Thursday, July 4, 2024

1 july - International day of action - from China to India against Operation kahaar


On July 1st, the day of action against Kajal, we extend our communist salute to the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) who are fighting against international imperialism during the low ebb of the international communist movement. During the period when the reactionaries had a certain upper hand, they continued to insist on people's war even when Avakian and Prachanda revisionists tried to crush the new unity of the international communist movement, pointing out the road to the liberation of the Indian people under the Indian fascist government.In the new century, the imperialist reactionaries launched a counterattack against the revolutionary forces. This was embodied in the counter-revolutionary "Operation Kajal" launched by the Indian fascist government.The Indian fascist government launched a crazy attack on the guerrillas, showing the brutal nature of Indian fascism. This reminds us of the Chinese Soviet government almost a hundred years ago.The Chinese Soviet government fought resolutely in the face of Chiang Kai-shek's reactionaries, exposing the nature of the Chiang Kai-shek group. The most important point is that the Chinese Soviet government represents the interests of the progressive class and the proletariat. This is the key to its success.And more than 20 years later, he successfully defeated all the imperialist reactionaries on the surface and established the People's Republic of China. It represents all the new and progressive national bourgeoisie classes in China. The power of the proletariat successfully defeated the imperialist reactionaries in China. This represents The power of world socialism reaches its peak,The victorious experience of the Chinese revolutionary ancestors inspires us to fight and inspires the new Red Army of Indian workers and peasants in the 21st century - the Communist Party of India (Maoist) to carry out the most resolute struggle against the reactionaries.According to the reports of Indian comrades, we have seen that the Indian fascist reactionaries are using all the vicious tricks imaginable in the world to attack the Communist Party of India (Maoism). Just like the imperialist reactionaries Chiang Kai-shek in the last century, the brutal Indian fascist government killed innocent people Farmers, innocent children, tell the world that this is the armed force of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) - the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army. What just did this is the Netanyahu government that carried out Nazi-style massacres in Palestine. The imperialist reactionaries used The last force tries to stem the tide of world revolution,But this is in vain. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism tells us that all reactionary classes will not withdraw from the stage of history, and war is the execution result of all decadent systems. The more fascism in India kills,This proves the fact that fascism in India is about to collapse and is about to collapse in the ocean of Indian People's War.The Communist Party of the Chinese Proletarian Alliance adheres to proletarian internationalism and supports the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) with the strongest attitude, allowing the Indian fascist government and all imperialist reactionaries to see the power of proletarian unity,We call on all progressive forces and all Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties to support the international appeal of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and establish July 1 as the International Anti-Kajal Day of Action. The purpose is to expose the face of the Indian fascist reactionaries and commemorate the The Indian People's Army soldiers and innocent civilians who died in this fascist massacre expressed solidarity with India's People's War.
Down with imperialism!
Overthrow the reactionary Kajal operation!
Long live the Indian People’s War led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!
Here, the Communist Party of the Chinese Proletarian Alliance salutes the Communist Party of India (Maoism) for its closest communism. May you be able to completely overthrow the fascist government of India and the Indian capitalists, and may you achieve greater victory!
                                              Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Proletarian Alliance

On the Frontlines of Revolution: An Exclusive Interview with the Communist Party of India (Maoist)


Today’s people’s war in India is recognized as one of the most advanced revolutionary struggles in the world. Dubbed India’s biggest internal security threat by the Indian state, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) is a leading force combating the privatization of natural resources, exploitation of labor, and the promotion of Modi’s Hindutva agenda.

In an exclusive interview, we spoke with the party spokesperson Amrut, Central Committee Member and Head of International Affairs of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) about the unique conditions in India, the efforts to build a new society within guerrilla zones, and their perspectives on pressing questions facing the global left, including the character of China and the rise of new imperialist powers.

How long has the CPI (Maoist) been engaged in the people’s war in India, and what stage is this conflict currently at?

This is the fundamental question of the Indian revolution. To answer this, allow me to go back five decades in history. The history of people’s war in India is deeply rooted in the resounding period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) of the ’60s, which was well known as a turbulent decade. It was the time when the two outstanding and front-ranking leaders of our streams—Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee —emerged on the scene in the course of applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM) to the concrete conditions of India and by fighting, exposing, and breaking from the age-old revisionism of the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the neo-revisionism of the CPI (Marxist) brand.

