Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Munich Conference - italian intervention - PCm Italy info

Comrade workers, labourers, we bring the greetings of the Italian proletarians and communists to this important demonstration against imperialism and fascism on the occasion of the so-called international Security conference of Nato which in reality analyzes, decides and advances towards the world imperialist war.

All the imperialist governments increase military spending disproportionately and explicitly say that it is necessary to prepare for war. The imperialist powers of the US, EU and NATO are equipping themselves with increasingly modern and devastating weapons and envisaging the use of nuclear weapons that put the future of the world at risk, combined with the growing environmental climate crisis. All imperialist countries strengthen armies, militarize territories and society, prepare public opinion for war, develop the war economy. Russian imperialism and Chinese social-imperialism are on the one hand the target of this offensive and on the other hand they are riding the crisis of Western imperialism, mainly the USA, for a new favorable order, under the banner of multilateralism.

Imperialism unleashes its watchdogs as the front line in the war and of the war against the peoples – see the regimes subservient to them in Israel, Ukraine, Syria, etc.

All the imperialist powers in collusion and contention with each other and the governments subservient to them are united against the proletarians and peoples of the world. The war originated from the economic, systemic, world crisis of the capitalist/imperialist system that demands a new division of the world.

All imperialist states and the governments subservient to them are advancing in the transformation of states by reducing and obliterating bourgeois democracy, attacking democratic freedoms and the rights of the workers and the masses, filling the prisons with political opponents, establishing ever more open forms of dictatorship, which attack women's rights, freedom of thought, etc. and spread racism, obscurantist culture and religious fundamentalism.

Within Germany as well as in Italy they increasingly practice a dictatorship, disguised as "democracy"; and in the face of dissatisfaction, proletarian and popular protests, they carry out an increasingly extensive repression, a general police state that includes in addition to the attack on workers and the right to strike, attacks on immigrants, women's rights, repression of students, censorship of journalists, monopoly of the media, etc.

Elections thus become more and more an expression of a false democracy, deserted by almost half of the proletarians and popular masses and gradually transformed into an instrument of consensus for government and of the reactionary transformation of the state of capital. They are not and cannot be the place where we can change things.

Instead, we need to organize the general struggle in the factories and in the workplaces, in the proletarian neighborhoods, in the squares. We need new and strong workers' and people's political and trade union organizations, we need an anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist united front.

We need the unity of struggle of the proletarians and popular masses of the imperialist countries and nations and peoples oppressed by imperialism.

In Palestine there is a war of extermination with massacres, bombings and destruction, mass exodus and is at risk of genocide at the hands of the Nazi-type Zionist State of Israel supported by American imperialism, EU, including Italy; the new American fascist/imperialist presidency has now launched a final solution plan, for this we must carry out even further a great movement of solidarity. To be in solidarity with Palestine is the first internationalist duty of the proletarians and the popular masses of the whole world.

Imperialism is the relative and absolute misery of the proletarians and the oppressed masses, of the impoverished petty bourgeoisie of the cities and the countryside with wage cuts, precariousness, unemployment, cuts in social spending, health, education, the environment; widening of the gap between rich and poor regions; new slavery, youth unemployment, inequality of women; cost of living.

In the countries oppressed by imperialism all this is aggravated by the permanence and preservation of national, colonial and neocolonial and feudal oppression.

We must unite because all together we must stop the march towards imperialist war, we must stop the advancing fascisms and dictatorships, we must fight together to radically change our living and working conditions.


Let us stop the imperialist war and if it breaks out let us transform it into a revolutionary civil war for proletarian power

Let's stop the Nazi-fascist march and all the governments that protect and feed them

Let us unite under the leadership of the proletariat to advance the peoples of the world towards the world socialist revolution, to eradicate imperialism and thus to establish a society without exploitation and oppression of any kind. Death to imperialism and fascism freedom for the proletarians and peoples

Long live proletarian internationalism

Proletari comunisti Italia blog

SlaiCOBAS /Italy -


Testo in tedesco e inglese

Genossen Werker, Arbeiter, wir überbringen die Grüße der italienischen Proletarier und

against Munich Security Summit Demostration info


Resist NATO condemns the Munich Security Summit and Trump’s Fake Peace Plan!

