Crises, wars, repression, oppression, unemployment, poverty!
Proletarians and oppressed peoples, let us unite and take the future in our hands!
Long Live Revolution!
Imperialism continues crossing a deep economic crisis and unloading it on the proletarians and peoples of the world. They speak
about recovery, but the only thing that recovers is the rush to profits, wealth and arms.
For the proletarians, poor peasants and other people’s masses in every country of the world, instead, we see unemployment, labor
laws increasing precariousness, exploitation and slavery, misery, plunder of raw materials and energy resources, devastation of
environment and territories.
Youth without work are now the majority, in spite of their educational and cultural growth.
New technologies are used to make more profits, intensify exploitation and the despotic command and control on labour and
increase the destructive power of arms.
Against this situation proletarians and masses rise up, in the imperialist countries, as well as in the countries oppressed by
imperialism. Proletarians and masses cannot accept a worse and worse condition of life and work; a life of hardship with neither
hope, nor future, and they hate more and more their oppressed and harassers.
In the oppressed countries, workers, peasants and youth have repeatedly come out in the streets braving severe repression to fight
back the attacks on their livelihoods; the peasantry, main force for the New Democratic Revolution, withstand the reactionary antipeasants
policies of displacement and annihilation and persist in the struggle for lands against old and “new” forms of semi-feudal
domination, base of the imperialist rule.
In the imperialist countries the uprisings of youth and immigrants from Ferguson to Stockholm, to the banlieues in Paris, the
general workers’ struggles, which often clash with the repressive apparatus of the State.
All of this shows that the revolution, as tendency and need, is increasingly emerging and clashes with the reactionarization and
fascistization of states and governments.
Wherever, in the struggles and people’s wars, the forefront role of women advances, to put an end to the heinous class and gender
oppression that fills the streets of the world with rapes, femicides, and to demand a revolution for a true liberation.
In order to face and prevent the people’s rebellion, imperialists, their States, their right or claimed “left” governments, respond with
fierce repression, massacres, persecution; demagogy and plotting. They establish police states that rub out political, social and
individual freedoms, in a vain attempt to stop the people’s wave and the revolutionary organization of masses.
They also employed the enticements of the electoral farce of reformists, social democrats and revisionist in order to contain the
rage of the mass within their reactionary system.
These forces foster the illusion that some ‘pro-people’ government can overcome the ravages of the crisis; for instance, in Greece,
highest expression of the crisis in Europe, forces of new social democracy as SYRIZA, come to power as a last resort, but they are
not able to stand up to the diktats of European capital and banks or give response to the needs and struggle of masses.
Also if the service done to imperialism by such fake left forces who misguide the masses still remain as a hurdle, in many countries
the masses respond with the intensification of the class struggle and an increasingly massive abstention and boycott.
In Ukraine and Eastern Europe reactionary, also Nazi-like, forces advance, supported by US, EU and NATO, in a framework of
inter-imperialist contention with Putin’s Russia.
The masses are justly struggling against fascism and Western imperialism, but they need a genuine communist leadership to be not
pawns of imperialist Russia expansionism.
The rebellion of proletarians and masses demands a radical change and the only means to achieve this is to overthrow, weapons in
hand, the ruling classes and establish a new society free from exploitation, oppression and imperialism.
Within the crisis, inter-imperialist contradictions become sharper and tendency to a new world partition war becomes more and
more insistent - although the contradiction between imperialism and oppressed peoples and nations remains the principle
contradiction in the world - the revolution remains the main trend and is embodied by the potential new wave of the world
proletarian revolution.
In order to become successful new democratic revolutions marching to socialism in the countries oppressed by imperialism, and
proletarian and socialist revolutions marching to communism in the imperialist countries, the rebellions of masses need a genuine
revolutionary communist party in each country, a united front of all the exploited and oppressed masses led by the proletariat and a
revolutionary people’s army.
Where the masses lack these instruments, their heroic and bold struggles are defeated and / or end to be prey of reactionary forces,
always tied to the imperialist system, that can not free them from the social, economic and political chains.
In the name of the war on terrorism, imperialism unleashes wars and domestic terror. But imperialism is the true terrorism, the
monster that we must fight and overthrow.
What in the world is worse than imperialism?
Imperialism, especially US, intensifies the policy of war, invasion and aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan and fosters wars in Syria,
Libya, Yemen and throughout the Middle East and West Asia. They respond to the people’s revolts in the Arab countries by
installing in power forces that continue the policy of the old tyrants and regimes, as in Egypt, in cahoots and alliance with the
Zionist gendarme, Israel, and other reactionary regimes in the region, from Turkey to Iran, Saudi Arabia.
In these wars and interventions, they arm feudal and reactionary forces which then turn against them, bringing the war within the
imperialist countries themselves with fierce attacks that undermine the security and strength of those States, within which there are
masses and sections of rebel immigrants who hate imperialism.
In the field where these direct and indirect interventions took place, imperialism continues applying the policy of Low Intensity
Conflict (LCI) with agents and plots to put masses against masses, to divert the target of the struggles of the oppressed peoples
from their main enemy, with the aim of dividing the anti-imperialist united front, as now in Syria facing the Arab and Kurdish
Where the ISIS advances, the masses fight and resist, as Kurdish masses, with a leading role of women, in the front row in Rojava,
Kobane. But only by fighting with the People’s War, not only the ISIS but also imperialism and the reactionary regimes in the
region, the masses can free themselves from social and national oppression.
