Thursday, October 10, 2024

the points of Joint Declaration for Palestine that can unite in the solidarity and support to Palestinian Resistance the marxist-leninist-maoist forces, the revolutionaries and antimperialists


Intensify actions and make the militant, mass movement in support to Palestinian struggle advance in an increasingly powerful way!

The genocide against the Palestinian people is not just the work of Israeli Zionism. The imperialist states that provide support are responsible, especially the United States, Great Britain with other European imperialist governments, Germany, France, Italy, etc. as accomplices.

Facing of all this, the Palestinian people and the organizations of their Resistance provide a heroic resistance in the given conditions, continuing to deal blows to the troops of occupation and genocidal invasion. We express our maximum support for this Resistance.

The genocide against the Palestinian people sparked international solidarity which has never stopped since October. The proletarians and peoples of the world have kept the cause of the liberation of Palestine high, condemning the ferocious Zionist offensive.

Withstanding the repression by the reactionary states, the masses held meetings and large demonstrations, demanding a stop to the aggression, developing a boycott of Israeli companies and those that support the Zionists, demanding the breaking of relations and treaties with Israel; up to the extraordinary development in recent months of the student movement which has set fire to the universities, the streets, from the US to Europe and throughout the world, recalling the movement of solidarity with the cause of the Vietnamese people of the 60s and 70s..

Faced with this situation, it is now more necessary than ever to intensify actions and make the mass militant movement in support of the Palestinian cause advance in an increasingly powerful way. Popular pressure must rise to solidarity strikes, to increasingly harsh actions against governments that support Israel and Israeli Embassies in every corner of the world.

Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties and organizations must play an increasingly front-line role in this movement, around shared mass demands:
demand that Israeli troops abandon the Gaza Strip and the West Bank;
demand that the imperialist troops abandon the region and cease their military actions in the Middle East in support of the state of Israel and against the forces in solidarity with the Palestinian people, in the Red Sea, in Lebanon, etc.;
demand the severing of diplomatic, commercial and military relations with Israel;
demand that Zionist rulers be tried for war crimes and genocide.

The workers and peoples of the world must support the resistance and the war of national liberation of the Palestinian people, within the struggle for the definitive liberation of the peoples from capitalist, imperialist exploitation and oppression, which will be possible with the triumph of the revolutions in every country and the advance of the world proletarian revolution, to unroot every form of oppression and exploitation from the face of the earth.

Proletarians and peoples of the world, let's unite against imperialism!

Long live the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people!

Free Palestine!

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