The great Naxalbari revolt led by Comrade Charu Mazumdar in May 1967, was at the time hailed as the “Spring Thunder over India” by the Communist Party of China (CPC), proved to be the clarion call for revolutionaries. Under the revolutionary leadership of comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee, thousands of cadres broke away from the neo-revisionist CPI (M) and joined hands with them. Comrade Charu Mazumdar formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), and Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee formed the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). These two great Marxist teachers conducted a class analysis of Indian society and laid down the political strategy for the Indian New Democratic Revolution.

The political strategy of our party is armed agrarian revolution and the seizure of area-wide political power. The military strategy of our party is protracted people’s war (PPW). According to this strategy, we make the countryside our base areas, where the enemy is relatively weak, and then gradually encircle and capture the cities, which are the bastions of the enemy forces.

According to comrade Mao’s theory of PPW, there are three stages to capturing state power. At present, the Indian revolution is in the stage of “Strategic Defensive.”

The Indian state has been attempting to eliminate the CPI (Maoist) for decades, particularly through Operation Green Hunt. What is the current status of this military operation?

1 July Italy - Taranto - after demo's against G7 - with workers and migrants against Modi's Operation Kahaar


1 luglio la giornata internazionale di azione a Taranto contro l'operazione Kahaar/proseguendo dal G7 e unendo a operai e migranti


La giornata internazionale d’azione a Taranto del 1° luglio si è sviluppata dopo la importante partecipazione al G7 di Puglia, dove nella manifestazione tenutasi a Fasano contro i governi imperialisti, la presenza di Modi è stata oggetto di una forte contestazione all’interno della grande manifestazione. Grandi pannelli hanno riempito la piazza da dove partiva la manifestazione che denunciavano l’operazione Kaahr e il ruolo di Modi nella guerra imperialista nel sostegno al regime sionista di Netanyahu, insieme vi erano immagini dei prigionieri politici, delle popolazioni massacrate, ma nello stesso tempo le immagini della più grande guerra popolare in corso.

I manifestanti hanno fortemente solidarizzato e si sono stretti intorno a questi cartelli e alle voci di denuncia, controinformazione, appello alla solidarietà del Comitato Internazionale di sostegno alla guerra popolare in India. La stampa nazionale internazionale ha dovuto riprendere queste immagini e farle circolare su scala mondiale. Anche nel corso del corteo vi è stato un vibrante discorso di una compagna, facente parte del Comitato internazionale.

La solidarietà al popolo palestinese e la lotta contro la guerra si sono quindi fuse con la denuncia del regime di Modi, servo dell’imperialismo e delle multinazionali.

Il primo luglio ha portato nel cuore della città di Taranto l’onda di questa manifestazione, con un presidio nella piazza principale, supportato da striscioni, cartelli, foto e immagini video.

Taranto è la città della più grande acciaieria d’Europa nelle mani dei padroni indiani Mittal, recentemente estromessi, e di altri padroni indiani, Jindal, che ora vogliono metterci le mani. Per questo importanti in questa città sono state le iniziative tra gli operai dell’Acciaieria, con volantini e incontri alle portinerie della grande fabbrica.

E proprio l’organizzazione dei lavoratori, Slai cobas per il sindacato di classe, che aderisce ed è parte attiva del Comitato internazionale, ha voluto caratterizzare la giornata del 1° luglio sottolineando il legame tra le masse popolari indiane e la guerra popolare e i lavoratori indiani in Italia, ponendo al centro - con un manifesto molto appoggiato dalle masse - l’orribile morte per mano dei padroni schiavisti italiani di Satman Sink, bracciante di Latina, dove lavorano centinaia di lavoratori Sik. Ma si è fatto di più, attraverso una squadra durante la serata della manifestazione si è andati là dove c’erano gruppi di immigrati, sia di origine africani sia di origine asiatica. Attivisti del Comitato Internazionale hanno spiegato a gruppi di migranti il significato della giornata internazionale, hanno fatto appello alla solidarietà internazionalista e ad intraprendere la via della guerra popolare sia all’interno dei paesi imperialisti sia dei paesi oppressi dall’imperialismo.

