Monday, September 16, 2024

Vietnam complicity in Zionist genocide

received and published

Written by: Nick G. on 16 September 2024


(Above: The MV Kathrin   Source: )

The international arms trade that helps sustain Israeli Zionism’s attempted genocide of Palestinians was recently revealed to have a surprising participant.

Surprising, that is, for the millions of people around the globe who actively campaigned for Vietnam’s defeat of US imperialism during the US War of Aggression Against Vietnam.

Defying all the odds, the Vietnamese people led by Comrade Ho Chi Minh, persisted in their people’s war, liberated the South, and drove the US imperialists ignominiously from their shores, proving the truth that “A weak nation can defeat a strong, a small nation can defeat a big. The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their country. This is a law of history” (Mao Zedong). 

This is the law of history that is on the side of the courageous Palestinian people.

Why then has Vietnam sided with the Zionists and attempted to provide them with explosives for use in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?

The answer is that Vietnam has taken the road of capitalist development, and places the growth of capital above the growth of the Palestinian resistance.

Money doesn’t talk, sang Bob Dylan, it swears.

So, what is the obscenity in which Vietnam has participated?

On July 21 the MV Kathrin left the port of Hai Phong, Vietnam, loaded with 8 containers of RDX (Hexogen) explosives destined for Israel. RDX is the explosive agent in C-4 plastic explosive and a key ingredient in Semtex. It is a component in Elbit’s explosives.

The ship was also loaded with 60 containers of the explosive TNT.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

new pamphlet of CPI(Maoist) - ICSPWI info


joint declaration for Palestine - new signatures - towards International week of action support Palestine Resistance /th October (7-13 october)

 Partito marxista-leninista italiano

  Russian Maoist Party

Bureaucrat capitalism, corruption and crime under Duterte and Marcos - Communist Party of the Philippines

Marco L. Valbuena, Chief Information Officer
Communist Party of the Philippines

September 15, 2024

The conflict between the rival Marcos and Duterte reactionary cliques, both stark representatives of the corrupt and criminal ruling classes, has become increasingly hostile and is rapidly intensifying. The conflict has arisen from the Marcos clique's relentless pursuit to monopolize political power, even as the Duterte clique aims to shore up and preserve its old political power. These contradictions are intensifying with the approach of the 2025 midterm elections.

The following are key events that form part of the unfolding political situation:

a) For more than ten days, the Marcos regime amassed several thousand police and military forces in Davao City. They besieged the private quasi-religious compound of Duterte stooge and dummy Apollo Quiboloy to carry out his arrest and make him face charges of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and child abuse. Duterte and his cohorts, including his daughter Vice President Sara Duterte, and senators Bato dela Rosa, Bong Go and Robin Padilla, deliberately misled the police and attempted to shield Quiboloy from arrest.

b) Earlier, the Marcos regime also extradited and arrested Alice Guo, former mayor of Bamban, Tarlac. She fled to Indonesia to avoid testifying before the Senate where she is being depicted as part of the web of operations of Chinese criminal syndicates in the Philippines. The Marcos regime is trying to accommodate Guo in order to have her reveal the operations of the Chinese mafia and its links to the Duterte clique.

c) Sara Duterte, who resigned last June as education secretary, displayed outright belligerence when she faced the House Committee on Appropriations. She fended off questions regarding her questionable use of hundreds of millions of pesos in "intelligence funds." She now faces the prospects of being impeached from office. She refused to appear the second time to apparently provoke the Marcos-dominated Congress into slashing her budget.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Let's continue denunciation and democratic, popular, anti-imperialist and internationalist mobilization against Operation Kagaar! - ICSPWI

Continue denunciation and democratic, popular, anti-imperialist and internationalist mobilization against Operation Kagaar!

....ICSPWI consider the support to PW in India and to CPI(Maoist), one of principal task of internationalism today, and in the same time works hand to hand with CPI(maoist) for the proletarian revolution in the world. ICSPWI works for affirming in all context of class struggles the support international and internationalist to PW'in India- today in Palestinian international mouvement, in antimperialist mouvement against imperialist war, in the movement against repression for the freedom of political prisoners, and - this is truely important -in the workers and proletarian struggles, that see partecipant migrants and particularly indian and southasia migrants in imperialist countries.This line is of course shared by CPI(Maoist)...

...We reiterate our greetings and support for the initiatives and actions, while expressing our willingness to work to unify this international support and, if possible, a united international coordination organization.. This is why we are working for an international Forum of all supporters in the next months

Lal salaam

from a declaration of ICSPWI -july 2024



Continuar denuncia y mobilitacion democratica, popular, antimperialista y internationalista contra la OperacionKagaar!

...El CIAPI considera el apoyo a la GP en la India y al PCI (maoísta), una de las principales tareas del internacionalismo actual, y al mismo tiempo trabaja mano a mano con el PCI (maoísta) para la revolución proletaria en el mundo...La línea del CIAPI es afirmar en todo contexto de la lucha de clases el apoyo internacional e internacionalista a la GP en India –hoy en el movimiento internacional palestino, en el movimiento antimperialista contra la guerra imperialista, en el movimiento contra la represión y por la libertad de los presos políticos y– esto es verdaderamente importante - en las luchas de trabajadores y proletarios, que ven participantes migrantes y particularmente migrantes indios y surasiáticos en los países imperialistas. Esta línea es por supuesto compartida por el PCI (Maoísta).

