Friday, July 12, 2024

INDIA: End Operation Kagar, which aims to corporatize and militarize the forests through Adivasi genocide.

End Operation Kagar, which aims to corporatize and militarize the forests through Adivasi genocide.

Immediately end aerial and mortar shell attacks targeting civilians in Bastar. Stop indiscriminate use of force and loss of innocent lives by halting military operations against unarmed civilians.

Form a special committee headed by a retired Supreme Court judge to conduct a comprehensive and impartial investigation into the severe genocide occurring in the Bastar region.

Charge the military with war crimes for violating international human rights standards, the human rights provided by the Indian Constitution, and take exemplary actions.

The Indian government is not only violating its own constitution, the Geneva Convention principles, and human rights declarations, but also waging war against its own people.


Sending Mass Petition to the President of India

From July 15 to August 03

Signature Collection Campaign and protest meetings



മനുഷ്യാവകാശ ബഹുജന കൂട്ടായ്മ

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