A week ago the Austin Police Department shot a black man nine times,
then claim he pointed a gun at them. Lawrence Parrish affectionately
known to the community as Pickle, the man the police did their damnedist
to try and kill was actually unarmed according to his mother. His
family was denied visitation and now he lays bleeding in Dell Valle Jail
fighting for his life. Pickle has had body parts removed due to this
shooting without his consent or his families consent and is being
treated as an inmate instead of a patient who is on the brink. Our sworn
duty is to serve the people and this means that Lawrence must not fight
alone. It is no surprise to us that APD tried to murder another
unarmed black man, it did not surprise us to hear that they planted a
riffle near his body. If their story was true this would not change the
fact that Lawrence did nothing to deserve this, the very same pigs who
protect the KKK, white lives matter and the Neo-Nazi alt-right have a
track record of murdering black people. These pigs have received paid
vacation in the form “administrative leave”, a reward for their
bloodthirsty, racist and anti-people activity.

Our hearts go out to the family who held a fundraiser today Easter
Sunday in Givens Park in Austin’s east side, and of course, our rage
goes out to APD the courts and the prisons who remain a vessel for
modern day lynching, mass murder and slavery. Originally the APD had the
nerve to state that Pickle fired at the pigs, this lie was proven false
by a basic test on the riffle. Time will show that the pigs are also
lying about Pikle having the riffle. The people demand that this does
not be swept under the rug with the current media blackout since Pickles
case has only been reported by networks who has consistently pushed the
narrative of the pigs. We push the people’s narrative and tell the pigs
to meet us outside because we are ready to do battle for pickle, we
call on all to protest, organize, link up and apply the pressure to
break this story and rally around the family. We ask that those who can
afford it make a donation to help the family persist against this
Conveniently for them the police have no video of the attempted
murder of Pickle. We are expected to take their lying ass corrupt word
for it. The pigs have already lied first about being fired upon then
they tell us they have no video, then they lie again claiming that the
Pickle was shot “a few times” in what world is NINE TIMES a few? The
media which exists to reproduce the mostly white ruling class ways of
thinking has swallowed this concoction without blinking even though they
have had to back track as the lies unfold. What is worse still is they
expect us to swallow this shit too. Like in many cases when the police
shoot an unarmed man they have the nerve to charge their victim with
assault. In reality it was the police who attempted not only assault but
murder. It was Pig Paul Bianchi, Pig Jordan Wagstaff, Pig Dane
O’Neill, and Pig Marcos Johnson. All four of them tried to kill Pickle
but they failed, he lives and we must pull out all stops to free him.

The police exist in our communities like an occupying army, they are
the first line of defense for ruling class white supremacist capitalism,
with their deeds they bring death to the people and break up our
families. We must state clearly that this war was waged on black people
by the police, black people are already at war with this system and need
a peoples army which can defend and fight. In short we need liberation.
There are bad cops and there is bad training but we cannot write this
off to just those two particular characteristics of the police. We must
dig deeper, look at the fact that the police started as slave catchers
and have functioned as that ever since. A good man in a slaughter house
still has blood on his hands this system is not about the character
traits of individuals within it but about its function as a whole.
Upcoming actions include a phone jam of the jail which has been
called for by Serve The People Austin and others, a protest Thursday
outside of Dell Valley Jail (details to be announced). You can get
involved by reaching out to us directly or contacting Serve The People
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