Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A Year After: The February 20 Protest Movement in Morocco -
A Year After: The February 20 Protest Movement in Morocco
by Mohamed Daadaoui
On the one-year anniversary of the February 20 protest movement in Morocco, (henceforth referred to as Feb. 20), the kingdom boasts relatively meager political progress. Despite the much-vaunted reforms and constitutional changes, Morocco has reinvigorated its state edifice, managed to outmaneuver an inexperienced Feb. 20 protest movement, and engaged in a crackdown on freedom of the press and speech. In the last couple of weeks, the regime has arrested three Moroccans for crimes against his majesty’s person and “defaming Morocco’s sacred values.” In a country where the monarch is inviolable, the use of cartoons depicting the king is considered an outrage to a symbol of the country.
More importantly, a year after the initial mass protests, we need to assess the record of the movement in terms of appeal and success in Morocco. The Feb. 20 movement has undoubtedly sparked a national discussion for institutional changes, but fell short in exercising enough pressure for deeper structural changes to both the political system dominated by the king, and a system of crony-capitalism that has for decades crippled the national economy. The new constitution is an impressive exercise in state management of dissent. Groundbreaking only in its style and cosmetic in terms of real effective change, the constitution allows for greater executive power for the Prime Minister, but falls short in tackling the vast discretionary powers of the monarchy.
The constitution does not address aspects of direly needed reforms. Kleptocracy and nepotism are endemic in the Moroccan administration and economy. No matter how inchoate institutional reforms are, they have to be complemented with stringent, implementable guarantees against abuse of power, corruption, and inequality of the laws. Individual freedom and liberty of the press are guaranteed in the constitution, but have to be safeguarded from the arbitrary abuses of the state. The result is the same maladies of yesteryear: a regime suffering from institutional schizophrenia, promoting inconsequential reforms, and tightening its grip on power and individual freedom. Read more »
The constitution does not address aspects of direly needed reforms. Kleptocracy and nepotism are endemic in the Moroccan administration and economy. No matter how inchoate institutional reforms are, they have to be complemented with stringent, implementable guarantees against abuse of power, corruption, and inequality of the laws. Individual freedom and liberty of the press are guaranteed in the constitution, but have to be safeguarded from the arbitrary abuses of the state. The result is the same maladies of yesteryear: a regime suffering from institutional schizophrenia, promoting inconsequential reforms, and tightening its grip on power and individual freedom. Read more »
Kalikot, Nepal: Communists protest Prime Minister Bhattarai’s visit
Kalikot, Nepal: Communists protest Prime Minister Bhattarai’s visit
Posted by redpines on February 27, 2012
The Himalayan Times reports on a demonstration by members of the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in the Kalikot region. This is part of the ongoing struggle within the UCPN(M) over the direction and future of the revolution in Nepal. Thanks to Signalfire for pointing this out. [Introduction by Joe]
Kalikot-bound Maoists ranted slogans in the district against the PM Bhattarai, “for maintaining close proximity with India,” confirmed sources.
Agitators even aired views amid their demonstration that the upper Karnali project should be operated locally and no foreign company should be involved in it.They also said that the agreement reached with Indian hydro-power company, GMR was against the interest of Nepal, and demanded that it be scrapped.
This demonstration comes on the heels of Dr Bhattarai’s visit to Patna, the capital of Indian state of Bihar, on Friday at the invitation of Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
Bhattarai, who is also one of the Vice-chairmen of the Maoist, is facing a hard-time to defend his premiership not only from oppositions, even from the hardliners inside the Maoist party.
Maoists burn PM Bhattarai in Effigy
KATHMANDU: A group of UCPN-Maoist cadres of the Kalikot district burnt the effigy of Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai on Saturday morning.Kalikot-bound Maoists ranted slogans in the district against the PM Bhattarai, “for maintaining close proximity with India,” confirmed sources.
Agitators even aired views amid their demonstration that the upper Karnali project should be operated locally and no foreign company should be involved in it.They also said that the agreement reached with Indian hydro-power company, GMR was against the interest of Nepal, and demanded that it be scrapped.
This demonstration comes on the heels of Dr Bhattarai’s visit to Patna, the capital of Indian state of Bihar, on Friday at the invitation of Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
Bhattarai, who is also one of the Vice-chairmen of the Maoist, is facing a hard-time to defend his premiership not only from oppositions, even from the hardliners inside the Maoist party.
Comitato Internazionale a sostegno della guerra popolare in India
Workers of the world unite!
FEBRUARY 28th, 2012
International Committee to Support People's War in India
les maoistes de france _PCF maoiste appel A bas l'impérialisme français ! Vive la lutte de libération des peuples colonisés !
Lundi 27 février 2012 1 27 /02 /Fév /2012 17:00
Nous faisons suivre cet appel et le soutenons.
A bas l'impérialisme français !
Vive la lutte de libération des peuples colonisés !
PC maoïste de Franace
Voir également Soutenons la révolte du peuple réunionnais !
A bas l'impérialisme français !
Vive la lutte de libération des peuples colonisés !
PC maoïste de Franace
Voir également Soutenons la révolte du peuple réunionnais !
Appel à la mobilisation avec les Réunionnais en lutte
Déclaration du JERF et du comité de mobilisation, 25 février 2012
Nous, Jeunes Emigrés Réunionnais en France, sommes une organisation indépendante de tous partis politiques. Nous luttons auprès des réunionnais en France face à la politique du CNARM, mais aussi contre le racisme et l’exploitation.
Les évènements actuels à la Réunion témoignent de la remise en cause des politiques coloniales et de la structure économique de l’île.
Situation sociale à la Réunion :
Emigration : Près de 104 000 réunionnais vivent dans l’hexagone, soit 14% des natifs de la Réunion.
Population : 800 000 habitants qui compte 52% de jeunes.
Chômage : la moitié des jeunes du pays n’ont pas d’emploi
Seuil de pauvreté : 52 % de la population réunionnaise vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté.
Santé et malaise des Réunionnais : La mortalité est plus importante qu’en France dans toutes les tranches d’âge, le sentiment de malaise est profond.
Racisme et humiliation :
Certains lieux de notre île sont des zones de non-droits pour les réunionnais et les réunionnaises, s’ils ont le malheur d’être jeunes et « foncés », et s’ils sont identifiés comme chômeurs, ils n’ont pas accès à certains endroits. Il y a de véritables ghettos de privilégiés qui sont les expatriés français (zorey) alors que les plus pauvres, et les familles de descendants d’esclaves sont des citoyens de seconde zone. Il y a de la place et du travail pour les zorey alors qu’il n’y en pas pour les réunionnais qui, eux, doivent partir.
Après cette présentation nous disons : Non ! Non à la récupération des révoltes à la Réunion !
C’est ainsi que pendant les grèves de vie chère du premier trimestre 2009, à la Réunion, l’élite du PCR et du COSPAR (collectif d’organisations monté contre la vie chère), n’a pas mené à termes ce grand mouvement populaire qui aurait pu accompagner celui des Guadeloupéens. La tête du PCR et du COSPAR ont délibérément brisé ce mouvement. Le 5 mars 2009, des milliers de Réunionnais et de Réunionnaises se sont retrouvés dans les revendications des Guadeloupéens.
Lorsque ces personnes se sont retrouvées ensemble, la tête du PCR (Parti Communiste Réunionnais et ses coquilles telles que l’Alliance des jeunes, l’Alliance contre le chômage…) et du COSPAR la di azot : « fane astèr » c’est-à-dire « dispersez-vous », « sirtou rès pa ansanm », « fé pa dézord dan somin » comme s’il ne s’agissait pas de leur pays, de leur vie, de leur ras-le-bol, de leur rage…
Ratenon de « l’Alliance contre le chômage », en plein mouvement le 5 mars 2009 a déclaré à propose de la grève générale: « « Il ne faut surtout pas le faire » au moment où la grève se durcissait aux Antilles … « Le préfet est d’accord pour négocier ».
Entre 2009 et 2012 leurs négociations n’ont servi à rien, sous prétexte de maintenir la cohésion sociale il a participé à l’explosion sociale ! Aujourd’hui c’est toujours la même rengaine, il court pour négocier avec le préfet alors que les réunionnais dans la rue scandent « Préfet Démission ».
10 ans après les révoltes de 1991, après mandats politiques sur mandats politiques, le PCR et les autres partis PS et droites diverses ont conduit la Réunion à un climat d’explosion sociale.
La Réunion n’est pas un sentiment, une sensation forte (île intense), c’est un pays où le chômage est plus fort qu’en Afrique, un territoire dont la forte croissance ne s’accompagne pas du développement, autrement dit d’un mieux-être social, économique et environnemental. Le paradoxe réunionnais est que le pays est classé selon les indicateurs économiques parmi les pays les plus riches (46è rang mondial).
Aujourd’hui, des jeunes de l’île se révoltent. Leur colère est légitime car pendant le mouvement contre la vie chère, la parole a été monopolisée par les politiciens professionnels. La grande partie de cette jeunesse délaissée sur le bord du chemin identifie le problème : la vie chère, le chômage, l’absence de perspectives d’avenir, la monopolisation et la récupération de la parole des réunionnais.
Ces révoltes sont la remise en cause du système politique tout entier, un système mafieux qui permet aux politiciens de la droite comme de la gauche de se remplir les poches et de remplir les poches des groblan. Exemple : CBO Territoria qui s’occupe de la gestion foncière du groupe Bourbon de Chateauvieux possède à la Réunion un patrimoine foncier de 3200 hectares, le Groupe Bernard Hayot, béké martiniquais a été introduit également à la Réunion par son confrère réunionnais.
Les aides sociales de la France sont dépensées dans ces temples de la consommation que sont Leclerc, Score… Or, les bénéfices ne sont pas réinvestis à la Réunion mais profitent aux capitalistes. C’est autour de ces enseignes précisément qu’aujourd’hui, les réunionnais et les réunionnaises se retrouvent pour protester. Temples de la consommation visés par des jets de galets, protégés par des gardes mobiles autorisés à tuer.
