Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ratzinger, the most conservative expression of the Church and theoretician of the "modern Middle Ages" against women, is dead!

The revolutionary proletarian feminist movement immediately grasped the explicit reactionary sign of Ratzinger's election as pope, and the function of conservation/mother of the capitalist system he placed on women in this design. bourgeois feminist on "sexual difference".

We made a brochure, which we are reproducing today, translated into English.

We invite you to ask us, because Ratzinger is dead but unfortunately his theory explicitly claimed as anti-Marxist and his reactionary identity politics at national and European level in the Church and in society are not dead.

To have it write to

Friday, December 30, 2022

Joint declaration: Long live the revolt of Iranian women and people, death to the Islamic Republic of Iran!

Long live the revolt of Iranian women and people, death to the Islamic Republic of Iran!

To the workers and oppressed peoples of the world

To communist parties and organizations, to Marxist-Leninist-Maoists

Call for support and mobilization:

since last September the Islamic Republic of Iran has been shaken by an unprecedented mass protest in terms of geographical extent (nationwide: from Iranian Kurdistan in the North-West, to Baluchistan in the South-East passing from the heart of the country and the capital Tehran) for social extension (involving large sections of the working class, students and petty bourgeoisie in the cities and peasants in the countryside) and for its prolonged duration.

A protest triggered by the cruel neo-medieval patriarchal repression of the regime of the ayatollahs that, through his "moral police", harass women daily, exploiting religion with the rigid imposition of the hijab, with the real aim of restricting the women in the public space and relegating women between house walls, that the regime would like mothers who produce children, condescending wives or girls to be given in marriage.

The brutal assassination of Mahsa Amini has unleashed the unstoppable anger of women, especially the young and very young: from schools, to universities, from working-class neighborhoods to workplaces, they took to the streets setting in fire their hijabs and the national flag, cutting themselves strands of hair and thus openly defying the regime.

The first repressive wave was not enough: on the contrary, even young people, from students up to the working class, who organized political strikes in the main oil sites and in other sectors such as in the national tire factory, joined the protest. In Theran, the main faculties are in mobilization, the university and high school classrooms are empty while the streets are full of protesters. Even in the countryside, peasants have mobilized, despite the regime using harsher repression in agricultural areas. All over the world the Iranian community abroad takes to the streets against the regime.

The demonstrators do not seem to want to stop until now, despite the provocations and the repression of the regime's police, the hundreds of deaths and thousands of arrests, and now also the first death sentences.

In some cases the barracks were attacked with molotov cocktails, and the brutal charges of the riot police were repulsed by young men and women armed with determination and occasional means.

The real novelty is therefore the prolonged nature of this revolt which sees a broad class front on the field throughout the territory of the republic with political demands: "women, life, freedom", "death to the dictator" and "death to the Islamic Republic" .

The deeply reactionary nature of the ayatollahs' regime, a direct consequence of its semi-feudal system headed by a bureaucratic and comprador bourgeoisie, leaves no room for negotiations or reforms such as the rumored suppression of the "moral police", on the other hand also the Iranian masses in struggle, by ousting the representatives of reformist political parties from the protests, also show that the intention is to fight to the end for the fall of the regime.

All this shows that tactically the protest and women's movement in Iran will still have to face the harsh repression of the Iranian regime which enjoys the support of the Russian and Chinese imperialist regimes, at the same time from a strategic point of view however this is good: the masses in such determined struggles they are not sacrificing themselves in vain because with such determination they can bring down the reactionary Iranian regime advancing towards their own liberation and also favoring the liberation of the peoples of the region starting from the oppressed Kurdish, "chained and divided" between Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. The revolt of the Iranian people's and women's movement also shows the way for the peoples oppressed by neighboring Sunni regimes in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan, formally opposed to the Iranian Shiite regime, but essentially similar in their semi-feudal nature and by exploiting religion to leverage the masses.

Yankee imperialism and the Western powers hope and work for the fall of the Iranian regime to weaken the opposing camp represented by Russian imperialism in particular, but also by the Chinese one, with the aim of replacing the current regime with a puppet western friendly regime, as already happened last decade with the Arab revolts in Tunisia and Egypt whose outcome of the revolts was a real Pyrrhic victory in which the fall of reactionary regimes, in the absence of a proletarian direction of those revolts, it was a replacement with as many reactionary regimes here with a "democratic" form (Tunisia) there openly in continuity with the regime just deposed (Egypt). This instrumentalization of imperialism must therefore be denounced and fought everywhere in the world.

At the same time, building on these experiences, the struggle in Iran must necessarily rise from the current spontaneity and reach the superior organizational forms necessary to defeat the enemy, drawing inspiration from the current most advanced revolutionary forms in the world: the People's Wars in India and the Philippines, creatively developing the revolutionary war adapted to the Iranian context against the regime of the ayatollahs.

