Saturday, February 11, 2023

for debate - a letter from Maoist Communist Russia about Joint Declaration 'Let's...

 Dear comrades,

We support the main idea behind your declaration that imperialists prepare a new world war between themselves and against the peoples of the world and that communists must unite against this war and struggle for revolution as the only alternative. You are right to say that it is wrong to 'give support to one of the imperialist factions, when they are all deadly enemies of the oppressed and exploited of the world'.

However, we decided not to sign your statement due to disagreement with how you dealt with the issue of Russian imperialism. When reading your statement, it may seem that only American imperialism and its allies are preparing the new world war. You call Ukraine a puppet of American imperialism and never mention that on February 24th Russia invaded its former colony to subjigate it to its will and later annexed large parts of Ukrainian territory which it occupied. Your statement is written in such a way, that it could be even published in Russia legally! Because you accuse only USA and NATO and thus give indirect support to Russian propaganda.

We consider Russia and China as aggressive imperialist powers who want to re-divide the world and seize a bigger share than it was allowed them before by American imperialism which is still the strongest. In your statement, you mention this only once and indirectly. You called Ukrainians 'mercenary armies', while it is exactly the Russian army which is mercenary - people are lured there by promises of high salaries and the private Prigozhin army even recruits convicts in the prisons promising them parole. Prigozhin mercenaries are also involved in plundering resources of African continent - the true students of European imperialists!

The Maoists always condemned the social-imperialism, they opposed Brezhnev's invasions in Chekhoslovakia in 1968 and in Afganistan in 1979. What is happening in Ukraine today is not much different from that. It was only the revisionists who supported those aggressive wars and now they support Russia and fascist Putin regime because Russia is supposedly not an imperialist! This is not real anti-imperialism, they only mislead the people.

It is sad that real communists do not have a common stand against imperialism and wars of aggression and some support Russia like CPP does.

1 comment:

  1. “You call Ukraine a puppet of American imperialism and never mention that on February 24th Russia invaded its former colony to subjigate it to its will and later annexed large parts of Ukrainian territory which it occupied.”
    You are deceiving foreign comrades. You are silent about the fact that this is not just an abstract territory, but a territory with a Russian population, which is threatened by Ukrainian neo-fascism in the style of Stepan Bandera. Of course, Putin is an imperialist, but the strongest NATO imperialism has made him unwillingly play a progressive role if he wants to survive under external pressure. The special military operation being carried out by Russia is of a national liberation, defensive and anti-fascist nature.
    O. Torbasow, the Russian Maoist Party
