ICSPWI site temporarily suspended
Dear comradesthis site will undergo changes in the forthcoming period, to better fullfil the task of improving support and information aboutthe people’s war in India and the line and action of CPI(Maoist) .
For this reason this site is temporarily suspended.
7 november 2015
We invite you all to visit all blogs and web-sites which the support people’s war in the world and
MAOISTROAD blog, that is very up to date!
Sticky Posts

(unofficial translation)
The Galician Committee of Support to the
People’s War in India want to show publicly the deepest grief and
outrage for the murder, at the hands of the police in Warangal, of
comrades Vidyasagarreddy Manik and Shruthi, in fake encounter.The repressive forces abducted them at home and then tortured, raped comrade Shuthi and finally threw their bodies in the woods.
Once again, the harrassers of people have killed two of their sons who had dedicated their lives to fight for a new society, without exploiters or oppression.
The days of the terrorists at the service of the landowners and the bureaucraticbourgeoisie are numbered and very soon they will be judged and executed for their crimes against the people.
The murder of the comrades shows clearly that there is no way for the liberation of the people but the Revolutionary People’s War led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), proffed vanguard of the oppressed masses in India and main detachment, today, of the World Proletarian Revolution .
Lal Salaam!
Long live the People’s War in India!
Long live the CPI (Maoist)!
Long live the world proletarian revolution!
Death to the criminal oppressors!
Galicia, 18/09/15
Galician Committee of Support to the People’s War in India.
Statement of the Committee in Support of the People’s War in India, Afghanistan
ICSPWI endorses this statement and call and in next meeting will launch an international campaign with all kind of actions!
The Indian state, ruled by the Modi’s regime serving the Indian
masters and imperialism, is developing a new stage of fierce repression
on all fields with the aim to crush the people, stop the people’s war,
attack the Maoists who lead it.
In order to speed up the plans of selling off the natural resources to the domestic and foreign MNCs, the Indian regime is restructuring its entire repressive apparatus: army, air force, police, paramilitary gangs.
They attack not only the “Naxalite threat”, but all the movements opposing their policies and resisting the ‘Operation Green Hunt’.
They also attack the democratic intellectuals, human rights activists and any dissenting voice is heard, to wipe out anyone around the people’s movements and the people’s war led by the Maoists.
They attack the adivasi populations living on the lands rich in natural resources, where the people’s war is stronger, to eliminate the new people’s power that is blossoming there. Continue reading
In order to speed up the plans of selling off the natural resources to the domestic and foreign MNCs, the Indian regime is restructuring its entire repressive apparatus: army, air force, police, paramilitary gangs.
They attack not only the “Naxalite threat”, but all the movements opposing their policies and resisting the ‘Operation Green Hunt’.
They also attack the democratic intellectuals, human rights activists and any dissenting voice is heard, to wipe out anyone around the people’s movements and the people’s war led by the Maoists.
They attack the adivasi populations living on the lands rich in natural resources, where the people’s war is stronger, to eliminate the new people’s power that is blossoming there. Continue reading
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