Monday, February 3, 2025

Italy - speech in Milano's demostration 1 february - proletari comunisti/PCm Italy


Communist Party of India (Maoist) - 'According to comrade Mao’s theory of PPW, there are three stages to capturing state power. At present, the Indian revolution is in the stage of “Strategic Defensive.”

On the Frontlines of Revolution: An Exclusive Interview with the Communist Party of India (Maoist) July 2, 2024

How long has the CPI (Maoist) been engaged in the people’s war in India, and what stage is this conflict currently at?

This is the fundamental question of the Indian revolution. To answer this, allow me to go back five decades in history. The history of people’s war in India is deeply rooted in the resounding period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) of the ’60s, which was well known as a turbulent decade. It was the time when the two outstanding and front-ranking leaders of our streams—Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee —emerged on the scene in the course of applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM) to the concrete conditions of India and by fighting, exposing, and breaking from the age-old revisionism of the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the neo-revisionism of the CPI (Marxist) brand.

On the Frontlines of Revolution: An Exclusive Interview with the Communist Party of India (Maoist)


July 2, 2024

The great Naxalbari revolt led by Comrade Charu Mazumdar in May 1967, was at the time hailed as the “Spring Thunder over India” by the Communist Party of China (CPC), proved to be the clarion call for revolutionaries. Under the revolutionary leadership of comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee, thousands of cadres broke away from the neo-revisionist CPI (M) and joined hands with them. Comrade Charu Mazumdar formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), and Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee formed the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). These two great Marxist teachers conducted a class analysis of Indian society and laid down the political strategy for the Indian New Democratic Revolution.

The political strategy of our party is armed agrarian revolution and the seizure of area-wide political power. The military strategy of our party is protracted people’s war (PPW). According to this strategy, we make the countryside our base areas, where the enemy is relatively weak, and then gradually encircle and capture the cities, which are the bastions of the enemy forces.

According to comrade Mao’s theory of PPW, there are three stages to capturing state power. At present, the Indian revolution is in the stage of “Strategic Defensive.”....





Eternal Glory to Stalingrado - from Italy Stormy Six


Stalingrado! - Nuevo canto de amor a Stalingrado


Pablo Neruda

Yo escribí sobre el tiempo y sobre el agua,
describí el luto y su metal morado,
yo escribí sobre el cielo y la manzana,
ahora escribo sobre Stalingrado.

Ya la novia guardó con su pañuelo
el rayo de mi amor enamorado,
ahora mi corazón está en el suelo,
en el humo y la luz de Stalingrado.

Yo toqué con mis manos la camisa
del crepúsculo azul y derrotado:
ahora toco el alba de la vida
naciendo con el sol de Stalingrado.

Yo sé que el viejo joven transitorio
de pluma, como un cisne encuadernado,
desencuaderna su dolor notorio
por mi grito de amor a Stalingrado.

Yo pongo el alma mía donde quiero.
Y no me nutro de papel cansado,
adobado de tinta y de tintero.
Nací para cantar a Stalingrado.

Nuevo canto de amor a Stalingrado 2

Mi voz estuvo con tus grandes muertos
contra tus propios muros machacados,
mí voz sonó como campana y viento
mirándote morir, Stalingrado.

Ahora americanos combatientes
blancos y oscuros como los granados,
matan en el desierto a la serpiente.
Ya no estás sola, Stalingrado.

Francia vuelve a las viejas barricadas
con pabellón de furia enarbolado
sobre las lágrimas recién secadas.
Ya no estás sola, Stalingrado.

Y los grandes leones de Inglaterra
volando sobre el mar huracanado
clavan las garras en la parda tierra.
Ya no estás sola, Stalingrado.

Hoy bajo tus montañas de escarmiento
no sólo están los tuyos enterrados:
temblando está la carne de los muertos
que tocaron tu frente, Stalingrado.

Deshechas van las invasoras manos,
triturados los ojos del soldado,
están llenos de sangre los zapatos
que pisaron tu puerta, Stalingrado.

Tu acero azul de orgullo construido,
tu pelo de planetas coronados,
tu baluarte de panes divididos,
tu frontera sombría, Stalingrado.

Tu Patria de martillos y laureles,
la sangre sobre tu esplendor nevado,
la mirada de Stalin a la nieve
tejida con tu sangre, Stalingrado.