...Reiteramos nuestro saludo y respaldo a las iniciativas y acciones, a la vez que manifestamos nuestra disposición a trabajar por unificar este apoyo internacional y si es posible una organización de coordinacion internacional unida. Para ello, trabajamos para un Forum Internacional de todos los partidarios lo antes possible 

Lal Salaam 

de la declaracion de CIAPI -Julio 2024

Let us Intensify Protest to Operation Kagaar - People's March - A summary of the International campaign info ICSPWI csgpindia@gmailcom


on Operation Kagaar - english book - Revolutionary Writers ASsociation - info ICSPWI


Muere el genocida y criminal de guerra Alberto Fujimori, expresidente peruano

Sol Rojo Mexico


Tomado, traducido y adaptado al español de A Nova Democracia

El reaccionario expresidente del Perú, Alberto Fujimori, falleció este miércoles 11 de septiembre en su casa del barrio San Borja, en Lima. Fujimori, que gobernó Perú de 1990 a 2000, es ampliamente condenado por su administración brutal y reaccionaria, marcada por una serie de masacres y crímenes contra el pueblo peruano, destinados a aplastar la Revolución Peruana. Su gobierno es famoso por el autogolpe de 1992 y la severa represión contra la Guerra Popular liderada por el Partido Comunista del Perú (PCP), bajo la dirección de Abimael Guzmán Reynoso.


El gobierno reaccionario de Dina Boluarte decretó tres días de luto nacional por la muerte del genocida. Boluarte ondeará la bandera peruana a media asta en edificios públicos, instalaciones militares y sedes diplomáticas en el exterior. El decreto de la reaccionaria también exige que el entierro de Fujimori sea con los honores propios de un presidente en ejercicio.

Los honores son incompatibles con el historial genocida y vendepatria de Alberto Fujimori. Mientras el gobierno de Boluarte trata a Fujimori como una persona honorable, la Asociación Nuevo Perú describió al expresidente como un “personaje miserable y sin principios, hiena sanguinaria, lacayo del imperialismo y la reacción”. El grupo también afirmó que “el pueblo nunca olvidará” los crímenes de Fujimori.

Masacres y grupos paramilitares

Entre los crímenes más sonados cometidos bajo su mando se encuentran la masacre de Barrios Altos y la masacre de La Cantuta. La masacre de Barrios Altos, ocurrida en 1991, fue perpetrada por el Grupo Colina, paramilitar vinculado al gobierno de Fujimori, que atacó un evento comunitario provocando la muerte de 15 personas e hiriendo a otras 4. En la masacre de La Cantuta de 1992, Fujimori autorizó el secuestro, tortura y asesinato de un profesor y nueve estudiantes de la Universidad de La Cantuta, acusados ​​de simpatizar con el PCP. Grupos paramilitares, como los ronderos, bajo su coordinación, colaboraron directamente con el reaccionario ejército peruano en la represión de guerrilleros y campesinos, lo que resultó en torturas y asesinatos en los pueblos peruanos.

Además de las masacres, Fujimori implementó una política de esterilización forzada, que afectó a más de 350 mil mujeres peruanas y un número importante de hombres, tratados como objetivos de control poblacional y represión política. Durante su gobierno, las fuerzas paramilitares y el ejército llevaron a cabo operaciones crueles contra campesinos y guerrilleros, lo que provocó torturas y asesinatos generalizados.

Si bien Fujimori recibió el indulto en sus últimos años por razones de salud y edad, la misma consideración no se extendió a revolucionarios y luchadores del pueblo peruano, como Abimael Guzmán, Jefe del PCP, quien permaneció en severas condiciones carcelarias y sin atención médica adecuada hasta su muerte el 11 de septiembre de 2021.

Alberto Fujimori salió de prisión en diciembre de 2023 por decisión de la Corte Constitucional de Perú. Antes de fallecer, estaba recibiendo tratamiento en la casa de su hija, Keiko, en el barrio limeño de San Borja, donde vivió tras salir de prisión. Según su hija, el entierro se realizará el sábado (14), y el cuerpo de Fujimori será trasladado al cementerio de Campo Fé, en Huachipa, también en Lima.

Responsable de innumerables crímenes de lesa humanidad, Fujimori no fue condenado por estos actos, especialmente contra el pueblo peruano y el proceso revolucionario liderado por el PCP, que, en esa época, se encontraba en plena expansión después de 12 años de desarrollo. Sus crímenes fueron clasificados únicamente como “homicidios” por el tribunal, ignorando su verdadera gravedad como crímenes de lesa humanidad.

Condemn the Baseless Raid and Attack on K. Murali

We, the undersigned international organizations and individuals, call for the cessation of the attack on and harassment of the Indian intellectual and activist, K. Murali.

At 6AM on August 13, 2024, eight members of the National Investigating Agency (NIA) demanded entrance to the house in Thevakkal, Kerala where K. Murali (Comrade Ajith) is staying, as part of an ongoing campaign of harassment and intimidation. K. Murali, who was alone in the house, agreed to let them enter after the arrival of his lawyers. Instead of waiting, the raiders broke down the back door and seized his computer, phone, tablet, and some USB drives, along with a few old magazines and pamphlets on the Citizenship Amendment Act. The magazines were registered and the pamphlet was published and openly distributed by Porattom. Yet they were seized and declared as “illegal publications.” Their intention in seizing his laptop and phone was to plant the “evidence” they have as yet been unable to secure, in order to try to build a legal case against him.

