Thursday, November 9, 2023


31 October 2023

The Central Committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan condemns the unprecedent aggression by the Zionist Occupation against the Palestinian people. Since the 7th of October 2023, the Zionist Occupation has been escalating its genocidal war against the Palestinian people, by using indiscriminate aerial strikes, banned white phosphorus bombs, and other means of mass slaughter. By cutting all electricity, water, and telecommunications in Gaza and by bombing civilian targets such as schools, hospitals, and sites of religious faith, the Zionist Occupation has once again showed its true face to the world.  

The masses of Afghanistan have also known this aggression, having lived for 20 years under a brutal occupation by US imperialism and its puppet government. The US imperialism and its puppet government actively engaged in the mass killing and torture of hundreds of thousands of Afghan civilians. By the same means, US imperialism and the Zionist Occupation have been actively engaging in the brutal oppression of the Palestinian masses for decades.

With the backing of US imperialism, the Zionist Occupation is escalating its dirty war against a whole nation living under siege for 75 years. The imperialist USA immediately announced $14.3 billion in financial aid to Israel, under the pretext of the attacks by Hamas on the 7th of October. A portion of this money has been directly stolen from the Afghan people throughout all those years of occupation of our country. Our Party demands an international freezing of all aid to Israel and the allowing of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Our Party also demands the release of all Palestinian prisoners currently held in the Zionist Occupation jails.

The struggle against Israel and the brutal Zionist Occupation is the primary contradiction faced by the Palestinian masses. The struggle for liberation against the Zionist Occupation is common for all Palestinian civilians indiscriminately.  

The secondary contradiction between the progressive democratic forces and the Islamic fundamentalist ideology of Hamas has to be addressed as well. The struggle against the most backwards, fundamentalist, and reactionary elements among the Palestinian people is to be waged within the primary struggle against the Zionist Occupation. Those who are looking to oppress the Palestinian masses along gender and religious lines are setting the struggle for national liberation many steps back and towards defeat. Those backwards and reactionary elements have to be struggled against by the progressive and democratic forces of the Palestinian resistance along ideological and political lines, through mass work, and by winning over the trust of the Palestinian people.

At the moment, Hamas is a progressive semi-revolutionary force at the front of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine. Our Party salutes the glorious offensive by Hamas on the 7th of October that penetrated the outer offensive of the Zionist Occupation and hit the enemy at its heat. Our Party also salutes the ongoing heroic struggle waged by the Palestinian masses against the Zionist Occupation tanks and its ground soldiers. More than 1500 Occupation soldiers have been neutralized by the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people. By making use of the strategy of protracted people’s war and the teachings of Chairman Mao, all enemies of the Palestinian masses, US imperialism, the brutal Zionist Occupation, as well as backwards, reactionary, and capitulationist elements will be finally done for once and for all.

In the long term, under the guidance of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the devoted and self-sacrificing Palestinian Communists will have to lead the Palestinian masses towards liberation from all forms of oppression. At the moment, all progressive and nationalist forces in Palestine should coordinate in a protracted people’s war against the Zionist Occupation and strike back against the common imperialist enemy until its ultimate defeat. All peoples in the world should condemn the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people and assist the Palestinian resistance in its victory.

Central Committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

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