Resist NATO condemns the Munich Security Summit and Trump’s Fake Peace Plan!


The Resist NATO campaign condemns the recent NATO Security conference in Munich as a war preparations summit. The major disagreements now surfacing between NATO members and the US exposes NATO as an alliance in shambles and a Western imperialist system in decline.

On February 12th, US President Trump made the shocking announcement that he had spoken with Russian President Putin about ending the war in Ukraine. Shortly after, US Defense Secretary Hegseth proclaimed that Ukraine would not be given membership in NATO and hinted that the US was open to discussing Ukrainian land acquisitions with Russia. The US and Russia will hold talks in Saudi Arabia soon, while Ukraine will not be invited.

Coming just days before the scheduled NATO Defense Summit in Munich, this significant update overshadowed the entire meeting. The other major point of concern was Hegseth’s demand that European members pay more for their defense spending, just as Trump did during his previous Presidential term. And hanging even heavier is the news of Trump’s plan to impose 25% tariffs on EU steel and aluminum imports which would drastically hurt industrial production in Europe and the US and heighten inflation across the world.

Two important questions arising for the peace movement now are, why is the US making this stark turn of policy towards Ukraine, and what does this mean for Europe?

Trump’s surprising move flies in the face of former President Biden’s practice of praising the NATO alliance unquestioningly while embracing the US’s role as arbiter of the so-called “rules-based order” of liberal multilateralism and pseudo-humanitarianism. But Trump’s fascist agenda embraces strongman bilateralism, squeezing out one concession after another using the US’s economic and military might, shunning the usual democratic pretenses of his rival Democrat Party. Trump’s real motive lies in securing a quick end to the conflict to win construction contracts for Ukraine’s rebuilding while laying claim to Ukraine’s rare earth mineral deposits. The latter issue’s significance lies in Trump’s need to decouple its economy from China, the country with the global monopoly on rare earth processing and the eventual target for a US military confrontation. Added to this is the need for Trump’s top administrative advisor Elon Musk to rescue his own rare earth mineral processing for his tech and space empire while the US imposes its own trade war tariffs on China’s vast economic exports. Trump’s move is all in his own economic interests while preparing for even harsher war down the road.

Secondly, the US’s Ukraine announcement and the talks at the Munich Summit prove once and for all that Europe cannot unilaterally rely on the US as its godfather anymore. But NATO’s new Secretary General Rutte made it clear during every minute of the summit that he would tow Trump’s line anyway, while ensuring that tensions with Russia would remain hot. While meeting with US Vice President Vance, Rutte emphasized “the importance of Europeans stepping up to invest more in defense,” while calling on weapons companies to ramp up production. He said that any peace deal regarding Ukraine should include major military buildups in Europe, repeating the same pattern that provoked Russia into launching the war in Ukraine to begin with. In truth, European countries have given more military aid to Ukraine over the years than the US, allocating €70bn ($73bn; £58bn), with the UK announcing an emergency £150 million package upon the US’s peace talk announcement, compared to the US’s equivalent to €64bn. Despite this opportunity to de-escalate the redhot tensions on the continent, Rutte promised to ensure NATO will only increase its war provocations and drown its citizens’ funds in endless war preparations.

Rutte’s rightwing NATO agenda shows that he is more than willing to continue to offer Europe up as the imperialist sidekick of US-led war. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s absence at its own peace talks is proof that the US has only seen Ukraine as nothing but an anti-Russia puppet to begin with, and the Kiev government is now paying the price for offering its destiny up to US overlordship.

In summary, the NATO Security Summit highlighted the deep cracks of disunity within NATO, but this is not a bad thing for the people of Europe or the wider world. This is an opportunity for the peace movement to show a genuine alternative to the profit motivations of NATO leaders and for a Europe independent from the dictates of US-led war. On the streets of Munich outside of the Security Summit, many protested NATO’s aggressive posturing and continued war provocations. The people militantly demand that just and lasting peace be put on the agenda, and this past weekend they proved that they are willing to fight for it.

