Wednesday, March 5, 2025

For March 8th - Against the “Modern Middle Ages” Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement - From MFPR Italy

The women’s conditions of life work is getting worse every day, not only from an economic point of view, because of masters' and government attacks, wage discrimination, lack of social services, high cost of living, the burden of domestic work and family care. Today, particularly under the Meloni government, this condition is under a constant pressure because of attacks fueled by a fascist/patriarchalist ideology the reduce the role of women to the procreation, the family; that family that for too many women is a place of femicide.

This ideological humus is the most dangerous aspect!

Meloni and her fascist and bigot ministers, under her slogan "I, as a mother, Christian woman", try to bring her as a role model for women for their emancipation, career making, reconciling personal and official duties, to propagate above all the obscure values ​​of the right: being white, Western, Christian, racist against the immigrants, disregarding poor women, etc.

Salvini, Roccella, Valditara want a conservative family made up strictly of Italian men and women; a school based on the suprematism of Christian and Western values and culture (they also want to introduce the study of the Bible); and try to propagate, through the mainstream media at their service, the rejection of other peoples and their cultures. Students must be educated in the worship of homeland, private property, of the bourgeoisie of course. The "modern Middle Ages" for women is enclosed in those few words, that is why their statements are broadly supported by anti-abortion organizations, also because about the gender issue they bring a clear attack on the LGBTQ+s.

It is a “model” for the rich, bourgeois women. It does not correspond at all to the reality that the majority of workers, precarious, unemployed, immigrant women live every day, an increasingly burdensome condition, in which they try to cancel women's rights, won through struggles, first of all the right to abortion. On the hand, they blame women who do not have children, on the other hand they force women into a condition of precariousness, lack of income, social services, so that even those who would bore and raise children have to give up. Furthermore, and the programs so-called “in support of motherhood” are truly an offense, in fact miserable alms and not even for all.

The bourgeoisie cannot provide any solution to the real problems of the majority of women. The bourgeoisie dress as women today, but it is not being women, but the social class to which one belongs that establishes which interests are pursued and for whom.

We women who have double reasons to rebel and fight, the class and sexual oppressions, must become aware that our struggle cannot but be revolutionary, because it is a struggle that must question at 360° the current capitalist and imperialist system of which the double oppression of women is a cornerstone.

That is why we need a revolutionary proletarian feminist movement.

Our main reference is proletarian women, the most exploited and oppressed. This is put into the practice whit a daily work of organization and struggle of workers and with workers, to defend their conditions of life and work and encourage struggle and unity.

However, we always bring the need for revolution even in these immediate battles, because even to really get rights, defend living and working conditions, put an end to feminicides, rapes, so that our migrant sisters no longer die at sea, etc., we must make revolution. The ruling bourgeoisie will never grant all this and above all we want everything, the whole life must change, we want a revolution in the revolution that will transform earth and sky.

This is the main difference with petty bourgeois feminism.

Being the first ones to have been subjugated in the history of humanity, women have to lead revolution to higher forms, including superstructural, ideological and cultural issues, to radically fight patriarchal ideas, that modern fascism recycles, fuels and renews.

From the condition of women origins the "extra gear" that makes the battle of women a determining/enriching part of the socialist proletarian revolution.

And for that, our “model” are the heroic women comrades fighting in the people’s war in India.

We call the workers, proletarian women to take up this struggle, to be at the forefront of the vast women’s movement.

MFPR Italy

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