Sunday, March 23, 2025

Police Claim 30 Maoists Killed In Separate Encounters With Security Personnel In Bastar Division - now more than ever SUPPORT PEOPLE'S WAR IN INDIA


Police Claim 30 Maoists Killed In Separate Encounters With Security Personnel In Bastar Division

Raipur District, March 20, 2025: At least 30 individuals police claim to be cadres of the CPI (Maoist) were killed in two separate encounters on Thursday in Bastar division, Chhattisgarh state, a police official announced to the press today.

According to the police official, a joint team of security forces launched an anti-Maoist operation based on intelligence inputs. Around 7am, an encounter broke out in the dense forests along the inter-district border of Bijapur and Dantewada, where at least 26 alleged Maoists were killed, adding that during the exchange of fire, a District Reserve Guard (DRG) jawan was killed.

In a statement to the press, State Home Minister Vijay Sharma confirmed that 18 bodies have been recovered so far, while search operations are still ongoing, adding that several weapons and explosives were also seized from the encounter site.

According to a district police representative, in another ongoing encounter in Kanker district, Bastar division, a joint team of Border Security Force (BSF) and DRG personnel killed four alleged Maoists near the Abujhmad jungle of Narayanpur district, adding that no security personnel were injured in the operation, and that further details are awaited.

According to police officials, Bijapur, Dantewada, Kanker, and Narayanpur remain among the seven most Maoist-affected districts in Chhattisgarh state.

Raipur District, March 20, 2025: At least 30 individuals police claim to be cadres of the CPI (Maoist) were killed in two separate encounters on Thursday in Bastar division, Chhattisgarh state, a police official announced to the press today.

According to the police official, a joint team of security forces launched an anti-Maoist operation based on intelligence inputs. Around 7am, an encounter broke out in the dense forests along the inter-district border of Bijapur and Dantewada, where at least 26 alleged Maoists were killed, adding that during the exchange of fire, a District Reserve Guard (DRG) jawan was killed.

In a statement to the press, State Home Minister Vijay Sharma confirmed that 18 bodies have been recovered so far, while search operations are still ongoing, adding that several weapons and explosives were also seized from the encounter site.

According to a district police representative, in another ongoing encounter in Kanker district, Bastar division, a joint team of Border Security Force (BSF) and DRG personnel killed four alleged Maoists near the Abujhmad jungle of Narayanpur district, adding that no security personnel were injured in the operation, and that further details are awaited.

According to police officials, Bijapur, Dantewada, Kanker, and Narayanpur remain among the seven most Maoist-affected districts in Chhattisgarh state.

  • Commemorate the heroic anti-fascist resistance in the Netherlands!

    It is now 80 years since Nazi Germany was expelled from Dutch territory by both domestic and foreign forces. Never before had the Dutch people shown such a form of national unity. The sense of Dutch patriotism and hatred of the fascist occupiers could only come from one thing, the events of February 1941. Every child growing up in the Netherlands will see in the February Strike a sign of national unity. For us Communists, there will always be a deeper meaning behind it.

    In February of the year 1941, something unprecedented happened. Across the country, hundreds of thousands of workers laid off work in solidarity with the Jews who were being persecuted. Workers, especially in Amsterdam, led by the banned and suppressed Communist Party of the Netherlands, revolted en masse against the Nazi German authorities. There had been considerable popular unrest for some time. In May 1940, when the German militarists also made their advance against the Netherlands, it was the Dutch government and the Queen who fled the country, abandoning their people. The remnants of the bourgeois parties, in cooperation with the Nazi German occupation, formed a sham government that would rule the Netherlands. The “Civic Committee,” as it was called, consisted of social democrats, fascists and liberals. Of all the parties in parliament, it was only the Communist Party of the Netherlands that showed heroic resistance to the Nazi German occupation. All civil servants were also imposed a so-called “Aryan Declaration.” Many officials signed it without question. Through the municipalities’ archives and anti-Semitism within the government, the Nazi German occupation soon had a picture of who all were Jewish and where they were located. The NSB (fascist party of the Netherlands), under the supervision of the Nazi German occupation, now had a free hand to send its thugs to target Jewish communities. Jews throughout the country had fallen victim to atrocities committed by the NSB’s thugs. On February 13, twelve days before the February Strike, a number of Amsterdam Jews, at the initiative of the Nazi German occupation, founded the treacherous Jewish Council. This organization demanded that all Jews surrender their weapons and offer no resistance to the Nazi German occupation. When an NSB fanatic died on Feb. 14 during a fight with communist thugs, there was sufficient reason for the fascists to proceed with mass raids. On Feb. 22 and 23, 427 Jewish men were rounded up in Amsterdam and deported to concentration camps. Many Amsterdam residents witnessed this crime against the Jewish population of Amsterdam. The pacifism of the Dutch people and acceptance of the occupation was no longer enough for the Dutch workers. They no longer wanted to stand by defenselessly as the Nazi Germans and their NSB lapdogs persecuted Jews en masse. Of the 427 Jews rounded up, 425 would die in concentration camps. 