Nella manifestazione hanno partecipato anche gruppi solidali con la Palestina del territorio.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

1 July international day of action - ICOR – international solidarity against "Operation Kahaar"

received by ICSPWI

 Main Coordinator    01 July 2024

Dear comrades of CPI(Maoist),

On the occasion of the international day of action against "Operation Kahaar" I send you warm greetings of solidarity as ICOR Main Coordinator. This counter-revolutionary military operation must meet with the resolute, worldwide protest of the revolutionaries. To this end we will publicize "Operation Kahaar" internationally. The recent elections in India with relative losses for Modi have made it clear that the fascist Modi government is beginning to isolate itself. Now he is trying to stabilize his government with the most brutal violence against indigenous people, women, children and farmers.

This cannot and must not succeed. The imperialist world system is constantly producing new wars, environmental catastrophes and economic crises and in many countries of the world is seeking its salvation in right-wing development and fascism. This makes the worldwide struggle for the revolutionary overcoming of the imperialist world system and for socialism all the more urgent.

International solidarity is the order of the day!

Please keep us informed about further developments.

Warm revolutionary greetings

Monika Gaertner-Engel

( Main Coordinator)

1 july in Italy - International Day of Action - Palermo - workers, women, youth, No war association - stop Operation Kahaar! support revolutionary struggle in India!

 Palermo giornata di azione e solidarietà internazionalista, dalla bella manifestazione in piazza

Una manifestazione  che ha visto la partecipazione di una significativa presenza di lavoratori e lavoratrici dello Slai Cobas sc, di compagne e donne simpatizzanti del Mfpr, dei compagni di Proletari Comunisti, aderenti al Comitato internazionale di sostegno alla guerra popolare in India, ma presenti anche compagne e compagni di Assemblea Noguerra e coordinamento No Muos Palermo e di giovani del Fgc. 

Una manifestazione che ha espresso forte solidarietà alla resistente ed eroica lotta rivoluzionaria del popolo indiano, che ha denunciato con forza la repressione fascista e genocida del regime Hindutva di Modi, a capo del governo indiano, contro il movimento popolare rivoluzionario indiano , contro la guerra popolare guidata dal Partito comunista dell'India (maoista), gridando con forza STOP OPERAZIONE KAHAAR di cui è stata data attraverso interventi al megafono informazione e spiegazione ma anche attraverso pannelli che hanno riempito le scale della piazza, molto visibili e che hanno attirato l'attenzione di tanti che si sono fermati, hanno fatto foto, hanno fatto domande ed espresso solidarietà. Diffusi centinaia di volantini. 

Ma forte è stata anche la denuncia contro il governo fascio-imperialista Meloni che sin da quando si è insediato ha stretto accordi economici sempre più stretti con il regime di Modi all'insegna del profitto dei padroni capitalisti sulla pelle dei popoli sfruttati e oppressi ma ponendo anche nuovi passaggi/tappe sul piano strategico/militare alla luce della guerra imperialista che deve avanzare, alleanza che è stata ancor di più sancita al recente G7 in Puglia dei padroni del mondo dove Modi è stato invitato e presente. 
Due governi peraltro, quello Meloni e quello di Modi, accomunati dall'essere gravemente complici attivi del genocidio in corso in Palestina perpetrato dallo Stato nazisionista di Israele.


Scappare dall'India del regime di Modi della fame, povertà, repressione, persecuzione.
Venire in Italia e morire uccisi da padroni sfruttatori, senza scrupoli, per cui la vita dei braccianti agricoli vale meno che niente, padroni assassini di fatto coperti dal governo fascio-razzista Meloni. 

Per Satnam Singh ucciso barbaramente dal padrone, per tutti i/le Satnam Singh moderni schiavi fino alla morte 

L'intervento di un precario Slai Cobas sc seguito da un commosso applauso per Satnam e per tutti i lavoratori immigrati sfruttati 


Video speechs of women comrade of Proletari comunisti, ICSPWI Italy representant, leader of Fronte della Gioventù Comunista you can listen on

1 july in Italy - International Day against Operation Kahaar - italian and Indian workers united


Decine di lavoratori hanno animato la protesta del 1 luglio a Bergamo, con la solidarietà e il sostegno al popolo che in India lotta e resiste per rovesciare il regime fascista hindutva di Modi, della repressione, con l’operazione Kahaar, una guerra interna contro lo stesso popolo indiano, ‘per eliminare entro il 2024 i maoisti', la guerra popolare dal paese, con il genocidio delle popolazioni tribali Adivasi.

Un governo imperialista che ha cementato i suoi rapporti già molto estesi commerciali e di guerra col nostro governo proprio nel G7 di Puglia, mostrando la particolare vicinanza a Meloni, moderno fascista che sta trascinando il paese sempre più nel conflitto globale.

