ‘Make in India’ and the neoliberal design itself.
In this context, after a long period of inaction, last year the Central Trade Unions declared a nation-wide strike on 2 September. The strike became quite successful at the grassroots and saw the initiatives of rank-and-file workers. According to some statistical sources, almost 15 crore workers participated in that strike, which is few times the membership of all trade unions put together. That shows the discontent of the working masses and their eagerness for collective action. Then again after a year of inaction, the Central Trade Unions have declared another All India strike on 2 September this year. Though we are doubtful of their ability and desirability to lead/support a militant fightback of the workers, the event still opens up the possibility of a hightened level of activity of the workers, particularly in those sectors and industrial areas where the workers have shown spontaneity of struggle in recent past.
The workers, particularly of automobile and garment sector in Gurgaon-Manesar-Dharuhera-Bawal-Neemrana-Bhiwadi industrial belt, where we work now, have repeatedly shown militant assertions against the offensive of the capitalists. In the context the joint strike call, we, on behalf of Workers Solidarity Centre (Gurgaon-Bawal), similar to a campaign last year, have started a campaign among the workers in these belts this year too. The struggling permanent, contract and dismissed workers of different plants like Maruti Suzuki (Manesar and Gurgaon plant), Hero MotoCorp, Baxter, Autofit, Nerolac, Asti, Rico, NSK, Daikin etc is taking initiatives in the campaign.
As part of the strike campaign, we are starting with 3000 posters and 25000 pamphlets to distribute at company gates and in workers residential areas and meeting unions across affiliations to explore the possibility of different forms co-ordinated actions. Along with this campaign, a street play named ‘Sultan’ of 20 minutes to depict the life-world and struggle of a contract worker of Haryana named Sultan is being performed in different parts of these industrial belt. The play has been enacted by workers themselves, who have formed an initiative named ‘Pol Khol natak dal’.
Some important markers of this campaign are —
A workers convention on the context of All India strike and the challenges and possibilities for workers struggle, keeping in mind the issues of anti-worker reforms in labour law, minimum wage, contract system, migrant labour etc, followed by the play ‘Sultan’ by ‘Pol Khol Natak Dal’
Date : 31 August, 2016
Place : Maa Santosh Devi Dharmshala, Sohna road, Dharuhera (near Dharuhera bus-stand)
Time : 3 pm-6pm
Workers meetings and the street play ‘Sultan’
Date : 24 August, 2016
Place: SPM Park, IMT Manesar
Time: 3 pm
Date : 25 August, 2016
Place: Behror Industrial belt, Alwar, Rajasthan
Time: 11 am
Date : 25 August, 2016
Place: Neemrana Industrial belt, Rajasthan
Time: 4 pm
Date : 30 August, 2016
Place: Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon
Time: 5 pm
Also, Workers Solidarity Centre, as a constituent of ‘Mazdoor Adhikar Sangharsh Abhiyan’, an initiative to form an All India co-ordination of campaign/struggles of genuinely struggling unions and workers organizations across the country, will have a sustained campaign in this period among the workers for an
All India Workers Convention on 28 August 2016, 10am to 5pm, at Ambedkar Bhavan, Jhandewalan, New Delhi
We invite you to participate in the campaign and the programs according to your convenient dates.
Workers unity and struggle long live! 

India - All-India Workers Convention –

August 28, 2016
Report on the meeting:
A significant coming-together and dialogue of various struggling workers organisations and unions who are fighting out neoliberal policies and capital’s current regime happened in Ambedkar Bhavan Delhi today, distinct from the rituals of the central trade unions and away from the din of spectacle. Hope this ‘Mazdoor Adhikar Sangharsh Abhiyan’ is a definite step towards strengthening the collective fight against capital and the current political dispensation.
From the core capital intensive manufacturing industries to agricultural labourers to tea garden workers to service sector employees – seemingly disparate sections and the variegated internally segmented working class’ and its representatives – are slowly but surely joining hands and minds on the ground of struggle. The Convention focused on fighting the current changes in the labour law regime, contract worker system and minimum wages for a dignified life. These representatives from Haryana-Rajasthan-Punjab-Uttarakhand to Karnataka-Tamil Nadu-AP-Telengana to West Bengal-Bihar to name a few, are mostly so engaged in the struggles on the ground, facing state repression and capitalist exploitation, that such coming together mostly becomes merely only a formal occasion. However, the sober dialogic yet militant tenor of the Convention today pointed to a gathering unity of thought and action.
convention poster
All-India Workers Convention
Ambedkar Bhawan, Delhi
28th August 2016 (Sunday), 10 am – 6 pm
Invites you to an
All India Workers Convention to together build up national campaigns on
Contract labour, Minimum Wages and Changes in Labour Laws
The international capital and its imperialist system have no other recourse to revive the rate of profit in the current milieu but to deepen the exploitation of labour and plunder the natural resources. It is in this context that imperialist-capitalist rulers all over the world have begun to amend labour laws to allow for such unbridled exploitation.
As production is becoming more and more internationalised, it would be futile to try and battle it only at the establishment level. The need for the working class to coordinate its efforts, internationally, or at least at the national level is obvious. Today it is clear that we have to fight against the policies of neo-liberalism and imperialist globalisation. Since these policies are being made and implemented at a national level it is clear that our field of operations must also be at the national level.
In this situation, we the undersigned feel the need for all really struggling trade unions, willing to put up an uncompromising struggle against the neo-liberal policies of imperialist globalisation and who are democratic and transparent in their functioning to come together and put up a united fight against national and international capital, the government which acts on their behalf and the anti-worker anti-people policies that they are trying to foist on the toiling people of our country.
Participant Organizer:

