Sunday, February 9, 2025

Announcement on the Successful Completion of Party’s 5th National Congress - (PBSP/Bangladesh)

(Second Week of December, 2024)
With immense joy, we inform all members, activists, sympathizers, and leaders of all levels of our
Party, as well as all fraternal parties and well-wishers at home and abroad, that the 5th National
Congress of our beloved Proletarian Party of East Bengal (PBSP/Bangladesh) has been successfully
After the 4th National Congress of our Party held in 2017, we faced immense challenges for nearly
two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which created significant obstacles to all kinds of
activities. Moreover, in light of the recent popular uprising leading to the fall of the fascist Hasina
regime and the formation of a new "interim" government, our Party had to remain particularly
active. These circumstances caused some delays in organizing the Congress.
Through the sincere efforts of Party activists and sympathizers at all levels, the Congress was
conducted with vibrant discussions, debates, and strong unity. During this Congress, several vital
fundamental documents were approved, which had already been circulated Party-wide by the 4th
Central Committee (CC). This Congress also made several fundamental decisions those have
elevated Party’s line-base to a higher level and brought a new dimension to Party's unity.
Through the hard work of responsible comrades, special financial contributions from many
comrades, and the responsible roles and efforts of activists, supporters, and people in managing
shelters, the Congress was conducted safely and smoothly in a joyful environment. In the closing
speech, on behalf of the Presidium, the responsible comrade expressed gratitude to all comrades
and the people for their sincere and revolutionary roles and contributions in making the Congress a
Preparations for the Congress
Preparations for the Congress began early in the year by the 4th Central Committee of the Party.
Necessary draft documents were prepared, and from May onwards, these documents were

circulated through several circulars within the Party. Simultaneously, discussions and opinion
formation on these documents were being conducted at the central level and branch-based meetings
with potential delegates and key members of branches. Thus, excellent political preparation was
achieved for conducting the Congress.
Delegates were selected/elected based on feedback from branch leaderships and discussions among
CC members. Part of the delegates had voting rights, while another part participated without voting.
However, all comrades expressed their opinions on all documents during the Congress. Only voting
delegates attended the election session.
Inauguration and Conduct of the Congress
The Congress began with the raising of the red Party flag adorned with the sickle and hammer. At
the outset, the 4th Central Committee was dissolved through the announcement of the elected
Presidium based on the delegates' opinions, and the Presidium took charge of conducting the
The Congress proceeded according to the previously submitted agenda and documents. The process
of the Congress was divided into two phases. In the first phase, discussions were held on all
documents, while the second phase was exclusive to voting delegates for finalizing votes on the
documents and the Central Committee election session.
Paying Tribute to Martyrs and Deceased Comrades
The inaugural session began with a minute of silence to honor the martyrs and deceased comrades
of all Maoist, revolutionary, and progressive-democratic movements at home and abroad. In the
opening speech, the Presidium informed the Congress about the delegates, presented the programs,
discussed about management of the Congress, and security measures.
Sessions and Discussions
Obituary Proposal
The first session began with discussions on the "Obituary Proposal" presented by the CC. This
proposal included names of comrades like former CC and PB member Comrade Nazmul and
several comrades martyred by Hasina’s state forces in so-called crossfire. The proposal also
mentioned the late founder and leader of the fraternal Maoist organization MBRM, Comrade Matin,
along with important leaders of Maoist parties from various countries.
Special attention was given to the founder chairman of the Maoist Party of the Philippines, late
Comrade Sison, as well as other top leaders of that Party, including the martyred President and
Secretary. Names of senior leaders from the Maoist Parties of Turkey and India were also included.
Additionally, the proposal honored workers and laborers martyred in movements (such as wage
struggles and others) and countless students, youth, and workers martyred in the recent struggle to
overthrow Hasina-Awami fascism.
Delegates proposed adding names of other comrades from their branches and brought some
amendments to the proposal, which was unanimously adopted by the Congress. The full obituary
proposal will later be published in the Party’s organ or circular.
Discussions on Basic Documents
Following this, discussions began on key basic documents, which included:
1. Political Report and two separate proposals on the current political situation and other
2. A document summarizing the experiences of five decades of the Maoist movement in East
3. A letter from Comrade Anwar Kabir regarding change of Secretary of the CC;
4. Proposals on constitutional amendments and additions.
These documents had already been widely discussed within the Party beforehand.
a) Political Report and Political Proposals:
The political report was written prior to the fall of the Hasina government, necessitating its update.