Las condecoraciones que tus muertos
han puesto sobre el pecho traspasado
de la tierra, y el estremecimiento
de la muerte y la vida, Stalingrado.

La sal profunda que de nuevo traes
al corazón del hombre acongojado
con la rama de rojos capitanes
salidos de tu sangre, Stalingrado.

La esperanza que rompe en los jardines
como la flor del árbol esperado,
la página grabada de fusiles,
las letras de la luz, Stalingrado.

La torre que concibes en la altura,
los altares de piedra ensangrentados,
los defensores de tu edad madura,
los hijos de tu piel, Stalingrado.

Las águilas ardientes de tus piedras,
los metales por tu alma amamantados,
los adioses de lágrimas inmensas
y las olas de amor, Stalingrado.

Los huesos de asesinos malheridos,
los invasores párpados cerrados,
y los conquistadores fugitivos
detrás de tu centella, Stalingrado.

Los que humillaron la curva del Arco
y las aguas del Sena han taladrado
con el consentimiento del esclavo,
se detuvieron en Stalingrado.

Los que Praga la Bella sobre lágrimas,
sobre lo enmudecido y traicionado,
pasaron pisoteando sus heridas,
murieron en Stalingrado.

Los que en la gruta griega han escupido,
la estalactita de cristal truncado
y su clásico azul enrarecido,
ahora dónde están, Stalingrado?

Los que España quemaron y rompieron
dejando el corazón encadenado
de esa madre de encinos y guerreros,
se pudren a tus pies, Stalingrado.

Los que en Holanda, tulipanes y agua
salpicaron de lodo ensangrentado
y esparcieron el látigo y la espada,
ahora duermen en Stalingrado.

Los que en la noche blanca de Noruega
con un aullido de chacal soltado
quemaron esa helada primavera,
enmudecieron en Stalingrado.

Honor a ti por lo que el aire trae,
lo que se ha de cantar y lo cantado,
honor para tus madres y tus hijos
y tus nietos, Stalingrado.

Honor al combatiente de la bruma,
honor al comisario y al soldado,
honor al cielo detrás de tu luna,
honor al sol de Stalingrado.

Guárdame un trozo de violenta espuma,
guárdame un rifle, guárdame un arado,
y que lo pongan en mi sepultura
con una espiga roja de tu estado,
para que sepan, si hay alguna duda,
que he muerto amándote y que me has amado,
y si no he combatido en tu cintura
dejo en tu honor esta granada oscura,
este canto de amor a Stalingrado.

Dänemark: Revolutionäre fordern Freiheit für Grönland! - info solidarity

PS MaoistRoad in this phase supports all struggles and actions of mlm forces in all countries in the world and publishes infos and texts about them, also if we have different opinions. Sectarian groups do not have the same attitude, because they serve their faction and not general interest of proletarian and masses and ICM


Roede Fane berichtet: Am 26. Januar fand vor der US-Botschaft eine Demonstration statt. Die Demonstration forderte unter anderem „Keine Yankee-Truppen in Dänemark“, die Anerkennung Palästinas, und dass der dänische Staat seine Unterstützung zurückziehen und stattdessen Sanktionen gegen Israel verhängen solle.

Einige Parteien und Organisationen erhoben den Slogan „Dänemark sollte kein Vasallenstaat der Vereinigten Staaten sein“, eine revisionistische Parole, die davon ausgeht, dass der bürgerliche dänische Staat den Vereinigten Staaten unterworfen ist. Der dänische Imperialismus hat seine eigene Agenda, die alle konsequenten Antiimperialisten im Land verstehen müssen. Angesichts der Eskalation der Führung des dänischen Imperialismus und der Kontroverse mit dem US-Imperialismus um die Kontrolle und Ausbeutung Grönlands ist dieses Verständnis von größter Bedeutung, da die revisionistische Vorstellung eines „unabhängigen Dänemarks“ zu der sozialchauvinistischen Idee führt, dass der dänische Imperialismus in Bezug auf Grönland ein milderer Imperialist oder eine bessere Kolonialmacht als die Vereinigten Staaten sein könnte.

Obwohl es an sich gut ist, gegen die Stationierung von US-Truppen auf dänischen Militärbasen zu sein, ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass der dänische Imperialismus dies den USA freiwillig gestattet. Der dänische Imperialismus hat ein Interesse an Yankee-Truppen auf seinem Territorium, weil er dadurch erstens den „guten Willen“ der USA und Vorteile innerhalb der NATO erlangt. Zweitens ermöglicht es dem dänischen Imperialismus, seine Ausbeutung Osteuropas, insbesondere der baltischen Staaten, zu intensivieren.