These protests show the growing movement to resist US-NATO aggression, bases and the militarization of Europe in the build-up to the June NATO Heads of State Summit in the Hague. Let us unite across Europe and around the world to Resist NATO, US-Led Wars, and Militarization Everywhere, and Uphold Peoples’ Rights and Liberation!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

15 february - Two-Lines Struggle - New issue - intensify two lines struggle for a true marxist-leninist-maoist International unified conference against revisionism and sectarism leftist dogmato/revisionist!

France - c'est le temps de la liberation de georges abdallah!

Rassemblement pour la libération de Georges Abdallah : tous à République le 19 février prochain à 18h30

 Subject: Rassemblement pour la libération de Georges Abdallah : tous à République le 19 février prochain à 18h30 !

Bonsoir camarades,
nous espérons que vous allez bien. 
Ce message aussi pour voir avec vous ce qu'il est possible de faire pour cette dernière ligne droite quant à la libération de Georges Abdallah. 
Vous le savez certainement, le délibéré de la Cour d'appel sera rendu le 20 février prochain. 
Or, au vu de ce contexte, il nous a paru essentiel d'intensifier encore une fois de plus la mobilisation (nous étions 5000 manifestants samedi dernier à Paris pour la manifestation nationale) pour maintenir, voire toujours plus accentuer la pression et faire plier cette digue qui retient notre camarade derrière les murs depuis plus de 40 ans. 
C'est en ce sens que nous appelons, cette fois, pour ce dernier grand temps fort, à une nouvelle journée d'actions coordonnées partout en France et à l'International avant cette décision de justice que nous espérons tous positive.
D'ores et déjà sont prévus des rassemblements à Grenoble, Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg, Marseille, Amiens, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Hambourg, Barcelone, Bastia, en Finlande, à Pau, Montpellier, Nantes, Lille, Caen et donc à Paris ainsi que dans la région.
Et nous voulions voir s'il était possible que vous organisiez aussi une initiative comme vous avez su le faire les dernières fois. Cela participe à montrer l'ampleur de notre mobilisation et a, naturellement, un poids très important. Merci pour vos retours pour que l'on diffuse un maximum et que cela aide à faire boule de neige !
A très vite !

Ensemble, nous vaincrons !

Partout en France et à l’international,

à J-1 du délibéré de la Cour d’appel, un seul appel : sa libération !

Philippines: Une importante commandante maoïste tuée par l’armée

Une commandante de haut rang de la Nouvelle armée populaire (NPA) a été tuée par les troupes gouvernementales à Agusan del Norte. Il s’agit de Myrna Sularte, qui a été secrétaire du Comité régional du nord-est de Mindanao, membre du bureau politique du Comité central du Parti communiste des Philippines et membre du Comité exécutif de Komisyong Mindanao. Elle a été tuée par les militaires du 30e bataillon d’infanterie hier mercredi à Sitio Tagulahi, Barangay Pianing, dans la province d’Agusan del Sur. Sularte, originaire de la ville de Bayugan (Agusan del Sur), était l’un des dirigeants de la NPA les plus recherchés du pays.

Belgique : Heurts à la manifestation contre le nouveau gouvernement


Lors d’une première grande manifestation organisée le 13 janvier et rassemblant plus de 30.000 personnes, les syndicats avaient annoncés le début d’une série d’actions pour le 13 de chaque mois. Ce jeudi 13 février, une manifestation nationale était organisée à Bruxelles soutenue par une grève dans tous les secteurs du pays. Près de  100.000 personnes auraient participé à la manifestation selon les syndicats, 60.000 selon la police. Cette manifestation se tient alors que le nouveau gouvernement est en place depuis 10 jours seulement, mise en place après 239 jours de négociations.

Lors de la manifestation, un cortège s’est rendu devant le siège du parti « Les engagés », qui participe à la coalition du nouveau gouvernement. Les manifestants ne pourront atteindre le bâtiment, protégé par un cordon de police. Ils seront dispersés à coup de matraque et de spray au poivre. Dans la suite du trajet, un grand nombre de manifestants se sont arrêtés devant le siège du parti « Mouvement Réformateur », qui participe également à la coalisation gouvernementale. Des manifestants syndicalistes et des manifestants antifascistes tiendront leur position un long moment malgré la présence de la police, l’arrivé de deux canons à eau et l’utilisation de gaz lacrymogène. Des arrestations ont également eu lieu en fin de manifestation.

Edit: La police annonce un total de 17 arrestations