Statement of PBSP MUG Condemning the Open Brutal Beheading Murder of 8 Bangladeshi Workers by the Reactionary Fascist Saudi Barbarian Sate Hate the Saudi Barbarian Fascists! Resist them!
The fascist feudal monarchial Saudi regime has openly beheaded 8 Bangladeshi workers in the name of trial. This informationcame from Amnesty international, not from Bangladesh Government. 2.2 millionBangladeshi people are working in Saudi Arabia. Almost 6 to 7 millionBangladeshi people are working in abroad. The remittance sent by Bangladeshi working in abroad is one of the two major income sectors of Bangladeshstate. Bangladesh Bank makes its dollar reserves from this remittance. Yet thislackey state is not willing to protect the lives of these working people. Inthis way Bangladeshi people are being killed by Saudi Barbarians, manyBangladeshi children have been killed by Arab sheikhs by being used in camelrace, hundred Bangladeshi worker were killed being drowned in Mediterraneansea. From USA to Europe,Europe to Middle East, Malaysia to Australia---everywhere Bangladeshiworkers are being discriminated and suppressed.
Why this injustice?
What is the character of Sate of Saudi Arabia? Whatis the character of Bangladeshi state?
Everyone knows that the state system of Saudi Arabia ismonarchial autocracy what is sustained with the support of US-led imperialism.There, even people have not a single bit so called ‘democracy’. Thefeudal-bourgeoisie regime can kill anybody anytime in any excuse. How muchferocious that can be has been watched by people through incident of beheading.Saudi regime is US puppet who by lettingUS-led imperialists to make Base on their soil and helped them all the ways tocarry war against their own Arab nation. With USassistance they are the main financial helper of so called Islamicfundamentalists in Bangladesh.By their petro-dollar, fundamentalists of Bangladesh have developed so calledmany Islamic Banks, by which they are carrying their activities. On the otherside, Bangladeshi reactionary state system, by sustaining Madrasha [Islamicschools] is producing religious fanatics like the Saudi Barbarians. Today, at atime of Arab spring, isn’t it clear that US and its European allies don’t wantthe same thing to happen in Saudi Arabia? Bangladeshis are a significant partof Saudi population. So, role of Bangladeshi people can be important in Saudipeople’s uprising. Bangladeshi workers are among the most exploited there.Their working condition is like medieval age slavery.
The reactionary regime of Bangladeshis now busy to give corridor to India.Already they have given that. Now, Indiacan infiltrate inside Bangladeshanytime. On the other side, Bangladeshdidn’t get water share for Bangladeshi part of the river Tista. Prices of dailygoods have increased seriously. People are not able to buy even 100 gram chili.As government increased price of oil and gas, transport cost increased badly.It is now difficult to transfer from one place to another. To come again topower through electoral corruption, government has canceled care takergovernment system. Besides regularly killing people in fake encounter,Government RAB-Police are murdering people in fake mass beating. In the verypolice investigation, it is evident that the recent killing of students inSavar [at the outskirt of Dhaka city] in fakemass beating was carried by Police itself. Besides regularly killingBangladeshi people in border, the barbarian Indian BSF is killing Bangladeshisby beating or throwing stone. Already government has handed over oil and gasfields of our country to imperialist companies. Till now they have notcompleted trial of any Rajakar [Rajakars are Islmaic fundamalist whocollaborated with the Pakistani Army in liberation war of 1971]. They arepassing time. So, government does not safeguard life and livelihood of people,rather destroy them. Bangladeshi ruling class is lackey ofUS-Europe-Saudi-India-China-Russia and Japan. The imperialist capitalistsystem is sucking the blood of people in the whole world. Today people fromwale street of USA to London and Paris,are fighting against this system. In Peru-India-Phillipines peoples war arebeing waged in Maoist ideology. In our country too, the same path wasestablished by Martyred comrade Siraj Sikder.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the liberating ideologyof proletariat-peasantry-middle class and whole world people!
Maoist communist parties should be developed eachand everywhere in the world!
New democracy-socialism-communism is the path toliberation!
Let us march ahead in that path!
Shovon Rahman
Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group)
Date: October 09, 2011
Why this injustice?
What is the character of Sate of Saudi Arabia? Whatis the character of Bangladeshi state?
Everyone knows that the state system of Saudi Arabia ismonarchial autocracy what is sustained with the support of US-led imperialism.There, even people have not a single bit so called ‘democracy’. Thefeudal-bourgeoisie regime can kill anybody anytime in any excuse. How muchferocious that can be has been watched by people through incident of beheading.Saudi regime is US puppet who by lettingUS-led imperialists to make Base on their soil and helped them all the ways tocarry war against their own Arab nation. With USassistance they are the main financial helper of so called Islamicfundamentalists in Bangladesh.By their petro-dollar, fundamentalists of Bangladesh have developed so calledmany Islamic Banks, by which they are carrying their activities. On the otherside, Bangladeshi reactionary state system, by sustaining Madrasha [Islamicschools] is producing religious fanatics like the Saudi Barbarians. Today, at atime of Arab spring, isn’t it clear that US and its European allies don’t wantthe same thing to happen in Saudi Arabia? Bangladeshis are a significant partof Saudi population. So, role of Bangladeshi people can be important in Saudipeople’s uprising. Bangladeshi workers are among the most exploited there.Their working condition is like medieval age slavery.
The reactionary regime of Bangladeshis now busy to give corridor to India.Already they have given that. Now, Indiacan infiltrate inside Bangladeshanytime. On the other side, Bangladeshdidn’t get water share for Bangladeshi part of the river Tista. Prices of dailygoods have increased seriously. People are not able to buy even 100 gram chili.As government increased price of oil and gas, transport cost increased badly.It is now difficult to transfer from one place to another. To come again topower through electoral corruption, government has canceled care takergovernment system. Besides regularly killing people in fake encounter,Government RAB-Police are murdering people in fake mass beating. In the verypolice investigation, it is evident that the recent killing of students inSavar [at the outskirt of Dhaka city] in fakemass beating was carried by Police itself. Besides regularly killingBangladeshi people in border, the barbarian Indian BSF is killing Bangladeshisby beating or throwing stone. Already government has handed over oil and gasfields of our country to imperialist companies. Till now they have notcompleted trial of any Rajakar [Rajakars are Islmaic fundamalist whocollaborated with the Pakistani Army in liberation war of 1971]. They arepassing time. So, government does not safeguard life and livelihood of people,rather destroy them. Bangladeshi ruling class is lackey ofUS-Europe-Saudi-India-China-Russia and Japan. The imperialist capitalistsystem is sucking the blood of people in the whole world. Today people fromwale street of USA to London and Paris,are fighting against this system. In Peru-India-Phillipines peoples war arebeing waged in Maoist ideology. In our country too, the same path wasestablished by Martyred comrade Siraj Sikder.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the liberating ideologyof proletariat-peasantry-middle class and whole world people!
Maoist communist parties should be developed eachand everywhere in the world!
New democracy-socialism-communism is the path toliberation!
Let us march ahead in that path!
Shovon Rahman
Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group)
Date: October 09, 2011
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