Comment se fait-il que les politiciens qui volent de l’argent ne sont jamais punis par la loi ? Les révoltés, eux sont réprimés, pour 300 manifestants il y a 460 policiers et gendarmes sur place selon Guéant qui a envoyé deux escadrons en plus. Actuellement nous sommes à un peu moins de 200 interpellations.
Ce ne sont pas les quelques miettes jetées par les Dindar, Didier Robert, Vergès et autres élus qui, par des mesures « provisoires » dans un but de se faire élire aux élections, vont pouvoir régler les plaies béantes d’une structure politique et économique inadaptée à la Réunion. Structure politique corrompue, maintenue par les élites de la Réunion avançant main dans la main avec le pouvoir d’Etat Français.
C’est au peuple de décider de son destin politique, la répression et les miettes ne sont pas des réponses à une colère juste et légitime.
C’est un changement radical qui est attendu à la Réunion et en Métropole par les réunionnais émigrés, partis à 10000 km de leur pays pour trouver du travail.
Pas de justice de paix !
Non à la répression ! Non à la récupération !
La révolte n’est pas un crime ! La révolte est légitime !
Non à la répression ! Non à la récupération !
La révolte n’est pas un crime ! La révolte est légitime !
Contact du Comité de mobilisation pour la Réunion libre :
06 26 39 86 95
Contact du JERF :
06 18 00 77 18
06 26 39 86 95
Contact du JERF :
06 18 00 77 18
Monday, February 27, 2012
Canada - maoist and revolutionary in Canada support maoist in Afaganistan
On Revolutionary Struggle in Afghanistan – A Special Event With a Supporter of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
The Maison Norman Bethune bookstore is proud to welcome a supporter of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan who will speak about the revolutionary struggle being waged in that country.
For over ten years, this party firmly sided with the oppressed masses fighting against the invasion and occupation of their country by the US-led imperialist troops. Today, the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan continues to support the independent popular resistance under the banner of the revolution, as part of the world revolution.
In genuine internationalist spirit, the evening will be an exceptional opportunity to learn more about the struggle of the Afghan people and the role of the Maoists in the resistance to imperialist occupation.
Friday, March 2 at 7pm1918, rue Frontenac
Montréal (métro Frontenac)
Montréal (métro Frontenac)
Free admission • Info: 514 563-1487
* * *
Promote Revolutionary Struggle in Afghanistan!
In the spirit of international solidarity and in commemoration of International Women's Day, the Revolutionary Student Movement, student division of the Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee, invites you to our fundraising party. The theme of this social event is Communist "Dance" Party, so we hope you bring your dancing shoes as well as a friend or two. As part of our International Women's Day activities, a comrade from Afghanistan, who is supporting revolutionary movements, will deliver a short presentation on the people's struggles, and in particular, the challenges facing the liberation of women in Afghanistan. We kindly ask that you RSVP by February 28th at practoronto@yahoo.com to help us in our preparations for the evening.
Sunday, March 4 at 7pm
A Space Gallery, 401 Richmond, Toronto
A Space Gallery, 401 Richmond, Toronto
Presented by the Revolutionary Student Movement & the Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee-Toronto. Supported by the International League of People's Struggle & Basics News.
* * *
Philippines - **Reject Aquino's favors for Gloria Arroyo, push for charging her with high crimes -- CPP**
Almost two years into office, the government of Benigno Aquino III
has yet to file charges of war crimes and gross violations of human
rights, as well as crimes of plunder against Gloria Arroyo"
CPP Information Bureau
27 February 2012
**Reject Aquino's favors for Gloria Arroyo, push for charging her with
high crimes -- CPP**
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today lambasted the
Aquino regime for standing down to the legal pleadings of Gloria
Arroyo to be extended medical and personal privileges and for having
so far failed to file more serious criminal charges against her.
The CPP urged the Filipino people to reject the Aquino regime's steps
that accord Gloria Arroyo with privileges and to step up their mass
struggles to make Arroyo face charges of plunder and gross violations
of human rights and humanitarian law.
"Taking cue from Aquino, government lawyers did not even challenge
petitions from Gloria Arroyo's lawyers to continue her hospital
detention and be afforded a three-day furlough from detention to
attend the wake of her brother-in-law Ignacio Arroyo, which are
typically not extended to ordinary people facing criminal charges,"
said the CPP.
"These privileges, however, are only the tip of the iceberg of the
favors and legal accomodations being accorded by the Aquino government
to Arroyo," added the CPP. "Almost two years into office, Aquino has
yet to file more serious charges of war crimes and gross violations of
human rights as well as crimes of plunder against Gloria Arroyo even
after having appointed his own ombudsman."
"Despite all the anti-Arroyo noise being stirred up by Aquino himself,
the only thing he can boast of is having filed charges against Arroyo
for the relatively minor crime of sabotaging the 2007 elections, which
some believe was so crafted that it could easily be defeated in
court," said the CPP.
"There are at least seven complaints of plunder filed against Arroyo,
yet not a single plunder case has been filed by the Aquino's
The Office of the Ombudsman has so far succeeded only in charging
Arroyo over the ZTE Broadband deal, which it even reduced to graft
from the original complaint of plunder. Up to now, it has yet to file
a single case on gross violations of human rights and humanitarian law
despite the preponderance of evidence of her direct responsibility in
ordering and carrying out the bloody Oplan Bantay Laya which was
marked by a campaign of extrajudicial killings, abductions, torture,
illegal arrests and detention, militarization of communities, forcible
mass evacuations, violations of childrens' rights and more
"Aquino's footdragging in charging Gloria Arroyo with high crimes
stands in stark contrast to his rush to remove Chief Justice Renato
Corona from the Supreme Court," pointed out the CPP.
has yet to file charges of war crimes and gross violations of human
rights, as well as crimes of plunder against Gloria Arroyo"
CPP Information Bureau
27 February 2012
**Reject Aquino's favors for Gloria Arroyo, push for charging her with
high crimes -- CPP**
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today lambasted the
Aquino regime for standing down to the legal pleadings of Gloria
Arroyo to be extended medical and personal privileges and for having
so far failed to file more serious criminal charges against her.
The CPP urged the Filipino people to reject the Aquino regime's steps
that accord Gloria Arroyo with privileges and to step up their mass
struggles to make Arroyo face charges of plunder and gross violations
of human rights and humanitarian law.
"Taking cue from Aquino, government lawyers did not even challenge
petitions from Gloria Arroyo's lawyers to continue her hospital
detention and be afforded a three-day furlough from detention to
attend the wake of her brother-in-law Ignacio Arroyo, which are
typically not extended to ordinary people facing criminal charges,"
said the CPP.
"These privileges, however, are only the tip of the iceberg of the
favors and legal accomodations being accorded by the Aquino government
to Arroyo," added the CPP. "Almost two years into office, Aquino has
yet to file more serious charges of war crimes and gross violations of
human rights as well as crimes of plunder against Gloria Arroyo even
after having appointed his own ombudsman."
"Despite all the anti-Arroyo noise being stirred up by Aquino himself,
the only thing he can boast of is having filed charges against Arroyo
for the relatively minor crime of sabotaging the 2007 elections, which
some believe was so crafted that it could easily be defeated in
court," said the CPP.
"There are at least seven complaints of plunder filed against Arroyo,
yet not a single plunder case has been filed by the Aquino's
The Office of the Ombudsman has so far succeeded only in charging
Arroyo over the ZTE Broadband deal, which it even reduced to graft
from the original complaint of plunder. Up to now, it has yet to file
a single case on gross violations of human rights and humanitarian law
despite the preponderance of evidence of her direct responsibility in
ordering and carrying out the bloody Oplan Bantay Laya which was
marked by a campaign of extrajudicial killings, abductions, torture,
illegal arrests and detention, militarization of communities, forcible
mass evacuations, violations of childrens' rights and more
"Aquino's footdragging in charging Gloria Arroyo with high crimes
stands in stark contrast to his rush to remove Chief Justice Renato
Corona from the Supreme Court," pointed out the CPP.
Equador - la lucha de los maoistas por una veradera libertad d'expression contra el regime de Correa
Debate y crisis política han suscitado en los diversos sectores de la sociedad ecuatoriana el tema de la libertad de expresión, tema manipulado por las diversas facciones de las clases dominantes.
Al respecto planteamos:
En el Ecuador no existe una verdadera libertad de expresión para el pueblo. Su no existencia real no data desde el 2007 cuando comenzó el gobierno fascista de Correa. Sus orígenes son de muchas décadas atrás. Lo que pasa actualmente es un agravamiento en el recorte de las libertades públicas burguesas.
Dentro del sistema capitalista, ni la república burguesa más democrática, brinda al pueblo una verdadera libertad de expresión, ya que ésta siempre ha estado y está garantizada y reservada fundamentalmente para quienes detentan el poder económico y político.
Sin embargo a partir del 2007, en el país se está pasando de formas demo-liberales de Estado y gobierno a formas fascistas.
Esto se expresa así:
1.-La clásica división de poderes del Estado (Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial) creada por la Revolución Francesa de 1789 (demo-liberalidad) está siendo desplazada por la concentración de todos los poderes del Estado ecuatoriano en el Ejecutivo, y dentro del Ejecutivo por Rafael Correa y su círculo de lacayos incondicionales.