A decision was made to rewrite one chapter of the document based on the document published by
the 4th CC on August 11. Furthermore, several points in the report received amendments or
additions proposed by comrades, which were discussed and, in some cases, debated during the
congress. In addition to points previously brought forward by comrades during the preparatory
discussions within the party, new issues were also introduced. Some comrades withdrew earlier
opinions following discussions.
 The congress approved the basic line-positions of several key documents which worked as
the foundation of the political report. These included:
1. The Program Document;
2. The Military Document;
3. The Document on China as a Social-Imperialist State;
4. The Document about the debates on International Line.
 Especially for the “Program” document, many linguistic, presentational, informational, and
other suggested amendments were presented by the delegates. Decisson was accepted that
review and finalization will be conducted by the upcoming CC.
 Congress adopted the political report in its entirety. Following the congress's decision, it
will be revised and supplemented and published promptly.
 Apart from the political report, two separate proposals on several issues, including the
current domestic political situation, were adopted with some amendments. These were:
1. The Proposal on the Fall of the Hasina-Awami Fascist Government and the Post-Fall
2. The Proposal on Various Issues Regarding Documents and Other Subjects.
The proposals are included as appendix. (With some editions)
b) Document on “Synthesis”:
The next significant line-document discussed was titled Synthesis of Five Decades of Experiences
of the Maoist Movement of Purbo Bangla (East Bengal), made by the Leadership of Comrade
Anwar Kabir.
Various opinions and debates emerged regarding this document. Some suggestions aimed to
enrich it further, while others focused on how it should be characterized.
 The discussions in the first phase of the Congress generated considerable debates and
diverse opinions. Based on these, the presidium proposed a specific resolution during the
second session (where voting occurred) to clarify the matter. This involved some
amendments to the formulation presented by the 4th CC. The congress approved the
resolution. However, a differing opinion on a philosophical issue was also expressed.
 This document, too, will be revised and supplemented for prompt publication by the new
c) Proposal Regarding the change of the CC Secretary :
The main subject of this was a letter submitted earlier this year by former CC Secretary Comrade
Anwar Kabir, as per the decision of the 4th Congress. The letter mainly addressed the leadership-
question of the party, proposing the election of a new CC Secretary and the election of Comrade
Anwar Kabir as CC Chairman. This aimed to gradually reduce dependence on the former Secretary
while building new leadership.
 This issue also was widely discussed during the preparatory phase of the Congress.
Comrades expressed a range of views and hesitations. Proposal to retain Comrade Anwar
Kabir as secretary or concerns that making him Chairman might weaken new leadership
efforts were raised. Some felt that he (AK) should be kept entirely out of the CC. While
others debated how the responsibilities and powers would be divided between the chairman
and the secretary. Such debates were natural, as this arrangement was unprecedented in the
party. Over time, general consensus was reached, though a few differing opinions also
d) Constitutional Amendment Proposals:
In light of Comrade Anwar Kabir’s above-mentioned letter, a proposal to amend the constitution to
introduce the position of CC Chairman was made and unanimously approved.
 Based on this amendment, the Congress elected Comrade Anwar Kabir as CC Chairman.
The decision was unanimous.
 Additionally, other amendments to the constitution were proposed and adopted by the
Second Session:
The main subject of the second session was the Organizational Report, prepared by the 4th CC.
 This report also sparked lively discussions and some debates. Representatives of the former
CC responded to comrades' questions on the Report. Comrades especially criticized
regarding weaknesses in military matters. These were concretely evaluated in the report
also. Congress adopted the assessment outlined in the report.
 The upcoming central committee will decide how the selected parts of the organizational
report (excluding sections concerning security and confidentiality) will be disseminated
within the party.
Second Phase
In the second phase, delegates formally voted on all significant opinions presented in the first
phase, leading to the final adoption of the documents.
 During the election session, comrades voted by secret ballot. The designated comrades later
tallied the results and notified the voting delegates via circular.
Closing Activities:
 Before the congress concluded, comrades gave brief speeches to express their greetings and
opinions. Finally, the presidium representative delivered the closing speech, followed by the
lowering of the party flag and the singing of the
Internationale, marking the end of the congress.
 Shortly after the Congress, the first session of the newly elected CC was held. A separate
manifesto for this session is being published.
-- Office, Chairman, 5th Central Committee,
Proletarian Party of East Bengal ( PBSP/Bangladesh).
On the Fall of the Hasina-Awami Fascist Government and the Post-Fall Situation
(Certain parts have been omitted for confidentiality reasons.)
