In this new issue of the magazine we reaffirm the editorial of the first issue with which we began this adventure. The magazine Two Lines Straggle:
"It is not the magazine of a party, nor of a bloc, nor of a particular faction or tendency within the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, but the decision of different parties and organizations to promote the two-line struggle within the communists, as the name and slogan indicate, and to contribute to their unity, in particular, with the preparation of a Unified Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Conference.
"The need for a magazine like Two Lines Struggle lies in the urgency for the International Communist Movement to respond to the challenges posed by the world situation, in the face of the extreme sharpening of the most important contradictions of imperialist capitalism: that between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, that which exists between the imperialist countries and the oppressed peoples and nations, the one that exists between the different imperialist countries and the monopolies.
"Contradictions which in turn provoke an upsurge of the world revolution expressed by the uprisings of the masses of people throughout the world, the aggression against the oppressed countries and their wars of resistance, the growing preparations for a world war for a new division of the world, to which is added the scandalous destruction of nature... facts that indicate the advanced state of agony of imperialist capitalism and the excellent conditions for the advance of the revolution that demand that the communists unify their efforts to constitute a centre of international revolutionary leadership and advance in the construction of the Party of the working class in each country, essential to guarantee the triumph of the World Proletarian Revolution."
The three previous issues of the magazine presented the first texts prepared by the parties and organizations that created the magazine; In addition to other important documents, we highlight the one by the comrades in India, "The position of the CPI (Maoist) on the International Communist League".
It is clear that it is necessary to combine the struggle between the two lines with the development of the debate in order to continue on the path of the objective of this 2LS, which is the creation of a genuine unified international conference of MLM that can, on the basis of unity of principles and actually achieved action, form a new International Organization that will be a second step on this path after the first step constituted by the foundation of the RIM, of which we celebrate this year the 40th anniversary, and a real way out of the crisis of the international communist movement caused by the collapse of the RIM. A crisis that has generated dispersion, fragmentation instead of unity, nationalism instead of internationalism, weakness instead of strength, to face the great challenges and opportunities that the international and national situation offers to the ICM today.
The ideological, theoretical and programmatic work that we have done is still insufficient to achieve unity in an International MLM Conference; it is necessary to advance in the struggle against both revisionism and "leftism"; that line, extremist in words but opportunist in deeds, which in appearance elevates principles but distorts them in such a way that it replaces Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with empty phraseology.
We have a lot of work to do on this, with a dialectical method.
The second question is one of theoretical-practical conception. This 2LS must be realized in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses. And, therefore, a demand that must be accompanied and fused with the battle against the political positions that derive from the ideological and theoretical positions of that fraction on the great issues that characterize the struggle of the communists in the mass proletarian movement in the countries oppressed by imperialism, the heart of the storm that the world is going through, as in the imperialist countries, the heart of the clash in the belly of the beast. Because there is no doubt that the consequences of these theoretical and ideological positions are an incorrect tactical and strategic line in the face of imperialist war, reaction and the new (modern) fascism, the organization and trade union and social policy of the proletariat and the popular masses, both in the countries oppressed by imperialism and in the imperialist countries, which in the end will determine the victory and advance of the ICM and the fate of the proletarian and socialist revolution in the world.
This work corresponds to the proletarian internationalism pointed out by Lenin, on the basis of Marxism, and to which Chairman Mao firmly adhered.
Precisely for this reason 2LS is nourished by the effort to unite all the MLM communist parties and organizations of the world in the May 1 Declarations, both in the diversity of accents, positions and practices that remain, and in the work of all communists in supporting the spearhead of the revolution in the world represented by the people's wars, in the first place the most advanced in our field such as the People's War in India, led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
The 2LS marches towards unity for an MLM International Conference, striving to establish the line of action in the face of the current situation at the international level, supporting the people's wars in a joint work, carrying it out with different methods in different fields and between different forces, based on the concrete analysis of the concrete situation; all of which requires the management of the relationship between unity and struggle, between joint steps forward and knots untied and to be untied, which is based on the effective advance of the communists and on the proletarian and mass movements, in the tactical and strategic aspects, and not on self-propaganda, the repetition of stereotyped phrases, the self-representation of linear and surprising advances, which are objectively the characteristics of the subjectivist fraction represented by the LCI.
This new issue shows that the struggle of the two lines is advancing in the service of the unity of the communists and the new unity of the proletariat and the oppressed and exploited masses.
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