    The course of the Communist Party of the Netherlands remained unchanged in the early days of the Nazi German occupation. Unlike the national government, which at that time had long since fled the Netherlands, the primary objective of the Communist Party of the Netherlands was the mobilization of the people against the occupation and the anti-Jewish measures undertaken by the occupying forces. At the time, the Communist Party of the Netherlands was led by the triumvirate of Jan Dieters, Lou Jansen and Paul de Groot. They quickly saw in the dissatisfaction of the people an opportunity to establish a more decisive and active resistance. And so, after all that had been going on for the past few months, on the evening of the 24th, in the presence of four hundred resistance members, the choice was made to mobilize the Amsterdam workers in one massive strike that would shake the foundations of our country. 

    Strike! Strike! Strike!

    With those words, the brave cadres of the Communist Party of the Netherlands managed to persuade the workers of the Netherlands to cease work. On the morning of the 25th and 26th, hundreds of thousands of workers in Amsterdam and other cities in the Netherlands stopped work. Amsterdam had mobilized en masse against the new “government” and fascist legislation. The fascists, terrified of a nationwide uprising at this point, quickly decided to ruthlessly end the strike. Using violence and manslaughter, they managed to drive out the strikers after two days. After killing nine workers and arresting many more, they decided to openly hunt down the organizers of the strike. 22 Communists were arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for their part in mobilizing the people of Amsterdam. 

    The strike served a dual purpose. First, the immediate release of all Amsterdam Jews rounded up and persecuted on February 22 and 23. Second, to improve the consciousness of the Dutch in the struggle against the Nazi German occupation. On the 25th, the Dutch really understood that only with resistance and struggle could the fascists be defeated and driven out. Therefore, the February Strike served as a foundation upon which the later Dutch resistance would build.

    After liberation, all parties deeply connected with collaboration with the Nazi German occupation could safely return to their old roles in parliament. Even “Her Majesty” and her cowardly government who had fled the Netherlands returned without being held responsible for their treason. Only the Communist Party of the Netherlands, of all the parties in parliament, stood against the German militarists and decided to fight for the Dutch people. In gratitude for this patriotic struggle against fascism, the Communist Party was targeted. During the postwar anti-Communist propaganda offensive, it had to be quickly forgotten what role the Communist Party played in the Dutch resistance and the role all parties had in the creation of a collaborationist regime. Therefore, we must neither forgive nor forget those who were on the side of collaboration in our darkest hour.

    Therefore, let us remember all the fallen heroes of the Dutch resistance on Feb. 25.



    L’université de Columbia va se plier aux exigences de l’administration Trump dans l’espoir de « peut-être » récupérer les centaines de millions de dollars de subventions gelées. Le président avait fait de l’institution une cible critiquant sa gestion du mouvement étudiant pro-palestinien après l’arrestation de Mahmoud Khalil, un des responsables des manifestations étudiantes pro-palestiniennes Il lui aura suffi de couper 400 millions de dollars à Columbia pour que l’Université dise oui aux réformes telles que : la création d’une force de sécurité interne, 35 agents spéciaux seront chargés de faire régner l’ordre sur le campus, réforme des règles de manifestation étudiantes avec notamment l’interdiction du port du masque, adoption d’une définition précise de l’antisémitisme. Vient ensuite, la nomination d’un « surveillant » à la tête du département d’études sur le Moyen-Orient, l’Asie du Sud-Est et l’Afrique que le gouvernement souhaitait placer sous tutelle académique. Ces concessions sont dénoncées par une partie des professeurs et certaines organisations de défense des libertés académiques. D’autres universités pourraient céder face aux menaces de coupes budgétaires. 

    secours rouge

    Saturday, March 22, 2025

    proletari comunisti PCm Italy intervention at important Athen's meeting February 22/23 for debate


    Comrades, it is a pleasure for us to participate in this international meeting and we warmly thank the comrades of KKE-ML for the invitation.