1. All India Workers Council
2. Bauria Cotton Mill Sangrami Shramik Union (West Bengal )
3. Democratic Trade Union Centre (DTUC) (Tamilnadu)
4. Hindustan Motors Sangrami Shramik Karmachari Union (West Bengal)
5. Indian Council for Trade Unions (ICTU)
6. Indian Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU)
7. Inquilabi Kendra (Punjab)
8. Inquilabi Mazdoor Kendra
9. Jan Sangharsh Manch (Haryana)
10. Karnataka Shramik Shakthi (Karnataka)
11. Mazdoor Patrika
12. Mazdoor Sahyog Kendra (Gurgaon)
13. Mazdoor Sahyog Kendra (Uttarakhand)
14. Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

for debate - AND sobra la Brexit

Todas las contradicciónes se agolpan. La contradicción principal, es decir la existente entre los países oprimidos, por un lado, y las superpotencias y potencias imperialistas es cada vez más aguda y se expresa en guerras contrarrevolucionarias de agresión imperialista contras los pueblos del Tercer Mundo, por un lado, y en guerras de liberación nacional: guerras populares que abren y señalan el camino y luchas armadas diversas que necesitan de la dirección del proletariado a través de su Partido, por el lado del movimiento de liberación nacional.
 la agudización de la contradicción interimperialista se expresa en que la guerra de agresión imperialista por nuevo reparto, encabezada por la superpotencia hegemónica única, el imperialismo yanqui (el perro gordo), donde los países del Tercer Mundo son el botín a repartir, se da en medio de redoblada pugna y colusión entre la Superpotencia yanqui y la superpotencia atómica Rusia (el perro flaco); así como entre estas, cada una por su parte, con cada una y todas las demás potencias imperialistas. 
Como ejemplo, citamos la disputa entre la superpotencia atómica Rusia y la potencia socialimperialista China en el mismo Medio Oriente y en el resto de Asia por el control de los países oprimidos en esa región y sus recursos naturales. Otro ejemplo, que trataremoo también, es la disputa entre la superpotencia imperialista yanqui y la potencia imperialista germana relacionada con el Brexit.

India - Maoist posters seek suspension of ministers with chit fund links


Titlagarh: Maoist posters demanding suspension of ministers with chit fund scam links were found in Boudh and Bolangir districts on Saturday morning. Names of Law minister Arun Sahoo, Housing and Urban Development minister Pushpendra Singhdeo and Food Supply and Consumer Welfare minister Sanjay Dasburma are mentioned in the poster, which was seen nailed to a tree trunk in Titlagah. The Maoists have demanded suspension of these ministers within 10 days through this threatening poster addressed to CM Naveen Patnaik.


Passing of communist activist and union militant Himadri Sen Roy

Veteran Communist leader and Trade Union activist Com. Himadri Sen Roy is no more with us. He was suffering from cancer from the time when he was in the prison. He was arrested on February 2008 by the special task force of West Bengal police. State claimed that he was the West Bengal state committee secretary of Communist Party of India(Maoist) on that time.
He was released on bail just a few months ago after some long legal fights and mass movements in demand of unconditional release of all the political prisoners.

India - Maoists welcome Soni Sori’s march, but without tricolour

In an audio statement released on Monday, the Central Committee [CC] of the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) has “appealed” to the tribal activist and Aam Aadmi Party [AAP] leader in south Chattisgarh, Soni Sori, to refrain from hoisting the national flag in the partially rebel controlled areas of south Chattisgarh. On Tuesday, Ms. Sori started a weeklong march from Dantewada in south Chattisgarh to hoist the national flag at Gompad village in the adjacent Sukma district. But following the Maoist “appeal”, it may not be very safe for her to march to Gompad and raise the tricolour on Independence Day. “The police tortured you [and] the officer, Ankit Garg, [who] is responsible for attacks on you, are protected by the same tricolour and [thus] we would request you to refrain from raising it on August 15,” the Maoist audio statement said.
The statement further claimed that it is not only Ms. Sori but all the political outfits, including mainstream parties like the “Communist Party of India [CPI], or even the Congress”, and a host of civil liberties or women’s groups and journalists, that are routinely under attack by the security forces in south Chattisgarh. “As you know, all these groups, who are mainly tribals, are targeted from all sides by a State, which is continuing with a multi-level oppression against the tribals. Is it reasonable for you to raise the flag of that State?” the statement said.

However, the statement, read by the spokesperson of CC, Vikalp Dandak, also underscored that the party welcomes Ms. Sori’s decision to march through Maoist-controlled areas to Gompad, where a villager was raped and killed recently. “We do not oppose the march as it would highlight the atrocities committed by the security personnel, but just oppose the hoisting of the tricolour,” the statement said.


"La mitad del Cielo» es el testimonio de un grupo de mujeres en su viaje por la República Popular China durante la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria, en plena campaña contra Lin Piao. Entre estas 12 mujeres había estudiantes, empleadas de oficina, la mujer de un obrero, todas militantes por la liberación de la mujer. Este testimonio es sintetizado por Claudie Broyelle, que lamentablemente capituló poco después y se pasó a las filas de Teng, el imperialismo y la reacción. Ahora ya conocemos el resultado de la restauración del capitalismo en China. A ojos del feminismo burgués China es un país adelantado en cuanto a la situación de la mujer. Hay mujeres empresarias, políticas, escritoras, científicas, etc., pero el problema de la mujer no está resuelto. La situación de la mujer en el campo ha retrocedido en décadas. La vida de las niñas recién nacidas no tiene ningún valor. En la ciudad la mayor parte de las mujeres viven en condiciones de miseria y explotación. La inevitable crisis del capitalismo en China muestra un porvenir todavía mucho más negro para la mujer obrera y campesina.
Durante la Revolución en China millones de mujeres se movilizaron dirigidas por el PCCH. La participación de la mujer en la guerra contra la invasión japonesa aplastó la idea reaccionaria de que las mujeres «sólo sirven para el trabajo doméstico». La reforma agraria, donde también millones de mujeres participaron de forma activa, tuvo como resultado la demolición del sistema patriarcal-feudal. Las campesinas conquistaron títulos de propiedad personales sobre la tierra, dejaron de ser la “esposa de...”. La Revolución de Nueva Democracia demolió la antigua estructura familiar, la mujer dejó su minoría de edad respecto al hombre y pasó a estar en la vanguardia de las transformaciones revolucionarias. Hizo más por la mujer la reforma agraria: “¡la tierra para quien la trabaja!”, que los millones de discursos sobre la igualdad con que bombardea a la mujer obrera y pobre el imperialismo, la reacción y el revisionismo.
Durante la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria más de 300 millones de mujeres se movilizaron contra el revisionismo de Liu, Teng y Lin Piao, lucha entre el camino comunista y el camino capitalista. Se crearon talleres colectivos de trabajo doméstico, comedores colectivos, se apuntaba a que la sociedad fuera responsable de los hijos y que éstos no fueran responsabilidad de la familia (propiedad de...) ni del Estado. El objetivo fue acabar con el carácter privado de la familia y de las tareas domésticas liberando a la mujer totalmente del mundo del hogar. Chian Ching es la mejor expresión de la incorporación de millones de mujeres dirigidas por el Partido de la clase obrera, el PCCH, a la transformación revolucionaria de la sociedad y al combate contra la restauración del capitalismo.
Este es el valor de este libro, presentar la experiencia más avanzada de la lucha de la mujer por su emancipación en una sociedad socialista. El Movimiento Femenino en la República Popular China combatió tanto las posiciones de Liu Shao Chi, que defendía el papel tradicional de la mujer sometida al poder marital, como las de Lin Piao, que afirmaba que la revolución ya estaba concluida, impidiendo la lucha consecuente por su emancipación y la transformación revolucionaria de la sociedad dirigida por el Partido Comunista Chino hasta el comunismo.
Hoy, la base de masas de la revolución proletaria mundial está en el Tercer Mundo y son millones de proletarias y campesinas pobres las que se han incorporado para combatir al imperialismo, la reacción y al revisionismo. Combate que va unido al de su emancipación. Es fácil comprobar la incorporación de la mujer bajo la bandera del maoísmo a las guerras populares en el Perú, India, Turquía, etc., pues su liberación está unida al triunfo de la clase obrera. En el Perú la guerra popular dirigida por el PCP no sólo ha movilizado a la mujer en el campo y la ciudad, desde la lucha reivindicativa hasta la guerra popular, sino que en el Nuevo Poder ha conquistado el papel que la vieja sociedad le niega. Como fruto de su participación en la guerra popular muchas mujeres han llegado a ser y son cuadros dirigentes del Partido.
Por todo esto, millones de mujeres se han incorporado a las filas de la revolución proletaria de forma consciente y dirigidas por verdaderos partidos comunistas como en el Perú, el PCP, partido marxista-leninista-maoísta-pensamiento gonzalo, principalmente pensamiento gonzalo, aplastan el cretinismo parlamentario, destruyen la vieja sociedad a la vez que van construyendo la nueva, demostrando que su presente y futuro está unido a la transformación revolucionaria del mundo.
Claudie Broyelle capituló a la par que la burguesía tomaba el poder en China, y no ha sido la única que ha capitulado, abandonando las filas del proletariado y de la revolución.
Hoy podemos ver también cómo los vacilantes, los pusilánimes, los elementos más atrasados abandonan las banderas del maoísmo. Sólo fueron compañeros de viaje mientras pudieron sacar beneficio personal de las noticias que daba la prensa burguesa de la guerra popular en el Perú o, en su momento, de Nepal. Hoy forman parte del basurero de la Historia.
Sin embargo, qué es lo que debemos tener en cuenta nosotros, como comunistas, al leer este libro: que la construcción de una nueva Sociedad es posible. El carácter testimonial de este libro nos demuestra que llegar al dorado comunismo no es una mera frase de cliché, sino una maravillosa y tangible realidad. 
Para esto sirve este libro: para armar nuestras cabezas de roja ideología de clase, y para henchir nuestros corazones plenos de optimismo revolucionario.