The raid on Comrade Murali’s house follows several decades of state harassment due to his lifelong political activism speaking out for the rights of exploited and oppressed people and his scholarly work contributing on an international level to the development of revolutionary theory. Accused and imprisoned in 1976 for two years, and then again for four years in 2015, Comrade Murali’s continued pro-democracy, pro-people, anti-Brahmanic stance has been a threatening thorn in the side of the increasingly fascist Indian State.

This is not the first time the State has unleashed the NIA on those critical of its oppressive actions and policies. It is, in fact, a common tactic for the State to target a dissident and then send its agents to fabricate a case against them. They used it against Saibaba and then against Rona Wilson and Surendra Gadling and countless others in the notorious Bhima-Koregaon case: first a raid where the NIA seizes computers and phones, then planted evidence is “found” confirming whatever charges they have concocted, and then arrest and imprisonment. As Comrade Murali said after the raid, “They get an order from above: Fix this guy. Put him behind bars. So they cook up a fake case and do it. This is what happened now. It is part of the suppression of democracy that is going on now.”

This tactic is extremely unoriginal, used by agents of despotic states since the beginning of recorded history, and in this case, is being used to target and try to silence all intellectuals, human rights activists, journalists, political, cultural and labor activists who have written or spoken up against Brahmanic Hindutva fascism. They did it in the Northern part of India with the Bima Koregaon case and now they are extending those tactics to the South with this fabricated case.

The details of the “case” are only this:

France : Répression contre les soutiens à la Palestine – Une infirmière arrêtée, un professeur suspendu


La répression des personnes soutenant la Palestine et opposées au génocide à Gaza continue de sévir en Europe. Voici des exemples récents qui se sont déroulés en France :

Jeudi 5 septembre, Imane Maarifi, une infirmière française qui a passé 2 semaines à Gaza et qui n’a cessé de dénoncer les crimes de l’armée d’occupation dont elle a été témoin a été perquisitionnée et placée en garde à vue. La raison de cette arrestation ? Elle s’était opposée à la tenue à Paris, du Salon de l’immobilier Israélien (qui propose entre-autre à la vente des biens dans la partie de la Palestine occupée suite à la guerre de 6 six jours). Elle a été libérée le lendemain. On ignore s’il y aura des suites à cette procédure.

En avril, un agent de sécurité lui avait confisqué un drapeau palestinien lors d’un match de football auquel assistait Emmanuel Macron. Elle voulait lui remettre un témoignage collectif rédigé par plusieurs médecins sur les horreurs de Gaza et lui faire part de l’urgence d’un cessez-le-feu.

Imane Maarifi, une infirmière française qui a passé 2 semaines à Gaza et qui n'a cessé de dénoncer les crimes de l'armée d'occupation


La répression n’est pas que policière, mais peut aussi être administrative et/ou sociale : 

Benoît Huou, professeur de mathématique à la Toulouse School of Economics a été suspendu à titre conservatoire après avoir appelé au boycott d’Israël. Il avait évoqué, dans un de ses cours du 3 septembre, un courrier de lecteurs de la revue « The Lancet » qui évaluait, au début de juillet, à 186 000 le nombre de Palestiniens assassinés par l’armée israélienne.

« La situation n’a pas commencé le 7 octobre, et il est malhonnête de dire que le responsable de ce qui se passe actuellement est le Hamas », avait poursuivi Benoît Huou, appelant au boycott d’Israël. « Je ne veux pas parler de ce qui s’est passé le 7 octobre, mais rien, absolument rien ne justifie de massacrer une population civile comme c’est en train de se passer », a ajouté l’enseignant tout en dénonçant le soutien tacite du gouvernement français. Ces déclarations lui ont valu une suspension à titre conservatoire dès le lendemain.

Sylvie Retailleau, ministre démissionnaire de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche a personnellement demandé à ce que des sanctions soient prises.

Entrevista con los maoístas en Bangladesh

 Yeni Demokrasi

Entrevista con los maoístas en Bangladesh


Durante el verano, Bangladesh ha sufrido tormentas. Las protestas iniciadas por estudiantes en Bangladesh bajo el lema "Movimiento de reforma de cuotas" han sacudido al país con gran intensidad. El Estado de Bangladesh atacó brutalmente a los estudiantes durante estas manifestaciones en curso. Las fuerzas violentas del estado siguieron la directiva de "disparar al momento" y cientos de personas perdieron la vida en estos ataques. Las protestas estudiantiles crecieron, obtuvieron un apoyo más amplio y se convirtieron en un movimiento contra la gobernante Liga Awami. Los manifestantes, que exigían la dimisión del primer ministro Hasina, organizaron manifestaciones en la capital, Dhaka, con miles de participantes.

El levantamiento ha derrocado a la primera ministra Sheikh Hasina, quien huyó de Bangladesh. Los estudiantes continúan luchando, lo que ha provocado que el antiguo Estado de Bangladesh despliegue al ejército para gobernar el país. El nuevo régimen es represivo e intenta sofocar la rebelión sin mostrar piedad. Según la ONU, 650 personas han muerto durante las protestas entre el 16 de julio y el 11 de agosto y miles han sido encarceladas. La nueva junta militar está encabezada por Muhammad Yunus, quien ha sido elogiado en varias ocasiones por el imperialismo yanqui, es un buen amigo de la familia Clinton y también ganó el Premio Nobel de la Paz por conceder "generosos" préstamos a los pobres de Bangladesh que resultaron en un récord de quiebras personales y suicidios como consecuencia de esto. Este hombre no es uno de los hombres de paz, ya que todo su régimen está formado por la misma infame fuerza de violencia con la que el ex Primer Ministro Hasina gobernó al pueblo. La única diferencia es que ahora son los propios funcionarios quienes tienen el control sobre el aparato estatal.