    Today the world sees an extension of more and more wars and conflicts in many countries. On two fronts, Ukraine and Palestine and the so-called Middle East, imperialism's attention is particularly concentrated because of the strategic implication that the outcome of both conflicts will have.
    In Ukraine there is an inter-imperialist clash between Yankee imperialism and some European countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Poland) on one side, and Russian imperialism (economically supported by Chinese imperialism) on the other. The Ukrainian state and the Zelensky regime acted as a detonator for the outbreak of the conflict, therefore it is not an “oppressed country” but an integral part of the Western pole, consequently it does not represent the interests of the Ukrainian proletariat.
    The Middle East region and in particular Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Kurdistan and Iraq is currently “in the center of the storm”, in which Yankee and Western imperialism actively support the Nazi-Zionist state of Israel mainly against the Palestinian people and against all the peoples of that geographical area.
    There are countless war scenarios that assume a “regional dimension” but which in reality are fomented by imperialism, just to name a few, the wars in Sudan, Congo, Mali, Chad, Somalia etc.
    The rise of Chinese imperialism in competition with the Yankee one, potentially contains in itself the direct clash between the first and second imperialist power in the world today and therefore the outbreak of a devastating war in Taiwan that could lead to the Third World War.

    This brief exposition represents a simple photograph of the current state of affairs. The central point, however, is now a full understanding of the origin and nature of such wars and finally understanding how communists place themselves in the face of such concrete reality.

    As we know, as long as capitalism/imperialism exists, war is inevitable, it is an intrinsic and necessary product of the system of production itself, as Lenin, after having developed Marx's analysis of the capitalist system of production, explains well analysing the imperialist system.

    We must therefore start from this analytical basis.

    We still live in the imperialist phase, even if we would be obviously dogmatic if we thought that the imperialist system today is the same to the one analyzed a century ago by Lenin or 60 years ago by Mao. Marx himself teaches us that the capitalist system cannot exist without continually revolutionizing itself, from which we deduce that the tactics and strategy of the proletariat and the peoples of the world must take this into account. As Mao said, it is necessary to make a concrete analysis of the concrete situation.
    Reproposing the same formulas that allowed the victory in Russia and China would be a pure dogmatism since the context has changed, furthermore Lenin had already warned us about this in the aftermath of October in "Leftwing" Communsm: An Infantile Disorder.

    About the contradictions

    All revolutionary experiences must be analyzed with a balance in which must be drawn conclusions from both the particular and general aspects, the latter must be systematized in the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat, Marxism, today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

    Marx defines capitalism as a contradiction in process, in continuous change, today in the world there are three main contradictions: the contradiction between capital and wage labor, the inter-imperialist contradiction (that is, the interests of different imperialist States and imperialist bourgeoisies that are opposed to each other and fluctuate between phases of compromise and open conflict), the contradiction between imperialism and oppressed peoples in semi-colonial countries, that are formally independent and in colonies such as Palestine, Kurdistan, Kanaky, Greenland and others.
    Until 1976 there was also the contradiction between capitalist countries and socialist countries that will re-emerge when we see the next victorious New Democracy and Socialist revolutions.
    These three contradictions develop simultaneously in the world, one of them becoming the main one in certain phases and the others secondary and vice versa. Furthermore, each country has its own main contradiction that determines the revolutionary strategy to develop.
    So to stick to the theme of our meeting we would say that all three contradictions shake the world and produce war.

    We think that today the main contradiction in the world is the one between capital and labor. In fact, we are in the face of an unprecedented concentration of capital and at the same time the expansion of manufacturing production in more and more countries, starting from the new imperialist country: China with 1 billion and 430 million people; but also in many oppressed countries such as Bangladesh, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, Brazil, Mexico etc., the global capitalist-imperialist system in its general organization of the international division of labor, comes to extract unprecedented levels of surplus value in many countries of the world.

    In the current phase, the imperialist system does not dominate the semi-colonial countries simply by plundering them of raw materials or importing cheap labor force to the former "mother countries", but also exploits such labor force directly on site, by setting up production plants in oppressed countries under the command of companies from imperialist countries.
    In the imperialist and capitalist countries the main contradiction is that of wage labor and capital, while in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries the main contradiction is that of imperialism and oppressed peoples.

    In many oppressed countries, bureaucratic and comprador capitalism has become "industrialized", despite always remaining of the same nature, given that it is a "dependent" industrial sector, there is an increase in the working class and urban proletarians in these countries, which on one hand contributes to the increase of the working class worldwide and on the other, in these countries, the first contradiction and the third contradiction are becoming related each others.

