1. Prof. Saroj Giri, Delhi University
2. Prof. Nandita Narain, Delhi University
3. Prof. PK Vijayan, Delhi University
4. Prof. Karen Gabriel, Delhi University
5. K.Murali, Author
6. N Venugopal, Editor, Veekshanam, Hyderabad
7. Seema Azad, President, PUCL UP
8. Deepak Dholakiya (Delhi), Indian Community Activists Network (ICAN)@
9. V. K. Singh, Trade Union activist & Author, Varanasi
10. Sonmati Kumari, Advocate High Court Allahabad
11. Dr. Ashok Kumar Somal, Rtd IFS from Himachal Pradesh, Working with BJA and LRNA
12. Himanshu Kumar, Civil Rights Activist
13. Chaturanan Ojha, AIFRTE Uttar Pradesh
14. Sharanya Nayak, IPLLK, Koraput
15. Pradyuman Behera, Researcher, Mumbai
16. Rajaraman, Student of Indigenous Movements
5. RSF, West Bengal
6. CRPP, West Bengal
7. DYSA,West Bengal
8. PDSF, West Bengal
9. Anushilan, West Bengal
10. APDR, West Bengal
11. ACRA, West Bengal
12. SKM, West Bengal
13. SSM, West Bengal
14. RSA, Andhra Pradesh
15. SFS, Punjab
16. DSA, Kerala
17. JMP, Kerala
18. Porattom, Kerala
19. SFPD, Karnataka
20. BsCEM, Delhi
21. Nazariya, Delhi
22. PACHHAS, Delhi
23. Mulnibasi Students & Youth front, Odisha
24. Mulnibasi Literature Club, Odisha
25. BSM, UP
26. ICM, UP
27. ILPS
28. Ground Zero Network
29. People’s Coalition for Food Sovereignty
30. RSYM, Bangladesch
31. Chhatro Gonomoncho, Bangladesch
32. PDSU, Bangladesch
33. BSU, Bangladesch
34. ABFSU, Myanmar
35. ANSU, Nepal
36. ANNISUR, Nepal
37. FMN, Indonesien
38. Tenda Merah Kolektif (Red Tent Collective), Indonesien
39. Serve the People, Vietnam
40. PSC, Pakistan
41. YDG, Türkei
42. YDK, Türkei
43. Partizan, Türkei
44. Federation of Socialist Assemblies (SMF), Türkei
45. Socialist Youth Movement (SGH), Türkei
46. Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), Türkei
47. Partizan Martyrs and Prisoners Families (PŞTA), Türkei
48. Marxist Students’ Collective, England
49. Anti-Imperialist Front, Britannien
50. Portland Revolutionary Study Group, USA
51. Oakland-Berkely Revolutionary Study Group, USA
52. Material, USA
53. Common Teachers Forum, Delhi
54. Anti-Imperialist Action, Dänemark
55. Anti-imperialists– Helsinki, Finnland
56. People’s Dawn, Brasilien
57. People’s Student League, Brasilien
58. People’s Women’s Movement, Kolumbien
59. Roter Bund, Deutschland
60. Red Mangue, Brasilien
61. Red Unity– Revolutionary Youth League, Brasilien
62. Revolutionary People’s Student Movement, BrazBrasilienil
63. Revolutionary Committee of Albacete, Spanischer Staat
64. Revolutionary Committee of Madrid, Spanischer Staat
65. Revolutionary Committee of Valencia, Spanischer Staat
66. Struggle Committee, Norwegen
67. Student Movement Serving the People, Kolumbien
68. Young Revolutionaries/League of Young Revolutionaries, Frankreich
69. Anti-Imperialist Action, Irland
70. Communist Committee of the Netherlands
71. Aktion für demokratische Rechte des Volkes (ADRV), Österreich
72. Coordinating Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League
73. Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB)
74. Purple-Red Collective
75. Swiss Turkish Workers Federation (İTİF)
76. Austrian Turkish Workers’ Youth Federation (ATIGF)
77. Präriebrand, Sweden
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