Museo en honor al padre del primer ministro Hasina.

Frente a esta lucha, han surgido dos líneas en el movimiento de masas. Un revolucionario que lucha para intensificar la lucha de clases, desarrollar la lucha armada e iniciar una guerra popular para liberar a Bangladesh del imperialismo, el feudalismo y el capitalismo burocrático, y un reformista que se esfuerza por formar un nuevo partido parlamentario que pueda reconciliar la lucha de clases y en la cooperación con los lacayos y administradores de los imperialistas en Bangladesh hace que el imperialismo se sienta un poco más cómodo. Al frente de la parte revolucionaria del movimiento de masas está el Movimiento Juvenil Estudiantil Revolucionario (RS-YM)

Bangladesh: protests all over the country

Featured image: proletarians protesting in an industrial area. Source: The Daily Star

The protests of the Bangladeshi proletariat have intensely continued since last time we reported on that. On Sunday a new wave of protests erupted all over the country by the garment workers. Yesterday almost 3,000 proletarians from several companies started demonstrations in the Gazipur area. Right after the mobilizations, the bourgeoisie agreed on pay a month of salary and give them the day off. Moreover the big bourgeoisie of the garment sector (BGMEA) has decided to abolish the so-called ‘blacklists’ of the workers who participated in mobilizations, made protests and to whom the possibility to get a job in the sector was denied. However the proletariat has not enough with those crumbles and has continued its protests. Some of their demands are: a 15 per cent increase of the wage; payed 18 days of holidays; a night-shift bonus.

On Monday three factories of Ashulia were assaulted and other 50 factories were closed due to the increasing tension. Everything started on Sunday night when the proletariat carried out spontaneous demonstrations demanding wage increasing and the payment of non-payed wages from past months. After that the police attacked them. The protesters defended themselves and then attacked Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)’s vehicles. The RAB is a paramilitary unit which became well-known due to the harsh repression they carried out under the Sheikh Hasina government. The current government is deploying more troops, including a large number of those paramilitaries. These protests are extending to other industrial areas of the country, such as Savar, where dozens of factories have been closed and the government has deployed paramilitary, police officers and even the army.

Union bureaucrats , State officials and high military ranks state that the situation will be under control soon and that now there are much less problems at the factories. However, today itself there are reports of at least other 40 factories closed in the industrial area of Ashulia.

The Bangladeshi students also keep their protests. After Sheikh Hasina fled from the country, the new government included some of the leaders of the students movement in the cabinet, specifically two of them Nahid Islam and Asif Mahmud Sajeeb Bhuiyan, two coordinators of the Student Movement Against Discrimination. However this has not prevented the most combative students sectors from keep their struggle and protests. This Monday the students from different polytechnic sectors blocked important roads in Tejgaon, Dhaka, “triggering immense traffic congestion”. The students blocked the roads and claimed for their six-point demand, among them, to remove the craftsmanship instructors who were appointed in 2021 under the Hasina government, and who had no “technical background”, but were part of the quotas. This has not been changed or removed by the Muhammad Yunus government.

Students block the main roads of Tejgaon, Dhaka. Source: New Age Bangladesh

Meanwhile the Bangladeshi government shows which interests it serves: according to local media, the Commander Major Jalis Mahmud Khan, in charge of the RAB highlighted this week “the importance of the garment industry to Bangladesh’s economy” and vowing “to take all necessary steps

to keep the sector running smoothly”. Moreover, recently it has been reported that the new government lead by Muhammad Yunus will have “economy talks” with United States (US). The US State Department has expressed its intention to “cooperate” with the interim government of Bangladesh.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mao Tse-tung y la línea de masas

Mao Tse-tung y la línea de masas 1

Glory to the Martyrs of Revolution! - a video from India

CPI (Maoist) - Red Salutes to the Martyrs who laid their lives on the soil of Bangladesh to achieve their demands Hail the militant student movement of Bangladesh




Central Committee

Press Release

Updated 31st August, 2024

Red Salutes to the Martyrs who laid their lives on the soil of Bangladesh to achieve their demands

Hail the militant student movement of Bangladesh

That toppled down the Fascist Hasina’s Awami League Government

Not the change of the government but the overthrowing of the exploitative system is the only solution

Oppose the communalization of the movement by the Brahmanic Hindutva RSS-BJP of India

The Central Committee of CPI (Maoist), PLGA and Revolutionary People's Committees pays its revolutionary homage to all those more than 560 brave and militant students and all other agitators of Bangladesh who laid down their lives for a democratic and a progressive nine-points demands and at the same time fighting to topple the fascist-Awami League Hasina's government. The people of Bangladesh, especially the students and youths have outrightly sent a message to all oppressive and exploitative ruling classes of the world that all repression of the ruling classes will be met with united and strong democratic mass movement. The student movement which began as a movement for quota reform, with blink of an eye turned into a movement adhering to political demand: “Hasina must step down and she must be punished”.