"La Mitad del Cielo"- Texto completo:

INDIA: Bandh de 12 horas paraliza el distrito de Koraput de Odisha.

New Delhi, 04.08.16
Según informa The Hindu este pasado miercoles un bandh de 12 horas, del amanecer al anochecer, paralizo el distrito de Koraput al sur del estado de Orisha, para protestar por el asesinato de cinco personas, entre ellos un niño un año, a manos de la policia en el distrito de Kandhamal el pasado día 8 de julio en el marco de una operación anti-naxalita.
La huelga general  que estaba convocada por la plataforma Jana Surakshya Manch, que agrupa a organizaciones populares del distrito, paralizo todas las actividades y transportes que tambien fueron afectados en la Semana de los Martires que terminaba este miercoles.
Se informa de manifestaciones y de la paralización de la actividad comercial, bancaria y de la enseñanza. Los servicios medicos no fueron afectados por la protesta.

Hamburgo: Manifestación contra la masacre olímpica

ALEMANIA: Hamburgo: Concentración frente al Consulado de Brasil contra la masacre olímpica.

Hamburgo: Manifestación contra la masacre olímpica.-Rally against the Olympic massacre

El 5 de agosto, el día de inaguración de los juegos olímpicos en Río de Janeiro, la Alianza contra la Agresión Imperialista convocó una manifestación bajo la consigna „¡Abajo la masacre olímpica!“ ante el Consulado Honorífico de Brasil en Hamburgo, ubicado en el que de manera cínica es llamada "Casa de Colón" („Columbus Haus“) en la zona de negocio más "elegante“ de la ciudad. Al comienzo de la actividad se dió lectura a la tradución del volante del Frente Revolucionario de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo – Brasil. En los diferentes discursos se trataron los diferentes aspectos de la Olimpiada, así como también sobre la situación de los presos políticos en Brasil y otros países, como Chile y Palestina. Un buen número de jóvenes revolucionarios participaron en la manifestación, los que repatieron el volante ya mencionado arriba. Esta manifestación constituye el inicio de las actividades de apoyo a la campaña en Brasil contra las Olimpiadas en Río de Janeiro y seguramente será seguido por muchas actividades más con el mismo propósito.

BRASIL: Camponeses celebram os 50 anos da GRCP (Norte de Minas Gerais - Brasil


Grande painel produzido por camponeses da Área Revolucionária Cleomar Rodrigues, em Pedras de Maria da Cruz, Norte de Minas Gerais, em celebração aos 50 anos da Grande Revolução Cultural Proletária.

 Agradecemos aos companheiros e companheiras da Liga dos Camponeses Pobres do Norte de Minas e Sul da Bahia pelo envio das fotos ao nosso blog.

BRASIL:Companheira Sandra Lima: presente na luta!

Companheira Sandra Lima: presente na luta!

Ano XV, nº 175, 2ª quinzena de Agosto de 2016

As mulheres sustentam sobre seus ombros a metade do céu e devem conquistá-lo.Mao Tsetung
“O nosso país e nosso mundo são um fogo de monturo. As revoltas contra a opressão, exploração, preconceitos, são um braseiro, estão se gestando. As rebeliões que estamos vendo até agora são labaredas, explosões que ocorrem aqui e acolá. Esse mundo se levantará parte por parte para derrotar esse sistema de ódio, de opressão e de miséria, para dar lugar a um mundo novo, de novos homens e novas mulheres, sem qualquer tipo de diferença e opressão. Companheira Sandra, queria que vivesse mil anos porque precisamos de você. Porque as massas pobres do nosso país precisam de você. Nós vemos hoje o fracasso colossal de um projeto demagogo, oportunista, que fala em nome daqueles que consagram verdadeiramente a sua vida e luta para a causa da libertação do povo, e que agora vemos ruir de uma forma vergonhosa. Todos oportunistas se tratam de difamar a esquerda e os comunistas em cima do julgamento dos atos daqueles que não tinham e não têm nada de esquerda. Verdadeiros revolucionários, como a companheira Sandra, aqueles que ela vanguardeou, e ajudou a formar nas novas gerações, estão muito mais fortalecidos, muito mais otimistas, com muito mais clareza. Nosso mundo está prenhe de revolução e não há outro caminho para emancipar a humanidade de todas essas mazelas, de todas essas crueldades e monstruosidades que caem sobre as massas no dia a dia. Essa luta será prolongada, árdua, difícil. Por isso queria que a companheira vivesse mil anos. Levantaremos você como nosso estandarte, bem alto, bem visível para dizer: sempre presente na luta.”
Trecho da intervenção da Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo (FRDDP) nas homenagens a Sandra Lima