Denjenigen, die von „dänischer Unabhängigkeit“ sprachen, hielten die Revolutionäre ein großes rotes Banner entgegen: „Zerschlagt den dänischen Imperialismus!“ und „Freiheit für Grönland! Nunarput“. Nunarput ist Inuktitut – die Sprache der ursprünglichen Inuit – und bedeutet „unser Land“. Viele Inuit halten Nunarput für den wahren Namen der Nation in Formierung, die von der dänischen Kolonialbehörde „Grönland“ genannt wird.

Während der Demonstration hielten mehrere Inuit-Aktivisten Reden auf Dänisch und Inuktitut, außerdem wurden kulturelle Darbietungen in Form von Liedern aus der Inuit-Kultur dargeboten.

In einer besonders eindringlichen Rede wurde betont, wie der dänische Imperialismus versucht, die Inuit zu assimilieren und sie zu „Grönländern“ zu machen, wie Erik der Rote die Europäer nannte, die sich in Nunarput niederließen. Inuit werden Grönländer oder Kalaallite genannt , eine verzerrte Version von Inuktitut, was „Schalen“ bedeutet, was im modernen Dänisch „Schwächling“ oder „Untermenschen“ bedeutet .

In der Rede wurden mehrere dänische Kolonialverbrechen gegen die Inuit erwähnt. Es wurde erwähnt, wie der dänische Imperialismus Hunderte von Inuits nach Norden zwang, um Platz für den Luftwaffenstützpunkt des Yankee-Imperialismus zu schaffen, der heute Pituffik Space Base heißt (früher hieß er Thule-Stützpunkt). Viele starben während dieser Zwangsumsiedlung, weil sie das ganze Jahr über in Sommerzelten übernachten mussten, während sie auf den Bau neuer Häuser warteten, die sich als nichts weiter als ein paar bescheidene Schuppen herausstellten.

Die Inuit und die Revolutionäre machten deutlich, dass es keinen guten Imperialisten gibt, und dass die Unabhängigkeit Nunarputs nur das Werk der Inuit selbst sein kann, eine notwendige demokratische Aufgabe, die nicht von der Großbourgeoisie in Nunarput, dem dänischen Imperialismus, dem Yankee-Imperialismus oder irgendeiner anderen imperialistischen Macht gelöst werden kann, sondern nur von der Arbeiterklasse in Nunarput.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

France - Manifestation Nationale samedi 8 fevrier Paris


Sobre o Araguaia – Pedro Pomar (1976) - for debate

Luta de Duas Linhas

Blog com objetivo de fazer avançar a luta de duas linhas no Brasil.

Compartilhamos a seguir o documento de balanço sobre a Guerrilha do Araguaia, apresentado por Pedro Pomar em reunião do Comitê Central do Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB) realizado em junho de 1976.

Propagandeamos o presente documento a fim de reforçar os princípios marxistas-leninistas-maoistas de “colocar a política proletária no posto de comando” e de que são as massas que fazem a história. O seguinte balanço demonstra de forma clara que o aspecto negativo da Gloriosa experiência da Guerrilha do Araguaia foi a substituição da política no centro, pela linha militar e, como consequência, a concepção foquista de guerrilha que guiou uma prática desvinculada das massas. Exemplificando a crítica, Pedro Pomar resume que:

“Por mais conspirativa que venha a ser a preparação, o inimigo poderá descobri-la “antes da criança nascer”; por mais heroicamente que se comportem os combatentes comunistas, se estiverem isolados das massas, sem seu apoio ativo, serão batidos; e por mais eficiente que seja a direção militar, com tal concepção será derrotada.”


O debate, ao nível do CC, da experiência da luta guerrilheira do Araguaia dará, segundo penso, os resultados que todos almejamos. Sem dúvida estamos tardando demasiado a tirar as lições fundamentais que dela dimanam. Ás condições políticas atuais, de desenfreada perseguição aos patriotas, bem como nossa inexperiência e outras debilidades, vêm dificultando e retardando o esforço nesse sentido. Mas, se quisermos ficar à altura de nossos deveres, temos de empreender, sem maiores dilações, a avaliação crítica e autocrítica dessa luta.