2.-El régimen y la cúpula de Alianza País, aplican los 11 principios de Joseph Goebbels, quien fue ministro de propaganda de Adolfo Hitler. Estos principios buscan adormecer, desmovilizar y confundir al pueblo sobre la base de la repetición permanente de una gran cantidad de falsedades sobre la economía, la política, la historia, etc., todo esto con el objetivo de lograr una “opinión pública” favorable al régimen, para poder seguir así explotando y oprimiendo a las masas de trabajadores, especialmente a obreros y campesinos. Para muestra un botón: en el año 2009, el gobierno declaraba que Ecuador es una “patria alfabetizada”, “libre de analfabetismo”, que ocupamos un lugar “privilegiado” de los países con menor índice de analfabetismo; pero cuando se da el censo de población y vivienda 2010 arroja el resultado de que en Ecuador existen 1 millón de analfabetos. Así como el gobierno miente descaradamente en este tema, miente en muchos otros. De esta manera la estrategia fascista del gobierno de Correa es “una mentira dicha mil veces, se convierte en verdad” y “miente, miente, miente, que siempre algo queda”. La propaganda de Alianza País es sostenida con cientos de millones de dólares de los fondos públicos y diseñada bajo conceptos fascistas.
3.-Las libertades públicas burguesas establecidas paulatinamente en todo el mundo a partir de la revolución francesa, fundamentalmente la libertad de pensamiento, expresión y organización, están siendo recortadas al máximo bajo el régimen de Correa.
4.-El gobierno de Correa está montando todo un aparato estatal corporativista, donde desde el Estado se crean sindicatos paralelos, se dividen gremios, llegando inclusive a cooptar la movilización social. Ahora es el propio Estado y el gobierno quienes pretenden determinar cuándo, cómo y dónde se hace una marcha o asamblea por tal o cual tema, es lo que pasa con las marchas convocadas por la CONFEUNASSC, las marchas blancas convocadas por la Policía Nacional, los mítines de Alianza País y los ministerios, la creación artificial por parte del gobierno del sindicato de trabajadores del sector público, etc.
5.-El gobierno desarrolla un complejo sistema de represión. A quienes protestan los acusa de “terroristas”; ha creado el Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional adscrito al Palacio de Gobierno y pone como director al hermano de Ricardo Patiño; traen a personal de los carabineros de Chile (caracterizados por su ilimitada crueldad cuando se trata de perseguir y torturar) para que entrenen a personal de la fuerza pública ecuatoriana; modifican leyes y códigos para tener las herramientas jurídicas de represión; distribuyen una red de informantes y agentes en las instituciones públicas y dentro de los opositores; traen agentes de los servicios de inteligencia venezolanos y cubanos para que “compartan experiencias” con los agentes militares y policiales de Ecuador.
Este cuadro de implantación del fascismo en el Ecuador se complementa con la colusión y pugna inter-burguesa.
La burguesía compradora (grandes comerciantes importadores y exportadores, banqueros y dueños de las ensambladoras) representada políticamente por el PSC, PRIAN, PSP, UDC y otros, son propietarios de medios de comunicación como “EL COMERCIO”, “EL UNIVERSO”, “HOY”, “EXPRESO”, “EXTRA”, “ECUAVISA”, “TELEAMAZONAS”, “R.T.S”, “CANAL UNO” y otros medios.
Mientras que la burguesía burocrática (facción de la gran burguesía que se enriquece principalmente utilizando al viejo Estado como palanca de ascenso económico, como son por ejemplo los negociados en la contratación pública) representada fundamentalmente por Alianza País, dirige los medios de comunicación “EL CIUDADANO”, “EL TELÉGRAFO”, “PERIÓDICO DEL PUEBLO”, “GAMA-TV”, “TC-TELEVISIÓN”, “ECUADOR-TV” y otros medios.
En este sentido, la disputa mediática y legal entre Rafael Correa y diario El Universo, se inscribe en este cuadro de las pugnas inter-burguesas, pugnas que giran en torno a quien se lleva la mayor parte en el reparto del pastel.
Esta disputa se da en las alturas; el PCE no está ni a favor del presidente ni de diario El Universo, en este entierro el pueblo no tiene vela que llevar. Sin embargo, tanto el régimen y sus medios de comunicación así como toda la prensa de la burguesía compradora, han tratado de involucrar a las masas en la defensa de uno u otro sector en disputa.
El carácter fascista del régimen se ha evidenciado una vez más con las declaraciones de Rafael Correa ante sus ministros y asesores lacayos, en el sentido de que “perdona” a Emilio Palacios, a diario El Universo y a los autores del libro “El Gran Hermano” y desiste del cumplimiento de la millonaria sentencia en el primer caso y de la continuación del juicio en el segundo caso.
¿Qué busca con todo esto Correa y su gobierno?
En primer lugar, la cúpula de Alianza País como politiqueros que son, calculan que estamos en un año electoral y que por tanto hay que “ganarse” a las masas, para lo cual pretenden que Correa asome como una persona “humanista”, de “buen corazón”, que “sabe perdonar” pese a las “ofensas que le han hecho”. Lo mismo hicieron con el juicio que siguió Vinicio Alvarado a Mónica Chuji.
En segundo lugar, buscan humillar públicamente a sus adversarios, sobre la base de decir “yo te gané el juicio”, “yo tengo la razón”, “ustedes son los culpables”, “ustedes no valen nada” y después de ponerles la soga al cuello decirles “yo los perdono”. Esto es muy semejante a lo que en determinadas coyunturas hacían los monarcas feudales en la Edad Media: acusar a sus opositores, perseguirlos, hostigarlos, torturarlos, apresarlos y luego de dictar sentencia y cuando ésta iba a ser ejecutada públicamente en la plaza central del reino, perdonarlos delante de los plebeyos y así dar “muestras” de “bondad” para de esta forma renovar la legitimidad ante los súbditos.
Y, en tercer lugar, esto responde a la lógica de colusión y pugna de las clases dominantes bien analizada por Mao Tse Tung. Se coluden en la defensa del sistema, de sus privilegios, de la explotación del pueblo, pero pugnan por la forma del reparto de la riqueza del país. En esta contienda la burguesía burocrática le dio un golpe a la burguesía compradora, están cobrándose, entre otras cosas, lo del 30-S y preparando el terreno para ganar por otro periodo más (2013-2017) la presidencia de la República y un buen bloque de asambleístas, alcaldes, etc.
Frente a todo este proceso de colusión y pugnas inter-burguesas, el pueblo debe sacar sus propias lecciones.
No existe libertad de expresión para el pueblo, ni con el régimen de Correa o Lucio, Borja, Sixto o cualquier otro representante de la gran burguesía.
La aparente libertad de expresión para el pueblo se reduce a dos tipos de espectáculos: pequeños espacios que dan permanentemente a los dirigentes revisionistas (viejo PC, PS-FA, MPD-PK) para que expongan sus puntos de vista pero siempre en el marco del sistema (elecciones, administración pública, etc); y espacios a la comunidad sobre temas poco trascendentes como si está bien hecha o no una alcantarilla, si están de acuerdo o no en arreglar un parque, si quieren o no que se ponga un rompe-velocidades en una calle, etc. Pero hasta ahí, nada más. Las masas pobres jamás han tenido libertad de expresión, no les han dado ni los espacios ni los medios para poderse expresar.
La posibilidad de expresarse del pueblo siempre ha estado en otras herramientas como el discurso, la hoja volante, el grafiti, el afiche, la bomba panfletaria y en los últimos años, en el internet. Es todo ese acumulado el que los comunistas y revolucionarios debemos repotenciar con una línea clasista entre las masas pobres, enseñarles a utilizarlos y que así el pueblo maneje su propia propaganda.
from Turkey - MKP made a statement on the murder of Battai tepel
Tepeli lost his life
Battal Tepeli, who was shot in the head by a group of gangsters on January 29, lost his life on February 21 after resisting death for several weeks in the intensive care unit.
On January 29, DHF* organised a manifestation in the Gazi* Neighbourhood of Istanbul against the generalization of the gangs in the labouring neighbourhoods under the support of the fascist state. A group of gangsters attacked this action and shot him in the head. Generalisation of the gangs, narco-traffics and prostitution in the labouring neighbourhoods is a state policy to prevent the development of the revolutionary tend! encies among the labouring youth of these districts.
Battal Tepeli was sent to eternity through a funeral on February 24 at the Tuzla district of Istanbul with the participation of his family, his comrades, people of the Gazi Neighbourhood, revolutionary organizations such as DHF, ESP, Sodap and many other forces.
Maoist Communist Party ( MKP* ) made a statement on the murder of Battal Tepeli. MKP expressed that the Gazi neighbourhood is poor labouring district with broad revolutionary basis and dynamics, that the Massacre and Resistance of Gazi Neighbourhood (1995) was a proof of this and after the failure of provocative policies, the state gave priority to the strategy of degeneration-corrosion and by this way generalized the reactionary-fascist elements in the neighbourhood. MKP said: "We condemn with great hatred this cruel counter-revolutionary attack committed agains! t our people in the name of Battal Tepeli and we announce that we will not stay silent against these brutal crimes against the people".
On February 26, DHF made a protest action in the place where Tepeli was shot in Gazi neighbourhood. DHF members shouted the slogans "Battal Tepeli is immortal!", "The gangs are killing, the state is supporting!" and "We will ask account for Battal Tepeli!". The DHF members called upon the people of the neighbourhood to react against the state policy on gangs. The action was finished by leaving carnations to the point where Tepeli was shot.
[ DHF / ]* Federation for Democratic Rights
[ Gazi / ]* On 12 March 1995 in Gazi, a labourers’ district in Istanbul, the counter-guerrilla forces committed an armed attack against a café where usually Allevite people used to go. This attack had the objective of creating a conflict between the Allevite and Sunnite labourers ! and to hinder the recent revolutionary rise at the workers’ districts, but on the contrary, the labourers started a march towards the police station under the leadership of revolutionary forces. Thus, a one-week-uprising began in Gazi, where 23 labourers would be killed by the state forces.