Sandra Lima participando de manifestação no Centro de BH
Conforme noticiado na edição anterior de AND, na noite de 27 de julho, o proletariado e as classes revolucionárias em nosso país perderam uma de suas mais valorosas filhas. Faleceu, após uma cirurgia para remoção de um tumor cerebral, aos 61 anos, a companheira Sandra Lima.
Com o mesmo espírito de luta que combateu o imperialismo e os reacionários, o revisionismo e todo o oportunismo, Sandra Lima enfrentou ao longo dos anos sérios problemas de saúde. Passou por cirurgias, pelo coma, pelas dores provocadas por uma doença autoimune. Diante das massas e dos inimigos de classe, jamais demonstrou dor ou vacilação. Nunca cedeu. Estava, como sempre, otimista no momento da última cirurgia.
Desde seus primeiros dias, e mesmo antes de sua fundação, o AND teve na companheira Sandra Lima uma entusiasta, uma incansável apoiadora, uma grande colaboradora e uma destacada propagandista.
Sandra Lima batalhou, constantemente inconformada, para encontrar o caminho de libertação do nosso país. Não era apenas uma dirigente popular, não apenas uma combatente cumpridora das tarefas, dedicada, abnegada, mas uma dirigente proletária, forjada na luta de classes, forjada na ciência do proletariado. Sandra era uma comunista convicta. Possuía a compreensão de que, sem o partido revolucionário do proletariado, não pode existir libertação de nosso povo e de nossa Nação. Nos últimos 20 anos de sua vida, dedicou-se, ao custo de sua saúde, com todas as suas energias, a forjar o caminho revolucionário.
Familiares, amigos e amigas, companheiros e companheiras de décadas de militância compareceram a seus funerais. A cerimônia para prestar as homenagens à companheira foi realizada no Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Construção de Belo Horizonte e Região, o Marreta, onde, por inúmeras vezes, Sandra Lima participou de debates e lutas.
Uma guarda de honra composta por jovens revolucionárias – vestidas de preto, portando braçadeiras vermelhas com a foice e o martelo – se revezou durante os funerais. Seu corpo foi coberto pela bandeira vermelha com a foice e o martelo, a bandeira do proletariado e seu partido, o Partido Comunista. A ela foram prestadas honras como grande dirigente que deu a vida aos mais pobres, aos mais explorados e aos mais oprimidos.
Os funerais foram encerrados com as canções favoritas da companheira entoadas por seus filhos. Solenemente, de pé, os presentes cantaram A Internacional, hino do proletariado em todo o mundo. Emocionados, de punho erguido, no momento em que seu corpo foi encaminhado à cremação, em uníssono, todos cantaram Bella Ciao, canção revolucionária internacionalista.
“Companheira Sandra Lima: presente na luta!”, repetiram na despedida dessa grande revolucionária.
Nascida em São Domingos do Prata, interior de Minas Gerais, a 6 de março de 1955, Sandra Maria Lima Gomes, terceira filha de Antônio de Padua Lima e Maria de Lourdes Rolla Lima, mudou-se em definitivo para Belo Horizonte nos anos 1970. Cursou parte do ensino médio no Colégio Estadual Central, palco importante da resistência secundarista ao regime militar fascista.

Companheiros de luta e familiares de Sandra cantam ‘A Internacional’ durante velório
Travou o primeiro contato com o trabalho de massas em 1976, quando passou a frequentar o Lindéia, bairro operário situado nos limites das cidades de Belo Horizonte, Ibirité e Contagem. Integrou-se rapidamente à vida comunitária, manifestando, ainda na juventude, a perspicácia e a combatividade que a marcariam como futura militante revolucionária. Ali, ajudou a organizar turmas de alfabetização de adultos e atividades culturais destinadas à juventude proletária; participou ativamente da construção do posto de saúde e das manifestações para exigir da prefeitura de Belo Horizonte redução de impostos e melhorias nas condições de transporte e saneamento do bairro. Foi durante o trabalho no Lindéia que Sandra Lima estudou a obra que a despertaria para a luta contra a opressão da mulher, A origem da Família, da Propriedade Privada e do Estado, do grande dirigente do proletariado internacional Friedrich Engels.
No final dos anos 1970, passou a militar no Movimento Revolucionário 8 de Outubro, o MR-8. Dedicou-se por inteiro à revolução e ao combate do regime militar fascista. Nessa mesma época, envolveu-se na organização das famílias atingidas pelas enchentes que acometeram Belo Horizonte. Junto ao movimento operário classista e combativo que já havia comandado a greve da siderúrgica Mannesmann, contribuiu para que, em agosto de 1979, as ruas da capital mineira fossem tomadas por aproximadamente 30 mil trabalhadores grevistas da construção civil. Histórica, a greve assombrou os patrões e a gerência militar e ficou conhecida como a “Rebelião dos pedreiros”. Foi testemunha da ação covarde da Polícia Militar que assassinou o operário Orocílio Martins Gonçalves.
Talentosa agitadora política, Sandra se destacou nas brigadas de venda do jornal Hora do Povo, órgão do MR-8, que, àquela época, fazia críticas abertas ao regime militar e propaganda da revolução. As brigadas conquistaram as praças públicas do país pela combatividade de seus militantes. A polícia prendia num dia e, no outro, a brigada voltava à praça. Várias vezes a população arrancou das mãos da polícia os brigadistas presos. A vivacidade e a argúcia no trabalho de mobilização e politização das massas acompanharão Sandra por toda a vida de militante revolucionária. Nos anos 1980, começou a trilhar mais detidamente os importantes caminhos da luta contra a opressão da mulher, mas sempre enfocando como causa das mulheres trabalhadoras. Nesse momento, importantes cisões ocorriam no âmbito do movimento popular, opondo, de um lado, revolucionários e, do outro, oportunistas eleitoreiros. Sandra encorajava as companheiras a assumirem a linha de frente da luta reivindicativa e revolucionária. Foi com esse espírito que ela se lançou na construção da Federação Mineira de Mulheres, criada em 1984, quando assumiu a presidência. Essa organização especial de mulheres tinha um forte vínculo com as massas pobres da cidade e do campo.
Em março de 1995, integrou o grupo de militantes revolucionários que rompeu com o nacional-reformismo do MR-8 e, a partir de então, Sandra dedicou-se de forma mais profunda à árdua e coletiva tarefa de forjar os sinuosos caminhos da Revolução Brasileira. Sandra forja-se como uma intelectual proletária, de amplos e sólidos conhecimentos filosóficos, e também uma mulher de ação. No ano seguinte, participou, lado a lado com as massas empobrecidas de Belo Horizonte, das lutas por moradia na cidade: a Vila Corumbiara surgiu, então, da tomada de um terreno da prefeitura situado na região do Barreiro. Aproximadamente 200 famílias proletárias participaram da vitoriosa ocupação, que recebeu o referido nome em homenagem à batalha camponesa de Santa Elina, ocorrida em 1995, no município de Corumbiara, em Rondônia. O crucial trabalho de solidariedade à ocupação esteve sob a coordenação de Sandra Lima, que também se incumbiu de articular a rede de apoio médico às famílias acampadas.
Em 1999, atuou intensamente no apoio e na organização das mulheres proletárias da Vila Bandeira Vermelha, na cidade de Betim. Viveu e lutou junto às famílias. No dia 26 de abril daquele ano, durante o truculento ataque à Vila por parte das forças de repressão, arregimentadas pelo então prefeito da cidade, Jésus Lima (PT), as mulheres desempenharam um destacado papel. A luta popular por moradia em Minas Gerais ganhava mais um heroico e indelével capítulo regado pelo sangue dos operários Elder e Erionides, brutalmente assassinados pela polícia durante a resistência das famílias. Incansável, Sandra participou de reuniões e palestras; realizou intensa propaganda em defesa das famílias e de denúncia do hediondo crime perpetrado sob ordens da gerência Jésus Lima (PT) contra a Vila Bandeira Vermelha.