O informe do camarada J. serve de base para a discussão. Agora compete a cada um, conforme sua capacidade, apreciar a verdadeira significação, para o movimento popular e para o Partido, dos resultados dessa façanha, do imenso sacrifício de um pugilo de companheiros. No Brasil, o problema do caminho revolucionário para livrar o povo da exploração e da opressão tem sido dificílimo. E a determinação de palmilhá-lo tornou-se a pedra de toque das diferentes forças revolucionárias, em especial das marxistas–leninistas. Em torno do caminho, da concepção e do método da luta armada sempre surgiram grandes divergências. O caráter revolucionário de nosso Partido, sua linha política, seu comportamento, sempre foram aferidos pela posição assumida em face da luta armada e pela maneira de procurar concretizá-la. A fidelidade dos marxistas-leninistas a essa ideia e o esforço para fazê-la triunfante os distinguem de todos os demais agrupamentos populares. Isso determinou a ruptura com os revisionistas contemporâneos, principalmente com o bando de Prestes. Não por acaso, a bandeira da insurreição popular de novembro de 1935 serve atualmente de parâmetro para a atividade dos comunistas. É essa bandeira que hoje devemos erguer com maior força e audácia, se quisermos libertar definitivamente o povo brasileiro e nos tornar os verdadeiros dirigentes da revolução do país.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Italy - massive diffusion in the factories of new daily newspaper of Proletari Comunisti/Italy

Nessun commento:

USA - Stop The Mass Deportations-Global Days Of Action February 7th & 8th


info from  slai cobas - italian classist trade union - that supports these day of action

Hands Off Imiigrants In The US And Globally

The Real Threat Is The Capitalist and Fascist Governments

Action At All US Embassies & Consulates Around the World

The implementation of mass deportations by the Trump government is an attack on the entire working class
of the United States. The scapegoating of immigrants and migrants is nothing new.

Although immigrants built the US and are critical to entire industries like agriculture, food processing and
healthcare these immigrants have been blamed for the economic crisis by the racist Trump and his fascist
supporters. They are also militarizing the police and setting up fascist gangs an thugs to terrorized immigrant
workers and others who defend them. This is a war on the working class.

Project 2025 a fascist plan proposes a massive bracero program to drive immigrants out of the US and then
bring them back as indentured workers or slave labor. These attacks are also an attack on our unions around
the world. The terror against immigrant workers will be used to bust unions and stop the unionization of the
entire working class as the capitalists pit worker against worker to benefit the union busters.

The large  mass migration of migrants in the last 30 years  is also a direct result of US imperialists interventions in Iraq, Syria and Libya and economic sanctions by the US.  These US driven wars have driven millions of people to become migrants and have left their own countries to go to Europe, the US and other countries around the world.
They are now being blamed by racists and fascists in these countries  for the cause of the global economic crisis.
Workers and unions around the world must unite in global action to defend immigrants and against the withchunts that capitalist governments are launching.

We need a united front to defend these immigrants and mass actions including general strikes to stop it.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall, No Borders For The Working Class

Hands Off Immigrants & Migrants Around the World

An Injury To One Is An Injury To All

Organize to Defeat Trump’s Fascist Agenda! Build the Mass Movement and Advance Peoples’ Struggles!

A joint statement of ILPS-US, International Migrants Alliance, International Women’s Alliance

Fascism and the Second Trump Regime

On January 20, 2025, Donald Trump officially assumed the presidency of the US, putting the most dangerous faction of the ruling class and those most open about their anti-people intentions, at the helm of US imperialism. Trump’s first week of “shock and awe” policy directives shows how that faction plans to further its supremacy by not only neglecting the people but actively attacking the people.

The mere fact that Trump is a convicted felon sitting as President and acts as though he is above the law and U.S. Constitution exposes the corrupt rottenness of the system. His Cabinet picks and their selection being based on allegiance versus actual expertise continue this trend towards consolidating the power of the most repressive faction of the ruling class. Trump’s inaugural speech and Executive Orders during his first week in office show the intensification of outrightly attacking the majority of the people and expose that any “rights” from before were just temporary legal protections dependent on the whims of what faction of the ruling class is in power.