Communist parties and organizations and in particular the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists have the internationalist duty to support the popular masses, the Iranian working class as well as the Iranian Marxist-Leninist-Maoist comrades, organizing support in each country, showing solidarity with the Iranian women present, with all material and political means, joining the mobilizations in front of the Iranian embassies, denouncing at the same time the parties of the imperialist bourgeoisie who exploit these mobilizations with the aim of expelling them.

In the imperialist countries in particular, but also in some Arab and BRICS countries, it is necessary as well to counter the self-proclamed "anti-imperialist" opportunists (and in some cases self-proclamed "communists") who support the reactionary Iranian regime together with Russian and Chinese imperialism in an anti-American aim: by not supporting women and the struggling Iranian masses they show their true reationary nature.

In all countries of the world, make your support for the Iranian people and their women's movement heard loud and clear in front of the embassies and consulates of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Long live the liberating and democratic women's movement

Long live the libertarian and democratic movement of the masses

Iranian workers, peasants, women, students: forward to building the tools necessary for victory: the party, the united front and the people's army!

Let the spontaneous uprising develop into the People's Revolutionary War

Death to the Islamic Republic

May the Peoples Democratic Republic be established under the leadership of the working class

signatory organizations and parties:

report from Iran

People's Democratic Movement of Iran

Iran has once again become the scene of a big battle. The battle of the people against the anti-people forces, the battle of the exploited and oppressed classes against the exploiters and oppressors, the battle for freedom and democracy against tyranny and dictatorship, the battle of wisdom against the rule of ignorance. Now it can be called a great uprising or a revolution, a democratic and anti-imperialist revolution. However, for some reason, the democratic side is much stronger than the anti-imperialist one.

The killing of Mahsa Amini by the police
On Wednesday, 23 Shahrivar 1401 (September 14, 2022), Mehsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish girl, was arrested by an Irshad patrol, which is now correctly called the "killing patrol" by women and people’s masses, on the pretext of "improper clothing". After a few hours, his body was transferred to Kasri Hospital in Tehran without vital signs, and she died after being unconscious for two days.
Zina (the Kurdish name of Mehsa, it means life) was a Kurdish girl (one of the oppressed nationalities of Iran). People who have been a symbol of resistance and struggle against the Islamic Republic and the dictatorship of Khomeini and Khamenei and have fought against the religious regime for forty years.

Mehsa's funeral in Saqqez became a big movement
Mehsa's funeral took place in Saqez, where Mehsa lived, one of the cities of Iranian Kurdistan. In this ceremony, women took off their headscarves. In Tudeh city people chanted slogan "women, life, freedom" in protest against the government crime, and held gatherings, marches, and demonstrations.

The movement covers the whole Iran
Masses of men and women started a great movement in support of the masses struggles in Saqqez, with the same main slogan "Women, Life, Freedom" and this movement quickly spread to all the cities of Iran. From Kurdistan to Baluchistan, from Azerbaijan to Bandar Abbas.
It is a tough battle of all classes of people in Iran, especially the workers, farmers and toiling classes, against the regime of exploiters and oppressors, criminals, thieves and money-worshippers, corrupted, deceivers and swindlers. This movement has shaken the entire system headed by the criminal Khamenei.

A forty-year struggle
The long history of this great mass battle dates back to the 1957 revolution. At that time the tyranny declared war on freedom and pushed it back, and now they have been ruling for 41 years. The main aspect of the current fight is the struggle for freedom and to establish a democratic and independent government.

The leadership
This movement is spontaneous, no party has the leadership, due to the forty years long regime and heavy blows dealt to the people's parties, especially the left parties. It oriented by itself and currently it is centered on rejecting the Islamic Republic and overthrowing it, without slogans specifying what government has to be established. The the working class youth are the main body of the movement.

The children of the working class are the main body of the movement
The women, men, girls and boys who chant in the streets against this system and the Khamenei dictatorship belong to the working masses, and at the front line there are the workers, farmers and the lower and middle strata of petty bourgeoisie. These are the most or the population in the country. The participation of the higher strata of the petty bourgeoisie is still not so noticeable, and the wealthy strata have not yet joined the classes fighting to overthrow the Islamic Republic, as they should. Of course, doctors and lawyers waged struggles, especially the doctors but thy were severely suppressed.

The working class
While the movement continued, sectors of the industrial workers joined the struggle with strikes. The workers started these strikes based on economic demands, but in fact they were in connection with the current democratic movement and had a political ground.
One of these strikes has been that oil contract workers. The government arrested 250 workers in the first days of strike. After that, new waves of labor strikes arose and in Isfahan two factories, Zob Ahan and Sepahan Cement, went on strike. However, the working class has not yet staged a nationwide strike with political demands, and its role in the uprising is not noticeable.