Guarda de honra composta por jovens militantes revolucionárias se revezou no funeral
Dirigente do Movimento Feminino Popular (MFP), organização fundada em 2000, Sandra Lima foi uma das principais formuladoras da linha do movimento revolucionário de mulheres brasileiro. Foi pioneira e forjadora desse destacamento das mulheres mais avançadas, mais conscientes, mais rebeldes, mais decididas a não aceitar a opressão milenar que se abate sobre elas. Também foi uma das fundadoras, além de dirigente, da Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo (FRDDP), organização a qual forneceu aportes teóricos e práticos.
Prestou inestimáveis contribuições às batalhas travadas pelas massas trabalhadoras na cidade e, principalmente, no campo. Apoiou sem restrições a luta dos camponeses pobres pela Revolução Agrária; dirigiu inúmeros atos em celebração ao Dia Internacional da Mulher Proletária e em solidariedade ao povo palestino; atuou em greves combativas; denunciou implacavelmente o caráter farsesco das eleições reacionárias. Participou de congressos camponeses e assembleias estudantis sempre destacando a importância da formação das mulheres como ativistas e, sobretudo, como quadros dirigentes que dominem a ideologia do proletariado para que, assim, possam servir à revolução no país e à revolução mundial.
Admiradora da literatura e da arte feitas pelo povo, estimulava os jovens a lerem os clássicos do marxismo e, em certas ocasiões, ouvia e cantava canções revolucionárias e populares com as companheiras e os amigos. Era o centro das conversas mais animadas e das gargalhadas nos momentos de descontração. Com sua voz rouca, como espada em riste, combatia os inimigos de classe, instigando o povo a lutar e a se levantar contra toda a opressão.
Mãe revolucionária, empenhou-se para que seus filhos compreendessem, participassem e apoiassem sem reservas as lutas das massas no país e em todo o mundo. Com igual atenção, dedicou-se à instrução dos jovens com quem conviveu por meio de conselhos de mãe e avó.
Militante internacionalista, atuou em defesa do povo palestino, da heroica resistência dos povos do Iraque e do Afeganistão, em defesa das guerras populares no Peru, Índia, Filipinas e Turquia. Defendeu ainda as lutas de libertação nacional dos povos contra o imperialismo e contra a guerra imperialista.
Dirigiu nacionalmente a campanha pela punição dos criminosos, mandantes e executores de torturas, assassinatos e desaparecimentos forçados do regime militar fascista. O MFP, sob sua direção, protagonizou memoráveis protestos em repúdio ao golpe de 1964, entre os quais, destaca-se o realizado em 2012, quando a fachada do Clube Militar, situado na região central do Rio de Janeiro, foi alvejada por um enorme borrão de tinta vermelha, numa referência simbólica ao sangue dos combatentes do povo, que tombaram na luta contra o fascismo do velho Estado brasileiro.
Nas jornadas de 2013 e 2014, quando a juventude combatente se levantou contra o sistema explorador e, em particular, contra a farra realizada pela Fifa, estava sempre presente, nas primeiras filas, a flamejante bandeira do MFP. Quem a erguia altaneira e desafiadoramente era uma jovem forjada por Sandra Lima.
Sua vida e seu exemplo são inapagáveis e serão gravados em letras douradas no panteão dos heróis de nosso povo no triunfo da revolução em nosso país.

India - Maoist posters appear in Telangana

A bunch of handwritten posters denouncing the alleged destruction of crops in “podu lands” belonging to tribal people in forest fringe areas of the district sprang up in the name of the CPI (Maoist) Sabari Area committee at Chalamala village near Taliperu reservoir in Charla mandal on Sunday.
According to sources, several posters, handwritten in red ink, surfaced along the Chalamala-Tippapuram road on Sunday morning.
The rebels, through the posters, alleged that the Telangana government was trying to take up plantations in the “podu lands” in the name of “Haritha Haram” and was resorting to repressive measures against the tribal people without implementing the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA) and the Forest Rights Act in the Agency areas.