In his inauguration speech Trump spoke of unleashing the “golden age of America.” Just after that he made clear what he meant by this. The golden age of America is one of all-out fascism, of more war and militarization around the world affecting each of our homelands; where migrant communities – displaced from their home countries by the US’ own policies – are further displaced, militarized, and attacked; where women and LGBTQ people are subject to heightened violence, both through the normalization of sexual violence and at the hands of the state through state repression and the removal of reproductive rights, gender-affirming care, workplace protections, and more; where workers continue to be pushed into further suffering as the big business class flourishes off their exploitation; and where the resources of the land will continue to be plundered as environmental crises ravage the world.

For the defeat of the Burmese junta and a free and independent Burma!


(Above: BurmesePLA celebrate their arrival in a liberated township)

Very little coverage is given to events in Burma (Myanmar) by the Australian mainstream media.

However, recent developments show the military regime is increasingly besieged by a coalition of anti-regime armed forces, and has to rely on Chinese interference to maintain itself in power.

The various ethnic rebel forces and the Communist Party of Burma’s People’s Liberation Army are increasingly developing a united front and providing each other with mutual support and training.

The regime is losing large swathes of territory outside the three main cities of the Burmese capital, Naypyidaw, and Rangoon and Mandalay.

Its ability to move its army by land corridors is restricted, and it is relying on airstrikes and long-range artillery bombardment of towns under rebel control. Air-dropped troop reinforcements often fall into the hands of anti-junta forces.

Superpowers and their rivalry over Burma

Both superpowers are keen to direct the outcome of struggles within Burma.

The US imperialists have applied sanctions to the military junta since its takeover, have few direct investments to protect, but are trying to win over the democratic bourgeoisie and landlord forces through an encouragement of a return to a “democracy” within which they can meddle. The 2022 US Burma Unified through Rigorous Military Accountability Act, known as the BURMA Act, mandates sanctions against the junta, and authorises substantial humanitarian aid to support the rival, US-backed National Unity Government (NUG), but not the ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) or the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs).

Chinese interests are more substantial. Among the most important is Kyaukpyu Deep-Sea Port, a crucial part of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC), which gives China direct access to the Indian Ocean, reducing reliance on the Malacca Strait from which it could be denied access in the event of war with the US. 

There are also the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipelines that run from the Bay of Bengal to China’s Yunnan province, providing Beijing with a shorter and strategically secure energy route, again bypassing the Straits of Malacca. China is financing and constructing key railway and road links to connect Myanmar with Yunnan province.

China has also invested in multiple hydroelectric dams, and built and operated several coal and gas power plants. It has a dominant presence in telecommunications and technology though Huawei and ZTE, and Alibaba and other Chinese platforms have expanded financial technology services in Burma. 

Chinese real estate companies are active in real estate projects, particularly in the junta-controlled cities of Yangon and Mandalay. China has developed industrial parks like the Kyaukpyu SEZ to attract Chinese and foreign businesses.

Imperialism, not proletarian internationalism

(Above: Villagers welcome the BPLA)

China claims that it is supporting Burmese sovereignty against threats of foreign (US) interference. A genuinely socialist country should support any state that is standing up to “outside pressure”, but it should not support a state that is oppressing its own people. 

In 2017, China supported Aung San Suu Kyi’s military offensive against the Rohingya. When she was overthrown by the junta in 2021, it flirted with support for the various anti-junta ethnic armies and allowed the return to Burma of members of the Burmese Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army.

It has vacillated between maintaining relations with some of the ethnic anti-Junta armies and the regime, according to where it perceives its investments in Burma can be best protected.

For example, last September, fighters of the Kachin Independence Army, or KIA, seized control of a key military base from the junta at Chipwe township in Kachin State, close to a Chinese hydro-electric power station and a Chinese rare earth mine, prompting China to pressure insurgent forces along the countries' shared border to agree to halt their offensives against the junta, and closing border crossings through which medicines and food had flowed.

China’s Customs Department said that China imported more than US$1.4 billion worth of rare-earth minerals from Burma in 2023, underscoring the importance of “stability” in regions close to its investments.

On November 6, the head of Burma’s military junta, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, travelled to China, meeting with Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Kunming.  China signalled that it desires the bare minimum stability to protect its interests and it felt the junta is the horse to back to achieve this. China has said that it will support the junta’s electoral process later this year, a clear indication that it will work to keep the junta in power.

Meanwhile, ethnic armies and the BPLA continue to take territory from the regime. The Kachin and Ta’ang, as well as the Arakan Army in Rakhine, continue to resist China’s pressure. 