Iranian women have played a very prominent role in the struggles in this period. The fight against the murder of Mehsa Amini started in Saqez, Kurdistan, and quickly spread to all the cities of Iran. In these protests women played an important role, leading the campaign, and there were many of them among the demonstrators. Many brave girls and women participated in street-fighting, defending themselves and counter-attacking. Some of them were killed (about 40-50 women) and many were arrested. Women are tortured and raped in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. Some girls and women, as well as young boys, committed suicide after being released, the reason for which is still unclear to the masses.

After the decline of the student movement for a long time, because of various reasons, the entry of students into the field of struggle widened and deepened the movement for freedom and democracy. Students held rallies and marches and clashed with the police and Basij In many universities of Iran.
The government attacked the Sharif University of Technology with its uniformed and military forces to suppress the students. Many students were seriously injured and many were arrested by the forces of the Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC.
Nevertheless, the student movement has continued its struggle until now with progressive slogans such as "We are the sons of workers, we will stay by their side" and "Workers, students, unite!".

Kasbeh and Bazarian (merchants and shopkeepers)
After the revolution in Iran on 1357, Kasbeh and Bazarian did not make big struggle, except a few narrow cases following mass movements, but in the last three months, they held two nationwide strikes, the second one on 14th, 15th and 16th of December2022. This three-day strike took place in more than 70 cities of Iran.
In response, the regime sealed many shops and government-affiliated forces wrote slogans on their windows. It is clear that these struggles will be not ended by these actions and will probably continue in the future.

Forms of Struggle
These struggles has been somewhat peaceful and defensive, but what is going on has turned them from peaceful and defense to violent and counter-attacks. The sentence that is now heard from the masses most of times is: "Hit those beasts!". And it women and men of Iran punish these mercenaries of the government and enemies of the people.

Basic forms of struggle
This struggle has many different forms. From gatherings of small groups in the street shouting slogans and clashing with police forces, etc. to writing slogans on the walls, setting fire to Basih centers, attacks on Friday imams, MPs, religious bildings and schools.
The most recent change in the forms of struggle is the strike of industrial workers in some industries, as well as the strike in the transportation sector by truck drivers and owners.

Movement forms and slogans
The main forms of this movement have been gatherings, marches and sloganing. The slogans generally were against the Irshad patrol, the police force, Basij and the government. In general, the most common slogans are: "Death to the Velayat", "Death to Khamenei", "Death to the Islamic Republic", "Down with Makhund", "Death to Basiji" and "Death to Sepahi". (the Revolutionary Guards, which is another military force beside the army, its main role is to suppress internal struggles and organize Hezbollah forces in the Muslim countries of the region, such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen).
The intervention of the special units, police force and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the "Killing Corps", which now concentrate under their control most of main political, military and economic issues, led tp counterattacks of the people’s masses against these mercenaries and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. They set fire to the vehicles of repression forces and "Gesht Irshad" and beat them with fists and kicks.

Global reverb of the movement
This movement has echoed all over the world mobilized the masses of Iranian immigrants in all the countries of the world side by side with the people in Iran. Many artists and sportsmen condemned the killing of Mahsa Amini and took stand in favor of the mass movement.

Khamenei and his guards are scared!
Khamenei is afraid of the working class and mass movement. He fears that the working class and people of Iran to unite and their movement spreads everywhere and becomes global and, more importantly, that it continues.
The repression of the government has been very severe. In Zahedan, the center of Balochistan (another oppressed nationality of Iran) more than one hundred people were killed on a day, the "Bloody Friday of Zahedan". The Baloches are Sunni and have always been oppressed by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. Also, the government organized an attack on Sharif University of Technology, an attack with heavy military equipment on Mahabad (in Kurdistan) and even a bombing in a religious place in Shiraz, called "Shah Chirag", where they killed 15 pilgrims and blamed ISIS and then said that it is better for people to stop protesting because if they continue, ISIS will attack more. But the people understood that they were lying and continued fighting. The last form of repression is the execution of young street-fighters who had been arrested. So far, they have executed two people and most likely they will execute more young people.

United people, the global movement of all social classes and the continuation of this movement
They know very well that if the people are united and the current movement continues, they can neither control it nor prevent their own internal collapse. The continuation of the movement ultimately means the loosening of the chains of tyranny and shows the inability of its killing squads, as well as the disintegration of government gangs and the further disintegration of the government from within. These are two sides of the same coin. That is why they try to present themselves as united, powerful and invincible. So that people are afraid of them, think they cannot overthrow them and finally surrender to their tyranny. That is why they move and shoot frantically and kill people.