India - CMAS leader on hunger strike

KORAPUT:  CHASI Muliya Adivasi Sangha (CMAS) leader, Nachika Linga, who is currently lodged in Koraput Circle Jail, began his indefinite hunger strike on Friday demanding fulfillment of his nine-point charter of demands that he had submitted to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in April this year.
CPI (Maoist) leader Cheda Bhusan alias Ghasi and another 14 members of CMAS also joined Linka in his agitation, supporting his demands that included speedy disposal of cases against him. His other demands are release of CMAS supporters who were arrested on false charges, construction of roads and canals in Bandhugaon and Narayanpatna blocks, handing over of tribal lands occupied by non-tribals, distribution of land to the landless, appointment of teachers in schools and other developmental activities in the two blocks.
In April, he had submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister through the jail superintendent over the demands. Following this, a meeting was convened on May 13 by DIG (South-Western) S Shyni in presence of ADM Ekadashi Jena, SP Charan Sing Mina, Laxmipur SDPO Hemanta Padhi, Excise Superintendent R Patra, Naryanpatna and Bandhugaon BDOs and block chairpersons. Since his demands were not fulfilled, he started an indefinite fast on Friday, said his lawyer, Gupteswar Panigrahi.
However, Circle Jail Superintendent Pullin Bihari Mahapatra said the office did not receive any information about the strike from the tribal leader.

INDIA: Sabotage de la guerrilla naxalita a un tren de mercancias en Chhattisgarh.


Raipur, 23.08.16
Un tren de mercancías que hacia el trayecto de Kirandul a Visakhapatnam descarrilo y dos maquinas y 14 vagones resultaron dañados por un sabotage, atribuido a la guerrilla maoísta por la policía, informa la agencia PTI.
La acción en la que no se produjeron heridos ocurrió en las cercanías de la localidad de Pujapara Dhurli  y paralizó el trafico ferroviario.

China - China’s Walmart workers take the boss to court

Zhou Xianzhong (centre) outside the labour dispute arbitration committee in Shenzhen on 22 August

In the first of several planned legal challenges to Walmart’s new comprehensive working hours system, veteran employee Zhou Xianzhong took the American retail giant to arbitration court in Shenzhen on 22 August.
Zhou, 51, has worked in various Walmart stores in China for 18 years. He is demanding that the Shenzhen store where is currently employed stops imposing the new working hours system on its employees, that his original employment contract be honoured, and that he be compensated for the loses he has already incurred.
“The comprehensive working hours system changed the composition of wages and in reality cut our pay. More importantly, many think that the management will use it to punish worker activists,” Zhou said. “The company needs to put the system on the table for discussion by all the workers.”

Zhou’s wife and daughter attended the hearing on Monday, along with dozens of worker representatives from stores across Shenzhen, including Zhang Liya, a founding member of the Walmart Workers' Network and a long-time activist fighting for trade union rights.
One of the supporters, named Zou, said that the pay and benefits of Walmart employees had steadily dwindled over the last few years and that he too had got into trouble with his boss when he refused to sign up for the new working hours system.
Zhou’s arbitration hearing is just the latest chapter in the Walmart workers campaign against the comprehensive working hours system. Around 10,000 employees have joined the online Walmart Workers’ Network and, in early July, around 200 workers at three stores in central China staged strikes in protest against the implementation of the new system.
Zhou’s lawyer, the director of the Shenzhen-based Laowei Law Firm, Duan Yi, was confident that: “The case presents itself very clearly in court, (we) will win.”
However, the hearing immediately ran into problems when Walmart’s lawyers claimed that staff pay is classified as a business secret and cannot be discussed in open court. Duan disagreed saying Walmart makes up its own rules about confidentiality and that the arbitration committee should not have to abide by such rules.
The hearing was adjourned with no date set for a continuance.

signal fire collapse - for debate - red guards austin USA document - dazibao rojo declaracion

United States : Farewell Signal Fire: Statement of Red Guards Austin MLM Lives, Long Live MLM

Democracy and Class Struggle is greatly heartened by this response from Red Guards Austin to the Editor of Signalfire and it bodes well for the building of a real MLM movement in the United States.

While the loss of Signalfire as a resource is not something we celebrate, we must also understand that as a project it is easily replaceable.

We must also state that our domestic Maoist movement is not weakened by ideological deserters, who in essence are just opportunists who have finally stopped calling themselves Maoists.

Things develop through rupture—one divides into two—this is a truth confirmed in daily struggle.

The editor of Signalfire has provided us with a concise confession of such ideological degeneration that we feel it merits a public response.

Over time we have found Signalfire to be a really useful resource for spreading news of revolutionary struggles to people in other places—this has been helpful and reflected good internationalist values.

The editor’s confession is nothing but an attack on Maoism and a refusal to continue in its internationalist tradition.

The editor chose an interesting image to accompany their confessional and revisionist propaganda, a painting titled “The Black Circle” by artist Kazimir Malevich painted in 1915. This seems innocent enough on the surface, but the painting perfectly represents the article in question.

Malevich believed his paintings to reflect traditional Russian piety, he further stated that it represented a “desperate struggle to free art from the ballast of the objective world.”

This article, a delusional work of fiction, is most certainly free from the ballast of the objective world.

A taste for bourgeois modern art that appears divorced from the class struggle is no crime in and of itself, but when the art is used in “communist” propaganda we must examine it deeper. All art represents a class and a set of class interests, and this art as well as the article both sought to accomplish the same goal of obscuring the class struggle.

It is no wonder the author chose this artist who was allegedly “persecuted by Stalin” for a piece that doubles the attack on Maoism with a side of condemnation for comrade Stalin. But enough with art, let’s discuss the other fabrications.

The first is the obfuscation around the nature of the project itself. While the author insists that ..
“This website has always been the personal project of a single individual in the United States since it began its current incarnation five years ago.”

 Screenshot taken from Signalfire May 2016

.. We know that at one point it was presented as a media project of the Maoist Communist Group, meaning any personal involvement was subordinate to a collective overall. The project is now out of their hands, so it follows that the editor’s issue is not so much that they don’t wish to devote their time and effort to maintaining the project, but more so sees it as a project not worth undertaking.

Or more accurately, that the editor is now actively opposed to the project’s formerly professed aim, without any critical analysis of their own involvement over the past five years. They have quite simply washed their hands of it and moved on.

Otherwise this could have easily been turned over to a different collective that could carry the responsibility of managing it.

The editor then goes on to issue wild allegations that at no point does he attempt to substantiate:

“I no longer consider the so called ‘International Communist Movement’ with its proliferation of cultish microsects and blind worship of failed past movements to be worth promoting.”

The departure point of this accusation rests on not applying dialectical materialism to the movement and growth of communism, almost parodying the “end of history” narrative.

Any setbacks or failures cannot simply be pointed to as self-evident justifications of defeatism. They must analyzed in order to extract the lessons for a future success.