[ MKP / ]* Maoist Communist Party
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On January 29, DHF* organised a manifestation in the Gazi* Neighbourhood of Istanbul against the generalization of the gangs in the labouring neighbourhoods under the support of the fascist state. A group of gangsters attacked this action and shot him in the head. Generalisation of the gangs, narco-traffics and prostitution in the labouring neighbourhoods is a state policy to prevent the development of the revolutionary tend! encies among the labouring youth of these districts.
Battal Tepeli was sent to eternity through a funeral on February 24 at the Tuzla district of Istanbul with the participation of his family, his comrades, people of the Gazi Neighbourhood, revolutionary organizations such as DHF, ESP, Sodap and many other forces.
Maoist Communist Party ( MKP* ) made a statement on the murder of Battal Tepeli. MKP expressed that the Gazi neighbourhood is poor labouring district with broad revolutionary basis and dynamics, that the Massacre and Resistance of Gazi Neighbourhood (1995) was a proof of this and after the failure of provocative policies, the state gave priority to the strategy of degeneration-corrosion and by this way generalized the reactionary-fascist elements in the neighbourhood. MKP said: "We condemn with great hatred this cruel counter-revolutionary attack committed agains! t our people in the name of Battal Tepeli and we announce that we will not stay silent against these brutal crimes against the people".
On February 26, DHF made a protest action in the place where Tepeli was shot in Gazi neighbourhood. DHF members shouted the slogans "Battal Tepeli is immortal!", "The gangs are killing, the state is supporting!" and "We will ask account for Battal Tepeli!". The DHF members called upon the people of the neighbourhood to react against the state policy on gangs. The action was finished by leaving carnations to the point where Tepeli was shot.
[ DHF / ]* Federation for Democratic Rights
[ Gazi / ]* On 12 March 1995 in Gazi, a labourers’ district in Istanbul, the counter-guerrilla forces committed an armed attack against a café where usually Allevite people used to go. This attack had the objective of creating a conflict between the Allevite and Sunnite labourers ! and to hinder the recent revolutionary rise at the workers’ districts, but on the contrary, the labourers started a march towards the police station under the leadership of revolutionary forces. Thus, a one-week-uprising began in Gazi, where 23 labourers would be killed by the state forces.
[ MKP / ]* Maoist Communist Party
the time is now ! the march towards International Conference of mlm parties and organisations advances
Dear comrades
In these last days, we have had problems in the life of maoistroad blog, but there are good problems.
The work for advancing in the debate,struggle, organisation of new International Conference by parties that partecipate
to maoistroad revew arrive to a first step in these months.
Advance joint texts about international situation and tasks of mlm parties and organisation, joint texts about RIM balance and struggle against avakian positions, revisionist line in Nepal , joint texts about convocation of IC
with parties and organisations in and out of Rim, joint texts about support people's war in the world .
In the same time parties and organisations mlm that must organise and partecipate to this IC, intensify their revolutionary action in class struggle. Also this needs for advancing towards IC for autentic mlm parties and organisations.
In these last days, we have had problems in the life of maoistroad blog, but there are good problems.
The work for advancing in the debate,struggle, organisation of new International Conference by parties that partecipate
to maoistroad revew arrive to a first step in these months.
Advance joint texts about international situation and tasks of mlm parties and organisation, joint texts about RIM balance and struggle against avakian positions, revisionist line in Nepal , joint texts about convocation of IC
with parties and organisations in and out of Rim, joint texts about support people's war in the world .
In the same time parties and organisations mlm that must organise and partecipate to this IC, intensify their revolutionary action in class struggle. Also this needs for advancing towards IC for autentic mlm parties and organisations.
Monday, February 20, 2012
france - steel workers occupy factory - class struggles in imperialist countries is the camp of building maoist party
FLORANGE, France (Reuters) – Workers at an idled Arcelor Mittal steel plant in northeast France occupied the site Monday, seeking to put their plight on the political map ahead of a presidential election where industrial decline is a central theme.Some 200 workers invaded management offices at the factory in Florange, in the Moselle region close to Belgium and Germany, after ArcelorMittal announced last week it was prolonging the temporary shutdown of its two blast furnaces.Unions had announced at the weekend their intention to take action and workers found the offices empty. They plan to install a tent village at site, imitating the “Occupy” anti-capitalist movement which swept Western nations in the wake of the global financial crisis.
greece -The fight against the new occupation’s regime continues by KOE
we published text from KOE organisation that makes a militant struggle against Greek government, into popular revolt, but we have in different problems a different vision of struggle in greece today
1 - the struggle in greece is before against greek government and greeck bourgeosie, that is part of europeans bourgeosie that together impose dicktat to proletarian and greek people
2 - the struggle in Greece demand assault to parliament and gouvernment for this it needs militant agree with youth rebel
3 .- popular revolt it is not the end but the beginning of people's war in greece for winning
february 2012
13/02/2012: The fight against the new occupation’s regime continues [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image]Press Statement of ΚΟΕ
• Down with the coup of the Bailout Agreement, down with the illegal Papadimos’ government
• Overthrow the whole rotten political system
• Democracy, Independence, Productive Reconstruction, Emancipation
The Communist Organization of Greece salutes the hundreds of thousands of people who swamped Athens yesterday and protested throughout Greece, resolutely opposing the new bonds that the IMF-EU-ECB troika imposes. The Greek people proved their advanced readiness for combat, and showed increased endurance and courage facing the ruthless attacks of the “special police” forces. Despite the state terrorism and the blackmails of the establishment, the fighting spirit of the people against the new occupation and the tyranny is raging.
The new Bailout Agreement is imposed entirely as in a coup, by an illegal government, and “approved” by a parliament that has lost any legitimacy. The Papadimos’ puppet government, the three bourgeois pro-Agreement parties and the politicians who voted for and supported the new disastrous Bailout Agreement are continuously violating their own Constitution and the country’s sovereignty. Their whole political system is hence entirely illegitimate. They have definitively taken a divorce from the people, and must leave immediately.
Since the appointed “prime minister”-banker Papadimos and his entourage didn’t manage to terrorize the people with the default threat (besides, the Bailout Agreement leads to default with mathematical accuracy), they found as sole refuge the ruthless police violence and terror. They unpretentiously suffocated Athens with chemicals, not hesitating to use their “weapons” in the most ferocious way even against two emblematic figures, like our National Resistance hero Manolis Glezos and the internationally famous compositor Mikis Theodorakis.
The illegal and completely illegitimate government, with the full support of most mainstream Media, resorted to violence and invested in terror. The “journalists”-parrots of the system and the apologists of the troika talked systematically only about the damages provoked in buildings. They “forgot” to mention the hundreds of thousands of people who, despite the barbarous police attacks and the chemicals, remained in Syntagma square and the rest of Athens’ centre during 5 hours. For what happened yesterday, as well as for what’s coming, the sole responsible is non other than the illegal government, which in full contrast to the will of the people and with repeated coups is delivering the country, the life and the future of its people, to its patrons.
The political system that robbed and destroyed Greece, that leads it to default and is now delivering it as a colony to foreign commissioners and foreign “courts of justice”, is crumbling in front of our eyes. They cannot even convince themselves any longer: 45 MPs of the bourgeois parties, under the popular pressure, voted against the Bailout Agreement and were immediately expelled from their respective parties. For the first time since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974, fewer than 200 MPs voted “yes” at a decision that had the support of both the two big bourgeois parties.
The intensified crisis of the political system is an opportunity for the promotion of a social and political front that will put a stop to this illegal regime and set the country in a different course, materializing what the people want and claim for. A social and political front which will pave the way for the salvation of the people and the country: Real Democracy. Independence. Productive Reconstruction. Stop the payments NOW – Not one more euro to the loan sharks. We can break the chains, the fight continues!
Forward, to a radical political change led by the people!
1 - the struggle in greece is before against greek government and greeck bourgeosie, that is part of europeans bourgeosie that together impose dicktat to proletarian and greek people
2 - the struggle in Greece demand assault to parliament and gouvernment for this it needs militant agree with youth rebel
3 .- popular revolt it is not the end but the beginning of people's war in greece for winning
february 2012
13/02/2012: The fight against the new occupation’s regime continues [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image]Press Statement of ΚΟΕ
• Down with the coup of the Bailout Agreement, down with the illegal Papadimos’ government
• Overthrow the whole rotten political system
• Democracy, Independence, Productive Reconstruction, Emancipation
The Communist Organization of Greece salutes the hundreds of thousands of people who swamped Athens yesterday and protested throughout Greece, resolutely opposing the new bonds that the IMF-EU-ECB troika imposes. The Greek people proved their advanced readiness for combat, and showed increased endurance and courage facing the ruthless attacks of the “special police” forces. Despite the state terrorism and the blackmails of the establishment, the fighting spirit of the people against the new occupation and the tyranny is raging.
The new Bailout Agreement is imposed entirely as in a coup, by an illegal government, and “approved” by a parliament that has lost any legitimacy. The Papadimos’ puppet government, the three bourgeois pro-Agreement parties and the politicians who voted for and supported the new disastrous Bailout Agreement are continuously violating their own Constitution and the country’s sovereignty. Their whole political system is hence entirely illegitimate. They have definitively taken a divorce from the people, and must leave immediately.
Since the appointed “prime minister”-banker Papadimos and his entourage didn’t manage to terrorize the people with the default threat (besides, the Bailout Agreement leads to default with mathematical accuracy), they found as sole refuge the ruthless police violence and terror. They unpretentiously suffocated Athens with chemicals, not hesitating to use their “weapons” in the most ferocious way even against two emblematic figures, like our National Resistance hero Manolis Glezos and the internationally famous compositor Mikis Theodorakis.
The illegal and completely illegitimate government, with the full support of most mainstream Media, resorted to violence and invested in terror. The “journalists”-parrots of the system and the apologists of the troika talked systematically only about the damages provoked in buildings. They “forgot” to mention the hundreds of thousands of people who, despite the barbarous police attacks and the chemicals, remained in Syntagma square and the rest of Athens’ centre during 5 hours. For what happened yesterday, as well as for what’s coming, the sole responsible is non other than the illegal government, which in full contrast to the will of the people and with repeated coups is delivering the country, the life and the future of its people, to its patrons.
