Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Italy - 25th avril - anniversary of the victory of Italian Antifascist Resistance - national poster


France: Poursuite de la criminalisation des militants pro-palestiniens


France: Poursuite de la criminalisation des militants pro-palestiniens

Le soutien à la Palestine reste la cible de l’État français. Ces derniers mois, les tentatives de réduire et de priver d’espace démocratique et social les groupes et les collectifs de soutien à la Palestine se sont succédés. L’attaque répressive touche en outre les forces politiques et sociales qui solidarisent avec la Palestine en France. Jean-Paul Delescaut (photo), Secrétaire général de l’Union Départementale CGT du Nord, a été condamné ce jour à une peine d’un an d’emprisonnement avec sursis par le tribunal correctionnel de Lille pour « apologie du terrorisme » (mais relaxé pour « provocation à la haine raciale »). Jean-Paul Delescaut, qui a fait appel, était poursuivi pour un tract diffusé par le syndicat le 10 octobre 2023, trois jours après l’offensive de la résistance palestinienne contre Israël.


USA: 130 manifestants pro-palestiniens arrêtés à New York


Plus de 130 personnes ont été arrêtées dans la nuit à New York, devant des locaux de la prestigieuse université NYU, après des manifestations étudiantes pro-palestiniennes. Ces 133 personnes, qui depuis ont été relâchées, ont été arrêtée dans une intervention de la police de New-York (NYPD) à la demande de l’université. Plusieurs campus américains sont touchés  par le génocide à Gaza, des étudiants organisant des manifestations et des sit-in pour réclamer la fin de la guerre menée par Israël à Gaza. Une centaine d’étudiants pro-palestiniens avaient déjà été interpellés la semaine dernière à l’université Columbia, également à New York. Là encore, la présidente de l’établissement avait demandé à la police d’intervenir (notre article).


52th anniversary statement TKP/ML - for debate



Our party TKP/ML celebrates the 52nd anniversary of its foundation on April 24th. We greet the members, fighters, militants, supporters of our party with the enthusiasm of the year of its foundation. We declare that our party, which has the revolutionary program of the liberation struggle of our working people of Turkish, Kurdish and various nationalities, is more determined and determined to fulfill this task with 52 years of experience. Our party TKP/ML has been able to continue its struggle for revolution and communism continuously and uninterruptedly for 52 years by firmly clinging to its communist program, meticulously preserving its claim to revolution, following the footsteps of our founding leader Comrade İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA.

Parallel to its foundation, our Party has the audacity and move to launch the People’s War, the strategy of the country’s revolution. For 52 years, we ensured continuity with hundreds of immortal comrades who sealed the battlefields with communist audacity. By giving thousands of prisoners, we proved that we will never refrain from paying the price in the cause of revolution and communism and created a consciousness. Tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of workers and laborers became conscious and shaped by the line of Ibrahim KAYPAKKAYA and continued the 52-year march by contributing to the progress of our party, giving it heart and support. Our party TKP/ML is the carrier communist subject of continuous struggle as a great accumulation, experience and the sum of this. Despite all recession, defeats and the weakness of the process we are going through, this basic feature has never darkened or erased. With this feature, our Party is in the battle to lead the class struggle with its independent program and action, which is the most fundamental need of the proletariat and the people.

Our party TKP/ML announced its establishment on April 24, 1972, in conditions when the fascist dictatorship suppressed all social sectors and revolutionary-progressive pioneers. Under the leadership of Comrade İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA, our party declared its foundation by drawing a clear line from the communist perspective against all pacifist, reformist wobbles and of course all adventurous currents. In his short revolutionary life, Comrade İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA laid the foundation of our party with a strong theoretical approach and a daring revolutionary move. Comrade Ibrahim, while establishing a line of struggle against revisionist currents, adopted an approach that concentrated on determining the social structure of the country, the political nature of the enemy, the program that would lead the people to liberation, and the general political line. What gives direction to this approach is that it is based on the science of history and society and its class approach to all problems. For this therefore , from the party’s nomenclature to its program, from the strategy of revolution to the mass line, from class alliances to the definition of enemy classes, from the analysis of the multinational structure to the nature of the political regime, it has managed to put forward the fundamental problems of the revolution with a strong theoretical struggle. Today still, the classism and clarity in its approach to Kemalism and the Kurdish National Question is an antidote to social-chauvinism and class collaborationist approaches. Again, in semi-feudal semi-colonial countries like ours, the position taken by the communist party that it can only preserve and strengthen its communist qualities through the People’s War strategy is an indestructible barricade against all kinds of liquidationism.

Our Party was built under the staff of Communist Leader İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA and has been trying to carry out its leadership role in the class struggle on these foundations for 52 years. The process we are going through is under the siege of liquidationist currents against the fundamental problems and principles of the revolution, against the armed struggle and the overthrow of the system, which involves the liberation of the people. In addition to this ideological attack, there is a large-scale and intense attack by imperialism and fascism to destroy and intimidate the revolutionary struggle. Our party is in a very difficult process socially and politically, just as it declared its establishment. It meets this process by persistently and decisively focusing on the problems and needs of the revolution, by clinging tightly to the main course of the people’s liberation struggle. While determining policy and forming tactics, it does not compromise on approaches that take into account the problems and main needs of the revolution and that will nourish and strengthen it. It takes an ideological and political position against all kinds of attitudes that allow the people to be backed up by fascist cliques and hinder their independent action. It does not refrain from drawing thick lines between itself and constitutionalist, systemic, election-indexed approaches and persistently and decisively seeking and turning towards a revolutionary orientation.

