This year we are working, together with other communist Maoist parties and MLM organizations, on a statement that can unite the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in the world and give them an instrument to bring an orientation in the international communist movement and to participate vigorously in the initiatives of May Day in the world.
The collapse of Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, caused primarily by the delirious post-MLM line of RCPUSA and Bob Avakian, along with the emergence within our ranks of the shameless revisionism of the Prachanda-Battarai clique in Nepal, has created a vacuum in which some MLM Communist Parties members of the RIM have, with a Special Meeting held last year, tried to reverse the trend and gradually create the conditions for an international conference that would give birth – based on an assessment of the experience of RIM and other international organizations in recent years and a new principled and program Declaration – to a new MLM International Organisation adequate to our times and resulting form the unity of the genuine forces of our movement, first of all the parties leading people’s war in their countries.
In this May Day, we must emphasize and give importance to this work and the necessary steps to bring it to the goal. We never conceived this work as ‘merely internal’ to the parties that were members of the RIM; rather, it is addressed to all Parties and Organizations of the International Communist Movement. Furthermore, it is conceived ‘in the fire of class struggle and closely linked to the masses’, that means to call to rally the forces, big or small, that exist in the reality and act in the real class struggle of the proletarians and peoples of the world, not only on the internet, beyond the role, often commendable, played by the Maoist blogs.
This means that we call all MLM parties and organizations to concentrate their efforts for an International Conference, to give their contribution for a summation of the experience and a common General Line to be built collectively. We ask everyone not to put stakes and limits to the important goal of giving birth to a new international MLM Organisation. What we need are clear demarcating points, even if differently interpreted, not to waste our time: the struggle against revisionism as the main enemy, the delimitation from those who have led the RIM to collapse – Avakian’s RCP US and the Prachanda Battarai clique, the application of Maoism to the concrete reality, particularly the People’s Wars applied to the concrete conditions of each country.
Those who share these delimitating points can and must unite to realize the International Conference as soon as possible. At the conference, a deep debate and struggle should be developed between the forces in the field to achieve a higher level unity. The PCm-Italy is ready to assume its responsibility to hold this Conference within the current year, without any hegemonist or ‘top of the class’ spirit, but in the spirit of being at the service of the international communist movement, the proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world. All decision-making powers on contents and forms of organization – Declaration, organizing Center, internal rules, campaigns, press and web tools – will be undertaken by the International Conference.
The recent International Conference in support of People’s War in India held in Hamburg, although ot was different initiative open to all anti-imperialist, has created better conditions for the Maoists to advance to the International Conference, has encouraged this line and this effort and so we salute with enthusiasm the continuation of the work of the International Committee and the work to build a new international day of support on June-July, in the date to be decided jointly by the Committee. But now, in particular from the May Day onwards, we have to advance towards the realization of the International Conference of the MLM Parties and organizations.
Therefore we have to intensify the theoretical-ideological work, political confrontation, organized activity – all meetings, seminars, etc.. if necessary – but we must go to this conference, to respond positively to the tasks of the revolution that the current international situation puts forward. Let us go ahead, comrades, let us make the May Day more and more red and internationalist, let us make a step towards the historical enterprise that is today the revolutionary liberation of the proletariat and the people of the whole world, the path to socialism and communism.
PCm Italy 10 March 2013
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