Advancement and retreat of the government
There is no doubt that Khamenei's faction and gangs, the so-called "hard core of power" (the clique that surrounds Khamenei) will not retreat. Having been surprised, unprepared and generally unable to react immediately to the movement, or fearing the consequences of such reactions, their general method so far and most of times was to let the mass movement slowly discharge some of its energy in fighting out and, when the people are tired, to plan and organize their military and paramilitary forces for an all-out counterattack and the fiercest suppression.

Fighting the hell of tyranny
The mummified heads of this rotten system and its few supporters have created a great hell in Iran, a hell of ignorance, death of freedom and tyranny to bring people their promised "heaven"..The current struggle of the Iranian people is against this hell and for freedom, and it will continue until it is achieved.
The advance and development of this great uprising will undoubtedly affect the masses in the countries of the region and the world and will bring new changes.

The position of the left forces
In Iran, there are no left parties and organizations, i.e. communist revolutionaries (Marxist-Leninist or Maoist). There are groups and organizations that we call "pseudo-left". These are divided into two streams. The trends of Khrushchevite revisionists and the Trotskyist. There are other small groups that call themselves "Western Marxists", "New Left", "Euro-Communists", "Marxists", etc. There is also an Avakianist group. All these trends are divided into groups and small groups of few people, all their leaders and cadres are abroad. None of these organizations, most of which call themselves parties, have influence among the working class or the people’s masses, at most on few individuals.
the war between Russia and Ukraine, these were divided into two groups. Khrushchevite revisionist parties and organizations sided with Russia, while Trotskyist, "Marxist", "Western Marxism" and "New Left" parties and organizations sided with Ukraine. In the current movement they have no role and most people do not know them. Most of their activities are only on the Internet and in virtual space. Of course, there are Kurdish and Baloch parties, but they have most of their influence among the Kurd or the Baloch peoples and do not have influence in the rest of Iran. We ourselves are a very small movement and our activity is very limited, we have grown compared to the past and it can be said that we hope to grow more in the process of this movement, uprising or revolution.

Long live the liberating  and democratic movement of women!

Long live theliberating and democratic movement of the masses!

Death to the Islamic Republic!

For a People's Democratic Republic under the leadership of the working class!

red road of Iran (Maoist)

December 2022


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Final Message Of CPP Founding Chairperson Joma Sison To Revolutionary Forces And People Of Philippines

It is with deepest grief that I have to be the one to issue my husband’s last and final message to the revolutionary forces and the people on the 54th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines. He started discussing with me the outline and writing of the message a few days a month ago when he just got discharged from the hospital at his second confinement in November and just before the start of his third and last confinement on November 28. He wrote the first draft on paper, which I keyed in to the computer and then he reread and corrected it twice to produce this final draft below.

Some fifteen or so minutes before Joma took his last breath, he we was still talking about ensuring the revolution would win victory and advancing to socialism. With his last thoughts he remained optimistic about the Filipino people whom he served with utmost determination.


The Filipino People’s Democratic Revolution Is Invincible

Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman
Communist Party of the Philippines

December 26, 2022

Since after the reestablishment of Communist Party of the Philippines on December 26, 1968 and the prompt founding of the New People’s Army on March 29, 1969, every reactionary regime of the semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system in the Philippines (from the time of Ferdinand Marcos, Sr. to the present) has adopted and implemented a strategic operational plan to destroy the Filipino people’s democratic revolution.

But each strategic ‘oplan’ has always utterly failed and instead resulted in the significant growth of the revolutionary movement. Marcos went to the extent of imposing a fascist dictatorship on the people from 1972 to 1986 on the pretext of suppressing the CPP and armed revolution, “save the republic and build a new society”. But his power grab merely stimulated and accelerated the all-round growth of the revolutionary movement nationwide. Ultimately, the armed revolution inspired and backed up the people’s mass uprisings in Metro Manila and nationwide in order to remove the fascist dictatorship from power.

The pseudo-liberal democratic regimes that followed the Marcos fascist dictatorship tried to combine their respective military strategic ‘oplans’ with tactics of deception, including offers of prolonged ceasefire and peace negotiations without addressing the roots of the armed conflict or civil war. Every reactionary regime has been obsessed with destroying the revolutionary movement and preserving the unjust ruling system of oppression and exploitation.

It has used the anti-terrorist card anytime to delay, suspend or terminate the peace negotiations, despite such major joint agreements between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines as The Hague Joint Declaration of 1992 as framework for peace negotiations and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of 1998.

Despite the peace negotiations, every reactionary regime has taken the liberty of killing cadres and members of the revolutionary movement. When the NPA captured General Obillo of the reactionary armed forces under the terms of the CARHRIHL and international laws in 1998, it immediately announced willingness to release him as a prisoner of war upon agreement on the safe procedure for his release. But Estrada continuously took offense and used the capture of his general to become the first reactionary president to terminate the peace negotiations in May 1999.