Hostilities between the junta regime forces and the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) have recommenced as of January 9, 2025, following the initiation of a new military operation by the junta in Naungcho township. 

The Arakan Army (AA) stated on Monday January 26 that it had seized control of the Moehti hilltop outpost in Bago Region on the previous day - five days after it launched its attack. The military outpost is located in the Arakan Mountains, known as the Rakhine Yoma. 

Of passing interest to Australians is the role of Julie Bishop as the United Nations’ Special Envoy on Myanmar. The former Australian Foreign Minister will no doubt pursue US strategic interests in Burma. It should not be overlooked that in March 2017, the government of PM Malcolm Turnbull rejected a Senate vote calling for a United Nations commission of enquiry into the persecution of the Rohingya.  

Several weeks later, it reversed its position and co-sponsored a resolution at the UN human rights forum for the UN to send a fact-finding mission to Myanmar.  The change was partly fuelled by an upsurge of reported atrocities against the Rohingya on one hand, and Australia’s hypocritical push for membership of the UN Human Rights Council from 2018.

Bishop can be expected to try to do deals to facilitate China’s acceptance of the pro-US National Unity Government should the regime fall to the united resistance front.

For now, we can only support the fight of the combined Burmese resistance for national liberation, independence and democracy, and oppose all outside superpower interference that runs counter to the aspirations of the Burmese peoples.

 Written by: Nick G. on 30 January 2025


Turkey: Imprisoned Partizans –info/solidarity

Glory to those who became immortal for the cause of the revolution!

published by Yeni Demokrasi:

The Imprisoned Partizans made a statement for the Week of Remembrance of the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution.

The statement said, “We salute all the families of our martyrs and prisoners from prison”, commemorating those who were immortalized in the struggle for revolution and communism.

The statement of the Imprisoned Partizans is as follows:

“Dear Comrades, Our Valuable Families of Martyrs and Prisoners,

Until now, all exploitative tyrants have only been able to reign for a certain period of time. Eventually, the knife reaches the bone and the workers and toilers, the oppressed segments of the people, “they put their heavy hands on the ground”, overthrow thrones, shoot kings or overthrow bourgeois power. Today, the oppressed peoples live a life where the flesh passes, where the knife reaches the bone. On the horizon of the imperialists and their servants, the comprador-bureaucrat boss-lords, there is and cannot be anything other than imperialist wars of re-division and oppression of the oppressed nations, genders and faiths. Today, in the regions and countries from Europe to the Middle East, and especially in Turkey, the governments that are sought to be strengthened with the deception of “peaceful democracy” are nothing other than the anti-people governments.

The aggression carried out in the region by the Zionist Israeli State in line with the interests of the US and EU imperialists has also triggered the destruction of the reactionary regime in Damascus. The stones have been moved once again, and days worth many years are being passed.

Comrades, Our Self-Sacrificing Families,

Revolution and communism are a historical necessity. The sublime ideology of communism has risen in waves of social and national liberation almost everywhere in the world, defining the 20th century. It will also define the 21st century. The ruling classes’ most dangerous perceptions and greatest fears are not in vain. The masses that are more tightly united around the proletarian Parties that embody communism will carry out a triumphant march. But at the same time, the path of revolution is difficult and long. It is stormy and turbulent. As it is now, regression includes advances, as it did in the past. This dialectic of development will continue until it reaches the goal of power and communism.

Turkey is a land of revolution. The masses that carry blood and life to the revolutionary-communist ranks are the clearest proof and guarantee of this. The reality of the people who show up in factory occupations, while defending their villages, streams, forests and while shouting against national oppression and sexual exploitation, and who turn into action, is the clearest proof and guarantee of this. The martyrs, who are the building blocks of the revolution, are lined up with honor all over these lands. On the occasion of January 2025, we commemorate the martyrs of revolution and communism who made death meaningful. We salute all our martyr and prisoner families from prison. Glory be to those who dedicate every moment to developing the revolution and those who are immortalized in the name of the revolution.

Moreover, within the framework of the Week of Commemoration of the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution, visits to the graves of revolutionary martyrs have been carried out. The graves of Sirma Boyoglu and Suzan Zengin in Tuzla were visited. Ismail Hanoğlu was also commemorated in Heybeliada.

Friday, January 31, 2025

it needs in the 50'years stage of Lin Piao deviation to study some important maoist texts


Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius: