AIA activists were present at an anti-fascist demonstration in Louth, Dundalk county, on September 4, alongside with other republicans and anti-fascists. Despite heavy police intimidation, a number of activists confiscated materials belonging to fascist organizers.

On September 4 as well, it became known that Martin McCauley was granted release on bail from the Free State Courts. Still the extradition proceedings against Martin and four other republicans remain currently before the courts at the behest of British imperialism.

It has been reported that republican activists in South Dublin City have been on the streets promoting the struggle for National Liberation. At Emmet Bridge the Slogan “32 – Emmet’s work still unfinished” in reference to the ongoing struggle for Irish Freedom was painted. “Free Sean Walsh” can be seen across the area in support of the republican prisoner held by the Free State for the last 3 years at the behest of MI5. “Britain/NATO Out of Ireland” highlights the enemies of the Irish people and exposes the imperialists who need to be driven out.

On September 1, republican activists from across Dublin and further afield gathered in Ballyfermot to commemorate the Ballyfermot Train Ambush, an operation carried out the IRA Dublin Brigade against a British Troop Train during the Tan war just days before the truce, for the first time using a Thompson sub machine gun in combat against the Brits.

At the end of August Republican Prisoner, Eamon Hutchinson, has been released from Maghaberry Gaol. Despite the release, he will be subject to a number of draconian conditions, designed to impact on family life and political activism.