In the month of July, the High Court of Bangladesh passed a judgement to reinstall the 30 percent quota for the families of the freedom fighters in government jobs. On July 16, the students from various universities called the judgement as unfair and even against the constitution of Bangladesh. Hence, in every university and college in Bangladesh, students started getting organized and began agitations against the 30 percent quota for the Mukti-Bandho families (freedom fighters). The leader of Awami League and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheik Hasina called the students protesting against the prevailing quota system, “children of the razakars”. The repressive state apparatus of Bangladesh, the Police, fascist student wing of the Awami league Party/main ruling class party, the Bangladesh Chatra League, started hounding, attacking and killing the protesting students, both in the broad day light and in the darkness of night.

To crush the movement at lightning speed, Hasina’s government deployed the BGB (Border Guard Bangladesh) a Para-military force in a big scale. In just four days, the fascist state paramilitary and police and goons killed over 100 students and soaked the soil of Bangladesh with youth’s blood. At last, the Supreme Court of Bangladesh gave the judgement in support of the students' movement. This victory pushed them a step forward and movement took a justifiable slogan that the Prime Minister must be punished for her innumerous crimes against the people and nation.

As per the latest information, the government of Bangladesh and its repressive forces has killed more than 400 students. The death-toll is absolutely higher as the information about the massacres is strictly manipulated by the ruling classes and its agencies, including media. In spite of brutal repression and worthful sacrifices, the people of Bangladesh especially the youth and students of that nation advanced their movement to achieve their just demands. The present massacres were committed by the Party that played a formidable role in the liberation movement of Bangladesh in 1960s.

But over the time, Awami League became the Party of the ruling classes- landlords, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie with the backing of various imperialist forces, and the daughter of the leader of that movement Shaik Hasina ruling the country as a Prime Minister like a dictator. Since Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist RSS-BJP government came into power in India, the Awami League Party of Bangladesh implemented the Indain expansionist policies and the LPG policies of imperialists with full force. Under the direction of Indian government, Hasina and her military forces ruthlessly purged the leaders and cadres of North-East Nationalities liberation struggles, who harbored that land for their just activities against Indian Expansionism.

Our Party is of the view that the pathetic socio-economic conditions prevailing in Bangladesh are due to exploitative and oppressive policies of the comprador ruling classes. Serving the interests of imperialism and Indian expansionisn, CBB and Big Landlord classes of Bangladesh and fascist rule of Hasina Government are the main reasons behind the outburst of the militant student movement in the form of reforming the quota system. The 40 percent of the population in Bangladesh are involved in the agricultural sector but the agriculture contributes a mere 11 percent of the GDP. According to bourgeois economists during 'Iron lady' Hasina's consecutive 15 years rule, Bangladesh has seen 'impressive' economy growth and millions of people were brought out from the poverty. But the reality is that this growth is jobless one and the talk about lifting millions of people from poverty is far away from the facts. Still Bangladesh is in turmoil of unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and many other. The present ongoing movement is the living example of the crisis that is existing in that country.

This states the crisis that has hampered the growth of agriculture like all semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries. It is a well-known fact that Bangladesh is the biggest exporter of garments in the world. But the working-conditions of the garment workers in Bangladesh is much worse than in sweat-shops. The real wages of the working class barely keep them alive to reproduce their labour-power. The unemployment has surged to 3.5 percent and this data comes from the government agency -Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). A total of 59.80 million people was employed in the informal sector in the year 2022, as stated by BBS. Bangladesh pays some of the lowest wages in the world and is in the top 10 nations in terms of repressive labor laws. The inflation has reached 10 per cent and prices of basic commodities have nearly doubled during the past few years. The currency of Bangladesh 'Taka' has depreciated by 30 percent.

Inequality and concentration of wealth has surged too, mainly after the ‘Pandemic crisis’ like in India. The nations' 10 percent billionaires control 41 percent of the wealth. The tax to GDP ratio is continuously declining in Bangladesh and the landlords and CBB in Bangladesh are being given enormous tax-concessions. The students and the youth from the working-class background and middle class, aspiring for government jobs are struggling to get jobs. Most of the government jobs are being accumulated by the ruling classes' power blocs of Awami League in the name of 30 percent quota for the freedom fighters’ families. To cover its failure and delegitimize the student’s movement, which has turned into a broad people’s movement, the ruling classes in Bangladesh and in India are giving a communal angle; of course, there may be some forces in it to cash the movement for their power thirst, but that in no way changes the essence of the movement which is democratic and anti-fascist. Hence CPI (Maoist) vehemently opposes this divisive and communal approach of the Indian and Bangladesh ruling classes to hide and divert the real scenario of real issues of that country.

CPI (Maoist) condemns the dual stand of the Indian state. The Indian Government openly said that the issue is internal of that country but has received main culprit from the backdoor and provided shelter to Sheik Hasina. Our Party demands to send back that dictator to Bangladesh. Already many neighboring countries of India have developed strain relations with the Indian government due to its expansionist and pro- US imperialist polices. The inter-imperialist contradictions are intensifying in this region to dominate it.