This is the real essence of continuity and rupture, the essence of Maoism itself. While expressing a moderate level of sympathy with the armed struggle in India, the author finds it fitting to throw those comrades under the bus out of some vague grievance with the International Communist Movement (ICM) as a whole.

This error in thinking is crystallized in the statements of the Virginia branch of the Maoist Communist Group (which later liquidated into the Richmond Struggle Committee Initiative [RSCI]), where they extensively quote from the ultra-left Italian adventurists Brigate Rossi, including their “total social war” nonsense.

This has been detailed in a statement issued by their former comrades in Boston. In both instances the author as well as RSCI are negating the ideological and political role of the party as the leading force and have slipped into what we can only call a militarist fetish.

On the whole Signalfire has over time degenerated into only covering articles detailing military operations and through this total subjectivist viewpoint it has sunk totally into demoralization and defeatism.

The military aspect is important but it is only one aspect of a revolution. The article drifts further into the foul and desperate realm of ultra-leftism by its claim that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, an ideology which guides the most advanced sections of the worlds proletariat in the highest expressions of class struggle, is nothing but “theological idealism.”

This anti-people arrogance is in essence an assertion that the communist parties who fight for communism and have lost many martyrs in that fight are nothing but misled, tricked, or simply fools.

This same dictum can be found in countless bourgeois orientalist articles that compare the Asian masses to a hive mind. We suppose they just lack the overfed intellect of the former Signalfire editor.

This editor even claims that

“If considered realistically the Cultural Revolution is a defining event of 20th century politics which marks the implosion of both state socialism as a mode of capital accumulation and the Leninist party as a political structure in correspondence with this.”

This display of gross individual intellectualism is claiming here to have developed a new synthesis based solely on his misinterpretation of the conclusion of the GPCR!

And this would not be complete without regurgitating the tales of a “Stalinist continuation” that were put forth in the sham of a document “Bloom and Contend” by Chino, who was himself guilty of regurgitating old Trotskyite polemics against Mao Zedong Thought.

The former editor has here managed not only to throw out the baby with the bath water but has given up on bathing altogether, so to speak.

As if that were not enough, he writes,

“Regardless of such differences the importance of defending comrades who are sacrificing their lives to defend popular survival rights against genocidal counter-insurgency policies is clear.”

We agree to the importance of defending these comrades and are at a loss at how the closing of the website combined with an anti-Maoist smear piece in any way is defending our comrades in India.

We assume that the author does not fancy his efforts so much that he thinks he is capable of physically defending the comrades in question, so that leaves only ideologically defending them, which is the opposite of what he is doing here.

This is classic opportunism and it rings out loud and clear. The author even boldly states the irrelevancy of the ICM to class struggle in the countries in which it exists. This reflects one of the worst understandings you could hope to find held by a so-called communist.

The communist movement in these places and elsewhere is not irrelevant; the communist organizations are the organizations of the proletariat without which revolution is impossible, and his distortion and negation of this fact only means that for all his bluster he cannot see a thing in motion.

Rather he views matter in stasis, which is anything but a Marxist, proletarian worldview. This is a foul standard among the ranks of revisionists of all stripes and is in the backpack of every traitor, deserter, and bitter ex-comrade.

While the author might have some marginal sympathy left for the CPI (Maoist), he exposes his fair-weather support in the fact that this marginal sympathy is—at best—only based on what the Maoists in India oppose.

He is clearly not a supporter of what they are for: the continuation of protracted people’s war, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the continuation of revolution through socialism to communism.

While accusing the Maoist movement the world over of metaphysics, this charlatan and swindler is the true practitioner of metaphysics with his casual calls for “post-socialism.”

The real metaphysics is subordination to the dogmatism of movements that denies the need for the vanguard party.

This movementist dogma is a perpetual dead end and has not produced even small victories. This clinging to movements is exactly what has dominated the imperialist centers in a world post-socialism.

We will not champion a return to such trash thinking and are sincerely glad that this fake communist no longer parades as a “Maoist.” Good riddance!

The author then gives us a little bit more to work with:

“simply the necessity of systematic and rigorous theoretical work beginning from the basic materialist premises and united with modest and serious intervention in social reality.”

These modest but serious interventions would no doubt be carried out by RSCI, a non-tendency mass organization in one locality. The problems with this irrational thinking are too numerous to list, but include chiefly a reversion to empiricism, movementism, and left-refoundationism.

The RSCI has also negated the leading role of the vanguard party or pre-party organization after their split with the Maoist Communist Group.

It appears to be their position that there was no area where they were wrong and that in fact it is building the party itself that is wrong, and they thus reduce themselves to a politically neutralized activist club.

You can attend other people’s demonstrations and even organize your own every day of the week and still end up begging for crumbs and being crushed to death by capitalism. Unless you give any of this meaning by building a party that can take power, you are doing nothing of value for the communist cause. Party-building is still the principal task of all revolutionary communists within the USA.

The author, former editor, and charlatan traitor states,

“Western Maoism on the other hand is simply irrelevant and the sooner people realize this, the sooner we can begin developing a communist politics which relates to 21st century reality.”

Here he tries to imply that there are two distinct Maoism's: one of the East and one of the West. After already saying the ICM was irrelevant in general, this maneuver is an attempt at denying that MLM was ever universal.

Puzzling, since if he were ever a Maoist he would have understood that the universality of Maoism as the third and highest stage of Marxism is kind of the crux of our whole ideology.

But of course it’s just not “relevant” to him, but for whom is it particularly relevant? Certainly it is to the thousands who fight for it, who use it to inform their practice so that it does not grope in the dark. But alas, it is irrelevant to this one guy in an activist troupe out in Virginia. What is relevant to him is vague ultra-left communism and whatever the hell “post-socialism” is…

We could not be more disappointed with this garbage conclusion to an otherwise good project.

However we have already pointed to this trajectory in our last report detailing the progress of our party-building efforts in the form of RGA cadre school, where we stated, “Some comrades have abandoned MLM altogether, and it is our hope that we will win them back through practice and persuasion.”

We should add that not all can be won back to the cause. Some are too arrogant and others were just pretending to be Maoists to begin with.

We expect no response to this piece and doubt the author of the last post on Signalfire or their organization would care enough to provide one. We do not fault comrades for getting disheartened or demoralized. Sometimes these kinds of burnout are inevitable and we should help those suffering from burnout.

What we cannot find acceptable or tolerable is propagating defeatism and demoralization to conclude years of work (without any self-criticism or reflection of individual involvement!), projecting your burnout onto others, and trying to discredit Maoism unprincipledly.

Signalfire, when it began to become a Maoist-inspired project back in 2011, posted a piece from this same author titled “A Farewell to Ultra-left Idealism.”

