The struggling workers in the Gurgaon-Manesar-Bawal-Neemrana
industrial belt in the states of Haryana-Rajasthan are showing that they
will not relent on their legitimate rights and strengthen their class
unity against the capitalist onslaught. We have also received great
courage, encouragement and thank the amazing show of Solidarity of
workers with the struggle for Justice of Maruti workers. Since the last
few days, there have been protests by lakhs of workers in this and other
industrial belts and by various workers, student-youth, human rights
and other democratic organizations in over 30 cities in the country, and
deputations and solidarity positions and actions in over 21
countries. This is a long battle, and only the growing force of the
movement and wider solidarity can take the struggle forward.
Provisional Working Committee,
Maruti Suzuki Workers Union
Contact: 7011865350 (Ramniwas), 9911258717 (Khusiram) on behalf of the PWC, MSWU.

Provisional Working Committee,
Maruti Suzuki Workers Union
Contact: 7011865350 (Ramniwas), 9911258717 (Khusiram) on behalf of the PWC, MSWU.