It is crystal clear that the role of Indian government and the Soviet Social Imperialists in the 1960’s Bangla liberation movement. The people did lot of sacrifices in it but could not achieve real freedom and democracy with that movement. The present movement reflects the broad masses aspirations for not only real freedom and democracy but also against the loot and plunder of exploitative rule and their wishes to come out from the clutches of all socio-economic-political problems. The dictator Prime Minister panicked with unity of the people and the militancy and courage of the all agitators of that movement and resigned from her post and hand over the power to the Military and fled away to India. At the same time, the military which has permitted a dictator to escape has come into the fore front and took the power of the country. The movement did not accept the military rule and demanded forcefully for a civil government.

The movement went to such a militant level that the protesting masses burned down 450 police stations out of total 600 police stations in Bangladesh and seized the arms from those police stations with Vikalpo Aami slogan. But the regime change is not the ultimate solution for the people’s demands. Whether it is Awami League, Bangladesh Nationalist Party, Jamiaat, all are the agents of the ruling classes. The indications of the interim government of Noble laureate and who is well known as a leech of the people, Mohammad Yunus, which was brought in to power by the military is showing that it wants to stop the movement and implement the imperialists policies in a new form.

The people of Bangladesh through revolutionary movements, by smashing the old state machinery and by creating a new people's state, they can take a breath a live of dignity and self-respect and free from the loot and plunder of domestic and foreign enemies. Our Party and the revolutionary masses of India and the world firmly believe that the people of Bangladesh will not let the blood of their comrades go in vain.

Let us remember this by heart “What is life but marching together shoulder to shoulder flying our flag, what is life but a fist raised high in righteous resistance”. At the same time our Party is fully confident that the real vanguard of proletarian of Bangladesh will be in the forefront in this heroic movement to unite the broad masses in the direction to build the new people's power.

So, our Party appeals to all the working-class vanguard parties to unite against all the imperialist forces and the Indian CBB and its expansionism especially in South Asia. It is the need of the hour to unite the people and organizations and forces to fight against Indian state expansionism, imperialism and reactionary ruling classes including communal forces in South Asia for the establishment of real national independence and sovereignty, genuine democracy and self- reliance, progress and peace, fraternity and mutual cooperation in the South Asia which also serve the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movements and working class movements all over the world. It is the need of the hour to be in front and lead all the democratic and revolutionary movements in respective countries by the Maoist Parties and forces in South Asia. Vikalpo Aami (We are the alternative), advance with this slogan, we are with you.



Central Committee

from China for Joint declaration for Palestine

Dear comrades
Thank you for your attention attention. I have received your signed document. We, the cplcp, firmly oppose and condemn the imperialists Netanyahu and Modi. Long live the Palestinian people!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Joint Declaration for Palestine - Arabic - diffused in 7 arabic countries - and in all demonstrations for Palestine from Palestine's support groups

الإعلان العالمي المشترك من أجل فلسطين

تكثيف التحركات والتأكد من أن الحركة النضالية والجماهيرية الداعمة للنضال الفلسطيني تتقدم أكثر فأكثر!

لقد تم إطلاق إعلان مشترك جديد من أجل فلسطين ولا يزال يتلقى التواقيع والدعم من جميع أنحاء العالم، من أوروبا إلى آسيا، من أمريكا اللاتينية إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، من أستراليا إلى الصين.

ندعو جميع الأحزاب والمنظمات إلى دعمه والتوقيع عليه

يدعو هذا البيان المشترك إلى أسبوع عمل دولي في 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول (7-13 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول).

تكثيف التحركات والتأكد من أن الحركة النضالية والجماهيرية الداعمة للنضال الفلسطيني تتقدم أكثر فأكثر وبقوة!

لقد مر أكثر من 11 شهرًا منذ أن بدأت دولة إسرائيل الإرهابية هجماتها الإجرامية ضد الشعب الفلسطيني. وقد قُتل أكثر من 40,000 فلسطيني، من بينهم نساء وأطفال، وأصيب أكثر من 100,000 فلسطيني بجروح.

وقد أجبر الصهاينة خلال قصفهم ومجازرهم واحتلالهم أكثر من مليون فلسطيني على الفرار من جنوب قطاع غزة. لا شك في أن الصهاينة الذين يقومون بعملية إبادة جماعية لاحتلال جنوب قطاع غزة. ويريد الصهاينة تدمير الشعب الفلسطيني والاستيلاء على أراضيه وموارده ودفع الفلسطينيين إلى صحراء سيناء في مصر، وهي خطة تهجير قسري قديمة تترك الطريق مفتوحاً للاحتلال النهائي للأراضي الفلسطينية بأكملها.

أصبحت مدينة رفح، جنوب قطاع غزة، ملجأ للفلسطينيين، حيث يتمركز نحو مليون ونصف المليون شخص في مساحة صغيرة، حيث يعيشون تحت القصف بينما تمنع القوات الإسرائيلية وصول المساعدات الإنسانية.

ويؤدي هذا الوضع إلى تفاقم الأزمة الإنسانية حيث يعاني السكان الفلسطينيون في رفح من الأمراض المعدية بسبب نقص مياه الشرب وانعدام المرافق الصحية وانعدام الأمن الغذائي وعدم وجود مستشفيات لائقة ومأوى نتيجة الاعتداءات الصهيونية المستمرة. ولا يموت العديد من الأطفال تحت القنابل فحسب، بل أيضاً بسبب نقص الرعاية والغذاء. فوفقًا لتقارير منظمة الصحة التابعة للأمم المتحدة، فإن حوالي 80% من الأطفال الفلسطينيين الذين تقل أعما رهم عن 5 سنوات لا يتناولون الطعام يوميًا.