Unfortunately it has come back full circle to ultra-left idealism, so this is our farewell to Signalfire.

We await new sites that will serve its former use as a resource for news and theory from comrades in other places of the world, minus the individualist and arrogant ramblings of that editor.

And should the editor read this, we thank you for knowingly or unknowingly helping in the creation of many Maoists who were inspired by the news articles you made available. We all look forward to proving you wrong in practice.

If our response seems unnecessarily harsh to readers, we find that the framing of ideological struggle as sectarianism is behavior fitting of liberals who would gut the International Communist Movement of the hard-earned lessons learned in class struggle.

This vile and opportunist behavior merits such a pointed response.

MLM lives, long live MLM!

-Red Guards Austin 2016

SIGNALFIRE ha capitulado !

Con sorpresa y no sin pesar hemos leído una carta del editor del blog Signalfire, en la que reniega del Movimiento Comunista Internacional y del Maoísmo.
Durante 5 años el citado blog de EE.UU. ha publicado noticias de las guerras populares en el mundo y en particular sobre la dirigida por el Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta).
El editor del Signalfire muy lejos de un análisis serio, sistematico, marxista, se refugia en los tópicos, de los enemigos de la ideología revolucionaria del proletariado, tales como el sectarismo o el dogmatismo "teológico" que afecta, en algunos casos, a partidos u organizaciones, en las inevitables luchas de dos lineas, para afirmar que el MCI representa factor residual en la lucha de clases y un freno a un gran frente mundial contra el fascismo y la represión en la India.
Grandes palabras, vacias de contenido revolucionario, cuando de lo que se trata, a nivel mundial, es de fortalecer el apoyo a las guerras populares revolucionarias como las que dirige el PCI (maoísta) y otros partidos en otras partes del mundo, frente a los vientos derechistas capituladores.
Niega, de forma absurda, que la guerra popular en la India abarque a millones de personas y asume como reales las manipuladas informaciones de la prensa burguesa, que loan sus éxitos sobre los naxalitas. Habla de los "errores" del PCI (maoísta) pero no señala cuales son estos y afirma que frenan el desarrollo de las fuerzas extraparlamentarias en las grandes ciudades.
Cuando en cientos de países se estudia y se celebra el 50º aniversario de la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria, el editor del Signalfire la califica de un intento "conservador" de los comunistas chinos para frenar la implosión del socialismo de Estado, de un obstáculo para las posibilidades del comunismo post-socialista y anti-teológico.
Lo cierto es que no hay nada nuevo en ese discurso capitulador que el editor de Signalfire hace suyo y que tiene sus raices en el abandono de las tesis revolucionarias. En los vientos liquidacionistas que arrancan de las derrotas o recodos en el Perú y Nepal, de la "sintesis" del avakianismo o de las tesis que difunden la linea derechista en Filipinas.
Llamamos a combatir esa negra linea liquidadora con mas estudio y fortalecimiento ideologico  marxista-leninista-maoísta. Con una critica audaz y profunda de las posiciones capituladoras que se expresan hoy en la carta del Signalfire.

Redacción Dazibao Rojo  

Puede consultar la carta de Signalfire en el siguiente enlace: 


Letter from your Editor

As many of you may have noticed the frequency of updates on Signalfire has gone down significantly in recent weeks. This website has always been the personal project of a single individual in the United States since it began its current incarnation five years ago.
For a variety of reasons I feel I am no longer in a position to provide a comprehensive daily review of news on both armed struggle in South Asia and the international Maoist movement. Firstly because there are other projects I consider politically important to which I am choosing to devote my time in a balance with unavoidable work and educational commitments leaving less of a margin for the extensive daily review of material required to maintain this service at a reasonable standard.
Secondly although I think the popular armed resistance led by the CPI (Maoist) is one of the few positive factors in a national context defined by growing fascist hegemony and a offensive against the working class and oppressed people I no longer consider the so called “International Communist Movement” with its proliferation of cultish microsects and blind worship of failed past movements to be worth promoting.
I have come to see Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as a theological idealism based upon a mythologization of the Cultural Revolution. If considered realistically the Cultural Revolution is a defining event of 20th century politics which marks the implosion of both state socialism as a mode of capital accumulation and the Leninist party as a political structure in correspondence with this. Maoism is a conservative effort to assimilate this rupture to a Stalinist continuity and is an obstacle to the possibilities of post-socialist and anti-theological communism.
Regardless of such differences the importance of defending comrades who are sacrificing their lives to defend popular survival rights against genocidal counter-insurgency policies is clear. However the cultish sectarianism of the “International Communist Movement” is not only irrelevant to the class struggle in most countries in which it exists it is also an obstacle to any serious global united front against fascism and repression in India.
Publishing hallucinatory statements about how “hundreds of millions” of workers and peasants are joining the “victorious people’s war” at a time when the Maoist forces in India have been pushed onto the defensive and the dangerous impasse in which the movement is stagnating is clear to anyone familiar with publicly available documents is not solidarity but irresponsible self-promotion.
Unfortunately this is precisely the sort of irresponsibility which can be expected from sectarian groups which instead of producing serious materialist criticism of setbacks like the defeat in Peru (not to speak of the absence of worker’s power in the periods of “actually existing socialism” they defend) continue to wallow in the metaphysics of the cult of personality.
Promoting the errors of such groups does nothing to advance worker’s struggles on a global level and it certainly does nothing to practically defend comrades in India who are facing the complexities of a actual war being waged against them by the state. The CPI (Maoist) whatever its many flaws is playing a indispensable role in protecting whole populations against displacement and destruction by big capital. Comrades in India who want to produce a substantive critique of that party face the difficult task of articulating a alternative extra-parliamentary politics among the overwhelming majority of urban and rural workers outside of the CPI (Maoist) area of influence.
Western Maoism on the other hand is simply irrelevant and the sooner people realize this, the sooner we can begin developing a communist politics which relates to 21st century reality. Nor is this exclusive to Maoism. Regurgitation of the sectarian platitudes of anarchism, Trotskyism or Stalinism in whatever variant and in however intellectually sophisticated a form has little to offer in a apocalyptic future which none of these prophets expected. There is no easy alternative answer, simply the necessity of systematic and rigorous theoretical work beginning from the basic materialist premises and united with modest and serious intervention in social reality.
I hope that you have found my daily updates useful over the years and I offer my heartfelt appreciation to everyone among my readership who is investing their energy and risking their lives to maintain the continuity of resistance in a situation which is becoming increasingly dismal both here and in South Asia.