The bourgeoisie and its sophisticated intellectuals, in the imperialist citadels as in the centers of culture in the countries oppressed
by imperialism, sing the funeral of the working class and its ideology, powerfully drawn by Marx, Engels Lenin, Stalin Mao, but in
every corner of the world we are witnessing a huge resumption of the workers’ struggle, classist and combative, that shakes the
citadels of capital, also in China, as well as all countries of the alleged development of capital , the so-called, “emerging countries”.
In the imperialist system, big countries, such as Brazil, Turkey, etc. are crossed by strong struggles of workers, peasants and other
masses and show how the economic rise of these countries under the rule of imperialism makes them "giant with feet of clay" and
land of revolution.
There is no place in the world that does not see tensions and sharpening of the class struggle.
In this framework it is the People’s War, led by Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties, the only strategic reference of the liberation
The People’s War in India, hitting directly at one of the major bastions of imperialism and reaction in the world, has roused great
enthusiasm among the revolutionary masses all over the world and become a powerful internationalist rallying point. Together with
the People’s Wars in the Philippines, Peru, and Turkey, it continues to undermine imperialism and shows the path to overthrow the
system of exploitation and oppression of imperialism and the feudal reactionary forces and the construction of a new power and
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoists communists in the world must construct and strengthen Communist Parties to take up their tasks of
leadership and development, ridding their ranks of revisionist and capitulationist tendencies, as Prachandism in Nepal, Avakianism
in the US, the Right Opportunist Line, in all forms, in Peru, etc., without falling, at the same time, into the sterile petty bourgeois
revolutionarism and dogmatism.
The building of the communist parties must take place in the fire of the class struggle with close ties with the masses, in function of
the revolutionary struggle for the power.
This May Day 2015 calls us to lift high and strong the red flag of communism and revolution in every demonstration, in every antiimperialist
struggle in the world, bringing and renewing with strength the slogan of: “Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the
world, unite!”
Let us unite to stop imperialist and reactionary wars, to crush imperialism and reaction around the world!
Let us salute the martyrs of the people and revolution, let us support the struggle and free revolutionary and communist
political prisoners around the world!
Let us bring forth the genuine proletarian internationalism in the leadership of proletarian struggles, in the struggles of the
peoples to create the conditions and advance towards an international organisation of communists
Let us support people's wars until victory!
Let us take the future of communism in our hands!
Declaration signed by:
Collective of Iranian Maoists
Committee Building the Maoist Communist Party, Galicia, Spanish state
Committees for the Founding of the (Maoist) Communist Party, Austria
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
Communist Movement of Serbia
Communist Party of Brazil Red Fraction – CPB (RF)
Communist Party of Ecuador Red Sun – CPE (RS)
Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist – TKP/M-L
Democracy and Class Struggle, British State
Great Unrest WSRP, Wales, British State
Long March Towards Communism, Spain
Maoist Communist Group, USA
Maoist Communist Movement Tunisia
Maoist Communist Party Italy
Maoist Communist Party Manipur
Maoist Revolutionary League - Sri Lanka
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party Construction Committee (Germany) MLM-PAK
Network of communist Blogs
New Communist Party (Liaison Committee) USA
Peru People’s Movement (Committee for Reorganizing)
Red Fraction of Communist Party of Chile – RF CPC – PPM (CR)
Red Block (Unity of Maoists) France
Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP Canada)
Revolutionary Intellectual -Cultural Front, Nepal
Revolutionary Praxis - United Kingdom
Serve the People - Communist League of Norway
Servir le Peuple - Sheisau Sorelh - Occitany - French state
Workers Voice – Malaysia
dove una cinquantina di squadristi fascio nazionalisti corsi con l'appoggio della polizia dell'imperialismo francese
ha attaccato e aggredito i mussulmani, ha danneggiato un centro di preghiera mussulmano, ha bruciato copie del Corano![LA POLIZIA FRANCESE ALL’ASSALTO DEI CENTRI DI PREGHIERA MUSSULMANI Redazione di Operai Contro, dopo la presunta aggressione ai pompieri di Ajaccio, la mpolizia Francese il 25 dicembre ha lasciato che una cinquantina di squadristi danneggiasse un centro di preghiera […]](
se il movimento proletario, antimperialista, antirazzista, antifascista, rivoluzionario non esprime una visibile solidarietà fatta di azioni contro l'imperialismo francese e i suoi servi corsi non ci sarà da stupirsi se nuove leve affluiranno nelle forze reazionarie di stampo ISIS
la rivolta delle banlieues parigine 10 anni fa e oggi presto gli atti del meeting internazionale di Parigi
La rivolta delle banlieues parigine
di 10 anni fa è stata ricordata e analizzata a Parigi il 21 novembre dai
maoisti d'europa appoggiati dal movimento delle guerre popolari nel
mondo, in pieno stato d'urgenza in un importante meeting del quale ai
primi di gennaio esco gli atti
Se i proletari d'avanguardia, il movimento rivoluzionario, i compagni maoisti francesi in primis ne seguiranno le indicazioni con le trasformazioni necessarie,
ben presto nelle banlieues parigine soffierà un altro vento, rispetto a quello reazionario e deviante dei supporters ISIS, e questo vento si propagherà nelle ' banlieues' di tutta europa e di tutti i paesi imperialisti
proletari comunisti - PCm Italia
dicembre 2015
Se i proletari d'avanguardia, il movimento rivoluzionario, i compagni maoisti francesi in primis ne seguiranno le indicazioni con le trasformazioni necessarie,
ben presto nelle banlieues parigine soffierà un altro vento, rispetto a quello reazionario e deviante dei supporters ISIS, e questo vento si propagherà nelle ' banlieues' di tutta europa e di tutti i paesi imperialisti
proletari comunisti - PCm Italia
dicembre 2015