    On the specific question of war

    Mao says, there are just wars and unjust wars: the first ones are revolutionary while the second ones are reactionary. The first ones are revolutions and national liberation struggles while the second ones are those of aggression and robbery against the peoples of the world and which make proletarians massacre each other against other proletarians.
    The communists can and must be an active part within this contradiction.
    As the glorious experience of the October Revolution led by Lenin's party teaches us, the point is not to be "against the war" but precisely how to act, how to counter the plans of imperialism or if war breaks out, how to stay within it, precisely how to stay within this contradiction to advance the plan of the Revolution.
    In the face of the outbreak of war in Ukraine and after the start of the Al Aqsa Flood operation by the Palestinian Resistance, the positioning and action of many so called communist organizations and parties was, we would say, enlightening and created a watershed.
    In Italy, for example, the lack of understanding of the inter-imperialist character of the Ukrainian war has brought some groups and parties to the same ground as the one of Italian imperialist bourgeoisie (which sent and continues to send money and weapons to the Zelensky government) assuming the position of "supporting Ukraine against Russian imperialist aggression". Then there are the positions that openly support Russian imperialism by identifying American imperialism and NATO not only as the “main enemy” but as the only enemy. These so called communists are actually at the service of another imperialisms, the Russian and Chinese ones.

    Camarada Chiang Ching, ¡presente en la memoria y praxis de los revolucionarios!

    USA: Trump et sa ministre de la justice menacent les anti-Tesla

    secours rouge

    Evoquant les militants anti-Tesla, le président Trump a déclaré “J’ai hâte de voir les voyous terroristes prendre 20 ans de prison pour ce qu’ils font à Elon Musk et Tesla. Ils pourraient peut-être purger leur peine dans des prisons du Salvador, qui sont récemment devenues célèbres pour leurs conditions si accueillantes!”, une allusion à une récente expulsion controversée de membres présumés d’un gang vénézuélien vers le Salvador, dont les autorités ont diffusé des images montrant des prisonniers durement traités au cours de leur transfert.

    La ministre américaine de la Justice Pam Bondi a annoncé jeudi l’inculpation de trois personnes pour avoir incendié des voitures et des bornes de recharge avec des cocktails Molotov. “Ceci est un avertissement: si vous participez à cette vague de terrorisme intérieur contre les biens de Tesla, le ministère de la Justice vous mettra derrière les barreaux”, a menacé la ministre qui a déclaré que trois suspects encouraient jusqu’à vingt ans de prison. Outre Lucy Nelson, (voir notre article) et Adam Matthew Lansky (voir notre article), la menace vise à Daniel Clarke-Pounder, 24 ans, inculpé suite à l’incendie au cocktails Molotov de bornes de recharge Tesla à North Charleston, en Caroline du Sud. La déclaration de Bondi fait suite au dernier incident au cours duquel cinq véhicules Tesla ont été incendiés mardi matin dans un centre Tesla à Las Vegas (photo).

    India: CASR Strongly Condemns the Brutal Crackdown on Farmers Movement by Punjab Police

    On 19 March, Punjab police crackdown on the farmers’ movement, demolishing the protest site and detaining hundreds of farmers along with farmers’ leaders Jagjeet Singh Dalewaal, Sarvan Singh Pandher, and Sukhwinder Kaur while they were on their way back to Shambhu and Khanauri, respectively, after talks with the Center government. Complete Internet was also suspended near the protest site area.

    This cowardly crackdown on the farmers’ movement by the Punjab state government shows the real face of AAP. Using bulldozers to demolish the protest site where farmers were taking temporary shelter during last year’s ongoing farmers’ movement clearly shows the non-BJP governments are on the same line to crush the people’s movements. This act of destroying and vandalizing the farmers’ protest site raises the question that the minimal right to protest is also unacceptable and will be brutally crushed by governments.

    Farmers’ movement is facing severe state repression by the center and state authorities. Even killing and torture of farmers using tear gas and mortar are very common during face-offs between farmers and the authorities. Repression on protesting farmers is not seen in isolation. This is part of the common practice of the Indian state handling protesters and also part of a larger crackdown on dissent in all over India.

    We also urge all the democratic and progressive organizations to come together and raise their voice against the brutally crushed protest and movement by central and state governments in every part of this country whether they are Adivasi, students, workers the basic right to protest is not allowed.


    Organizing Team

    (AIRSO,AISA, AISF, APCR, ASA, BASF, BSM, Bhim Army, bsCEM, CEM, COLLECTIVE, CRPP, CSM CTF, DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Against Repression Telangana, Fraternity, IAPL, Innocence Network, Karnataka Janashakti, LAA,Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, NAPM, NAZARIYA , Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People’s Watch, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad,Smajwadi lok manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Mnach, SFI, United Peace Alliance, WSS,Y4S)