Undoubtedly, we have a very backward level in terms of turning the anger and reaction of the Turkish, Kurdish and people of various nationalities against fascism into an organized force and equipping them with the consciousness of revolution. This is a fact. A revolutionary process in accordance with the sharpness of social contradictions has not yet been organized and the masses have not been mobilized on this axis. Our Party is aware that this task is of vital importance and that this will only happen with a positioning and concentration according to the real needs of the revolution. In such periods, the main thing is not to break away from the interests and tendency of the masses. The following advice of Comrade Lenin is an approach that our party firmly embraces and dominates its line: “The idea of building communist society exclusively with the hands of the Communists is childish, absolutely childish. We communists are but a drop in the ocean, a drop in the ocean of the people. They will succeed in having the people follow their road only if they correctly define this road.” Our Party, with its cadres, members, militants and supporters, is aware that it is a drop in the sea of the people. The masses shape history and they are the real power. Our Party has never been content with determining the direction of history correctly. It has been in the struggle and determination to draw the masses towards the direction of history. Today, it sees fulfilling this task as its main and fundamental problem and is taking shape.

52th Anniversary - Statement of TKP-ML - for debate


With Persistence and Perseverance for a "Tighter, Stronger, More Determined War"!


Our Party TKP-ML, born as a result of the class struggle in our geography, within the world-shaking storms of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution led by Comrade Mao Zedong, is 52 years old!

The flag, which was opened on April 24, 1972, has been waving for 52 years under the leadership of Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, against all kinds of reformist and revisionist leadership: "We are the heirs of Comrade Mustafa Suphi and the TKP under his leadership", "Now we are raising a flag high in front of everyone's eyes".

While our Party has been waving the flag of communism for 52 years as the vanguard and leading force of the international proletariat in our geography, four general secretaries, tens of leading cadres, hundreds of fighters, militants and supporters, especially its founding leader, were immortalized. Thousands of our comrades were wounded. Thousands were imprisoned in the prisons of fascism. In its 52 years of struggle, our Party responded to all kinds of attacks by our class enemies with resistance. It won victories and took defeats against fascism. The Party paid the price and made them pay. It continued to wave the flag of communism opened under the leadership of Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya. And as we enter our 52nd year of struggle, our Party especially our immortal comrades, injured, imprisoned and subjected to the torture of fascism, through our comrades' lives, blood, resistance and labor, has managed to create a tradition in the revolutionary and communist movement in Turkey.

For 52 years, the secret of the flag of communism that has been waved with perseverance is that our Party brings together Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with the aspirations and demands of our people of Turkish, Kurdish nations, various nationalities and beliefs, for liberation from exploitation, for freedom and independence. The foundation of our Party was laid in the most advanced actions of the working class and popular masses, by a limited number of cadres, especially our leading comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, by equipping the class struggle in our geography with MLM science. The secret of our Party's 52nd year of struggle is the MLM science and the struggle of the masses. As long as our Party and the struggle of the working class and the masses of the people exist, the flag of communism will continue to fly high in these lands.

Our Party has gained positions and victories to the extent that it has been able to combine MLM science with the struggle of the masses. To the extent that it distanced itself from the struggle of the masses, it suffered defeats and lost positions. This is the concrete lesson that our 52-year history of struggle has taught us.

In the half-century since the founding of our Party, the struggle of the international proletariat and oppressed peoples has witnessed great upheavals. Most importantly, the working class and oppressed peoples lost the positions they gained through revolutions one by one. Our class enemies declared that "the class struggle is over" and "ideologies are dead". However, in a short time, the footsteps of the Imperialist Sharing War, which is inherent in imperialist capitalism, became more audible.

In the conditions where the 3rd Imperialist Sharing War is being discussed in the international arena and each camp of the imperialist bourgeoisie is making preparations accordingly, our geography comes to the fore as one of the centers of this war of sharing. After Iraq and Syria, the reactionary mullah regime of Iran is becoming more and more evident as the new target of the imperialists.

Zionist Israel, established as an outpost of imperialism in the Middle East, continues to be a threat to the peoples of the region, especially through genocidal attacks against the Palestinian nation.

The Turkish state, whose justification for existence is cooperation with imperialist capital and hostility to the people; It is preparing for new attacks against our people of Turkish, Kurdish nations, various nationalities and beliefs. As a useful member of NATO, the military organization of imperialism, it aims to increase the invasion and massacre attacks against the peoples of the region, especially the Kurdish nation, not only inside but also outside the borders. It is preparing for new massacres in order to use the increasing contradictions between imperialists for its own benefit.

