Thursday, October 17, 2024

Campanha Internacional de apoio a Palestina e Índia

 In celebration for the one year of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood , the biggest event on the anti imperialist fight of century, it happened, last Thursday (october 10th) in block P of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the Political Act: Independence and Freedom to Palestine From the River to the Sea. The act took place with the presence of approximately ninety people, among then they students, intelectuals and workers.

Composing the lecture were a activist of the Independent struggle Committe (CILU), a activist of the New Revolucionary People’s Student Movement (Novo- MEPR), the professor from the department of Sociology and Methodology of Social Sciences at Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Wilma Pessoa, the teacher of Philosophy from the University School of UFF, Paulo Henrique Flores, the organization of Palestinian Prisioner Solidarity Network, Samidoun, the activist, writer and geography teacher Igor Mendes and a Remarkable Leader of the mass working class movement of Brazil. The act marked a Internacionalist position of support, not only for the Palestinian People and The Palestinian Resistence, but also for the people of Lebanon, Yemen and all the countries attacked by Israel, and to the people of India who fight against the genocide of the Indian State and its Operation Kagaar.

The speeches were clear in full support for the Palestinian National Resistance, and to all organizations that fight organized and armed for the freedom of the Palestinian people. The collaborationist positions of the Palestinian Authority were attacked and those who live on their knees should see what this leads to. And also, there was a total rejection of a two-state solution making it clear that Palestine must be one state, free and independent, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The speeches also highlighted how the Palestinian cause is, today, the one that unifies all democrats and revolutionaries “it is the Vietnam of our century” and how the Flood of Al-Aqsa was celebrated by the Palestinian people and that the 7th of October It must be celebrated by all of us, the opressed people all over the world, as a historic date and as the greatest political event of the 21st century. Finally, it was pointed out that the path for the people of the Middle East is the fight against the Zionist entity which, in turn, is the fight against Imperialism, since the first is nothing more than an arm of the second in that region and that the The anti-imperialist struggle must be linked to the struggle for Socialism, following the path of the internacional ideology of the proletariat, today, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

The political act also mark a Internacional campaign against the criminal Operacion Kagaar, of siege and annihilation to the Comunist Party of India (Maoist). The guests praised greetings to the PCI(M) and repeal the attempt of the Indian State and its fascist goverment of genocide. On the walls of the auditorium was a banner that said: “Down with Indian State’s Operacion Kagaar State” signed by the Internacional Committe in Support of People’s War in India. 

In his speech, a historical revolutionary leader also presented in the event, who slip with the dogmato-oportunist and stayed with our positions, praised the courageous decision of the youth representing by the New MEPR. The presence of this historic proletarian fighter, who deserves respect and consideration for the decades dedicated to the New Democracy Revolution, is new proof that we are following the fair and correct path.

Representing the New MEPR, a activist pointed the importance of the palestinian youth that in all of these decades of resistence do not bend, and its bond with the struggle of palestinian people and its relacion with the brazilian people struggle also, whether be in the land of the peasantry or in the city. She also denounces how Israel blew up all schools and universities from Gaza, as a attempt to destroy the memory and the human knowledge build by the people, wich isn’t possible since the youth, everday even younger, keeps alive the culture of his people through its armed organization of resistence, an example for us in Brazil. Also pointed the importance of never underestimating imperialism and its brutal opression, but understanding that today the opressed people are the majority of the world and it is an internationalist duty to defend and learn from the struggle of oppressed masses and elevate Chairman Mao's maxim that “the rebellion is justified” by organizing the fight for the cause of humanity: socialism, through New Democracy Revolution.

Present in the act was also the Revolucionary Movemment of Women (MRM) that, in his speech highlighted the importance of palestinian women in resistence fight, that the role of women, that represent half of the masses, is to be in the front line together with man and called all women in the audience to join the MRM and the revolucionary fight in Brazil. 

In the end of the event, a CILU’s activist called all the audience to leave the auditorium in protest singing words as “Down with Israel, get out of the Palestinian Lands, get out Yankees of the Latin America!” and “And long live the bombs and the Malvinas, of the heroic Palestinian resistance!”. On the outside all presents formed a circle to watch and vibrated while the Israeli and American flags were burned to the sound of “ Burn, Burn Israel!” 

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