Un governo che tra l’altro ha già teso la sua rete di controllo e potere su di una grossa fetta dell’informazione. Tanto da rendere necessaria la controinformazione per smontare l’ignobile campagna arrivata anche tra le comunità indiane, con la falsa immagine di una Meloni addolorata per la morte di Satnam Singh, con le sue promesse di interventi per la sicurezza. Proprio la Meloni, quella con le mani sporche del sangue indelebile dei bambini di Cutro, quella a capo di un governo che copre i padroni fascisti e sfruttatori!

E non è un caso che dalle operaie e operai si sia sentita la forte preoccupazione da tutte le loro fabbriche, per le condizioni non sicure in cui lavorano, un allarme che si è fuso con la rabbia e il dolore, per la morte atroce di Satnam Singh, assassinato da padroni che considerano la vita dei braccianti uguale a zero.

‘Basta scappare dall’India per venire a morire a Latina’ è diventata così una proposta per non disperdere questa bella assemblea, ‘organizzarci e lottare uniti a casa nostra’, contro questo sistema di sfruttamento, sostenere le lotte dei popoli oppressi, dall’India alla Palestina, perché il nostro internazionalismo è fare la nostra parte per rovesciare il governo fascista e imperialista della Meloni.

GALIZA: Campanha 1 julho-Stop operation Kahaar!


1 july - International day d'action against Operation Kagaar - from Russia


International campaign AGAINST OPERATION KAGAAR”! - TKP/ML- info ICSPWI



The People’s War, led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), has been continuing uninterruptedly for more than 50 years. Conviction and determination in the victory of the People’s War for the New Democratic Revolution, which is the path of liberation of the Indian people, continues under the most difficult conditions, despite the intense attacks of the Indian State.

The Indian ruling classes fear that the rebellious spirit of the popular masses will merge with the People’s War and become an uncompromising and independent force along the communist line. All violent apparatuses of the State have been mobilized for decades to suppress and destroy the People’s War, many times carrying out comprehensive military actions accompanied by campaigns to destroy the guerrilla forces. However, Indian reaction, which fails every time, launches its brutal massacres again and again.

In January 2024, the Indian State launched another operation of destruction called “Operation Kagaar” against the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). For 6 months, the operation carried out a series of massacres against the people, guerrilla forces and democratic movements with the high-tech weapons of the imperialist arms industry. Indian reaction turned to massacres, from 6-month-old babies to 60-year-old people, in the areas where it carried out operations, massacred civilians and propagated to the world that those were PLGA guerrillas. It is known that in countries where there are guerrilla struggles and rebellions, from the Philippines to Peru, from Turkey to Nepal, from Mexico to Colombia, and Zionist Israel, every fascist and reactionary regime massacres the unarmed people and presents them as resistance and guerrillas. Undefended against the guerrilla forces, the States that massacre have the goal of intimidating, terrifying and separating the people from their living spaces in order to “drain the swamp”, that is, to prevent the guerrillas from uniting with the people. Now, Indian reaction has once again focused on this target with Operation Kagaar.

On January 1, the Indian State carried out a massacre in the State of Chhattisgarh, including a six-month-old girl. It then continued its massacres at intervals of a week in Chipurbati, Korcholi, Aapatola, Kakur-Tekametta, Pidiya, Rekavaya and Gobel. Indian reaction has murdered 125 people, including PLGA guerrillas, unarmed villagers, revolutionaries, young, old, women and children, and continues to do so.

Hostility to the Indian People’s War is undoubtedly hostility to the people’s struggle for liberation. The people’s anger, hatred and rebellion against imperialism, feudalism and the rampant exploitation of the comprador-bureaucrat bourgeoisie will be an invincible force when united under the leadership of the CPI (Maoist). This is what scares Indian reaction. The Indian People’s War is being tried to be destroyed because it has the power and ability to make the rebellious spirit of the Indian people struggle.

Today, showing the strongest solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Indian people and the Indian People’s War, which is being tried to be destroyed, means embracing the spirit of proletarian internationalism. “If a people has no army, they have nothing.” The Indian reaction’s attack on PLGA and its destruction operations are intended to leave the people powerless and unorganized and to break the warrior spirit of the anger directed against them. The victory of the People’s War is their biggest nightmare.