1. The Hasina-Awami fascist government fell on August 5 through a student-mass uprising.
This was the result of continuous struggles by various revolutionary, progressive, reformist,
and bourgeois parties along with people from all walks of life against this regime's 15-year-
long fascist rule.
2. Under the pressure from the student-people's movement and exploiting it, the so-called
"Third force" of the comprador-beaurocratic bourgeoise class – subservient to imperialism,
particularly Western imperialists including the U.S., and supported by the military – seized
power. They formed an "Interim Government," which is falsely branded as the government
of the mass uprising, but in reality it represents a different faction of the ruling comprador-
beourocrat bourgeois class. A section of the so-called 'non-political' student leadership
welcomed them and facilitated this betrayal, handing over the fruits of the uprising to these
disguised enemies of the people.
3. This government assumed power by pledging to uphold the fascist Hasina-Awami
constitution. It has revealed its reactionary political character through various so-called
depoliticization programs. At the same time, it has begun attacking the legitimate struggles
of workers, indigenous people, and various professional classes. Prices of essential goods
continue to rise. The government's cozy ties and compromises with imperialist and Indian
expansionist forces are starkly evident. The nation is being trapped anew under conditions
of fresh loans and other exploitative agreements. Thus, no fundamental agenda for the
workers, peasants, indigenous people, women, or other oppressed groups can be
implemented under this government.
4. Their failure and unwillingness to root out Awami-India fascism from society and politics
are evident. On the other hand, they have created grounds for the preservation and
expansion of religious fundamentalist fascism. Notably, collaborators in the 1971 genocide,
including the Jamaat-e-Islami Rajakars, have already been rehabilitated and, along with
other groups, given opportunities for the resurgence of different type of fascism (i.e.,
religious fascism).
5. In the name of "reforms," this government is merely removing certain individuals aligned
with the Hasina-Awami fascists from positions of power while taking steps to consolidate
its own rule. In reality, they have taken up the task of repairing the state machinery that was
disrupted by the anti-fascist movement. They are actively trying to reorganize the ruling
6. Under these circumstances, it is our responsibility to expose the class-character and
political-character of this government based on the Party's strategic position and to continue
our revolutionary activities. This means persisting with the revolutionary agenda and
struggles of the New Democratic Revolution, opposing imperialism, expansionism,
comprador-beaurocratic capitalism and semi-feudalism.
o We must firmly expose the reformist programs of the revisionists, petty-bourgeois
leftists, and liberal bourgeois forces, as well as their agendas to support the
7. Simultaneously, considering the specificity of the ongoing situation, we need to present our
tactical demands in a modified manner. … … … … … … …
8. In the coming days, conflicts among different factions of the ruling class will intensify.
Awami fascists, with India's support, are conspiring to regain power directly or through
proxy forces. Conspiracies by religious fascist forces are also escalating. To manage the
crisis, the government in power may declare a state of emergency. Military bureaucrats,
with backing from different factions, may seize power directly. Coups and counter-coups
could occur.
9. On the other hand, BNP and its allies will strengthen their efforts to come to power through
elections. Various imperialist powers and Indian expansionists are intensifying and will
continue their efforts to expand their influence and control.
Amidst all this, legitimate movements are arising from different sections of society,
including workers, peasants, women, indigenous people, students, employees, and the
middle class. Reactionary elements from various factions will continue to push their
respective agendas in these movements. We must remain vigilant against all these dynamics
and be prepared for any new developments.
We must closely monitor the situation, intensify class struggles, and be ready to exploit any
new crisis within the ruling class.
Proposals on Some Urgent Current Issues
b) The Israeli barbaric aggression, genocide, and destruction against the Palestinian people, along
with the explicit or implicit support it receives from U.S.-led Western imperialists and Indian
expansionists, are strongly condemned. We support the Palestinian people's struggle against all of
these, and call for the establishment of a free Palestine-- anti-imperialist, indivisible, secular,
democratic, and progressive free state of Palestine.
c) We strongly condemn the genocidal and destructive campaign titled "Operation Kaghar" led by
the Hindutva-fascist Modi government of India, aimed at annihilating the Maoist-led People's War
by attacking peasants, indigenous peoples, and progressive students, intellectuals, and masses. We
express our hope that, under the leadership of the Maoist Party of India, the oppressed and
progressive masses of India will successfully resist this campaign, thereby advancing the People's
War and revolution in India to a higher level.

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