At the current stage, Turkish fascism has condemned millions of workers and laborers to a wage below the hunger limit called minimum wage. The starvation wage has become the average wage. Millions of people are condemned to live at the limit of hunger and poverty and are worried about the future, while a handful of minorities who hold power live in luxury and splendor. The broad masses of the people are reacting to the situation they have been forced into. However, as can be seen in the last local elections, this reaction is wanted to be backed behind the opposition clique of the ruling classes. The aim is to keep the opposition of the masses within the order, to prevent new uprisings like Gezi and Kobane, and more importantly to prevent the armed struggle from reaching the masses.

In its 52nd year of struggle, our Party calls on workers, peasants and intellectuals, youth and women who are devoted to the cause of communism but whose beliefs and energies have been channeled in the wrong way due to revisionist and reformist leaderships, to organize, to grow the unshakable belief in the fire of "revolution" and "communism" that they carry subjectively in their heads and hearts through organized revolutionary struggle.

Long Live the 52nd Anniversary of the Founding of our Party!

Long live Marxism Leninism Maoism!

Long live TKP-ML, TIKKO, TMLGB and KKB!

TKP-ML Central Committee

April 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

May Day 2024 - in the next days - Joint Declaration 2024 and all national and international statements that we support

Palestine: Combats à Gaza et en Cisjordanie - info

Les soldats des forces d’occupation israéliennes des ont échangé des coups de feu avec des combattants palestiniens en Cisjordanie occupée samedi, , tandis qu’à Gaza, les combats se poursuivaient. Les forces israéliennes ont lancé vendredi un raid sur la camp de Nour Shams, près de la ville palestinienne de Tulkarm, mais ils ont été confronté à la résistance armée de combattants des Brigades Tulkarm. Dix Palestiniens ont été tués et huit autres arrêtés, et quatre soldats israéliens ont blessés dans les affrontements. Les Brigades Tulkarm, composées de combattants de plusieurs factions palestiniennes, ont déclaré que leurs hommes étaient toujours aux prises avec l’armée israélienne samedi. Le ministère palestinien de la Santé a confirmé la mort de deux personnes depuis vendredi à Nours Shams, région qui abrite des réfugiés de la guerre de 1948 et leurs descendants. Les deux victimes sont un combattant et un adolescent de 16 ans, selon les responsables palestiniens. À Gaza, les autorités locales ont fait état de frappes contre la ville de Rafah, dans le sud de l’enclave, où plus d’un million de Palestiniens ont trouvé refuge et à Jabalia (nord). L’armée israélienne mène également des raids dans le centre de la bande de Gaza. Rafah est la dernière zone de Gaza où les forces terrestres israéliennes ne sont pas encore entrées depuis le début du conflit.

Dossier(s): Monde arabe et Iran Tags:

italian classist trade union Slai Cobas - guided from PCm Italy - supports call of PGFTU

E’ un vizio consolidato dare un giudizio sulle forze in campo come gruppi nazionali omogenei: così ci sono gli israeliani, gli uomini di Hamas, gli arabi sunniti e sciiti ma pochi o nessuno indaga sulle condizioni degli operai di queste terre eppure la loro sollevazione collettiva contro il governo israeliano sarebbe l’unica possibilità reale di fermare il genocidio di Gaza.

We are writing to alert you to a call from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) - Gaza for global days of action on May Day (1/5) and Nakba Day (15/5) 2024.

You can read the full call in English, Arabic, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and German here: Other languages will be made available soon. 

PCm italy for Iran


pc 19 aprile - Attacco di Israele all'Iran - mentre prepara il massacro genocida dei palestinesi a Rafah, appoggiato dall'imperialismo USA/NATO - Italia compresa

Noi siamo dalla parte dell'IRAN, noi siamo dalla parte dei ribelli Houthi, noi siamo dalla parte della resistenza palestinese e delle masse arabe/ contro imperialismo, sionismo e regimi ad essi asserviti.

La guerra imperialista si può fermare solo se avanza la guerra popolare!

proletari comunisti/PCm Italia

Official CPP Statement On Iran’s Retaliatory Strikes Against Israel


Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer | Communist Party Of The Philippines

April 14, 2024

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and Filipino revolutionary forces consider the missile and drone attacks of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the Zionist regime’s military bases as a just and measured response to Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1, which killed 18 officers and men of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Iran’s attacks penetrated the much-vaunted Iron Dome defense system and punctured a big hole on the arrogance of the Zionist regime. It has emboldened and inspired millions of people around the world, especially the Palestinian people. They see Iran’s attacks as just retribution for the relentless and genocidal US-backed war being waged by Israel in Gaza, which have killed more than 33,000 Palestinians since October 2023.

Iran’s retaliation comes after decades of restraint over continued attacks by the Zionist regime. In years prior, the Zionist Israel carried out at least six assassinations against Iranian nuclear scientists, killing five. It also worked hand-in-hand with US military forces which carried out the 2020 drone assassination against Iranian top general Qassem Soleimani in Iraq.

After carrying out her retaliation, Iran declared that “the matter can be deemed concluded.” We join in condemning threats of further escalation coming from Israel and the US government which has publicly declared “ironclad support” to Israel.