The political system that robbed and destroyed Greece, that leads it to default and is now delivering it as a colony to foreign commissioners and foreign “courts of justice”, is crumbling in front of our eyes. They cannot even convince themselves any longer: 45 MPs of the bourgeois parties, under the popular pressure, voted against the Bailout Agreement and were immediately expelled from their respective parties. For the first time since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974, fewer than 200 MPs voted “yes” at a decision that had the support of both the two big bourgeois parties.
The intensified crisis of the political system is an opportunity for the promotion of a social and political front that will put a stop to this illegal regime and set the country in a different course, materializing what the people want and claim for. A social and political front which will pave the way for the salvation of the people and the country: Real Democracy. Independence. Productive Reconstruction. Stop the payments NOW – Not one more euro to the loan sharks. We can break the chains, the fight continues!
Forward, to a radical political change led by the people!
Philippines US wants to setup a mini-Subic to accomodate rotating American troops -- CPP
The US wants to use the Philippines as a platform for its power-projection, China-containment and interventionist operations in the Asia-Pacific region... The Aquino regime is all too willing to provide its masters with all the facilities it needs."
CPP Information Bureau
16 February 2012
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today assailed the US government for seeking to establish another Subic Naval Base in the Philippines, a little smaller perhaps, to service ships and troops being "rotated" in the Asia-Pacific region.
"US plans to setup a mini-Subic military base, service facility or exclusive dock in the Philippines have become increasingly apparent as officials of the Obama government announced it is going to rotate at least 3,300 troops from its Okinawa base in Australia, Singapore, Hawaii and the Philippines.
Testifying before the US Senate Armed Forces Committee, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Obama government is working to forge an agreement with the Aquino regime similar with that forged with Australia allowing the US military to regularly dock American warships and maintain "rotational" presence.
US officials have announced earlier that it had scrapped initial plans to transfer its 8,000 troops based in Okinawa to its base in Guam, an American territory. Instead, it now plans to transfer only 4,700 troops to Guam and have the rest of its Okinawa-based forces "rotated" in the Asia-Pacific countries.
"The plan to set up facilities in the Philippines for the regular docking of American warships will practically bring back American military bases in the country," said the CPP. "The US wants to use the Philippines as a platform for its power-projection, China-containment and interventionist operations in the Asia-Pacific region."
"The biggest problem of the Filipino peopls is that the Aquino regime is all too willing to provide its masters with all the facilities it needs."
The matter of providing facilities for American troops on rotation in the Philippines was discussed in the Strategic Defense Dialogue (SDD) meeting earlier last month between officials of the US government and the Aquino regime. Aquino's officials have promised the American government that it would come up with concrete proposals for this plan.
An agreement to setup such a facility in the Philippines is one of the agreements that the US seeks to sign in the coming months. Such negotiations are being carried out in the dark by officials of the Obama and Aquino regimes are an affront to Philippine sovereignty.
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today called on the Filipino people to vigorously oppose US imperialist machinations to set up facilities in the Philippines to accomodate thousands of American troops who are to be put on "rotation" in Asia-Pacific waters in the upcoming years.
"The Filipino people must fan the flames of patriotism and stand up against the imperialist machinations of the US to use the Philippines as a platform for their hegemonism," said the CPP.
CPP Information Bureau
16 February 2012
US wants to setup a mini-Subic to accomodate rotating American troops -- CPP
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today assailed the US government for seeking to establish another Subic Naval Base in the Philippines, a little smaller perhaps, to service ships and troops being "rotated" in the Asia-Pacific region.
"US plans to setup a mini-Subic military base, service facility or exclusive dock in the Philippines have become increasingly apparent as officials of the Obama government announced it is going to rotate at least 3,300 troops from its Okinawa base in Australia, Singapore, Hawaii and the Philippines.
Testifying before the US Senate Armed Forces Committee, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Obama government is working to forge an agreement with the Aquino regime similar with that forged with Australia allowing the US military to regularly dock American warships and maintain "rotational" presence.
US officials have announced earlier that it had scrapped initial plans to transfer its 8,000 troops based in Okinawa to its base in Guam, an American territory. Instead, it now plans to transfer only 4,700 troops to Guam and have the rest of its Okinawa-based forces "rotated" in the Asia-Pacific countries.
"The plan to set up facilities in the Philippines for the regular docking of American warships will practically bring back American military bases in the country," said the CPP. "The US wants to use the Philippines as a platform for its power-projection, China-containment and interventionist operations in the Asia-Pacific region."
"The biggest problem of the Filipino peopls is that the Aquino regime is all too willing to provide its masters with all the facilities it needs."
The matter of providing facilities for American troops on rotation in the Philippines was discussed in the Strategic Defense Dialogue (SDD) meeting earlier last month between officials of the US government and the Aquino regime. Aquino's officials have promised the American government that it would come up with concrete proposals for this plan.
An agreement to setup such a facility in the Philippines is one of the agreements that the US seeks to sign in the coming months. Such negotiations are being carried out in the dark by officials of the Obama and Aquino regimes are an affront to Philippine sovereignty.
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today called on the Filipino people to vigorously oppose US imperialist machinations to set up facilities in the Philippines to accomodate thousands of American troops who are to be put on "rotation" in Asia-Pacific waters in the upcoming years.
"The Filipino people must fan the flames of patriotism and stand up against the imperialist machinations of the US to use the Philippines as a platform for their hegemonism," said the CPP.
Canada - Québec Student Movement: The General Strike Gets Under Way!
While this article was going to the press, the beginning of the general student strike in Québec was only a few hours away. Students at the Université du Québec à Montreal (studying humanities, arts, political science and law) were likely to initiate the movement, together with small departments at Université Laval and the Université de Montréal; they will be joined by the CEGEP de Valleyfield and Marie-Victorin next week.
Considering that the student mobilization is mainly related to the $1,625 rising of university tuition fees on the part of the Charest government (in addition to budget cuts in CEGEPs), the Revolutionary Student Movement (MER-PCR) calls for an expansion of the fight. If rising tuition is an attack against our rights and those of the proletarian youth, we cannot oppose it while accepting all other assaults stemming from capitalism, including increasing fees in the health care system, cuts in pensions and layoffs that continue to multiply. We simply cannot tolerate becoming poorer while the rich become richer!
It has become quite clear that we must organize against these various attacks. There is now the potential for struggle, a fact that expresses itself in the many people affected by the crisis of capitalism who are willing to fight —an incredibly positive development. Traditionally, however, defensive struggles against government attacks are waged in a disorganized manner: the students are fighting for their rights, workers are struggling on their part, community groups are defending others, etc. Sometimes this works, but we are often unable to win anything in this manner. Getting organized is not enough. To do things properly —in a way that leads the proletariat to victory— we must organize using the necessary means to fight and win.
Some of us are fed up with the routine way of organizing, in which the most important objective appears to be “feeling good” about what we are doing. Let’s leave it to others to take care of their consciences! What interests us is to organize a militant response. This will allow us to fight against both arbitrary and artificial divisions within the working class, along with the different struggles that are waged: popular, labour, student, etc. The situation is clear: we have only one enemy —the capitalist system— and our response must be common and include not only students but all oppressed people. For that reason, we invite students to join the various committees and anti-capitalist meetings to be held during the strike.
Because for the Revolutionary Student Movement, anti-capitalism must be something more than speeches: it must develop as a real practice in the class struggle.
To get in touch with the Revolutionary Student Movement in Québec: www.mer-pcr.com
Considering that the student mobilization is mainly related to the $1,625 rising of university tuition fees on the part of the Charest government (in addition to budget cuts in CEGEPs), the Revolutionary Student Movement (MER-PCR) calls for an expansion of the fight. If rising tuition is an attack against our rights and those of the proletarian youth, we cannot oppose it while accepting all other assaults stemming from capitalism, including increasing fees in the health care system, cuts in pensions and layoffs that continue to multiply. We simply cannot tolerate becoming poorer while the rich become richer!
It has become quite clear that we must organize against these various attacks. There is now the potential for struggle, a fact that expresses itself in the many people affected by the crisis of capitalism who are willing to fight —an incredibly positive development. Traditionally, however, defensive struggles against government attacks are waged in a disorganized manner: the students are fighting for their rights, workers are struggling on their part, community groups are defending others, etc. Sometimes this works, but we are often unable to win anything in this manner. Getting organized is not enough. To do things properly —in a way that leads the proletariat to victory— we must organize using the necessary means to fight and win.
Some of us are fed up with the routine way of organizing, in which the most important objective appears to be “feeling good” about what we are doing. Let’s leave it to others to take care of their consciences! What interests us is to organize a militant response. This will allow us to fight against both arbitrary and artificial divisions within the working class, along with the different struggles that are waged: popular, labour, student, etc. The situation is clear: we have only one enemy —the capitalist system— and our response must be common and include not only students but all oppressed people. For that reason, we invite students to join the various committees and anti-capitalist meetings to be held during the strike.
Because for the Revolutionary Student Movement, anti-capitalism must be something more than speeches: it must develop as a real practice in the class struggle.