ويضاف إلى ذلك المحاولة الصهيونية لمهاجمة الشعب الفلسطيني معنويًا من خلال أعمال العنف التي تتجاوز مجرد مذبحة المدنيين. إن التدمير المخطط له مسبقاً للأضرحة والمنازل والمدارس والجامعات والمستشفيات، إلى جانب نقص المياه والطاقة، يضرب حياة الفلسطينيين بعنف، ويدمر آمالهم، ويعرضهم للموت البطيء.

كما أن حصار المستشفيات ينتهك أبسط قواعد الحرب ويتسبب بآثار خطيرة من خلال تدمير البنية التحتية لرعاية المرضى والجرحى، وقتل الطواقم الطبية ومحاصرة المناطق المجاورة. يُجبر الشعب الفلسطيني على تحمل مشاهد تلفزيونية بشعة وجنود القوات الصهيونية الذين يسخرون من معاناتهم ويستخفون بها، ويرقصون على أنقاض منازلهم ويصورون مشاهد حقيرة لتمجيد أفعالهم. تمتلئ مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بهم على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بالخطابات المعادية للفلسطينيين، بالإضافة إلى التصريحات العنصرية للقادة الإسرائيليين والتربية العنيفة التي تعلم الأطفال منذ الصغر على كراهية الفلسطينيين.

إن الإبادة الجماعية للشعب الفلسطيني ليست فقط من فعل الصهيونية الإسرائيلية. فالدول الإمبريالية الداعمة، وخاصة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وبريطانيا والحكومات الإمبريالية الأوروبية الأخرى وألمانيا وفرنسا وإيطاليا وغيرها، متواطئة ومسؤولة.

فالإمبرياليون الأمريكيون يدعمون دون قيد أو شرط كلاب حراستهم في الشرق الأوسط. فهي تستخدم حق النقض (الفيتو) في مجلس الأمن الدولي لعرقلة أي مبادرة سلام، وترسل الأسلحة والأموال للصهاينة لزيادة قوتهم العسكرية، ومؤخراً، وفي خطوة يعتبرها الكثيرون تاريخية، وافق الكونغرس الأمريكي على مشروع قانون لمعاقبة المحكمة الجنائية الدولية على إصدارها أمراً باعتقال القادة السياسيين الصهاينة.

وعلى الرغم من كل ذلك، يواصل الشعب الفلسطيني ومنظمات المقاومة توجيه الضربات لقوات الاحتلال وقوات الإبادة الجماعية من خلال مقاومته البطولية في ظل هذه الظروف. ونحن نعرب عن أقصى درجات الدعم لهذه المقاومة.

لقد أثارت الإبادة الجماعية التي تعرض لها الشعب الفلسطيني تضامناً دولياً لم يتوقف منذ أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي. وقد رفع البروليتاريون وشعوب العالم قضية تحرير فلسطين عالياً، وأدانوا الهجوم الصهيوني الشرس.

وفي مقاومة قمع الدول الرجعية، نظمت الجماهير اجتماعات ومظاهرات كبيرة تطالب بوقف العدوان، وطورت المقاطعة ضد الشركات الإسرائيلية وداعمي الصهيونية، وطالبت بقطع العلاقات والاتفاقيات مع إسرائيل، وصولاً إلى التطور الاستثنائي للحركة الطلابية التي أشعلت في الأشهر الأخيرة الجامعات والشوارع من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية إلى أوروبا وجميع أنحاء العالم، مذكرة بحركة التضامن مع قضية الشعب الفيتنامي في الستينيات والسبعينيات.

وتحت ضغط الجماهير، قطعت بعض الحكومات علاقاتها مع إسرائيل واضطرت بعض المنظمات الدولية إلى اتخاذ إجراءات قانونية. وقبلت محكمة العدل الدولية الطلب الذي قدمته جنوب أفريقيا وأيدته دول أخرى بأن يوقف الصهاينة فوراً العمليات العسكرية ضد قطاع غزة. وأصدرت المحكمة الجنائية الدولية مذكرات اعتقال بحق رئيس الوزراء نتنياهو ووزير الدفاع غالانت. ولكنها أمرت أيضًا باعتقال قادة حماس. يظهر هذا الموقف الأخير الطابع البرجوازي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية التي تساوي بين عنف الظالمين وعنف المظلومين.

في مواجهة هذا الوضع، بات من الضروري الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى تكثيف التحركات وضمان تقدم الحركة النضالية الجماهيرية الداعمة للقضية الفلسطينية أكثر فأكثر. يجب أن يتصاعد الضغط الشعبي إلى إضرابات تضامنية وإجراءات عنيفة متزايدة ضد الحكومات الداعمة لإسرائيل وضد السفارات الإسرائيلية في كل ركن من أركان العالم.

يجب على الأحزاب والمنظمات الشيوعية الماركسية اللينينية الماوية أن تلعب دوراً متزايد الأهمية في هذه الحركة، حول المطالب الجماهيرية المشتركة:

المطالبة برحيل القوات الإسرائيلية من قطاع غزة والضفة الغربية;

المطالبة برحيل القوات الإمبريالية من المنطقة ووقف أعمالها العسكرية في الشرق الأوسط، في البحر الأحمر، في لبنان، إلخ، ضد القوى الداعمة لدولة إسرائيل والتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني

المطالبة بقطع العلاقات الدبلوماسية والتجارية والعسكرية مع إسرائيل;

المطالبة بمحاكمة الحكام الصهاينة على جرائم الحرب والإبادة الجماعية.