We express our solidarity with the Palestinian people as they continue to intensify their resistance, armed and otherwise, to push back against US-supported Israel from Gaza and regain the rest of their homeland.

We urge the Filipino people and peoples around the world to continue rallying support for the Palestinian people and demand that the US government, Benjamin Netanyahu and his officers be held accountable and punished for the countless war crimes committed by the Zionist Israel.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

maoistroad for boykott UE/Elections - a joint declaration - info for debate


Abstention aux élections européennes

L'UE est l'édifice des impérialistes
C'est un instrument d'exploitation, d'occupation et d'oppression des travailleurs et des peuples.
C'est un bastion du racisme et de la guerre.
Sortir du Parlement européen, s'opposer à l'UE, c'est la voie des travailleurs et des peuples!
Abstention aux élections européennes!

Les élections pour le Parlement européen en mai‐juin auront lieu dans une période d'attaques multiples contre les droits des peuples d'Europe et dans une période de guerre et de conflits sanglants sur le continent européen.

Au cours des années précédentes, les puissances impérialistes dominantes de l'Union européenne ont consolidé l'exploitation et le pillage des peuples et des travailleurs des pays européens. Des politiques d'austérité extrêmes ont été mises en œuvre, les pauvres et les classes moyennes ont été écrasés par des réductions de salaire et l'attaque de leurs droits du travail, et les paysans ont vu les attaques de la politique de la PAC qui les visent. Les jeunes ont continué à être au centre de l'attaque, les politiques européennes s'attaquant aux études et aux droits du travail ; en outre, non seulement les politiques de Bologne n'ont pas apporté de jours meilleurs aux jeunes qui étudient, mais elles ont aggravé les conditions d'étude et ont même contraint de nombreux étudiants à abandonner leurs études. Les jeunes travailleurs, les jeunes de la classe ouvrière pauvre, ceux qui vivent en marge de la pauvreté, les migrants et les "citoyens de seconde zone", comme on les appelle, ont été durement touchés. D'une part, ils ont été les premiers à accepter les mesures de réduction et d'austérité ; d'autre part, ils ont vu leurs droits démocratiques bafoués.

Durant tous les développements de ces dernières années, l'UE apparaît une fois de plus comme une force qui soutient et participe à des guerres injustes, une force responsable du massacre des peuples. La guerre injuste en Ukraine, outre la marque des impérialistes russes et américains, porte également la marque de l'intervention de l'UE et de son soutien aux groupes fascistes et d'extrême droite. Le peuple ukrainien a le droit de résister contre toute invasion et de combattre pour l’indépendance et son droit à la souveraineté. Mais cela ne peut pas être réalisé par le gouvernement réactionnaire de Zélenski et la classe dirigeante ukrainienne, ni, encore moins, par les impérialistes US-OTAN et européens.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

17 de abril día del prisionero palestino: ¡recordar y luchar por la libertad de los presos por luchar!


17 de abril día del prisionero palestino: ¡recordar y luchar por la libertad de los presos por luchar!

17 de abril día del prisionero palestino: ¡recordar y luchar por la libertad de los presos por luchar! 1
Familiares de presos palestinos marchan en Ramala por su liberación inmediata en medio de la conmemoración del Día del Prisionero Palestino -17 de abril 2024

Como cada año, se conmemora el Día del Prisionero Palestino, en conmemoración de la liberación el 17 de abril de 1974 del primer palestino llamado Mahmoud Bakr Hijazi, como producto del primer intercambio de prisioneros entre palestinos y la entidad sionista de Israel. Es una fecha que resalta la lucha y la resistencia de los prisioneros palestinos que han sido detenidos por Israel en cárceles y centros de tortura. Este día no solo honra a aquellos que han sacrificado su libertad en la búsqueda de la libertad de su tierra y su pueblo, sino que también sirve como un recordatorio de las difíciles condiciones que enfrentan estos prisioneros y sus familias.

17 de abril día del prisionero palestino: ¡recordar y luchar por la libertad de los presos por luchar! 2
Embajada del Estado de Palestina, Argentina

Los 9600 prisioneros políticos palestinos son símbolos vivientes de la lucha por la autodeterminación y la justicia en Palestina. De ese total, 3800 son detenidos sin juicio ni cargos y a menudo enfrentan tortura, malos tratos y condiciones inhumanas durante su detención. Las familias de los prisioneros también sufren, ya que a menudo se les niega el acceso a sus seres queridos o se les prohíbe visitarlos en las cárceles israelíes.

El Día del Prisionero Palestino es una ocasión para solidarizarse con los prisioneros y sus familias, así como para destacar que todos los llamados Derechos Humanos, tan defendidos en palabras por los sionistas y sus patrocinadores imperialistas, son violados sistemáticamente cuando se examina la situación de los palestinos que están privados de su libertad. Es un llamado al pueblo, a las fuerzas democráticas, a los revolucionarios del mundo para que actúen en contra de la ocupación israelí y exijan el respeto de los derechos de los prisioneros palestinos de acuerdo con el derecho internacional.

En Palestina y en todo el mundo, este día se conmemora con manifestaciones, marchas, conferencias y actividades culturales que resaltan la resistencia y la determinación del pueblo palestino. Ayer en Ramala, situada en la Cisjordania ocupada, se reunieron más de cien palestinos con pancartas y fotos de sus familiares y amigos presos, para conmemorar, en medio de la brutal arremetida del enemigo sionista, el Día del Prisionero Palestino, exigiendo su liberación inmediata y el fin del asedio que se recrudeció desde el 7 de octubre de 2023.

Llamamos a las masas populares a que levanten el puño con acciones de protesta contundentes, por los palestinos detenidos injustamente por la entidad sionista de Israel. Desde Colombia, mantendremos la bandera Palestina en alto y viva la esperanza de que más temprano que tarde los ya casi 10 mil presos políticos palestinos, verán de nuevo la luz de la libertad junto a sus familias y camaradas de lucha

India - Boykott the sham elections to parliament and assemblies! - CPI(Maoist)


Clic to download

Iran/israel - Ain al-Assad II Khamenei and the IRGC chiefs Noisier but more fake!

 عین الاسد دوم خامنه ای و سران سپاه 

پر سر و صداتر اما پوشالی تر!


«پاسخ سخت» اجرایی شد!

بالاخره خامنه ای و سران پاسداراش«پاسخ سخت» کذایی شان را به حمله‌ی‌ اسرائیل به کنسول‌گری ایران و کشتن  ۷ نفر از فرماندهان ارشد سپاه قدس از جمله محمدرضا زاهدی فرمانده سپاه قدس در سوریه و لبنان  دادند و«انتقام سخت» شان را گرفتند!

این امر طی عملیاتی با نام «وعده صادق» و طبق اخبار با شلیک 185 هواپیمای بدون سرنشین و 36 موشک کروز و همچنین 110 موشک بالستیک نقطه زن به اسرائیل صورت گرفت که تقریبا اکثریت آنها( به گفته ی دولت اسرائیل 99 درصد از آنها) در هوا و پیش از آنکه به اسرائیل برسند به وسیله ی آمریکا، انگلیس، فرانسه ، اردن و یا در فضای کشور به وسیله ی نیروهای نظامی اسرائیل منهدم شدند.

اطلاع دادن زمان حمله به آمریکا و اسرائیل

حمله البته غافلگیرانه نبوده است. گویا از سه روز پیش از آن، ساعت و تعداد و نوع پهپادها و موشک هایی که قرار بوده است به اسرائیل شلیک شود مستقیم و یا به وسیله ی کشورهای عربی به دولت آمریکا اطلاع داده شده بود. بنابراین هم آمریکا و هم دیگر کشورها از جمله اسرائیل دقیقا از تمامی ابعاد حمله خامنه ای اطلاع داشتند و می توانستند بهتر برنامه ریزی کرده و پهپادها و موشک ها را رهگیری و نابود کنند.

برنامه ریزی برای ریختن معدود هواداران خامنه ای به خیابان و به راه انداختن جشن پیروزی

در کنار این حمله در نقشه ای از پیش برنامه ریزی شده به وسیله ی سپاه و دیگر ارگان ها، مشتی از حزب اللهی ها و نان خورها را به خیابان ها فرستادند تا همزمان با شلیک پهبادها و موشک ها به قیل و قال بپردازند و در حالی که هنوز حمله به سرانجام نرسیده و نتایج عملی آن روشن نبود طبق معمول این « پیروزی بزرگ» را جشن بگیرند.

«خاتمه ی عملیات»

و بالاخره باقری یکی از سران سپاه، پس از شلیک پهپادها و موشک ها گفت که عملیات از نظر جمهوری اسلامی«خاتمه » یافته و «قصدی برای ادامه ی عملیات» ندارد.(گویا وی و دیگر سران سپاه و خامنه ای امیدوارهستند که سخنان شان گوش شنوایی به ویژه از جانب آمریکا که در جریان همه نکات قرار دارد پیدا کند و این کشور مانع از پاسخ متقابل اسرائیل شود!)

حمله ی پر های و هوی و پرخرج اما توخالی

و اما برمبنای اخبار منتشر شده از جانب دولت اسرائیل اکثریت این پهپادها و موشک ها یا در حال رسیدن به اسرائیل و یا در فضای اسرائیل سرنگون شدند و تنها برخی از آنها به زمین اصابت کرده که خسارت جدی ای به همراه نداشته است. بر طبق گفته های دولت اسرائیل یکی از موشک ها توانسته به زیرساخت های یکی از پایگاه های هوایی اسرائیل آسیب وارد کند و در ضمن یک دختر بچه ی عرب از ناحیه سر زخمی شده که در بیمارستان بستری و در حال مداوا است. (نتایج حمله دیر یا زود و به وسیله ی منابع مستقل تر بیشتر مشخص می شود و امکان وارسی قضیه بیشتر فراهم می گردد).