Let’s protest the massacres of the people by the reactionary Indian State and Operation Kagaar. Let us embrace a stronger spirit of solidarity with the Indian People’s War.

We call on all our forces, progressives and revolutionaries, democratic movements, anti-imperialist and anti-fascist forces, all sensitive segments, to consider the period between 7 and 15 July as a week of action and struggle against the Kagaar Operation of the murderous Indian reaction, to take action and to show solidarity with the Indian People’s War.

  • Down with the Indian Reactionary State and the murderous Operation Kagaar!
  • Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!
  • Long live the Indian People’s War!
  • Long live Proletarian Internationalism!


Communist Party of Türkiye / Marxist-Leninist

June 2024

International campaign against Operation kahaar - info from mexico


Internacional. De acuerdo a una reciente publicación de Periódico Mural, diversas organizaciones revolucionarias alrededor del mundo han respondido al llamado del Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta) para realizar acciones que denuncien el genocidio en curso que implica la “Operación Kagaar” emprendida por el gobierno archi-reaccionario de Narendra Modi con el respaldo del imperialismo en contra de los pueblos de la India insurrecta. A este llamado se han sumado el Partido Comunista de Filipinas y el Partido Comunista de Turquía/Marxista-Leninista (TKP/ML), cada uno de los cuales sostiene también la guerra popular en sus respectivos países. El PCF ha llamado a realizar un mes de acciones del 20 de junio al 20 de julio, mientras que el TKP/ML llama a realizar una semana de acciones del 7 al 15 de julio. Otras organizaciones están haciendo lo propio en diversas latitudes del mundo. Como sabemos, en la India se desarrolla la guerra popular iniciada con el levantamiento de Naxalbari en 1967 bajo la dirección del camarada Charú Mazumdar; desde entonces el proceso revolucionario ha atravesado distintas etapas hasta la formación del Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta) en el año 2004, el cual ha dotado de dirección y unidad ideológica, política y programática al Partido, al Ejército Guerrillero Popular de Liberación y las masas que luchan por la Revolución de Nueva Democracia. Apoyar la guerra popular en la India y condenar la “Operación Kagaar” es una tarea internacionalista que debemos atender demócratas y revolucionarios en todo el mundo. ¡Alto a la “Operación Kagaar”! ¡Abajo el gobierno fascista hindú-brahmánico! ¡Viva la guerra popular en la India! ¡Viva el Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta)!

The Cause of Poverty and Exploitation is the Government, Not Refugees

On the night of 30 June, the lynching that started with attacks against refugees/immigrants in Kayseri Melikgazi spread to many cities in a short time. The lynching, in which the nationalist-fascists organised attacks on the houses, workplaces and vehicles of Syrian immigrants and directly on themselves, is being turned into a pogrom.

The incidents, which started in Kayseri on the grounds of sexual abuse against a girl but quickly turned into hostility towards immigrants and racism by the fascist-reactionaries targeting Syrians, are gradually growing.

At the current stage, it has become clear in a short time that the attackers are not interested in whether the suspect of sexual abuse was caught or not, whether he was punished or not.

The fact that all these attacks, looting and plundering took place in front of the eyes of law enforcement forces points to the finger of the state in the development and spread of the events.

We have not seen any concerns or reactions of racist-fascist groups about children and human rights, unemployment or labour until today.

What is clear, then, is that with a fascist-racist hysteria, the anger and reactions of the masses against the deep exploitation order in which they are living today are being channeled into other channels.

The cause of the deep poverty is not the immigrants, but the Turkish capital/bosses who put their exploitation policies into practice in a way that will hit the immigrants in the heaviest way.

The reason for the avalanche of unemployment is not the refugees but the economic policies implemented by the AKP-MHP government. The male-dominated system is responsible for the harassment and male violence in our geography, not the refugees.

Syrian refugees have been forced to flee to all four corners of the world as a result of the war and occupation policies that AKP-R.T.Erdoğan has fuelled, organised and participated in with the instructions of the USA. In the places where they have fled, they have become the target of the most rampant exploitation, violence, oppression, harassment and rape and horrible exploitation.

The government is trying to take out its distress from the victims of the war it is responsible for. Migrants/refugees are never our enemy! Our enemy is the wheel of exploitation and oppression that crushes them between its gears.

This wheel is controlled by Turkish capital and their spokesperson AKP-MHP government.

Let's not give way to racist fascist attacks against refugees/migrants!