To get in touch with the Revolutionary Student Movement in Québec: www.mer-pcr.com
* * *
Nepal big mass demonstration for anniversary of people's war
the big demonstration shows how much large is in nepalese people the support to people's war ten years and shows that PCUN maoist organiset also today large part of nepalese people, and revolutionary left defend peoples war line for new democracy revolution, but this doesn't change the key question in Nepal and in ICM
the line of leadership Prachanda_Battarai is a revisionist line, and against this, it needs a maoist line for defend revolution roadand retake the march for new democracy revolution, for socialism and communism.
maoistroad struggles for rebuilding international mlm organisation today and call maoist nepalese in and out the PCUN maoist to join this work for an international conference.
long live nepal people's war ! long live marxism-leninism-maoism !forwards a new international mlm organisation !
maoistroad 20 february 2012
Morocco - demonstration in Italy - support revolutionary mouvement 20 february - support political prisoners VDB in Morocco
Fine settimana di mobilitazioni in Italia in solidarietà alle lotte popolari
in Marocco. In occasione del primo anniversario della fondazione del
movimento maghrebino "20 di febbraio", militanti e simpatizzanti del
movimento rivoluzionario promuovono, domenica pomeriggio, un presidio
davanti al consolato del Marocco di Verona.

proletari comunisti e la rivista maoist road hanno già promosso il 24
gennaio scorso una mobilitazione in solidarietà con il popolo marocchino
e in particolare in quella giornata la solidarietà ai giovani maoisti
prigionieri nelle carceri marocchine appartenenti a 'via democratica di
base', organizzazione marxista leninista maoista che è parte del Movimento
20 febbreio
Fine settimana di mobilitazioni in Italia in solidarietà alle lotte popolari
in Marocco. In occasione del primo anniversario della fondazione del
movimento maghrebino "20 di febbraio", militanti e simpatizzanti del
movimento rivoluzionario promuovono, domenica pomeriggio, un presidio
davanti al consolato del Marocco di Verona.

proletari comunisti e la rivista maoist road hanno già promosso il 24
gennaio scorso una mobilitazione in solidarietà con il popolo marocchino
e in particolare in quella giornata la solidarietà ai giovani maoisti
prigionieri nelle carceri marocchine appartenenti a 'via democratica di
base', organizzazione marxista leninista maoista che è parte del Movimento
20 febbreio
Saturday, February 18, 2012
france - La classe ouvrière vaincra ! Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout !
La classe ouvrière vaincra ! Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout !
Les TOTAL, BNP, ARCELOR MITTAL, etc. empochent des milliards de plus-value sur le travail des ouvriers. Ils ne conservent l’emploi que lorsque celui-ci rapporte le taux de plus value le plus élevé possible, sinon ils ferment leurs usines, leurs entreprises, les démantèlent pour les installer dans d’autres pays où le coût du travail est moins cher et où il n’y a pas ou peu de charges.
Dans les pays dont ils exploitent la main d’œuvre bon marché et pillent les richesses naturelles, ils ont mis en place des hommes de paille, des gouvernements corrompus à leur solde qui leur servent de « chiens de garde » pour opprimer et exploiter les travailleurs. Ils sont prêts à massacrer les peuples innocents et à intervenir militairement, comme en Irak, pour préserver leurs intérêts. Pour se maintenir, ils renforcent leur armée et leur police et paient des sociétés de mercenaires privées.
Ils tentent de diviser les travailleurs entre eux, français et immigrés, croyants et non croyants,… alors qu’ils les exploitent de la même façon, leur enlevant leur outil de travail, les réduisant au chômage et à la galère, les chassant de leurs logements qu’ils soient locataires ou petits propriétaires.
Les travailleurs de PSA Aulnay ont raison de dire que « PSA est une entreprise riche à milliards », que leur but en fermant l’usine d’Aulnay est de « surcharger de travail les uns et envoyer les autres au chômage pour faire plus de profit. » « Avec la fermeture de PSA Aulnay, toute la population est attaquée…commerçants, services publics. » « Plus de 10.000 emplois de sous-traitants seront supprimés ». Le PDG de PSA est un « valet » grassement payé du capital. Bien que salarié, il n’a rien à voir avec les travailleurs. Il fait partie du camp des exploiteurs, de l’ennemi de classe.
Les usines ferment et l’Etat exonère de charges sociales les patrons, baisse les impôts et les contributions des plus riches, diminue le remboursement des frais médicaux, supprime des centaines de milliers d’emploi dans le secteur public.
Nous devons nous organiser pour résister comme l’ont fait les travailleurs de Continental, ceux de Goodyear et biens d’autres pour limiter la suppression des emplois, obtenir des indemnités « conséquentes ». Cela règle le problème à court terme, mais n’arrête pas la machine infernale du capitalisme, la concurrence infernale, la destruction des économies et pour finir la guerre qui se profile pour un repartage des zones d’influence et de la répartition des profits entre groupes et Etats impérialistes.
Il ne suffit pas de changer d’équipe gouvernementale si l’on veut arrêter le chômage et les délocalisations en restant dans le système. C’est comme faire un ravalement de façade alors que les fondations sont pourries. Le problème n’est pas de nationaliser les grandes entreprises, les banques, mais de les exproprier sans indemnités, de supprimer les marchés financiers. Il s’agit de rompre avec ce système.
Dans tous les pays, devant la juste révolte des peuples, les classes exploiteuses renforcent leur appareil d’Etat (armée, police, justice). En France c’est la même logique : la bourgeoisie capitaliste ne va pas céder la place de son plein gré.
Nous devons donc nous apprêter à lutter et commencer par se révolter contre ce système criminel comme le font les peuples arabes et le peuple grec qui refuse de se mettre à genoux et de sombrer dans la misère.
Nous devons nous organiser sur chaque lieu de travail pour empêcher par tous les moyens le patronat de poursuivre ses plans de liquidation de l’outil de travail et de l’emploi et dans chaque quartier pour s’opposer aux expulsions en réquisitionnant en masse les logements vides et en organisant l’entraide populaire.
C’est ainsi que nous prendrons conscience que nous sommes des millions, que nous sommes l’immense majorité et que, unis, nous pouvons vaincre la minorité exploiteuse.
La classe ouvrière à « raison de se révolter », tout comme les travailleurs et peuples du monde entier !
C’est une lutte, une guerre prolongée, que nous devons mener étape par étape contre les forces de l’argent, la bourgeoisie, jusqu’à la destruction de la dictature du capital et la prise en main de l’économie, de la politique, de l’éducation, de la culture, etc. par le prolétariat et les peuples du monde.
Organisons atelier par atelier des comités unitaires regroupant syndiqués et non syndiqués sur toute l’usine, en liaison avec les autres unités de production de Mulhouse et Poissy !
PC maoïste de France
Les TOTAL, BNP, ARCELOR MITTAL, etc. empochent des milliards de plus-value sur le travail des ouvriers. Ils ne conservent l’emploi que lorsque celui-ci rapporte le taux de plus value le plus élevé possible, sinon ils ferment leurs usines, leurs entreprises, les démantèlent pour les installer dans d’autres pays où le coût du travail est moins cher et où il n’y a pas ou peu de charges.
Dans les pays dont ils exploitent la main d’œuvre bon marché et pillent les richesses naturelles, ils ont mis en place des hommes de paille, des gouvernements corrompus à leur solde qui leur servent de « chiens de garde » pour opprimer et exploiter les travailleurs. Ils sont prêts à massacrer les peuples innocents et à intervenir militairement, comme en Irak, pour préserver leurs intérêts. Pour se maintenir, ils renforcent leur armée et leur police et paient des sociétés de mercenaires privées.
Ils tentent de diviser les travailleurs entre eux, français et immigrés, croyants et non croyants,… alors qu’ils les exploitent de la même façon, leur enlevant leur outil de travail, les réduisant au chômage et à la galère, les chassant de leurs logements qu’ils soient locataires ou petits propriétaires.
Les travailleurs de PSA Aulnay ont raison de dire que « PSA est une entreprise riche à milliards », que leur but en fermant l’usine d’Aulnay est de « surcharger de travail les uns et envoyer les autres au chômage pour faire plus de profit. » « Avec la fermeture de PSA Aulnay, toute la population est attaquée…commerçants, services publics. » « Plus de 10.000 emplois de sous-traitants seront supprimés ». Le PDG de PSA est un « valet » grassement payé du capital. Bien que salarié, il n’a rien à voir avec les travailleurs. Il fait partie du camp des exploiteurs, de l’ennemi de classe.
Les usines ferment et l’Etat exonère de charges sociales les patrons, baisse les impôts et les contributions des plus riches, diminue le remboursement des frais médicaux, supprime des centaines de milliers d’emploi dans le secteur public.
Nous devons nous organiser pour résister comme l’ont fait les travailleurs de Continental, ceux de Goodyear et biens d’autres pour limiter la suppression des emplois, obtenir des indemnités « conséquentes ». Cela règle le problème à court terme, mais n’arrête pas la machine infernale du capitalisme, la concurrence infernale, la destruction des économies et pour finir la guerre qui se profile pour un repartage des zones d’influence et de la répartition des profits entre groupes et Etats impérialistes.
Il ne suffit pas de changer d’équipe gouvernementale si l’on veut arrêter le chômage et les délocalisations en restant dans le système. C’est comme faire un ravalement de façade alors que les fondations sont pourries. Le problème n’est pas de nationaliser les grandes entreprises, les banques, mais de les exproprier sans indemnités, de supprimer les marchés financiers. Il s’agit de rompre avec ce système.
Dans tous les pays, devant la juste révolte des peuples, les classes exploiteuses renforcent leur appareil d’Etat (armée, police, justice). En France c’est la même logique : la bourgeoisie capitaliste ne va pas céder la place de son plein gré.
Nous devons donc nous apprêter à lutter et commencer par se révolter contre ce système criminel comme le font les peuples arabes et le peuple grec qui refuse de se mettre à genoux et de sombrer dans la misère.
Nous devons nous organiser sur chaque lieu de travail pour empêcher par tous les moyens le patronat de poursuivre ses plans de liquidation de l’outil de travail et de l’emploi et dans chaque quartier pour s’opposer aux expulsions en réquisitionnant en masse les logements vides et en organisant l’entraide populaire.
C’est ainsi que nous prendrons conscience que nous sommes des millions, que nous sommes l’immense majorité et que, unis, nous pouvons vaincre la minorité exploiteuse.
La classe ouvrière à « raison de se révolter », tout comme les travailleurs et peuples du monde entier !
C’est une lutte, une guerre prolongée, que nous devons mener étape par étape contre les forces de l’argent, la bourgeoisie, jusqu’à la destruction de la dictature du capital et la prise en main de l’économie, de la politique, de l’éducation, de la culture, etc. par le prolétariat et les peuples du monde.
Organisons atelier par atelier des comités unitaires regroupant syndiqués et non syndiqués sur toute l’usine, en liaison avec les autres unités de production de Mulhouse et Poissy !
PC maoïste de France
Canada maoist activity -Dans le cadre des Rendez-vous de la Maison Norman Bethune:Histoire et luttes de classes: Capitalisme et confédération -
Histoire et luttes de classes: Capitalisme et confédération
Histoire et luttes de classes: Capitalisme et confédération
Dans le cadre des Rendez-vous de la Maison Norman Bethune:
Histoire et luttes de classes: Capitalisme et confédération
1918, rue Frontenac
Montréal (métro Frontenac)
Entrée libre • Info: 514 563-1487
Histoire et luttes de classes: Capitalisme et confédération
Au milieu du XIXe siècle, la Grande-Bretagne assouplit les liens de dépendance attachant ses colonies d’Amérique du Nord à son empire. À la faveur de cette nouvelle autonomie, une bourgeoisie nationale canadienne se crée par l’intégration des colonies britanniques nord-américaines dans un seul marché et par l’application d’une politique économique d’expansion et de développement industriel. L’Acte de l’Amérique du Nord britannique de 1867 constitue la clé politique de ce processus.
Dans la série «Histoire et lutte de classes», nous proposons de réfléchir à la construction historique de l’État multinational canadien par une analyse matérialiste qui, bien sûr, rejette les mythologies nationales pour permettre une meilleure compréhension de la situation politique canadienne actuelle.
Le vendredi 24 février à 19h001918, rue Frontenac
Montréal (métro Frontenac)
Entrée libre • Info: 514 563-1487
development worker's struggle into imperialist countries, news from spanish state, maoist parties and organisations must take in their hands these struggles
sábado 18 de febrero de 2012
Estado español: Llamado de la CSM a la manifestación del domingo 19 de febrero contra la Reforma Laboral
Manifestación de Neptuno a Sol contra la Reforma Laboral
Domingo, 19 de febrero a las 12:00 horas
El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado otra contrarreforma laboral. El gobierno del mentiroso Rajoy, como buen lacayo del imperialismo, se ha sometido de lleno a intereses extranjeros, como lo son los mercados especulativos, los gobiernos de Alemania y Francia y los burócratas de la Unión Europea, entre otros.
Este gobierno, como representante de los grandes capitalistas, sigue las directrices de la patronal CEOE que se beneficiará, de manera importante, del incremento de la explotación de los trabajadores, abaratando y facilitando aun más el despido, posibilitando la modificación de las condiciones de trabajo al arbitrio de los empresarios, permitiendo la rebaja de salarios, y otra serie de medidas regresivas que eliminan derechos conquistados por las luchas sucesivas de la clase obrera a lo largo de décadas.
La Coordinadora Sindical de Madrid (CSM) rechaza frontalmente la contrarreforma y lucharemos con todas nuestras fuerzas frente a esta agresión a los trabajadores. Llamamos a manifestarnos este próximo domingo, 19 de febrero, a las 12 de la mañana de Neptuno a Sol como primera medida concreta contra este ataque que nos afecta a todos y a todas.
Consideramos la manifestación como una primera medida de movilización que tomamos la plataforma Hay que pararles los pies, de la que formamos parte la CSM, entendiendo que la batalla no ha hecho más que empezar.
Cuando vienen a por los trabajadores tenemos la obligación y el derecho de defendernos, y así lo haremos.
Sabemos que la Huelga General es imprescindible para defendernos y llamamos a discutirla en los centros de trabajo y a organizarla para tumbar la contrarreforma laboral. La CSM apuesta claramente por la misma y contribuirá a su consecución y su éxito para los trabajadores.
Hay que fortalecer el sindicalismo de clase de manera concreta, combatiendo la paz social y el pacto social que nos llevan a tremendos retrocesos. Luchemos por el futuro, organicemos el sindicalismo de clase que nunca se rinde y de verdad defiende a los trabajadores.
Coordinadora Sindical de Madrid: Alternativa Sindical de Trabajadores; Plataforma Sindical (EMT); Comisión Trabajadores Asamblearios; Sindicato Autónomo de Trabajadores Nueva Plataforma (Casa de la Moneda); Colectivo Obrero Popular (Roca); Plataforma Sindical (Etasa); Sindicato Unitario; Sindicato Unitario Independiente de Trabajadores (Hotel Meliá); Plataforma Sindical Independiente (Blas & Cía).
16 de febrero de 2012
La Coordinadora Sindical de Madrid os convoca a las 11:30 en el Pso. del Prado, junto al Hotel Ritz
Letter of Organization of the Workers of Afghanistan (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, principally Maoist) to PBSP MUG [Bangladesh]
maoist road publishes this letter for debate in mmlm mouvement
in the next months the international debate will make a new seroius advancement and the road for a new international conference in and out RIM will be open
we hope that all mlm parties and organisations rally for this !
Letter of Organization of the Workers of Afghanistan (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, principally Maoist) to PBSP MUG [Bangladesh]
Hello Dear Comrades,
Organization of the Workers of Afghanistan (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist,principally Maoist) is the vanguard of the proletariat and other oppressed of Afghanistan. We are fighting for the cause of Communism. We Believe that: Only Maoism May Assume The Command of The World Revolution. So, The New Democratic Revolution of Afghanistan is part of the world proletarian revolution.
We are very unhappy by seeing that: today there is no Maoist world center. Once RIM seemed to fulfill such a base.But wrong line of RIM, especially its undermining of the works of Chairman Gonzalo, deviated this organization from the line of Maoism, and lead it towards Avakianist opportunist line.
We strongly believe that: only Maoism may lead the oppressed people of the world to victory.
In Afghanistan, the US imperialism and her Co. imperialist and hegemonist united forces, have destroyed every thing. They have invaded our country and have suppressed the people of our country. Everyday they commit new crimes. They kill the people. they rape young girls and boys. they put on fire our villagers, and finally they have brought slavery for all our society. Only the unity of the proletariat and other oppressed classes may bring the ability of building an independent strong Afghanistan by breaking down the invaders. Only New Democracy can save us.
So, the unity of Afghan Maoists is the key to build a strong Communist party based on Maoism. unfortunately, the Maoist forces of Afghanistan are still scattered, and they still lack a central unity point. This mainly comes from the domination of Centrism and Avakianism among the major section of Maoists. Our organization is the first and the only organization in Afghanistan which bases itself in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,Principally Maoism. We believe on concentric construction of the three magic tools of revolution. We believe on " Peoples' War until Communism". We are on building a new organization up on thesis of chair man Gonzalo: A militarized Maoist organization that be able to fulfill the peoples' war. We strong emphasize in: People make the history, the party leads.
We found you in internet, and too we found the Communist Maoist party of Manipur. We are interested to both organizations, because, we have the same international line which come from principality of Maoism as Command of World Revolution. Today, in Afghanistan, centrist parties and organizations claiming to be Maoists, are denying the People's war until communism. For example. Communist Maoist party of Afghanistan, which is an ex-Avakianist party, still denies chairman Gonzalo's achievements. It still denies "Thought" to be a Maoist one. " Afghanistan Maoists" is another group which argues to be a Maoist one, but it has a diversity and enmity with chairman Gonzalo and Principality of Maoism. They reject Principality of Maoism and our organization. They reject us because they claim that principality of Maoism is not true. Nevertheless, our organization, however alone, is fighting and leading a two lines struggle. We are fighting for communism, so We
Uphold, Defend and will apply Maoism. misfortunately there are still a few organizations in the world based on revolutionary Maoism. Only Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,principally Maoism can save as in a sound and strong two lines struggle. Centrists and other opportunists are hiding behind their so called " Marxism-Leninism-Maoism" to fight against principality of Maoism. They still recognize and prefer " Mao-Tse-Tung thought " based organizations and parties, but they fail to recognize the historical importance of communist party of Peru and its achievements. They still fail to recognize Chairman Gonzalo, and some of them like "Afghanistan Maoists" assume him as non-Maoist. We uphold, defend and apply Maoism, so we do have to defend chairman Gonzalo and his all powerful thought as an international issue of a great importance for world proletariat.
We keep in contact with you because, we want to have close relation with you. We have the same true stands, and that is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism.
Our web address is:
our email is: chap_af@yahoo.com
still our materials in our website is in Persian. We seek to find the opportunity to translate some materials in English, and we will send them to you.
With Communist internationalist regards
Long Life Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,principally Maoism
Organization of the Workers of Afghanistan
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, principally Maoist
15 February 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Palermo italy - demonstration migrants Nigeria women agaist killing women -from revolutionary feminist proletarian mouvement
MFPR is organised by PCm Italy

per Favour e Loveth... in piazza con le donne nigeriane
>Un migliaio al corteo/fiaccolata di oggi pomeriggio per Favour e Loveth,
>donne nigeriane barbaramente uccise a Palermo, il 20 dicembre scorso era
>scomparsa la giovane Favour il cui cadavere è stato ritrovato il 22
>nelle campagne del paese Misilmeri mentre il 5 gennaio in Via F. Jiuvara è
>stato ritrovato il corpo nudo senza vita di Loveth, giovane di 22 ann.
>Tante le donne della comunità nigeriana che sono scese in piazza combattive
>determinate che, nonstante la pioggia, con tanti cartelli in mano con la
>delle due giovani vittime, hanno gridato per tutto il tempo "we need Justice
>vogliamo giustizia", "dignità" , "Stop Killing - basta uccidere".
>Abbiamo parlato con alcune di loro che ci hanno raccontato della rabbia,
>dolore per l'uccisione delle due sorelle nigeriane, che ci hanno detto di
>è difficile vivere in un paese come il nostro dove o sei sfruttata da morire
>lavori iperprecari e sotto pagati " dopo un mese in un ristorante a fare la
>serva mi hanno buttato fuori senza neanche pagarmi" o sei costretta spesso
>prostituirti, " ma non si può accettare tutto questo, vogliamo giustizia,
>enough is enough! (basta è basta!)"
>Giunti nella strada dove è stato abbandonata Loveth, tanti mazzi di
>gialle tra le fiaccole accese, le donne nigeriane hanno intonato dei canti
>memoria delle due giovani donne uccise.
>Abbiamo messo su una parete di fronte un cartello " contro sessismo,
>maschilismo, razzismo la ribellione delle donne è doppiamente giusta"
>Sotto stralci del volantino diffuso:
>La dimensione della violenza e delle uccisioni di donne mostra in maniera
>evidente che non si tratta affatto di singoli episodi ma di una condizione
>generale delle donne.La società imperialista è arrivata ad un grado di
>putrefazione, in cui l’oppressione verso la donna, che sempre è la cartina
>tornasole del grado di inciviltà del sistema
>sociale, assume la forma della violenza, della brutalità, e di questo si è
>trattato nel caso della tragica morte di delle giovani donne nigeriane
>e Loveth, vittime di una violenza brutale.
>E' questo sistema sociale la causa principale delle violenze e uccisioni
>donne, questa realtà non ha soluzione se non in una rottura rivoluzionaria
>un sistema ormai pieno di metastasi, attraverso una lotta per far sentire
>ogni donna la forza collettiva delle donne “per ogni donna stuprata e
>offesasiamo tutte parte lesa!!!", una lotta complessiva contro governo,
>padroni, Stato e tutte le propaggini culturali, ideologiche, sessiste,
>maschiliste, razziste...
>Da qui all'8 marzo e oltre... denunciare con forza, ribellarci e unirci
>lotta organizzata per rovesciare questo sistema di oppressione!
movimento femminista proletario rivoluzionario- palermo
pc 17 febbraio - per Favour e Loveth... in piazza con le donne nigeriane a Palermo

per Favour e Loveth... in piazza con le donne nigeriane
>Un migliaio al corteo/fiaccolata di oggi pomeriggio per Favour e Loveth,
>donne nigeriane barbaramente uccise a Palermo, il 20 dicembre scorso era
>scomparsa la giovane Favour il cui cadavere è stato ritrovato il 22
>nelle campagne del paese Misilmeri mentre il 5 gennaio in Via F. Jiuvara è
>stato ritrovato il corpo nudo senza vita di Loveth, giovane di 22 ann.
>Tante le donne della comunità nigeriana che sono scese in piazza combattive
>determinate che, nonstante la pioggia, con tanti cartelli in mano con la
>delle due giovani vittime, hanno gridato per tutto il tempo "we need Justice
>vogliamo giustizia", "dignità" , "Stop Killing - basta uccidere".
>Abbiamo parlato con alcune di loro che ci hanno raccontato della rabbia,
>dolore per l'uccisione delle due sorelle nigeriane, che ci hanno detto di
>è difficile vivere in un paese come il nostro dove o sei sfruttata da morire
>lavori iperprecari e sotto pagati " dopo un mese in un ristorante a fare la
>serva mi hanno buttato fuori senza neanche pagarmi" o sei costretta spesso
>prostituirti, " ma non si può accettare tutto questo, vogliamo giustizia,
>enough is enough! (basta è basta!)"
>Giunti nella strada dove è stato abbandonata Loveth, tanti mazzi di
>gialle tra le fiaccole accese, le donne nigeriane hanno intonato dei canti
>memoria delle due giovani donne uccise.
>Abbiamo messo su una parete di fronte un cartello " contro sessismo,
>maschilismo, razzismo la ribellione delle donne è doppiamente giusta"
>Sotto stralci del volantino diffuso:
>La dimensione della violenza e delle uccisioni di donne mostra in maniera
>evidente che non si tratta affatto di singoli episodi ma di una condizione
>generale delle donne.La società imperialista è arrivata ad un grado di
>putrefazione, in cui l’oppressione verso la donna, che sempre è la cartina
>tornasole del grado di inciviltà del sistema
>sociale, assume la forma della violenza, della brutalità, e di questo si è
>trattato nel caso della tragica morte di delle giovani donne nigeriane
>e Loveth, vittime di una violenza brutale.
>E' questo sistema sociale la causa principale delle violenze e uccisioni
>donne, questa realtà non ha soluzione se non in una rottura rivoluzionaria
>un sistema ormai pieno di metastasi, attraverso una lotta per far sentire
>ogni donna la forza collettiva delle donne “per ogni donna stuprata e
>offesasiamo tutte parte lesa!!!", una lotta complessiva contro governo,
>padroni, Stato e tutte le propaggini culturali, ideologiche, sessiste,
>maschiliste, razziste...
>Da qui all'8 marzo e oltre... denunciare con forza, ribellarci e unirci
>lotta organizzata per rovesciare questo sistema di oppressione!
movimento femminista proletario rivoluzionario- palermo
preparatory meeting in Italy in avril for international conference for supporting people's war in India
variuos commitees have confirmed their partecipation to preparatory meeting for International conference to support in India
this is a good thing, internationalism is not a world , but asks actions coordinated in the world
international commitee to support is an arm of this activity, that all can take in their hands
we invite all supporters of people's war in India, all revolutionary and antimperialist organisation to contribute for building this conference as fiight against inperialism, india regime, green hunt operation
international commitee
this is a good thing, internationalism is not a world , but asks actions coordinated in the world
international commitee to support is an arm of this activity, that all can take in their hands
we invite all supporters of people's war in India, all revolutionary and antimperialist organisation to contribute for building this conference as fiight against inperialism, india regime, green hunt operation
international commitee
from Brasil for India - Soni Sori and Lingaram Kadopi free !
Seu sobrinho Lingaram Kadopi é um jovem jornalista, que também foi acusado de ter ligações com os maoístas e ainda está preso. Em abril de 2010, Lingaram participou do ‘Tribunal Popular Independente sobre aquisição de terras, apropriação de recursos e Operação Caçada Verde’, em Nova Déli.Ele documentou as atrocidades da polícia e das forças paramilitares e incluiu no seu trabalho apresentado a gravação das estórias contadas pelo povo, cujas casas foram queimadas e destruídas pela polícia em uma operação de três dias, em março de 2011.
Em setembro de 2011, Lingaram foi preso, acusado de ‘proteger’ os maoístas ao coletar dinheiro para o desenvolvimento da luta revolucionária em Chattisgarh. Soni Sori foi então pressionada pela polícia a persuadir Lingaram a aceitar as acusações contra ele. Ela recusou-se a fazer isso afirmando que as acusações eram falsas e acabou sendo ameaçada. Temendo por sua vida, Soni Sori foi para Nova Déli denunciar a perseguição contra ela e seu sobrinho e buscar assistência legal.
No entanto, em 4 de outubro de 2011 ela acabou sendo também presa em Déli. A polícia local não conseguiu encontrar qualquer prova contra ela. E, por isso, usou os mesmos métodos bárbaros que tem sido usado seguidamente contra o povo e os revolucionários na Índia. Soni Sori foi cruelmente torturada. E quando levada diante de um magistrado, os policiais refutaram as denúncias de tortura dizendo que a própria Soni teria provocado os ferimentos em seu corpo, quando caiu dentro de um banheiro. Mas os médicos encontraram marcas de ferimentos profundos em sua cabeça e costas; e marcas pretas foram encontradas em seus dedos dos pés, provavelmente causadas por choques elétricos. No relatório médico independente apresentado na Corte Suprema, os médicos afirmaram terem encontrado duas pedras inseridas no órgão genital de Soni Sori e outra dentro de seu reto.
A Anistia Internacional condenou estas prisões
Em debate realizado no dia 26 de janeiro, na Escola de Estudos Orientais e Africanos (SOAS Vernon Square Campus), da Universidade de Londres, foram feitas denúncias sobre a ação repressiva do Estado indiano contra o povo. A advogada e professora da Westmisnter University, Radha D’Souza; Richard Harkinson, da London Mining Network; Ramesh Gopalakrishnan, da Anistia Internacional e o professor Jonathan Parry discutiram a opressão crescente do Estado indiano.
Eles convocaram os presentes a participar da campanha pela libertação de Soni Sori e Lingaram Kadopi., repetindo o movimento realizado antes, em Londres, pela libertação do Dr. Binayak Sen, um médico do povo indiano, que foi preso, também acusado de trabalhar com os maoístas. Durante o evento foi apresentado o contundente documentário ‘Before Dark’, do indiando Ajay TG, que aborda o problema da grilagem de terras em Chattisgarh.
A Anistia Internacional denunciou que “o mega ‘neoliberal” desenvolvimento em estados como Chattisgarh, na Índia, é baseado na mineração e industrialização que tem levado a um deslocamento em larga escala e a uma perda dos meios de sobrevivência por parte da população local, particularmente das comunidades indígenas, os adivasis.
Ficou claro que a população local tem enfrentado a violência do Estado e das empresas de mineração, que tem significado mais e mais perseguições, detenções ilegais e torturas por parte da polícia e de forças paramilitares.
A campanha internacional, portanto, reivindica: punição imediata contra aqueles que torturam Soni Sori; libertação imediata de Soni Sori e Lingaram Kodopi e a retirada das falsas acusações contra eles.
Várias ações estão sendo planejadas para os próximos dias e meses. Além disso, é importante que outras organizações, em diferentes países, possam escrever mensagens para a Embaixada da Índia solidarizando-se com eles.
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