در اعلامیه ی خود با نام حمله اسرائیل به کنسولگری ایران در سوریه به تاریخ 16 فروردین 1403 نوشتیم:

«با این حال، خامنه ای و جریان هسته ی مرکزی قدرت از«پاسخ سخت» سخن می گویند و روشن نیست که این بار نیز دولت خامنه ای و پاسداران اش از طریق نیروهای نیابتی شان«پاسخ سخت» می دهند و در عراق و یمن به مواضع آمریکا و یا کشتی ها حمله می کنند و یا خودشان مستقلا وارد عمل گردیده و مثلا موشکی به اسرائیل شلیک می کنند.

در مورد موشک زدن، مشکل که اگر هم خودشان موشکی شلیک کنند آن را به داخل شهرهای اسرائیل بزنند زیرا برایشان آخر و عاقبت آن مشخص نیست و بنابراین شاید بتوان بیشتر احتمال داد که اگر همچون«انتقام سخت» از آمریکا برای ترور قاسم سلیمانی چنین کنند، چند موشک به خاک اسرائیل در مرز سوریه شلیک کنند! گرچه این بار پیش از آن به اسرائیلی ها خبر نخواهند داد!»( گویا نظر ما درمورد خبر ندادن درست نبوده و حضرات مستقیما و یا از طریق دولت های واسط به آمریکا و در نتیجه به اسرائیل اطلاع دادند!)

دلایل اصلی خامنه ای برای «پاسخ سخت»

اگر آنچه دولت اسرائیل می گوید راست باشد آن گاه این حمله ای پرسرصدا اما توخالی و پوشالی بوده است. یک هارت و پورت پرخرج که از میان دلایلی که خامنه ای و سران سپاه دارند دو دلیل مهم تر از دیگر دلایل است:

واکنش به تحقیر شدن در مقابل ارزشی های داخلی و نیروهای نیابتی

یکی تحقیرشدن خامنه ای و سران پاسدار در نزد نیروهای داخلی پشتیبان حکومت و همچنین  نیروهای نیابتی شان در منطقه در جریان حمله دولت اسرائیل به کنسولگری  و کشتن 7 تن از فرماندهان سپاه قدس و به اصطلاح خواست این که خود را از این خوارشده گی بیرون کشند و گردن در مقابل اینها به فراز در آورند و باد در پوست شان کنند که« 60  سال است دولتی به اسرائیل حمله نکرده و چندین قدرت جهانی مشغول زدن پهپادها و موشک های ما شدند» و از این گونه...

حمله ی خامنه ای به جنبش زنان و توده ها

و دوم شرایط داخلی و وضعیت اقتصادی و سیاسی اسفباری که برای اکثریت توده ها وجود دارد و هر دم بدتر شده و امکان برخاستن توده ها و شکل گیری خیزش ها را در خود دارد.

گفتی است که طی همین ده روز پیش از«حمله» ارزش ریال در مقابل ارزهای خارجی بازهم کاهش یافت و قیمت دلار آمریکا به بالای هفتاد هزارتومن رسید و در نتیجه از ارزش داشته های ریالی حال وآینده ی توده های مردم باز هم بیشتر کاسته شد. طی همین ده روز بسی از روزنامه های داخلی می گفتندکه اگر می خواهید پاسخ دهید بدهید زیرا ماندن میان پاسخ دادن و ندادن موجب می شود که هر روز به قیمت ارزها افزوده گردد و حال استرس بر جامعه حاکم شود!  

بنابراین خامنه ای نیاز داشت که با اقدامی، موقعیت روانی - فرهنگی و سیاسی فروتری را که در مقابل توده ها به ویژه پس از خیزش «زن زندگی آزادی» خواه در سیاست داخلی و خارجی پیدا کرده بود و کشتن فرماندهان پاسدارش آن را بدتر کرده و موجب مسخره شدن اش را در میان توده ها فراهم کرده بود، تغییر داده و خود را به موقعیت فراتر ارتقاء دهد تا بتواند بیشتر سیاست های خود را پیش برد و بهتر جنبش های توده ای را سرکوب کند.

این کار از زمان برنامه ریزی حمله طراحی شد. خامنه ای دوباره به گفته ی توده ها«بیرون بودن تار موی زنان» را «چالش» اصلی کشور خوانده و دوباره دستور داد که دارودسته های گشت ارشادی به خیابان ها بریزند و مانع از گسترش آزادی پوشش زنان شوند. طبق معمول هر کجا که کم می آورند و یا بوی جنبش و خیزش به مشام شان می رسد سراغ زنان می روند و به سرکوب زنان می پردازند تا جنبش در جامعه را به عقب برانند.

عملیات، بی نتیجه ای درخور هزینه اش

اما عملیات مزبور تا کنون نتوانسته هیچ کدام از آن نتایجی که خامنه ای و سران سپاه دنبال آن بودند به بار بیاورد. نه با این حملات پرخرج از جیب مردم ایران که حتی اگر آسیب هایی به مکان های نظامی و یا اطلاعاتی ای در اسرائیل وارد کرده باشد(سران سپاه گفته اند قصد آسیب زدن به محل های اقتصادی و جان مردم را نداشته اند) خرج و دخل اش به هم نمی خورد و در نتیجه عملا توخالی و پوچ است، جنبش توده ها آرام می گیرد و نه احتمالا پشتیبانان داخلی حکومت و یا نیروهای نیابتی اگر خام نشوند، اقناع و ارضاء می شوند. شکی نیست که های و هوی کرکننده بوق های تبلیغاتی سران جمهوری اسلامی هزارها برابر آن حمله و نتایجی است که حمله داشته است.