في الوقت نفسه، وفي مظاهرات التضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني وإدانة الإبادة الجماعية الصهيونية، ندعو إلى إدانة ما تقوم به دولة مودي الفاشية الهندوتفا الفاشية التي يتزعمها مودي، الداعم الرئيسي لحكومة نتنياهو، المدعومة من الإمبريالية الأمريكية، ضد الشعوب الأصلية والقبلية في الهند. في حملة الإبادة الجماعية هذه، المسماة عملية كاغار، تُرتكب المجازر وعمليات الترحيل القسري، ويُقتل المدنيون وزعماء القبائل والنشطاء الاجتماعيون والقادة الثوريون، ويُضطهد الصحفيون والمدافعون عن حقوق الإنسان المعارضون. إنها عملية تهدف إلى خنق الكفاح التحرري للجماهير الهندية، حرب الجماهير الشعبية المناهضة للإمبريالية.

على عمال وشعوب العالم أن يدعموا مقاومة الشعب الفلسطيني ونضاله من أجل التحرر الوطني في النضال من أجل التحرر النهائي للشعوب من الاستغلال والقمع الرأسمالي والإمبريالي، ومن أجل اقتلاع كل أشكال القمع والاستغلال من على وجه الأرض، وهو ما لن يكون ممكناً إلا بانتصار الثورات في كل بلد وتقدم الثورة البروليتارية العالمية.

أيها البروليتاريون وشعوب العالم، دعونا نتحد ضد الإمبريالية!

عاش النضال التحرري للشعب الفلسطيني!

حرروا فلسطين!

قائمة مفتوحة بالتوقيعات

اللجنة الدولية لدعم الحرب الشعبية في الهند

الحزب الشيوعي (الماوي) في أفغانستان

الحزب الشيوعي الأسترالي (الماركسي اللينيني)

الحزب الشيوعي التركي - الماركسي اللينيني (TKP-ML)*

اتحاد العمال الشيوعيين في كولومبيا (مللم) كولومبيا

لجنة البناء للحزب الشيوعي الماوي في غاليسيا

الحزب الشيوعي الماوي - إيطاليا

حزب بوربو بنغلا البروليتاري (PBSP)/بنغلاديش*

الطريق الأحمر الإيراني (المجموعة الماوية)

مجموعة العمل الثورية (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية)

الحزب الشيوعي الثوري في أوروغواي

الحزب الشيوعي الصيني التحالف البروليتاري الصيني*

للحصول على النص والتوقيع اكتب إلى


joint declaration for Palestine and International week of action support Palestine Resistance - support from Peru






Secour souge - Inde : Vaste opération anti-guérilla dans l’état de Chhattisgarh

Aujourd’hui, 8 septembre 2024, la Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF – agence chargée de la lutte contre l’insurrection Naxaliste) a annoncé qu’elle déployait 4 bataillons (159, 218, 214 et 22ème) dans l’État de Chhattisgarh pour lancer une vaste opération contre la guérilla maoiste. Ces bataillons (comportant chacun environ 1000 agents) proviennent d’autres théâtres où la situation est jugée plus sûre par les autorités. Trois d’entre-eux ont ainsi été retiré du Jharkhand et un du Bihar. Les opérations se dérouleront dans la région de Bastar, à environ 450-500 kilomètres au sud de Raipur.

Combattants maoïstes

Recent development of the Irish struggle infosolidarity

Ahead of a visit of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer the Free State has drafted in English police officers, allegedly to watch for English football hooligans attending a match at Lansdowne Rd. These unwanted foreign forces have been drafted in to coincide with a number of protests against the occupation of Ireland and Starmer. That the Free State needs to draft in English police demonstrates there is nothing normal about the relationship between Ireland and Britain, that the Free State is seriously concerned about security and remains a counter revolutionary puppet of Imperialism, without whose support it would not survive.

AIA activists were present at an anti-fascist demonstration in Louth, Dundalk county, on September 4, alongside with other republicans and anti-fascists. Despite heavy police intimidation, a number of activists confiscated materials belonging to fascist organizers.

On September 4 as well, it became known that Martin McCauley was granted release on bail from the Free State Courts. Still the extradition proceedings against Martin and four other republicans remain currently before the courts at the behest of British imperialism.

It has been reported that republican activists in South Dublin City have been on the streets promoting the struggle for National Liberation. At Emmet Bridge the Slogan “32 – Emmet’s work still unfinished” in reference to the ongoing struggle for Irish Freedom was painted. “Free Sean Walsh” can be seen across the area in support of the republican prisoner held by the Free State for the last 3 years at the behest of MI5. “Britain/NATO Out of Ireland” highlights the enemies of the Irish people and exposes the imperialists who need to be driven out.

On September 1, republican activists from across Dublin and further afield gathered in Ballyfermot to commemorate the Ballyfermot Train Ambush, an operation carried out the IRA Dublin Brigade against a British Troop Train during the Tan war just days before the truce, for the first time using a Thompson sub machine gun in combat against the Brits.

At the end of August Republican Prisoner, Eamon Hutchinson, has been released from Maghaberry Gaol. Despite the release, he will be subject to a number of draconian conditions, designed to impact on family life and political activism.

Red herald