پاسخ اسرائیل؟

اما به ساده گی نمی توان گفت که این پایان ماجراست. دولت صهیونیستی اسرائیل و به همراه اش امپریالیست های آمریکایی و اروپایی سوی دیگر قضیه هستند.

دولت اسرائیل  در شرایط کنونی درگیری با جمهوری اسلامی را کمتر در خود و در چارچوب تضادهایش با جمهوری اسلامی و بیشتر در چارچوب تضادش با خلق فلسطین و سازمان حماس دنبال می کند( حمله به کنسولگری و کشتن سران سپاه قدس بیشتر به واسطه ی نقش آنها در جنگ غزه بود) و بنابراین بیشتر تابع وضعیت اش در قبال جنگ با خلق فلسطین است. از سوی دیگر جناح حاکم بر دولت اسرائیل به نقش دست زدن یا نزدن به این پاسخ یا جنگ در چارچوب حفظ موقعیت خود در قدرت و سرکوب مخالفت ها در اسرائیل توجه می کند.

اگر پاسخ به حمله ی خامنه ای و سران سپاه و تغییر محدود و یا کامل میدان جنگ بتواند به این دولت یاری کند که در در داخل و نیز در جنگ غزه موقعیت اش را بهبود بخشد( به ویژه در مورد وجهه اش در افکار عمومی) آن گاه پاسخ خواهد داد و این ممکن است مقابله ی کنونی را به جنگ تکامل دهد، و اگر نتواند به این دولت در حفظ خود در داخل و یا در این جنگ یاری کند پاسخ نخواهد داد.

در کنار منافع خاص دولت حاکم بر اسرائیل و نیز وضع این کشور در قبال جنگ با خلق فلسطین، منافع امپریالیست های آمریکایی و اروپایی و همچنین دولت های منطقه نیز مطرح است.

از این رو این احتمال نیز وجود دارد که اگر امپریالیست های آمریکایی وی اروپایی تداوم درگیری دولت اسرائیل را با ایران را به صلاح وضع حکومت خامنه ای و سران سپاه در ایران که سر وسر فراوان با دولت بایدن دارند و نیز شرایط منطقه و دولت های آن و همچنین آماده گی خودشان برای درگیری تازه نبینند و فکر کنند که تداوم این پاسخ ها اوضاع خاورمیانه را به هم می ریزد و بنابراین از دولت حاکم اسرائیل بخواهند که پاسخ ندهد، این امکان وجود دارد که دولت اسرائیل پاسخ ندهد و اوضاع را به حال خود رها کند تا فرصتی دیگر ضربه ای دیگر همچون ضربه های پیشین اش به نیروهای جمهوری اسلامی وارد کند.      

گروه مائوئیستی راه سرخ


26فروردین 1402

Google translate

Ain al-Assad II Khamenei and the IRGC chiefs

Noisier but more fake!

"Hard answer" was implemented!

Finally, Khamenei and his guards gave their "severe response" to Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate and the killing of 7 senior commanders of the Quds Force, including Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the commander of the Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, and took their "severe revenge"!

This was done during an operation called "Honest Promise" and according to the news by firing 185 drones and 36 cruise missiles as well as 110 ballistic missiles at Israel, almost the majority of them (99% of them according to the Israeli government) in air and before they reach Israel, they were destroyed by the United States, England, France, Jordan, or in the air of the country by the Israeli military forces.

Notifying the time of the attack on America and Israel

Of course, the attack was not a surprise. As if three days before that, the time, number and type of drones and missiles that were going to be fired at Israel had been informed to the American government either directly or through the Arab countries. Therefore, both America and other countries, including Israel, knew exactly all aspects of Khamenei's attack and could have planned better and intercepted and destroyed the drones and missiles.

Planning to pour the few supporters of Khamenei into the street and launch a victory celebration

In addition to this attack, in a pre-planned plan by the IRGC and other agencies, they sent a handful of Hizballahites and breadwinners to the streets to fight at the same time as they fired drones and missiles. As the attack has not yet ended and its practical results were not clear, they celebrated this "great victory" as usual.

"End of Operation"

And finally, Bagheri, one of the IRGC chiefs, said after the shooting of the drones and missiles that the operation was "ended" from the point of view of the Islamic Republic and that he had "no intention to continue the operation". find an ear, especially from America, which is aware of all the points, and this country prevents Israel from retaliating!)

The attack is full of feathers and expensive but hollow

But based on the news published by the Israeli government, the majority of these drones and missiles were either shot down while reaching Israel or in Israeli airspace, and only some of them hit the ground without causing any serious damage. According to the statements of the Israeli government, one of the rockets managed to damage the infrastructure of one of the Israeli airbases, and at the same time, an Arab girl was injured in the head and is being treated in the hospital. (The results of the attack will be determined sooner or later by more independent sources, and it will be possible to verify the case more).

In our announcement with the name of Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 16, 1403, we wrote:

"However, Khamenei and the current of the central core of power speak of a "hard response" and it is not clear that this time the Khamenei government and its guards will give a "hard response" through their proxies and in Iraq and Yemen. They attack American positions or ships, or they act independently and, for example, shoot missiles at Israel.

Regarding the rocket launch, the problem is that if they shoot a rocket themselves, they will hit it into Israeli cities because they do not know the end and the end of it, and therefore it may be more likely that if they do so as a "severe revenge" against America for the assassination of Qassem Soleimani. , shoot some rockets on the Israeli soil on the border of Syria! Although this time they will not inform the Israelis before that!"

Khamenei's main reasons for "tough answer"

If what the Israeli government says is true, then this was a high-profile but empty and fake attack. An expensive Hart and Port, among the reasons that Khamenei and the IRGC leaders have, two reasons are more important than others:

Reaction to being humiliated in front of internal values and vicarious forces

One is the humiliation of Khamenei and the guards in front of the internal forces supporting the government and also their proxies in the region during the attack of the Israeli government on the consulate and the killing of 7 commanders of the Quds Force and the so-called demand that they pull themselves out of this humiliation. They should raise their necks in front of them and let them know that "for 60 years no government has attacked Israel and several world powers are busy shooting our drones and missiles" and from this…

Khamenei's attack on the women's movement and the masses

And secondly, the internal conditions and the miserable economic and political situation that exists for the majority of the masses, which is getting worse and has the possibility of the masses rising and the formation of uprisings.

You have said that during these ten days before the "attack", the value of the rial against foreign currencies decreased again and the price of the US dollar reached over seventy thousand tomans, and as a result, the current and future value of the rial was further reduced by the masses of the people. During these ten days, many domestic newspapers said that if you want to answer, give it because staying between answering and not giving will cause the price of currencies to increase every day and stress will prevail on the society!

Therefore, Khamenei needed to take action to find the lower psychological-cultural and political position that he had found in front of the masses, especially after the rise of the "Free Life Woman" in domestic and foreign politics, and the killing of his guard commanders made it worse. He had caused ridicule among the masses, changed and promoted himself to a higher position so that he could further his policies and better suppress mass movements.

This was planned since the attack was planned. According to the masses, Khamenei again called "women's hair outside" as the main "challenge" of the country and again ordered the drug squads of the guidance patrol to pour into the streets and prevent the expansion of women's freedom of clothing. As usual, wherever they are lacking or the smell of a movement and uprising reaches them, they go to women and oppress women in order to push back the movement in the society.

The operation is worthless

But the said operation so far has not been able to bring any of the results that Khamenei and the IRGC leaders were looking for. Not with these expensive attacks from the pockets of the Iranian people, even if they have caused damage to military or intelligence sites in Israel (the IRGC chiefs have said that they did not intend to damage economic sites or people's lives) It does not mix and as a result it is practically empty and empty, the movement of the masses calms down and probably the internal supporters of the government or proxy forces will not be convinced and satisfied if they are not raw. There is no doubt that the deafening loudness of the propaganda horns of the leaders of the Islamic Republic is thousands of times the attack and the results of the attack.

Israel's response?

But it cannot simply be said that this is the end of the story. The Zionist state of Israel and along with it the American and European imperialists are on the other side of the issue.

In the current situation, the Israeli government pursues the conflict with the Islamic Republic less within itself and within the framework of its conflicts with the Islamic Republic and more within the framework of its conflict with the Palestinian people and the Hamas organization (the attack on the consulate and the killing of the leaders of the Quds Force mostly due to their role in It was the Gaza war) and therefore it is more subject to its situation in relation to the war with the Palestinian people. On the other hand, the ruling faction of the Israeli government pays attention to the role of touching or not touching this response or war in the framework of maintaining its position in power and suppressing opposition in Israel.

If the response to the attack by Khamenei and the commanders of the IRGC and the limited or complete change of the battlefield can help this government to improve its position both internally and in the Gaza war (especially regarding its image in public opinion) Sometimes it will respond, and this may evolve the current confrontation into war, and it will not respond if it cannot help this government to maintain itself internally or in this war.

In addition to the special interests of the ruling government of Israel and the situation of this country in relation to the war with the Palestinian people, the interests of the American and European imperialists as well as the regional governments are also discussed.

Therefore, there is also a possibility that if the American and European imperialists continue the conflict between the Israeli government and Iran, it will benefit the situation of the Khamenei government and the leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran, who have a lot of trouble with the Biden government, as well as the conditions of the region and its governments. And also they do not see their readiness for a new conflict and think that the continuation of these answers will disturb the situation in the Middle East and therefore ask the ruling government of Israel not to respond, it is possible that the Israeli government will not respond and the situation will remain as it is. leave it so that he can strike another blow like his previous blows to the forces of the Islamic Republic.

Red Road Maoist group


April 14 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

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